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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 30, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the the the is there any for says, killa, please 215 palestinians in 24 hours. that's the highest that's told in 3 weeks. many i'll still under the the understand the attain, this is out of their life from doha. also can the wounded carried out to the hospital and it was in gauze on the is really attack in the south to major hospitals on the is riley savage. cause prime minister says good progress has been
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made though, on the past to hold as well as for ongoing. so we want to found the struggle to feed his family. we meet the space palestinians, you for those to everything that are on the brink install base. the how we begin in gaza, where at least $215.00 palestinians have been killed in 24 hours since sunday. that's the highest daily death told in 3 weeks, is where it has increased its attacks on the strip, despite the international court of justice as order to prevent genocide and casa. is there any forces have renewed it strikes to in the north weeks of, to putting most of their forces back from that area? thousands of kansas city residents who chose the state despite weeks of and responding to grad what they can leave, even though they have no way to go. is there any strikes have targets in the are, or the hospital image of all the refuge account that's rolls and also many parts of
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the hospital on out of service of ambulances have been damaged, be on for past or $85.00 percentage of calls is hospitalized. and now not functioning due to the relentless as rarely bombardment from rough on tarka was doing reports on israel's when you to minute results. these really military as they are spending the military attacks being the central and key neighborhoods of dollars and city. they have been using military crack cope to drones with loud speakers. doors from residents for are still trapped in the north and in garza city to flee more to the eastern part of calls have been to move forward to the south in order to seek their own safety. now the views where the forces earlier stated that they have withdrew a number of brigades from the north and some, some areas of kansas city. but right now we've been seeing 10. so reaching to she felt medical complex. again, we're thousands of palestinians are taking shelter inside is facility and yards as
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well. this is completely a part of the ongoing get assigned to the ministry campaigns that had been conducted against the cause of succeed. i'd especially be that we have been hearing and seeing more searching of military strikes on gauze and city within the past 24 hours have been issuing more resolutions and also also evacuation orders for the majority of people that to keep slipping to reply. so you can safety as they are completely leveling to the ground, the main central neighborhoods of the city making the life that completely on in habitable as palestinians are fleeing to russell. and the intense is very abutment to a order to secure the family members as they are turning the roof. they did not find any place for them as the majority of areas had become completely flooded with evacuees. which right now for them. roof is the last remaining area that's supposed to be safe from the east. really perspective the topic of a zoom out just a rough,
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rough off east offering gauze on lunch because this trip, including central gaza, has been on the is really evacuation, which is but many say they don't trust that somewhere else will be any sofa is what has previously bombs, location it has described to safe, included already reports from what the goal is. so that's just north of del bottom . i'm currently standing on under seed street, a couple of meters away from love because that's the last point that separates the north of causal strip and the south of the cause, a strip where it has been separated a couple of months ago. where is there any forces called this a safe cord or? and it's the only cory door, and that's the only road for people to evacuate from the northwest to the south. it has been a tough night on the causes true for their husbands. and this is right. the raids on on south river, you can see camps in several areas across the cause of their sense the morning, the palestinians in gaza strip and shepherds, one neighborhood and telling how
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a neighborhood and in the middle of the causal cities have been warned on their iphones. and their phones, they receive messages to evacuate from those areas to that end. but as you see, no one showed up. we are surprised that people did not do what the is where the army i asked them to evacuate. but at the end of the day, people in the gaza strip now acknowledge the fact that the is where the forces are asking them to go to safe areas. and then these days areas turn into a war. so we're talking about people who have been called to evacuate the community to evacuate, to reflect, and to say, your dog. and to all the southern areas. as you see, people do not trust what the is, where the forces tell them, and no one evacuated just like is there any forces requested them? this is in the body. why? because the, the cause of on the south has also been fast fighting on the ground in the city of
