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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:29pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the mouse says this, receive the seats fly proposal on the 1000 multiple to be held in the car. the alarm clock is out, is there a line from the host it coming up? palestinian detainees a blindfolded handcuff by his ready soldiers in southern gaza. noise really strikes target, a strip of houses hit and roughly killing everybody inside impact of stones from a prime minister. and con is sentenced to 10 years in prison for leaking state secret.
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the c. as we begin with breaking news and how much this political data is small, he says they have received a c spot proposal on the wall and gaza. if on his talks in paris between casa unintelligence choose from the united states, israel and egypt, tanya says he will travel to car. now, for further discussions in his statements, he extended his science to egypt into casa, for that role in trying to reach a sustainable ccr agreement in gaza. he said how mazda is open to discussing any serious and practical initiative, provided they lead to a section of is riley aggression. and that the primary rule for accepting any proposal is to stop the booklet brushing against garza and the withdrawal of occupation forces from the strip. let's cross to telling me of not having jump june is joining us. and so it might happen if we heard of it from is rather to the so nick,
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what we're seeing being reported in israel is essentially the parameters of what is real perhaps has signed off on when it comes to the deal that has been presented to how much we've not getting any gotten any more word from any of the political leadership today with regards to the specifics of the deal. but what we understand from hearing what people have said, sources anonymously to israeli media outlets the last few days is that israel has essentially agreed on a phase deal. and that phase one would see a cessation of hostilities in gaza for approximately $45.00 days. that there would be a prisoner swap that you would see $35.00 to $40.00 is really captives in guys that being exchanged for roughly around $4000.00 palestinian prisoners and within the reports of the framework of this deal. it is stated that in the last week of that 1st phase, you would then have further negotiations to try and extend that cessation of
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hostilities that in the 2nd phase it would be expected. you would then have is really soldiers and is really men who are captive in gaza. that would then be released. you would see thousands more palestinians released and been in a 3rd phase. and it's not been determined how long that would last, maybe weeks, maybe months. but in a 3rd phase, the hope is that you would then see the bodies of israeli soldiers that are in gaus up being released and that there would be more palestinian prisoners released as an exchange. again, none of this being confirmed by government leadership, but here's where things get complicated because in the past hour you've had the far right national security minister in the israel. if more been v or t posted on the social media site x, formerly twitter. and he said that a reckless deal equals the collapse of the government. now this is where you see the kind of pressure that is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is under because there had been numerous members of the right wing and his government to
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over the seas. for you, it is going to be we want it was the girl is really with the girl. was it from? does this thread without is that i easy was it through? when we've done also accept it this in you d o you propose it seriously. we want to allow the human to tell you it's there to the state because a lot of people we are somebody we don't to it shipped to any kind of the . ready stages, but we want it from both sides, threes on a, kept the kids in italy, prison, us detectives who of,
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with the it is this sense that movement and got this thing. so we are located there to really use. oh yeah. but there is on both sides. we are looking for a bin and then the ceasefire. but we can do it is the 2nd stage. and does he have to state the very important point for us? 3, so this printer is fair. otherwise, it means the 2nd of the war between us and these are the tools. what do, and we will see slay, i've been on c, c, r. i is yours for, for both sides, for on, for the people. but it's time as my haven't and as all that member of how much the political bureau. now a video has the most showing dozens of palestinian detain,
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these blind folded hands tied behind the box and forced to sit in it that the men were detained in hon. unice, since they were attempting to leave the area, it's not clear when the video was recorded. i was in the habit, has this now, is it i had ordered them to leave one unit as it intensified it's bombardment of the causes a strip. but as they were trying to do, just that is really forces detained in the what then blank, forwarded. their hands tied behind their backs and forced to newly into that the exec data of this video is not clear, but it's recent. is it already set up? check things across fun, eunice, resting palestinians trying to hit by the sold to us roughly. this is not the 1st time that palestinian detainees have been subjected to immunization in december, a video and magical doesn't support a student entities strip and forced to sit in the middle of the road. was surrounded by throw you. so just some of those individual included you
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n y a joiner, and those of young those 15 they wouldn't be paying for more than a month with some released wedding only diapers. the u. n accused is right of mistreating palistine in detainees in regards to the families of the tenants. believe the number in thousands have not been provided with information on the faith or the occasion of philip once it is reading must take urgent steps to ensure that all those interested or detained are treated in line with international human rights and international humanitarian law. norms. and standards these right faith only defends fight as belonging to palestinian on groups that claim only in rate palistine and activities on human rights terms. and how much does data now is right? as returning the bodies of ac palestinians killed them, gone through the recent weeks. they was sent in a truck through the cut them a booster lemma crossing and will be buried in the city of reference,
