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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 30, 2024 7:00am-7:30am AST

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this rock 54, armenia is forgotten. space drive on the jersey to the israeli forces can at least $215.00 palestinians and 24 hours. that's the highest death toll in 3 weeks. and many of the tell them to the problem, the hello, i'm as long as you attain, this is out of the red line from don't. or secondly, the wounded carried on to the hospital and northern gauze on the is really attacked in the south to major hospitalization. on the is riley savage. how does prime minister says been progress has been made on the pos to hold israel's war and gaza . i'm an international criminal court. the chief prosecutor just says there are grounds to believe that will crime. so being committed in the $45.00,
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the warning signs the we begin in gaza where at least $215.00 palestinians have been killed in 24 hours and sunday. at the highest day, the death told in 3 weeks, is we'll have increased, it's a tax on the strip, despite the international court of justice as order to prevent the genocide and casa, is there any forces have renewed their strikes to in the north week? softer pulling back most of their forces from the area. thousands of kansas city residents who chose to stay despite the weeks of and responding have had to grab what they can to leave, even though they have no way to go. because really, as strikes have targeted the i or the hospital and the devali, a refugee camp in northern garza, many parts of the hospital on now. so status and ambulance hasn't been damaged. beyond repair of 85 percent of causes,
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hospitals are not functioning due to resent cuz it's really bombardment from life on tar couple of their reports on israel's renewed military assault of these really military as they are spending the military attacks being the central and key neighborhoods of dollars and city, they have been using military's crack cope to drones with loud speakers. doors from residents where i still trapped in the north and in cause a city to flee more to the eastern part of calls have been to move forward to the south in order to seek their own safety. now the views where the forces at earlier stated that they have withdrew a number of rigs from the north end, some, some areas of kansas city. but right now we've been seeing 10. so reaching to she felt maybe come conflicts again, were thousands of palestinians are taking shelter inside is facility and yards as well. this is completely a part of the ongoing to the sides of the ministry campaign that had been conducted against the cause of succeed. i'd especially be that we have been hearing and
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seeing more searching of military strikes on gauze and city within the past 24 hours have been issuing more resolutions. and also also, if i q, we shouldn't orders for the majority of people that to keep slipping too rough, i seeking safety as they are completely leveling to the ground. the main central neighborhoods of the city making the life that completely on inhabitable as palestinians are fleeing to russell and the intense is very compartment to a order to secure the family members as they are turning the roof. i did not find any place for them as the majority of areas had become completely flooded with evac curious, which right now for them. roof is the last remaining area that's supposed to be safe from the is really perspective target. give a zoom out a 0 rough i. e, suffering garza. well, in the south, there's been famous fighting on the ground in the steve kong, eunice forcing people to flee to rafa.
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the hi boss has witnessed this video showing fighting on the streets of con, unice, posting and 5 to say they've destroyed to is there any tanks? the southern goals are the largest, such as it has been at the heart of israel's offensive and recent weeks. and lots of proofs of tens of thousands of posting some of the multiple times. the power steering administrative house has a curious does ran the forces of conducting executions and stopping ambulances from reaching the engine on the dead. terrified civilians are heading towards rafa through is really minute to check points. and under the shadow of phones of fighting the my husband remains with these really army. they stopped us and allow the children and women to pass, but they kept some of the men. my sons belongs or with my husband, it's cold and my children's clothes and diapers are with him that we say to human rights institutions, close your offices to children's rights organizations do so as well to women's
