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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 31, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the mold and untold stories from asia and the pacific on which is era. the . ready ready the hello, i'm 0 been yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is the news. our life from bill coming up in the program this hour, the heavy fighting and southern gaza as is really forces target. the last operating medical facilities in san units for thousands are seeking shelter. a desperate call for aid of the un security council attempts to reassure member states after
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a cut in funding for its agency working for palestinian refugees. we report on how is really similar attacks and ministry rates are defining policy and children of their rights education. the occupied mustang and former pack of study prime minister, emerald con, is sentenced to another 14 years in prison, of to be candid and your jail term on monday. the . so we begin in gaza where the is really military is carrying out more airstrikes in northern and central guys are fighting on the ground is concentrated in the southern part of the strip artillery showing and explosions have been heard around the necessary medical complex and fun . eunice is really forces have besieged the hospital for days. there is no electricity and stuff in patients remain trapped because his health industry says 26751 people have been killed during israel's war on gaza. so far,
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when the weather is worsening, the humanitarian crisis and gaza range over the past few days as flooded makes shift camps tens of thousands of displaced palestinians already lack basic shelter to protect them from the window cold. many also face starvation with no food or water as the man, the are no blankets or clothes. the rain has drowned us and we are unable to had now closed out to dry the new beds, no rooms, and not even food for the children to eat. there is no milk for this child. this is a will of extermination, which has destroyed us in the history of palestine. such a war has never happened. a tiny motors and roughly in southern gaza. so honey, these really forces attacked the amount of hospital that's in hon. you. this guy's a psych 2nd largest city. what is happening there now?
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yes sir, i look for the past few days. and since the beginning of these a grad, the expansion of the ground invasion to involve the remaining parts of the city of han, you and us in the western part, these really military, in the early hours of last night. the storm, the health compound of i'm of the hospitals that compound involves or includes the a, the headquarters of the palestine writ crescent society which is which manages and operates. and i'm in the hospital. it also in to accommodate the building for the emergency ambulance department and alignment hospital in a separate building. and the compound in which hundreds of palestinians have been shouldering since the beginning of the war and the expansion of the military operation. but as of a early hours of last night is the, the compound was a storm under heavy they say a gun machine to fire and get machine gun. i noticed on and bang shells it in
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during at least 10 people there rose a report about people who were actually lived inside the facility of the hospital who kept bleeding and lost their life. and they were, there was no way whatsoever to take them to uh do an officer, hospital or other functioning. it facility the amount of hospital because of that military usage within the past few days was completely pushed out of service. it lacked a all the medical supplies necessary for any medical into our vision also lacked the fuel and, and none of these power generators was operating. and they just the, causing a great deal of difficult do for the remaining medical, the staff inside the hospital to operate and offers the necessary medical intervention for those injuries are around las or hospital. that has been under this military as usual for almost a close to 10 days now. it almost pushed out of service because of the, the extreme shortage of medical supplies as well as the field that represents the,
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the lifeline of the hospital to keep sustaining itself. it's important point out since the beginning of the hospital was a really struggling with the amount of, of fuel, hey receive to keep major departments are operating. but despite the defamation campaign against honor, what by these really monetary and these really governments on, with manage today to deliver to trucks of a fuel to nasir hospitals much needed for a desperate the hospital right now as it for, it was forced to shut down major departments including that, the maternity ward as well as they were to the operations, we're not functioning and was a close to shut down the i see you as well, but the 2 trucks hold the hospital to a gradually get back on track, but it's not going to be for too long. those 2 tracks, given the size of the hospital as the largest health facilities in city of tonya and assigned to the amount of medical services are provided with all the sustain it
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for, for a week. not more than that setting that will get back to the same exact problem until there is an actual, a solution to this problem and to, to, to generate due to provided with a permanent power generation system. the hospital will be force due to be pushed out of service completely. honey, not mood reporting from rasa and southern. gotcha, thank you very much. the united nations secretary general has met major donors of the un agency for palestinian refugees. antonio gutierrez was seeking to reassure member states that temporarily suspended their funding for the agency. that is after israel accused 12 of otherwise approximately $30000.00 employees of taking part in the october 7th attacks. the u. n. has fired, those were named and is investigating the allegations alpha 0 as christine salumi has more on that meeting from the united admissions headquarters in new york system to civilians. the un security council is reiterating its demand,
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a scale of came out of tearing a to gaza even though some of its members are withholding funding to gauze as largest agency and run amber behind closed doors. they met with the woman task with making it happen. sigrid cod, un senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator. there is no way that any organization can replace or substitute tremendous capacity. the fabric of monroe, the ability, the and the knowledge of the population in gaza. cod barely a month to do. her job has already met with officials in israel, gaza egypt and jordan cod told the counsel more aid routes into gauze as well as a resumption of commercial deliveries are needed to meet the staggering needs of the people. but she offered no alternative to honora. in an effort to reassure donors secretary general antonio gutierrez, called the meeting with member states detailing actions the un has taken since is real accuse 12 unreal employees of taking part in the october 7th attacks. those
