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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 30, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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what was that was the service display, then you're saying you'll have your reports for that. i should just trust the community off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and elders. the integrity in the pursuit of the doctors and patients in gaza under attack is really airstrikes. it's a hospital image of all your refuge account, the pennsylvania. it's good to have you with us. this is alice has 0 life and also coming up is really special forces dressed as doctors and nurses enter a hospital in the occupied west bank until 3 panelists. pakistan's, former prime minister and run gun is sentenced to 10 years in prison for leaking
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state secrets will be live in islamabad, and drought and war have left the shipping industry and prices look at what it means for the global. the car will begin in gaza where israel's bombing campaign has continued unabated strikes targets at a home in rasa where a number of people are sheltering is believed everyone inside has been killed. 3 people were killed when soldiers struck a car in the state of the refugee camp. and several palestinians have been detained after a rate on gauze. a city airstrikes targeted the out of hospital into jamalia, refugee camp in northern gaza. at least 5 people were injured. many parts of the hospital are now out of service, and ambulances have been damaged beyond repair. this is really forces have also besieged another major, hospitalized hon. eunice. patients and medical staff have been trapped inside the a model hospital for days. the palestinian red crescent which operates the facility,
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says that there is a severe shortage of medicine fuel food and water. accept assignment which reports escaping from the danger. once again, is rarely forces have declared the area around all amount of hospital in han, eunice on safe ordering, palestinians to leave immediately. this area has been under heavy bombardment for days and now the palestinian red crescent has been told to move its operations elsewhere. let me look at no evacuation should take place without proper coordination or without the humanitarian court. i'm looking at this for to ensure the safety of all those inside the hospital ensure we is paramedics, will be able to continue to provide our services and help evacuate the patients and the wounded, according to proper medical protocols. the palestinians here say they don't know where to go over to seek safety. the nearby shelters are relatively safe,
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but the fear of in evacuation order looms, then that a showing never stops. this winter's cold is fierce. children are gripped with fear . is that my discharge, i just see the situation is more than dire. we can hardly sleep one hour throughout the day. we sleep on the floor in the hospital's court or has everyone to check. the palestinian red crescent has described the situation in our model as critical. hospital units have had to shut down because of a lack of supplies. they are urgently calling for the protection of all civilians. but there is concerned these calls may go unanswered access. i'm reaching out to 0 . the guitar as prime minister, it says good progress has been made towards a deal that could lead to a pause in israel's attacks on gaza. shake mohammed bin abdul rough mental thought he met us. secretary of state anthony, blinking in washington that followed talks in paris with intelligence chief from the us, israel and egypt, like hannah reports from washington dc as the guitar,
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a foreign minister and the us secretary of state, appeared briefly for the cameras, but made no comment. it's understood that the guitar of foreign ministers is also the prime minister. rece, the secretary of state on recent intelligence, folks in paris at which it was discussed how to the forward, the release of those captives still being held in gaza. had come to a meeting along with the intelligence chief some other parties such as egypt and israel. this a crucial part of getting some form of deal to get those captives out of gaza and the guitar e for administer. cautiously optimistic saying that progress has been made, but he refused to be drawing any further at a discussion meeting that he held later on in the course of the day. at the meeting, he outline caught his role. this in response to reported criticism by the israeli prime minister that casa, was not doing enough to impose its will on him,
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us. but the foreign minister making very clear his belief that cuts as. busy low is that of maybe a to we try to bring the thoughts used to bridge the gap between them. frustrating them frustrating. both of them a, by the, by awards, by, by made things by commitments, by addressing the issues with, with some solutions that's, that's the pressure and benefits beyond this leverage. we don't see that, but that is a sofa. part of that can impose something on the spot too, or the other part to, to bring them to that place. the foreign minister of the ref, my now tiny also responded to criticism of cutoff for hosting groups like come us. he said this was done in consultation and cooperation with the united states to provide a forum for it to have communication with its opposing groups such as from us or indeed us in the past. tell up on my kind of,
