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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:59pm AST

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as a set for i'll just areas and those are available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think? is it the the hello. i'm carry, tungsten. this is denise lot from. so are coming out for the next 60 minutes proposal for another spar in garza a message. politically. the says he'll travels a car for further. discussions is very special forces dress because doctors and nurses into a hospital in the occupied westbank kenning, 3. hottest indians, president biden says he's decided how to respond to a drug stripe,
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got killed 3 american troops in jordan, but doesn't want a why the war and angry pharmacy team, that's a pay and fewer regulations look, find ways in france, belgium, and easily as protest spread across you the, the political lead to of how much say smell honey, a says his group has received a safe spot proposal for the war on gaza. they've been talks this week in paris and in washington on a possible deal to stop the fighting israel as a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu insisted he will not end the war without the chief in all his goals. and then meanwhile says he will travel the car for further discussions and a statement. he extended his legs to egypt and countertops for their role in trying to reach a sustainable ceasefire agreement in gaza. he said,
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how mass is open to discussing any serious and practical initiatives provided they need to assist. ation of is very aggression. and that the primary route for accepting any proposal is to stop the brutal aggression against casa, and the withdrawal of the occupation forces from the state. i made, this is a member of a masses political bureau. he explains the conditions and must consider is normally go, shall we to does that when you say i is our pool, we come to exit. eh, sees fly out of food before the reasons we want, if anyone sees for you is secondly, we want it was the girl is the, with the girl was the from guys this thread was out is that i eating with the general one. we've done also accept it this in you
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d o you propose it says we want to allow the human it's a, it's or are they done? does a sleep because a lot of people are so funny. we don't have it shipped to any kind of the stage, but we want it from both sides to reviews on a couple of kids in italy, it isn't us detectives who of with the resistance. yeah. movement and got this thing. so we are located there to release. oh yeah, but there is on both sides. we are looking for a bin and then the ceasefire. but we can do it in the
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2nd stage and does he have to state the very important point for us 3. so this brenda is fair. otherwise it means the 2nd of the war between us and the rules work. what do we want? see say, are 10 minutes each way out of it is your floor for both sides for i'm for the people, but it's time. it is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is insisting israel will take an uncompromising approach. speaking at an illegal sacrament and occupied westbank. he said is where i will keep fighting until absolute victory as i am us. i use statements about all kinds of deals. so i want to make it clear. we will not
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end this war without achieving all our goals. and that means the elimination of how much the return of all hostages and a promise that goes on when you no longer poses a threat to israel. we will not to take the idea out of the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen? absolute victory. let's go live now to mohammed that time in june in tennessee that was a, we've been hearing that from you guys is ready, permanent suspensions and nothing you all have about this proposal. what more? so kerry, essentially we should contextualize what the prime minister was saying there because he was speaking, as you mentioned, to a group of religious hard liners in an illegal settlement in the occupied west bank . so you would expect that the rhetoric that you would hear from the prime minister at a time when he is facing a lot of political peril and increasing pressure from right wing members of his own
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coalitions. but he would essentially say that he is going to see this through that he is going to ensure the complete illumination of how much and what he said in those remarks contradicted what we've heard throughout the is really media landscape the last couple of days where you had a lot of israeli officials speaking anonymously, doubtless, saying that essentially the broad parameters of, of a proposal had been agreed to. and that proposal in these reports, it was said to include the fact that there might be thousands of palestinian prisoners release in the 1st phase. of a cessation of hostilities for 35 to 40 is really captives being held in god. and now you have the prime minister today saying essentially there's not going to be thousands of palestinian prisoners released in any phase of this deal. we must remember also that these remarks from the prime minister came just a couple of hours after far right wing,
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national security minister. it's more been here posted on twitter that a bad deal when it comes to any kind of a deal with how much that a bad deal would equal the collapse of the government. and by that he means that essentially he might walk away from that to me. i was cool ish, and that might cause the collapse of the government. but this is all very complicated and shows how difficult the situation here is in israel for the prime minister, because shortly after it's more been could be, are posted on twitter. you had got your la pete, who is the opposition leader in israel, who on many occasions has called on and yahoo to resign. and he posted that he was willing to do whatever was needed to support the government if they were going to need help in getting a deal that would see the release of captives and returning home. so it's a very complicated picture here right now. lot of different players across the political spectrum suggesting different things get really just goes to show how much pressure netanyahu is being put under. and the fact of the matter is
