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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 31, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the, the business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern plates the, [000:00:00;00] the found terry johnston. this is a news life coming up the next 16 minutes. israel hundreds over the bodies of 80 palestinians who have been taken from casa and held in israel. a message politically the says the priorities to stop the brutal aggression against kaiser as he reviews and use the spot proposal. the rocky group contains the has for the says
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it's suspending attacks on us troops. days off to the beginning of the 3 american soldiers and the drug store is ready. come on to is disguised as medics. guns down 3 men and it's a means hospital edging to carry out the tracks and are the same as the school. it's mil. know, between south africa and morocco with the effort to couple of nations. and then the asian come south korea evidence to because of finals that so for eliminating saudi arabia, it is penalty sheets. the israel has returned the bodies of ac palestinians killed in gauze and in recent weeks they was sent in a truck to the crown. we saw them crossing and will be buried in the city of rafter and southern guns that the bodies had been taken and held in israel. i mean, my mood has moved from rafa in southern guns. here to my left and this particular
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location is the 4 and a resting place. so 80 palestinian bodies that were held by these really military. they were released that earlier hours of this morning through the coordination with the red cross and the health authorities in the gaza strip. they were held for quite long time, largely decomposed in and on identify. it's important to point out that there are no family members of these bodies. it presents here to pay them respect or to offer final prayers. these are the bodies of palestinians who were killed and then taken by it is really military or either it taken it from the graveyards uh from cemetery . is that where does it crated by? uh, the is really military as its the ground forces as porn some 12 cemetery is across the gaza strip in the northern pod and in the city of han unison,
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the central area is the bodies were brought in a cargo truck here and for quite some time the hardwood truck was closed off as the emergency and health committee told us the bodies are badly decomposed. then the bad orders of the deacon bows bodies are everywhere. is it for the to do to administer should comes with much fuel the my son was killed on december 5th and he was killed in the, on school and i was injured. so he was buried in the cemetery and con eunice budget for that. and i have actuated to also allow neighborhood and rough i so these rarely met a tree, destroyed the symmetry and 2 bodies from them. when i heard about these bodies being returned to gauze, i rushed to to see if my son's body is width of them. so with another mass, a grave, yet more palestinians whose names may never be known, their identity is lost in a war with unimpressive dented, dis tall honey. my lords outages, he had
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a rough behind southern gauze startup as him joins, as long as not from rafa. what more can you tell us about reports that is where the soldiers of storms, the amount of income unit yes, carrie. this is a part of the ongoing mandatory age and the size of campaign and against the city of con eunice, the 2nd largest city, which is the, from the east. very perspective considered to be one of the strongest stronghold uh for the palestinian fight is that they are been expanding the mandatory attacks to reach the most populated residential neighborhoods. and right now they have been attacking medical facilities, where the i have been a storming the amount of hospital one of the last 2 remaining hospitals that ought to operating right now and the ongoing offensive on the territory. now within the past few hours, they have is told about hospital destroying the gates, the,
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the wounds of the hospital opening fire against its building and serving different smoke grenades that had completely terrified the majority of the factories or taking shelter inside the odds of the hospital. and this is one of the main hospitals that belong to that belongs to the palestinian really present society, which had been multiply targeted since the expansion of the ministry duration in the city of con, unit spots. this is also a terrifying scenario that reminds us gladly. we did situation early and if she felt medical complex alongside with the engineers, she and one in the uh, in the northern parts of gauze or where they have stormed previously. ruined the majority of its department make it completely become out of service due to the destruction that had been closed and inflicted to the majority of devices, equipments that had been used to provide the treatment for the injured and patients of course, the territory. and this is what the international organizations have been warning against that there must be a kind of a protection for this hospital,
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especially that they use body forces or drink v i. ations medical teams and evacuation to get out of the hospital and to head more to the south. it's a very clear so safe cory, those 2 rough i had, especially with the a she destruction and it started ring confrontations the wrong thing on the ground between the policy and fighters. and these are the soldiers. all right, thanks very much. the political leader of how massive smile and the says he's group has received a c spot proposal for the war and gaza. they've been talks this, we can power assigned in washington a possible deal to stop the fighting israel as a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu insists he will not end the will without the chief in all his goals. and you know, meanwhile, says he will travel the car for further discussions in a statement extended his banks to egypt and cut off for their role in trying to reach a sustainable ceasefire agreement in gaza. he said her mouse is open to discussing
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any serious and practical initiatives provided that they needed to a suspicion of is very aggressive. and that the primary rule for accepting any proposal is to stop the brutal aggression against garza and the withdrawal of the occupation forces. from the strength mohammad, as all is a member of masses, political views. he explains the conditions and that's considered as non negotiable . we to mediate. does that mean i'm? he's very, i'm is. oh well cool. we come to exit eh, ceasefire for 40 years. healey, darian reasons, we want it been on these for you. it can be we want it was the girl is really with the girl. was it from?