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i'll just sierra washington to the occupied west bank now where 3 palestinians have been killed by as really, soldiers inside a hospital in janine of this here is believed to be the moment when is really special forces dressed as doctors and nurses rated the main buildings in the admin center hospital military infiltrate of the city during the night. let's find out more on what happened to withdrawal stratford who was covering this forest from ramallah in the occupied westbank run us through the events of this rate. the blow by blow. charles yes, i'm caught incredible videos. what you said that we believe was captured on c. c t . v footage inside the hospital. what seemed to be what we understand to be is riley special forces disguised as medics, nurses and doctors, and some civilians coming into the hospital, one carrying a wheelchair or another carrying what seems to be the sky. so as a crypt for,
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for a child. um, it seems as if the operation may have involved um, females soldiers as well. well, there's evidence of at least one of them where it won't look to be fake bids. you see them, they're walking through the corals of the hospital with the guns off. now we've spoken to the hospital stall, they said that this happened in the house of the morning. and the soldiers disguised as matrix arrived in what they describe as to civilian vehicles. it seems as if it was a very well planned, targeted assassination operation. by the way, the full seas targeting least one of the 3 members of the palestinian resistance. we've had a statement from the janine brigades. now this is basically made up of a number of different on resistance groups operating inside jeanine. they're saying that 2 of those killed one members of islamic jihad,
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including one come on the and the other was a very high ranking. how much come on the according to the medical stuff? one of them was being treated for injuries that he had received during a previous is really all i me raise a couple of months ago. now this is the 1st time since the beginning of the war that we have seen. and he's really on the operation like this, actually inside a civilian medical institution, on countless occasions, when we've actually visited janine and spoken to the hospital style that in these 3, by in the hospitals. these already medically will surround hospitals. and on a few occasions have been accused of actually attacking the hospital surrounding the hospitals to try and prevent medical stop getting in. and we understand to try and prevent injured flights. is injured members of the all and resistance getting into these hospitals for treatment. but as a site visit the 1st time to be seen and operation actually inside an institution,
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a civilian institution like that. so one can only imagine that federal a, all of the, of the many patients and hospital stuff operating inside that hospital that has been a statement by the is really all i me, they're saying that i have asked harry so that he'd inside be able to see in the hospital and you need a plan to carry out the terror attacks had been in the woods, neutralize the statement goes on to say that's how much alumni 27 years old they say had contacts with what they describe as the the how much headquarters abroad is very unclear as to what they actually mean, that they accuse him as i say, of a planning on an attack that is riley's think was possibly inspired by those how much the attacks on october the 7th day, also accused him of transferring weapons to all the fights, and there's also being a statement by the palestinian authority calling on the united nations and
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international institutions and their woods to provide protection um for treatments and ambulances immediately the cooling it. uh yes. another violation by israel or international law because it goes, this is inside a civilian medical institution. so those 3 that's as i say to what was being described as high ranking. come out of this, one is that makes you had and one in how am i supposed to read this? now bring the child 2 to 382 people killed during these night. the military right in the occupied westbank since the will began. and of course, many of those people killed, we understand all civilians unbind is and it's just another example of saving me how determined these rarity all me is to keep up, maintain these rates as they talk as members of the, the on resistance, right? the way across the occupied territories. charles, thank you very much for bringing us everything. we know at this hour about that
