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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 31, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the the palestinian red presents accuses radius selves of storming, one of the few hospitals, still functioning. the little ones are enjoying the sound, 0 life and go home. so coming a new proposal for us to spine, johnson says politically that is reviewing it. this is the priorities to stop the boot blood pressure and in this for the rock and root cause i am has velocity suspending. attacks on us troops, veins office 3 american soldiers with a strong strong and it's randy. come on the sky, just medication, dead 3 and almost it'll let you know the
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beginning, gaza where the palestinian red present says is rainy. forces of rated one of the last operating medical facilities, the amount of hospital in the southern city of han. eunice is also sheltering, displaced palestinians. i'll just say it was power top was whom has more now from rough. they have been talking medical facilities where the has been a storming via and i'm out of hospital one of the last 2 remaining hospitals that are still rating right now on the ongoing sunset on the territory. now, within the past few hours, they have to storm as hospital destroying the case, the, the rules of the process of opening fire against the building and sort of being different. smoking coordinates that had completely terry font, the majority of the factories were taking shelter inside the onto of the hospital. and this is one of the main hospitals that belong to that belongs to the power
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spending. really present society which has been multiply targeted since the expansion of the military ration in the city or con unit spots. this is also a terrifying scenario that reminds us clearly with the situation earlier. and it's just not me to come conflicts alongside with the end. do nation once in the, in the northern part of causal where they have stormed previously, that route the majority of its department make it completely become out of service due to the destruction that had been inflicted to the majority of devices, equipment that had been used to provide treatment for the injured and patients of course, the territory. and this is what the international organizations have been warning against not there must be a kind of protection for reduce hospital, especially that the usability forces or during the patient's medical teams and feedback. curious to get out of the hospital and to help move to the south. it's a very clear absence of safe corey doors to rough. uh, especially with the uh, she destruction and the staggering confrontations the wrong thing on the ground.
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when the policy in points isn't these really so. meanwhile, the political lead of how much the small honey says his group has received the cx. 5 proposal for the war and gauze that they've been told this week in power as sound in washington on a possible deal to stop the fighting. but is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu even says he will not end the war without achieving all his goals? anita meanwhile says he'll travel to cairo for further discussions. mohammed gonzalez, i remember i'm asked as political bureau, he explained which conditions. how may i ask him said as, as non negotiable, we thought does that mean then sees is oh, well cool. we come to exit eh, ceasefire for the, for the reasons we want it been on these for you. it can be we want it was the girl is really with the girl. was it from?
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does this thread without is the easy, was it the little one we sense also accept it this in you d o you propose it? and secondly, we want to allow the human to taylor, it's add to the state because a lot of people, the stuff i, we've done to it shipped to any kind of but. ready stages, but we want it from both size threes on a couple of kids in it isn't us detectives who of with the is this sense that movement and got this thing. so we are located there to release. oh,
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tablet. there is on both sides. we are looking for a bin and then the ceasefire. but we can do it is the 2nd stage in this state, the very important one for us. 3. so this printer is slow. yeah. otherwise it means the backend of the war between us. and these are the tools. what do we want? see say i've been on c spy out of it is yours for, for both sides. what is yours? i'm for the people, but it's time a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu insist israel will take an uncompromising approach. speaking at an illegal settlement and the occupied westbank, he said israel will keep fighting on to the cheese, what he called absolute victory of
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a hamas i use statements about all kinds of deals. so i want to make it clear. we will not end this war without achieving all our goals, and that means the elimination of how much the return of all hostages and a promise that garza will no longer pose a threat to israel. we will not to take the idea out of the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen? absolute victory. the son who joins us live now from occupied east jerusalem. honda, somewhat more has nothing yahoo been saying about this. the supply proposal that of these rarely prime minister's office, releasing a statement saying, but nothing, you know, whose position has been clear from the beginning, but there will not be an end to the war until there is a total victory over him us. it also says that any reports circulating with it is
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really media about major is really concessions that are going to be given up as part of this deal to bring back. the captives are simply incorrect. it ends by saying that these really army is going to remain in gaza and the thousands of palestinians attorneys in his really jail. busy will not be released. this comes after nathaniel, whose defiant remarks at a religious center in the occupied west bank in an illegal settlement in front of a crowd of members who support the right wing as well as is really settlers. these words come just hours after the country is national, security minister, east of our bend, we are a member of the far right. a known, ultra national is released to post on x, formerly known as twitter, saying that if these really government enters a deal that he considers that one that is quote, not favorable to these rallies, it would mean the dissolution of the coalition. essentially, he's threatening to tear apart these really government over a deal,
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but he's not in favor of and shortly after that, the countries opposition later you're the pied released post saying, but whatever deal the government decides to enter, if it needs bring back the captives to their families, he will support and there will be a safety net for the government. these are incredibly complex discussions and incredibly interesting time. these really governments is going through because the opposition leader is probably nothing y'all was biggest political rival, has been the fiercest critic of the is really prime minister. while not only has been the premier but also throughout the entirety of this war, calling on him to resign multiple times. but saying that he would support him in a deal that brought back the captive. should the coalition be dissolved because of members? from the far right. so there are angles of pressure coming from all different directions on benjamin netanyahu. yeah, i'm the, i'm the us subject state anthony blinking is reported to be returning to the region late to this week. what can we expect them to visit?
