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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 30, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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isaac card thread, the apocalypse maybe discovers the impact nuclear weapons have. obviously vanity or failure to keep him out of the safe is by sitting down to the individual on the street. this is not to drill on out your 0. the no way is safe is really for says killed 3 palestinians inside the hospital. and janine and the occupied with the hello there. i'm associated, hey, this is out of their life from don't all 2nd we hospitals and gaza under attacked to is really as strikes of to feel on the hospital imaging body of refugee china reported the one is the wrong to help prevent attacks on shipping and the red
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c o risk coming relations and an employer to hong kong pro democracy movement, the territory and will soon have its own new national security the us. so we begin in the occupied westbank, where at least 3 palestinians have been killed by is riley forces inside a hospital. and janine, it happened in one of the main buildings and even seen a hospital. is there any minute treat infiltration facility we understand during the night, sirens having sounded engineering and expectation of even more rates? well, let's go straight to our correspondence hall, strep cities across this for us, and romano, chas. we know there's been, is really minute chat to the tea around hospitals and jeanine before this time the people were killed inside the hospital. what do we know about what happened of the
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yes, that's right. well, according to associates that we've spoken to medical stuff inside the agency in a hospital, they are telling us that it's a respite. it obviously happened over night and they're saying that it voltage lady, special for she's like getting some very interesting details. according to that is also solved by saying that the 2 men arrived in, civilian cause, wearing civilian clothes and into the hospital and went into the, the wall to the room where at least one of these suspected members of the armed resistance was receiving treatment. we understand that he had been receiving treatment over a period of a couple of months and he being accompanied to the hospital with 2 of the main one of whom was his brother, apparently, according to the hospital stuff, all 3 were killed. the bodies were left. we've seen previously,
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um come on those or quite ranking suspects suspected members of the resistance, we've seen that bodies be taken away by is likely forces in the pos, apparently the bodies were left behind. but i guess the, the what seemed to be is where the special forces were able to, to leave the hospital. but one can only imagine the terror, the fear of the many patients that are being treated in these hospital. one of the 3 insights janine, as you mentioned in the and so we've seen the hospitals in the last 4 months on many occasions surround it. we've seen clashes around these hospitals. we've seen these ready for these preventing, for example, medical stuff i've been install from getting wounded in these countries into the hospitals. but this is the 1st time that we've actually seen. and these rating military operations go inside a hospital to carry out what sounds like a targeted assassination. that has to be in a statement, some ball i the,
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the gypsy jeanine, the battalion. now this is basically what the all, and the groups, the various all factions refer to themselves as inside genetic refers to a whole group of various different all and groups, including house, including is lumnick g. i had that statement saying that said it was a how much come on the, how much, what lead to july may was, was, was killed as well as my how much a month. because we, who is one of the founders, all the codes brigade inside the codes brigade inside jeanette and his brother, i am and i was, we was also killed. we also had a statement from the is really all me in the last haul for an hour or so they say, and i will read this out. you that a hand us tire is so that is hidden inside the even seen a hospital and you need a climb to carry out the chair. attacking the immediate period was neutralized.
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that goes on to say that i have a july may 27 years old. had contacts, we've kinda had quotes as it says, a brutal and he said that the statement goes on to say that he's being responsible for transferring weapons and ammunition to terrorists in order to promote shooting attacks and had, according to this is rarely armies statement planned on a tech, an imminent attack that had been inspired by the october the 7th thomas attacks and condemned the, the, all i'm groups the hiding inside the hospitals and civilian areas and in the statements with the army statements with using these areas as human shields. but because yes, i mean, this is a, a huge development in terms of the kind of focus and determination that it seems these ready all me now have in wheeling out. the remainder is all of these come, all of those in these, all resistance groups is in towns like jeanine,
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cities like jeanine, the or off and cold sensors. bags of the, of the resistance here, the palestinian resistance. ready but of course if, because of huge consequences to the many civilians being treated in that hospital. and just before we end up bring you a statement that the palestinian house ministry is released in the last few minutes as well. that was from industry saying that we call on the united nations and the international institutions to provide protection for the treatment for the, for the treatment, an ambulance sensors immediately. so yeah, a very worrying development. the in the notes of the occupied territories the occupied with spent over night that now brings the number of kills since those october, the 7th attacks in the occupied westbank. $382.00 palestinians killed since october. the 7th child started today with the latest for us on that right from the law. thank you very much. jones. the hall is rouse bombing campaign of the gaza
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strip. meanwhile, has continued unabated strikes, targets at home and rustle where a number of people were sheltering. it's believed that everyone in science has been killed. 3 other people were killed when soldiers struck a. com and a sarah, the refugee camp and several palestinians have been detained. following a raid on the cause of city as strikes also targets and the l or the hospital in the body. a refugee camp in northern garza, at least 5 people that were injured in many parts of the hospital, are now out of sabbath ambulances, husbands damaged b overpass for that space. the honey my. when he joins us from rafa and southern gaza. honey took us to what's been happening across the strip of the night. we've been hearing that all the straight the this well there, this 5, the reports about an initial possible deal in the coming days. these really military continues the bombing killing, the main being,
