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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 31, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the is really soldiers accused of so mean one of the few hospitals still functioning in the flow. this is down to 0 live from to hi. i'm for the back. people also coming out a new z, signed proposal for guys i have mazda is political leader, is reviewing its buddies, was 5 minutes. this is the world won't end until all his goals are cheap. the
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united nations security council says it's concerned by the rapidly worsening somebody, terry and situation in gaza. and is really commandos disguised as medic shoot dead, 3 palestinian men in the hospital in the occupied westbank and legend. they planned to carry out the we begin in gaza, where the policy and red crescent says is really forces of rated one of the last operating medical facilities. amount of hospital in the southern city of con, eunice is also sheltering this space, palestinians, algiers, ty cobb was um, has moved from rough. it has been talking medical facilities where the uh, has been a storming via another fox sports, one of the last 2 remaining hospitals. that are still rating right now. um if youre ongoing offensive the territory now within the past few hours,
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the health system as hospital destroying the case, the the rules of the hospital opening fire against the building and they're having different smoke grenades that has completely terry font. the majority of these activities were taking shelter inside the onto of the hospital, and this is one of the main hospitals that belong to that belongs to the palestinian really present society which have been multiply targeted. since the expansion of the military operation in the city of con, you and his box, this is also a terrifying scenario that reminds us clearly with the situation early. and it's, you're not me to come complex alongside with the engine nation one in the uh, in the northern part of causal where they have stormed previously. that route the majority of its departments make it continually become out of service due to the destruction that had been inflicted to the maturity or device and equipment that had been used to provide treatment for the injured and patients of course the territory. and this is what the international organizations have been warning
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against not there must be a kind of protection for reduced hospital, especially that the usability forces are ordering the patient's medical teams and feedback. curious to get out of the hospital. i'm to head to move to the south. it's a very clear absence of safe corey doors to rough. i especially with the a she destruction and the staggering confrontations interrupting on the ground with the policy and finances. and these really sort is the political leader of how my smile. he says his group has received us. he's fine proposal for them on gaza. if he talks this week in paris and in washington on a possible deal to stop the fighting. but he's really prime minister benjamin this the out and says he will not end the war without achieving all his goals any and meanwhile says he'll travel to cairo for further discussions. mama dissolved as a member of hamas, his political bureau. he explained which conditions on non negotiable, as we thought,
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does that when you say i'm is i'll go it. we come to exit eh, ceasefire for the, for the reasons we want it been on these for you. it can be we want it was the girl is the with the girl was the from guys this thread without is the easy, was it the little one we sense also accept it this in you d o you propose it seriously. we want to allow the human to tell you it's the to the state because a lot of people, we are somebody we don't to it shipped to any kind of the stages.
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but we want it from both size threes on a kept the kids in. it isn't us detectives who of, with the it is this sense that movement and got the state. so we are located there to really use. oh yeah, because it's on both sides. we are looking for a been in the ceasefire, but we can do it. the 2nd stage in the state, the very important one for us. 3. so this printer is slow. yeah. otherwise it means the back end of the war between us. and these are the tools. what do we will see slay, i've been on c c r. i is yours for,
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for both sides for i'm for the people but it's time. well, israel's prime minister has said he will keep fighting until israel a cheese. what he called absolute victory over him, off he was speaking at any legal settlement in the occupied west back i used statements about all kinds of deals. so i want to make it clear. we will not end this war without achieving all our goals. and that means the elimination of how much the return of all hostages and a promise that garza will no longer pose a threat to israel. we will not to take the idea out of the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen? absolute victory. hi is there any poll suggests prime minister netanyahu is losing political ground time to sahu. it has more than that from occupied east jerusalem.
