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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 30, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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the, the, the from us political leader is more of a heavy, a says his group has received a gaza ceasefire proposal and will travel to cairo for further discussion. the single venue is good to have you with us. this is ellen's, as you're a live from doha, also coming up is really airstrikes continuing gaza. several palestinians are killed after an attack on a home in rough up where people are sheltering is really special forces dressed as doctors and nurses into a hospital in the occupied westbank killing 3 palestinians. pakistan's, former prime minister, a wrong con, is sentenced to 10 years in prison for leaking state secrets. we'll have the latest
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on that from some about the, to this breaking news. now, a mazda is political leader is mile, and the a says that they have received a gaza ceasefire proposal. this follows talks in paris between can tar and the intelligence chief of the us, israel and egypt. and he says that he will travel to cairo for further discussions on this in a statement in response to the ceasefire proposal. and the a, the political leader of hamas extended things to egypt and guitar for their role in order to reach a sustainable ceasefire agreement in gaza. he said how mazda is open to discussing any serious and practical initiatives provided that the lead solicitation is really aggression. and that'd be primary rule for accepting any proposal is to stop the roots of aggression against gaza and for the withdrawal of the occupation forces from the strip i live to worry challenges in occupied east jerusalem worry.
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i know that we are all short on specifics of what is being discussed and what is in the proposal. can you just lay out for us in broad terms, what you know about what's being discussed like the, the, the, the frameworks. it has been fresh out of the several days in paris between those policies that you just mentioned that because the united states to go to israel, we've got cut off, we've got egypt. he's basically the that might be a $45.00 day pause in the fighting and stay would be an exchange of some of the captive stats. how much is holding in gaza about $35.00 of them full, roughly $4000.00 palestinian prisoners. and they would be essentially more rounds of releases and discussions, and a further extension falls se spots over the following week. so months now is pretty
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vague, but that is the framework. so we understand has been discussed. that's the framework that we understand has been put to how much because of holes come us wasn't involved in noise power as discussions. so the big question, once some sort of agreements have been reached was well yes, maybe we've got progress. but that progress doesn't count for much if how much itself is going to reject it. we don't know yet. the onset of that question, because this statement from is male honey and the political leader of how much doesn't say at the moments whether they are going to say yes. so no judgement that just said that they all have received it and they're studying it. now that you know, the, how much position basically is that to any deal that i agreed to, it would have to involve the full scale suffice. and the facilities that, you know, that essentially means the end to the war. and that is something that israel does
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not feel at the moment that it is able to do because you know that, that position, that israel sets out at the beginning of the complex was we are going to finish. how much as a minute treat organizations. we are going to stop them, have a presenting a threats to israel ever again. and if the war stops now, many people in israel was like, well, what was a lot full refills, 2530000 palestinians. but how much is still a fighting force? how much is still launching? rock rockets? how much still has prisoners? all right, you know, taxes on the grounds in, in dogs. i'm a still has the sausages. if there is right, you see it. so these ready governments say it's a to stop the war. now what i think be not fulfilling it's, it's get it's goals of the war. and so this is going to be a difficult decision. royd challenge reporting there from occupied east jerusalem. thank you very much mohammed and as i'll joins us now. so you're
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a member of how mazda is political bureau. what can you tell us about the offer that hamas has received? actually today, how much have received it was a big issue and by fridays conference. if we told the mediators about how much, what to study the proposal in our 40 because bureau, which was the concepts from leadership inside outside. if i see the cities, and we would have discussed this weird but also a lot of discussions with these issues. i'm going to use the title is because we will have as soon as possible after we in our discussions inside the bureau. okay. are you at this stage able to
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outline for us uh the, the broad framework of this proposal. actually stokes, about the ac spray up, but we thought maybe it does that mean i'm to say, i'm is our bull. we come to exit a ceasefire for 40 years. healey, darian reasons, we want it been on these for you is secondly, we want it was the girl is the with the girl was informed that this thread we've out is that i the with the general one we sense also accept this in you b o you propose that seriously. we want to unload
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the it's and it's based on the state because a lot of people are a somebody is from stop and they out of somebody april the short pay. oh restores. oh well water or electricity. so these mean things what we want from the to 8. otherwise, we accept visa because it know the category prime minister who has been in washington has talked about the possibility of a phase the truth. and that this is what would be put to guitar. so presumably this might be what you've received, a phased truce, meaning that this would go in stages and it would start with a most releasing women and children in exchange for increased humanitarian aid. is that something that i'm us might be willing to consider?
