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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 31, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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a choosing, engage that and send them to regular schools like this. the priority for now is to provide shelter and full, and even that is close in the united way. there is no clear indication as when refugees students will be able to return home and to their process. the the hello, i'm sammy's a them, this is the news out live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. palestinians in northern garza say they've discovered thousands of bodies, some in a school beyond. with in suicide, they all civilians, executive vice really forces the southern garza's biggest health. as soon as he comes under his very attack,
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thousands of palestinians self invest 5th of a life. they were dismissed upon allegations pre emptive leads, under what size is not clearly established if it's dismissed. employees accused of october 7th attacks were involved in any wrong doing classrooms, abandoned schools, shutting down to tell you how the warrant garza is destroying the rights of education for palestinian children in the occupied west by the the find the gainesville illegal drugs in liberia. how communities are coming together in the absence of governance action? i'm joining us real sco with the sports of japan close in on the asian cup quotes of finals, but another heavy weight exits the efforts a couple of nations with real co knocked out by south africa in the last 16 the
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what are they getting? the news with the developing story coming out of northern golf. so what least so the bodies have been found dumped inside the school. we all, i'll just hear a spoke to witnesses who discovered the bodies and identified the, the remains or reportedly found the of the indonesian hospital compounds which has been under his radio strikes. witnesses say they all palestinian civilians who exit cute advisory the forces. the bodies was covered black plastic bags, you know, from these kind of coma looked it up definitely. as we were cleaning, we came across a pile of rubble inside the school yards. we were shocked to find out that the dozens of dead bodies were buried onto this pile. a moment we opened the black plastic bags. we find the bodies all ready to composed. there were blindfolded legs and have tides. the plastic cups were used in the hands of legs and cloths drops around the eyes of heads up us from all this. let's go straight over to having my
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home and he joins us from bluff in southern gaza. so we understand witnesses have been talking about what they found had they do they, are they able to give us details of what happened to these people? how did they end up as bodies dumped in plastic bags? is fine. well, this is such a horrific discovery. i now have the brother, a grizzly one, just to see these pictures emerging from the city of midland and the northern part of the gaza strip. and let's just start by stating that this is school leaf. i've been the cutting of, i've been by the school is that on, on our school with a visible on a red flag on top, manage and operated by the united nations for palestinians rock the g 1000 a palestinian was sure were show during inside the school as the,
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the wars started and people were displays of from many parts of the northern part of the city. the discovery today, just within the past couple hours work, people found the bodies about 30 of them under a mound of rebels as the, the, the routine of those ready monetary, of causing a great deal of destruction to schools by both dozing, the entire facilities as well as the properties of, of the school there were found under this bound of rebels dirty bags on with the bodies inside of these bags. they tie their hand tied to their backs and blindfolded. the plastic body bags were tarred with the plastic cables and bearing hebrew, writing an indication that this old don by these made the military as it was station inside a the school it was an early december. the school was a storm was bombed heavily and then it was a storm by this. really another try you on a from that point forward,
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there was no communication on the contact with whoever remained inside the school. the family members who managed to get a from the area did not get to any one of their family members or relatives or loved ones. inside the school and today is discovery of, of these bodies. just another reminder of the ongoing atrocities, particularly it's happening right after a day, right after the bodies were released by this really military. and they were put into their final resting place. and here in dropbox, southern garza large there and i didn't dive by and then terribly decomposed at a point that nobody knew who are these bodies belong to a hi me, understand hospitals particularly today coming under his way. the fire tell us about the situation, particularly the with this life and death stand off going on with that. i'm at the hospital
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as well. the a tie the i'm going to talk to the hospital. it just another reminder of the systematic a tax of, of the destroying the entire health care facilities across the gauze. as for the starting of from a ship by the and then the agent hospital, another mid sized hospital in, pon you and is what's going on. is declared systematic of destruction to the health care system by targeting both or not. so hospital adelanto hospital both have been under another 30 c's for the past 10 days. not only time start at our besieging the, the to facility, but there are d as in the target drawings and heavy machine guns. shooting at every moving object inside the hospital. the vast majority of the, of the health of that hospital facilities have been destroyed, all of its out or square friends that have been destroyed. it was a storm that earlier hours a date, a security guard was shot dead by one of the quiet captors hovering that a rule level in the sky with 10 more injuries were recorded. busy people are