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con eunice. forcing tens of thousands of people to flee to rasa. the loss has released this video showing fighting on the streets of con eunice kind of thing and sizes. say they've destroyed it to is there any tanks that southern guns as well as just as he has been at the heart of israel, is defensive in recent weeks. and that's forced tens of thousands of palestinians to free the palestinian ministry of health as a curious, is there any forces of conducting execution and stopping ambulances from reaching the dead? i'm the engine terrified civilians are heading towards the rafa through is right a minute to check points under the shadow of funds and fighting the. my husband remains with these really army. they stopped us and allow the children and women to pass, but they kept some of the men. my songs belongs or with my husband. it's cold and
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my children's clothes and diapers are with him that we say to human rights institutions. close your offices to childrens wise organizations do so as well to women's rights institutions. look at all women and gaza. we say to the entire will be ashamed. we have been destroyed, whole causes largest from any health facility. and also hospital in calling. unions has been on the is rarely siege on attacks. now for days israel has now issued and about duration order, but that's also that's a confusion and chaos according to this dr. the hey, vehicle being we didn't sleep last night. the moon being over the water, listening to the instructions by the was cut, the but it was the microphone and they are giving us the inflections to eventually build area. because this is a bucket area. well,
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is there any forces of all the same? besieged another major hospital in con eunice. patients and medical staff has been trapped inside the out in the hospitals the days the palestinian red crescent which operates the facilities as, as a severe shortage of minutes and fuel food and water axles on which reports of escaping from the danger. once again, is rarely forces have declared the area around all amount of hospital and han eunice on safe ordering palestinians to leave immediately. this area has been under heavy bombardment for days and now the palestinian red crescent has been told to move its operations elsewhere. let me look at no evacuation should take place without proper coordination or without the humanitarian corridor. this would ensure the safety of all those inside the hospital to ensure we as paramedics, will be able to continue to provide our services and help evacuate the patients.
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and the wounded, according to the proper medical protocols, the palestinians here say they don't know where to go over to seek safety. the nearby shelters are relatively safe, but the fear of in evacuation order looms then that a shilling never stops. this, winter's cold is fierce. children are gripped with fear. is that my pleasure? if i i just see the situation is more than dire. we can hardly sleep one hour throughout the day. we sleep on the floor in the hospital's court or as ever and the check, the palestinian red crescent has described the situation in our model as critical hospital units have had to shut down because of a lack of supplies. they are urgently calling for the protection of all civilians, but there is concerned these calls may go unanswered access. i'm reaching out to 0 . meanwhile, the capital has prime. minnesota shakela home i've been, i will run little sony says good progress has been made to what's the deal that
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could lead to a pause in israel as a tax on garza, he meant to a secretary of state on st, blinking in washington a just a day off the holding talks with intelligence officials from egypt, israel and the us in paris catches prime minister says he is hopeful that a deal could lead to a cease fire. like kinda reports from washington, dc of the guitar, a foreign minister and the us secretary of state appeared briefly for the cameras, but made no comment. it's understood that the guitar of foreign ministers is also the prime minister rece, the secretary of state, on recent intelligence. folks in paris at which it was discussed how to the forward, the release of those captives still being held in gaza. had come to a meeting along with the intelligence chiefs of other parties such as egypt and israel. this a crucial part of getting some form of deal to get those captives out of gaza and the guitar e for administer cautiously optimistic saying that progress has been made. but he
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refused to be drawing any further at a discussion meeting that he held later on in the course of the day. at the meeting, he outline caught his role. this in response to reported criticism by the israeli prime minister that costco was not doing enough to impose its will on him us. but the foreign minister making very clear his belief that cut his. busy whole is that of maybe a to we to lie to bring the thoughts used to bridge the gap between them. frustrating them frustrating both of them by the by wards, by, by made things by commitments, by addressing the issues with, with some solutions that's, that's the pressure and benefits beyond this leverage. we don't see that, but that is a sofa. part of that can impose something on the spot too, or the other part to, to bring them to that place. the foreign minister of the ref,