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of this poll is saying that if elections were held today, these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu would not be the prime minister. this survey showed that only 23 percent of respondents would support and to 10 yahoo! well, 41 percent supported many against for the premier ship. it comes after a similar survey was held just earlier this month. that's our 29 percent support for nathan. yahoo! so was 6 point and dropped in less than a month just gives you an idea of how unpopular he is with this is really society because of how he's been conducting himself throughout this war. some say he's not prioritizing the issue of the captive. additionally, the same survey said that the emptiness in yahoo block, so the opposition would have $68.00 seats if elections were held today. and that's in yahoo. and his coalition partners would only have $47.00. these really prime
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minister has dismissed any sort of calls for elections during more time, saying that they simply won't happen. and these are, it has confirmed, it's been flooding on the ground tunnels in gaza. the military size is using a series of pumps to channel launch volumes of water into the tunnels. israel has repeatedly said he believes the capt is being held in gaza in on the ground facilities to the united nations secretary general, hesitating. major donors of the un agency for palestinian refugees. antonio gutierrez was seeking to reassure member states that temporarily suspended the funding for the agency. that softer israel accused 121 of one was approximately 30000 employees of taking part in the october 7 attacks the you and his side, those were named and his is, is investigating the allegations which is here as christian single me has more on that meeting from un headquarters in neil houston, just to give you the un security council is reiterating its demand to scale up to
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mediterranean aid to gaza, even though some of its members are withholding funding to garza's largest agency and raw numbers behind closed doors. they met with the woman task with making it happen, sigrid cog u. n. senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator. there is no way that any organization can replace or substitute tremendous capacity. the fabric of monroe, the ability, the knowledge of the population in gaza. cod barely a month into her job has already met with officials and is real, gaza, egypt and jordan cock told the counsel more aid route, sent a gauze as well as a resumption of commercial deliveries are needed to meet the staggering needs of the people. but she offered no alternative to honora. in an effort to reassure donor secretary general antonio gutierrez, called a meeting with member states detailing actions the u. n. has taken since israel
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accuse 12 henri employees of taking part in the october 7th attacks. those names have been sacked, a comprehensive investigation, launched the united states and was largest donor praise the organizations work, even as it called for changes. we need to see fundamental changes before we can resume providing funding during play too. and right, and as you know, we should left that file. the great work that i'm or does, andrea has provided a central humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people. and unwrapped is the only organization on the ground that has the capacity to continue to provide that assistance. this is not the time to withhold funds or suspend funds. we need to have your money, terry, and assistance up to the 11th over the needs of the people of the,
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of the guys as 3 without funding resuming un is warning. unrest live saving work could be severely impacted in a matter of weeks. kristin salumi al jazeera, the united nations present. joe biden says he has decided how the us will respond to a drone strike that killed 3 american troops in georgia and not the weekend. the rocky group at the pentagon police cut out the jo and striking jordan has announced that suspending attacks on us troops that washington is skeptical about the claim bike a type has spa, medical henry for some washington use president joe biden is boeing, retaliation after drone attack killed 3 us soldiers and injured dozens of others. he's blaming around in proxy. i do hope that we need a wider war. the strength was claimed by an umbrella group,
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but this lama resistance interact at the pentagon. tuesday official said they haven't pinpointed which faction within the group launch the attack. but what are the most prominent to todd has the law reportedly said it will no longer target us forces in the region of respect to the rocky government. us officials were skeptical of that claim actions speak louder than words. you know, there has then 3 attacks to my knowledge since the 28th of january. and i'll just leave it there. so i just will be making a practice not to respond to statements from terrace organizations, from the podium here. we will hold accountable any organization that we find to be responsible for attacks on us personnel in the region. president joe biden is coming under increasing pressure to strike back. now some republicans have even called for him to strike inside of around that said, for months, this is ministration has been saying. the biggest concern they have is that this will lead to a wider war,
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and it seems fairly clear that striking inside of around would make that more likely present been less particular haynes elda 0 at the state department. and i'll just here, as mom would have done what had a bank that has more on what type as well, i had to say a multiple messages and indications in the statement issued by the general secretary of hezbollah brigades. any lock on top of them. that statement is a cold for the escalation to suspend old minutes. the operations attacks against us and coalition forces in iraq and syria. and the statement also tries to alleviate or it'd use the better than the pressure that the government in a lot that you're like a government has been facing that since october of this event. is it since the beginning of these attacks, especially the iraqi government has been recently engaged in folks with us submitted 3 of pushing us to reach me can is him to guarantee withdrawal of us and
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coalition forces from iraq. now this, lemme resistance includes a few a, i'm a groups, any luck who are affiliated due to a wrong, and they want to eh, a now is the de escalation, especially of the threats made by the, the, the united states. one of the deadly attacks headed out by the stomach resistance and named the bi hezbollah brigades, and killed the assault soldiers uh on, on the border between syria and jordan. but without the had a 0 by that early and my colleague carry johnston spoke to william laurence who was a former senior us diplomat. he says, washington will likely respond by heating ukrainian assets in a way that it helps won't escalate tensions for the us needs to respond in a way that the hopes will deter it, but does not escalate. and so it's a, it's an art not
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a science. it's quite tricky until now the us has been in response to the 160 attacks on its troops and interacted syria. it's mostly been striking, yeah. infrastructure and munitions depots and avoiding killing your randy, aunts and civilians. although it, you know, it hasn't avoided killing or injuring finders from a rack and syria of it. now that americans have been deliberately killed on jordanian soil. they have to go up to a next level. and while we're, the republicans are split on this, you know, half of them say no wars and the other ones they hit a rand immediately. and what's likely that's the by demonstration will hit the radiance assets in a way that doesn't escalate and, and to compare to the alternative, what israel did in butte and damascus with the assassinations is escal, tory, where is what the us is trying to do. here is send a message without provoking to the point of escalating the war in
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a large way. a still head on algae 0. argentine assigned to saw the latest joins protests against. the new government will explain what they are demanding. the winter continues to assert itself in the eastern med, most of turkey looks, drawing are its site pressing move on to north coast of egypt and property. libya will see don't show breeze cloud and right. and yes, that will spread across the gals are as well into was jewels and where it's been in an art for the last couple of days that typically this isn't unusual for this time . yeah. but it's just not wanted. i would guess the wins do die then on thursday, and if you're a bit further in line, these are much quite a picture anyway. why don't you live cheryl's and syria?
