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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 31, 2024 4:00am-4:31am AST

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without the best cumberlands best produces the best fixes. and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the well the the palestinian red crescent that uses is raining selves of storming, one of the few hospitals, still functioning in garza, the other ones are in jordan this obviously are not from dell also coming a new proposal for us to sign gaza significantly the interview and it says the priorities to stop the booth lacresha and is ready to come on. those disguises medic shoot dead 3 palestinian men in the west bank hospital alleging that not to
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carry out that type test blog service. it's a spending a chance on us troops. just phase of 3 american soldiers look in the beginning, gaza whether you published indian red crescent says is ready for us as a rated one of the last operating medical facilities is the model hospital and the southern city of con, eunice is also sheltering. thousands of displaced palestinians, couple assume as more from rough. they have been talking medical facilities where the has been a storming via and i was supposed to put to the one of the last 2 remaining hospitals that are still rating right now on your ongoing sunset on the territory. now within the past few hours, they have to as soon as possible to destroy you, in the case the, the rules of the hospital opening fire against the building and sort of in different smoke grenades that has completely terry font. the majority of the
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factories were taking shelter inside the onto the hospital, and this is one of the main hospitals that belong to that belongs to the palestinian really present society which have been multiple targets. it since the expansion of the military operation in the city or con eunice box, this is also a terrifying scenario that reminds us gladly with the situation earlier. and she thought me to come conflicts alongside with the engineers. she and one in the, in the northern part of gauze, or where they have stormed previously. that route the majority of its department make it continually become out of service. due to the destruction that had been closed, inflicted to the maturity of devices, equipment that had been used to provide treatment for the injured and patients of course, the territory. and this is what the international organizations have been warning against not. there must be a kind of protection for this hospital, especially that the usability forces are ordering the patients medical teams. i'm
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curious to get out of the hospital. i'm to head move to the south. it's a very clear absence of safe corey doors to rough. i especially with the a she destruction and the staggering confrontations the interruption on the ground with the policy and finances. and these were the soldiers, the political leader of hamas smile. he says his group has received a ceasefire proposal for the warrant gauze that they've been to this week in paris under the washington, a possible deal to stop the fighting. but it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu insist he will not end the war without achieving coal. his goals need meanwhile says he'll travel to cairo for further discussions. mom and myself is a member of how much is political bureau. he explained which conditions i must consider as as non negotiable. we thought does that when you say i'm is oh, well cool. we come to exit eh, ceasefire for the 40 years. healey,
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darian reasons we want it been on these for you is secondly, we want it was a girl is really with the girl. was the from guys this thread without is that i the, with the general one, we sense also accept it this in you d o you propose it seriously. we want to allow the human to tell you it's the to the state because a lot of people, the, somebody we've done to it shipped to any kind of the stages. but we want it from both size threes on a couple of kids in italy, but isn't us because it is the who of, with the,
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it is this sense that movement and got this thing. so we are located there to release oh, tablet there is on both sides. we are looking for a bin and then the ceasefire. but we can do it is the 2nd stage in this state, the very important point for us 3. so this printer is fair. otherwise, it means the 2nd of the war between us and these are the tools. what do we will see slay, i've been on c, c r. i is yours for, for both sides for i'm for the people, but it's time. the apartment is spinning and nothing. yahoo, incest, israel will keep fighting onto that achieves what he called absolute victory over
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how much he was speaking while outside the legal sacrament. to me, outside westbank i use statements about all kinds of deals. so i want to make it clear, we will not end this war without achieving all our goals. and that means the elimination of home us, the return of all hostages, and a promise that garza will no longer pose a threat to israel. we will not to take the idea out of the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen? absolute victory went home to sort of joins us live now from occupied east roost at home. that's a lot more has nothing you all have been saying about this. the spot proposal that these really prime minister's office releasing his statement reiterating this. and y'all, whose position saying that it's been clear since the beginning, the war is not going to end until there is an absolute victory over him. as it goes
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on to say that any reports within is really media about giving up large concessions in exchange for the return of the captives in a deal are simply incorrect. it ends by saying that these really military will remain in gaza, they will not be withdrawn and the thousands of palestinian detain, he's in his really jails will not be released. this came after a defiant and that's in yahoo spoke at in the legal settlement in the occupied west bank at a religious institution in front of settlers and other members of the right wing of where he reiterated that same position. but it came after the country's national security minister, ethan more ben beer released the statement saying that if these really government entries into a deal that he says is bad, that would mean the dissolution of the coalition. meaning that ben beer is threatening to topple the government if these really is enter into