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trapped inside the building to have nowhere to go. in addition to dance of vision number with the color, who are unable to deal with the large number of injuries or with the sick frequency, the critical condition going on at the top. it already out of service. busy nozzler half of its own being pushed a gradually out of service. leave with that thing so much high a. hey, is there any minute phase counting out more as strikes in the northern and central areas fighting on the ground? as long as they concentrated in the south? i'm a 100 reports. the area around us and medical complex in fun unit has become a battle ground. medical stuff on the patients as well as the space, but a scene is, woke up to the sound of gunfire the
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inside the hospitals. doctors describe how district and situation is. now other than a couple of the, you know, football, we're no more than 5 or 6 doctors here at the emergency. each one of us is handling 10 cases at the same time. unfortunately, some patients died before we can help them. is there really forces have been bombarding to every upfront the hospital for the dates? most of the health stuff i've left then seems all about it. half of my daughter has been wounded for the wide now. and when we come asking for treatment, sometimes they tell us available and other times it's not. i'm not sure where to go or what to do is right intensifies each bombardment of one unit. palestinians continue to flee south towards the roof. is really strikes not the only wordy, many also faced a vacation hold on one second while the subject is really difficult. there is no
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water, no food, whatever that is available in the market is insanely expensive. many basic food items like flour and rice advantaged is there as well on cause. the sofa has the 27000 palestinians to us by means the benjamin, the thing out who's out the ceasefire proposal posting and civilians are left with no way to go. have them have a just think about the political leader of hamas says they're reviewing us these 5 proposal for the war and gaza that follows talks in paris and washington on a possible deal to stop the fighting. that is why the prime minister benjamin netanyahu insist it will not end the will without giving all these goals. all that speak to mohammed jim june. now he joins us live from tennessee of so different ideas about where this will goes to next. what the next steps could be, take us through that. that's right. send me. well,
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what's becoming more and more clear over the course of the past 48 hours is that there is mounting opposition by far right wing members of the government here to any potential deal with how much you're hearing more and more from the likes of people like far right wing national security minister, it's more been give here who continues, day after day to post on social media, essentially threatening to walk away from the ruling coalition of the government. if it's an yahoo, where to sign some type of a deal that the right wing here would perceive to be bad. for israel, you are have many members of the right wing here saying that they do not want to see the release of thousands of palestinian prisoners that that would not be good for israel. and they also say publicly but anything that would be perceived as a deal, but how much would accept would certainly not be good for israel. so this clearly is a sign of political trouble for prime minister benjamin netanyahu in another sign of
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how sort of politically untenable the situation has become. for him, there is a new poll that's been released by is really television channel 12, which essentially says that if a, if, if a pardon me essentially says that if a new election were held tomorrow that nothing yahoo is block in the parliament that coalition would go from $64.00 seats, the majority, they have now $247.00 seats. that essentially would mean that nothing yahoo would be out of power. and many people believe it. if an election were held that many gaps who is a former defense minister, who is now a member of the work cabinet that he would become the country's next prime minister . as i said, mounting opposition to the perception that this deal might be bad for israel at a time when the prime minister continues to be in more and more political peril. standing. and i'm with as well when it comes to the issue of what the price is talking about for the plan to end the war. what the day off to looks like, just take us through what's been reported there
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so there are reports. sammy in different is really newspapers and essentially these papers today have seen a leak draft of a plan that they say was put together by a powerful businessman who are associates an allies of prime minister netanyahu that this plan will be present it to the americans. it is essentially a trial balloon to see if it's something that the american administration and joe biden would potentially accept down the road. and what this plan essentially says is that in a day after scenario and gaza after the war is over, that essentially the is really military would be in charge of all aspects of life there. it does not specify the period of time that is indefinite. then it says at some point they would phase into a time when you would have a reconstituted palestinian authority that would essentially take over there in this plan. it says that in gaza,