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do you think i so this would be the us secretary of state's 6th visit to israel since the war began. is really media reporting that he will arrive until we'll leave on saturday. meet with these really prime minister and also sit in on a meeting with the countries war cabinet there. he'll discuss us proposals for what the americans would like to see happen the day after the war on gaza ends. the americans have been quite clear that they want to see a different approach to this war. they want to see more humanitarian, a going into gaza. they want these really to transition to a lesser intensity type of fighting. they want to minimize civilian casualties, but all of these notes that they americans have given me is really have a sensually fallen on deaf ears because these really prime minister has said that he's going to conduct this war. however he sees fit in achieving those military goals. and remember the last time the blinking was here,
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that meeting between the 2 leaders was reportedly very intense. there were a lot of disagreements as the americans had been pushing for a change in the policy of the war. these relays are seemingly defiant, lived, lived there, and occupied east. jerusalem hemmed up. thank you. president joe biden says he has decided how the us will respond to a drug and strike that killed 3 american troops in jordan that the weekend speaking as he left the white house. the bible said he didn't want a wide, a warm in the middle east. it was off to be held rom, responsible for the best of the 3 americans. this was his response to the the rocket group. the pentagon believes carried out that drum striking jordan has announced that suspending attacks on us troops. time has by law indicated that its allies in iran, another one is aware of its operations. muffled up the wind has more not from the rocky capital bank that a multiple messages and indications in the statement issued by the general
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secretary of hezbollah brigades. any lock on top of them. that statement is a cold for the escalation to suspend old minutes. the operations attacks against us and coalition forces in iraq and syria. and the statement also tries to alleviate or it'd use the better than the pressure that the government in a lot of the, like a government has been facing that since october of this event. is it since the beginning of these attacks, especially the iraqi government, has been recently engaged in folks with us submitted 3 of which is to teach? and we can assume to guarantee was the will of us and coalition forces from iraq. now this lennox resistance includes a few a groups, any lock was updated to it and you want and they want to eh, now is the de escalation, especially of the threats made by the, the,
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the united states for the deadly attack headed out by the islamic resistance. and named the bi hezbollah brigades and killed the assault soldiers uh on, on the border between syria and jordan. without the had a 0. by that for pentagon spokesman patrick rod or declined to come and tell him, time has blocked declaration, but it suspending operations against us forces. the central command is still assessing, but again, we are confident that these this attack was sponsored by iranian back proxies. so contempt has laws, just put out a message on telegrams, suggesting that telling it's fighters not to attack us, bases interact in syria, suggesting that they will support the fighting casa in other ways. and suggesting that even if the us strikes them not to respond, what is your response to that? yeah, we've, we've seen those reports. i don't have
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a specific comment to provide other than actions speak louder than words for my kind of joins us live now from washington dc. mike, so how is the statement by can type has blah being received by us officials as well . the reaction was uh, very similar to that you just heard from the pentagon spokesman, how not declining to respond directly to the statement to by the group. however, he did carry on and say that they have been a 3 attack since those american soldiers were killed. some 48 hours ago, this is in reference to his words and actions speak louder than words. so clearly the us still believes that these attacks ongoing and is treating it as such. but it is a reluctance to it directly respond to the statements made by god. tell you in his folder that was reflected to at the state department with the spokesman. the and matthew miller said, we do not respond to taylor risk comments. as reported from this podium,
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miller went on to say that iraq could do more to cut down on the activities of on groups within iraq and saying that the us government would continue to protect its own troops who are as if deployed in the region. but very clearly the bite and administration does not want to amplify or give a megaphone to the commons of a group like can i tell you it is blocked by responding directly to them remembering as well. it's very important that this group is part of a wide umbrella organization, is that make resistance in iraq, the number of on groups, but a pistol is probably the most powerful of them. the us i'll just be watching them closely, but reluctant to communicate or be seen to be communicating with it in any form whatsoever. mike, thank you. talk for a short break here, and i'll just see when we come back the audience being assigned to somebody,
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just enjoying protests against the new government. really explain what the model, the nice things the the same depth analysis of the days headlines. how does south africa, cruise bits, accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and hold across the scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide. frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea. it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation inside story on al jazeera. what constitutes extent, so we generally talk you were saying, i want you to start with just the fence rose to what happened as independent. we
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won't be, we want the education. my wants to be the we don't have lead them in different countries and policy on it's going to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefits. know what that was and services, this placement. then you're saying you don't have your reports with it. i should just trust the community. austin is 5 times the crew that used to produce outstanding gentleness and elders, the integrity in the pursuit of the the welcome back to watching out. as we are a quick reminder about top stories here. this hour i'm asked as politically small
