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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:29pm AST

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of the, the holding the powerful to account was we examined the us each row in the, on out your 0. the masses politically that says he's received to see spot proposal for gals and will travel to cairo for discussion. the next lock this down to 0 in life and also coming up is real hands. eva bodies of h e. policy into being taken from goza and held in israel. video emerges, showing palestinian detain these blind folded in time constant gallons of vitamins ready soldiers. also ahead of us pays company announces for
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a successful brain shit implants and says it, gifts heights, people who have the masses politically this money says they've received to see as far as when the ball and draws if others talks and pass between casa unintelligence chief from the united states israel in egypt and he says he will travel to car for further discussions in the statements. he extended his thanks to egypt and concept full of that role in trying to reach his sustainable, seized by agreement in gaza. he said how mass is open to discussing any serious and practical initiatives provide that they lead to assisted station of israeli aggression. and that the primary rules accepting any proposal is to stop the brooklyn gretchen dictates garza and the withdrawal of the occupation forces from the strip. haven't gonzalez, a member of how massive political bureau and he explained to the conditions for
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mass considered as non negotiable? we thought does that. ready when i'm say i'm is oh, well cool. we come to exit eh, ceasefire for the, for the reasons we want a 10 minute seas for you is secondly, we want it was the girl is really with the girl. was it from? does this thread without? is the easy, was it the one we sense also accept it this in you d o you propose it? seriously. we want to allow the human to taylor x add to the state because a lot of people the, somebody we've done to it shipped to any kind of the. ready stages,
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but we want it from both sides, threes on a, kept the kids in is the reason us detectives who of with the is this sense that movement and got the state. so we are located there to release. oh yeah, but there is on both sides. we are looking for a been in the ceasefire, but we can do it is the 2nd stage in this state, the very important one for us. 3. so this printer is slow. yeah. otherwise it means the backend of the war between us. and these are the tools. what do we want?
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see say i've been on c spy out of it is yours for, for both sides. what is yours and for the people, but it's time and well, we'll have ration from united states and just a moment. kimberly how could his dining 5, but at 1st let's cross them how much i'm dream in tel aviv. maybe. so what do we know on your site development negotiations? so next, let me just mention that in the past 15 minutes or so, we have heard from israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he was speaking to an audience and he gave remarks in which he said that the war will not end without the illumination of how much he also went on to say, i hear statements about all kinds of deals. so i want to make it clear, we will not in this war without achieving all our goals, and that means the elimination of how much the return of all our hostages and a promise the gaza will no longer pose a threat to israel. he also said in regards to these reports of
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a potential hostage deal, he said, the israeli army will not leave garza and that he has no intention of releasing thousands of in his words terrace. now we must give some context to these remarks. he was speaking at a religious preparatory school in the occupied west bank at an illegal settlement. and obviously this is a right wing audience. so he would be taking a stance the saying that israel is going to maintain a top stands towards how much going forward. but this also comes in the context of just a couple of hours ago. there was a post on the social media site x, formerly known as twitter, in which the national security administered the far right way, national security. mr. it's more been give your tweeted, reckless deal equals government collapse in essence a threat. but if he perceives that benjamin netanyahu is entering into what is considered to be a reckless deal by the right wing and israel, that means that he would walk away from the government that would ensure its collapse. and that's the kind of political peril. and that's and yeah,
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who is in right now beyond that, you also have a statement that came out just a short while ago from palestinian islamic jihad in which they said they will not engage in any understandings regarding is really hostages without ensuring a comprehensive ceasefire. and the withdrawal of these really forces from the gaza strip. this is according to the group's secretary general, and in a statement. so all of this really just going just showed a very complicated picture at a time when there's so much pressure to try to effect some kind of ceasefire. and there's so many reports that the cease fire initially would start with a $45.00 days test ation of hostilities and might see around $35.00 to $40.00 is really captive in gaza exchange for thousands of palestinians at a time when all of this is being discussed you have the prime minister saying that he is not going to withdraw from gaza and that he will continue with the war until how much is eliminated. and then you will have statements from pallets. and you know, as long as your heart essentially saying that they want to see israel completely withdraw from gauze, a very complicated picture right now to time with there's so much pressure to try to get a deal in the coming days next. pretty tricky to unravel. so meanwhile,