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names have been sacked, a comprehensive investigation, launched the united states and was largest donor praise the organizations work, even as a called for changes. we need to see fundamental changes before we can resume providing uh, funding directly to henri. and as you know, we shouldn't left that file. the great work that number does under a, has provided essential humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people. and unwrapped is the only organization on the ground that has the capacity to continue to provide that assistance. this is not the time to withhold funds or suspend funds. we need to have your money, terry, and assistance up to the 11th over the needs of the people of the, of the guys us through without funding resuming un is warning. unrest live saving
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work could be severely impacted in a matter of weeks. kristin salumi al jazeera, the united nations. tomorrow i'll revise the spokes person to the united nations relief and works agency owner while she joins us from a mind. thank you for being with us on the program today. so what dismissed 9 employees? does the organization have evidence that those employees were involved? indeed, in the october 7th, the tax base our locations from the israeli government. and the commissioner and general of hon deemed that it's in the interest of the 2000000 people were serving in gaza. and in the interest of the continuation of our light saving an irreplaceable working garza, he deemed then that's the street to preemptively dismiss these, the staff members for the sake of everything else. but also for the sake of due diligence, the commissioner general asked that you went to the secretary general,
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antonio gutierrez, to refer the situation to the highest investigation authority and that you was in new york. so we work on several tracks together with the primary goal, being the continuation of our replaceable life saving work in gaza. okay, so the 9 employees that were dismissed were preemptively dismissed to be clear. does that mean you don't, or that you do currently have any evidence in their alleged involvement in the october 7th attacks? that that is correct. they were dismissed upon allegations, preemptively. and an investigation as being open at the un headquarters in new york . and these now former employees will have the right of free course, in case the findings are not our foreign new favor. i believe there were 2 employees who as of the secretary general statement on sunday were still being identified. have they been identified?
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no, not yet. no, you know, we have 13000 staff in gaza. it takes a very, very complex review to be able to match names that we received from the government of israel with names of our employees. but if i may here remind that's only why shares the full list of names, office staff in the west bank including east jerusalem with israel every year. so the list is known as the list of our staff is known to the governments of israel every year. this is interesting, i think it's something our viewers might not know at all. the people that want employees, including the 13000 staff members in the gaza strip, is real, is aware of who works for you. that is correct. we provide the names of our staff to the whole so far if he's been with countries that we work in, so enjoy the live in on and syria. and we also provided to the state of israel. and
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here i speak specifically of our employees in the west bank, including east jerusalem. and in casa, and, and by the way, do they have a say in, in, um, thought, staffing decisions. but when you provide that list, as israel have any right of comment on who works for unable to the host governments. and also the states of israel may come back to us with concerns over staff when they receive the list. in the case of our staff in the west bank, including east jerusalem and casa, we have not received concerns by the state of israel upon their receiving of these lists on an annual basis. but i also want to uh, rate to rate the sturdy recruitment and screening that we do to all our staff to ensure that we get a proper recommendations for them and that their names do not match. the names of people listed on the web security council functions list. so we have
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a thorough and sturdy review before we recruit anyone. what does it say to you that the biggest donors to this un agency have pulled their funding? and that is the majority of the funding that goes to and why has now been suspended based on the allegations condense, inserting 0.04 percent of your overall staff as well . you, you got the mass, right? and so in response to that, we are leading to our biggest owners who are also our partners, our partners, and ensuring that there is an adequate humanitarian operation in gaza. were pleasing with them, not to it to allow the humanitarian operations towards 2000000 people to collapse. under one has the largest footprint in gaza. we run the shelters where more than 1000000 people have sought refuge. we run the food and wheat flour,
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distribution towards the entire population. there is no one, no agency, no humanitarian actor, that can replace toner well, especially on show such short notice. so our position in please help us continue saving lives in gaza and continue providing that level of relief, food, medical supplies, and medical services to an entire population that is now dependent on humanitarian assistance. the un secretary general mentioned in this statement on sunday that was, was not funded through the end of february. what happens if the funding does not resume? what happens? i mean to the palestinians that you help specifically the palestinians and the gaza strip. the palestinians and the gulf, the strip, but also the cut, the palestinian refugees across the region will no longer be able to get food
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clean. walter education primary health services and much more. it's the only one i can come up, sustain its operations beyond march. it is extremely serious for the well being for the rights of palestine refugees to critical care, but also for regional stability. it is extremely critical that the largest humanitarian agency continues providing humanitarian the system and continues to contribute to regional stability in a ball. a tile environment, this is really not the time to stall funding to under one direction, its ability to continue supporting millions, the special leading cause like today where the war continues, the displacement continues, and the needs are. so it's huge for us to call that for us to war. and again, famine i listen to what you say and tell me if, if these dots can be connected in this way,
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you told me that you received that one where i was working off is really evidence i believe, based on staff. and that's why they were on, on the staff that were preemptively dismissed. so that would mean then that millions of palestinians, including 2000000 a quarter of whom were facing starvation, ended the strip might not have any help from the biggest aided agency. currently operating in the gaza strip based on is really evidence that has not been verified . is that correct? that is correct, but that does not diminish how seriously we take these allegations and how seriously the un secretary general takes them as well. hands his commissioning off an investigation into the case of the staff member, and have us also under web commissioning an independent experts review.