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on the says the group is reviewing a c spot proposal. number one, garza with farmers totes between capital unintelligence cheese. the us is relative to israel department assessed as the one concept will not end until full goals, which iraq a group i tied, his blog says it's the spending of tax on us troops. washington has claimed probably raining groups for the drug attack, the killed 3 us soldiers. the majority of the serial now the palestinian red crescent has released an audio recording of a punish them young girl who was shot by. is there any forces like um, how about a contact in front of metix to help? while i call her somebody was travelling in what's around advise ready forces. she died as a younger sister in remain trapped inside the vehicle in gauze and city, and a warning the contents of this audio recordings a distressing well, the more the more, the hello. how about the in
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the caribbean, the individual see all the hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello us a funeral has been held for 3 palestinian men killed by israelis. special forces to wait in disguise during a raid on a hospital in janine,
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i'll just see what the child struck for as a report from ramallah and the outside westbank. these are not the medics but destroys these ready soldiers inside a promise to be in hospital hunting, a patient to kill a targeted assassination and a civilian medical institution in the city. if you need any occupied westbank according to the hospital stall, one of the 3 men killed had been receiving treatment for injuries. he suffered during these righty. hold on me right. 2 months ago, the, this is a crime that can be added to a series of crimes violating hospitals and storming medical institutions assaulting medical teams and assassinating 3 young men. we want to reiterate our appeal to international institutions that they need to stand by us and take responsibility against these crimes statement by the jeanine brigades, which includes a number of policy and no longer existence group said 2 of the 3 main members, islamic just had one that come on to the sud was
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a come on during from us. from i said it was a fully fledged war crime and a continuation of crimes against people from garza. so jeanine and he's ready to army statement said what it cooled from us terrorist. so hiding inside the hospitals be neutralized. it's it how much come out of them? a homage 11. they had been planning an attack inspired by the october the 7th. how much attacks had been transferring weapons and ammunition to all the fighters. these are the army open surrounds and at times that actually attacked the 3 hospitals in janine during the nightly military raids on the city. but this is the 1st time since the beginning of the war that they have actually ensued a civilian medical facility. and what seems to be a target to assess the nation and one the policy and, you know, sort use a cooling gets a nova contravention of international child stuff around to 0. ramallah and the occupied was fine. and i'll just say it was need to, abraham went to that hospital engine in where the attack half of that one nurse who
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was trying to protect the area to look after the patients has been beaten up by the under cover is really units before she could even know what was happening. i'm not just inside. they've been seen a hospital where the incident happened, but i'm inside the room where the 3 men have been when they were killed. let me just go around the room and show you. this is the bed with a bass and what was that we was he was receiving treatment after and his really drone strike took place in october, according to the medical stuff here. they say that he has been paralyzed from the waist down. no. here just if we punted this couch, this is weird. i'm her mother jill. i'm the, was that he's a predicted, assumed and deemed as wanted by these really forces who said that he is a key member of how mass, according to the doctors here. they say that the use of fire, of course, with assignments or has been heavy leading to so many bullets in his body. no. here
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was the brother of basses have met his that we in. if you can see it's a very difficult scene here in the hospital of the blood stains are everywhere. they tried to take the bodies for burial, but yet the remains are still here. and you know, there is a lot of grief and a lot of shock that, you know, this is not new. these really forces in the past few years of done that indeed by targeting people inside the hospitals wearing under cover uh, fluids, uh, as a like, acting like they are. patients coming into the hospital. bucks is the word. this is the 1st time we've seen this and this signals a very dangerous destination. as far as costing is here, are concerned as well united nations security counselors have discussions on the war. and guys of the council says this concern by the dia on rapidly worsening humanitarian situation, that there is an urgent need to increase aid. the american ambassador to the un
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says they're seeking more information from these really government regarding alleged involvement of un release agency stuff and the october 7th attack. well the you and coordinates of 8 the guards. i says there is no substitute for unrest. humanitarian role at the moment, the field political decisions which are ga, bombed, there is no way that any organization can replace or substitute tremendous capacity . the fabric of monroe, the ability, the and the knowledge of the population in gaza. the look at some of these now the french government has to implement more controls on foreign foods and a further set of concessions to the countries. farmers that softer protesting farmers intensified the week long demonstrations. they say a lack of support from government is home in their industry. they're also unhappy
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about rising costs. and in belgium, farmers have brought the 2nd largest ports in the country, but just as restricted access to laurie's but allowed cause to enter. as a broker, farmers have been disrupting traffic and blocking roads across the country. approachable, suspect to it's an e, with farmers blocked a road close to rome. they've been protesting for 3 days that they were angry about the you and government policy, along with the impact of inflation and taxes on their products. the members of the spanish parliamentary project of the build offering an amnesty to cast alarm separatists. the draft legislation covered around 400 of people involved in 2014 gimme a lot, trouble independence referendum decade ago. and the 2nd pole in 2017 declaration of independence of the following prototype, political crisis elements. this projection is seen as a blow for 5 minutes. the federal sanchez, it's so often seen as low chain, but it's set to vote on a number of measures that are part of right wing president. how do you, how many days push for sweeping economic reforms?