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as well as the printer arising go, palestinians across the gaza strip here and overnight, a tax and a residential home in a janina district. that's the eastern part of the city and very close to an area that has been designated as a safe zone for display. as palestinian of the house was targeted, destroyed. number of people reported killed in number of injury. the all reported to and the judge has to the less than since run it off. i, but it causes a great deal of panic and concern of the believe that the military operation is step by step is expanding and are soon enough. or will it be coming from, han eunice to include parts of brooklyn, particularly they are very close to hahn. hugh and as i'm finding is where most of the intense fighting is taking place around the vicinity of i'm in the hospital and the palestine writ crescent society and also around loss of hospital the is to
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hospitality. now that is the largest public us facility in the city of tanya and this has been under military is these for the 9th day in a row right now. there is extreme shortage of medical supplies and inability of people to go in and out of the hospital. also another hospital where hundreds of people have been something came under tv. artillery showing, as well as the constant attacks are required captors that people are trying to leave the hospital to a safer area. so far people have no other options to leave. honeymoon is other than going to through the check point, the set up by this very military, where mass a rest of young people have been taking the place within the past due to the northern part, then gaza city, not only ongoing artillery shooting of bombings, but these really military roots that the army of vehicle has been reading the city for the past 2 days and an overnight read a particular way around evacuation centers where the rest is 7 people. and also it
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has a place that curves view that people to start 5 b i are not supposed to be in the area or around a new day. back ocean center just impedes people in mobility and to prevent them from if they found any of the supplies that they needed to survive, they wouldn't be able to get them. the honey must one to the with the latest force from the ground and rough uh and southern gaza. thank you so much, honey. will you hon. honey, mention a possible deal. cause i was prime minister, take my home and been up around that house on it says that good progress has been made towards a deal and could lead to a pause. and israel's attacks on gaza. he met with the secretary of state anthony blinking and washington a day of to holding torques with intelligence officials from egypt, israel and the us and paris. my kind of reports from washington dc, the guitar e foreign minister, and the us secretary of state to peer briefly for the cameras, but made no comment. it's understood that the good top foreign minister,
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who's also the prime minister, reese, the secretary of state on recent intelligence, folks in paris at which it was discussed how to the forward, the release of those captives still being held in gaza. had come to a meeting along with the intelligence chief some other parties such as egypt and israel. this a crucial part of getting some form of deal to get those captives out of gaza and the guitar e for a minister. cautiously optimistic saying that progress has been made, but he refused to be drawing any further at a discussion meeting that he held later on in the course of the day. at the meeting, he outlined kept his role. this in response to reported criticism by the israeli prime minister that casa, was not doing enough to impose its will on him, us. but the foreign minister making very clear his belief that cuts his role is that of the media to we try to bring the thoughts to use to bridge the gap between
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them. frustrating them frustrating. both of them a by, by wards, by, by made things by commitment by. ready addressing the issue is with, with some solutions that's, that's the pressure and benefits beyond this leverage. we don't see that it's a thought as a sofa. part of that can impose something on the spot too, or the other part to, to bring them to that place. the foreign minister of the ref, my now tiny, also responded to criticism of cutoff for hosting groups like come us. he said this was done in consultation and cooperation with the united states to provide a forum for it to have communication with it's a posing group such as a mazda or indeed us in the past. tell up on my kind of, i'll just sierra washington, all of us national security spokesman john carby has strongly condemned. a conference was held in western gruesome courting is rarely sense as to return to
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gauze and once the war is over. and it was attended by several right wing. is there any cabinet ministers and members of parliament? some of this rhetoric and the language and that was attributed to some of these ministers at this event. they are responsible, reckless incendiary. i go so far as to say and certainly isn't as isn't report with our strong policy statement, we have made clear that there can be no reduction in government territory. honda sounds good has more for us from occupied a story. so in the united states had reiterated their position that they on equivalent denounce and are against any talk of displacing palestinians or forcing palestinians out of gaza to go elsewhere. he also says that the united states position is clear about reducing palestinian land for the building of the legal settlements. this comes after members of these really government itself had slammed
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this conference, attended by settlers and members of the right wing, one 3rd of nathaniel, whose cabinet was in attendance there. benny, dance and member of the countries war cabinet. speaking out saying that this with israel in an incredibly bad position internationally and it harms the country during more time. and it also hinders efforts to bring back captives guy the eyes and coat. a former military chief of staff and award cabinet observer who has spoken out against netanyahu. and right wing policies has said that these ministers have learned nothing over the events of the last year. specifically, during this war, these really prime minister reportedly had told the americans that this is not going to happen. there won't be a legal settlements, and the americans are saying that they believe him, they're going to take him at his word. but when you have one 3rd of nathan yahoos cabinet, members of his own party going to this and saying they want to legal settlements to