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to make sure that our internal safeguards against the implication, the possible implication of some of our staff members into political activities. we are doing all we can to ensure that our frameworks are sturdy and working, and the every single staff member of i'm talking here about 33000 staff member is truly working according to the un values in principle. and that is working away from politics. we are extremely serious about making sure that every one of the 33000 staff members works wholeheartedly exclusively, on humanitarian grounds. and so far, the 75 years of overall speak to our ability to offer humanitarian assistance away from politics. and in a way that has enabled generations of bel assigned refugees to access critical
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basic healthcare, reach all vaccinations and you paid over $2000000.00 financial rent. so the home works now now huh. and then refutable laboratories around the world and refute to both businesses and refutable repeatable enterprises. so we do have a lot of success stories, but we want to be more if continue. but more than that, if i could jump in, there have been, in other cases in other countries around the world where there is un un presence united nations presents. there have been documented cases of misconduct from you and staff, whether it's sexual, misconduct, other types of misconduct in ways that were very serious, that were documented that were not allegations. and i don't recall that the funding was suspended for whether it was peacekeeping operations or humanitarian operations, depending on the case in the country. why do you think in one it was case, all of
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a sudden, most of your funding is bold. that is a question to ask our donors. that is, and our position is to ask for donors to continue to stand by us, especially the our added value to the lives of palestinians, palestine, refugees them to the current situation and does not have a long been documented. this current conflict showed the replaceable roll. that's been replaced, it is our trumps the premium, the humanitarian assistance. it is our people that distribute wheat, flour and shelters. it is our people who are themselves displaced in shelters that have been working even though they themselves are displaced. it is our doctors that continue to give medical services through mobile clinics in the us. is that as most testimony to the hardware and the success of the run against all the i don't know
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what would be facility tomorrow i'll reply spokesperson for and why the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees in the near east. thank you for joining us in the program. thank you. as the political leader of hamas as mile. and he says that he has received a ceasefire proposal for the war on gaza that follows talks in paris and in washington on a possible deal to stop the fighting. and he says that he will travel to the egyptian capital cairo for further discussions, but is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu insist that he will not end the war without achieving all of his goals. i use statements about all kinds of deals. so i want to make it clear, we will not end this war without achieving all our goals. and that means the illumination of how much the return of all hostages and a promise that garza will no longer pose a threat to israel. we will not to take the idea out of the gaza strip and we will
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not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen? absolute victory. lori challenges in occupied east jerusalem, where we elaborate on that, if you wouldn't mind bring us into the conversation that's being had right now, it is real. i mean, the public debate on politics and how to handle this war going forward. as well as serial. there's plenty of discussion going on in this right right now about the merits of this potential deal of skipped school voices say, well like anything that is going to work for how much is not going to be good for israel. they say that how much is not to be trusted, and that how much is extremely unlikely to release all the captives. and therefore, why should israel give them a ceasefire? now, the right wing of accommodation to fall rights is even threatening to pull down the
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governments. if it agrees to a deal which doesn't suit what it sees is the right way forward for is routes. at some point nothing yahoo is going to have to commit to either one way or another. and this is adding to the troubles that are kind of gathering on the horizon for him. he's deeply unpopular. he survived 3, no confidence votes and his governments. over the last couple of weeks box, a recent poll suggest the different election was held some more right. then the routing coalition, this collection of policies with guy from 60 full connected sites, down to 40 full accepted states. and the next government would most likely be made, made up of betty denson, is national unity policy with the coalitions of all the groups. there's an interesting story in a couple of the papers this morning. this is my roof, and there is the same story interested in piracy. it's about the plan for gaza off the plan says the headlines now. this is a plan that starting plan supposedly that is being drafted by
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a group of businessmen many with connections to the net and yahoo government. so they're interpreting this as essentially a trial blowing from nets. and you all have presented to the americans and what the plan outlines is that that would be a stage one off to the was a ministry government run by israel in gaza. then stage 2 off of that transitional period. and that would be a new policy in the north or the type of new products. and then also, let's say it's boxed by an international arabs coalition. and if that went well off the 2 to 4 years, that could be a palestinian state. is that how oldest is this house and sir, is this how realistic is it? well, several, you'll guess. i think it's as good as mine. that's and yahoo often says some things to the americans and something completely different to his race, but at least gives you a bit of an insight into the kind of a thing saying i missed school maneuvering is going on right now. yeah, absolutely, and i feel that we've seen so much conjecture on what may or may not really be