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does this thread without is the easy was it 01 we sense also accept it this in you d o you propose a, a surgery. we want to allow the human to tell you it's uh to think that it does a great because a lot of people are the, are somebody we've done to it shipped to any kind of for stages. but we want it from both size threes on a couple of kids in it's like really isn't us detectives who of with the resistance movement and got this thing. so we are located here to really use. oh yeah, because it's on both sides. we are looking for a been in the ceasefire,
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but we can do it is the 2nd stage in this state. the very important point for us to this been it say are otherwise, it means the 2nd of the war between us. and these are the rules. what do i, we will see slay, i've been on c spy. out of it is your floor for both sides. what is yours on for the people, but it's time it's ready. 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu is insisting israel will take an uncompromising approach. speaking it's an illegal sacrament and occupied westbank. he said, isabel will keep fighting until absolute victory over her mass. i use statements about all kinds of deals. so i want to make it clear. we will not
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end this war without achieving all our goals. and that means the elimination of how much the return of all hostages and a promise that goes on when it no longer poses a threat to israel. we will not to take the idea out of the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen? absolute victory on this all, who joins us live from occupied these to us. and now what more have we been hearing from benjamin netanyahu about this proposal? these really prime minister's office has released the statements saying business and yahoo has position is clear and consistent, but the war is not going to end until absolute victory. it says that and he was leeks or reports within his really media about major concessions that these rallies are going to give up in exchange for a deal to bring back,
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the captives are simply inaccurate. it ends by saying that these really military is not going to withdraw from guns up, and the thousands of palestinian detainees is really jails will not be released. this comes after nathaniel, who spoke at a religious institution, to settlers and other members of the right wing. i don't know legal settlement in the occupied west bank for just hours before that it's a more bend. we're the country's national security minister, a known alter nationalist and a member of nathaniel whose coalition had said that if and he is really government enters into a deal, but he would consider a quote bad. this would mean the dissolution of the coalition is central, essentially threatening to break the government a part over a deal, but he's not in favor of but hours later. the opposition later you're lupita benjamin netanyahu, whose political arrival a person who has been quite critical of him throughout this war has said that if nathaniel who enters any sort of deal,
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but would see the captives returning to their families, he has his support. this is just the continuation of the complexities and the disagreements that are constantly ongoing within me is really government as the pressure mounts on these really prime minister for multiple different angles from the war cabinet from his coalition. and from these really opposition context, as you say in the us, 2nd just state is reported to be returning to the region later this week. what might we expect? so this would be the us secretary of state's 6th visit to israel since the war began, possibly reiterating. americans support for the israelis. but within his really media, they're saying that he's going to arrive on saturday, meet with us in yahoo, and also sit in on a meeting with the countries war cabinet and explain us proposals and positions about what they would like to see happen. wisconsin after the war,
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but it is unlikely that these really are going to budge when it comes to these types of policies. because nothing, yahoo has been quite clear that until all of the objectives of the war are achieved, the war is not going to end. and until he feels necessary, that's when they'll transition to a different form of finding. the americans have been pushing these really for more humanitarian a to go into gaza. so less than the intensity of the fighting among other things. and remember, during the last visit, when the us secretary of state was here, the meeting between him and these really prime minister was reportedly very tens filled with disagreements. so while there could be a push for the americans to see something different, hoping these really is, will do anything different. these really prime minister remains defiant and how he's going to prosecute this war from there. thanks very much indeed for that updates rocky group cuz he has the law says it suspending
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attacks on us troops. the pentagon had set on monday the drone attack that killed that 3 us, so it is on the jordan. so in order for footprint, so the pro ron creek, but we have thought to corresponds and standing by for the latest on this mike kind of is it washington dc. but 1st let's talk to my fluid. i'll go ahead and buy that . now i'm good. how significant is the statement and, and why now the hello kitty apparently highly significant. this statement that building multiple messages, multiple indications. why now, especially of the threats made by the us for the deadly attack that's killed the us soldiers across the border between city and jordan. on a sunday, this statement by the general, the secretary of but has butler brigades in a lock at building multiple messages. the 1st one is due and now is that
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a suspension of operations against us forces in iraq and syria? and also, as it says to the va or use the better than that. yeah, you're right. the government has been facing because as you know, that they what the government has been under huge pressure over the past few months . is this, these mcgrooves, including the islamic resistance stuff and this sort of thing us and coalition forces in iraq and city as since october, the 17. so given the fact that also the attack on sunday can only one day after this, the rounds of pope's negotiations between us and iraq, he made it feel, pushes to decide on and organizing. we can as him to a withdrawal at the own us and coalition forces from iraq. now also it has the statement, has another message. it now pertaining to a line is it, as you know,
