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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 30, 2024 8:00pm-8:29pm AST

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the much discover a better world expo, 2023. the proposal for another se slot and goals of how mazda is politically to says he'll travel to cairo for further discussion. the better them or hello, this is out 0, lot from doha. also coming up is where the special forces dressed as adults has and this is angel hospital in the occupied west bank killings, pre palestinians, president 5 and says he has the slides of how the us to respond to a drain strike that killed free american troops in georgia and up to 2 to get know
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a lot of difficulties as close in on over tons of power sharing government the the political leader of hamas is male honey says his group has received a c supply proposal for the war on gone. so i've been talks this week in paris and, and washington on a possible deal to stop the fighting. but as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu in fits, he will not end the war without achieving all his goals. honey, i meanwhile says he'll travel to cairo for further discussions and a statement. he extended his banks to egypt and cast off of that role and trying to reach a sustainable sees far agreement. and garza, is that how mazda is open to discussing any serious and practical initiatives provide they lead to association. that is why the aggression and the primary role for accepting any proposal is to stop the brutal aggression against garza. and the withdrawal of the occupation forces from the strip. so how it does all is
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a member of how much does the political bureau hit, explains the conditions that have mass considered as non negotiable? we thought, does that mean then say i is, i'll go we come to exit eh, ceasefire for the, for the reasons we want it been on these for you is secondly, we want it was, the girl is really with the girl. was the from guys this thread without is the easy, was it little one we sense also accept it this in you d o you propose it seriously. we want to allow the human to tell you it's the to the state
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because a lot of people are the somebody we've done to it shipped to any kind of for stages. but we want it from both size threes on a couple of kids in is the reason us detectives who of, with the it is this sense that movement and got the state. so we are located there to release. oh yeah, but there is on both sides. we are looking for a bin and then the ceasefire. but we can do it is the 2nd stage in this state. the very important point for us 3. so this brenda, it say are otherwise, it means the 2nd on the war between us. and these are the tools.
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what do we want? see say i've been on c spy out of it is yours for, for both sides. what is yours? i'm for the people, but it's time. let's go live now it's about how much i'm doing in it. hello. v the my we've just been hearing from him last. what we've been hearing from me is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu about this proposal solar at a time when various is really media outlets. the past few days have been reporting that is really the israeli government has actually agreed on the parameters of a deal that would see essentially the release of in the 1st phase. 35 to 40 is really kept as in gaza for potentially thousands of palestinian prisoners. the prime minister earlier today at a speech said that is not the case. let's take a listen to more of what he had to say. the. so i use statements
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about all kinds of deals, so i want to make it clear. we will not end this war without achieving all our goals. and that means the elimination of how much the return of all hostages and a promise that garza will no longer pose a threat to israel. we will not to take the idea out of the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen? absolute victory. laura, it's worth trying to contextualize the prime minister's remarks at a time when there is a lot of confusion when you look across the as really political landscape as to what exactly will be acceptable to the israeli government when it comes to this deal. the, as the israeli prime minister was speaking to a group of essentially hard liners. he was speaking at our preparatory school, a religious preparatory school in the occupied west bank at and a legal settlement. so that's a very right wing audience. this also, these remarks came just a couple of hours after it's more been give you are the far right wing,
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national security minister posted on twitter. that if it was a bad deal that was agreed to, that would mean the dissolution of the government. so he's under political pressure from the right flank of his government and then just an hour or so after that we from, it's more been give you, are you how to tweet from? yeah, your la pete, who is the opposition leader in israel, who said that essentially he is willing to do whatever is necessary to back the government to ensure that the captives in gaza can come home and to get to an agreement that would allow that to happen. so you see that there was a lot of pressure on nets and yahoo right now, there's a lot of disagreement amongst the political leads in this country as to what to do specifically when it comes to this deal going forward. laura. and amid all of this rebuilt reports that the us secretary of state will be returning to the region of the end of this week. what do we know about the us? so these rarely media, laura is reporting that he'll be here on saturday, that he'll be meeting with the prime minister netanyahu that he'll also be sitting in on the sessions with the work cabinet and that he will be presenting to us is
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ideas for what is realtor do when it comes to a day after scenario meeting after the war on gaza would come to an end. but i must tell you that there is not a lot of optimism as to what blinking can achieve when it comes to what commentators are saying right now. because when you look at what's being written here, people are essentially saying blinking has come here. this will be his 6th visit and every time that he wants to get concessions from that's in yahoo, that's in yahoo has continued to be intransitive. the expectation right now is it blinking, they come here, you may have these discussions, but it's not likely that not to me all who will agree to what the us wants them to agree to going forward or not. and to obtain brings the latest back from tennessee . thanks thomas present. joe biden says he has decided how the us will respond to a drayton strike that killed 3 american troops and jewels and the weekend speaking . as he left the white house mister barton said he didn't want a wide oval and then at least it was off if he held rod responsible for the deaths of 3 american soldiers in jordan on monday.
