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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 30, 2024 11:00am-11:29am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the doctors and patients in gaza under attack is really airstrikes hit the hospital in the jamalia refugee the i'm several that here it's good to have you with us. this is else as your life from the also coming up is really special troops dressed as doctors and nurses enter a hospital in the occupied westbank until 3 palestinians, former pakistani prime minister and broadcom gets 10 years in jail. so leaking state secrets will be live and it's on the back end. the leader of hong kong says the territories national security law needs tightening to include treason, insurrection,
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and espionage. the we begin in gaza where israel's bombing campaign has continued unabated strikes. targeted a home in rough up where a number of people were sheltering and it is believed everyone inside has been killed. 3 people were killed when soldiers struck a car in the state of the refugee camp. and several palestinians have been detained after a rate on guns. a city airstrikes also target to be allowed to a hospital that's in the jamalia refugee camp in northern guns. it's the largest refugee camp in the strip. at least 5 people are injured. many parts of the hospital are now out of service, and ambulances have been damaged beyond repair. this house is yours, honey. matt, who joins us from ross and southern gaza. honey, can, can i get you to address the, the reason behind what appears to be an increase in,
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in strikes and raids and fighting in the northern part of the gaza strip. the, the reason i'm focusing on this is that the fighting had abated. and now over the last 23 days, it seems that it spiking get so yes, that is correct, that within the past few days we're seeing and this thursday, and i mean present then sensitive the air strikes and the artillery is showing along with the constant ongoing grades the inside garza city and the northern part both rate is really my life where you're not, is really military. you put out a statement saying that as soon as it stands based on intelligence stuff, how much is it? the other 5, i think was a rearranging their and their members on the ground and read every stocking there. there are to know in the know the partner and god that were there were few incident where a barrage of rockers were fired. the from the northern part and gaza city that there's
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really minutes or you have to act on the ground. and then push deeper into several of the axes that these eastern part of the northern partner, as well as the western parts of the city where it had its armor. vehicles as well as pushing deeper under cover is of heavy and relentless air. it strikes, targeting not only gauze and city, and the vicinity of hospitality had been already bombed in the path and destroyed but also a other areas that was, it was destroyed beyond the recognition, mainly and valley a refugee cabin done. the hospital has been pushed out of service that already the empty northern part of the city are big handling that not only a people are not in that area, but also it remains of life had been destroyed completely. but the, on the ground is what it looks like. people believe that it's as long as there is a vacuum of, of,
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of objectives here. and as long as there is no political settlement of what's going on, joe, that those raids and, and bombings are going to continue until something appears on, on the horizon. now. so far their initial reports of a possible, a big deal of the seeds fires have been confirmed yet, but there are lots of talks about it as of it. these are right now honey. what about the guns? the 2nd largest city, assign unit b is really a troops these really security forces have been in circling that city for a while. now, do we know where they are in their offensive as well? the vast majority of the finding right now is digging in place, then the southern part of the city that's button to send me an area that's the very road. there's really times pushed deeper and leading all the way to us and circling nasir hospital and then moving through the western part of the city to another
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district as well as the surrounding of, of the hospital and along a public university. but it, as of now, most of the by thing and the cub military confrontations taking place right in the central part of the city and the restaurant part around the vicinity of the house. but the reports of extreme and classes and confrontation between the, by the groups on the ground as well as the, the, is really in bathing forces as people right now have no ability to leave the city a list. these really military ordered them to go through the uh, the check points that had set up were mass arrests took place within the past 2 days. and we were seeing some of the videos and the footage of people who were arrested when taken to. and i then defied locations where the where, where the hot, where they were blindfolded, had to put their hands above their head. they were close and later on they worked at for given uh these, uh, what looks like a white quote to put on. and then they were transferred in
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a bus inside these really at the is really is of scared of the gaza strip. honey, thank you very much. that's alpha 0 is honeywell who is reporting from alpha. let's go to the occupied westbank. now we're 3 palestinians have been killed by is really troops inside the hospital engineering. now this here is believe to be the moment when is really special forces dressed as doctors and nurses rated the main buildings. this is in the admin center hospital military infiltrate of the city during the night. troll stratford is reporting on this for us from ramallah in the occupied westbank. charles were will, will watch the video as you describe what happened. give us the blow by blow account. so it's quite an incredible video that is a paid what seems to be c. c t v footage of what is on the such a pain in his right. the special forces operation involving the skies to special forces wearing civilian and metix uniforms medic. close and coming into the
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hospital with the guns and some of them this, that this disguised as a seemingly notices adult says we understand that a number of the may of actually being female soldiers as well as evidence to suggest that at least one who was actually wearing a fake beard. it seems super in very much a well planned, targeted assassination. certainly that's according to the is the, is really military hospital stuff that we've spoken to at the medical facility said that it was in the early hours of the morning where a couple of civilian vehicles arrived at the hospital and those soldiers that you can see the in that video got out and hunt you down and certainly, well not a member of the resistance. it seems as if, according to the age, really ministry, they will often mine for how much. what lead joe, them that who was a senior come on the in the how much resistance now he was in the hospital with a,