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raid earlier we spoke to him was stuff of our good to you about this. he's the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative, and he called what happened at the hospital is really terrorism. that they have violated every international law and every international humanitarian know that speaks about protection of hospitalized protection of patients, protections of 7 structures that they didn't send that in crimes. the 1st crime was to invade the hospital. this got by using the uniforms of palestinian doctors and there since they violated the festival. second, the hospital and the and the execute to people in hospital beds. one of them is an injustice and who's being continued to death for 3 months now, i think. and they just executed them. they claim that these are been ongoing too many times to groups or so on. me, it has no pools. these people who have not taken to court this with this,
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these people did not have a do. what are you going to process yet? there's the senate and people left on that i not the in this hospital, but they have to do it. they just have to charge somebody and then kill somebody without any the gun or do any kind of process that what they have done in this manner. an act of this good solution is not the 1st time that has happened so many times before. and they would not have dare to do so if it wasn't for the silence in my opinion of the international community. i would like to see now all the elephant countries that commit to collective punishment against on the, on the, against the listing and people based on, is there any claims that we have never investigated what, what they're doing now? so there is, there is, was all these very clear series of serious violation of international the fact that is allowed to be in punitive, above international law and punitive to international law is encouraging because it
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has to commit these acts of settled and exist the ocean of policy and peoples to us national security spokesman john kirby has strongly condemned the conference held in west jerusalem, calling for his really settlers to return to the us at once. the war is over. that conference was attended by several right wing is really cabinet ministers and members of parliament. some of this rhetoric and the language and that, that was attributed to some of these ministers at this event. irresponsible, reckless incendiary. i'd go so far as to say, it certainly isn't the port with our strong policy statement what we have made clear that there can be no reduction in government territory. israel's use of white fos for us. munitions is costing lebanese farmers near the border. millions of dollars as they were on con reports from $711.00 on the internationally banned weapons and civilian areas will cause environmental damage for years to come. is under international human rights law. this should not be happening. the use of
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white false rest, munitions will not find that right. is illegal when used in civilian areas like this. town of him along the disputed boat over this ro, white false for us bones through anything. it comes into contact with clothes, skin, muscle, bone. it destroys livestock and makes land unfit for sewing crops, potentially for at least a generation as well. it's not unusual to use such weapons, always saying in lebanon, and look as though, is that israel, in the case of it, as we've documented the use of white phosphorus and populated areas which is a violation of, i'd show human rights watch, also documented the use of white, phosphorus and 11 on and other right groups including understand, should national, have noted that israel has apparently use white phosphorus indiscriminately on civilian areas which would not to a violation of instruction material. israel has a stock response when it comes to white, 1st for us, munitions saying it is
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a to international low cost of the the man of the agricultural town of a room is currently living in the town of deed having been forced from his home by flight. to is an agricultural textbook and tells us they won't know exactly how much damage has been done until they survey it when they return. but he knows the damage is extensive and long term, but on the 1st floor rather be at the beginning of the 1st for us as a significant impact on the soil. given that it can react and a slim on a seat in the ground water. and in addition, it may lead to an end balance and the environmental, ecological diversity and, and ground water rivers. and right. the direct damage is caused by rapid binding that can affect humans, plants, animals, etc. this is what the optimum of the white fos for us attack looks like all the vegetation across a fairly wide area, hit old black and, and burned. but this is just a tardy fraction of the damage. the closer you get to the boat, at the most seems like this that you'll see $20000000.00 worth of damage according
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to the lebanese agricultural industry across that disputed bowed up. but for the farm is the is another problem. these white false was the tax a close and the numerous amounts of environmental damage. meaning the, these fields i'm, feels like this may not be planned to boil for at least a generation. and we're on con, how does there calia sort 11 and the still ahead on else is 0. the leader of hong kong announced as a tightening of the security law will tell you why that is causing concern in the global financial hub. stay what else is here? the warnings are at the moment for potential floods in the southern philippines. this is just a boost to the wind to right. and if you like. and if you follow the wind direction