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rights institutions. look at all women and girls that we say to the entire will be ashamed. we have been destroyed because of law just from any health facility. no. so hospital which is in con, unice has been on the is rarely sage, and attacks from days is around it. has now issued and about to ation order, but that's also led to confusion and chaos. according to this doctor was a vehicle being we didn't leave us lights. boom. being over the water listening to the instructions by the let's cut them. but it was the microphone. and they are using us inflections to do that with village area. because this is a method area. it was rarely forces of also besieged another major hospital. in con eunice,
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patients and medical staff have been trapped inside the out in the hospital for days palestinian red crescent, which operates the facilities, says there's a severe shortage of medicine, fuel food and water axles on which has been escaping from the danger. once again, is really forces have declared the area around all amount of hospital in hun, eunice on safe ordering palestinians to leave immediately. this area has been under heavy bombardment for days and now the palestinian red crescent has been told to move its operations elsewhere. let me have to look at. no evacuation should take place without proper coordination or without the humanitarian cord. are we looking at this would ensure the safety of all those inside the hospital ensure we is paramedics? will be able to continue to provide our services and help evacuate the patients and the wounded, according to proper medical protocols. the palestinians here say they don't know
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where to go over to seek safety. the nearby shelters are relatively safe, but the fear off in a vacuum, each in order looms, then that a showing never stops. this winter's cold is fierce. children are gripped with fear . was there my pleasure if i i just see the situation is more than dire. we can hardly sleep one hour throughout the day. we sleep on the floor in the hospital's court or has everyone to check. the palestinian red crescent has described the situation in our model as critical. hospital units have had to shut down because of a lack of supplies. they are urgently calling for the protection of all civilians. but there is concerned these calls may go unanswered access. i'm gonna reach out to 0, it will cause the prime minister shaking the wrong, and also on it says, the good progress has been made towards the deal that could lead to a poor, as an, as well as a tax on casa, he met with you a secretary of state, i'm just going to lincoln and washington just
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a day off. the holding talks with intelligence officials from egypt, israel and the us and paris candles prime minister, who is also the foreign minister, says that he's hopeful the deal could lead to a cease fire. my kind of reports from washington dc, 22 here. the guitar, e foreign minister and the us secretary of state to peer briefly for the cameras, but made no comment. it's understood that the guitar foreign ministers is also the prime minister. rece the secretary of state on recent intelligence folks and powers at which it was discussed how to the forward the release of those captives still being held in gaza. that come to a meeting along with the intelligence chief some of the parties such as egypt and israel. this a crucial part of getting some form of deal to get those captives out of gaza and the guitar e for administer cautiously optimistic saying that progress has been made. but he refused to be drawing any further at a discussion meeting that he held later on in the course of the day. at the meeting,
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he outline caught his role. this in response to reported criticism by the israeli prime minister that casa, was not doing enough to impose its will on him, us. but the foreign minister making very clear his belief that cuts his role is that of the media to we try to bring the thoughts to use to bridge the gap between them. frustrating them frustrating. both of them by the, by awards, by, by made things by commitment by addressing the issue is with, with some solutions that's, that's the pressure and benefits beyond this leverage. we don't see that, but that is a sofa. part of that can impose something on the spot to you or the other party to bring them to that place. the foreign minister of the ref, my now tiny also responded to criticism of cutoff for hosting groups like come us.
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he said this was done in consultation and cooperation with united states to provide a forum for it to have communication with its opposing groups such as a mass, or indeed us in the past. tell up on my kind of out as the era washington well the united nations has us that teen countries to reconsider their decision to suspend the funding for the agency for palestinian refugees and says the one agency which provides a life saving age and gaza will be forced to stop operations at the end of next month. the u. s. and 12 other countries have made that decision, after as well alleged at 12 on restore vendors had taken part in the time to 7th attack. the critical humanitarian work that the un does not only in, in, in, in gaza, all over the region needs to be supported people's lives. depend on it. we are doing in parallel taking very seriously all the allegations that have been made. we