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my now tony also responded to criticism of cutoff for hosting groups like him us. he said this was done in consultation and cooperation with the united states to provide a forum for it to have communication with its opposing groups such as a must or indeed us in the past. tell up on my kinda, i'll just sierra washington to the us national security spokesman john covey has strongly condemned a conference that was held in west stores. i'm calling for settlers to return the gaza once the war is over and was attended by several right during is really cabinet ministers and members of parliament. some of this rhetoric and the language and that was attributed to some of these ministers at this event. a bare responsible, reckless incendiary, i go so far as to say, and certainly isn't as, as in the port with our strong policy statement. what we have made clear that there can be no reduction in government territory. how does,
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how hot has more for us from an occupied a story, sir, in the united states had reiterated their position that they on equivalent denounce and are against any talk of displacing palestinians or forcing palestinians out of gaza to go elsewhere. he also says that the united states position is clear about reducing palestinian land for the building of the legal settlements. this comes after members of these rarely government itself had slammed this conference, attended by settlers and members of the right wing, one 3rd of nathaniel, whose cabinet was in attendance there. benny down to a member of the country's war cabinet. speaking out saying that this with israel in an incredibly bad position internationally and it harms the country during more time. and it also hinders efforts to bring back captives guy the eyes in coat, a former military chief of staff and award cabinet observer who has spoken out
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against netanyahu. and right wing policies has said that these ministers have learned nothing over the events of the last year. specifically, during this war, these really prime minister reportedly had told the americans that this is not going to happen. there won't be a legal settlements, and the americans are saying that they believe him, they're going to take him at his word. but when you have one 3rd of nathan, yahoo, who's cabinet members of his own party going to this and saying they want to legal settlements to be rebuilt. they want palestinians to be displaced from gaza. they want to see a full occupation full control of the palestinian territory. it's difficult because nothing yahoo, while he is the prime minister, he's filling a coalition with these members of the right wing who are putting increasing pressure on him for these types of policies. but the prime minister has reiterated that this is not the official government stance. i will still head here on out of hearing things. national criminal quotes,
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chief prosecution says they all ground to believe that will prime something commissioned in doc for by the warrant. i'm fight against deep fakes in south korea ahead of elections that but much work lies the head to disturb the work of after is outside of his visual campaigning for seeking to confuse and to see. learn the lines between what is real and what is not the hello that. let's get the web, the full costs for north america. and it's looking a little quieter on the east coast of the us on eastern canada. that's after very school. me, we can, but you can see the snow and the rain, the blustery winds, have pulled away. it is getting a little cooler and we'll see temperatures come down to places like new york city
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and washington dc. over the next few days, we go to developing front pulling across the great lakes, that's going to bring some snow. i to rain towards the se, states as we go into when say behind that, a lot clear with lots of sunshine temperatures on the go central pots of the us and the deep south and 19 degrees celsius. the in dallas. and after a pause in the wet and windy weather, well, it's coming back in across the west coast of the us into western canada as well. so west side, when the weather is while the wintery edge coming in to british columbia. but for los angeles, still seeing some sunshine, the temperature at 21 degrees celsius. now heat has been a story across central america, above average temperatures raging all the way from mexico city down to columbia. we have had some record won't for january. when to correct google, as well as santa domingo in the dominican republic, if we look at the 3 day, however, it is going to cool down and get a lot where to,
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to friday. the hard hitting into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you by or die. suppose you've described that is better than is that at any thoughts provided? hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than i've had to answer facing realities, usb to in the security council. this is a may just don't think, look as if it exit or to hear the story on told to how does in the the
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local niger watching al jazeera. i'm just don't see a day here into our house. let's remind you about top stories. thousands of palestinians on them is once again, as is really forced as little understand attack on gaza city weeks off to putting most of its minute change from the hold on to 100. people have been killed since sunday and strikes and fighting across the street to his prime minister. shake. well, i've been up around the house on a says the good progress has been made though, towards the jail. that could lead to a pause in israel's attacks on golf and he met the us secretary of state announcement blinking and washington the us national security spokesman. john kennedy has strongly condemned a confidence that was held in western recent quarter of a sentence to return to gauze at once. it was attended by several right swing. is there any cabinet ministers and members upon it? meanwhile, infectious diseases and gaza all spreading as an alarming rate. the palestinian health ministry says there has been more than 700000 cases,