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it says some sort of but equity is providing some sort of like what is to iran. and that's all these operations as this that statement says, have been conducted without the nation a, with the iran, as you know, that the right has been at the heart of like use ation and many relating, directing, financing, funding and even ottoman and equipping these automatic groups it also says the statement says that the government resistance was continue supporting the people. it was that defending the people. it was a box in other ways, but many thanks very much indeed. or what kinds of going to spend, spend patrick right to decline to comments on the cause. but those declaration of it suspending operations against us forces central command is still assessing. but again, we're confident that these this attack was sponsored by iranian back proxies . so, could have, has flaws. just put out
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a message on telegram suggesting that telling it's fighters not to attack us, bases in a rack and syria, suggesting that they will support the fighting casa in other ways. and suggesting that even if the us strikes them not to respond, what is your response to that? yeah, we've, we've seen those reports. i don't have a specific comment to provide other than actions speak louder than words. last spring, you might how to now he joins us life in washington dc. i'm like, how is this being received by the us, the ministration. so generally it's not going to comment on the slightest statement by die cut are you pest. but you had did here the from the pentagon spokesman by making his point that actions speak louder than words. he also pointed on during the news conference that since the attack that killed 3 us soldiers 2 days ago, they have been 3 further attacks as saying that obviously it does appear that these
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attacks are continuing. whether or not it is got higher pistol out of who are responsible for those attacks. you've had a similar response from the state department where it's spokesman might be miller and very, very clear in his words that we do not respond to terrorist attack proclamations from this podium. however, at the same time, the spokesman did say that the us is looking to iraq to take strong action against these rating unit back to groups as the us sees it and says, the iraq is unable to protect us forces in the region that the us itself has to do so, but still there's a reluctance it would appear on the part of the us to basically amplify any comment made by an organization like got a post bella. this is part of a mess of a re new and resistance in iraq itself. that is probably the most powerful off these various militia type movements, but it would appear that us at this point, that's a one to amplify any statements that comes from a group like this,
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by acknowledging it in one way or another, tends to have got these rather brand reactions to what could be a significant step by a very powerful militia group operating within iraq. okay, mike, thank you. well, staying with this, uh, william laurence is a professor at the american university and a former senior us diplomats. he joins a slide from washington, dc, welcome to the program. so from a us standpoint, overall, what all the options now and, and what are the risks as many in both categories. so i think that the simplest way to state this is that the us needs to respond in a way that that helps will deter it, but does not escalate. and so it's a, it's an art not a science. it's quite tricky until now the us has been in response to the 160 attacks on its troops and interact in syria. it's mostly been striking um,
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infrastructure and munitions depot. ready and avoiding killing iranians and civilians. although it, you know, it hasn't avoided killing or injuring finders from iraq and syria. but now that americans have been deliberately killed on jordanian soil. they have to go up to a next level. and while we're, the republicans are split on this, you know, half of them say no wars and the other one say it a rand, immediately. what's likely that's the by demonstration will hit the radiance assets in a way that doesn't escalate and, and to compare to the alternative. what israel dated views in damascus with the assassinations is escal tore. where is what the us is trying to do here is send the message without provoking to the point of escalating the war in a large way. well, given what you say that i know what to make of khattab has but last declaration that it suspends in operations against us forces. ok. i'm, you know,
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we don't have, we don't know anything for sure. we know that there's a pressure on iran from all sides, including the chinese and, and golf air of states and others to rainy and all of its malicious. we know that the, who these are sort of going for broke because of their own domestic and regional political considerations. where is the militias interact in syria and lebanon on about all of which are close to governments? they're not resistance. if i can just back up and say, you know how boss is resistance? lions, dan is resistance. these forces in lebanon, syria, interact, and with these controlling the capital, those are governmental forces. it was the a, the malicious right in the rack along with americans that defeated isis. uh, you know, not too long ago in a rack. so this is the government to a large degree these, these, these, these forces. so, so ultimately they, they,
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they have to coordinate and bow to, to some degree, the iraqi government, to me, uranium government. so you know, any step that restrains their escalations is good. with all this, we've seen you a 2nd just say and to be blinking, then the region many times these reported to be heading to the region again later this week. how much has the chief there in practical times in your view? not much and not enough for you know, i've been so impressed to feel burns that who's, who's about to negotiate a breakthrough. uh, pause 2 minutes here and pause especially when you type in the dimensions direct to see i that that's what you mean, isn't it a yeah and, and almost every good negotiation uh for better for worse of this thing connected to him. but when we seen jake sullivan go out and make mistakes and rep mccork go out and sort of recycle some of the trump administration and proposals and, and even blinking that times has made mistakes. i have um, you know,