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but it's theresa by reports, the government is having to make concessions. these are members of argentina, scientific community, protesting outside the national science center. they're concerned about the radical changes, argentina's new president. have you had any ladies trying to pass in congress? the reforms and what is known, the most bill will have an enormous impact on the agency and the public sector. because once privatized, state companies in my sector do want to privatize companies that are in charge of new to energy on uranium production, selling companies like that too far. this is something that worries the far right president game to power with a promise to transform the country. since he took office less than 2 months ago, he propose to bill to deregulate argentina struggling economy promote for while employment and attract forwarding investors. negotiations are still ongoing about
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what when is the the final version of the so called all been with 38 of the 257 c think may have made lots of concessions. he has completely removed the fiscal measures. also bill like a tax hike and the pension reform in order to guarantee that the lowest cost, the government insist that in spite of removing crucial economic reforms, they're still on track to achieve the main goal. reducing the deficit. there's a lot of nothing pdf. what we're trying to achieve is to give to economic texas tranquillity that we will reduce the deficit and facilitate governance of legislates as to the approval of the most important parts of the law. ogden tina's economy has been in trouble for years of guaranteed evaluation in december, push the inflation rate to over 25 percent cost in a sharp reduction in people's purchasing power economy say the next few months will be a vital test for the precedents. reforms gave me just one price these months are crucial
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if inflation drops in the next few months, there was a chance that the government will get on track. if this doesn't happen, we will have again, a government in trouble and they will have to divide. you again, and this will have an impact on the prices and don't he's populate everything. mean a believes that he will can all make reforms and the old me was bill will help him in his own try liberally project to change origin tina. but there are many who believe he's project will leave the bottom level and didn't economic need. very so we'll just see that when a site is full of progress down, the prime minister income has been sense has to 10 years in prison. he's been found guilty of leaking official secrets. the former prime minister was pushed out that i had no confidence votes in 2022. com is already serving a 3 year present time in a corruption case or. so that's it for me down jordan. so now it doesn't go away,
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you can find more information on our website, and obviously it doesn't come with us up next to the inside story. but it's, i'm in what's populated throughout the finance or something the, it's still cold in east and russia, so that it all sorts of minus to the snow here. and the code that goes across the water. we expect some snow to full dashboard. how kind of not we strong wins this timing since the shows on demand tens of know the home she otherwise this woman a for rain, significant rain may be for a time. and so in japan, which links to a system is so here in central shot, it's no matches also cold enough for snowing gems, for example. but southern half is not much warm and it was only a week ago and that substantial rain. so a lot of fun potential that just surface shanghai, i suspect of the next day or so, and there was an increase in the breeze cross hawkeye day, but still not got
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a cold visit. that'd be the warnings of some potential in some philippines. and you'll see that continues during wednesday to borneo and through java inside of the boxes, same as possible. otherwise it's a dry looking picture. should be dry for the most part and india parts down and backlash the pot for a few showers. it is a bit of a focus is for lack of, of this is probably useful stuff where it's been faulty for most of pradesh. brought up to northern pakistan. this change and the weather type generating snow up in the mountains. i need it from above will generate showers of rain in new delhi, which means the i called is improving here. and in those impacts of stuff. the, this is the 1st one i saw that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them,
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but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered more than 50 people killed and 5 thing on south sedans. border rabble group is blaine for the attacks and an oil rich area also claimed by so that. so was the violence way, is it leaving face is inside story, the hello and welcome to a show i am, sam is a than the disputed abbey, a region along the border between them and.


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