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you know, we don't to, it just, uh, i mean kind of the stages but we want it from both sides threes on a couple of kids in the really, it isn't us because it gives a who of, with the resistance movement and got this thing. so we are located here to really use oh yeah, because it's on both sides. but of course it needs a negotiation or 2. these are for this one, a set. so this is a further demand then because you told me 3 points, 3 demands. this is a further one, but my question is, is more around what home us be willing to accept something in phase if everything a mazda is asking for is not proposed, then it's not available and it's not on the table at this stage,
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would almost be willing to accept something in stages so that perhaps those goals can be achieved at a later stage. we, we are really here to stop the 5. do we really need it to release the pros in us? i mean, we is, it might be, or if it isn't us who are with the existence moment, but we need of course negotiations limit this form the, the limit this form. this is very important for, for both sides. so this is what we are looking for. and this is what is it is what the from us, the one there is that there's i'm,
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we are really nice. oh good. i just wanna make sure that i understand that clearly are you are you are you are, are you not saying that how much could agree under certain conditions for a pause in the fighting rather than a permanent and to the fighting. give them the right circumstances and the right offer on the tape. you know, we are looking for a bare minimum the ceasefire. but we can do it the 2nd stage in the state, the very important one for us. 3, so this, remember this, he's fine. otherwise, it means the 2nd on the war between us and these are the tools. what do we want? c slay ar family. nancy's for? yeah, i, it says your for, for both sides for i'm for the people but it's time.
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okay. but it, but that could be achieved in stages, which i think is an important part of this conversation. and, and, and just before i let you go, sir, the category prime minister has described the negotiations as having made, quote, good progress. would you agree with that assessment? yes, yes, we are really to achieve this by stages. okay. alright. thank you very much, mohammed and as our member of how mazda is political bureau, it's good to have you on the program. thank you. thank a video has emerged showing dozens of palestinian detainees blind folded their hands tied behind their backs and forced to sit in doors. the men were detained in hon. eunice as they were attempting to leave the area. it's not clear when the video was recorded comes, i'm a 100 reports either i had ordered them to leave hun eunice as it intensified it's
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bombardment of the causes a strip. but as the what trying to do, just that is really forces detained in the what then blank, forwarded. their hands tied behind their backs and forced to newly into that the exec data of this video is not clear, but it's recent is the setup. check things across fun, eunice, resting palestinians trying to hit by the sold to us roughly. this is not the 1st time that palestinian detainees have been subjected to humiliation. in december, a video and magical doesn't support a student entities stripped and forced to sit in the middle of the road, was surrounded by throw you. so just some of those individual included you n y a joiner to those of young those 15, they would be painful mold and a month with some released wedding only diapers, the u. n accused is the right of mistreating palistine in detainees in regards to the families of the tenants. believe the number in thousands have not been provided
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with information on the faith or the occasional philip once is reading mistake urgent steps to ensure that all those are asked him or detained are treated in line with international human rights and international humanitarian law. norms and standards is very safe. only do things fight as belonging to palistine in. i'm groups that claim we only in rate palistine and activities on human rights terms and just data. israel has returned the bodies of 18 palestinians killed in gaza in recent weeks. they were sent in a truck through the car, him up with the lam crossing and they're going to be buried in the city of rough and southern gaza. the bodies had been taken and held in israel hunting, ma, who joins us from rough uh, in the southern gaza. honey, you've been following those events. you were talking about the truck that delivered the body's book. do we have any idea even who is being buried?
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how they were killed a yes the so far those bodies the were just buried here and the just the bulldozer for the last layer of sand just covered the mass graves. the bodies inside are largely and identified badly decomposed. in fact, we had family members who is right in the middle of the process. so the storm, the, the cemetery, the non attempt to identify family members who, whom they said they have been missing since the initial weeks of the war. they have not heard from them. they don't know if they're still alive or did so. their attempts here was to go through the bodies here and to the identify if any of the family members or relative is among them, they have been largely unsuccessful. as these bodies are largely decomposed and in fact, the only the identification these bodies returned with is the just the numbers that
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were put on the plastic back, the trout, it's them, this is the tragedy of, of what's going on. people are missing the i tried there, the sees or they're taken by this really a military and then returned, but no names, no identification whatsoever among the bodies that we looked at here while they were being buried. do i'd like bodies of velvet children, bodies of women as well. and little donnelly and the young man about 80 of them were delivered and had early hour this morning through carmel beside him. the crossing with the coordination of the red cross and the house. the authorities in the concert was spoke to an official, a house official here, representing the housing emergency committee, who was sitting at tens will be made later on to identify these bodies and match them with families across garza. but this would likely take time as the were still