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southern gaza. forties have been taken and held in israel speak to honey by food, a correspondent joins as from reference, southern gospel, honey. do we have any idea who is being buried or how they would kill as well as these bodies where uh, return that early hour this morning and deliver it to the palm of the house of for it is a throw for the nation with the red cross and this is not the 1st time this is the probably the 1st the rule of i did bought as being returned to the gaza strip by the 1st one was in fine units were delivered to health authority. the loss of the hospital, the, the 2nd was there and rough i 100 was about a, the body is the, were delivering this time the 3rd batch of, of did bodies delivered for also via the bodies of palestinians who have been
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killed in the course of this ongoing genocide across the gaza strip a 1000000 the northern parts and, and gaza city. some of the bodies that we looked at, it look like do worse. taking it from a graveyard that had been desecrated either in garza or, or in the, in the central area or the northern part as their, their body. very fraud with their coffins is wide sheets a. what normally is used when you have the right circumstances and you are very someone not in plastic and box, but given the long time that these bodies have been held in under these very custody. and just they have, they are largely a, they've been largely decomposed. that was pretty much a beyond recognition people who gathered at the, at the cemetery in the family members who knew about the news. they gather at the the cemetery. an attempt to identify bodies of family members who have been missing
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board. they haven't heard from best in the past weeks, and particularly people from hon. you and is that right after the news? they heard about domestic rating one of the major, a cemetery in new york on new and is not sort of hospitality. they believe that some of the bodies were among those 80 bought into returns to the gods for nobody knows how many people are still under these very uh, mountain terry custody or how what is the reason they're being taken do these really a side but. 3 as far as we spoke with the, the health emergency committee who was said these really minutes already had an experience in the past where they say it's literally stalled oregon's of from these bodies or event then returned down to the palestinian side. and honey, i brief if you would the fight to close. still ongoing. what's happening on that front?
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a sizzling over night and as raw the day. uh, an earlier hours a day. the bombings good campaign continues across the gauze as trent midland han. you and his son, dogs in the northern part where we see a renewed fight thing. 3 they pay, pick it up in the northern part thing dogs, a city, and in addition to military rates, the evacuation centers under heavy coverage of air strikes on artillery, southern gov every mile neighborhood. once that's driving neighborhood now turn into a pile of rebels into jeff valley at the vicinity of of a civil hospital in the northern part as well. 6 as in jump out of town and densely populated area in northern southern part of gauze and the sub, but were more residential home were targeted and destroyed here and dropped by an overnight air to strike a residential almost targeted full of displays, palestinians, the 3 to reported at least go so far,
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there are many under the rubble. then that's the aftermath that people have to deal with the the people who are trapped under the rubble of go missing on the durable. it takes time to pull them. and by the time they're out of, from under the rubber, they're either deceived or they are ready and in bad shape. do it to the point on unable to recognize them in high noon is where most of the fighting is taking place around the vicinity of a lot of the hospital lives bit under now those areas these for the pop a days along with not sort of hospital work health facilities that the paramedics and civil defense corps are unable to do their job on the ground to get the targeted sites or a provide the assess as needed for those who are either injured or pulled bodies of from targeted area. the situation a getting worse by, by the day, despite reports about a possible initial phase of ceasefire in the horizon,
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but it's still at getting worse by today. indeed. all right, how did you, thanks very much for that. i need my food, the in a reference of as well. the theatre is being held for the 3 palestinian men killed by his ready special forces during a raid on the hospital in jeanine. they attacked seems to be the 1st of its kind since of war on gauze, have begun charles truck for that. this report now from ramallah in the occupied west bank. these are not the medics but disclaims these ready soldiers inside a promise to be in hospital hunting, a patient to kill a targeted assassination and a civilian medical institution in the city. if you need any occupied westbank, according to the hospital stall, one of the 3 men killed had been receiving treatment for injuries he suffered during these radio. let me write 2 months ago. i mean, this is a crime that can be added to a series of crimes violating hospitals and storming medical institutions assaulting medical teams. necessitating 3 young men,
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we want to reiterate or appeal to international institutions that they need to stand by us and take responsibility against these crimes statement by the janine brigades, which includes a number of policy you no longer resistance groups said 2 of the 3 main members islamic just had one come on to the sud was a come on during from us. from i said it was a fully fledged war crime and a continuation of crimes against people from garza. so jeanine and he's ready, hold on the statement said what it cooled from us terrorist so hiding inside the hospital and be neutralized. but it's it, how much come out of them or how much alarm they have been planning an attack in supplied by the october the 7th, how much the tax had been transfer ring weapons and ammunition to all the fighters . he's already on the open surrounds and at times of actually attacked the 3 hospitals in jeanine during the night, the military rage on the city. but this is the 1st time since the beginning of the war that they have actually ensued
