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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 31, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm AST

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of the hospital with fearless ju, just behind me, hundreds of people have been in fact to h as an in depth coverage thailand states it's future on fossil fuels, no renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground, bring you closer to the heart of the story. more than 50 people killed in 5 thing on south sedans. border rabble group is blamed for the attacks and an oil rich area also claimed by so that so was the, the violence way. is it leaving face is inside story. the hello and welcome to a show i'm sam is a that the disputed abbey, a region along the border between them and south. so them is on the co
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a few after tax by a south suit, the needs rebel group, see more than 50 people were killed in the likes is fine. that's including women, children, and even un peacekeepers. the area has been volatile for many years. within the communal conflicts. i'm competing claims by the neighbors international peace efforts while they've essentially sold since the conflict and so then began last year south. so then gained its independence in 2011, but quickly plunged into war logs v between the ethnic think know of tribes. a peace deal was reached though in 2018. but well the life is violence depressing death agreement. what's the impact on the people will get to him, i guess in a moment, but 1st this report by castillo pennsylvania. it's an attack that's highlighting the volatile situation in the border region. it's an area dispute is between south
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sedan and sudan. rebel groups. when we're rob, state and still sudan had been blamed for the violence which killed more than 50 people, including at least 2 united nations peacekeepers. the secretaries del condemns the violence and attacks against the peacekeeping force and calls on the government of south sudan and sudan to swiftly investigate the attacks with the assistance of the peacekeeping force known as you next fall, and to bring the perpetrators to justice the be a region is rich in oil, it's administered by both student and sales to dad. but for years, disputes about tax revenue and border limits have lots of fighting between rival sections of the thing. got ethnic groups and many fear. the months long conflict in sudan could make things worse. about 7000000 people have been displaced in sudan since april. when fighting broke out between students, army and paramilitary rapid support forces. it's led to
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a dire humanitarian crisis, and the country that struggled for years with war and political instability, sudan and south sudan have disagreed on control of, of the ace themselves, sudan gained its independence. the peace still ended decades of civil war between students, north and south. the tensions have lingered, as the security council voted last year to extend the un peacekeeping mission and not be until november of this year. but there's concerned the reason fighting could worse and the situation in a region that's already seen decades of violence cod see a little so the again alj a 0 for insights story as well. come all guess and bring them into the show. we have joining us from jew, but kennedy, my bung go country director for the aid agency. norwegian refugee council,
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in south sudan. well, in august with the united kingdom, we have douglas johnson, he's a scholar and on sedan and south sedan is served on the i bought a commission and the new york joshua craze research are on savannah themselves. so that he's been in touch with policies to the conflict and not being in the past few days. well, welcome to everyone. we can start with joshua. so joshua wants box this round of the conflict. so it was sort of a referendum in 2011 on whether it wants to join south sit on it. but if for independence, it didn't get that referendum instead, this means army displaced it to the south of a territory to a place called a goal. and now eventually this with these on the left you missed for the peace keeping force came in law, who are the residents of abbey and not think of managed to come back to the sensor, but they never came to the north of the territory from which they've always been displaced and it's always been a sydney's army in the north of the territory, despite the commitment of units for understood on the south. so don't demilitarized
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the territory. so they faced them attacked from the north. but since 2022, they've also face some attack from the cell. so the twitch, which is another thing to group, but live in what uh, which is south. so these presidents dealt with kids home state. i've seen this mock and the bulk the, grew off, the displacement, the thing off, and was also looking at your monetary to help the agencies. but what they would like to do is take over it and take control of the taxes, the types themselves. a marginalized within the politics of what. so you have a weak marginalized community, the bulk waiting to join sounds to dawn in political suspension now for over a decade. who's being attacked from the south, as well as criminal, and really facing suspension. lemme as to their existence when that being attacked also by the people they thought were that brothers in the south saddam, that they want to join. okay, so basically this is a, into communal dispute between different communities about who manages to control
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this area. douglas, what is this conflict ultimately over land results is a politics. i'd have to say all 3. 04. no, i don't think go for the bizarre misery about the neighbors to the noise. and for the twitch, my of these think go to the south. it's very much about land, or the cartoon government, and all successions of the country and government since 2005. it's been about what's underneath to land. it's about the oil um within a cell. so then it really is about politics as you, but joshua has said uh to each my a deed. uh huh. uh, well, the presidents over here comes from the teach my id and he's under a great deal of pressure to favor them. and this is probably one reason why this