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going on and there is a risk of moving around and searching for family members remaining a, a live. just given a fact that the vast majority of people in the northern part in gaza, city and the central area have been displaced into rough uh city. and there are remaining family members who are in the northern part and gaza with no communication whatsoever. honey, my mood, thank you very much for bringing us what you know about this scream story at this hour. that social 0 is honey mountain with reporting from ross. and the southern part of the strip is still a head on alpha 0 for testing. the rising cost of living the all position is taking to the streets, inch for lanka, and we will take, you will tell you why the united states is re imposing sanctions on venezuela as candidates campaign ahead of elections. later this year the,
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there's more snow to come for japan, the code has been sitting in the northeast of john is coming out of grove across the water. i will see it 1st of all studies that involve talk and property is a part of the maintenance areas of an old home shoot. but sense of that is much more my and writing seems like he's been spreading him through from the south west to china. so the yankee valley is going to start to raining. shank are kind of against the cold wind here, which shows itself as snow and shaft. so by the time you get to assess day, the temperature dropped in shanghai, that reading would have been being housed in southern china and also stretched across the chest to the file size of japan. with the increasing we know what usually would visit because i think it will not be that strong, but we just certainly returns to our carter. as you can see, to the west of that's where the winter is represented in 2 ways by persistence fog in the northern indian plain, which i think will be rain diets in new delhi. this reading coming at least the evening, ready for the next couple days, could be sundry slight,
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to improve the quality, get rid of the fog, and there's been snow folding up in the hole and is lum about as well. first off of the season, denny's temperature is pretty steady. it's the change. what happens in the sky, the defects the weather here. so the said early fault that a dusty wood or the right or morning far again by friday the, the, the, the was yeah. so the se in everything is good, even explain the torch of all types of torture. it was unbelievable. this with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding, poor revenge, occupied and imprisoned out. is there the
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you're watching l 0. a reminder of our headlines this hour from us leader is mail him a, a says that they have received a ceasefire proposal. this follows talks and power is between guitar and the intelligence chief from the us, israel and egypt. and he says that he will travel to cairo for further discussions . and dozens of palestinians have been arrested in southern gaza. they've been detained for several days, and they're being kept blindfolded on their knees. these really army says those arrested or terrorists. israel has returned the bodies of 18 palestinians killed in gaza in recent weeks. they were sent in a truck through the count them up. we sell them crossing and they will be buried in
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the city of rasa and southern guns. a funeral is being held for the 3 palestinian men killed by his barely special forces during a raid on a hospital in geneva. the attack seems to be the 1st of its kind since the war on guns that began. charles stratford has this report from ramallah in the occupied west back. these are not the medics but this guy is these ready soldiers inside a promise to be in hospital hunting, a patient to kill a targeted assassination and a civilian medical institution in the city. if you need any occupied westbank, according to the hospital stuff, series of crimes, violating hospitals and storming medical institutions assaulting medical teams and assassinating 3 young men. we want to reiterate our appeals to international institutions that they need to stand by us and take responsibility against these crimes statement by the janine brigades, which includes a number of policy and no longer existence group said 2 of the 3 main members
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islamic jihad, and one come on to the sud was a come on drink from us. from i said it was a fully fledged war crime and a continuation of crimes against people from garza. so jeanine and he's ready, hold on the statement said what it cooled from us terrorist. so, hiding inside the hospital that'd be neutralized, it's it how much come out of the hama gilan. they had been planning an attack, inspired by the october the 7th, how much the tax had been transferring weapons and ammunition to all the finances. he's already on the open surrounds and at times that actually attacked the 3 hospitals in jeanine during the nightly military raids on the city. but this is the 1st time since the beginning of the war that they have actually ensued a civilian medical facility. and what seems to be a targeted assassination on one policy and, you know, sort use a cooling gets a nova contravention of international child strap it down to 0. romanella and the
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occupied was fine. this is rose, use of white phosphorescent. munitions is costing lebanese farmers near the border of millions of dollars. as in rome, con reports from $711.00 on the internationally banned weapons and civilian areas will cause environmental damage for years to come. under international human rights, little this should not be happening. the use of white false for us, munitions will not find out right. is a legal when used in civilian areas like this town of him along the disputed boat of it is ro, white false for us bones through anything. it comes into contact with clouds, scan muscle, bone, it destroys livestock, and makes land unfit for sewing crops, potentially for at least a generation as well. it's not unusual to use such weapons, always saying in lebanon, and look as though, is that israel, in the case of it as a, we've documented the use of white phosphorus and populated areas which is
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a violation of i chill, human rights watch also documented the use of white phosphorus and 11 on and other right groups, including i'm gonna see engine national, have noted that israel has apparently use white phosphorus indiscriminately on civilian areas which would not to a violation of instruction material as well as a stock response when it comes to white 1st for us, munitions saying it is a to international law. first one of the, of the agricultural town of a room is currently living in the town of deed having been forced from his home by flight to he's an agricultural expert and tells us they won't know exactly how much damage has been done until they survey it when they return, but he knows the damage is extensive and long term, but on the 1st floor, red book will be at the beginning of the 1st for us as a significant impact on the soil. given that it can react and a slight amount of m. c. into ground water, and in addition, it may lead to an imbalance and the environmental ecological diversity is landon ground water, rivers and rain. the direct damage is caused by rapid binding that can effect
