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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 31, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the national security, this is a political em house. here's the conflict. are we telling a good story? we're really interested in taking you in to a place that you might not visit otherwise. it's absolutely feel as if you were there, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a them, this is the news live from dog coming up in the next 60 minutes. the heavy bombardment in southern gaza is ready forces targeting the last operating medical facilities in con units for thousands
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to so you can show they were dismissed upon allegations. pre emptive lease on. roy says there's no clear establishment of wrong doing on the part of it's dismissed. the employees accused of october 7th at the time we're imposing. how is riley, sy flow tax and ministry rates are depriving palestinian children the right to education in the occupied westbank. and the in laws moved freely. those relaxed election rules for political policies, hours before a state of emergency is due to and i'm joining us just go with the sport as south korea book says folks in the asian cop quotes of finals, but another heavy weight exit after pick up nations with rural co knox out twice. south africa in the ma, 60 the style team garza where the slide emetrius. counting out,
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morris strikes in the northern and central areas of the strip fine sitting on the ground. lots of the constant sizes in the south, but it's very strong. so targeted areas around hospitals and also the medical complex, which is also sheltering. thousands of displaced palestinians has been on the stage for several days. i'm a how much begins coverage the area around us and medical complex in fun unit has become a battle ground medical stuff on the patients as well as displaced. but a scene is, woke up to the sound of gunfire the inside the hospitals. doctors describe how disputing the situation is, is not the football, and we are no more than 5 or 6 doctors here at the emergency. each one of us is handling 10 cases at the same time. unfortunately,
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some patients died before we can help them. is there any forces have been bombarding the area around the hospital for the dates? most of the health stuff i've left been team saw about it. half of my daughter has been wounded for a while now. and when we come asking for treatment, sometimes they tell us available on other times, it's not. i'm not sure where to go or what to do is right intensifies each bombardment of con units. palestinians continued to flee south towards the roof. is really strikes not the only wordy, many also faced a vacation hold on a 2nd while the subject is really difficult. there is no water, no food, whatever that is available in the market is insanely expensive. many basic food items like flour and rice have vanished is there as well on cause. the sofa has the 27000 palestinians to us by means the benjamin,
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the thing out who's out the ceasefire proposal posting and civilians are left with no way to go. have them have that can be a to 0 or having the mode isn't that alpha in southern gaza. let's start 1st of all with the situation in a m and hospital. how is that life and death stand off looking now? yes, center. well, within the past the few hours there are more confirmed reports emerging from fine units, particularly at the location where i'm in the hospital. it is a bit of a quad caps or is it drawn or targeted? are drawn, taca. drones are firing at moving any moving objects in the area and this time, particularly targeting people have been suffering inside the hospital. i'm a hospital is part of of that compound of health compound management operates
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operated by the palestine requesting society, and that was under bombardment. and relentless artillery center within the past few weeks. but this time the target seems to be more concentrated on. and i'm in the hospital where not only the vicinity and the external facility over the hospital have been destroyed by many times and, and have a machine gun, but also by those a target drones were shooting at people so far. there are reports about a security guard are being shot and did inside the facility of the hospitals are also these are the speakers of by these drones calling people to evacuate and leave the hospital, but without it providing is safe current door for people to evacuate. do in addition, there is no safety place in this battle is done. we're talking about extreme gun fire exchange of gunfire and new classes. the between policy and militant group met policy and fighting grooves,
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as well as the is very invading forces on the ground. and i know safe place and corner door for people to evacuate. similar to the situation that taking place at the loss of the hospital where both of these for some of these are gradually post. 7 of service due to a stream, lack of medical supplies that and if you, that runs their power generators and honey, always seeing a pass in here when we look at what's happening outside of amazon and also hospital of strikes on hospitals intensifying as how mass considered as opposed to the consider is piece proposals. well, so far what we're seeing on the ground is a quite the contrary. despite the emerging reports of a possible initial phase, all of these fired that could possibly take place within the coming days. but we're seeing a version the attacks across the gauze from,
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from the largely empty north part of the sprint and the northern part of gauze and city where there are reports of renewed attacks on and romantic residential buildings, public facilities, the ongoing assistance, and really very raise the collision center in different neighborhoods including the neighborhoods in the center of gauze is alonzo survival neighborhood, now turned into the ruins. the do do the heavy bombing that took place since the beginning of, of this we're on the generally people here. it's more for them like does the torture before death. they're waiting for for more good news about a possible fire to protect life life. but the same time they have to meet the horrible experience of being displayed or running to from one similar to another. as the founding continues. all right, thanks so much. hi,