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been almost no intervention from the government in juba to try to establish peace in that area between 2 groups of income and between uh, sales to them and uh through them. okay, interesting. before we go, you've opened up a lot of details which would like to get into, but before we go there, let me bring in canada and ask this question from the humanitarian perspective. what is another layer of conflict in sedan and south sedan? mean for the humanitarian situation that a thank you that i don't have to be in the context of the file when it comes to humanitarian crises. what is happening? mean that'd be have i need to what separate it install so that we are seeing kind of the weight and height of the ceiling needs. all weird things are done where the
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people are in need or my general assistance with the kind of where 5 when, when we're going to be bob who is a q while. and so when you go in and fight the, you'll find the people i think it's clear to go to the point that between the 8 and so that leaves new materials in the box because the middle of the page does because what are the exact site the the complexity of the area, the police department has to be on the order. so looking at them. and so really, it kind of leaves people that probably need to, you might get assistance at the beginning, the se, in all right, so sad situation. i want to come back to joshua and pick up on a point actually that a moment ago, douglas kind of hint to that. but let's start looking at it from the perspective of
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sedan, is the fighting, 1st of all, in sudan, and the politics going on that is that causing some destabilize ation. the creation of vacuums. that is prompting a rise intentions. and i'd be a, you know, it's not at the moment the mystery aaron, early a tax on that be a where at least working to find so in alliance with some of the twitch militias, but not really rebel groups that malicious. but at the moment, south of me as president, solver tiers playing a very delicate negotiating game is the ones paying transit fees too, but hinds regime. so to sit on forces while allowing the recess, haven't to use rapid support forces to move oil limits. here i add an fuel through cell saddam, but also backing a variety of opposition groups inside south sit on in the border regions. so for now the only rio de stabilization which kind of he's been speaking about has been the flows of refugees. however, with our assessed attacks on places like that,
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but news in the, in bozeman potential, at least at least involvement of sound. so these rebel groups in those attacks, there is the capacity for the stabilization inside. i'd be a because the forced surrounding the oil side and the north of abba is to sit on forces who are losing the war in south coast time. okay, douglas, you him to the moment go at the perhaps can we call it tribal politics? so ethnic politics within south sudan is that playing a role in limiting what the state candle cannot do to control the situation favoring the twitch of the knock? for example? i think that is a bit more than the uh, the central government themselves too down doesn't seem to have much power in any parts of sales who down to try to in enforce peace between different groups of people. a just kind of d pointed out, this is a, a wider problem within cells to,
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to a lighter problem of a conflict and a complex between different groups of people. but the issue of, let me just just mention this, i mean the some leading politicians from to each land. they were very active in opposing the reward award over the boundaries commission as early as 2005. and they have the their own agenda about the southern border between sit down and sell, sit down, which included the southern border between i'll be in by august. so all right, so the state doesn't have a lot of ability to impose piece. kennedy does south sedan,
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central government have much capacity to handle a human, an increase in the humanitarian crisis, and not be shown here really other side of the government to be struggling when it comes to what i saw this and when the snow adequate itself has to give us a call. uh the price is based off of that. then you might imagine, what would be the be, say, the a be a few months later, prices is your prices, which is not even attention from, from, from the government so, so that'd be above the surface. so the whole point is that the really, the inside of the community has to move past a b, i'm taking the whole situation a bit to see that. i think we talked about possibly just wanting discovery. i mean, all the people i need to be my guess is that in the,
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in the 2000 ibp will just be the to be when to fight a started. and these people that need to support and get the letter is i tried reaching these people in a be so it's quite up because of the portal to be too much data bases. they not be douglas. all come back to a point here. how much of a threat then listening to what you said and what kennedy it just said that how much of a threat is a fighting and that'd be a threat to the unity of south. so down at this point, well, uh, just added to all the other threats to the, you know, to say, oh, shoot. uh yes i, i think it, uh, it definitely contributes to, uh, the, the stabilizing, the. ready sell sedans, unity um, the people of, i'll be, i don't know, the income, as i have often been accused of, of, well,
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there have been complaints against individual politicians from the north. think from other people in south so down so that no, i think i haven't always a go into a lot of the sympathy from water populations in this house or down there have been a number of people for the cells who said, well we don't really want anymore didn't get in, so i will shoot down. so what we'd rather have of us today, but as part of sue them. um, i don't know. i don't know enough of the current situation to be able to say how much they i'll be fighting and that'd be a might spock even greater conflict within the rest of sales or dance? but it is certainly an element of the, of the state belie, i'm the fact that the refugees crossing the border there are um, in both directions. um, and as long as it is part of a of an unstable border and part of