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a lot of people believe that once the war and gaza in that he isn't so much political peril, but essentially his days as prime minister might be done. it's a, it's a complicated picture right now. there's a lot of contradictory statements, but it just goes to show really at this particular moment, nobody knows exactly what's going to happen when this proposal is finally talked about more when it comes to the cabin. and here in israel carries complicated, as you say, in the us, secretary of state is reported to be returning to the region later this week. that's right. is really media outlets reporting that that secretary blinking is going to be arriving in is real on saturday. that, that's his 6th trip to the region to israel since the war began. that he is expected to meet with nets and yahoo as well as sit in on meetings with the war cabinet that he is expected to present. the us is proposals to israel as far as the
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scenarios they expect israel to follow when it is the day after the war. but when you read the reports that are emanating in these outlets throughout israel today, what it seems is that most people do not believe that lincoln strip is going to accomplish much in essentially limiting netanyahu's in transit. just because on many occasions you've had blink and come here with expectations of what they would hear from netanyahu, and that has not come to pass. so right now, yes, he is expected here, but people don't believe the blinking that will be getting what the brightness administration wants from these really liter, at least not in the near term gary without a time how much i'm doing. thank you. the us national security advisor has a met to visiting official some countertops with washington tries to get to deal involving the release of captives held in gaza when it's uh, go live,
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not to kimberly how codes in washington dc. so jake 1000, the us national security advisors, been meeting kentoria officials. what more do we know than can yeah, we learned this information from the national security council spokesperson john kirby aboard air force. one is the us president was traveling down to south florida . that's where he is right now for a couple of political fundraisers. he was sharing this information and was known as a guy goal. so we did not actually see him on camera as he was speaking to reporters. what we understand is that the national security advisor had a meeting with the cause, hardy prime minister autonomy. and what we know is that this was an effort to try and work out an agreement with the is really government and her boss to release the captives that were taken captive on october 7th, and has been held captive ever since. now what we know from past exchanges with
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john kirby is, but what the numbers are roughly is about a 100 and but some of them may now have died in captivity so their bodies would be returned. we also know that to ad jake sullivan is due to meet with some of those family members later on here at the white house, given the fact that the us president is not here at the moment. he will be representing the bite and administration and giving not only condolences but, and also some cases encouragement that the by the ministration is still working hard to try and find their family members as they work towards that agreement and came to the us present, tried by them is on his way to a campaign event in florida, but he did talk to you about a response to the attacking jordan that killed 3 us soldiers. yeah, that's right. that is the 1st time that we've seen the president publicly since
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that sunday attack on that us outpost in jordan, where 3 american soldiers were killed, 40 would, and some of them quite gravely needing higher levels of care. and what the president told reporters outside the white house as he was boarding a marine one. that's what the name of the helicopter is. it takes him to air force . one is but he had been waiting some of his options in the last few days. he has now made a decision on how to respond and that he's not looking for a wider war in the middle east, but he does hold a particular nation state responsible for those attacks on sunday. and here's what he had to say. i do have the now in terms of how that response might look like, what we're learning from the national security council spoke 1st. and john kirby is
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it is likely to be in for mental or cheered as he put it. this could mean that it could be a number of responses, possibly sanctions, possibly that this could be hitting a ronnie and proxies outside of a rod, perhaps in syria or a rock, even a ronnie, a nibble assets in the persian gulf. what is clear is that the united states is not willing to telegraph in advance. what that will look like in terms of response, only that it's not seeking a broader middle east conflict or a direct conflict with iran. otherwise, house for us that can be how it could. thank you. well, if you're as much so there's a senior fellow at the middle east institute, he says this rails one goes that has resulted in why the geo political tensions between the us and the wrong. i've been saying for some time now that the, the, the say that this is now is where else from us war is the missed the forest for the
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trees. this is now and iranian american compet taishan. that's the result of the default that's fell apart between the 2 countries and it fell apart under the pressure and the burden is the war a casa. so yes, what's happening in guns are, is reverberating throughout the region. the american iranian, because that was a cheap, didn't last may that a lot for moving of these various theaters of conflict across the region and the non understanding of the threshold of which one is allowed to enrich uranium that has now completely come apart. so we need to see some kind of resolution to the conflict in jobs at the beginning, winding that down in order to start the escalated called complex password. israel has returned the bodies of ac palestinians killed in gauze or in recent weeks, or sends in a truck through the car. um i was trying to trusting i'm gonna be buried in a city a reference to southern guns that the bodies had been taken and held in israel. i