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me. my mood uh to all the united nations secretary general has met and major done is a view, an agency for palestinian refugees. i'm telling people, talmadge was seeking to reassure member states that temporarily suspended the funding for the agency. that's off there, as well. accused 12 of under was approximately $30000.00 employees of taking pots of the october 7th attacks view and has 5 those who are named as in and is investigating the allegations, christmas salumi reports system to civilians. the un security council is reiterating its demand to scale up to monetary and aid to gaza, even though some of its members are withholding funding to causes largest agency and running behind closed doors. they met with the woman task with making it happen, sigrid cog you n senior, humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator. there is no way that any organization
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can replace or substitute tremendous capacity. the fabric of monroe, the ability, the and the knowledge of the population in gaza. cod barely a month into her job has already met with officials in israel, gaza egypt, and jordan cock told the counsel more aid route since a gaza as well as a resumption of commercial deliveries are needed to meet the staggering needs of the people. but she offered no alternative to honora. in an effort to reassure donor secretary general antonio gutierrez, called a meeting with member states detailing actions the un has taken since is real accuse 12 unreal employees of taking part in the october 7th attacks. those names have been sacked, a comprehensive investigation, launched the united states and was largest donor praise the organizations work, even as it called for changes. we need to see fundamental changes before we can
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resume providing uh, funding directly to henri and as you know, i, we should left that file. the great work that i'm or does, andrea has provided a central humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people. and unwrapped is the only organization on the ground that has the capacity to continue to provide that assistance. this is not the time to withhold funds or suspend funds. we need to have your money, terry, and assistance up to the 11th over the needs of the people of the, of the guys us 3 without funding resuming un is warning. unrest live saving work could be severely impacted in a matter of weeks. kristin salumi al jazeera, the united nations to model out, or if i is the spokes person for the united nations relief and works agency. she says unrest off accused of participating in the october 7th attacks were. busy
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dismissed preemptively, the being investigated to establish any wrong doing. she says the needs of civilians in gaza should be prioritized as we are leading to our biggest owners who are also our partners, our partners, and ensuring that there is an adequate humanitarian operation in gaza. were pleasing with them, not to it to allow the humanitarian operation towards 2000000 people to collapse. but no one has the largest footprint in gaza. we run the shelters where more than 1000000 people have sought refuge. we run the foods and wheat flour, distribution towards the entire population. there is no one, no agency, no humanitarian actor, that can replace toner well, especially on childs such short notice. so our position in please help us continue
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saving lives in gaza and continue providing that level of relief, food, medical supplies, and medical services to an entire population that is now dependent on humanitarian assistance. of course, based our applications from the is really government and the commissioner in general under well deemed that it's in the interest of the 2000000 people were serving in gaza. and in the interest of the continuation of our light saving an irreplaceable work in garza, he deemed it necessary to preemptively dismiss these the staff members for the sake of everything else. but also for the sake of due diligence, the commissioner general asked that you went to secretary general antonio gutierrez to restore the situation to the highest investigation authority and that you went in new york. so we worked on several tracks together with the primary goal being
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the continuation of our replaceable and light saving work in gaza. we have 13000 staff in gaza. it takes a very, very complex review to be able to match names that we received from the government of israel with names of our employees. but if i may hear reminder that the owner was shares the full list of names of the staff in the west bank including east jerusalem with israel every year or so. the list is known. the list of our stuff is known to the government of israel. every year alondra is a lifeline for millions of palestinians and is to meet them at vanco reports. for many of them, the prospect of its jotting down and gaza is frightening. every morning they line up for food given out by the un agency that looks up the palestinian refugees. it's
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the only place these desperate people can get anything to eat. but uncertainty haunts them now. who knows how long the handouts will loves? unfortunately, i wish i wish i left him in the z. we came to collect daily flour russian for a family of 10 data threatening to suspend over services. the only thing we have left is a bag of flour we're receiving. well, should we trees? israel has a ledge that $121.00 right employees took part in the october 7th attack on southern israel was says it would investigate but nations including the united states, britain and germany, immediately suspended the funding contributions with more than 1000000000 dollars last year. i thought i didn't know it. tell me look, uh, i believe that like is ations against conroe of enforcement in the october 7th incident. folks, these accusations are part of the brutal attack that's meant to drive all people out of the cause of stroke. because sofa unrest,
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services are the only thing that supporting out resilience. and now territory was of what supports millions of palestinians daily. it's a lifeline operating shelters, health centers and delivering much needed a yeah, me the if the palestinian people use one raz assistance, we're as good as data as good as data. we have nothing but when run little really living in the street, the mountain nourishment disease and a lack of shelter. many have cold life and gaza. hel without honora. that hell could be much, much worse, to meet him, and we didn't go out as they were now, the political leader of how mazda is my of, he says he's received the cx 5 proposal for the war and gone. so that follows talks in paris and in washington on a possible deal to stop the fighting. and he says he'll travel to the junction