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the started stuff folding launch possibly in the wrong as a by john. it's been a claudia picture dancer has many of the gulf states recently, and that continues to be the case on wednesday and so say where you might even generate. so i'm just going through the rain and cut that across to you, and the breeze is strong enough to bring in those in society a low dust where they had a bit of raid which might well reach baghdad. and then as far as houses q weight, as for as a gift, salt glass goes to south generated every night we split. i was during the day to places like was a boat or maybe not, right? be the heaviest, right. is for the science in terms of the aircraft to republic of congo, where of course, funding has been an issue the season, the size of that and the pictures and increasing. he went one night for mozambique and pops of south africa. the, it's one of the world's largest radio telescopes,
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designed by soviet era pioneer only to be left lying. idle refusing to be silenced is nice. we suspect dates the sleeping colossus. the witness makes 50 for our medias. for built in space drive on the jersey to the you're watching l g 0 live from doha. reminder of our top stories, the found a city in red crest and says, these really forces have rated one of the causes last operating medical facilities
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. amount of hospital in the southern city of con units is also sheltering. just based palestinians from office political leader is mine. he says the group is reviewing a sci fi proposal on the war on gaza as follows, talks between contact and intelligence. she's from the us is rarely in egypt. but israel's foreign minister says the war will continue until all calls may be united nations. secretary general has met major donors of the un agency from palestinian refugees. antonia gutierrez was seeking to reassure member states that temporarily suspended the funding for the agency. the funeral has been held for 3 palestinian men killed by is really special forces would disguise during a raid on a hospital engine in, in the occupied westbank. jobs. stratford reports from from all these adult medics but discoveries. these ready soldiers inside
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a promise to be in hospital hunting, a patient to kill a targeted assassination in a civilian medical institution in the city. if you need any occupied westbank. according to the hospital stall, one of the 3 men killed had been receiving treatment for injuries you saw for during these radio. let me write 2 months ago. i mean, this is a crime that can be added to a series of crimes violating hospitals and storming medical institutions is assaulting medical teams and assassinating 3 young men. we want to reiterate our appeals to international institutions that they need to stand by us and take responsibility against these crimes statement by the janine brigades, which includes a number of policy and no longer existence group said 2 of the 3 main members, islamic just had one come on to the sud was a come on during from us. from i said it was a fully fledged war crime and a continuation of crimes against people from garza. so jeanine and he's ready to army statement said what it cooled from us terrorist. so hiding inside the hospital
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that'd be neutralized, it's it. how much come out of them? a homage alarm they had been planning an attack inspired by the october the 7th. how much the tax had been transferring weapons and ammunition to all the finances. he's already on the open surrounds and at times that actually attacked the 3 hospitals in jeanine during the nightly military raids on the city. but this is the 1st time since the beginning of the war that they have actually ensued a civilian medical facility. and what seems to be a target to assess the nation and one the policy and, you know, sort use a cooling gets a nova contravention of international charles. drop it down to 0. romanella and the occupied was fine of life before the war on guys i was already difficult for palestinians with disabilities, but is rouse bombing campaign enforce evictions has made it even harder to survive . my level. hashish has a prosthetic leg and is sheltering at the european hospital in con eunice. she
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explained how she escaped when her home was shout. is the law that is a uh, in the way what legit. my name is the but when the old the yeah, i don't have the last business i have is that it is this it will 6 is bad. dish will live. uh when did i? uh i'm the last in the home. i'm assuming you um. i still have not studied a lot of study in the move and i said, i'll accept the home and the other has used a number of semi a lot of the of the,
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of the on the, just the subset of whether there is one of the bed with a full that see much of a problem. somebody put it on the, on the, on the low on the the not the most. um, uh, well, well uh, i had the yeah, how much is your best and then you apply youngblood. you have a lot about the slips. got a yadda. it does uh means the source is the has with us the so you have 10 you um well see the display yard out? what is what we've done? dish. i'm the good
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the best. i'll take a look at some of the days of in use in young moss military government says it's easing election, registration roles for political parties. the announcement comes hours before a 6 months. states have imagine c set to expire. it's been extended several times since the military to power in a co 3 years ago fighting election irregularities the june to has promised to hold any election and return to democratic schools but has not given a time frame. i'll just here is tony chang is solving developments from john ry in northern thailand, near the border with me, i'm off. the military is just reversing changes it made last year. when on january the 27th it insisted, the political parties have to have a membership of at least a $100000.00. they've now reduced that by hoff, by a to 50000. but as we found ourselves when we were in the last, is speaking to political parties, who would be disqualified under those rules,