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mean, my food has moved from rafa in southern gaza, up here to my left that this particular location is defined a resting place. so 80 palestinian bodies that were held by these really military. they were released that earlier hours of this morning through the coordination with the red cross and the health authorities in the gaza strip. they were held for quite long time, largely decomposed in and on identify. it's important to point out that there are no family members of these bodies. it presents here to pay them respect or to offer final prayers. these are the bodies of palestinians who were killed and then taken by it is really military or either it taken it from the graveyards uh from cemetery . is that where does it crated by uh, the is really military as its the ground forces s tour and some 12 cemetery is
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across the gaza strip in the northern pod and in the city of han unison, the central area is the bodies were brought in a cargo truck here and for quite some time the hardwood truck was closed off as the emergency and health committee told us the bodies are badly decomposed. then the bad orders of the deacon bows. bodies are everywhere. is it for the good to administer? should the sums of mush feed with the my son was killed on december 5th and he was killed in the, on school and i was injured. so when he was buried in the cemetery and con eunice budget for that. and i have actuated to also allow me neighborhood and rough are these really mid a tree, destroyed the symmetry into bodies from the when i heard about these bodies being returned because i rushed to to see if my son's body is width of them. so with another mass grave, yet more palestinians whose names may never be known,
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their identity is lost in a war with unimpressive dented, dis tall honey. my lord outages, he had a rough behind southern gauze dark, i assume, joins us now live from rochester. and what more can you tell us about reports is very soldiers have stormed a mile hospital in con eunice. a yes, carrie is really so just have been surrounding a lot about hospital for more than a couple of days as they are trying to operate inside this area against palestinian fighters. and they have previously had cooled. the majority of presidents to slave from con eunice hitting safety to seek safety in a rough lock box. the costs, which $1.00 is one of the last 2 remaining costs, because the are still a rating in con, units along slides with another hospitable which had been also on the wind mandatory attack. but today, there was a very new dramatic change had been taking place is best storming of the hospital
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seminar, the to what had been happens on experience before to the majority of hospitals in the north ads in gauze city. and today, these really ministry tanks at the store in the vicinity of the art of the hospital, destroying the gates on the, from the, with sitting fire for the majority of make shift attempts that to have been set inside the hospital for the event q reads alongside with terrifying medical work as well had been working tirelessly since the beginning of this round of financing to be providing medical treatment for hundreds of palestinian patients who are still inside the medical complex till now. and this is completely a new, dramatic, a step that is a cause. a continuation of it is very ministry violations that had been committed against the medical sector in garza. and they have been also informing patients and medical teams to evacuate from the hospital. that is one of the main central hospitals that operating under the supervision of the policy. and you read the
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christmas society spot till now. there is no any confirmation regarding any palestinian in policy and patients or medical records being arrested or at least killed during the is very storming of the medical facility. as are most the latest you can tell us about the fighting elsewhere. yes, fighting continues on the grounds in different areas and especially this time is another at part of gauze with this area that is supposed to be clear from is it from palestinian militants as the is what it forces have claimed that they have mental totally dismantled the military and for us, trump tell them about what we can see within the past 24 hours. move attacks and move. confrontations between the policy and fight, as i think is really sewage has to take place in different locations in gauze city and also going to value a refuge account, especially also an upside with the main neighborhoods of gauze, including i must have neighborhoods a supper and also added him out of
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a region which completely had been saying that the number is very many tree tanks i've been talking to by thomas city and fighters as the is ready forces trying to be re deployed in different areas. the alongside with the on step of the abutment of hon. you in a city where today only within the past 24 hours more than 114 policy has been killed alongside the more than also a 200 others being loaded. it is just completely contradictory. to the resolution made by the international court of justice regarding avoiding the dignified let tax, simply because the majority of victims to the right including children and young women. okay, it's eric, thanks very much. indeed. the funeral has taken place for 3 palestinian men killed by. it's very special forces during a raid on a house with lin. janine. the fact seems to be the 1st of its kind since the war and gods begun from stratford that has this report from her about an occupied
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westbank. these are not the medics but destroys these ready soldiers inside a promise to be in hospital hunting, a patient to kill a targeted assassination in a civilian medical institution in the city. if you need any occupied westbank according to the hospital stall, one of the 3 men killed had been receiving treatment for injuries he suffered during and he's ready. hold on me right, 2 months ago. i mean, this is a crime that can be added to a series of crimes violating hospitals and storming medical institutions assaulting medical teams and assassinating 3 young men. we want to reiterate our appeal to international institutions that they need to stand by us and take responsibility against these crimes statement by the jeanine brigades, which includes a number of policy and no longer existence group said 2 of the 3 main members islamic just had one come on to the sud was a come on during from us. from i said it was a fully fledged war crime and