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capital cairo for further discussions. this re prime minister baby nothing. yeah. who insist still not on the wall without the chief and all these go. busy i use statements about all kinds of deals, so i want to make it clear. we will not end this war without achieving all our goals. and that means the illumination of how much the return of all of hostages and a promise that garza will no longer pose a threat to israel. we will not take the idea out of the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen? absolute victory already challenge isn't occupied is true. so for us. so rory and the proposal as to how this will ends is something that means a lot posted into the prime minister in his fight. right. as. yeah, there's a lot of speculation, lot of focus. so the move in on this and yahoo and how he's gonna see
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a israel through this and out of the war into the other sides. there is, of course, a lot of attention being paid on this potential deal. and let's get cynical voice is essentially saying that this deal is not a good one for israel. that kind of thing that's acceptable for how much would not be right for these ready states. and for these ready administrators, thomas is very unlikely. a sort of a cynical voice is go in and israel to release for all of the captives. and that for why should have, must be given a ceased by certain events, the view of the fall rights pots of the governing coalition. a been given here is a member of the coalition and said that he will actually torpedo the government. he'll bring it down if that's in the art who does a deal with how much that is unacceptable for the far right. this message now is
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government is very unpopular at the moment times. there's a recent poll that's just being done for is ready tv for channel 12, which suggests a different election was going to be held tomorrow. that the routing coalition woods go from 64 seats and the connectives down to 44 seats. and so they'd be out of town next to me all he would lose his job as prime minister, he most likely get a new government headed by any chance or the national unity policy. and the best of those smart threats and hazard is on his policy would be and so the connect it all together. another interesting story that is in these ready media today to newspapers have this, this is denise my from my roof. and there is also a newspaper choosing paste, which has the same story. and this is about cause the off to the war. cause a plan is the headline here. and the suggestion is facing the leak. apparently. that's
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a group of businessmen with close ties to nothing. yahoo have drafted the plan which they are taking at to the americans. the newspapers are interpreting this as a sort of trial bullying sent out by netanyahu's government now. so the plan would be this, that's uh, that would be an initial post. will phase of military rule of gaza is ready ministry rule that would be transitional leading into at some point. whenever that might be a new, have a city north or it's a motor. how much involved in that no spots are involved in that box by at international arab coalition. i'm going through that in 2 to 4 years. if things went well then, well that might be a yeah, a palestinian state. now how are we to interprets a little that is it's genuine, is it bonus? is it even realistic? well, we know that mess and yahoo says some things to the americans and other things to a domestic is ready audience. we also know that definitely always spend most of his life working against
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a 2 state solution. so expensive all of that. when you were assessing this, but it is an insides of some sort into the thinking of dependents. political maneuvering going on in his right at the moment. all right, we'll leave that thanks so much for the chance and to the loan stains and independent journalist who wrote a book on his rouse an industry called the palestine le bar tree jones, this life from sidney. now, so anthony, 1st of all, let's talk a little bit about how this total victory line. how's that resonating with these republic as the war drags on as time passes? you know, one of the things that's really key over the mountains is the most ease. riley is one that hostages back, which makes sense. but at the same time, they also, i'm very happy to keep the wall going. in fact, nice polls do not suggest that the majority of these riley jews want the war to and they do want him us to be removed in some way. what that looks like a cause is up for debate, but there's no real major constituency in israel. the res,
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i pace movement between israel, that opposes the war that one or 2 in tomorrow that wants to hosted his back. that also supports releasing palestinian prison information, but that's a tiny minority. and the vice vast majority of these riley jews want to avoid a continuing fact that was a family member of a, one of the hostages, who was gaming given to me yesterday and essentially said, and i'm paraphrasing here, i want my, i think it was my sister back but off to becky's rep can do what it wants to gaza. in other words, that view is very, very mainstream. all right, now hang on, bear with us for a 2nd and today cuz i want to look into some of the recent polls that have come out . that suggests the prime minister benjamin that now is losing political grounds. and in fact, if an election were held today, only 23 percent said they would support and i send you out 41 percent of respondents saying they would vaccine the cabinet minister benny guns instead. so
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when you mix that with public opinion, this the idea of dragging out this rule as being the saving grace for nothing. yeah . who no longer really stand a hey suddenly bang again. so be different. you know, they need gas has been a senior cabinet minister for a long time and on most of the key issues from gaza to the west bank to the occupation. there is remarkably little difference between them. you know, the western press is of state. so you mentioned, you mentioned yahoo is a, is a prime minister. so of course we kind of know him obviously, but the truth is he represents even that he himself is now very unpopular. but the views that he represents that he has for years is remarkably mainstream. and penny gas, if he becomes pregnant to be cheryl next year, which seems not unlikely, it'll be very unlikely to be any different. he does believe in las occupation. there is no serious talk with in his round despite what people might suggest. installed balloons for