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a great respect for his intellect and instability to understand situations. and he has been delivering messages to this or at least about to restraining more. but you know, within the, by the ministration. i would say campbell at harris lloyd austin bill bern search, which you might call the peach camp ceasefire camp and we tend to see more moving in that direction from that trio than the other trio along with kirby. so, you know, there's always voices within an administration in different ways and, and, and, and i think bill barnes is going to be at the heart along with the guitar e. so if any of the ending of this war and ultimate a peaceful outcome, what about the relationship then between the us present and is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu. kelly, there's been a friction of it will not ever reach a breaking point. a gr, almost there. it's, it's, it's, it's bad and gotten worse. the us can't wait for this or at least to move on to
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another government. we have a sort of weird situation in which that's and yeah, was a 15 percent approval rating. and, and this rarely is wanting to go is made rabbits, no trick, and been good. they are on the rights are more popular than ever, but their parties are not. and they probably won't do that well, in elections as to the crew. just going to possibly have to come up with new leadership is the largest party i from the right, which is winning an issue these days and americans are talking to gadson and le pete about the afternoon and yahoo. um, but uh, you know, the way in which i mentioned yahoo makes private commitments to the american. so then goes to these fairly press and parliament and says almost the opposite, that he's not gonna count out to the american society is, is really quite disruptive and up and unproductive. and uh it's, it's just a relationship. it's not working very well. biden's loyalties and commitment is to the history of the state. now that you know that grout at the horrors that won't
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work to reach that older generation of americans that believe that you know, americans to turn this jewish people away from their borders during the holocaust of a debt to jewish people, etc, etc. um, you know that, that the americans are not far from turning the page to that old type of thinking. even young jewish americans are very pro palestinian. so we're, we're in the middle of the transition with muslims and palestinians coming to congress and the senate. you know, things are changing in the us slowly, but then a bite and has to end this work quickly, you know, with the right mean the most right. we just really government history that's, that's resisting that. whatever, lawrence, we very much appreciate your insights. thank you. a funeral has taken place for 3 palestinian men killed by squarely, special forces, so in disguise. doing a raise in a hospital. the janine child stratford has this report from ramada in the occupied
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westbank. and these are not the medics but destroys these ready soldiers inside a promise to be in hospital hunting, a patient to kill a targeted assassination in a civilian medical institution in the city. if you need anything occupied westbank according to the hospital stall, one of the 3 men killed had been receiving treatment for injuries. you suffer during these really help me right. 2 months ago, the, this is a crime that can be added to a series of crimes violating hospitals and storming medical institutions assaulting medical teams and assassinating 3 young men. we want to reiterate our appeals, the international institutions that they need to stand by us and take responsibility against these crimes statement by the janine brigades, which includes a number of policy you no longer existence group said 2 of the 3 main members of islamic just had one that come on to the sud was a come on during from us. from i said it was a fully fledged waterline and
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a continuation of crimes against people from garza. so jeanine and his radio army statement said what it cooled from us terrace. so hiding inside the hospital that'd be neutralized. busy it's it how much come out of them? a homage 11. they had been planning an attack inspired by the october the 7th. how much attacks had been transferring weapons and ammunition to all the finances in the army open surrounds and at times of actually attacked the 3 hospitals in janine, during the nightly military raids on the city. but this is the 1st time since the beginning of the war that they have actually ensued a civilian medical facility and what seems to be a targeted assassination. and one, the policy and, you know, sort use a cooling gets a nova contravention of international child stuff. busy which is 0 ramallah and the occupied was fine. 0 is the, the abraham went to the hospital engine a unit where the attack happened or that one nurse who is trying to protect the
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area to look after the patients has been beaten up by the undercover is really units before she could even know what was happening, i'm not just inside the emergency in a hospital where the incident happened, but i'm inside the room where the 3 men have been when they were killed. let me just go around the room and show you. this is the bed with a bass and was that we was, he was receiving treatment after and his really drone strike took place in october, according to the medical stuff here. they say that he has been paralyzed from the waist down. know here, just if we pump this a couch, this is weird. i'm him mid july. i'm the, was that he's a predicted, assumed and deemed as wanted by these really forces who said that he is a key member of how mass, according to the doctors here. they say that the use of fire, of course, with assignments there has been heavy leading to so many bullets in his body. you know,
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here was the brother of basses him at the as that we. and if you can see it's a very difficult scene here in the hospital of the blood stains are everywhere. they try to take the bodies for burial, but yet the remains are still here. and you know, there was a lot of grief and a lot of shots that, you know, this is not new. these really forces in the past few years of done that indeed by targeting people inside the hospitals wearing under cover uh, fluids, uh, as a like, acting like they are. patients coming into the hospital. bucks is the word. this is the 1st time we've seen this and this signals is very dangerous. this condition as far as costing is here, are concerned. so to come on out of this era, united nations security council says is concerned by the rapidly worsening amount of tearing situation and concept moving islands. politicians look set to advise to both from exhaustion any 2 years of deadlock and another high profile fight joins