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a deal with him as through the mediators that he finds not favorable to israel. but shortly after that the countries opposition leader, you're the p, that's and yahoo is biggest political arrival, released the statement of his own saying that whatever deal these really government decides to enter is that means bringing back the captives to their families. he will support and provide a safety net, essentially for the government so that it will not collapse so they can get the objective done of bringing back the captive. there has been a lot of political turmoil in israel over the last 117 days. as this war has been ongoing disagreements from the highest levels of nothing. y'all whose government from the work cabinet to the coalition and intensified pressure from these really all positions. yeah. have done a recent tv poles in israel suggest the public support for math and yahoo seems to be slipping even further. are these really prime ministers numbers having so i've never been low or public support for nets
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and yahoo has been decreasing throughout the entirety of this war. but these new numbers in is really media are showing that just 23 percent of respondents would like to see these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu in that position. well, 41 percent of respondents wanted to see benny against empower instead. numbers that were poll, the surveys that were taken just earlier this month around 4 weeks ago. saw that the support for nets and y'all was that around 29 percent. so you're looking at a 6 percent drop in support. and those numbers just keep getting lower and lower when it comes to the number of seats in the coalition, b and t and us and yahoo block would have 68 seats if elections were held today. and that's and y'all was block would only have $47.00 meeting, but he would not be the premier. he simply would not have enough states. remember, you need a majority of 61 out of a 120 in these really can assess for you to be the prime minister of the coalition
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or of the block that you want to rule. so these numbers for nathan yahoo on favorable, given how he's been prosecuting this war, right to have that sort of life as the in occupied east. jerusalem hemmed up. thank if you're not the nation 2nd to general has met major don't as of the you an agency, the palestinian refugees. antonio pettis was speaking to reassure member states that temporarily suspending that funding for the agency that's up to is where like use 12 on roads. approximately 30000 employees of taking part in the october 7 attacks the u. n. 5, those were named was investigating the allegations. a sales person certainly has more than that meeting from you and headquarters in new york system. just to give you, the un security council is reiterating its demand to scale up came out of tearing a to gaza even though some of its members are withholding funding to causes largest agency and run amber behind closed doors. they met with the woman task with making
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it happen, sigrid cog you n senior, humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator. there is no way that any organization can replace or substitute tremendous capacity. the fabric of monroe, the ability, the and the knowledge of the population in gaza. cod barely a month into her job has already met with officials in israel, gaza egypt, and jordan cock told the counsel more aid routes and to gaza as well as a resumption of commercial deliveries are needed to meet the staggering needs of the people. but she offered no alternative to honora. in an effort to reassure donor secretary general antonio gutierrez, called a meeting with member states detailing actions the un has taken since is real accuse 12 unreal employees of taking part in the october 7th attacks. those names have been sacked, a comprehensive investigation, launched the united states and was largest donor praise the organizations work,
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even as it called for changes. we need to see fundamental changes before we can resume providing uh, funding directly to henri. and as you know, we shouldn't left that file. the great work that i'm or does, andrea has provided a central humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people. and unwrapped is the only organization on the ground that has the capacity to continue to provide that assistance without funding resuming the un is warning. unrest live saving work could be severely impacted in a matters weeks. kristin salumi al jazeera, the united nations president joe biden, and says he has decided how the us are responding to a drug and strike that killed 3 american troops in jordan, the weekend speaking as he left the white house by them said he didn't want to. why the war in the middle east? it was asked if they held the rom responsible for the death of
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a free americans. this one says response. while the rocket group to the pentagon believes carried out that drug and striking jordan has announced it suspending attacks on us troops, time has blah indicated that its allies in iran are not always aware of its operations must went up to why it has moved from back to multiple messages and indications in the statement issued by the general secretary of hezbollah brigades . any lock on top of them. that statement is a cold for the escalation to suspend old minutes. the operations attacks against us and coalition forces in iraq and city. the statement also tries to alleviate or it'd use the better than the pressure that the government in a lock they have like a government has been facing that says october to this event. is it since the
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beginning of these attacks, especially the iraqi government has been recently engaged in folks with us submitted 3 of pushing us to reach me can is him to guarantee withdrawal of us and coalition forces from iraq. now this, let me resistance includes a few a, i'm a groups, any, a rock was updated it to you on and they want to eh, and i was the de escalation, especially after the threats made by the, the, the united states for the deadly attack headed out by the stomach assistance and name the bi, hezbollah regains and killed the assault soldiers uh on, on the border between syria and jordan. without the had a 0. by that pentagon spokesman project right have declined to comment on time as well as declaration, but it's a spending operations against us forces. the central command is still assessing, but again, we are confident that these this attack was sponsored by iranian back,
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proxies so contempt, hospitalized. just put out a message on telegrams, suggesting that telling its fighters not to attack us bases in iraq and syria, suggesting that they will support the fighting casa and other ways. and suggesting that, even if the us strikes them not to respond. what is your response to that? yeah, we've, we've seen those reports. i don't have a specific comment to provide other than actions speak louder than words. tar personal break here, and i'll just hear when we come back onto the team to assign to. so the latest joint protests against the new government and explain what they learned that the the,