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according to the, the members of the janine, the brigades. now this is a group of various different resistance groups operating inside jeanine. they say that so gelatin, they was in the hospital with, with 2 of the main, one of whom was being treated for injuries that had been in, could suffer during a previous military. right. and these ready soldiers shot o 3 days that we've seen in the pasta. what nightly rage on the sitting of janine, especially the refugee camp. but in the past we've, we've often seen the 3 main hospitals inside the sitting, surrounded and in some instances act the attacks, according to the hospital, solved by is really by the is really ministry. but this is the 1st time we've seen an operation actually inside a civilian medical institution. so using weapons to all the fighters, according to the janine brigades, the other 2 resistance flag just that were killed with members of islamic just had
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. that has also been a statement by the palestinian ministry of health. they say they call on the united nations and international institutions to provide protection for treatment and ambulances. immediately, they're describing this as a contravention of international law. the fact that it was carried out inside a civilian medical institution. and these 3 legacy steps. now bring the number of those kill since october, the 7th inside the occupies which bank to $382.00 palestinians and a very worrying sign. the signs that seemingly these way the ministry all determines whatever it takes to hunt down members of the island resistance group. and especially these men. they accuse of being come on. ready in organizations that certainly the palestinian people here, most of them at least see as being a legit so much for them of resistance against israel's occupation of the west bank
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at charles stratford reporting from ramallah. thank you very much for laying out all the facts. everything we know and with all the parties involved have said here, let me take this conversation out some stuff about gucci. joining us also from ramallah, so you are the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. i'm assuming you've seen the footage that we have erred. your reaction what we've seen on go through, i'm seeing is nothing about then act or is it really belongs open total of going back to the hospital. they have violated every international law and every international and whom i need to do. i know that speaks about production of hospitalized protection of patients, protections of 7 structures. the, the didn't say that and could i am the 1st crime was to invade the hospital. this guys as doctor dismisses, and even one of them disguised as a disabled man in
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a wheelchair and the by using the uniforms of by the doctors and nurses. they violated the 1st no 2nd the in the hospital and the and the execute to people in the hospital beds. one of them is an inch of person who is being collect a debt for 3 months now, i think, and they just executed them. the claim that these have been ongoing too many times to groups or so on. the has no pools. these people who have not taken to court this with this, these people did not have a do you what are you going to process? yeah, there's a, there's a assessing, i think people left on that i my funding and this has to be done, but they have to do it. they just have to charge somebody. and then can somebody without, i need the gun or do you kind of process that what they have done and this man a, an activist, good solution is not the 1st time the kind of happened so many times before. and they would not have to do so if it wasn't for the silence in my opinion of the
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international community. i would like to see now on the elephant come through. is that committed, collective punishment against on the, on the, against the listing. and people based on is there any claims that we have never investigated what, what they are doing now? so that is where it is with all these very clear to sequence of serious violation of international. the fact that is allowed to be in punitive above international law in punitive to international law is encouraging because it has to commit these acts of settled and exit the ocean of the city and people you live in ramallah. how will something like this be absorbed by palestinians in the occupied westbank? i assume many palestinians have either already seen this footage or we'll see it at some point today as well as degree. it's a very strong feeling of, of, i'm good and the very strong feeling of resentment. that's actually
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a combination of 2 things that isn't meant, i'm good at the, is there any title? is there any autumn you behavior? but also i've got, i've done so i'm national community which allows us to continue to do so even when the international court of justice have decided that is or is accused of committing genocide. these actions that happen to the engineering happen so many times already in gaza. where hospitals went home by the hospitals would attack people with executive inside the hospitals in the hospital bids out of the hospitals. it is totally unacceptable. but there's a there and continues to evaluate all these notes because nobody is saying, so is it in the stop? nobody is sick to, isn't it, and it's has to respect and the national and international humanitarian go. on the contrary, they are encouraged by punishing by the stimulus comp. that is likely not that states as government to collect of punishment. i guess 1st thing that people supply and is it in the funds they want,
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i'm provides protection to them. and as i mentioned that the institutions like the admission security council, what's happening is by the start and would have to impact worldwide. because it means that what we live in today is, was without respect to international i was that is it would by the, by the roots of done good. that is the situation today. i'm able to pass on into what the word because this means that anybody who has a problem can do whatever they want to delete people to the occupied people. the people who are pressed with stuff. i bargain with the secretary general of the palestinian national. and it's initiative good to have you on the program. thank you. the still ahead on alice's here. a drought in war has left the shipping industry and crisis will be telling you what that could mean for the global economy .