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being discussed behind closed doors. but thank you for laying that out. i'm going to put that now to i guess that was really challenging. occupied east jerusalem. i'll put that to i guess now, so to america, professor public policy at home, i've been felicia university so found it's good to talk to you again. so you heard, you heard what's being discussed and what's out there right in the, in the, in the is really public debate. i just wanted to your thoughts on where we are or at least where we might be because we don't have a lot of certainties in these negotiations right now for a ceasefire. well in terms of the negotiations, i think you guys don't guys not threw me off. oh, it's just on the cheating. his ultimate goal was reducing the hostages based on negotiation because obviously it is not gonna work out how about that? but still time a might be the speech of the that it might be that's, that's the thing. and that's what makes it tricky to analyze, isn't it? it might be pastoring, he says that of course, but when you go into negotiation,
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you always do whether it's nothing you or anyone else, you know you make demands that are very high. yesterday we spoke them us. they started with demand saying we, we, we won't talk unless it's really is all pull out of gaza and the war ends. and then by the end of it, they were saying, but we would be willing to, to talk about doing this in phases. so you know, these are, these are very willing to talk about it that they can face as long as the horizon of a yes, a permanence each fire is, is off to them. and this is not like, nothing. yeah. who is operating at the moment, and i think if this is just frustrating them is not doing any fe. birthday is negotiation team. i think the best time, the best thing for now is just to give you go change as the space to be able to talk to somebody, some of the others. and the international community means also to mobilize and chase people, the pressure on all sides. and i was also listening to what to the discussion you've had there around under language, obviously doesn't have the tools to introduce it at this particular moment. and i think it's a mistake to think of this just as a capacity issue. that is right is,
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are trying to limit the amount of a coming in and the aftermath of the i, c, j running. and it's not just somebody that sees what he's trying to make with the liquidate the agency because of its association with the policy. you know, my dentist, i suggest for the 1st time talked about the experience as a group worthy of protection. now this is extremely difficult, so this rate is a 100 what was created in late 1949. and in fact, it has pre dated ustr, the united nation agency for, for refugees. specifically to help the students develop that human capacity. and in the terms and immediate time of them finding, adjust the solution to that problem. and it has a that unique monday means that every palestinian giving birth and brush interesting brushes, giving birth to another person is this also considered the refugee of districts
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that have now goes up to about $5000000.00, which makes it huge problem for any long term reservation for, for those ratings, so they want to kill this agency or the something that starts jumping on the, on this type of unexpectedly doesn't the israel need somebody to fill that role or less how this thing in stock they need and they're proposing now that the standard agencies, the w a jaws they us yeah, the n g hours that can undertake that work, that's under what it does. and their argument is that the palestinians like any other as a group of people who are being attracted by contract basis or don. and so the on and, and so long kind of whatever they should be treated by they should measuring permit just to go with the established agency on how do i was established by the decision of the security. it helps me interrupt somebody and it's funded by the entry. so from the nice thing is that because it's funded luncheon, which has become too reliance on the united states and capital should have been in
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the countries including germany. and those times and i rushed into the suspension of a without even undertaking investigation, which is the contracts to how they've handled the massacres. the israelites conducted in front of tennessee screens. so that for example, the hospital in the you guys are the christian hospital and they, nobody took any action, they're waiting for the investigation stick legs. but this one, i think the europeans in particular and that was a face to see that you and is also in the us. there's also like watching as cafferty should not fall into the travel. it's not them. yeah. her to that my, i talking on our, on the what has, has a much more models to standing identity issue was a better. some is the 5000000 of them. on the, as relatively small force, you to define guides of the majority are in georgia in, in syria and lebanon. and it is going to be upset picture to confirm the final
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resolution of the conflict between us. right, i'm tired of stuff. so tom barrack and it's always good to talk to you. thank you very much for coming on the show today. sometime a thank you so much. and the palestinian ministry of education says increased settler violence and is really army raids across the occupied westbank or destroying the right of palestinian children to an education. many schools have been forced to close down. charles stratford reports from the village of bay tor. before i illegal is ready, settlement runs alone. we only wrote to plato or school in the occupied westbank, but no palestinian students come here anymore. the pano city and all sorts, he insisted the school clothes when the one goal is to begin because of these rating secular tax. the school was built in 1953. these way. the settlements began arriving 25 years later. the children's outlook still hangs in in 2 car
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doors and men today. the lead, when i know we have never seen anything like this before, is really subtle, is come to the nearby ministry check point. they throw stones, they stop cause and sometimes come to skate them. in the past, the sub list of phones turns out the students during sports classes, whatever it was play time, we faced a potential emergency situation. this is destroying the right to an education is really set low balance against palestinians and the property across the occupied west bank is dramatically increased since the hamas attacks on october the 7th, nearly $400.00 promised indians have been killed in his way the military rates hunting suspected members of the palestinian resistance, the school, the suffrage is a fritz and intimidation bite is really sick. lives living in an illegal is rarely settlement behind. that rule only meets is a way it is one of moving funds with schools that the palestinians will sorry to