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both these reading media reporting that the sectors stayed on c, blinking, heading back to tell of a that's right, this would be the 6th trip to israel since the beginning of the war since october 7th. these early media is saying that anthony, blinking is returning to israel, that he will be meeting with prime minister netanyahu that he will also be sitting in on sessions with the war cabinet discussing potential scenarios for the day after the war, as it is termed in the is rarely press and the reports essentially suggesting that blinking is going to try to put pressure on netanyahu to be a little bit more accepting of the american demands to be less intransigent and to allow more flow of 8 into gaza. and also to less than basically the impact of the war to try to shift into a lower gear phase of the we're going forward. but again, we same time and again blinking come to israel with
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a lot of demands from the american administration and not really be able to accomplish what he has set out to do next. that spectrum television, but haven't you, i'm doing. thank you. that's get the picture from the white house, washington dc. i can be how it gets done by that. so kimberly, at lincoln on, on his way again, it was 6 time. i think it isn't steps right. and then we're still waiting for the official travel schedule for the secretary of state. but there is no question that the binding to ministration is gravely concerned about the escalation that has occurred in the region. and that was articulated by the secretary of state, as he talked about this on monday, talking about how the united states is wing. it's options as there has been a strike on the us out posts in jordan. and this is something that has been echoed also by the national security council on the us president. that of course, killed 3 us soldiers wounding 40 more. the secretary of state saying that there has
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never been a more volatile time in the region in the last half century, referring to 1973 and saying, but this is really something that deserves the attention. and so one can deduct from that, that is one of the big reasons why he is making this trip. in addition to the points that were outlined by my colleagues, my how to jump to the fact that in previous visit the united states has been concerned about what the post conflict in of israel's war on gaza will look like. and of course, there is a difference of opinion there were regarding the 2 state solution. so the united states is working on that. but of course, a given the attack on sunday, on the us outposts, things have now moved into a area of greater urgency. i can be, we have to fight to all of this into the, into the why the us political narrative that way is absolutely because the united
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states has been very clear and the national security council spokesperson, john kirby saying that it intends to respond to that attack. even as it is saying, it does not seek conflict with a ron or any of its proxies or a broader more in the region. it is still promising a response. and so i had the opportunity on monday in the white house press briefing to ask the national security council spokesperson john kirby, about that response. and whether or not the president, as he weighs as options, would be consulting. not only congress for authorization, but the american public. and what do you be looking at those public opinion polls given the fact that his own approval raving is reading is less than 40 percent. and we know that in fact, his own, when it comes to public opinion about another,
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mid east conflict is very unpopular in the united states. and that's when we engage in a rather angry exchange. take a listen. he's not looking at political calculations or the polling, or the elect or calendar, as he works to protect our troops ashore and our ships at sea. and a suggestion to the contrary is offensive. looking at the following, with respect to the american public, one of rod, or middle east conflict, when he waved his political decision, making mamma to answer the question. is he waiting that he is not concerning himself with the political calendar? the opportunity to wake is unwilling. why am i? i have answered the man i've it is still even as the white house says, it is not looking at political considerations. there is no question,