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rapidly burning numbers when nurses in cases of hepatitis and diarrhea as well as skin diseases, maybe 2000000 displaced palestinians all suffering from lack of clean water and profit sanitation and i have a crowd of shelters, the space palestinians, and rough uh, struggling to protect their children from harsh winter conditions. the ahmed will have it, and i had to flee his home in bay till noon in northern casa, some 2 months ago. he now lives in a tent with his son and 25 other family members. here's a story about him. a name is coming to the title, german couple guys, and then there's that and then that wouldn't get you all these degree. but the last one is the name of the show. you know the magic the higher without them a way with them. yes. the yes. how you get the
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name of the day? i mean, i'm not, i'm, i'm so i should be in the, the end of a female and um, but i didn't, but i okay me, well. busy we're letting me know what it is. now, what is the name of the said i'm trying to educate the booster. busy i wasn't available anyways. then what would it be? well, hey, us, i don't watch a minute. i'm doing well was let me, let me know. you know me. now the united nations has almost 19 countries to reconsider their decision to suspend funding for the un agency for palestinian refugees and says, the agency which provides life saving aid and garza will be forced to stop operations at the end of next month. the us and 12 other countries made that
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decision of the israel alleged the 12 on rest. often this had taken part in the october 7th tax. the critical humanitarian work that the un does not only in, in, in, in gaza, all over the region needs to be supported people's lives. depend on it. we are doing in parallel taking very seriously all the allegations that have been made. we are, we are being the forward leaning. it was on why they're denounced this, right. they took the 1st step of a brief critical donors. they'd be certain parties before that happened. they were given information. they took the steps. so we have a process of accountability that's, that's going on while that's going on. people need to survive and we need to continued the support for on what all humanitarian work. all the us secretary of state as name blank and has commended on reference critical role in gaza. but he's
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just the agency to address the allegations that stuff were involved in the attacks on israel in october under his play and continues to play an absolutely indispensable role in trying to make sure that men, women and children who so desperately need assistance in gaza. actually get it and no one else can play the role that under has been playing. certainly not in the, in the near term. no one has the, the reach of the capacity of the structure to do what honor has been doing. and from our perspective, it's important more than an important imperative fit that, that role continue. so that only underscores the importance of unreal tackling this as quickly as effectively and as thoroughly as possible. and that's what we're looking for. at least 2 people have been killed and several others wounded in an as
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tried on a building in the syrian capital, damascus. the house was reportedly being used by around the revolutionary, called, the attack happens to be of a scene of another strike last month around it blamed israel for the last attack, which killed a senior man of its revolutionary god. well that strike comes a day, often attack on a us military base and jordan killed 3 american soldiers an injured 40. depending on says, the us doesn't want tensions in the middle east to spill over into a wide. and i can continue to say, we don't seek war, we don't seek further conflict. we don't want to see this, why not into original conflict, but we will continue to do whatever we need to when it comes to protecting us forces. and our coalition partners and interested mariners transiting the red sea. we believe that we have been effective and degrading their capabilities and disrupting their ability to launch certain attacks. the
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moving on to some of the news now in the south korea's ministry says that most korea has 5 multiple crews and the files into the sea. off it's west coast. they reported the fluid towards the sea between the korean peninsula and china. this is drawing young's at the massage of the wash in less than a week. uncompleted says the turret tree will soon have its own new national security and all the changes wouldn't build on the legislation that beijing and part of the strongest fit in 2020 to punish crimes such as succession, terrorism, inclusion with foreign forces not was despite months of pro democracy protests which were crushed on the territories autonomy was steadily eroded. now the proposed news. oh, go a step further and covet 5 additional offences including treason, insurrection, and espionage. international criminal quotes. chief prosecution says they all