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say have been finish the close because of increased the 2nd level islands. since the war began. many have reopened, but 11 being forced to close and the last 2 weeks of many of the students from bait or be moved to school across the valley practice into overcrowded classrooms within the suspicion facilities to accommodate even the basic needs. teachers and students the content of the classrooms. we can't use the lot to do science because we need to use that to teach other subject that it's a huge challenge for the children. and for us, i love you just the ultimate in july, i've had no choice but to take online lessons. since the school was closed off my struggles to focus on his arabic class. and it does not. here is the good. our school has great facilities. it has a big playground for sports. there's really good education there. the school we
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were moved to had no space for us. at the beginning of the war, the soldiers used to come in front of our school gate. yes, it's safe for there, but i hope we can go back to our main school one day jamal, how much sits with his nephew taking a geography? listen in another room. that online learning is nothing compared to appropriate school education. there are so many distractions when they're studying at home, of the palestinian children, have had their education disrupted by as well as of the patient but decades. the universal right of children like ultimate to learn and grow is on district. like never before. telling stratford state or in the occupied westbank. still ahead on elsa 0. the ukraine take steps to help children come to terms with the form of the war with russia. and being mars military rulers relax election registration rules for political parties
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. hours for state of emergency is due to the or that it wouldn't stop blowing and the noise for the most part of europe is coming in from the southwest. so we've cut off the supply. really cold air. that doesn't mean we're free. is there this level generate some snow over no way and central sweet, and the really is bringing in strong strong southwest. the wind and rain mold inspect attempts is nowhere particularly those 2 single figures. so that's not my code for scans, and i didn't know that boom, which is don't freeze it. now we think we'll bring this brain down to the low countries through germany and france to the northern outs. it's been some late, went to snow. here for some is it's rather a we can system further east. nobody gets snow for time and billing if the following. it isn't that cold. it's still warm and to dry in spain and portugal,
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and it's moving up in greece and turkey and out of that strong. when the pulse command, the black sea is no longer the never the last for the next day. also for libya and no need if there isn't, i'm sure breezy will be coded west me, wendy. that has in the last couple days, it helps the breeze typically. so the man, the, the, how much of the seasonal wind is that much for the desk for me share and chat for this. i have never come over that quite possibly to central nigeria. rain in southern africa mart again. sure itself is developing a tropical psycho but in the mainland. i think you should probably watch mozambique or malawi. the. the latest news as it breaks, when garza has left thousands of students across this trip in limbo, the destruction will lead to our last generation among the young people here with detailed coverage. the gaza strip has been witnessing us as we are shortage of
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medicine for more than 3 months. now from the heart of the story. many people here say that in order for as well, so remain united. nothing. yeah, we'll have to go hard hitting into blues as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all. the good coups i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a may just something go because they've gone to the exit or to hear the story on told to how does era the the the,
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the watching else is 0. reminder of our headlines, the is really military is carrying out more airstrikes and northern and central gaza. fighting on the ground is concentrated in southern gaza. artillery, showing and explosions have been heard around the unnecessary medical complex, in 100 units. from us as the group is reviewing a ceasefire proposal for the one guys. a proposal involves 3 stages, including the release of hostages, held by the group and promising and prisoners detained in israel to you. an agency from how this thing and refugees says the staffing of employees and gaza accused of involvement in almost as october 7th, was a pre emptive measured spokes person for the agency. total balance is 0. the step was necessary to ensure the continuation of services to gauze. israel accused 12 staff of taking part in the attacks. well in law is a critical lifeline for millions of palestinians as dimitry medical reports. for
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many of them the thought that it could shut down and gaza is frightening. every morning they line up for food given out by the human agency that looks off the palestinian refugees. it's the only place these desperate people can get anything to eat. but uncertainty haunts them now. who knows how long the handouts were loves? unfortunately, i was showing her that came in in the z. we came to collect our daily file, russian for a family of 10 data threatening to suspend over services. the only thing we have left is a bag of flour we're receiving. what should we eat? trees of israel has alleged that $121.00 right employees took bonds in the october 7th attack on southern israel was says it would investigate but nations including the united states, britain and germany immediately suspended the funding contributions with more than 1000000000 dollars last year. i thought i didn't know it down and look uh,
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i believe that all like his actions against henri of enforcement and the october 7th incident folks, these accusations are part of the brutal attack that's meant to drive out people out of the cause of stroke. because sofa unrest, services are the only thing that supporting our resilience. and now to retrieve who, what supports millions of palestinians daily. it's a lifeline operating shelters, health centers and delivering much needed a yeah, i mean the federal government, if the palestinian people use one raz assistance were as good as the as good as data. we have nothing but one run literal reading, living industry, the malnourishment disease, and a lack of shelter. many have cold life and gaza. hel without honora. that hell could be much, much worse to meet you met with in co, out to 0. as president joe biden says that he has decided how the us will respond