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down as repeat potential in borneo sucking sumatra and java, whereas the recent heavy rains and put into them a lazy and done a single pull them much, much lice. and as you can see, heavy rain still. luckily in australia in this case of hope because he's like to be in queens, been dr. redone and including brisbin. big rain potential here is you can see and some in the back as well. otherwise it's not so bad for the surface temperatures in the low twenty's as farm sizes. no, but disappointing. i know your summer has been but the temperatures in west main street are really very high rep. in the forty's again, cut off and mobile bond plus itself, is it $58.00? is one of the few shares prompted by these temperatures. aspen using pilots, pretty standard now is it suddenly breaks, so it gives we can get some rain here. 22 in christ church in the sunshine, we should see some significant rad. you'd think at some point you wouldn't, you might to, could was dr. care on thursday. we shares in the christ church area. i am so the no
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incentive on, but maybe it's friday, but it gets really westgate and that could increase the time. jesus christ church to 24. the . it's one of the was largest radio telescopes designed by soviet era. pioneer only to be left lying. i don't refusing to be silent, is nice. we suss the dates, the sleeping colossus. the witness makes 50 full armenians for built in space drive on the jersey to the
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the there watching else a 0. a reminder of our headlines this, our overnight is really attacks on gaza, has killed a number of palestinians strikes targets at a home. and a rasa is believed every one inside was killed. multiple palestinians had also been detained after a rate in gaza. city 3 palestinians have been killed by israeli soldiers in a hospital in geneva. it is believed this really special forces dressed as doctors and nurses rated the main building of been sent a hospital or the pentagon has released the names of the 3 american soldiers killed in a drone strike on the us military base in jordan. it's as it does not want tensions in the middle east to escalate further, but the white house is warning that it will respond to a tax on its forces. i can continue to say we don't seek war, we don't seek further conflict. we don't want to see this, why not into
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a regional conflict, but we will continue to do whatever we need to when it comes to protecting us forces. and our coalition partners and intercept mariners transiting the red sea. we believe that we have been effective and degrading their capabilities and disrupting their ability to launch certain attacks in china is reported to be versioning. iran to help stop attacks on shipping in the red sea, weeks of missile strikes by arranging back to see sliders and yemen have disrupted international trade and forced container ships carrying goods made in china to take much longer voyages to reach their destinations. flores louis has more as an industry in crisis. 2 of the walls main maritime routes disrupted, authorities have reduced the traffic and the panama canal, a major crossing between asia and us by 36 percent because of a drought. some companies had planned to reroute vibes of etsy, but that's become risky since who's the fighters from human starts at targeting
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ships in response to israel's war and gaza. one trade analyst says the impact on the global economy is important, but not catastrophic. this is not the sort of 2nd coming of cobit where we had all of the shipping port, suddenly closed overnight. this is a localized problem for which there are alternatives. it can even if they cost more money and even if they take more time, they can be planned up before and planned around to avoid the red sea ships have to take along the route past the southern tip of africa, adding $10.00 to $12.00 days to the journey, but that's not always feasible, especially if the goods a perishable. you talked about about the vehicle we did, he would have short term search engine lights. the longer distance will definitely have, you know, some a fluid specialty event on both ends up. it will be difficult for them to reach on time and the, the for which will, you know, expire in a particular time,
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the panama canal. and this was canal, or what's known as trope, points or pinch points, narrow pots of waterways, which are recognized as problem areas in global shipping boots. there are 7 of them that have, are peach points that have been identified for very long time. most firms have alternatives in place for what are we going to do s. and i think all the again, disruptive, unpleasant cos up that can be managed because you can start to forecast ahead of time. however, the longer the who's the attacks continue the big or the disruption to international trade, to florence dewey, which is 0. the court in pakistan has sentenced former prime minister in wrong con, to 10 years in prison. he's been found guilty of revealing official secrets. the former prime minister was pushed out in a no confidence votes in 2022. con is already serving a 3 year prison sentence, and a corruption case is sentencing comes ahead of parliamentary elections next month.