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a continuation of crimes against people from garza. so jeanine and his radio on the statement said what it cooled from us terrorist. so hiding inside the hospitals to be neutralized, it's it how much come out of them? a homage alarm they had been planning an attack inspired by the october the 7th from us attacks and had been transferring weapons and ammunition to all the fighters is already on the open surrounds and at times of actually attacked the 3 hospitals in janine during the nightly military raids on the city, but this is the 1st time since the beginning of the war that they have actually ensued a civilian medical facility and what seems to be a targeted assassination. and one the policy and, you know, sort use a cooling gets a nova contravention of international child stuff around to 0. ramallah and the occupied was fine. i'll just here as need to. abraham went to the hospital engineering where the attack happened. not one nurse who is trying to protect the
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area to look after the patients has been beaten up by the undercover is really units before she could even know what was happening. i'm not just inside. they've been seen a hospital where the incident happened, but i'm inside the room where the 3 men have been when they were killed. let me just go around the room and show you. this is the bed with a bass and was that we was, he was receiving treatment after and his really drone strike took place in october, according to the medical stuff here. they say that he has been paralyzed from the waist down. know here, just if we pumped it this couch, this is weird him him mid july. i'm the, was that he's a predicted, assumed and deemed as wanted by these really forces who said that he is a key member of how mass, according to the doctors here. they say that the use of fire, of course, with assignments or has been heavy leading to so many bullets in his body. you know,
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here was the brother of basses, have methods that we and if you can see it's a very difficult scene here in the hospital of the blood stains are everywhere. they try to take the bodies for burial, but yet the remains are still here. and you know, there is a lot of grief and a lot of shock that, you know, this is not new. these really forces in the past few years of done that indeed by targeting people inside the hospitals wearing under cover a fluids, it's a like acting like they are. patients coming into the hospital. bucks is the word. this is the 1st time we've seen this in this signal is very dangerous. this condition, as far as posting is here, are concerned. the video has a much 7, dozens of palestinian detainees, blindsided the hands tied behind their backs and forced to sit in the dirt. the menu was detained in the con unit size, they were attempting to leave the area. it's not clear when the video was recorded
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. i was in the honda of your thoughts either. i had ordered them to leave han eunice as it intensified it's bombardment of the causes a strip. but as they were trying to do, just that is really forces detained in the what then blindfolded, their hands tied behind their backs. unfortunately into that, the exec data of this video is not clear, but it's recent. is the setup. check things across fun, eunice, resting palestinians trying to hit by the cell to us roughly. this is not the 1st time the palestinian detainees have been subjected to mediation in december, a video and magical doesn't support a scene. entities stripped and forced to sit in the middle of the road. was that rounded? but it's really so just some of those individual included you n y a joiner this and those of the young, those 15 they would be paying for more than a month with some released wedding only diapers. the u. n. accused is the right of
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mistreating palistine and detainees in regards to the families of the tenants. believed a number in thousands have not been provided with information on the fate or the occasional philip once is reading mistake urgent steps to ensure that all those interested or detained are treated in line with international human rights and international humanitarian law. norms and standards. is there a face only defends fight as belonging to palestinian on groups that claim only in rate palistine and activities on human rights terms and how much does the i thought a student of red crescent has released an audio recording of a palestinian go to his shots by his very forces and have a day compact to the paramedics for help of the call, her family was traveling and was surrounded by his very forces. she died as
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a younger sister. he remained trapped inside the vehicle in garza city and a warning the contents of this old year recording of distressing who might have been in the caribbean of the level and could you will see all the little i know. i know. i know. i know. i know
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about the stock is a spokes best and that of palestine red crescent society. she says they have not heard back from 6 row and all the emergency teams responding to the distress call. i just saw one of the more justin. i'll be back momentarily. the products under the crescent team. so the. ringback this was the found a lamb to 15, it was over the phone for the on, on the clock to she was mentioning that she was surrounded by the tanks and the printer could play heading out of hair. and i would like to hear the sound of continue with gunfire. i can, let's, it sounds see how she was killed and or to continue to pay to follow up
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with the owner. and she was saying that when they said by the time the card and on the 6th is the one kidding in the chop, inside the car, around in by, by the brittany occupational tanks and filters and find the car. there is around 6 then it and then all of them are can some other the father enforcement, jen? and i would ambulance 212. and then for the evening, 6 pm. after this moment for the 20 hours we are then not working there. it says, remain on where aware of their faith and whether they succeeded. they evacuated hands or not mean next to the wooded. regarding the safety of our team went for the q n. a have reported item to add medication and they were very close to the car. at