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to a drone strike that killed 3 american troops in jordan. the rocky group that the pentagon believes carried out the attack has announced it is suspending attacks on us troops, but washington is skeptical about the claim. bike type has the law as the group is known as eco haine. reports from washington dc use president joe biden. his boeing retaliation after a drone attack killed 3 us soldiers, an injured dozens of others. he's blaming a rainy and proxy hole. i don't think we need a wider war. the strength was claimed by an umbrella group, but the as lama resistance interact at the pentagon. tuesday official said they hadn't pinpointed which faction within the group launched the attack. but one of the most prominent to todd has the law reportedly said it will no longer target us forces in the region of respect to the rocky government. us officials were
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skeptical of that claim actions speak louder than words. you know, there has been 3 attacks to my knowledge since the 28th of january. and i'll just leave it there. so i definitely make it a practice not to respond to statements from terrace organizations, from the podium here. we will hold accountable any organization that we find to be responsible for attacks on us personnel in the region. president joe biden is coming under increasing pressure to strike back. now some republicans have even called for him to strike inside of around that said, for months this, the ministration has been saying, the biggest concern they have is that this will lead to a wider war. and it seems fairly clear that striking inside of around would make that more likely presence in less. pa declined. elda 0 at the state department. the, let's take
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a look at some other world news. a former pakistani prime minister in ron khan and his wife had been sentenced to 14 years in prison for corruption related to the sale of state gifts. this comes just one day after can was convicted of leaking official secrets and separately sentenced to 10 years in prison. he was pushed out of office and they know confidence votes back in 2022. con has also been disqualified from holding public office and he's already serving a 3 year prison sentence in a corruption case as bringing come on, hire for me, some about on this. so come all this this. i think this push a honda case was the most high profile case against him on con, explained to or of yours, what that one is all about. and also whether conn and his legal team can still appeal this of the way this particular story show on our case refers to the gift that where they saved reading iran con was the
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prime minister. prime ministers and heads of the day to receive gifts can buy them back from the stage they, for the very read that get for the fraction of the cost. even the accused of buying these ad undervalue and then selling the ridge of costs, what not. it does negative texture to have been the job of defense, the board, the revenue, however, this particular send den comes at a critical time in the country and just the days away from the election. his wife, her name at board now being accused in the tow truck on our case she had now, according to the board said under her said fred red and this child is a 14 year cent. then just less than going to florida adopter you, within 10 to 10 year, the rigorous imprisonment then deal, fisher and secret i attributed members that are the heads of state. previously, i have also taken the re gift. sometimes without being anything,
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the people are focused on one that is accountability than previous prime ministers . hedges of the military heads of the states that said that the president should also be headed to account that. but also people are now austin, as to whether this forthcoming election is going to be a really bad and 3 election or another selection for his team. of course we're now be going through the card and ron found himself, but now i've gone to the supreme court again to disqualification. so you mentioned the upcoming elections khan has always said that all these accusations against him were political. now that these jail sentences are raining down on him just before t elections, does that validate his argument that this has to more to do with politics than the law of the was that there's the perception. yeah. he and his father, you have also issued that statement, that no matter what happened there was continued to contest and it being uh the
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word x in the higher court. the whole now lies the width or the higher cord, richard, the sound bar, the high court, and the supreme court. i had that drive to a b. i know it's late. his party had been saying all along that this is a pre blind conspiracy to keep him out of the election. z has tremendous support across the country. the political drive. busy that a raise that he may make a come back, and therefore all these steps according to his party to try to undermine him. like his lawyer, it can be made confident that they will be able to a brand. this is already a brand and the supreme court against the disqualification i knew will of god says negative name would be taking up the case and the the full picture of the secret tax as red as this particular new work. they've done the torture. honda case, small, high the reporting from it's not a bad. thank you very much. come on a man maurice military government says it is easing election, registration rules the political parties. the announcement comes just before the
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3rd anniversary of the military. cool. and the hours before 6 months, the state of emergency is due to expire. it has been repeatedly extended since the military takeover leaders of the john to have pledge to hold elections and return to democratic rule. but they haven't said when he changes following developments from chung right in northern thailand, near the border with me and more the village is just reversing, changes it made last year. when on january the 27th, it insisted that a political parties have to have a membership of at least a $100000.00. they've now reduced that by hoff, by a to 50000. but as we found ourselves when we were in the last is speaking to political parties who'd be disqualified under those rules, all of the pos is the, that the me, i'm a military wanted to push as of the political system. they've already achieved that . so turning back the clock is really going to make no difference the total that i think the big picture here is that we've seen over the last couple of weeks in very