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live golf. i 10 more coming up in the split the the, that it wouldn't stop blowing in from the north for the most part of europe is coming in from the southwest. so we've cut off the supply really cold air. that doesn't mean we're free. is there this level generate some snow ever? no way in central suite, and the really is bringing in strong strong southwest. the winds and rain mold inspect attempts is nowhere, particularly those 2 single figures. but that's not my cold. it's kind of, i have, you know, that boom, which is don't freeze it now. we think we'll bring this brain down to the low countries through germany and france to the northern outs. it's been some late winter snow here for some as it's rather a we can system further east. nobody gets snow for time and feel yes,
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the following. it is not cold. it's still warm and to dry in spain and portugal, and this will be up in greece and turkey. and now that strong, when they both command, the black sea is no longer the never the last for the next day. also for libya and those media. if there was an i'm show breezy will be cold, west windy that has in the last couple days, it helps the breeze, typically. so the man, the, the, how much of the seasonal wind is that much for the desk for the share in chat for this i have never come over that quite possibly to central nigeria. rain in southern africa mart again. sure itself is developing a tropical cycle. but in the mainland, i think you should probably watch mozambique or malawi of the. the latest news, as it breaks the word from gauze has left thousands of students across this trip in limbo. the destruction will lead to i last generation among young people here with
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detailed coverage. the gaza strip has been with missing us, a beer shortage of medicine for more than 3 months. now, from the heart of the story, many people here say that in order for as well to remain united, nothing. yeah, we'll have to go hard hitting into blues as a un ambassador position given to you by well, does have both. you've described that is better than is better than anything, thought provoking ons. my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb, toe in the security council. this is something they just don't think. look is different on it, access it, you hear the story on talk to how does era the
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the actually all just a reminder about tips. israel has returned to bodies of ac palestinians killed in gauze when it was sent in a truck through the crown. i just saw them crossing masses politically, the smile and the says they have received a c spot for funds along the wall and gone. the photos towards between tom hutchins choose us, his regular egypt as well as a prime minister. now says the one cause with north and cheese rocky blue tape has but uh says it suspending attracts us troops. washington had to explain to her. right. all right, turn it killed 3 us soldiers. united nations security council as hell discussions on the war and goes to the council
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says it's concerned by the diving rapidly west thinking amount of time and situation that that there's an urgent need to increase aid the american best the to the us. and it says the seeking more information for me is very government, golfing alleged involvement of un released agency stuff, you know, type a 7 attack us state department spokesman. matthew says he hopes the work will continue to counsel very much support the work done with us. we think it's critical, there is no other humanitarian player in gaza who can provide food and water and medicine scaled it under it does. and we want to see that work continued. which is why it is so important that the united nations takes this matter seriously. but they investigated that there is accountability for anyone who is found to engage in wrong doing. and that's a take, whatever other measures are appropriate to ensure that this sort of thing cannot happen again to you and coordinate to aids a goes,
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it says there is no substitute for when was humanitarian wrong? at the moment, the films political decisions which are g a bombed, there is no way that any organization can replace or substitute tremendous capacity . the fabric of monroe, the ability, the and the knowledge of the population in gaza. christmas letting me has more on what secret colleague had to say. she gave a pretty blunt assessment to the security council behind closed doors. and then a briefing to reporters afterwards, where she talked about uh, the situation that she's and she's being asked to increase a going in to gaza at a time when the largest humanitarian aid organization on right is under fire and being threatened with funding cuts. and the violence is ongoing, a difficult task to say,
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the least in the last month that she's taken on this position. she's traveled to jordan. she's travel to egypt. she's been meeting with israel and palestine in officials. she even went to guys a briefly to assess the situation and she says what she's doing is looking for more aid routes into the country. she thinks jordan is a good possibility of getting more aid and she's working on that. she says, commercial vehicles also needs to be allowed backend and need to be commercial operations to fully meet the needs of the people of gaza. um, but all of this she says is going to be impossible without conrad the largest humanitarian operation there. as you just heard, no substitute for for unwrapped, and also need 4 more pauses in the fighting for humanitarian work to be done in any sustained fashion. so putting in red crescent has released an audio recording of
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a palestinian girl who was shot spot is rarely forces and have a day contacted paramedics, the help of the call. her family was traveling and was surrounded by is really forces she died as the youngest sister hand remains the trapped inside the vehicle and going to the city and a warning. now the contents of this or the recording or distressing. what hold on more on the other one might have been in the caribbean. ringback level and could you will see all the little i know,