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a conflict that comes from both north and south, it's going to be as long as the government seems to be unable to deal with it's of course it is going to add to the d stabilisation of the country. well that's saying the question then to joshua, cuz i know that you've been in touch with the policies recently. are you afraid that the science i'll build out for further escalations? and so it's not just that the government is incapable of stabilizing the border, is the government interventions actively the stabilize communities in south sit on these interventions are not mutual interventions by government, which somehow mediates between groups there interventions which of pops is on the part of one group or a notice we've seen a series of peace negotiations. we've seen a series of military interventions. but those minute trend dimensions have locks me being on the side of the twitch think. and the reason for the current protest and the current and violence has been the last week south, and he's president, solver kia, gave an order to a new,
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a figure from unit c. so the newer the 2nd largest ethnic population in south. so then, good guy, me check to return to my home and leave the twitch and he refused to do so and he's back gets his forces, but took part and really attacked the knock in the south of the territory, including i'm pushing or attorney convoys coming from bmw them into abbey a. so it has a real potential just spit out over. i'd be into contentions over the control of power, of what up he has home state, but also of my own one of the most important states for the newer and sounds to them. and if we see that, what does that mean? a well, it is a, this is an election year for solver, of course the, the, after a long extension. finally, december 2024 should be the elections the brings when in a transitional period that began when cell saddam civil war ended in 2018 shouldn't be known. so tell me where it is. now. it's
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a very delicate balancing act for solve it, because solver, for 5 years has rolled effectively by fragments, seeing the opposition and setting them up against themselves. he did it this year in react. michelle has deleted the positions hometown of lab and he use one of let one of our mission mission measures come on does to attack the very population. and he's supposed to be the defending. so robin, this process of centralized fragmentation and which is set suppositions against each other now so much to bring everyone together in the process of franklin, fragments of centralization about bringing everyone back into this come so we can prevent the unified policy to stand for the elections and that's a very delicate balancing act when he spent 5 years, really setting communities against each other in disputes that can easily spillover and become more generalized, regional complex kind of thing with this kind of fragmentation, conflict and lack of resolution to issues, can the regions humanitarian situation ever really be stabilized,
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i think will be the best place on the find the solution it tough pertaining sharp to a really call this region. no doubt i'd be, i'd say just because when it comes with distributed, what do we see too much in people to sleep across the board as the whole people? hopefully the rate of the countries. um, this is quite serious. i mean for me might be one of the is the heart issue all the silence on property. you not be and i see why that is you might say that the price i see is that pretty typical condition. and this is something which needs to be discussed. we definitely see the money in government has to be on the table. so he's finding a solution that has been addressed as the u. montana. pricey. indeed, a be a sort of outsourced efforts to resolve the border issues that you, douglas,
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you will you actually says on the, i bought a commission. why is this what's holding up a resolution? is it the fighting that broke out in sudan between the r a stuff in the army? so what's holding up? the resolution is that no government didn't call to monks to apply either of the boundary conditions record, or the hague ruling. oh, which reduce the area of the, of, of the a to basically the the, the home territories and don't think of as long as the government didn't come to refuse to do more. okay. the border refused to allow a referendum. so there is no possibility of resolving that issue. and now that the government itself is not in, in the government in khartoum, is incapable of doing anything in the border area. it really relies on sell sudan
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government to do something which they're not going to do a joshua unresolved conflicts like that. that'd be a corruption on the development political instability. what's the bottom line here for south sedan? is it failing to him? uh, just the success story that the west advocate have been championed. i think the there was a really powerful war economy based on the exploitation of foreign associates, humanitarian aid in guns during the 2nd civil war, and sit on the became a very powerful type talk received by some expectation of all reserves and don't have funds off the sounds of news independence and that's its own success story for the leader in south saddam. it's not a success story for the population which is amazing, rated and hungry. and we shouldn't forget the real travails implying that the not think in all of this stuff cannot be without a political solution. but i don't think this is
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a failure of the international communities if it's wished. well, i think this is largely created with the acquiescence of the international community. we have to remember that huge amounts of done to funds went into building what was basically a collect socratic state. and we have to remember that an app. yeah, we've had a peacekeeping force units for that, which has since its inception over a decade ago, failed to remove the sidney's army from the north of the turret tree. so and you know, the entire cup, the credit system is enabled by commodity brokers by the logics of global finance i . it's to sort of, i think basically neo colonial to say, oh, we gave these people to stay and wait. sorry they failed. but the failures of this state a very much the limits of the international system, but care and the culture you have confidence around to move. absolutely explicitly exploit to. that is a good point before i do want to take