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a 2 state solution. it's all about. it's not happening. the majority of is riley's 4 years long before october 7. and certainly since i've supported occupation, i've voted for policies for decades. it back that there's no real constituency for an independent palestinian state and isn't nothing is really jews that have accepted the idea of an las occupation. again, there are critics and opponents of that, of course, but they're right, tiny minority tragically. okay, let's talk about global jewish public opinion that how is prolonging the war and this talk of keep it going to total victory, impacting global jewish public opinion? is it polarizing it? more of the jewish community globally has never been most place. there's no doubt that in the us and europe and the k, there are a number of people in jewish community support is role on critically, regardless of what it does and will support these rails supplies, a plan so eliminated from us. but the truth is that in the last,
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particularly 10 years, i've written a lot about this and i'm jewish myself. so i'm sort of part of this movement so to speak. that there is a generational split going on. it's not quite as neat as this, but in general, all the jews are much more supportive of his ro, where as jews who are 18 to 35 in the us, especially, i really lost a huge amount of disrespect for israel, but uh, for family disillusion with the lead is all of the community to spend decade signing. and the way you can be a good you is to support these ro ignore the occupation, ignore the refreshment of palestinians, ignore what he's rouse, doing in gaza. and mice calls before on type a 7 and certainly since have shown but secret in the us that many, many young americans use. if we don't accept that russian all that they impose what's going on and they pushing up this through, i'm late is to change tact but also start their own organization. so groups like jewish voice for pace. so if not now,
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and now they don't having that much influence i've uh, at the white house level, that's true. there isn't even jewish community they raise. i have called at the civil war. there's a single wall going on in the global jewish community. not this type of guys i want these route has become a hotline. frankly, missy. i need to do a supremacist a. now that is not something that many jews who believe in multiculturalism in human rights can back. how is the challenge of anti semitism shaping this question? of opinion or any sandwiches and, you know, on the oldest hatreds. israel, of course, an anti semitism since outside of the 7 in some parts the world is undeniably going out from fucking and really anti semitism attacks against you. so actual jew hatred expressed online all in the, in the real well, but what's happening in the last decades. but it's accelerated in the last 10 years and it's got even worse and some type of 7. it is with an ice ation of anti semitism. that main jewish groups, including on the big as well as the anti defamation league,
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the idea over in the last few years. this is one of the leading pro israel and jewish organizations in the us. as openly said, that as far as they are concerned, anyone who's and design is to is critical of israel, doesn't support as well as a jewish state. is a king to a white nationalist which is just absurd and insane. absolutely, incredibly wrong, historically and practically anti semitism must be false and it's a real danger to everyone. but the fact is that many jews and people in general believe that he's riley actions actually on making use more on such that the whole promise of zine is them a 100 or years ago. and then the establishment of israel in 1948. was it these ro, as long as them would bring news more safety with the news rollin globally? no one can seriously argue that, that that's the case now. and anti semitism is used as a weapon to silence people know most to be accused of being an anti semite. of course,
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let me say so many examples now of people who are expressing legitimate criticism of these rel, up against the plans and gals are against occupation, ethnic cleansing the and cheese of anti semitism, which is a complete ridiculous. he said that what? because that actually reduces the ability to 5 really anti semitism. and the reason rice of the fire rock liability in neo nazis including in europe. so that's the danger of with an icing that really important to want to. thanks so much. i was good to talk to anthony loans during the as the policy and administrative education says increased is ready to be set to the violence in ami rides across the occupied westbank. how destroying the right to education of palestinian children. many schools have been forced to close down to all stratford reports from the village of bates or before illegal is ready. settlement runs alone. we only wrote to pay to go to school in the old key point westbank, but no, thomas,
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the indian students come here anymore. the pano, sidney, and all sorts, he insisted the school clothes when the one goal is to begin because it is really secular tax. the school was built in 1953 these way. the settlements began arriving 25 years later. the children's all work still hangs in in 2 carlos classrooms, abandoned a basketball court where they used to play the settlement will is only meet is a way and he's ready flag flies over nearby military base. and then today the lead, when i know we have never seen anything like this before, is really subtle, is come to the nearby ministry check point. they throw stones, they stop cause and sometimes confiscate them in the past. the surplus of fraud stones at the students during sports classes, whatever it was play time, we faced a potential emergency situation. this is destroying the right to an education
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is really secular violence against palestinians and their property across the occupied west bank is dramatically increased since the how much the tax on october, the 7th, nearly full 100 palestinians have been killed in his way the military rates hunting suspected members, the palestinian resistance of the school, the self abuse of scripts and intimidation. by is raining checklist. living in an illegal is rarely settlement behind. that rule only meets is a way it is one of moving funds with schools that the palestinian also or to say be finish the close because of the increased the 2nd level islands since the war began . many of reopened but 11, being forced to close in the last 2 weeks. many of the students from bait or have be moved to school across the valley, practice into overcrowded classrooms, within suspicion facilities to accommodate even the basic needs. teachers and