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small concessions from the military, talking about discipline democracy, a minimum like the senior general referred to the 2008 constitution going back to that in an address on the 26th of january. but at this stage, this is really a country in full blown civil world. we've got a most demand. mazda port is now heavily contested between ethnic armies, who have financing the military in the military themselves. you've seen the military, using extreme force, with strikes artillery against indiscriminately, against ethnic homes and civilians all over the country. and i think making these small changes to the deal that it's trying to do with the people is going to make no difference at this stage. to liberia's new president, joseph black guy has declared to drug abuse a public health emergency addiction to heroin and crack. cocaine is on the rise and
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the lack of treatment facilities means the majority of attics are left to fend for themselves. address reports from the capital monrovia after 2 decades of addiction that is done by seeking help to overcome hybrid. he says he contributed during lot be a civil war. i was not at the age of 14 years when i joined the revolution. so that is supposed to be that that is moving, that seem to call out of my, the grass. you know that that is smoking the grass and smoking drive and as, as no longer make you feel that way, you know, you want to see the less so i guess according to united nations, take us an estimate of 13 percent of live. beatrice population is abusing drugs. it says 20 percent of young people also addicted to elicit substances with the absence of appropriate government program through tucker the problem individuals and then
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governmental organizations are stepping in after the detox, which has to do with the medication. and all of that. after that, we're getting to more costly in, in trying to provide some vocational training skills for them. highest seclusion can only help a few addict or to type and they are mostly kept for a maximum of 35 or 40 percent of rehabilitated adequacy says falls back into the habit because drugs are cheap and easily a product of the streets, the broadcasters are increasingly targeting west africa because a weak law enforcement, what am i better security officers? hope community engagement will help to cut the rise in smuggling and use of hot drugs and we are going to skid that laptops here in the wash. doug, about horner media, not a drugs. we comp, it's good at dog drugs door, the keys in court. it went the way with this effect of a hot air. what that is,
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because this them live did have recently passed a new drug, little, but many here tell me is the corruption wouldn't allow it to succeed. that he says he's no recovered. but that of science, he's still struggling but at least for now, he's called a temporary job at the rehab center. how many degrees did you see that? what role a massive fire has destroyed a popular market area in kenya is capital the blaze broke out in the roby. on tuesday evening, hundreds of civilians held firefighters tackled the flames there and no casualties have been reported so far. the northern islands, largest british unionist party, has agreed to rejoin the power sharing arrangement with the republicans ocean fain who want the united ireland. but the d. u. p says this is conditional on the british governments committing to new measures on post briggs of trade rules. how are we false that reports from belfast? for nearly 2 years, northern irish politics has been stuck, run a ground on post,
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breaks it, trading rules. the created an effective trade board in the irish c, requiring checks on goods entering from great britain, even on some destined to remain within northern ireland. but you need us to want to preserve northern and state is within the united kingdom. that was a red line, causing them to pull out and stay out of the power sharing dival government. now the main union is, lita says he has a deal with the british government that would all but raise that c bought a package of measures and to follow the dos, provide a basis for our parties to nobody as members to the executive, the lack of a function and government has restricted spending on public services and infrastructure . public sector workers frustrated by the lack of pay rises during a period of high inflation, repeatedly worked out on strike. the return of the devolved executive would release nearly $4200000000.00 worth of funding pledge by the british government. it would
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also, for the 1st time, the northern ireland would have the republican sch insane 1st minister, who wants to see a united ireland there. now the largest party in the assembly house here at storm on society has already suffered from the absence of a government over the last 2 years. we're almost 2 years away from the last assembly election. i've very much welcome to the fact that the have them moved to explicitly recognize and respect the outcome of the tasks assembly at election. the question that this was a day of real progress back towards develop government here in northern on. but there remain possible obstacles still to this amount questions to be on so that we may get some of those answers when the full text of the deal is published later on wednesday as well. so i'll just 0. go fast. friends, plans to tighten controls on foreign food in ports, in the latest government concession to angry,
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french farmers. prime minister gabriella status says the restrictions will guarantee fair competition. farmers have driven their tractors on to motor ways to block traffic and weeks of protest against government regulations. and higher fuel costs. the protests have spread to italy. we're farmers blocked the main road near rome. they're angry at you and government policies, as well as rising costs and taxes on their partners. members of parliament in spain have rejected legislation to grant an amnesty to capital and separate this separate test and peas voted against the proposed law, saying it does not go far enough to protect their leader from prosecution. carlos imprisonment, fled into exile following the declaration of independence, the catalonia, which threatened to divide spain. it's been almost 2 years since russia invaded ukraine, and there were concerns about its long term effects on the countries children. special camps are being organized to help youngsters. cope with war trauma from