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a civilian medical facility. and what seems to be a target to assess the nation and one the pot assume you know, sort use a cooling gets a nova contravention of international child strap it onto a 0 romanella in the occupied was fine still the head here now to 0. the leader of homecoming says attorney trees, national security lower needs tied to into trees in insurrection and espionage, and from electric cars and rockets and space to brain shit, implants, fuel mosque announces the 1st successful operation was give sight to people the power of the world, the persistence of sunshine and the regime of warm weather has given effectively a quite alarm lost in key twice in argentina,
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but it spread across to pump the chile as well. send to ya goes $35.00 doesn't reflect an absolute record. but there is a heat wave warning ad here as the u. v. index is extremely high, so that's dangerous. you got in the some of the temperatures are rising again. after about 37 on wednesday and thursday. the public see was being given free to people for the obviously any, anything you can do to relieve the sort of heat stress is being done in both julie an option to record, but you can see persistently, unpleasantly high. now there's some change further north where we've had because of high temperatures and dr. wild 5 and pumps of columbia is right in coming this way dr. charles, because of the focus and he's got to stop the shower here fairly soon. so it's pretty warm throughout the caribbean and further west, but i think this change in the regime normally when with the flu, representing rain will cool things down and bring some rain to you. the winter continues in the us and canada,
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but the only cold enough weather for sparrows around the great lakes. otherwise it's warm and sunny, 2 feet in the southern states, but increasing the west again in the pacific. the latest news, as it breaks on and the savage highlands of the private business went to space, is convincing member states to take a unified position with detailed coverage. the native forests on the other half of this gigantic properties. the ones that you see behind me cannot be touched by their owners from around the world. what you see behind me is the ops really piloted personal air vehicle south korea's answer to the air. it's hot,
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the the other guy you. what chance, dear reminder about top storage, and how much is politically small heavy it says they've received the seats phone proposal on the warrant officer police towards between cuts of unintelligence choose from the united states. as real discussions will now be held, thousands of palestinians would be interested in southern casa, they've been detained for the several days, and it being kept blindfolded on many these where the army says those rest is a term is relative return to bodies of ac palestinians killed in dallas, or in recent weeks, or they were sent to the truck through the time after. so let me proceed on the ferry and secure, roughly in southern gauze. when israel's use of white phosphorus, munitions is costing lebanese farm is near the border, millions of dollars,
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then run con reports from southern lebanon. the internationally band weapons and civilian areas will cause environmental damage for us to come under international human rights. little this should not be happening. the use of white false for us, munitions will not bind right. is illegal when used in civilian areas like this town of him along the disputed boat of it is ro, white false for us bones through anything. it comes into contact with clouds, skin, muscle, bone. it destroys livestock. i makes land unfit for sewing crops, potentially for at least a generation as well. it's not unusual to use such weapons, always saying in love and on and look as though, is that israel, in the case of it as a, we've documented the use of white phosphorus and populated areas which is a violation of via cho, human rights watch. also documented the use of white phosphorus and lebanon, and other right groups, including i'm gonna see in should national,
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have noticed that israel has apparently used phosphorus indiscriminately on civilian areas, which would not to a violation of instruction material, as well as a stock response. when it comes to white, 1st for us, munitions saying it is a to international. first part of the, of the agricultural town of a room is currently living in the town of deed having been fullest from his home by flight. he's an agricultural expert and tells us they won't know exactly how much damage has been done until they survey it when they return. but he knows the damage is extensive and a long term, but on the 1st floor, redbud b. u at the beginning because phosphorus has a significant impact on the soil, given that it can react and a slow amount of sleep into ground water. and in addition, it may lead to an imbalance and the environmental, ecological diversity. underground water, rivers, and rain. the direct damage is caused by rapid binding that can affect humans, plants, animals, et cetera. this is what the optimum of, of a white, fos for us attack looks like all the vegetation across
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a fairly wide area hit or black and, and burned. but this is just a tardy fraction of the damage. the closer you get to the boat, the most seems like this that you'll see $20000000.00 worth of damage according to the lebanese agricultural industry across that disputed bowed up. but for the farm is the, is another problem. these white false was attacks close and the numerous amounts of environmental damage, meaning the, these fields i'm, feels like this may not be plausible for at least a generation. and we're on con out, is there a color sort 11 and a cold and focused on a sentence? former prime minister and run con to 10 years in prison. he's been found guilty of revealing official secrets. former prime minister was pushed down to the no confidence votes in 2022 con is already so i've got a 3 year prison sentence in a corruption. the sentencing comes ahead of parliamentary elections next month. come
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a hide as more not from his level to especially guard dodge was hearing the official secret tax case against the former prime minister on conn. and the form of foreign minister showing them with godaddy. she bought the 10 year rigorous imprisonments, and then for board the leaders of the progress on the day, you can stop saying that this was a violation of the refrigerator, the secret tax. now this pertains to a diplomatic cipher communication between the focus on the embassy in washington earlier in rates, job one of the state department officials directing that if there was not a word of confidence against the former prime minister, that they would be consequences. we'll plug this done and non contracted with a conspiracy throughout the government. the government, at that time, a $1340.00 correlation along with the establishment decided to slap the case against them. saying that this was a violation of the refrigerator. because that guide is