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are, we are being forward leaning. it was underwater to announce this, right. they took the 1st step of a brief critical donors. they brief certain parties before that happened. they were given information. they took the steps. so we have a process of accountability that's, that's going on while that's going on. people need to survive and we need to continued the support for unwind all humanitarian work. so let's take a closer look at and where its funding usually comes from. the united states is the agencies biggest starting on in 2023. it contributed some $422000000.00 to our several other nations, including germany, austria, the u. k. canada in japan are also suspending their support. now they, along with the u. s. provided more than 1000000000 dollars last year. the when agencies reports nearly 6000000 hosted in refugees across them,
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at least it runs 706 schools. a 140 primary healthcare facilities. and also provides food and cash assistance to more than $1800000.00 palestinians, most of them in gaza. it has a staff of about $13000.00 in gaza and at least a $150.00 to have been killed in is really a tax. well, as been bought a, the is in the legion minister of foreign affairs. he says it's suspended and refunding amounts to collective punishment. i know that the commissioner den role as a really has said that there should be 0 tolerance, 0 tolerance to anything like this. but you know, if you have 30000 employees who are embedded inside it, so sites in because the overwhelming majority of these employees are local stuff and palestinians in public opinion there is to try to, you know, be absolutely certain that you have 0 risk. it's very difficult, even if it's your treatment have 0 tolerance, which is less likely wyatt. i want to continue our funding. i urge all the owners
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to do so. and then we will collectively work with on route to make sure that everything comes from the table to what actually happened. and what then level do to prevent something like this were happening again, but we can not collectively furnish all the people who are refugees or internally displaced. the fortunately the past, many of them remembered because people did not choose a life. i suppose the refugee, i think everyone would prefer to live in that for you independent, continuing and normal life and having their own business or work. but circumstances over many, many years have the put these people in this place on the international community cannot abandon them. now, a hold of us because the state anthony blinking has commended on reference critical role and gaza. but he's just the agency to allow us to address. there was allegations that stuff were involved in, you know, trying to some of the tax henri has played and continues to play an absolutely
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indispensable role in trying to make sure that men, women and children who so desperately need assistance and gaza actually get it. and no one else can play the role that under has been playing. certainly not in the, in the near term. no one has the, the reach of the capacity of the structure to do what honors been doing. and from our perspective, it's important more than a parent, important, imperative fit that, that role continue. so that only underscores the importance of unrest tackling this as quickly as effectively and as thoroughly as possible. and that's what we're looking for. hundreds of thousands of people in the united states have been protesting against the war on gaza. out of here, his white house correspondent, kimberly how good all strong cubby, whether president joe biden considered as public opinion when making foreign policy decisions. the president was sent a letter friday from a bipartisan group of lawmakers and he had been accused of on authorized strikes
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against by 5 passing congress. they said, no president, regardless of political party, has the constitutional authority to bypass congress on matters of 4. do you think that that would apply here given this escalation where the bodies were not going to be? we're not looking for a war with the wrong present in his comfortable that he has the appropriate legal authorities to act in self defense of our ships. our sailors, our troops in our facilities, etc, or sure, isn't that time to evolve the american people, given the fact that the american people were not happy about us. so let me know if you're not happy about a tax on commercial shipping. in the richie, i also suspect are not happy about seeing the american troops kill innovation. jordan president has the authority to defend those troops in those facilities, and he'll be that way. all of his options. this is an election year. is the president looking at his polling when he's waiting all of these options?