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as good luck to kimberly, how can she's in washington d. c for us? so it can be viewed as president was on his way to a campaign event down in florida. what else do they have to say? that's really the crux of what the us president had to say. but what's significant about this, this is, this is the 1st time we have seen the us president since that sunday attack on that us outpost in jordan. where's 3 us soldiers were killed and 40 were wounded. we know that some of them have required region since october 7th. and so that's why the us president has been largely out of sight in recent days. he's been heavily with his national security team mulling over the options in terms of a response. and what we know from the us president and his national security council spokesperson, john kirby, is that
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a response has been planned. when that would be careful, it would be deliberate. what we understand is it may be even be in her mental. and now we have just heard from the us president, but he has made a decision in terms of how to respond. but in what that might look like, we still do not know, but what we do know is that the us president is holding a ron responsible. what he's saying is that a ron is responsible in that he believes it is a whole of supplying the weapons for those who are responsible for that attack on that us outpost. he also says that he is well aware that things have escalated in the region, but he is not looking for a broader mid east conflicts. given the fact that there has been tit for tat going on between the united states and to run back proxies. referring to the escalation in the red sea and recent weeks. uh so the us president has been mulling over many
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of these options. but in terms of what happens next, the us present, it has not given any indication, no cause. but keeping a close eye on that. kimberly many things in day for installations that from washington a funeral has taken place for the 3 palestinian men killed by his really special forces during a raid on a hospital in jeanine. they attack seems to be the 1st of its kind since the will on golf began. charles profit, how's this report from ramallah and the occupied westbank? these are not um domestics, but destroyed these ready soldiers inside a promise to be in hospital hunting, a patient to kill a targeted assassination in a civilian medical institution in the city. if you need any occupied westbank according to the hospital stall, one of the 3 men killed had been receiving treatment for injuries he saw for during these radio. let me write 2 months ago. the. this is a crime that can be added to
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a series of crimes violating hospitals and storming medical institutions assaulting medical teams and assassinating 3 young men. we want to reiterate our appeals to international institutions that they need to stand by us and take responsibility against these crimes statement by the janine brigades, which includes a number of policy and no longer existence group said 2 of the 3 main members, islamic just had one come on to the sud was a come on during from us. from i said it was a fully fledged war crime and a continuation of crimes against people from garza. so jeanine and he's ready, hold on the statement said what it cooled from us terrorist. so hiding inside the hospital that'd be neutralized to it's it how much come out of them? a homage alarm they had been planning an attack inspired by the october the 7th. how much the tax had been transferring weapons and ammunition to all the finances. he's already on the open surrounds and at times of actually attacked the 3
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hospitals in janine during the nightly military raids on the city. but this is the 1st time since the beginning of the war that they have actually ensued a civilian medical facility. and what seems to be a target to assess the nation and one the policy and, you know, start to use a cooling, gets a nova contravention of international child strap it down to 0. romanella and the occupied was fine. israel has returned the bodies of 18 palestinians killed in gauze and recent weeks. it was sent in a truck to the curb selim crossing and will be buried in the city of rasa in southern garza forties. have been taken on health and israel. i think the wood has moved from rough uh, in southern gaza this here to my last that this particular location is defined a resting place. so 80 palestinian bodies that were held by these really military. they were released that earlier hours of this morning through the coordination with
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the red cross and the health authorities in the gaza strip. they were held for quite a long time, largely decomposed in and on identify. it's important to point out that there are no family members of these bodies. it presents here to pay them respect or to offer final prayers. these are the bodies of palestinians who were killed and taken by it is really military or either it taking it from the graveyards uh from cemetery. is that where does it crated by? uh the is really military as its the ground forces as porn some 12 cemeteries across the gaza strip in the northern pod and in the city of han unison, the central area is the bodies were brought in a cargo truck here and for quite some time the cargo truck was closed off as the emergency and health committee told us,
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the bodies are badly decomposed. then the bad orders of the deacon bows. bodies are everywhere, is different then the utah to administer should comes with much more that my son was killed on december 5th. and he was killed in the, on school and i was injured. so he was buried in a cemetery and con eunice budget for that. and ive actuated to also allow me neighborhood. and rafa is really mid a tree, destroyed the cemetery and 2 bodies from the when i heard about these buddies being returned to gaza, i rushed to to see if my sons party is with them. so with another mass grave, yet more palestinians whose names may never be known, their identity is lost in a war with unimpressive dented, dis tall honey. my lord outages, he had a rough by hand southern gaza. this is where the troops have stormed all about hospital and call eunice, i'm not demanding, don't to them displace palestinians evacuate storms. i am