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i know i know i know i do the spring you some of the well these now the french government has to implement more controls on for and foods the further set of concessions to the countries. farmers that software for testing farm is intensified the week on demonstrations. they say a lack of support from government is hom in the industry. they're also unhappy about rising costs in belgium and farmers have built the 2nd largest ports in the country. for testers, restricted access to laurie's, but allowed cost the entity program. farmers have been disrupting traffic and
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looking face across the country. and the process of also spread to it's in the way farm is blocked, a very close to right. they're angry about even government policy along with the impact of inflation and taxes on their products. among the moms is that their mortgage payment so suspended. but i know we spoke to and because some of the, the deputy secretary of european federation of food, agriculture and terrorism. trade unions explained why farmers across europe hungry or we can say with the best or very much link that to national situations. but we can see a come on traveling this professor and these come on track these, the stronger position against the green, the law, and the from to for strategy which are namely the new environment, the policies of which are leading that a lot of people, i mean, we do have a full sector, so this would be the come on track the and the score. so as it's
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a unit organization represents what kind of sports inhibited cancer sector and 8 for the share. so some of the farmers concerns if they can be some for a pharmacies challenging the conditional part of the couch with our workers. and it is even more complicated to this seem to embed remote and that's what we added to your message. and if you have messages but the problem with debit cards or sites or is not that if i'm to folks strategies and i'll be going digging, this is not to you environment that i'm the show. the main problem is the distribution on well across. so this one to shape, so we need the, we need in your response will be the new solution. and the solution is 3. we need the, this is a set. so with the lose those things the a windows uh and the windows, sorry, the the supermarket chain. so before the guy on so the be the chemical companies and the lose our saw this mode farmer. so, and even motor was that out of the, of the couch, but all of the customer workers. so the solution, our, our mainly we need,
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we need and the least thing approach. we need 1st of all, that we need to address those long standing systemic issues. but the effect of the book, most of whom, that i would like those suckers of the food chain. and these means that to have a completely different approach, triple trade agreements. so it must sustainable why not? because we see debit cards are set so many times to being use the is about gaining cheaper, maybe to sell them more cars. so most of, most of the causes, the 3rd congress, the members of the spanish apartments have rejected a bill offering an amnesty to catch it on separate his withdraw for registration, covered around $400.00 people involved in 24 teams. even that shortened dependence trustworthy decade ago, on a 2nd paulding 2017 declaration of independence that followed, provoked a political crisis, found the shock of the 2 years developed. the government could return to north and on it. because of the main unit as positive d have approved rejoining the power sharing arrangements with the republicans
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option fine. who wants united on it? but the p says this is condition on the british government committing to new measures on post briggs. it's the trade rules. hi fossit reports from belfast for nearly 2 years northern irish politics has been stuck, run a ground on post, breaks it trading rules, the created an effective trade board and the irish c. requiring checks on goods entering from great britain, even on some destined to remain within northern ireland. but you need us to want to preserve northern ireland state is within the united kingdom. that was a red line causing them to pull out and stay out of the power sharing the government. now the main union is, lita says he has a deal with the british government that would all but it raised that c bought a package of measures and to follow the dos, provide a basis for our party to nobody as members to the executive lack of a function and government has restricted spending on public services and infrastructure
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. public sector workers frustrated by the lack of pay rises, giving a period of high inflation repeatedly worked out on strike. the return to the developed executive would release nearly $4200000000.00 worth of funding pledge by the british government. it would also, for the 1st time, the northern ireland would have the republican sh, insane 1st minister, who wants to see a united ireland. there now the largest party in the assembly, how was to that storm on society has already suffered from the absence of government over the last 2 years. we're almost 2 years away from the the last assembly election. i'd very much welcome to the fact that the d v have now moved to explicitly recognize and respect to the outcome of the past, the assembly at election. no question. and that this was a day of real progress back towards develop government here in northern on. but the remain possible obstacles still to this amount questions to be on so that we may
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get some of those answers when the full text of the deal is published later on wednesday are as well. so i'll just 0 so fast. at least 4 people have been killed at the political riley and park histone southwest envelopes. histone proteins they say a bomb was sauntered on. most of by the ready was in support of the prime minister in rome and cons. focused on to rekey and software p t only proxy. national elections are scheduled for february 8th. well, this comes off to colton, focused on sentence to form a prime minister. it won't come to 10 years in prison. he's been found guilty of leaking official secrets khan, who is already serving 3 years in jail, was pushed out of office and in their confidence voting 2020. to come out of hiding reports from some of that a, a special guard dodge was hearing the official secret tax case against the former prime minister on conn. and the form of foreign minister showing them with good