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the weather brought to you by visit, cut off the last to the real cold air over the us. and canada, which is sitting of the great lakes, is warming at night and taking any snow potential with it. and then there's no hold on the science trying to run still especially warm in the southern states. but it's still up to $21.00 in houston. there's a bit of rain revolving on the atlantic coast, but the west is weather is going to be on the pacific coast. where actually that suddenly wind just getting record high values to vancouver example was january, not on record, but it will bring significant rain down through california. and it might again bring some flash flooding as fast as i like. or even beyond that, if you jump side of the west coast of mexico's being very hot and there's nothing to suppose it go, change very much. but most of mx goes doing what it should do with a few shouts here. and then i think home jurors in nicaragua, maybe panama will see significant writing and it's welcoming in panama. but i don't know, cities. temperature is 2 degrees above average. doesn't the same much, but you don't get much variation in this part of the world. as in south america,
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welcome writers developing columbia where they are still fighting 5 buckets, policy shouts on wednesday and says they and there's some nice right in the west and both of the amazon and some funding, right. not far away from rear, but the staff is asking argentina. it's still hot. and the buyer blanca very out. the west brought to you by visit cuts on the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict, is the human suffering. that's the report to us. we brave bullets in bonds and we always include the views from all sides. the
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welcome back to watching out as a record for mind about top story, say this, how much this politically that you smell. and he says the group is reviewing us the spot. suppose level of $1000.00 towards council, unintelligence change, some of us israel and beach. israel's 5 minutes. this is the one concept was not in the rocky group. the tide has ballasa. is it suspending attacks on us troops? washington, this claim probably raining from a ton killed 3 us soldiers on the jordan. serial sunday funeral has been held for 3 palestinian men killed by his ready, special forces were in disguise during a raid in a hospital. and janine, i'll just say what the child stratford reports from ramallah and the outside west
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back. these are not the medics but destroys these ready soldiers inside a promise to be in hospital hunting, a patient to kill a targeted assassination in a civilian medical institution in the city. if you need any occupied westbank according to the hospital stall, one of the 3 men killed had been receiving treatment for injuries. he suffered during these righty. hold on me right. 2 months ago. i mean, this is a crime that can be added to a series of crimes violating hospitals and storming medical institutions assaulting medical teams and assassinating 3 young men. we want to reiterate our appeals, the international institutions that they need to stand by us and take responsibility against these crimes statement by the janine brigades, which includes a number of policy you no longer existence group said 2 of the 3 main with members, at least lemme just had one that come on to the sud was a come on during from us. from i said it was a fully fledged war crime and
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a continuation of claims against people from garza. so jeanine and he's ready. all of the statements said what it cooled from us terrorist so hiding inside the hospitals that'd be neutralized. it's it. how much come out of them? a homage 11. they had been planning an attack inspired by the october, the 7th from us attacks had been transferring weapons and ammunition to all the finances in the army open surrounds and at times of actually attacked the 3 hospitals in janine, during the nightly military raids on the city but this is the 1st time since the beginning of the war that they have actually ensued a civilian medical facility and what seems to be a target to assassination. and one, the pot assume you know, sort use a cooling gets a nova contravention of international ch all stuff. busy down to 0, ramallah and the occupied was fine as well. life before the war and gaza was already difficult for palestinians with disabilities. but as well as the bombing
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campaign, i'm forced evictions. i've made it even the hottest as a 5. i'll hushes as a prosthetic leg and the sheltering of the european hospital and phone eunice, she explained how she escaped when i got home with shelves. is the government by law that is a uh a a what legit. my name is the one the oh the yeah . i don't have the business i had is that it just it was 16 band dish with uh, when did i? uh, i'm the last in the machine and you, um i said to my last study, a lot of study in the movie and i said, i'm a substitute on the home of a has used
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a number of semi a lot of the of the, of the the subset of others that are one of the o bed with a full that see my job a problem. so let me put it on the low . i'm as good as the be marsha, i'm uh well uh i had the yeah been is your best and then you apply your loved your loved about it is the got that as uh, what is the, what is the have the best the so you have to in you on what the fee is. that's the
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one to display. yeah. what is what we've done? dish uh the good of the look at some of the needs now and on the lines of opposition. party's ensure lanka have protested against recent tax increases. protest as are also angry about the rising cost of living. now, for them is a port from the capital columbus that came in this 1000 united by anger and frustration, frustration that they can see that to and many unable to afford basic, essential the main office in united people's power body. which over the nice of protest says that 3 percent increase in value added tax has driven up the price. most things get into the video a little more longer, but so finding is difficult. that's why we came today. the reason for this movement and all of the problems run is creating for us. he's
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a man who was chased out of his policy, but he was brought back to rule. so we hope to get rid of him. the tax increase is part of a number of measures the government agreed to implement in order to secure a $3000000000.00 bin of package from the international money to some to help the nation. a couple of from is, was, everybody can, on the crisis of the opposition, admits that hardships unavoidable in the big company process that says not to this extent we outlined bill paid, but look, that is some amount of pain that we have to all. so that'd be buttons it now, but it doesn't have to be this much special distance from the process in colombo. so just that tundra is sitting, be to the 72 years old, has been doing this for the last 37. yes. she says things have never been so bad.