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neither neither fund nor how much would be involved in anything and any of the power there. it also says that there's reformulated palestinian authority would be backed by an international coalition of air countries. minute says if things were to go well, then perhaps 2 to 3 to 4 years later you might see a palestinian state emerge. but again, these are all very vague ideas right now. not a lot of concrete details. no, is really government official confirming this and coming at a time that is very fraught when we still don't know at this point. if these really government, if the cabinet will actually accept any framework deal with how much just when it comes to a temporary cessation of hostilities sending. all right, thanks so much for how i'm gonna jump june or not the united nations secretary general has met major done as a view, an agency full palestinian refugees and tony buttah. she was seeking to reassure member states which temporarily suspended the funding for the agency. that's
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officer as well accused 12 of under was approximately $30000.00 employees taking balls in the october 7th attacks. the u. n. is 5. those who a name then is investigating the obligations. kristen, so let me report system to civilians. the un security council is reiterating its demand to scale up the amount of tearing a to gaza, even though some of its members are withholding funding to causes largest agency and run amber behind closed doors. they met with the woman task with making it happen, sigrid cog you n senior, humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator. there is no way that any organization can replace or substitute tremendous capacity. the fabric of monroe, the ability, the and the knowledge of the population in gaza. cod barely a month into her job has already met with officials in israel, gaza egypt, and jordan cock told the counsel more aid routes and to gaza as well as a resumption of commercial deliveries are needed to meet the staggering needs of
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the people. but she offered no alternative to honora. in an effort to reassure donor secretary general antonio gutierrez, called a meeting with member states detailing actions the un has taken since is real accuse 12 unreal employees of taking part in the october 7th attacks. those names have been sacked, a comprehensive investigation, launched the united states and was largest donor praise the organizations work, even as it called for changes. we need to see fundamental changes before we can resume providing uh, funding directly to henri. and as you know, um we should left that file of the great work that number does. andrea has provided a central humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people, and unrest is the only organization on the ground that has the capacity to continue
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to provide that assistance. this is not the time to withhold funds or suspend funds. we need to have your money, terry, and assistance up to the 11th over the needs of the people of the, of the guys us 3 without funding resuming un is warning. unrest live saving work could be severely impacted in a matter of weeks. kristin salumi al jazeera, the united nations. the model if i is the spokes person for the united nations relief and works agency cheese. as they honor a staff accused of participating in the october 7th attacks were dismissed preemptively. that being investigated to establish any wrong doing, she says the needs of civilians and goals that should be prioritized. we are leading to our biggest owners who are also our partners, our partners, and ensuring that there is an adequate humanitarian operation in gaza. were
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pleading with them not to it to allow the humanitarian operation towards $2000000.00 people to collapse under well, has the largest footprint and gaza. we run the shelters where more than 1000000 people have sought refuge. we run the foods and wheat flour, distribution towards the entire population. there is no one, no agency, no humanitarian actor that can replace on their well, especially on childs such short notice. so our position is please help us continue saving lives in gaza and continue providing that level of relief. food of medical supplies and medical services to an entire population that is now dependent on humanitarian assistance. of course, based our locations from the israeli government. and the commissioner and general
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of hon deemed that it's in the interest of the 2000000 people were serving in gaza . and in the interest of the continuation of our light saving an irreplaceable working garza, he deemed it necessary to preemptively dismiss these the staff members for the sake of everything else. but also for the sake of due diligence, the commissioner general asked that you went. the secretary general antonio gutierrez to restore the situation to the highest investigation authority and that you went in new york. so we worked on several trucks together with the primary goal being the continuation of our replaceable and light saving work in gaza. we have 13000 staff in gaza. it takes a very, very complex review to be able to match names that we receive from the government of israel with the names of our employees. but if i may here, reminder that the owner was shares the full list of names of the staff in the west
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bank including east jerusalem with israel every year or so. the list is known. the list of our staff is known to the government of israel. every year they've had a city administrative education size increased is riley settler, violence at army rides across the occupied west bank of destroying the rhine. so education of palestinian children, many schools have been forced to close down all stripes of revolts in the village of baby. oh, boy, illegal is ready, settlement runs alone. we only road to bait or school in the occupied westbank. but no, thomas, the indian students come here anymore on the palm of sending all sorts. he insisted to school clothes when the one goal is to begin because of these rating secular attacks. the school was built in 1953 these way. the settlers began arriving 25 years later. the children's all work still hands and cartilage