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a sentence of up to 14 year maximum rigorous imprisonment as well as that gets sent . then. so as lloyd are now saying that there was a ruling by dissolve, i'd high court, which said that this has to be an open drive because the drive was being added in camera inside the j. and that the media and his eagles games are also be allowed to represent the client. now that did not happen a legal to damage, very confident. they haven't been to the paperless supporters do them income and they said that there was no guidance data. and this all about the high call come out of how you did. i was just there, uh, it's summer by asia learning current and lines of opposition policies and the support us holding protests in the capital colombo again to recent tax increases. placing using both to come in to try to suppress them, it's us to say a value added tax rise is adding to everyday cost of living. for length was already approximately a crippling economic crisis. it led to unrest in 2022,
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forcing been president to go to buy right japan, to step down. no fernandez is that the purchase in columbus of the role of police you see behind me has been essentially most so together to meet the protest caused by the main opposition that united peoples paula potty or the some luggage on the by the vega. now the party has basically issued this rallying cause against the rising costs. now the value added tax was increased by 3 percent, taking it to a total of 18 percent of the ton of the. yeah. so adding to already sort of significant biting all instead of the measures which the government has said is the only way for, for low income to close back to recovery after that economic crisis that bankrupt the country, leaving it without foreign exchange to buy food. meds and fuel now for people for ordinary people that growth is that every single thing has gone off in price from gas, from food, from fuel to everything, leaving them really,
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really struggling to put the $3.00 square meals on the table. so people and not just from the laws last of society, but people of every single straw him have complained that they're just having problems making in means. and what they say is that, yes, if they see a, you know, tax money and things like that put to is good. use that view better, but then not seeing that. and before they can actually pay, what they do is uh they have to survive and they say right now that's interesting. you know fernandez audra 0, colombo, hong kong inflated says he wants to type national security legislation as soon as possible to include defensive, such as treason instruction, an espionage to lease as a city cannot afford to wait any longer to build on badging national security law. that was inactive. dr. wide spread crack down on mass protest. patrick fox has more from home called as well. it is going to make some difference out and,
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and the government isn't wasting any time to set this in motion the legislature is going to be gathering. so take off this consultation process and john lee has pledged previously to enact article 23. by the end of this year, she reiterated that it needs to be done as soon as possible because the existing legislation that is in place, namely, the beijing, impose national security. little they said was like a call with pots missing all to cool. 23 will no typically include laws against sedition espionage and the roles. so the foreign political organizations from conducting any sort of political activity here, there was some concern expressed about the length of the consultation period, which will last until the end of february. that means as any one month compared to
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the 3 months people were given in 2002 when the government 1st tried to roll out to optical 23, but for was ultimately sho. remember all to $23.00 is paul to pumpkins. many constitution which has been in place since the hand of and 1997. it is required to enact this legislation, and john lee said that it's been waiting for 26 years to do so today or soccer as president is blocked in attempt to launch a new investigation into a crowd cross in 202259 people died and so during halloween celebrations, the decision drew criticism from relatives of the victim to say the government's handling of the disaster was inadequate. united states has reinstating sanctions on venezuela for binding, an opposition leader from running for president maria corina machado says the election later. this year will not happen without a short hallman as this. the candidate for venezuela's may know position coalition
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has a message for the countries president, me go down my, the nicholas, my girl isn't going to choose the people's candidate. but that seems to be exactly what the president's done. because maria corrina machado, one type or a position primary by landslide, has been disqualified from the countries 2024 elections. the decision was made by supreme court headed by ruling policy lawyer list. but it could cover the costs of and his wife and candidates. in october the united states lifted some of its sanctions, granted the country they partly in exchange for the government, committing to let some bond opposition. take us back into politics. now the us says it's reviewing its function policy again. mr. medina. one is regina have decisions they have to make. we want to say and meet the commitments they made back in october to allow position parties and candidates to run appropriately and released political prisoners. we have decisions to make as well. if they don't do that, they've got till april. we'll see what they do. meanwhile, machado right wing political bedford,
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so she won't step aside for substitute kinds of that. bob will have a little that i'm going down my the we are going to be nicholas my do in elections is. yeah. and we're going to do to give them i don't see who a substitute would be anyway, so my position tickets have been banned. others have flipped the country along with more than 7000000. other people definitely points towards another vote. which president nicholas, my daughter, comes out until his prize an 11 year in charge of a country and a long standing, some emissary, and an economic crisis on home. and i'll just now the 1st person to receive


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