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the what constitutes extent. so we generally talk to a see, i want you to start with just the fence runners to what happened as independent. we won't be i want to we don't have lead them in policy on it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit knowing that was and services as claimant. and you're saying you'll have your reports for that. i should just trust that unity often as i find the cool that used to produce outstanding jen, this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of truth. israel has now impose a complete space on gods. so how do they survive if you have no income, how do you live? costs of living rose sharply after the war and ukraine could something like that
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happen again as a ripple effect of the 1000. what is it us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this when the price of oil goes up, the cost of almost every thing goes up. counting the cost on algae there. the watching else has 0 reminder of our headlines this. our overnight is really tax on does it have killed a number of palestinians strikes target to the home in rasa. it is believed everyone inside was killed. multiple palestinians had also been detained after a raid in gaza. city 3 palestinians have been killed by its really troops and
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a hospital in janine it is believed is really special forces dressed as doctors and nurses rated the main building, but they've been sitting at hospice. dependent on has released the names of the 3 american soldiers killed in a drone strike on a us military base. and jordan, it says it does not want tensions in the middle east to escalate further. but the white house is wanting that it will respond to a tax on its forces. i can continue to say, we don't seek war, we don't seek further conflict. we don't want to see this, why not into a regional conflict, but we will continue to do whatever we need to when it comes to protecting us forces. and our coalition partners and intercept mariners transiting the red sea. we believe that we have been effective and degrading their capabilities and disrupting their ability to launch certain attacks as a china is reported to be urging iran to help stop the tax on shipping in the red
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sea weeks of miss style strikes by ranging back. who's these fighters and yemen have disrupted international trade and force container ships carrying goods made in china to take much longer voyages to reach their destinations. for, as louis has more an industry in crisis. 2 of the wells main maritime routes. disruptive authorities have reduced the traffic in the panama canal, a major crossing between asia and to us by 36 percent because of a drought. some companies had planned to reroute vibes of etsy, but that's become risky since who's the fighters from human starts at targeting ships in response to israel's war on gaza. one trade analyst says the impact on the global economy is important, but not catastrophic. this is not the sort of 2nd coming of cobit where we have all of the shipping port suddenly closed overnight. this is a localized problem for which there are alternatives again, even if they cost more money. and even if they take more time,
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they can be planned up before and planned around to avoid the red sea ships have to take along the route past the southern tip of africa, adding 10 to 12 days to the journey. but that's not always feasible, especially if the goods a perishable. you talked about about the vehicle we did, he would have shorter shifts of much. the longer distance we definitely have, you know, some, a fluid specialty, the bolt and stuff. it would be difficult for them to reach on time the for which with, you know, expire in a particular time, the panama canal, and this was canal, or what's known as choke points or pinch points. narrow pots of waterways which are recognized as problem areas in global shipping boots there 7 of them that about peach points that have been identified for very long time. most firms have alternatives in place for what are we going to do this? and i think all the again, disruptive,
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unpleasant costs up that can be managed because you can start to forecast ahead of time. however, the longer the who's the tax continue, the bigger the disruption to international trade. florence 3, which is 0, of course in pakistan, has sentenced former prime minister emma and con to 10 years in jail. he has been found guilty of review, reviewing official state secrets. the former prime minister was ousted and they know confidence votes in 2022 and con is currently serving a 3 year prison sentence enough corruption case. a different case is sentencing comes ahead of parliamentary elections next months. let's bring him, come either, and it's not a bad come. i'll start by telling us about this case, why what he was accused of and what he's just been sentenced to jail for of the, the form a, a prime minister. i'm ron con and a form, a foreign minister charmaine with grey. she will be dried in
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a special card. they're already under detention. and j n r d, i like jane, which i know they fall from. yeah. this special card i've got written leg entered the night last night, and that of god today is the low divide route, given the fact that it was seemed to be done in haste. now earlier, the saw by the high gord head group that this has to be an open drive. the media must be given access is meagan, team must be given access, however that were denied. the judge appointed the own defense counsel and then read out the sentence of 10 years rigorous imprisonment and a diplomat date cipher. with judge communication between the nbc and the foreign ministry, able to accused of die. why did jame that which it seemed to be a state secret, so therefore, deal push you to see that fact, however, as though i had said that this was a travesty of justice, given the fact that despite the solve, i tied gord gorda,