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is the president looking at it? that's a heck of, of course, not look at, ma'am, ma'am, ma'am? let me just stop here at the commander and chief is not looking at pulling or considering the electoral calendar when he's defending war on godaddy. now, can i answer the question? he's not looking at political calculations or the polling, or the elect, or calendar, as he works to protect our troops ashore and our ships, etc. and a suggestion to the contrary is offensive. looking at the polling with respect to the american public, one of rod, or middle east conflict, when he waved his political decision maker. ma'am i've answered the question, is he waiting? he is not concerning himself with the political calendar, the opportunity to wait with it. why am i,
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i have asked to have the ball mamma there. a foster head here on now, is there a not giving up why venezuela's opposition neither has bound to stay in the presidential race despite about the the had the they have got unsettled whether of course, parts of the middle east and event at the moment with saint cloud stretching his way across saudi arabia to some of the gulf states. i'm more concerning lee, an area of low pressure sitting across the eastern mediterranean. it's bringing some very powerful winds and heavy rain to parts of the event. we'll see that freezing rain continue for plots. israel occupied palestinian territories 11 on and syria. and also it's going to cool things down. look at a light po, just 6 degrees celsius. the on choose day. some improvement,
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however on went straight back up into those double digits. and there's some improvement as well for parts of a rock and iran, wintery weather, starting to fade as we go through the mid week. for the south of this largely settled with lots of sunshine, a little bit more rooms coming back into doha and due by on wednesday. and it was a move across a to north africa. there is an unsettled weather affecting the north east with cloud, and some rain coming into libya as well as egypt west, the weather as well. continuing for that central band of africa rushing all the way from angola through to tons in the some heavier rain for madagascar as well. and despite the rain across the eastern part of south africa, heightened to fly or danger in the west. and the, the 1st one i saw that we see in the real time, it's the victims themselves long before there's
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a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the amalgam actually watching all the 0 uninstalled you'd hand our home. let's remind you about top stories, thousands of palestinians on the move. once again, as rarely forced as he launched an attack on garza city weeks after pulling out most of its ministries from the north fulton,
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200 people had been killed since sunday and strikes and fighting across the district. israel's ministry offensive as follows. tens of thousands of protest against a free to from con eunice. most of the despised palestinians are headed for rough uh, where the population is now sold to 1500000 cash as prime ministers, as a good progress has been made to wants a deal. it could lead to a poor was in israel's attacks on gaza check. well, haven't been up around the mouth on the met that he was secretary of state and same thing kept in washington. following to compact a means national criminal quotes. chief prosecutor says, says they all round to believe that both the sudanese ami um the power military right. that support forces or commission will crimes. and all for cream con presented evidence to be given security council. after watching an investigation into the search and violence ensued on kristen sending the reports from the united nations. here along chads border with sudan where one and 3 people is
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a refugee stories of atrocities about fresh from a visit. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court, korean con, told the security council, he's gathered evidence of war crimes. and i can confirm to the council that we bought collect a very significant body of material information and evidence that is relevant to those particular crimes. over $600000.00 sued knees fled west are for last year. as the fighting got worse. even as rapid support for us has battled the sudanese armed forces for control and the capital human rights groups have a ledge. civilians were deliberately targeted and killed in classes with the recess and allied militias. the prosecutor says he's found evidence of atrocities on all sides of sudan civil war, but has received little cooperation from authorities. we have not received a scrap of paper from decision these offices. i met
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with general alcohol in september the promised cooperation with the i c d. but despite that promise to me face to face, we have received no information. what's the, i say say prosecutor has yet to formally charge any individuals, but he has the authority to do so under a 2005 security council resolution. and his most recent comments suggest those charges maybe coming soon. kristin salumi, i'll just hear of the united nation hold on contract and through. don has pushed to the health care sector to the brink of collapse the you and says 70 percent of its hospitals on out of service at one health center in the capital alone. and he is with no medical background on now stepping in to help the doctors that have been moving reports from the sudanese capital is this magical facility in the man
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incidents capital? heart to him is a single room, but provide health care for dozens of people. every day and it's run entirely by volunteers. they who found at the center graduated as a doctor only a few years ago. he works at the hospital during the day and comes here in the evenings level assembly. at the start of the conflict, the situation was concerning because of the tax by the rocket support forces on hospitals on health care centers. we wanted to insure people have access to medical care and set up the center to provide 1st aid and treat chronic illness. of that, the media to dance health sector is nearly destroyed after 9 months of conflict between the army and the parent military rapids support forces. the un says 70 percent of hospitals around the country aren't functioning in hard to only a handful remain open. and the volunteers provide the study business administration