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shape fox to obtain the rigorous imprisonments and den for both the leaders of the progress on the day, you can stop saying that this was a violation of the official secret tax. now this pertains to a diplomatic cipher communication between the focused on the embassy in washington earlier in rates, job one of the state department officials directing that if there was not a word of confidence against the former prime minister, that they would be consequences of august on non contracted with the goods credited to our government. the government, at the time of 1340 correlation along with the establishment decided to slap the case against them saying that this was a violation of the original ticket. that guide is the sentence of up to 14 year maximum rigorous imprisonment as well as the debts. and then so as lloyd are now saying that there was a ruling by dissolve, i'd high court, which said that this has to be an open drive because the dried was being held in
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camera inside the jail. and that the media and the legal games are going to be allowed to represent the client. now that did not happen a legal to damage, very confident. they haven't been to the paperless supporters do them income. and they said that there was no guidelines data. and this all about the high call come out of high that i was just there. uh, it's on my by, as well as insane as low as chambers set to votes and a number of measures and pots of right when the president have you had made a push for sweeping economic reforms. bots has to raise of over reports. now the government is having to make concessions. these are members of argentina, scientific community, protesting outside the national science center. they are concerned about the radical changes argentina's new precedent. have you had me ladies trying to pass in congress, the reforms, and what is known the most bill will have an enormous impact on the agency and the
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public sector. because once privatized, state companies in my sector do want to privatize companies that are in charge of new to energy on uranium production, selling companies like that too far. this is something that worries the far right president came to power with a promise to transform the country. since he took office less than 2 months ago, he propose to bill to do you regulate argentina struggling economy, promote for while employment and attract forwarding investors. negotiations are still ongoing about what when is the the final version of the so called bill with 38 of the 257 c think may have made lots of concessions. he has completely removed the fiscal measures off the bill like a tech pipe and a pension reform in order to guarantee the lowest cost. the government insist that in spite of removing crucial economic reforms,
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they're still on track to achieve the main goal. reducing the deficit. there's a lot of that going pdf. what we're trying to achieve is to give to economic taxes the tranquillity that we will reduce the deficit and facilitate governance of legislatures the approval of the most important parts of the law. ogden tina's economy has been in trouble for years of guaranteed evaluation in december force, the inflation rate to over 25 percent forcing the sharp reduction of people's purchasing power economy say the next few months will be a vital test for the precedents. reforms gave me this one price these months are crucial if inflation drops in the next few months, there was a chance that the government will get on track. if this doesn't happen, we will have again, a government in trouble and they will have to divide. you again, and this will have an impact on the prices and don't he's popularity. mean a believes that he reckoned i'll make reforms and the albany voice bill will help him in his own try liberally project to change argentina. but there are many who
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believe he's project will leave the bottom level and didn't economic need. very so we'll just see that when a site is still the head here without, is there a contrasting emotions, the saudi arabia are knocked out to the agent. come by self career sports is
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the all the, [000:00:00;00] the most thoughtful sports needs now has peter k. thank you. so much south korea,
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so you to the quote, the finals of the asian cup of a late equalize against saudi arabia. follow the penalty sheets of victory, the natural to sole saudi arabia, head coach for both of mancini, walk away from the ground before the winning take was struck. german ash was at education. so he, in though for us there was huge excitement and anticipation ahead of this last 16 match between 2 heavy weights of asian football. a posse atmosphere ahead of kickoff certification switching stadium, but he would be celebrating at the final whistle. for about 3 months he needs a saudi arabia and yoga mcclin's been south thread, both came through the group stage and beaten and there was nothing to separate. the teams in the opening 45 minutes of this came up to their bodies, came on as the 2nd toss substitute and his impact was instant as he put saudi arabia in front, less than
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a minute off to the restore south korea school. the stuff which time when i can support, you can let the 2022 world profit is very stadium, and it was once again, and they twist showed through sun heading in a 1990 minutes equalizer to send the match to extra time. so no goals enough additional 13 minutes. so it all came down to a penalty. she sounds the saudis went fast in school and upset software is counseling. so human puts away his support, kick saudi arabia then. so to assess kind of say that coach mancini had seen enough and headed down the tunnel before the winning penalty kicks that's on the went to wine. he can you send 2 side into the last 8 of to be honest refills so nervous today and the price of because you can see that a lot of dollars out of your friends are the probably,
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but it was amazing much those go really, the agent go this is my best, the time in my life. hello. we have so upsets we have control over the game and so like the last to minutes we lost the game. look, i can see that was disappointing. there's a lot of because then those are the very well we can have said to give a quick because there is other competition in 2025. i'll go south korea back from the brink after being just seconds away from going out. hot break, cool. saudi arabia, he what, within touching distance of the next round to the green falcons, guys, higher wallet, south korea, and move on to face australia in the quarter finals. the chances of a subs, agent comp, title on fast since 1960 remain intact. german hash out a 0 education city stadium whose becky stone are also on the way to the asian cup cold finals up to the feeding thailand to one whose backs took the leaving the city savings committed a beautiful bit of play finished explicitly by us. these big 2 gun by of but the