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is bringing tomorrow hire and it's all about come out there been many cases brought against emerald con, remind us what he was accused of in this one. and also how his legal team is responding to this of the for this particular. busy case but. busy to a diplomatic type, which is communication between the embassy and the foreign ministry, and rich edwards, that lays that the united states conspired go over to him. ron hahn through dashboard of no confidence. however, the government, the end, the end forward at that time, a 13 party correlation decided to bring george's saying that this was a violation of the picture of a secret fact that costs carries a maximum debt, spend the day up to 14 years of rigorous imprisonment as red, now that was challenged because that's pressure gord dagwoods underway. what being
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headed in prison and camera, this all by the high court then said that it has to be an open tried. the media should be given access a legal team should be given full access to defend him. however, the government decided to move would in violation of the law by type or order. they did not allow the media to be that they did not even allow the defense counsel to defend him by appointing their own defend sconces which are seen at the travesty of justice. his party of cards that said that this is a sham trial. that is, is unacceptable, and it legal name, of course, is now prepared to file and they've been in this all by di guard against this. i need like you to get relief from that. and i attribute a member that did are over a 100 cases against them. the sketches were brought by that turned in party for elation. government which i would state them. but the courts had been giving him
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relief. the epic scored accords had been giving him relief and it is quite possible that they will give them to leave even in this one because of any regularity. the fact that this dry ran late into the night last night, the difference gone says what are the was in size and that this word seemed to be done in a so indeed, a sentence that they paused again, not just the former prime minister m ron fond but also the foreign minister of pockets on, for my part, administer shop man with garages also has 2nd then come on and the focused on derek and soft e. f cards is now going to be a feeling against this to a legal council. what would you say, how would you describe his role in run comes role in pakistani politics at this moment in time? because of course, he's barred from running in the upcoming elections, but he still has info but this far exhibit fictions by the outgoing coordination government despite the restrictions by the
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federal government who would go. busy off is to ensure. busy that they did the free and fair elections that everybody is given, the liberal blank page. he have gods has been under restrictions. he cannot fight the election. that's. busy case far the lawyer lives to fight at the independent candidates and the upcoming election has been heavy action against them. nobody is allowed to bring out the party flag. people that are listed those campaign reilly's that being disrupted and focused on which it seemed to be heavy handed tactics. but despite all attempts by the government to discredit them or nail him down in one case or another, his popularity has skyrocketed. tens of thousands of people who did support him and he had more support than most of the political parties to, again, feigning for the upcoming elections on february the a. so in did, they did the hearts and then seen by many. but that is really because as negative
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they will now be able to challenge this thing. i'm citing. i've got internet you're louder day than the way i enrich this. tried was conducted. i'll hide a reporting on this for us from the some about thank you very much. i south korea's military says north korea has carried out its 3rd miss science tests within a week, a series of cruise missiles were reportedly fired off the west coast of the korean peninsula and fluid towards the yellow sea. john young says it tested a newly developed strategic cruise, messiah launched from a submarine. hong kong is leader, it says that he wants to tighten national security legislation as soon as possible to include offensive such as treason, insurrection, and espionage. john lee says that the city cannot afford to wait any longer to build on. the aging is national security law that was enacted after a wide spread crack down on mass protest. backfiling political act tax will continue. that is exactly why i want the government to be
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up and in full gear to explain what we're doing. the loud and clear confidence. and right to tell the world we're just protect now says from your attacks. patrick forecasts more on this from home. com as well, it is going to make some difference out and then the government isn't wasting any time to set this in motion the legislature is going to be gathering. so take off this consultation process and john lee has pledged previously to enact logical 23. by the end of this year, she reiterated that it needed to be done as soon as possible because the existing legislation that is in place mainly the beijing, impose national security law. they said was like a call with pots missing all to cool. 23 will no typically include
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laws against sedition, espionage and roles. so then foreign political organizations from conducting any sort of political activity here, there was some concern expressed about the length of the consultation period, which will last until the end of february. that means as any one month compared to the 3 months people were given in 2002 when the government 1st tried to roll out to optical 23 before was ultimately sho. remember all to 23 is paul to pumpkins and many constitution which has been in place since the hand of in 1997. it is required to enact with legislation and john lee said that it's been waiting for 26 years to do so. today. south korean president, you and sucky old has the total bill that would have lost an independent investigation into a crowd crush in 2020 to $159.00 people died. and so during halloween celebrations,
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the decision drew criticism from relatives of the victims who believe that the government failed to handle the disaster. denmark has been named the least corrupt the country for the 6th year, making up the bottom 4 spots or somalia selves, sedan, syria, and venezuela. the annual indexed by transparency international ranks public sector corruption around the world. and despite russia's war, ukraine has improved it score, or the us is reinstating sanctions on venezuela. so banning an opposition leader from running for president maria corrina machado says that the presidential election is scheduled to be held later this year will not happen without our john holman. reports the candidate for venezuela's may know position colorless.


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