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but came here because most medics have left the capital. i take care of distributing the medicines. we have a card for every patient. at the moment we have 570 patients who come to get medication for chronic illnesses. donations from volunteers enable the clinic to remain open this 5 the center relying entirely on volunteers and equipped with little. it doesn't only deal with calls cases, minor emergency operations are sometimes performed here as well. and the center also receives patients with gunshot wounds or shrapnel from an artillery strike, serving as a lifeline to many in the city. for many people, this is their only option for medical treatment since being tortured by the rapid support forces. my uncle suffers from diabetes and hyper tension. we come here every day for his treatment and we've never had to pay sent this dora. honey, i brought my son here and he was given oxygen. the center is new in my home and the
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treatment is free and that matches because there is no what volunteers to say. they'll continue to do what they can to help those left vulnerable by the conflict in hopes of making a difference in their lives and those of their loved ones. he but morgan knowledge of their own heart too. i'm focused on an iran have agreed to improve the security cooperation of the recent cost for the strikes between the $2.00 countries killed at least 11 people come all high to reports from his mom and dad. and the closure round of golf between the in foreign minister who ducks down on sunday evening and it's lama, but both sides of the i did a good there to go to men, friends say then to forwarded in a language other concerns. his visit at such a short notice justifies to deep commitment of both sides to further denton and certify the for the kind of ties between bucks done
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and these on it said relationship which is steep in shared religion of history, culture and geography. now the indian foreign minister also has a meeting with focused on and getting prime minister the progress on the part administered. and why did id in president where they focused on after the election did any and pardon minutes the thing that that were to happen sooner than later. and as it was crucial for both countries to cooperate. but the one thing that did come out of this talk is the fact that both sides have now realized that the 3rd part did what interested in creating tensions between the 2 countries. although there are differences between it on and focused on the 1st time that the game goes to a conflict according to you know, that focused on here. so that in
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a very loud voice, it will tell to old terrorist that we will not run on pockets on may not provide them with any opportunities and not provide an opportunity with the service to endanger outcome and secure retirement. and you're on a, i just want to strongly despite the sovereignty entered your total integrity. so we saw that focused on a complaint that i'm groups that are operating from union story in the end of cards . on the other hand, thing that did, i did range in groups operating on the pockets on each side. both sides default also stressed on the fact that the confrontation between the 2 countries was not something that was in the interest of both countries. given the situation intermittently, and that that agent could not afford more instability, but both sides now determined to be escalated after they had broken off diplomatic relations and trying to main fences in order to move forward the data.
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it's not mobile. the hong kong gleaton says the territory will soon have its own new national security, though the changes would build on the legislation that beijing imposed on the city back in 2020, to punish crimes such as succession, terrorism, and collision with foreign forces. now the proposed new logo a step even found a couple of 5 additional offences including treason, insurrection, and espionage. the us has begun reinstating sanctions on venezuela. officer of the country's top court upheld in band on the leading position candidate. camino shot it and says so the presidential elections will not take place without time to on hold on reports. so that'll be candidate for then as well as may know, position coalition has a message for the countries president, nicola nicholas mature, isn't going to choose the people's candidate head, but that seems to be exactly what the president's done. because maria corina
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machado, who won the type or opposition primary by landslide, has been disqualified from the countries 2024 elections. the decision was made by supreme court headed by ruling policy lloyd list. but it could come at a cost slip and his wife and candidates in october the united states lifted some of its sanctions, granted the country, they partly in exchange for the government, committing to let some bond opposition. take us back into politics. now the us says it's reviewing its sanction policy again mister madura and his regime of decisions we have to make. we want to see him meet the commitments they made back in october to allow position parties and candidates to run appropriately and release political prisoners. we have decisions to make as well. if they don't do that, they've got till april. we'll see what they do. and meanwhile, machado is right wing political veterans says one step aside for substitute candidates. bob will have a little bad and go down my the we are going to be nicholas my do in the elections
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this. yeah. and we're going to do to give that it's not clear who a substitute would be anyway, so my position figures have been bad. others have flipped the country along with more than 7000000. other people definitely points towards another vote. which president nicholas, my daughter, comes out until his prize an 11 year in charge of a country and a long standing some commentary and an economic crisis on home. and i'll just, vaccines are being roll dolphins and bob way to come back to colorado outbreak. the officials are aiming to vaccinate 800000 people. our correspondence hiring latasha reports not from the capital ferrari community health with his go house to house, trying to convince.


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