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all of the pots is the, that the me, i'm a military wanted to push as of the political system. they've already achieved that . so turning back the clock is really going to make no difference the tool that i think the bigger picture here is that we've seen over the last couple of weeks in very small concessions from the military, talking about discipline democracy, a minimum like the senior general referred to the 2000 and the constitution going back to that in an address on the 26th of january. but at this stage, this is really a country in full blown civil world. we've got a most demand mosque board is now heavily contested between ethnic armies, who are fighting the military and the military themselves. you've seen the military using extreme force with strikes artillery against indiscriminately, against ethnic homes and civilians all over the country. and i think making these
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small changes to the deal that it's trying to do with the people is going to make no difference. at this stage. malaysia has crowned a new king. so time abraham is come down, has been sol named for a 5 year term malaysia. has a unique system of rotational monica where the country's 9 hair eyes. terry stoughton stake turns to take the throne. the king typically acts on the advice of the prime minister and his cabinet. but malaysia's new king wants to be a more active monarch. argentina is low, a chamber is set to vote on a number of measures that are part of president harvey malays bush for sleeping economic reforms. but us to raise simple reports to the government, we'll have to make and check concessions. these are members of argentina, scientific community, protesting outside the national science center. they are concerned about the radical changes argentina's new precedent. have you had any ladies trying to pass and congress, the reforms,
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and what is known the most bill will have an enormous impact on the agency and the public sector. because once privatized, state companies in my sector do want to privatize companies that are in charge of new to energy on uranium production, selling companies like that too far. this is something that worries me the far right president came to power with a promise to transform the country. since he took office less than 2 months ago, he propose to build to do you regulate argentina, struggling economy, promote for while employment and attract forwarding investors. negotiations are still ongoing about what when is the, the final version of the so called all naples has been with 38 of the 257, c. think may have made lots of concessions. he has completely removed the fiscal measures off the bill like a tech pipe and a pension reform in order to guarantee for the lowest cost. the government insist
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that in spite of removing crucial economic reforms, they're still on track to achieve the main goal. reducing the deficit, there's a lot of that going. yeah. what we're trying to achieve is to give to economic taxes the tranquillity that we will reduce the deficit and facilitate governance of legislatures the approval of the most important parts of the law. ogden tina's economy has been in trouble for years. a go into the evaluation in december force, the inflation rate to over 25 percent forcing the sharp reduction in people's purchasing power economy say the next few months will be a vital test for the precedents. reforms gave me this one price these months are crucial if inflation drops in the next few months, there was a chance that the government will get on track. if this doesn't happen, we will have again the government in trouble, and they will have to divide. you again, and this will have an impact on the prices and don't he's popularity. mean a believes that he reckoned i'll make reforms and your neighbors bill will help him
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in his own try liberally project to change argentina. but there are many who believe he's project will leave the bottom level and didn't economic need. very so we'll just see that when aside from sponsor, implementing both controls on foreign foods is fallacious set of concessions to the countries from is that soft protesting farm is intensified, they're weak, long demonstrations. they say a lack of support from the government is harming the industry. also unhappy about rising costs, the protests of also spread to it's in the way from as bronco to vote close to rome . they're angry about a u. n. government policies, as well as the impact of inflation and taxes, and lions of opposition party's ensure lanka has protested against the recent tax increases. the protesters are angry about the rising cost of living. now fernandez re for some colombo, they came in this house in the united by anger and frustration,
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frustration that they can see that children, many unable to afford basic, essential the main office in united people's power body, which overnight protest says that 3 percent increase in value added tax has driven up the price. most things get into the video a little more longer, but so finding is difficult. that's why we came today. the reason for this movement and all the problems around is creating for us. he's the man who was chased out of his policy, but he was brought back to rule. so we hope to get rid of him. the tax increase is part of a number of measures as the government agreed to implement in order to secure a $3000000000.00 bill of package from the international money to some to help the nation. a couple of from is, was, it really depends on the crisis. the opposition admits that hardships, unavoidable end of
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a company process that says not to this extent we outlined bill paid, but look, that is some amount of pain that we have to all. so that'd be buttons it now,


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