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be rebuilt. they want palestinians to be displaced from gaza. they want to see a full occupation full control of the palestinian territory. it's difficult because nothing, yahoo, while he is the prime minister, he's still in a coalition with these members of the right wing who are putting increasing pressure on him for these types of policies. but the prime minister has reiterated that this is not the official government stance. the pasta had hit on altos, air, and grounds to believe the will crime is a being committed, will bring you the latest on the contract and sit down and not giving out why venezuela's opposition leader has bound to stay in the presidential race. despite the bad, the it's one of the was largest radio telescopes, designed by soviet era pioneer only to be left lying, idle,
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refusing to be silenced, his niece, resuscitate the sleeping colossus. the witness makes 50 full armenians for built in space drive on the jersey to being a journalist is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge and the huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant
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to so that there's more that unites us then divide the, the bulk of natural watching out a 0. let's remind you about the top stories here in the cell. the face to 3 palestinians have been killed by is really special forces in a hospital. and janine has happened and one of the main buildings and even seen the hospital is really mad at treat infiltration of the city during the night. meanwhile, overnight is really a tax on cost has killed the number of palestinians that strikes targets at a home. and ross once believed, everyone inside was killed. several palestinians of also been detained. following a raid on costs of castle it says is good progress being made though, towards
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a new israel from us, steals off the top. some part of the country prime minister has been holding tulips within us extra space and officials from egypt and israel. meanwhile, china has reportedly edged wrong to help prevent truth 8 attacks on ships and the red sail risk coming. business relations are facing the fight as a backed by tyrone. and the attacks, as well as the drought and the panama canal, have forced many commercial vessels to take alternative routes, causing major delays and international trade. front story has, as an industry in crisis, 2 of the walls main maritime routes. disruptive authorities have reduced the traffic in the panama canal, a major crossing between asia and the us by 36 percent because of the drought. some companies had planned to reroute vibes of etsy, but that's become risky since who's the fighters from human starts at targeting
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ships in response to israel's war and gaza. one trade analyst says the impact on the global economy is important, but not catastrophic. this is not the sort of 2nd coming of cobit where we had all of the shipping port suddenly close to overnight. this is a localized problem for which there are alternatives. it can even if they cost more money and even if they take more time, they can be planned up for and planned around to avoid the red ships have to take along the route past the southern tip of africa, adding $10.00 to $12.00 days to the journey but that's not always feasible, especially if the goods a perishable. you talked about about the vehicle we did, he would have short term short term plans. the longer distance will definitely have, you know, some, a fluid specialty, the voltage. so it will be difficult for them to reach on time the for which
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will, you know, expire in a particular time, the panama canal, and this was canal, or what's known as choke points or pinch points. narrow pots of waterways which are recognized as problem areas in global shipping boots. there are 7 of them that about peach points that have been identified for very long time. most firms have alternatives in place for what are we going to do? s. and i think all the again, disruptive, unpleasant costs up that can be managed because you can start to forecast ahead of time. however, the longer the who's the tax continue, the big or the disruption to international trade. florence 3, which is 0. the chief prosecution of the international criminal court has presented evidence to the united nations of will crimes and duffle. kareem con, told security council members that they all grounds to believe both the sudanese army and the power military rapids support forces are committing atrocities. christine, sending the reports now from un headquarters,
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and you hear along chads border with sudan, where one and 3 people is a refugee stories of atrocities about fresh from a visit. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court, korean con, told the security council. he's gathered evidence of war crimes, and i can confirm the council. the tweet ball collect a very significant body of material information and evidence that is relevant to those particular crimes. over $600000.00 sued knees fled west star for last year. as the fighting got worse, even as rapid support for us has battled the sudanese armed forces for control and the capital human rights groups have a ledge. civilians were deliberately targeted and killed in classes with the recess and allied militias. the prosecutor says he's found evidence of atrocities on all sides of sudan, civil war, but has received little cooperation from authorities. we have not received
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a scrap of paper from decision these offices. i met with general alcohol in september, the promised cooperation with the i. c. p. but despite that promise to me face to face, we have received no information. what's the, i say say prosecutor has yet to formerly charge any individuals, but he has the authority to do so under a 2005 security council resolution. and his most recent comments suggest those charges may be coming soon. kristen salumi, i'll just hear of the united nations hong kong veto says he wants to tighten the national security letter legislation as soon as possible to encourage defense as such as treason, insurrection, espionage strongly says, the city cannot afford to wait any longer to build on the national security and all