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i'm living with great difficulty i by my food outside because i don't want to burden my children. they are struggling with their families, electricity, water. everything has gone up and making ends meet, no matter what job they do is impossible. the i'm, this is the program is also a good stock which recognizes the hardships, the tax increases our exposing on the population. the program does also provide for social protections to make sure that the loanable, who do not have the office to deal with the hardships i've taken care of. and that those who can most afford it come to their health through the government. that some things adjust them as many like a haven't had and don't the, it will, the opposite. how does this is the 1st step of that campaign, the present government home, and the thousands of professors who joined them? say that voices won't be silence against economic injustice. mendez,
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i'll just 0 pin number. the audience name is low, a chain that is set to vote is a number of measures that are positive president have young been as push for sleeping economic reforms, but it's theresa reports. the government will have to make concessions. these are members of argentina, scientific community, protesting outside the national science center. they are concerned about the radical changes argentina's new precedent. have you had any ladies trying to pass and congress, the reforms, and what is known the on those bills will have an enormous impact on the agency and the public sector. the government, once privatized state companies, in my sector, you want to privatize companies that are in charge of new to energy on uranium production, selling companies like that too far. this is something that worries the far right president came to power with a promise to transform the country. since he took office less than 2 months ago,
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he propose to bill to deregulate argentina struggling economy promote for while employment and attract forwarding investors. negotiations are still ongoing about what when is the, the final version of the so called all naples has been with 38 of the 257, c. think may have made lots of concessions. we have completely removed the fiscal measures also bill like a tax type and a pension reform in order to guarantee that below is past. the government insist that in spite of removing crucial economic reforms, they're still on track to achieve the main goal. reducing the deficit. there's a lot of that going, yeah. what we're trying to achieve is to give to economic taxes the tranquillity that we will reduce the deficit and facilitate governance of legislates as the approval of the most important parts of the law. ogden tina's economy has been in trouble for years. a go into the evaluation in december, push the inflation rate to over 25 percent forcing the sharp reduction on people's
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purchasing power. the economy say the next few months will be a vital test for the precedents reforms. if i make this one price these months are crucial. if inflation drops in the next few months, there was a chance that the government will get on track. if this doesn't happen, we will have again the government in trouble and they will have to divide you again . and this will have an impact on the prices and don't, he's popularity. mean a believes that he will cannot make reforms and the albany voice bill will help him in his own try liberally project to change argentina. but there are many who believe he's project will leave the bottom level and didn't economic need very so we'll just see that when a site is but us has reinstating functions on venezuela for binding. and the opposition leader from running for president nadia carina machado says the presidential election due to be held later this year won't happen without a townhome and ripples. the candidate for venezuela's may know position coalition
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has a message for the countries president, nicola nicholas mature, isn't going to choose the people's candidate head. so that seems to be exactly what the president's done. because maria corina machado, who one type or opposition primary by landslide, has been disqualified from the countries 2024 elections. the decision was made by supreme court headed by ruling policy lawyer list. but it could come at a cost within his white glove and candidates. you know, type of the united states lifted some of its sanctions going into the country. they partly and exchange for the government, committing to let some bond opposition because back in politics. now the us says it's reviewing its sanction policy again mister madura and his regime of decisions we have to make. we want to see him meet the commitments they made back in october to allow position parties and candidates to run appropriately and release political prisoners. we have decisions to make as well. if they don't do that, they've got till april. we'll see what they do. meanwhile,
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machado right wing politically bedford, so she won't step aside for a substitute. come to the bottom, we'll have a little bad and we are going to be nicholas my do in elections is. yeah. and we're going to do it together. it's not clear who a substitute would be anyway. so my position tickets have been burned, others have flipped the country along with more than 7000000. other people definitely call that the points towards another vote. which president nicholas, my daughter, comes out until his prize an 11 year in charge of a country and a long standing some men material and economic crisis on home. and i'll just pull them back. as donnie prime minister, immune cons, been sentenced a 10 years in prison, he was found guilty of linking official secrets. con was pushed out of office in a no confidence voting 2022. he's already a 7 a 3 year present time in a production case called height as more from his number of us.


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