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students are cramped into the classrooms. we can't use the lab to the science because we need to use that to teach other subject that it's a huge challenge for the children. and for us, you can see the is where the settlement and the school which allowed an estimate used to go to clearly from the office at hill to see a playground used by these rarely settlers, children over the soldiers gall nearby base. and these were 80 minutes, each of the flies above us has been filled. and levia did the ultimate in july have had no choice but to take online lessons. since the school was closed and off my struggles to focus on these arabic cloths. and it does not, here is the good. our school has great facilities. it has a big playground for sports. there's really good education there. the school we were moved to had no space for us at the beginning of the war, the soldiers used to come in front of our school gate. yes, it's safer there,
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but i hope we can go back to our main school one day jamal, how much sits with his nephew taking a geography? listen in another room. that was online learning is nothing compared to appropriate school education. there are so many distractions when they're studying at home. a palestinian children have had their education disrupted by as well as of the patient but decades. the universal right of children like ultimate to learn and grow his own district like never before. it's almost not for the late good in the occupied westbank. the all still i had on al jazeera, the ukraine take steps to help children deal with it for more of the war with russia plus find to gain still legal drugs in liberia. how communities are coming together in
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the absence of government action and light drama. the asian comp south is max, with saudi arabia, goes to penalties. coming up with joe in school, the spot to get very wet and windy once again for northwest to view events focusing really on scotland. the property no way, mostly to be ready and coming in with a strong, which doesn't last too long for us. but at least of course, you know when that size of this attempt is a single fingers, but they not freezing. so it's not extraordinary. well, but it has been drawing this on the, for the most part for the bulk of the european play, and it will change, i think, in the next 24 hours, but in immediate future. so wednesday, it's still warm and too dry in spain and portugal. and rest of the world all the way until you get some grease that grease has got missed normally when we've had
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snow outside athens as a result of that, just to the knolls. that's not extraordinary. we're still, of course, in winter, but it was a bit harsh considering where it's been like up until this point. now during says day much of mainland europe will see this profit system go across. it dropped some rain, coal, grain, street or even snow, particularly in the mountains, is followed by much the same weather as you have covered k, to be quite honest. so the eastern met is still blowing as cold as you, as a libya and egypt will get the dropping temperature. sherry random quite a strong wind most off. know if i forget this time the it should be dry with a hot mountain full of dust showing itself in chad. the then what to do was to
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to, to solve e c. and everything is good. even explain the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would this with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding, poor revenge. occupied and imprisoned. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, i'll go back here watching out just 0 time to recap on headlines now. these by the minute trees counting out more as trying to know them in central garza finding on the ground as long as the concentrated southern gospel onto the re shelling and explosions of being heard around the loss of the medical complex con eunice, the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees says the sacking of 12 employees in guns are accused of involvement in the service of the tax is a pre emptive measure of sides 1st and full. the agency tells out just the are the step was necessary to ensure the continuation of services to golf. the
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political leader of him as says the reviewing is these 5 proposal for the war and gaza that follows the tulips in paris and in washington on a possible deal to stop the fighting. this re prime minister benjamin netanyahu in says he will not end the war without cheating all these goals. and as these really ministry escalates it's offensive across garza displace palestinians are constantly being order to move many se there's no place left but safe. how much a high end results from gauze? this is the, the, the, the high show you for the launch. i'm out and my, the in the, i'm standing in the hospital shift road, one neighborhood in the north of kansas city. and i saw a muslim and do any over the past few hours, israel's will things have intensified as strikes on this already destroyed area. it was targeted with missiles from jet fighters, as well as all tillery shots, even though is really times on the ground truth. i pulled out days ago and i think these res won't residents to evacuate to the center of the strip. but very few residents heated. let me,
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i'll try to speak to some of the residents but still remain here at leisure. legit . there is one of the forces turned back to the north of gaza, strip that warning, residents of the north to leave their homes again after they pulled the tanks and soldiers from the area, we are once again being shouted with tillery shells and smoke bombs. but the lot just as you can really respond to these goals, the last and the date that we have, how about ground since the beginning of the war? we have now the place to go. and as we will continue to remain home standing now ground asleep fast in a month with no thought of the shameful dog titled instruction, he must have damage. not, nothing was bad, residential, haines, public facilities, schools. i'm of an even the infrastructure. it sounds good either. then mean as residential trying to resume some way of normalizing why that these randy occupation forces are again intensifying that we're talking about all over the north of the golf and strip kind of you have a level of tech support and as we speak, this is really made a change selling the west and pot schiffwood one has that height,