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that time we have completed a contract with them up to this moment. we have been 2 years back from them and we are not sure if they were able to evacuate, attend or not yet. we don't know even that about so what's happened to them? are they get a sense of how they are they forget it? is it just because of the communication of blackouts? so we've been exchanging with, regarding our thing and we're aware of what happened. and this been part of we also were at the durham haven't because we have no contact with her as well. and she's only 6 years old chap in the car and she was a very satisfied to so that head on out to say right, while i talked to stones a former prime minister in wrong congress and sentence to 10 years in jail, the
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the that it wouldn't stop blowing in from the north for the most part of europe is coming in from the southwest. so we've cut off the supply really colder, but doesn't mean we're free is there. this leg will generate some snow ever, no way in central suite. and the really is bringing in strong, strong southwest. the winds and rain mold inspect attempt is nowhere particularly those 2 single figures. but that's not my code for scans that i have. you know, that boom, which is don't freeze it. now. we think we'll bring this brain down to the low countries through germany and france to no one else. it's been some late winter snow here for some as it's rather a we can system further east. nobody gets snow over time and feel if the following is not cold. it's still warm and to dry in spain and portugal and is warming up in greece and turkey. and now that strong, when they both command the black sea is no longer the never the last for the next
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day. also for libya and those need you if there was an i'm show breezy will be cold . westman, when the that has in the last couple of days, it helps the breeze typically. so the man, the how much of the seasonal wind is that much for the desk for the share in chat for this i have never come over that quite possibly to central nigeria. right in southern africa. mark again. sure itself is developing a tropical psycho but in the mainland, i think you should probably watch most i'm big or malawi. the, the, the demand for mental health support is quite to know then at any time in the history. that's the biggest problem that we face the mental health enough. oh use. that is what drives me. mindset travels to denmark, what technology is being used to create innovative treatment. i'm here to help guide you through exploring and expressing your emotion. i'm ready, and in jamaica,
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we'll skip magic mushrooms. everything is effective and safe on a single usage, depending on the door. same person doing well. i'm stay with, i know a lot of products and all a psychiatrist, money since episode full on on disease then they'll kind of stay just underway. yeah. the aging cup being played here and to tell for reco good time. 20 cool team started the tournaments, but only one will be crown champions. right across the action. on the, [000:00:00;00]
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the talking back, a reminder about top stores this out a message, politically they smell from the says they have received a c spot proposal on the wall and causes it follows towards retain katara and intentions. choose from us israel and egypt. but israel's prime minister says, the warrant, the us of or not and until all goes are chief funerals, have in house for 3 protest indians kill buys, very soldiers fest with. janine is very special forces dressed as doctors and nurses rated the main building. you can see now the present joe biden started, so he has decided how the us will respond to a drug strike. killed the street, americans, soldiers, george speaking as he left the white house by the 2nd one till wide, or at least got the nation's security councils held discussions on the warrant garza,
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the council says it's concerned by the dire in the rapidly deteriorating amount of time and situation that not there is an urgent need to increase aid, the american ambassador to the us. and it says the seeking more information from these really governments regarding alleged involvement of un released agency stuff and your to the 7th attack you and coordinator for humanitarian a to gaza. says there is no substitute for it. when was roll at the moment beyond the ability of and then knowledge of the population in gaza, but christmas maybe joins us not from united nation. so kristen, what else has she been saying as well? she gave a pretty blunt assessment to the security council behind closed doors. and then a briefing to reporters afterwards, where she talked about the situation that she's and she's being asked to increase
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a going in to gaza at a time when the largest humanitarian aid organization. henri is under fire and being threatened with funding cuts, and the violence is ongoing, a difficult task to say, the least in the last month that she's taken on this position. she's traveled to jordan. she's travel to egypt. she's been meeting with israel and palestine and officials, she even went to guys a briefly to assess the situation and she says, what she's doing is looking for more aid routes into the country. she thinks jordan is a good possibility of getting more aid and she's working on that. she says commercial vehicles also needs to be allowed backend and need to be commercial operations to fully meet the needs of the people of gaza. but all of this she says is going to be impossible without on rob,
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the largest humanitarian operation there. as you just heard, no substitute for for unwrapped, and also need 4 more pauses in the fighting for humanitarian work to be done in any sustain fashion. on your end, such as you genuine turn. your good terrorist says cold for meeting of a lot during the countries while the us is looking for changes. this is true the, the meeting was caused. now have said they will suspend a because of allegations that about a dozen on ro staff had helped in the october 7th, the name to reassure these donor nations that the issue is being investigated. but also to remind them of the needs of the people there. and the impossibility of meeting those needs without the support of member states among those who are threatening to cut aid is the united states,