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a hospital where it counts as a protest. the palestinians are taking refuge, installing this hospitalized the had destroyed the back full of the hospital alongside also with sitting fire for the majority of make shift tens that 1st step in the vicinity of this medical complex work. the majority of the vacuum use that being completely terrified as the is when the forces are recommending them to flee and to get out of the medical complex. this is one of the last 2 remaining hospitals to austin, operating in the city of con eunice. and this is completely what adds extra more pressure on the ability of medical teams and medical set it up to keep the rates. the ongoing is really ministry, a sense of own, detached, to reimburse customer on fund unit till now this very full size or space inside the costs because as we are waiting for more developments regarding that are going to stay with the remaining cycle, needs to be evacuating technology which is you've got curious down still a has hail analysis era pack of songs full appointments to him wrong calling his
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senses to 10 years in prison for leaking, state sick friends. the a rural expense of the southern tip of the korean peninsula is a testing ground for public transport of the future. this is a mock vary to port the gateway to electric flying. taxis division is an automated ariel public transport system, connected by a network of vertical and ducking ports on rooftops high above the congested roads . below what you see behind me is d. o. have the option that we piloted personnel. air vehicles. south korea's answer to the air test. it's 1st public test flight marks, a mountain of source for the country that's aiming to launch the flying taxis as early as a year 2025 oil rich iraq is facing a crisis and a final bike to results. water,
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as dams built by its upstream neighbors with strict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate do the situation. now when regions were settled, funding 1st, image pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was part to of, to, on a jersey to holding the powerful to account was we examined the us each row in the on out your 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the, again, you're watching out, is there a has reminder of our top story? is this our loss as political lead to it?
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so he says they have received a ceasefire proposal on the wall on garza. and for those talks between castle unintelligence chase, from the us as well as egypt. israel's prime minister, analysis of war and goals will not end until own goals are free. palestinians have been killed by as rarely sold as in a hospital in janine is where the special forces dressed as adults as a message rate at the main building of evan, seen a hospital capacity in red crescent, has released an audio recording of a palestinian go, who was shot by is really forces. and how much can i can contact just paramedics for help? lost the call head family was traveling and was surrounded by is really forces and died as how young assist the him. jermaine, trapped inside the vehicle and gauze, the city. and just to warn you that the contents of this audio recording on the staffing,
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what is the move in the move in the caribbean, the individual see all the little. oh no, no. no, no. i do. about fall side is a fight, something with the posting a sign red crescent society and she says they still not heard back from 6 year old hint,
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no from the emergency teams that responded to the distress school from her sister lamb just one of them was just sitting on the back to one of the dressing team. so the. ringback this was the found a lamb 216 was over the phone with the on, on the clock to she was mentioning that she was surrounded by the tanks and the printer could play it and got a hair. and i would like to hear the sound of continue with gunfire. i can make it sound she has she was killed and or to continue to pay to for the. busy was the 10 to one and the on the inside the card and on the 6 is the one sitting in the top, inside the car,
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around in my buddy brittany, occupational tanks and filters, and find the car. there is around 6 then it and then there's all of them are, can some other the father i'm person gen and i would ambulance 2132. and then for the evening 6 pm after this moment a 20 hour. busy hour, we are not working there. it says, remain on where aware of their faith and whether they succeeded. they evacuated tens or not me, can be wooded regarding the safety of i was to rent for the bar and he was very satisfied the let's get some other world news now and off to 2 years of old government could be
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returning to northern ireland. natives of the main unit as positive. do you pay have approved rejoining the power sharing arrangements with the republicans of tion . fane, who want to united on and by the database as this is conditional on the purchase government commission to new measures on post breaks at trade rules. this package, i believe safeguards, northern islands, please in the union will restore our place within the u. k. internal market, it will remove checks for goods moving within the u. k. of remaining in northern ireland, as well as the automatically following future e u. last ad. but we're very pleased that we are asked this at juncture. we're conscious that there is a huge amount of work to be done, and that's at society who's really suffered from the absence of government