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a bit deeper into it. but let me bring kennedy back and ask this question one of the, the, the obligations within the mandates of eunice, so was suppose to be to protect civilians to help with the distribution of humanitarian aid. all the doing in off of that do humanitarian aid work cuz feels safe unit. kennedy. and i will say no, i mean, because what is coming to you might say the response needs according nation, not the entity kind of really responding to size kind of priorities. and so we add that key for the mission, which comes in that sort of file to the too much it on prices. and as i mentioned, the idea, i think that the big challenge here is that the dispute of step uh about be in it's a bad idea that you might get access. so even if you're just for given the,
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i think the funding to know the do my job as well, which i think is very important now. and that's where this need to be. early on the task force, you might get a response to the people i need. all right, douglas, going back to the point which joshua mentioned that this is a failure basically with the questions of the international community. is that because there's too many global pals in looking at it through the prism of their own interests rather than the big picture of what 2 of the interest of the people that are in other words, a bit of a power struggle going on. i don't know that that's a problem. i mean the, the 3 countries that have been most involved in the so called troy of the united kingdom, united states, and nowhere. those were the ones who were very much involved in setting up the negotiations and financing the negotiations that lead to the comprehensive piece
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agreement to and they have different interest to take care of right now. i mean, trying to get anybody's attention on what's happening in the sudan moves out of attention away from gauze. um ukraine. good luck on that. and uh, going from sure down to south. sure. down and even down it was focusing on be a, it's going to be very difficult to get a focus, an international consensus. and in fact, in the lead up to the referendum on independence referendum, most of south through them. the u. s. government basically jettisoned any interest in be claiming that it would be, it would be a wrong to hold up the independence of sales to them to be able to resolve the issue of i be a john carrier, the secretary of state made that quite clear. so the international community is not
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really going to take much interest in how be a it, it still doesn't take it. i mean, it didn't take interest in the va. and of course, you and peacekeeping forces are very difficult to organize. why does the central command authority do they have a few years ago? the u. n. force that was supposed to be protecting the paramount chief of the don't think of of the kind of cove the convoy was attacked by the mysterious misery i managed to kill the paramount chief. the un force that was uh to protect him, shut off at the mysteria and now and then the mystery of them demanded compensation for the people that the you and killed. so there is really very little legal force behind the, the, you and force in the unit in i'll be a, uh, there's really very little that they can do because i really don't have the authority to disarm the shoots back on all protect,
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uh, the people that the sent to protect that's an interesting point. joshua, it was revolted. that sounds like. busy was seeking a meeting with the us president when that didn't front spot was role that he went to meet with the russian president. how much global interest in john king is that going on? i mean, i around ab j not a tool. that's not really a question that the fundamental political impass of abby is because those over to you spent 20 years fighting against costume and against. but she has regime since south sydney's independence as being a realignment that scene solver get much closer. first of all, she has government and then to but homes, government. and for those 2 governments, it's politically expedient for them to not result the crisis in abbey. because to say to not result, that means that but home can continue to try to keep the mysteria on the side. and
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the mystery is political constituency has been contested with the our staff. and for silva here, it means that you can continue to claim to be in favor of the law and i'd be rejoining sounds to don. what also keeping what past or not quotations out of the government and not having to deal with them within his coalition. that's really the question. the question is about sidney's and south sydney's power politics. as douglas johnson. right. you said the question of regions in russia in terms of sounds to don, especially in terms of abby isn't really a factor in what's going on at the moment. or i will leave for the discussion that, let's think, con, guess very much for joining us. kennedy, my bunco douglas johnson, and joshua cries jenkins and thank you for watching. you can see the show again, any time by visiting our website. i'll do 0. don't com for further discussion. go over the facebook page, that's facebook dot com, forward slash a j inside story. but also joining the conversation on x,
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our hands of batteries that a j inside story from me, sammy's i that and the entire scene here for now. goodbye. the rails war on guns are continues, we bring you every angle of the story. we're getting into the hospital that you've spent almost the last 100 days here. what lessons can be drawn if you adjust the piece you better prepare for. it's clear to the families that the plan for the government to continue with this move isn't working. so many more people killed overnight to concert where the strikes have been focusing. all we now seeing are worrying escalation the prices and where the system lead international efforts to contain the will stay without a 0. for the latest developments is one of the world's largest radio telescopes, designed by soviet era pioneer only to be left lying,
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early as a year. 2025. the is there. any falls is keep up that heavy bombardment in southern garza targeting the last operating medical facilities in san eunice with thousands of c king shelves, the semi se then this is al jazeera live from dell hall. so coming up they were dismissed upon allegations, preemptively unreal, it says there's no clear establishment of wrong doing bites dismiss.


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