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mcbride has more from the region of dr. katya the activities designed to help young mines come to terms with children with very different experiences, but also suffering some degree of trauma. like 17 year old valeria forcibly relocated to russia by her father, then brought back to ukraine by her mother. are unusual. she's a mother. every one would say that these are one nation, one people, but that's not true. it's another country. and when i come back to grant, i realized i was hong shuttle. so one parts of the country that's about the least touched by war, the co pay to the mountains of the perfect place for recovery. but many of the stuff of themselves from the cities ravaged by war, such as psychologist julia from mary who post some of the trauma is multi dimensional. and it's not just the field they experience from the bombing. it's the
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feel of occupation, the fear of losing loved ones. separation relate many especially younger children such as 12 year old kid hello, struggled to talk about their experiences. last time, we would take it into buses. he tells us to attempt in russia, where we stayed for a bit over a month, but that's about who he can. we can't. 17 year old give him was in the same group and remembers the joy of returning home school in the for the dome. when we got home, i 1st emotions were meeting my friends and family again. there was join more ukraine estimates about 20000 children have been forcibly relocated to russia since the start of the full scale invasion nearly 2 years ago, despite repeated efforts and international mediation, only about 400 children have been returned. the 4th removal has led to will crimes charges against moscow allegations. the key hopes will one day reach an international court. for now the focus is on reclaiming ukrainian children and
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helping them recover from mcbride. i'll just say era is that car, patsy or region ukraine? the chief executives of majors, social media platforms are set to face questioning from us senators over the sexual exploitation of children. as rob reynolds reports from los angeles, the companies are accused of failing to protect young people from abuse online to the amount of child sexual abuse, images and videos online is vast, and expanding rapidly. in 2022, we received over 32000000 reports to the cyber tip line. just last year for 2023. that number increase to over 36000000. this is a global problem. it is international in scope. and because of the instantaneous nature of many of these internet based platforms that users use to traffic in this type of material, it is circulated across the globe. 24 by 7,
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some social media companies such as meta, the parent company of facebook and instagram, receive high marks from child protection, advocates for screening out sexual abuse material. others including e loan mosques, ex, formerly known as twitter, have got to content moderation, teams. those people were fired or they left the company leaving acs wide open for the circulation of this kind of material. while producing or possessing child pornography is a serious federal crime. social media companies pace, few consequences. when it appears on their platforms, online sex predators know that the internet is really an open ground, where they can find children who wants communicated. want to connect. analysts say social media companies use freedom of speech arguments to evade responsibility for more effective moderation of harmful content. online and to maximize profits. there
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really is in, in my estimation, a fairly significant cynicism here by the firms where they constantly appeal to wanting to protect ostensibly their users. first amendment rights when really what they're protecting is their own rights to make decisions. pro and con, about content that suits them best financially, while congress has proved in effective that regulating social media, some local governments are taking the lead. last month, new mexico sued meta for failing to prevent harm to children. and last week, new york city mayor eric adams officially designated social media as a health hazard, protecting children online, an enormous problem with no effective solution. rob reynolds, i'll just sierra, los angeles. all right, that's it for this news hour. we will be back in the top of the hour with,
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for world news to stay with out. the the, the man was 71 year old, courteous reeds, a retired swat commander and police captain who brought a gun within that day. we just went back to watching the previews, thinking everything was over like okay, manager's gonna come up, so keep your phone way. that would be at. but that's not what happened. not at all . when the guy sat down, he kept same stuff to my husband about, oh so now you put the phone away and my husband, you know, turned around and stood up and just said, hey, what is your problem? a movie hasn't even started and he was just nasty surveillance footage. just chattering popcorn, it reads mediately fired a pistol, and
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a trans chest just saw like a spark. aaron just saw him go down and from there a i didn't even realize that of my finger with shot as well. i was just so worried about him. the surface when it got shot, the computer irritated. i'm a nurse are so hard to have a point. i'm just trying to make sure the size i said with a child died less than an hour later. just unbelievable because the situation had never got more than just kind of a whatever to what's your problem? you know, and then his dad and it just didn't make any sense how it escalated that quickly. the
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on the heavy bombardment in southern gaza is really forces or targeting the last operating medical facilities in san eunice worth thousands of cd. so the real venue it's good to have you with us. this is alice's 0 life center. also coming up they were dismissed upon allegations. pre emptive lead from the law says there is no clear establishment of wrong doing on the arguments dismissed
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employees accused of october 7th attacks we report on how is really settler attacks and military res.


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