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that was inactive of the time i left the crushing of pro democracy protest. backfiling political act tax will continue. that is exactly why i want the government to be up and in full gear to explain what we're doing. the loud and clear confidence and rights we tell the world we are just protect now says from your attacks. patrick falk has worn out from home. com as well, it is going to make some difference out and then the government isn't wasting any time to set this in motion the legislature is going to be gathering. so take off this consultation process and john lee has pledged previously to enact article 23. by the end of this year, she reiterated that it needs to be done as soon as possible because of the existing
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legislation that is in place. mainly the beijing impose national security law. they said was like a call with pots missing all to cool $23.00 will no typically include laws against sedition, espionage and roles. so then foreign political organizations from conducting any sort of political activity here, there was some concern expressed about the length of the consultation period, which will last until the end of february. that means as any one month compared to the 3 months people were given in 2002 when the government 1st tried to roll out to optical 23, but for was ultimately sho. remember all through the 23 is paul to pumpkins. many constitution which has been in place since the end of the 1997. it is required to enact this legislation, and john lee said that it's been waiting for 26 years to do so. today. south
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korea's military says that north korea has carried out. it's the miss hall test in a week, a series of christmas songs were opposing the 5 of the west coast of the korean peninsula food towards the yellow sea. over the weekend, the north set at testing a newly developed strategic christmas are launched from a submarine. a united states has become an reinstating sanctions on venezuela. after the country's top court upheld him ban on the leading opposition candidates, maria corina machado insistent presidential elections will not take place without uh, don't holding reports. so don't the candidate for venezuela's may no position. coalition has a message for the countries president, nicola nicholas, my dear, isn't going to treat the people's candidate. so that seems to be exactly what the president's done. because maria corina machado, one type or opposition primary bi landslide,
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has been disqualified from the countries 2024 elections. the decision was made by supreme court headed by ruling policy lawyer list. but it could come at a cost slip and his wife and candidates in october the united states lifted some of its sanctions, granted the country, they partly in exchange for the government, committing to let some bond opposition because back in politics. now the us says it's reviewing its sanction policy again mister madura and his regime of decisions we have to make. we want to see him meet the commitments they made back in october to allow position parties and candidates to run appropriately and release political prisoners. we have decisions to make as well. if they don't do that, they've got till april. we'll see what they do. meanwhile, machado right wing political, the bedframe, so she won't step aside for substitute candidates. bob will have a little bad and we are going to be nicholas my do in elections this. yeah. and we're going to do it together. it's not clear who
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a substitute would be anyway. so my position tickets have been fund others, have flipped the country along with more than 7000000 other people for pressing the points towards another vote. which president nicholas my daughter, comes out until his prize. and the 11th year in charge of a country and a long standing some men, material and economic crisis on home and outside of denmark has been names, but least corrupt the country for the 6th. yeah, transparency international released its annual corruption perceptions, index ranking, public sector corruption around the wild, somalia, venezuela, on syria and south street on make up the full boston spots. and despite the rushes war ukraine has improved at school. the you know, last says the fast pass, central receive a brain shift, implant is recovering well, his company, new or link says if the operation is successful and will enable people with paralysis of all 4 limbs, to control devices with the thoughts,
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the us food and drug administration that gave the go ahead last year for the fast trials on patients. all that set for me was don't say a tape. so vanya will be here and around hall, so now with more of the days, news, weather is next. then inside story, the had a low they've got unsettled weather, of course, parts of the middle east and event at the moment with saint cloud stretching its way across saudi arabia to some of the gulf states. more concerning lee, an area of low pressure sitting across the eastern mediterranean. it's bringing some very powerful winds and heavy rain to parts of the event. we'll see that freezing rain continue for plots. israel occupied palestinian territories 11 on and syria. and also it's going to cool things down, look at a lot pro,
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just 6 degrees celsius. the on choose day, some improvement, however, on wednesday back up into those double digits. and there's some improvement as well for pops over iraq and iran. wintery weather is starting to fade as we go through the mid week for the sol. so this launch any settled with lots of sunshine, a little bit more rooms coming back into doha and due by on wednesday. and it was a move across a to north africa. there is that unsettled weather, affecting the north east with cloud. and some rain coming into libya as well as egypt was a weather as well. continuing for that central band of africa rushing all the way from angola through to tons and the some heavier rain for metal gasket as well. and despite the rain across the eastern parts of south africa heightened a fire danger in the west. the look hello to us,
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so the se in everything is good, even explain to torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would visit us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding poor revenge, occupied and imprisoned. pulling the plug, more countries have cut funding for the un agency for palestinian refugees. israel says some unrest off were involved in a loss as october attacks. and how knowledge is this accusation and what does it mean for the people of call? so this is inside store the
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color there and welcome to the program. i'm this dante, obtain the united nations agency for palestinian refugees on ro is a lifeline for nearly 6000000 people.


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