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but it cannot avoid them. as the president has been speaking at political events in recent weeks, his speech has have been interrupted by protesters. he has been called genocide jo for his support of israel's war on gaza. and of course, there have also been the global protests across, all right, completely with that. thanks a lot. kimberly how get that whitehouse. what is relas? returning the bodies of ac palestinians killed in dallas in recent weeks they was sent in a truck through the cut them i believe. so i'm crossing and it being buried in the city of rafa and southern gaza. hi you, my mood has this report now. here to my last that this particular location is defined a resting place. so 80 palestinian bodies that were held by these really military. they were released that earlier hours of this morning through the coordination with the red cross and the health authorities in the gaza strip. they were held for
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quite long time, largely decomposed in and on identify. it's important to point out that there are no family members of these bodies. it presents here to pay them respect or to offer final prayers. these are the bodies of palestinians who were killed and taken by it is really military or either it taking it from the graveyards uh from cemetery. is that where does it crated by uh, the is really military as its the ground forces as torn summit 12 cemeteries across the gaza strip in the northern pod and in the city of han unison, the central area is the bodies were brought in a cargo truck here and for quite some time, the cargo truck was closed off as the emergency and health committee told us, the bodies are badly decomposed. then the bad orders of the deacon bows bodies are
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everywhere, is different. then the guitar to administer should comes with much, even with the my son was killed on december 5th, and he was killed in the, on school. and i was in just our will, but he was buried in the cemetery and con eunice budget for that. and i have actuated the else along neighborhood and rough or so these really mid a tree, destroyed the symmetry and to bodies from that, when i heard about these bodies being returned to gaza, i rushed to to see if my sons party is width of them. so with another mass grave, yet more palestinians whose names may never be known, their identity is lost in a war with unimpressive dented. this tall honey, my lord outages, he had a rough by hand southern gaza. a video has a mode showing dozens of palestinian detained. these blind folded the hands tied behind the backs and forced to sit in the dead. the men were detained in cognizance, they were attempting to leave the area. it's not clear when the video was recorded
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. how's them? i haven't touched this report. either. i had ordered them to leave hun eunice as it intensified it's bombardment of the causes a strip. but as they were trying to do, just that is really false, is detained in the way, then blindfolded, their hands tied behind their backs and forced to newly into that the exec data of this video is not clear, but it's recent is the setup. check things across con unit resting palestinians trying to hit by the sell to us roughly. this is not the 1st time the palestinian detainees have been subjected to mediation in december, a video and magical doesn't support a scene. entities stripped and forced to sit in the middle of the road, was surrounded by throw you so just some of those individual included you n y, a journalist, and those of young those 15. they would be painful more than a month with some released wedding. only diapers,
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the u. n accused is the right of mistreating palistine in detainees in regards to the families of the tenants. believe the number in thousands have not been provided with information on the fate or the occasional philip once it is reading must stick . urgent steps to ensure that all those are asked him or detained are treated in line with international human rights and international humanitarian law. norms and started. is there a face? only did things fight as belonging to palistine in? i'm groups that claim we only in rate palistine and activities on human rights terms and just data and we're going to take short break and still head here and out 0. know where it's safe is. randy is special troops dressed as doctors and nurses killed 3 putting into the hospital in geneva, out of pocket stones for prime minister and run con, sentenced to 10 years in prison for leaky state. the
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reward is a potential fed, currently in the southern philippines. that's where i was a find the flyer which would be big fan stones and slowing moving. if you follow the wind direction of the steering wind, you'll pick up a similar sort of thing in parts of java or southern sumatra. later on today is much drawing out in a single board up through color to southern thailand. so that's the area of width, whether the bumps soon when the ne won't see it is still blowing and winter is still showing north of that. so going to the loss of colder heart from north east china, which what did hawkeye do on the 9th? is newton. how did you, i won't use the word visit this time that there will be more snow. and then where it's will about rain of some significant, some heavy rain for the file size of japan. a lie that stretches back to shanghai, yankee valley and tools, southern china formats northern flank. there's also iceberg for she and as an