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humans, plants, animal, etc. this is what the optimum off of the white fos for us attack looks like all the vegetation across a fairly wide area, hit old black and, and burned. but this is just a tardy fraction of the damage. the closer you get to the boat, the most seems like this that you'll see $20000000.00 worth of damage according to the lebanese agricultural industry across that disputed bowed up. but for the farm is the is another problem. these white false was the tax close and the numerous amounts of environmental damage, meaning the, these fields i'm feel like this may not be plausible for at least a generation. and we're on con, how does their color sort 11 and the course in pakistan has sent in the former prime minister and run con,
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to 10 years in prison, has been found guilty of revealing official secrets. the former prime minister was pushed out in a no confidence both in 2022 kind is already serving a 3 year prison sentence. and a corruption case is sentencing comes ahead of parliamentary elections next month into a long canal and alliance of opposition parties and their supporters are holding protests in the capital colombo against recent tax increases. protesters say that a value added tax it'd be a t rise is adding to every day costs of living so long as already baffling a crippling economic crisis. it led to unrest in 2022, forcing the then president could stop by our shop. kind of rush off costs us to step down. we know fernandez is that the protest in colombo, of the role of police you see behind me has been essentially most of it together to meet the protest called by the main opposition that united peoples power parties are the some luggage on the by the vega. now the party has basically issued this
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rolling cause against the rising costs. now the value added tax was increased by 3 percent, taking it to a total of 18 percent of a ton of the. yeah. so adding to already sort of significant biting all instead of the measures which the government has said is the only way for, for long cost to call back to recovery off to that economic crisis that bankrupt the country, leaving it with our foreign exchange to buy food med since you know, for people for ordinary people that growth is that every single thing has gone off in price from gas, from food, from fuel to everything, leaving them really, really struggling to purchase these treadmills on the table. so people and not just from the last last of society, but people of every single straw them have complained that they just having problems making in means. and what they say is that, yes, if they see a, you know, tax money and things like that put to is good. use that view better,
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but then not seeing that. and before they can actually pay, what they do is uh they have to survive and they say right now that's in question. you know fernandez audra 0, colombo, hong kong is leader says that he wants to type in national security legislation as soon as possible to include offences such as treason, insurrection, and espionage. john lee says the city cannot afford to wait any longer to build on aging national security law. that was an act it after widespread crack down on mass protests. patrick falk has more from home. com as well, it is going to make some difference out and then the government isn't wasting any time to set this in motion the legislature is going to be gathering. so take off this consultation process and john lee has pledged existing legislation that is in place, namely, the beijing impose national security law. they said was like a call with pots missing all to cool. 23 will no typically include
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laws against sedition, espionage and roles. so then foreign political organizations from conducting any sort of political activity here, there was some concern expressed about the length of the consultation period, which will last until the end of february. that means as any one month compared to the 3 months people were given in 2002 when the government 1st tried to roll out to optical 23, but for was ultimately sho. remember also $23.00 is paul to pumpkins and many constitution which has been in place since the end of the 1997. it is required to enact this legislation, and john lee said that it's been waiting for 26 years to do so. today in the us is reinstating sanctions on venezuela. so banning an opposition leader from running for president maria corrina machado says that the presidential election is
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scheduled to be held later this year will not happen without our townhome that reports. so the candidate for venezuela's meno position coalition has a message for the countries president. nicola nicholas mature isn't going to treat the people's candidate. but that seems to be exactly what the president's done. because maria corina machado, who won the type or opposition primary by landslide, has been disqualified from the countries 2024 elections. the decision was made by supreme court headed by ruling policy lloyd list. but it could come at a cost within his white glove and candidates. in october the united states lifted some of its sanctions, granted the country they partly in exchange for the government, committing to let some bundle position, pigs back into politics. now the us says it's reviewing it, science and policy again. mr. madura, one is regina have decisions we have to make. we want to see him meet the commitments they made back in october to allow position parties and candidates to
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run appropriately and release political prisoners. we have decisions to make as well. if they don't do that, they've got till april. we'll see what they do. meanwhile, machado right wing politically better, and so she won't step aside for substitute kinds of that. bob will have a little bad and go down my the we are going to be nicholas my do in elections this . yeah. and we're going to do to give that it's not clear who a substitute would be anyway. so my position, vegas.


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