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you'll settle on the highly on at least a month. bill i used thousands, the adamant to remain despite the mass of destruction and the total absence of life . so basic necessities hold you. all of the picture, as you can see for yourself, it's really dia would be only complained to god, he knows what's become of us. i live, i love to handle your sort of a highly on a i on the residency item at this time of the ground not to leave behind. even though these randy ami is once again intensifying it's attacks on the know how much energy and that connected to 0. let's take a look at some other world news now, being mazda made for government says it's easing election, registration rules for political policies. the announcement comes just before the foot anniversary of the ministry crew and it comes out as before, 6 months state of emergency is due to expire. its been repeatedly extended since symmetry takeover date is of the june to have pledge to hold elections and return
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to democratic rule. but haven't said when tony chang is following developments from chung ryan knowles and thailand, the voted with me in law as the military is just reversing changes it made last year. when on january the 27th, it insisted that political parties have to have a membership of at least a $100000.00. they've now reduced that by hoff, by a to 50000. but as we found ourselves when we were and me and my last is speaking to political parties who'd be disqualified under those rules, all of the pos is the, that the me, i'm a military wanted to push as of the political system. they've already achieved that . so turning back the clock is really going to make no difference the total that i think the big picture here is that we've seen over the last couple of weeks in very small concessions from the military, talking about discipline democracy, a minimum like the senior general refer to the 2008 constitution going back to that
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in an address on the 26th of january. but at this stage, this is really a country in full blown civil world. we've got a most demand. mazda board is now heavily contested between ethnic armies, who are fighting the military and the ministry themselves. have seen the military, using extreme force, with strikes artillery against indiscriminately, against ethnic homes and civilians all over the country. i don't think making these small changes to the deal that it's trying to do with the people is going to make no difference at this stage. the people of maneesha have a new king, so kindly brought human scans that is due to rain for the next 5 years. malaysia has a unique system of rotational monkey with 9 have rather 3 solved tons taking tons on the right. and typically acts on the advice of the prime minister and ministers . the new monarch says he wants to be
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a more active ruler. focused on the phone of 5 minutes them wrong call has been given a 2nd jail sentence within 24 hours. connor's wife, which will be received full tv, is full corruption. on tuesday, he was given a is for leaking state secrets, the cricket. the ton politician is already serving a 3 year sentence. also another conviction for corruption. it's maybe 2 years since he was removed from office. also losing a complimentary version of confidence come out of high that has more from his son vide, or nothing. major developments, the former prime minister amber on hahn and his wife have both been sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment by an accountability card which was heading the tow truck on our case. this basically for games go days give said he had received from head of state of other countries which he has alleged to have stored and made a prospect on. however, legal team said that the case has no legal basis and that this is a can get
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a card. i'm just also coming just the day before august on general elections. he was really, i accused of violating the state secrets act and said 10 to 10 years of rigorous imprisonment. now his party leaders have advised basketball guys to remain calm and do not to take the law into their own hands, saying that it was imperative that they did take part in the upcoming election. despite the due measure of steak and by their country lower court. and the government didn't follow him, or on con, has always started guidelines. his disqualification in that group involved or lies now will be on the country. drugs to video card as to whether they will be in a position to provide in renew at this particular juncture. like popularity has not had role data and people and focused on and i'll wondering whether that will indeed be a really red and pre election or yet another selection come out of how you get out
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of your data. it's not my boss, it's how it's been that it 2 years since russia invited you crying and there are concerns about his long term effects on children, special camp. so being organized to help youngsters cope for the former or for i'll just here as rob mcbride's reports from the region of that kind of part to you. the act tibbetts ease, designed to help young mines come to terms with children, with very different experiences, but also suffering some degree of trauma. like 17 year old valeria forcibly relocated to russia by her father, then brought back to ukraine by her mother are unusual. she's a mother, every one would say that these are one nation, one people that that's not true. it's another country. and when i come back to grant, i realized of us from the one part of the country that's about the least touched by will the co pay, the mountains,
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all the perfect place for recovery. but many of the stuff are themselves from the cities ravaged by war, such as psychologist julia from mary paul. some of the trauma is multi dimensional, and it's not just the few they experience from the bombing. it's the feel of occupation diffusion using loved ones. separation relate many especially younger children, such as 12 year old carrillo struggled to talk about their experiences. last time, we would take it into buses. he tells us to a camp in russia where we stayed for a bit over a month. but that's about who will he can we can't. 17 year old give him was in the same group and remembers the joy of returning home. the home when we got home. i 1st emotions were meeting my friends and family again. there was join more. the ukraine estimates about 20000 children have been forcibly relocated to russia since the start of the full scale invasion nearly 2 years ago,