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example, this winter continues in the north of india, and this is a typical view. it's extensive also protects right up into the north of pakistan. this persistent fargo costs is delayed travel. it makes 6 the system, the cold. yeah, quality is low, but things are changing here. full cost of rain child seems like be through delta using snows found no, it has to show us where to go and is learn more about. that's also improved the quality. otherwise though things are slow to change. the many have seen the war on gaza through the lens of photo journalists move towards the size of the most terrifying pictures. i never thought i never saw or even was payable. i was charged so i couldn't even take the camera the motives as either joins the stream on out to 0. we don't have a focus on the policy except the conflict is the human suffering. that's the report
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we brave, fullest in bonds and we always include the views from all sites the other day and you're watching out 0 or might have a top story is a so and how much has political need additional honey? a says they have received deceased fund proposal on the war and gaza follows towards between the concept unintelligence choose from united states as well as egypt. discussions will now be held in tyra is relas return the bodies of 80 policy news killed and going to be some weeks. it was sent to the truck through the current level. so level across you will be buried in the city of rafa in southern gaza. dozens of palestinians would be interested in,
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so the cost being detained for several days and not being kept blindfolded on many is really on me says is arrested tears. a funeral has taken place for the 3 pallets and had been killed by his ready special forces during your rate on a hospital and you need the attack seems to me the 1st of his time since born gone begun. charles stratford has this report now from ramallah in the occupied westbank . these are not um, domestics, but disclaims these ready soldiers inside a promise to be in hospital hunting, a patient to kill a targeted assassination in a civilian medical institution in the city. if you need any occupied westbank according to the hospital stall, one of the 3 men killed had been receiving treatment for injuries. you suffer during these really helped me right. 2 months ago. the. this is a crime that can be added to a series of crimes violating hospitals and storming medical institutions assaulting
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medical teams and assassinating 3 young men. we want to reiterate our appeals, the international institutions that they need to stand by us and take responsibility against these crimes statement by the jeanine brigades, which includes a number of policy and no longer existence group said 2 of the 3 main with members, at least lemme just had one that come on to the sud was a come on during from us. from i said it was a fully fledged war crime and the continuation of crimes against people from garza . so jeanine and his radio on the statement said what it cooled from us terrorist. so hiding inside the hospital that'd be neutralized. but it's it how much come out of the hama gilan. they had been planning an attack inspired by the october, the 7th. how much the tax had been transferring weapons and ammunition to all the finances he's already on the open surrounds and at times of actually attacked the 3 hospitals in janine during the nightly military rage on the city. but this is the
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1st time since the beginning of the war that they have actually ensued a civilian medical facility and what seems to be a targeted assassination on one policy and, you know, sort use a cooling gets a nova contravention of international charles, drop it down to 0 romanella and the occupied westbank. israel's use of white foss with munitions is costing 11 east palm is near the border, millions of dollars, sir on con, report, some southern lebanon internationally banned weapons and civilian areas. because environmental damage for us to come is under international human rights law, this should not be happening. the use of white fos for us, munitions will not bind right. is illegal when used in civilian areas like this town of him along the disputed boat over this ro, white fos, for us bones through anything. it comes into contact with clouds, skin, muscle, bone. it destroys livestock and makes land unfit for sewing crops, potentially,
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for at least a generation as well. it's not unusual to use such weapons, always seen in lebanon, and lucas, uh, is that israel, in the case of it as a, we've documented the use of white phosphorus and populated areas which is a violation of vital human rights watch. also documents of these, of white phosphorus and 11 on and other right groups, including i'm gonna see international have noted that israel has apparently use white phosphorus indiscriminately on civilian areas which would not to a violation of instruction mentor in law. as well as of stock response when it comes to white, 1st for us, munitions saying it is a to international law for, for the man of the agricultural town of a room is currently living in the town of deed having been fullest from his home by fighting as an agricultural expert and tells us they won't know exactly how much damage has been done until they survey it when they return. but he knows the damage is extensive and long term, but on the 1st floor,