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the largest donor to on right. it's no or the though that the us and baset are wild calling for accountability for what happened is also we've also made comments about how important and was work is and acknowledge that it is through the work of honor that saved so many lives there. and that, you know, that needs to be respected. she also took the opportunity to call on israel and mosse to come together to sign a cease fire agreement. so that more aid can be delivered clearly. but the knowledge is there that the situation on the ground is only getting worse and more aid needs to get in. but these questions lingering over the top agency could be a stumbling block. so they're trying to find a way around that the you and for us that christian, thank you. china is reported to be urging wrong to help stuff attacks on the shipping and the read 6 weeks of this all strikes by reading and
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back who's the font is a human of disrupting international trade. as far as containers ships carrying goods made in china to take much longer voyages to reach the destinations fonts, but it has an industry in crisis. 2 of the walls main maritime routes disrupted, authorities have reduced the traffic and the panama canal. a major crossing between asia ended us by 36 percent because of the drought. some companies had planned to reroute vibes of etsy, but that's become risky since who's the fighters from human starts at targeting ships in response to israel's war and gaza. one trait analyst says the impact on the global economy is important, but not catastrophic. this is not the sort of 2nd coming of cobit where we had all of the shipping port, suddenly closed overnight. this is a localized problem for which there are alternatives again,
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even if they cost more money. and even if they take more time, they can be planned up before and planned around to avoid the red c ships have to take along the route past the southern tip of africa, adding 10 to 12 days to the journey. but that's not always feasible, especially if the goods a perishable, you talk about about the way the community would have saltisha terms much longer distance will definitely have, you know, some of fluids, especially the bolt and stuff. it will be difficult for them to reach on time the for which will, you know, expire in a particular time, the panama canal, and this was canal, or what's known as choke points or pinch points. narrow pots of waterways which are recognized as problem areas in global shipping boots there 7 of them that about pinch points that have been identified for very long time. most firms have alternatives in place for what are we going to do?
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s. and i think all the again, disruptive, unpleasant costs up that can be managed because you can start to forecast ahead of time. however, the longer the who's the tax continue, the bigger the disruption to international trade, to florence dewey, which is 0 the that's bring you some of that. well these now the french government has to implement small controls on the foreign foods, the further set of concessions to the countries. farmers that's off to protesting. farmers intensify the week on demonstrations. they say a lack of support from government is in belgian farm is have blocked. the 2nd largest port in the country. protests has restricted access to no worries, but the allowed cost entity program is how been disrupting traffic and looking roads across the country. and the protest of also spread to it to the west palm is blocked
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a road close to road. they've been protesting for 3 days. yeah. angry about you and government policy along with the impact of inflation and taxes on their products among their demands is that their mortgage payments are suspended. but anyway, we spoke to and because some of the off the deputy secretary general of the european federation of food, agriculture and tourism met trade unions. he explained to i farmers across europe. i agree, we can say that the best are very much a link to national situations, but we can see a come on traveling this professor and these come on track these, the strong, the position against the green, the law, and the from to for strategy, which i'll namely d, u environment, the policies of which are leading that particular. i mean, we do have a full sector. so this would be the common trends done and the score. so as it's a unit organization represents the work of sports and given the cancer sector and 8
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for the share. so some of the farmers concerns if they can be some for a, a pharmacies challenging the conditional part of the couch with our workers. and it is even more complicated to this seem to embed remote and thought to be added to your message. and if you have messages but the problem with debit cards or sites or is not that if i'm to focus strategies and i'll be green, is not that you're environmental. i'm the show, the main problem that is the distribution on well across. so this one to change, so we need the, we need in your response from you, the new solution. and the solution is the, uh, we need the, this is a set of rules those things, the a windows uh and the windows side to be the supermarket chain. so the, for the guy on so the be the chemical companies and the lose our sog. this mode farmers so and even motor was that are under the couch, but on the other, the customer workers. so the solution are, are many we need, we need to at least take approach or we need 1st of all that we need to address
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those long standing systemic issues. but the effect of the most of the block, those across different chain. and these means that to have it completely different on the broad triple trade agreements, so it must sustainable why not? because we see debit cards are set so many times to being use the is about gaining cheaper, maybe to sell them more cars. so most of, most of the causes the 3rd congress, the members of the spanish apartments have rejected a bill offering an amnesty to cancel them separatists. the draft legislation covered around 400 people involved in 2014 unilateral independence represent them a decade. on a 2nd of in 2017. the declaration of independence though, although to provoke a political crisis, parliaments rejection is seen as a blow o for 5 minutes to pro sanchez. of the 2 years developed, the government could return to northern ireland. the this of the main union is spot