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grounds to believe that both the student is ami um the permanent to rapid support forces are committing rule crimes and doleful korean con presented evidence to the un security council. often launching an investigation into the search. a violence ensued on kristin. 3 me reports from united nations. here along chad's border with sudan, where one and 3 people is a refugee stories of atrocities about fresh from a visit. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court, korean con, told the security council. he's gathered evidence of war crimes, and i can confirm the council that we bought collect a very significant body of material information and evidence that is relevant to those particular crimes. over $600000.00 sued knees fled west are for last year. as the fighting got worse. even as rapid support force has battled the sudanese armed
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forces for control and the capital human rights groups have a ledge. civilians were deliberately targeted and killed in classes with the recess and allied militias. the prosecutor says he's found evidence of atrocities on all sides of sudan civil war, but has received little cooperation from authorities. we have not received a scrap of paper from the since means on sources. i met with general alcohol in september the promised cooperation with the i c t. but despite that promise to me face to face, we have received no information. what's the, i say say prosecutor has yet to formally charge any individuals, but he has the authority to do so under a 2005 security council resolution. and his most recent comments suggest those charges may be coming soon. kristin salumi al jazeera,
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the united nation salon for to its former president, jacob's doing that has been suspended from the governing african national congress . that's off day. he bought another policy ahead of this is general elections that the agency says and zoom is conduct is in conflict with the values and principles assume is 9, your presidency was painted by multiple corruption scandals is denied any wrong doing. following this, protesting and fonts are continuing to block roads, me a paris, and elsewhere in the country there, pressuring the government over high taxes, low wages and complex you regulations runing their livelihoods. natasha about reports from parents. accountable. you've tracked is heading to paris to join the blockade of a major roads into the french capital. at northeast 50, columbus and south of the city moved to rest, have to be diverted. french farm is being protest infinity 2 weeks. they say the rise and costs and you, you environmental rules makes
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a work impossible. if we're gonna talk, i'm gonna go to governments has to understand that we can't take it anymore. when the form is con, take it anymore. we're at the end of all to the we've run outs of cash. we've got no money to start up again. we've got too many environmental regulations. so know at some point enough, as you know, if i don't see why you are that you are paying countries have different regulations to us. some of the farm is hope that the blockades and the powers will increase pressure on the french government to meet. they did loans, they say new measures announce last week for the french 5 minister, failed to address their concerns, including new pay and what they call unfair phone competition may not deal with all . this coming week is a week of all dangerous, because only the government won't hear as well because they'll be so much anger that everyone will have to take responsibility. responding to the crisis fonts as interior minister deployed $15000.00 police officers to secure power suzette boards
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. and you have noticed wholesale food market, south of the city, calling on offices to show motivation. the netflix shows that the, the co seem to go into the actual config. we did not seek escalation. we want everyone to be respected for offices and property to be respected. we won't allow government buildings or tax collection buildings or grocery stores to be damaged or trucks transporting forward and prod, used to be stopping. and obviously that is unacceptable. to protest come as a sense this time for french presidency manual macro campaign. he's on the way for june's european paul imagery. elections marine depends far right. policy is courting farm is and leading an opinion polls. the government is expected to announce new measures soon to try and calm. a situation that looks increasingly volatile. natasha, about the ultra 0 pars all south korea is enforcing a new little binding. the use of artificial intelligence, generation of the deep faith videos and election campaigns. those are, violates the loan could face up to 7 years in prison. through ames,
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to prevent the spread of this information in the year of elections around the globe unit, kim has more from sole the south koreans are among the estimated 4000000000 people worldwide, who will cast ballots this year. at unlike in the past, the national assembly has made it illegal for political campaigns to use the fee content. 90 days before the election, to give us time to consider their authenticity. the term, the fake is a combination of deep learning and fake and refers to a generated content that's often designed to mislead. in the lead up to the 2022 presidential polls. the fix featured but mostly to generate humor or entry. he, i use on getting the candidates used avatars to ask for a simple questions and help news conferences in the metaphors. since then, however, the technology has evolved and become more prevalent. clips such as these can be
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customized for a price or even produced by novices. as you'll see later in our report. the.


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