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redbud will be at the beginning because the 1st for us has a significant impact on the soil, given that it can react and a slight amount of sleep into ground water. in addition, and mainly to an end balance and the environmental, ecological diversity is landon ground water, rivers, and rain. the direct damage is caused by rather binding, that can effect humans, plants, animals, etc. this is what the off them off of a light, fos for us attack looks like old vegetation across a fairly wide area, hit old black and, and burned. but this is just a tardy fraction of the damage. the closer you get to the boat, the most seems like this that you'll see $20000000.00 worth of damage. according to the lebanese agricultural ministry across that disputed bowed up. but for the farm is that is another problem. these white false was attacks close and enormous amounts of environmental damage. meaning the, these fields i'm feels like this may not be plausible for at least
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a generation. and we're on con out, is there a gully, a sort of live in a it's a hong kong where the lead, it says he wants to type national security legislation as soon as possible to include offensive such as treason, instruction and espionage. john lee says the city cannot afford to wait any longer to build on beijing's national security law. that was an act to dr. wide spread cracked down on mass protest. well actually owns an independent china strategist. and he said that hong kong on the 3rd is want to tackle security vulnerabilities with the new laws. well, this is total is understanding what one country 2 systems is all about. because don't forget, the folder begins with one country. and then the whole host constitution improves the article to its feet probation right from the start 26 years ago. but then when that attend was, i'm as i was made to introduce it in 2003 because for lack of sufficient
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explanation of foot for lack of a sufficient atlas been the society of the attend, have to be abandoned. and as the. busy over $23.00 or 4 years, and then a motor look bose of the main to be pluck and b j has loaded a bit of lesson as a result of the umbrella movement. and then more recently, the black kind of lights of selecting locally loan motor and phone calls, but also amazing, saw from cuba home called because part of the print test, the mazda independence for home phone. and then, most of indications suggest that they're all of the 4 forces. what aiding and abetting all these protests. so beating no because there isn't a whole goal in it, but the lesson and now is the time to, to plot the loopholes according pockets. donna's sentence full of prime minister and run con to 10 years in prison. he's being found guilty. review of revealing official secrets from
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a prime minister was pushed down to the conference version. 20. 22. con is already serving a 3 year prison sentence and a corruption case sent the st. comes ahead of the media and it's egan. james, you're going to be allowed to represent the client. now that did not happen a legal damage where you confident they haven't been to the people that support those good m income. and they said that they were now getting these dates. and this all about the high call come out of how you did. i was just a, uh, it's on my by to to venezuela, where the u. s. has reinstating sanctions to binding and i'll position lead to for running for president. maria cutting and machado says the presidential election scheduled to be held late of this year. what happened without them? it's on home and has this report. the candidate for venezuela's may know position coalition has a message for the countries president, me go down my, the nicholas, my girl isn't going to choose the people's candidate. so that seems to be exactly
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what the president's done. because maria corina machado, one type or opposition primary by landslide, has been disqualified from the countries 2024 elections. the decision was made by supreme court headed by ruling policy lloyd list. but it could come at a cost within his wife and candidates, you know, type of the united states lifted, some of its sanctions going to the country. they partly and exchange for the government. committing to let somebody know position because back in politics. now the us says it's reviewing its sanction policy again mister madura and his regime of decisions we have to make. we want to see him meet the commitments they made back in october to allow position parties and candidates to run appropriately and release political prisoners. we have decisions to make as well. if they don't do that, they've got till april. we'll see what they do. meanwhile, machado right wing politically bedframe, so she won't step aside for substitute candidates. bob will have a little bad and we are going to be nicholas ma. do in elections this. yeah. and
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we're going to do it together. it's not clear who a substitute would be anyway. so my position tickets have been bad. others have flipped the country along with more than 7000000. other people definitely call that the points towards another vote. which president nicholas, my daughter, comes out until his prize an 11 year in charge of a country and a long standing, some mandatory and an economic crisis on home. and i'll just now the 1st person to receive a brain shit implant from the u. s. companies yearly is recovering well the company is owned by take.


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