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to the d. c. has approved rejoining the power sharing agreements with the republicans ocean fine. who wants united audit, but the do you pay? it says this is conditional on the british government committing to new meshes on post bricks. it's trade rooms. washing thing became the largest party in northern ireland in may 2022. but the p had already cause apps the to both government power . shared agreement means unionists and republicans with each have one of the top of 2 roles. the he withdrew from the governments off the brakes. it when you trade tools when needed. that's because a, you require strict checks on some goods from non you countries. that meant a possible hard border between no, not and part of the u. k. under public father and an e u country also puts a risk of the 1998 a peace agreement that ended decades of violent sizing from britain for the, you know, check to northern irish ports. the d. p said that on the mines,
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the regions place in the u. k. hi, force it to explains well now from the fast it would be if he was deeply unhappy with the trading arrangements, which they say would have undermined you k silver and tea here in northern ireland by subjecting know that onto the sorts of e u. a rules and regulations that the republic of ireland, a member of the e u, is subjected to now they say they have got something from the british government, which satisfies those concerns. it could mean that the u. k. government has to adhere more closely to you regulations to minimize the sorts of checks on goods coming between the british mainland and here in northern ireland. and so that the leader of the day you t says, is enough to go back into power sharing. here at stormont in belfast, there's also being positivity from the main republican sion same party who's here in northern ireland as well. so this is what both leaders had to say. a lot of this
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package, i believe safeguards please, and the union will restore our place within the u. k. internal market. it will remove checks for goods moving within the u. k. of remaining in northern ireland as well as north, automatically following future e u roles or is there a place that we are asked this at juncture? we're conscious that there is a huge amount of work to be done. and that's at society has really suffered from the absence of governments over the last 2 years. we're almost 2 years away from the last assembly election. i'd very much welcome to the fact that the d v. have them moved to explicitly recognize and respect the outcome of the tasks assembly at election? so if it wasn't power sharing does resume here, it would unlock funding which is being held up for nearly 2 years by the lack of
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profit developed government here. the government says some 3300000000 pounds, could be re committed against juvenile and to see the sorts of pay rises in the public sector. the sort of infrastructure investment which has been so missing. there are still some possible impediment states that are more hard line. you need this policies that see any really recognition of you trading regulations as an undermining of u. k sovereignty here. that will be those within the d. u pays, you might be dissatisfied with what happens here. they may be breaks. it committed brags that members of the conservative party government in westminster to be unhappy about the idea of the u. k. a will close the cleaving to you trading laws as well. so there are various problems still potentially on the horizon, but there is this big breakthrough. more details potentially more ounces will come on wednesday when the full details of this deal a published how you close it out to 0 so fast. so it's a come on, i'll just say, are protesting against the rising cost of living. your position is to take them to
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the streets of sri lanka, the, the,
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the on comes lead. the says he wants to tie to national security legislation as soon as possible to include the fences such as treason, insurrection, and espionage. john lee, it says the city can't afford to wait any longer to build on base rings and national security though that was enacted off the widespread crackdown on mass protest. bank browsing,
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political act tax will continue. that is exactly why i want the government a toby up and in full gear to explain what we're doing. the loud and clear confidence and right tell the world we're just protecting ourselves from your attacks. and the lines of opposition parties have been protesting and it shows on cars capital columbus against recent tax increases. police use tech ass and want to kind of to disperse that protest is an angry about the rising cost of living. i'm going to mounting the government's resignation, know financial reports now. they came in this house in united by anger and frustration, frustration that they can see that to in many unable to afford basic essentials, the main office in united people's power body,
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which overnight the protest says that 3 percent increase in value added tax has driven up the price, most things get into the video a little more longer, but so finding is difficult. that's why we came today. the reason for this movement and all of the problems run is creating for us. he's a man who was chased out of his policy, but he was brought back to rules, so we hope to get rid of him. the taxing fees as part of a number of measures the government agreed to implement in order to secure a $3000000000.00 bin of package from the international money to fund to help the nation recover from each was it. but he can only crisis of the opposition admits that hardships unavoidable in the big company process that says not to this extent we outlined bill paid, but look, that is some amount of pain that we have to haul. so that'd be buttons with that. but it doesn't have to be this much special distance from the process in columbus.