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ties with the tim, it's a fight back. and the 58 minutes a medicine each along the super to set us up with a 25 year old. if it's, if he's back, he's done would retain the lead through both spec $50.00. you have to what have finished. they face hosts consulate in the code around a 16 comes to test on wednesday by rain, take on full time champions, japan before sylvia face 2019 semi finalists iran, south africa, lead morocco, 1000000, the final moments of africa, a couple of nations. last 6. the match earlier molly book the place in the quarter finals, an own goal, help them take the lead against the key, the fast. so in the food minutes. and then in the 2nd to minutes of the 2nd off, let's see. now seeing that your co doubled the lead, the konami's food one back, but a good finish to one also will have gone within 2 points of premium. the lead is livable is they beat nothing. i'm far as to one of your clients. first off, it was gabrielle jesse's to school,
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the 1st goal in the 6050 minutes is full of the season to the car. second school, the 2nd 7 minutes later. so i will a one use consolation. go so far. it's not enough to deny me come out, say it's aside and in 3 points in the title race you can top as age level boyfriend's not to worry about a play rick. so this software you revealed last week that it'd be leaving the trap at the end of the season. the end of up 7 year rain has spot concerns about the future assistant players, such as virtual van dyke, who is revealed that he wants more clarification available with long term plans. they faced chelsea on wednesday with cop adding that mom at the seller will be out for at least 2 games of picking up an injury on ask on duty with egypt. especially important things need time. so it's all fine. don't worry. you can borrow it just for you at home. don't worry and, and it's, it's fine. the boys lost this place. russia says it will appeal the loss of a figure skating teams and then pick goals middle following come in,
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the valley avis doping ben. the international skating union has given the wind to the us and the most address. it's a bronze of the quote of arbitration for school handed her a 4 year suspension. so yeah, if it was just 15 and her positive test was revealed, how is off to the when last week the anti doping agency release, the reporting to the thing among child athletes? they found the practice was more common than most national anti doping agencies. ed realized with more than 1500 positive tastes among mine is in the last 10 years. russia, india and china had the most positive taste among child athletes. the youngest athlete to be sanction fluid. i think violation was 12 year old or 12 years old, but children as young as 8 are being tested as it is tragic. and then we should look at all ways to protect you know, all of you that leads for robbie o wrap leads are being abused by their state. and the way that some of these rushing happens, i've been having and shows contentedly in
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a case of my mind about how heartbreaking is that. we've seen what rush it is, john since 2015 when it was exposed. and that had been robbing the olympic games ever since that time period joined. 2014. and they're still long long. so let's wake up and see the arms that have been committed and actually do something about it. if we choose and care for, for an apple thing, this golf at several hassan has signed up to join the live gulf. the 32 year old is to be part of an expansion team captain. by con mazda is champion john rom. hassan will make his live debut this week in mexico, and the policy is twice helped to europe when the why, the cup. it's higher about mixed reactions from fellow professionals. i might disagree with maybe some of them, but i think at the end of the day if, if that's what carol thinks is best for him and that's what he's got to do he's, i'm sure he's done as i hope he's done his homework and research and feels it's the best decision, but it is what it is i guess. and that's where we'll leave it for tonight's gary
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pizza. thanks very much. and dates get more on our website. i'll just talk back in a few minutes and more of the days. developments to stay with this the why am i double what kind of flips through the pages of his books? he was hoping to be a doctor, but the fighting in savannah put a stop to studies. that effigy population here because across the 600000 and walk, most of them under the age of 30, even save this chief when he mentioned it gets into a classroom. that is another curriculum. and so then it's different from what you're trying to get particularly engaged at and send them to the regular schools like this. the priority for now is to provide shelter and full, and even that is close in the united way. there is no clear indication as when
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refugees students would be able to return home. and to that process the and then what to do was savvy and everything is good. even explained the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would take us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding poor. we've been occupied and in prison. how does their oil rich get rock is facing a crisis and a final bike to results water as dams built by its upstream neighbors with strict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate do the situation. now, when regions were settled, funding 1st emerge, pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the
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last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was part to of, to, on a jersey to. i care about helping us engaging with the rest of the world. i cover foreign policy, national security. this is a political in house. here's the conflict. are we telling the good story? we're really interested in taking you in to a place that you might not visit otherwise. it's absolutely feel as if you were there on the the ground carry johnston. this is the news from coming off of the next sixty's as well . hon. so with apologies of the palestinians had been taken from gaza and held in a new proposal for us. the sparkling concepts and masses,


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