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over the last 2 years. we're almost 2 years away from the the last assembly election. i've very much welcome to the fact that the have that moved to explicitly recognize on respect to the outcome of sas assembly at election high force. it has more it's not a done deal yet, but it is a major step back towards the power sherry executive. here at stormont. i'm the d u p was obviously unhappy with the original brakes it scenario with, with that de facto trade border in the i received. they were unhappy with the idea of even son goods that would do to be staying here and organizing. not going to the republic of ireland and that for the you also having checks on them and that's why they would, they withdrew from the power sharing arrangement. the question is exactly what they've got from the british government in westminster. it seems that there is some sort of commitment that the, the british government,
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what diverse too much from is you trading rules which will allow fewer potentially, according to the leader jeffrey don't. so donaldson, no checks coming across between the british mainland and here in northern ireland, and that he says would allow his party to rejoin the power sharing executive. here, there are some questions as to exactly whether that will be the case. there are also questions as to whether or whose key members in his party assigned up to this . so not everything arranged as yet. but as you heard from champagne, the main republican party there is real optimistic that they will be joined by the d u p. and that the 1st minister of moving on will be, i shouldn't say, 1st minister. so for a republican party that wants to see a united ireland being represented by the 1st minister here and on that will be a landmark moment if and when it comes a cause and pack
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a song has sensors full of prime minister and wrong calling to 10 years in prison, he's been found guilty of revealing official secrets. con is already serving a 3 year prison sentence, and a corruption case, essentially saying comes ahead of parliamentary elections next month. come all high to reports from his lama, but a, a special guard dodge was hearing the official secret tax case against the former prime minister on conn. and the form of foreign minister showing them with godaddy . she bought the 10 year rigorous imprisonments, and then for board the lead judge of the progress on the day, you can stop saying that this was a violation of the refrigerator, the secret tax. now this pertains to a diplomatic type of communication between the focused on the embassy in washington earlier in rates, job one of the state department of fisher's directing that if there was not a word of confidence against the former prime minister, that there would be consequences for par gets done and non contracted with the guns
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predicted throughout the government. the government at the time of 1340 correlation, along with the establishment, decided to slap the case against them saying that this was a violation of the original ticket. that guide is the sentence of up to 14 year maximum rigorous imprisonment as well as the debts. and then so as lloyd are now saying that there was a ruling by dissolve, i'd high card, which said that this has to be an open drive because the dried was being held in camera inside the jail. and that the media and the legal games are going to be allowed to represent the client. now that did not happen a legal to damage, very confident. they haven't been to the paperless supporters do them income and they said that there was no guidelines dates. and this all about the high call come out of high that i was just there. uh. it's not my boss. well that's it for me laura. kyle:
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the weather is next then inside story to stay with the the stormy weather in the eastern met is a focus around the island of cyprus. that circulation of tide contains thunder. so free if i think further in land where it's already not very warm and sunny, but i lived in 2 days, 22 in baghdad. misleading the snow, stopped fully going around and as a by john friday, weather has been dominant across the middle of saudi arabia. and through concert on into, we'll see you a was rain likely in the future just briefly, just reminding you what sees this is for the folk for casa de la r. what stop, maybe on thursday i wouldn't be quite dusty one and the temperature dropping suddenly returns on the off the less when the saturday sunshine is typical. gardner cool, 610. so we most of shop to after this time here was anyway south of like victoria lot to wet. this is the case currently with terms of the republican congress,
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which is increasing. it looks west and we're a good pastor of south africa or southern africa, the heaviest re light to be up into the area and up through the western side of both swamp. but just the size of this, surprisingly, the foreign dangers cried quite high, which is not a typical over west and out. so it's with us once again the, the latest news as it breaks on and the save it challenge the president is going to face is convincing. member states to take a unified position with detailed coverage, the native forest, some of the other half of this gigantic properties. the ones that you see behind me cannot be touched by their owners from around the world. what you see behind me is the ops really pilots. it personal air vehicles. south korea's answer to the air. it had the, the more than 50
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people killed in 5 thing on south sedans. border rebel group is blamed for the


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