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so just that tundra is sitting be to the 72 years old, has been doing this for the last 37. yes. she says things have never been so bad. i'm living with great difficulty i by my food outside because i don't want to burden my children. they are struggling with their families, electricity, water. everything has gone up and making ends meet. no matter what job they do is impossible. the i'm this is the program is also a good stop which recognizes the hardships, the tax increases our imposing on the populations. the program does also provide for social protections to make sure that the loanable, who do not have the office to deal with the hardships i've taken care of, and that those who can most afford it come to their health through the government.
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that's something, said johnson, as many like a haven't had, and don't the, it will, the opposite. how does this is the 1st step of that campaign, the present government home, and the thousands of professors who joined them, say that voices won't be silence against economic injustice. fernandez, i'll just 0 pin number or at least 4 people have been killed in a political rally and pockets stones southwest and lots of stone proteins. they say a bone was found on the motor by radi was in support of form at 5 minutes to inbound cons. hockey stone heavy, it is only policy. it says 3 of its active mondays, national elections shuttled for february the 8th. well, this comes off to quoting pocket stone sentenced former prime years to emerald and con. to 10 years in prison. he's been found guilty of the king official secrets from a prime minister was pushed out in
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a confidence by 18. 2020 to con is already so i think a 3 year prison sentence in a corruption case come out high. the reports not from is not for a special guard. dodge was hearing the official secret tax case against the former prime minister, amber on conn, and the form of foreign minister showing them with godaddy. she bought the 10 year rigorous imprisonments and den for board the leader of the progress on the day. you can stop saying that this was a violation of the refrigerated secret that now this pertains to a diplomatic type of communication between the focus on the embassy in washington earlier in rates. job, one of the state department of fisher's directing that if there was not a lot of confidence, again, the former prime minister that they would be consequences will progress on non contact jake with a conspiracy throughout the government. the government, at the time of $1340.00 correlation, along with the establishment,
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decided to slap the case against them, saying that this was a violation of the richard secret that gutted the sentence of up to 14 year maximum rigorous imprisonment as well as that gets sent. then so as lloyd are now saying that there was a ruling by dissolve, i'd high court, which said that this has to be an open drive because the dried was being held in camera inside the jail. and that the media and the legal games are going to be allowed to represent the client. now that did not happen a legal damage, very confident. they haven't been to the people that support those good m income. and they said that there was no guidelines data, and this all about the high call come out of how you did. i was just a, uh, it's summer by where you can find much more on our website. how to 0 dot com. that's it for me for this new job. i'll be back in a few more other days. developments. staples
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the the good looking out to us. so the sea and everything is good. even explained the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable that they would visit us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding poor preventive, occupied and imprisoned. this is the 1st when they saw that we see in real time the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have
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a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered in savannah. a construction boom is underway for hotels. h. enormous new hotels were not rated and other 5 will be opened by december. all this, while cuba so called economic engine continues to stall, as evidenced by these old convertibles standing idle in order to have them for exact foreign tourists. millions of cubans depend on tourism to treat the fine work i spend money and others make money. the provision of crew ships imposed by donald trump has impacted us a lot. the streets are empty, there are no tourist close to anywhere. so the big question is, why are the building so many new hotels? new hotels are being built with government money on property, not being claimed and us courts choose one party state system, eventually change. they could then be bought and sold. industry officials insist
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there's simply preparing for a tourism boom. a feet that will take more than just new hotels. are the israel hun, sorry, with the bodies of ac palestinians who had been taken from casa and held in israel, [000:00:00;00] the ontario johnston. this is all just their license that will set coming on a proposal for another c spot in garza


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