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despite repeated efforts and international mediation, only about 400 children have been returned. the fullest removal has led to will crimes charges against moscow allegations. the key hopes will one day reach an international court. for now the focus is on reclaiming ukrainian children and helping them recover from mcbride. i'll just say era sucker, patsy or region ukraine. the library is new president joseph black, high has declared drug abuse of public health, emergency addiction to heroin and crack. cocaine is on the rise and the lack of frequent facilities means majority of alex left to fend for themselves and race reports from the capsule review. after 2 decades of addiction that is done by seeking help to overcome hybrid,
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he says he cultivated during lot be of the civil war was not on the age of 14 years old and john and revolution. so that is supposed to be that that is moving seem to call or model one on grass. and i think that is smoking the grounds of smoking drive and as, as will longer make. you feel that way, you know, you want to see the less. so i gave them according to united nation, so it goes an estimate of 13 percent of live. beatrice population is abusing drugs . it says 20 percent of young people also addicted to elicit substances with the absence of appropriate government program to tucker the problem, individuals and then governmental organizations stepping in after the detox, which has to do with the medication and all of that. after that, we're getting to more counseling in trying to provide some vocational training skills for them. highest seclusion can only help a few addict at a time,
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and they're mostly kept for a maximum of 35 or 40 percent of rehabilitated, added c says, falls back into the habit because drugs i keep an easier for all of the st. a drug . gotcha, is that increasingly targeting west africa because a weak law enforcement? what am i better security features, whole community engagement will help to cut the rise in smuggling and use of hard drugs and we are going to skid. that level of drugs here in wash, doug about warner, media, knowledge of drugs, we going to skid, adopt drugs door, the keys in court. it went the way with this effect of a hot air. what dog is the cause? this them live here recently passed a new drug little, but many here tell me is the corruption wouldn't allow it to succeed. that he says he's no recovered. but that of science, he still struggling but at least for now, he's called
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a temporary job at the rehab center. how many degrees did you see that? what role you still ahead on al jazeera, also no move with any su place of a small thing. the exist, can me a late type, the race. that's next, jo. be to the guy,
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the business latex, to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the business agents to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the, all right, let's catch up on the africa combination south joe's here. thank you. saw me? yes, the shucks. keep coming out. the efforts combinations. now the heavy weight has been knocked out as morocco will be more south africa in the last 16 rocha with the
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highest rank team in the tournament. but south africa took the lead. in the 57 mean minutes to evidence my go past. we're okay. we have the chance to equalize when they were what did a penalty in the 80 said minute for a south of candle, but as traffic he hit the cross bar and then went down a mine when sophia and i'm about so showing the red called south africa took advantage and i did the 2nd goal is thanks for brilliant free kicked by temple, who will put in the front of the final will now play tape foot in the quote to finals on site today and the quarter finals think no one gave me the trends what of the defense gave me those 2 money, but we can big strong and we recruit and do it very hard to believe we are now. malia 3 until you offered to one when over booking a fast so and i wouldn't go put them ahead in the minutes and then last seen it. so now your code made it to just jump to the break but kind of fast. i pull one back from the penalty spots and then so the lady who lives in the last minute,
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but it was ruled out of side. so it's molly who heading to the court has to face her. i've read the to south korea through to the quotes defined as of the asian cop after penalty shoots out when of a saudi arabia. jemma nash watch the much for us education city stadium for those who mancini, the saudi arabia and yoga infringements, south thread. those came through the group stage and beaten, and there was nothing to separate the teams in the opening 45 minutes of this came up to their bodies, came out as the 2nd house substitute and his impact was instant as he put saudi arabia in front, less than a minute off to the restore south korea's school to stop each time when it can support you can let the 2020 to well cross it is very stadium,
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and that was once again, and they twist choked through sun, heading in a 1990 minutes. equalizer to send the match to extra time. so no goals enough traditional 30 minutes. so it all came down to a penalty shoes house. the saudis went fuss in schools and upset south careers. captain solomon's human, put away his sport, kick. saudi arabia then. so to say that coach mancini had seen enough and headed down the tunnel before the winning penalty kicks that's on a went to wine. he can you send 2 side into the last 8. this is a group of players that i personally as a, as a coach enjoys so much working with because they badly want to do well for their country. i am very sad because the, you know, when you lose and they have to show it and your can see they're going to last mean because they don't understand that minnesota x or die south korea back from the brink off to being just seconds away from going out hot break, cool. saudi arabia,
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he what, within walking distance of the next round. supreme falcons guy this time, wallace, south korea and move on to face australia in the quarter finals. the chances of a subs agent comp time philip on fast since 1960 remains intact as well. there's no risk for gemini shelves to that epic game last night. she is at altima stadium for the 1st of wednesdays, games fall rain versus japan jemma. it's hard to look post upon for this one, isn't it? well j don't ask me what day of the week it is, but i can tell you about this, but will not, since you're kind of the highest rank site in asia, number 17 in that fee, football rankings, the rank city, $70.00 places above their opponents ball. right? and they all, many people's favorites to win this, the competition they offer. well, the most successful site in the history of the asian come with full size, who's on the web run is up at the law station caught in the u,