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the media was not the log and they were not allowed to represent a match part of the legal team has been so now in negative game, of course, had there been to the support does not to come out, not to process the guards. they have already fire the they have already appeared to be fired before the as lombard die guard, and there is a possibility that this all by type or, or delford relieve. but this is indeed the hodge then dens. danielle vigorous imprisonment, the maximum brain indian this could be up to 14 year that could even carry the dead spending date. so 10 years, they get his imprisonment now. and now is by that judge, and especially as the board in raleigh, penn date, and that they've gotten announced in 10 years vigorous imprisonment football did you did tree, and pakistan has been going after him run con. there's no other way to put this. who was remains one of the most popular politicians in pakistan. where does this
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leave con, he's behind bar census the jail again. where does this leave con as a political force with the elections just around the corner? as well as far as the elections are concerned. he of course. busy as it was denied, the right to contest or the elections, in fact is par december was taken away from him, and therefore a support there decided to conduct the elections as the independent candidates, of course, under the same band and red line due to the former prime minister is usually popular and the other political parties have been ordered in rallies, but they have not been able to do much to the kind of support the establishment of costs and the government in fall. i'd been trying and, and this started when the correlation of opposition party that i'll send them a brought in cases over a 100 cases against them. they weren't given bell. and the 3rd show conduct gave
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richard the state scape get state gifts that do the same. in that, but they were given beta by this on, by the high court. now this particular fisher and secret that case was seen to be a travesty of justice. that is all, it's the for the negative for done it in focused on it describing the latest word big by the expression pull from. i'll hide a reporting from some of that. thank you very much. come off, south korea's military says north korea has carried out its 3rd mistletoe tests within a week, a series of cruise missiles where were bits in motion the legislature is going to be gathering. so take off this consultation process and john lee has pledged previously to enact logical 23. by the end of this year, she reiterated that it needs to be done as soon as possible because of the existing legislation that is in place. mainly the beijing impose national security law. they said was like
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a call with pots missing all to cool $23.00 will no typically include laws against sedition espionage and the roles. so the foreign political organization from conducting any source of political activity here, there was some concern expressed about the length of the consultation period, which will last until the end of february. that means as any one month compared to the 3 months people were given in 2002 when the government 1st tried to roll out to optical 23, but for was ultimately sho. remember also 23 is paul to pumpkins and many constitution which has been in place since the hand of in 1997. it is required to enact this legislation, and john lee said that it's been waiting for 26 years to do so today. denmark has been named the least corrupt country for the 6th year, making up the bottom 4 spots or somalia south sedan,
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syria and venezuela. the annual index by transparency international ranks public sector corruption around the world. now, despite russia's war, ukraine has improved its score in this ranking it on the success the 1st person to receive a brain chip implant is recovering well is company new or link says that if the operation is successful, it will enable people with paralysis of all 4 limbs to control devices with their thoughts, the us food and drug administration gave the go ahead last year for the 1st trial on patients. and that does it for me several then yay. i will be back in around 30 minutes with more of the days. news weather is next on else as 0, then you have inside story which will be looking at the future of the un agencies of palestinian refugees as a place of accusations that staff members were involved in the october 7th.
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the that was winter is blowing as of northern europe with the winds. not most in the south west of the sun is quite perfect. the sun rain, some snow both coming into norway and sweden, but otherwise not so attempt is here to come up. they no longer freezing their low single figures and the sun is dietary, but most of the british isles as well. that has been the case in central and southern europe for a while now, particularly in spain and portugal, where the sun has been so prevalent this been recorded will. now, in contrast, at the moment is a cold nosey building in the black sea for turkey. if agree, secrete, and also some pumps eventually, but it's what's happened in southern spain, this a bit of a concern. this is just one example of a very low reservoir in the hills about above and you'll see it because he shouldn't had winter, right. it should be full night, at least not. was that spring and summer ryan's, this is good to pose something of a problem. there are no immediate writings in this area. then you re likely mix
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a series of disgusting. no, not know things. and then of course, some parts of took you, crete and the northeast of africa. it's nice to know if that's good at this time. the pump from a few shares around the coast and the west to should be dry. and the season when the hot bath and she'll be blowing it is blowing, it'll bring some significant dust technician, the cloud of nuclear will lose ever present. what if this is the beginning of one of those accidental wars? what is this is the beginning of the end of life? because we know from the horrors of recent history to the rising card threat apocalypse maybe discovers the impact nuclear weapons have funky vanity. our failure to keep humanity safe is by sitting down to the individual on the street.
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this is not to drill on that which is 0. pulling the plug. more countries have cut the funding for the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees. israel says some unrest off were involved in a loss as october attacks. and how valid is this accusation and what does it mean for the people of call? so this is inside store the color there and welcome to the program. i'm this dante, obtain the united nations agency for palestinian refugees on ro is


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