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i. e in 2019. so this doesn't make full pleasant reading, full ball rain, but let's also them some height patch upon have been a little underwhelming say font at this tournament that quite says there was plenty of room for improvement. and it was started, well enough for them to admit they beat vietnam and the other then saucer got shocked to one last to a rock which slowly rock top the grades ahead of them. but they did. they managed to school 8 goals and the group sites, the joint based. and so they did concede 6. so that is something perhaps they wanted to uh, you know, work on as the tournament progresses. so you would say that's a problem. probably have a little too much football right here. but tell me what, what's the feeling that way you all can fall right in spring, a surprise. do you think as well, they do? certainly go into this much as the underdog say, the pressure results isn't that what, of course, allow them to play with a certain level of freedom. that card which one, i'm sorry, repeat c, spinning. very optimistic, he says the murano is high and the not going to be over ruled by their targets and you might be out front of a bit of revenge as well because he was in charge of saudi right. that in 20. 19,
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at the last agent comp. and they would knocks out of his competition at this stage by japan. so perhaps a little extra incentives that are and that's all right and also top that group and they, they be told him in that final greek game. so that was a big result for them, but they did lose to south korea 3 when you run into tournament. so it is going to be a tool that full them, have a good rest of a finish, amazing cup in china, in 2004. when they finished full reason in the semi finals by japan. but just briefly, the jimmy, you mentioned ball rains coaches. talk about japan's coat. she's chasing a unique record. tell us about the yes. how do you may, maurice, who was trying to become this last month too when i'm asian cut off by a player and a coach back in 1992. he was a 24 year old midfielder that points he played in every match of the asian cup for the time that you except the final, which he was suspended for. and that was the, that's a problem one that 1st of the agent come on,
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it was all sites on time. so he's now 55. and he'll be hoping to problem can do what they did here in capsule in 2011. and that's the take home, the agent got. all right, tell me i go off and enjoy that, came then jim and i said also mama stadium. you also have gone within 2 points of premier league leaders. let me pull off the beating nothing and forest see one of her quiet. first off it was gabrielle jesus who sold the 1st goal in the 65th minutes. his 4th of the season. what kind of psycho food? the 2nd 7 minutes. late so far as grab the consolation, but it wasn't enough to deny account or set aside an important 3 points in the try to raise. later when say level will play in the late game before that both tottenham and much sits here in action with cities set to welcome back stalls to like a like holland who's been out for almost 2 months because of a foot injury. well, we have all this quite to be as strong. definitely. and i think it's important for
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us the difference between 2 mounds out a long time. but the chief is good and we have to train this afternoon, but apparently tomorrow would be yeah. with all of us now, so an injury scan for the m b a is m v p joe and beat the phone. so it's right there. landed right on his leg. probably high works in the philadelphia 76 install was in some pain officer and golden state warriors planted on his left knee was able to move back to the dressing room and it's set to have an am. all right, in the next 24 hours, there's no indication yet as to when he'll be back, but the 6 is did lose the game, which means they've lost 4 and arrived a m b as best performing team, the boston celtics of one. again, they the ending on a piece is 129 to 124. jason titan's helps go and this one was the key point. this is where you go, but still pretty nice. and the los angeles lakers have. so for this 2nd double digit, last and as many nights this time it was the atlanta folks that meet them. 138-2122
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tray young school, 26 points of the landing. his 1st 63 points are 10. and that is where you support for now it is back to semi bang so much that brings us to the end of this news out of the good news. several is back cause another full show. stay with us. the every human mind is unique advantage installed. set the emotions can be a challenge. and if you're not helping meant to me, then it's sort of like you're, you're not living. we travel to south africa to explore traditional healing techniques, being used to improve wellbeing on his ancestors today. for the 1st 12 and to south korea, we're bring training is leading to a limited success. it's one of the most important factors to be able to stay calm,
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stay relaxed and be able to share your shot as you normally would amongst episode. sweet. oh no, just what constitute except for we generally talk your see i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education my wants to read them. we don't have to lead them in different countries and policy and it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit no 1000 service this placement and then you're saying you don't have any reports that i should just trust mal is that unity austin aside from the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and elders. the integrity in the pursuit of truth worked out of their existence, its launch as a principle present. and as a correspondence with the brakes,
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and the story wants to hear from those people who was normally not get that forces hood on the international news channels one david top. if i proud all was when we covered the fullness quake of 2015, at the terrible match, all the facts and the story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people the story was very important at the time the . ready is really forces keep up their heavy bombardment in southern gaza targeting the last operating medical facilities in hon. unit square, thousands are seeking shelter. the pennsylvania. it's good to have you with us. this is alice's 0 life from the also
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coming up. they were dismissed upon allegations,


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