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classrooms, a band and a bonus. people quote, where they used to play the settlement will is only meet is a way and he's ready flag flies over nearby middle to face. today at the lead, when i know we have never seen anything like this before, is really subtle, is come to the nearby military check point. they throw stones, they stop, cause and sometimes confiscate them. in the past, the sub list of froze turns out the students during sports classes, whatever it was play time, we faced a potential emergency situation. this is destroying the right to an education is really set low balance against palestinians and the property across the occupied west bank is dramatically increased since the homeless attacks. on october, the 7th, nearly full 100 palestinians have been killed in his way the military rates hunting suspected members, the palestinian resistance. the school, the suffrage is
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a fritz and intimidation bite is really sick, lives living in an illegal is rarely settlement behind. that rule only meets is a way it is one of moving funds with schools that the palestinians will star to say . i'd be forced to close because of increased the 2nd level islands. since the war began. many have reopened, but 11 being forced to close and the last 2 weeks of many of the students from bait or be moved to school across the valley practice into overcrowded classrooms within the suspicion facilities to accommodate even the basic needs. teachers and students come into the classrooms. we can't use the lab to the science because we need to use that to teach other subject that it's a huge challenge for the children. and for us, you can see the is where the settlement and the school which to allow an estimate
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used to go to clearly from the office at hill c, a playground used by the israeli settlers, children over to soldiers golf, the nearby base. and these rarely minutes each of the flies above us has been filled. and levia did the ultimate angelo have had no choice, but to take online lessons. since the school was closed and struggles to focus on these arabic cloths. that's not here is the good. our school has great facilities. it has a big playground for sports. there's really good education there. the school we were moved to had no space for us at the beginning of the war, the soldiers used to come in front of our school gate. yes, it's safer. there, but i hope we can go back to our main school one day jamal, how much sits with his nephew taking a geography lesson in another room? that was online learning is nothing compared to appropriate school education. there are so many distractions when they're studying at home. a policy indian children
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have had their education disrupted by as well as of the patient but decades. the universal right of children like ultimate to learn and grow is on district like never before. it's almost not for the state good in the occupied westbank on johnson creek is the chief of communication and advocacy at the united nations children's fund in palestine. he's with us live from occupied easter is some good to have you with us. so one of these repeated raids in the west bank doing to the ability of kids this, this stain in education over extended period of time. a well 1st slip i want to highlight, this is very, very concerning trend. so. ready last year 2023. it's was the deadliest year for policy and children in the west bank tends to un spelt the report
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recording actual piece that was in 2005. so last year was this. but 222. the year before was over the, the year, so you can really see a crash in the southern of october. 199. children have been killed more than double the entire year of 2022. and that is happening. i'm a, i'm on, i mean excuse me, to renew forestman to uh, operations. and it's also important to know that 600 children have be insurance also. uh, since the 7th of october. so what this does creating is creating fear. so many children, many children, especially in geneva or, or even a cruise are scared then. um, you know, this has a very negative tv. i have met a couple of one multiple. we have much miss mohammed is from 26 year old and he lost his brother face was 11 year old in one of those confrontations and,
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and know what days he's really struggling is care of the sure thing is he's care off going to school and that is also a mental health, i would say impacts, you know, on old children. this in practice is very negative. and yulusef has delivery meant to have some psycho social support abuse children just in the past weeks for delivery. right. so how does and psycho social support for more than 300 children in the way back? because we really believe that this is extremely important. and if that's in the west bank, if we talk about causal, which one assumes education that must have come to a complete halt to this point. so the security, the pace, so we, there is an estimate of $625000.00 students in together. and
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though no one attended one school plus our uh, since the 2nd of october. so this has uh many occasions. it's also important to load that more than 300 school buildings where the damaged or are, you know, are used as transfers 14 to displace people. so the overall situation of communication system is, is, is very concerned and what, what is what really is required in order to be able for children to go back to school. which is supposed to be a place where they can stay as long lasting since fire lasting teach her is the only way for the vacation disappointment, integration to redo the gas for it. and it's also important to know that, you know, education is where, who it is, where children can actually build their own future and hopefully
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a better future. so the entire be sure you cases, it's trimming fulton's for you and he says both in the west bank. i mean because that's true. all right, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on that. thank you. now the us envoy involved in trying to prevent the bigger conflict between israel and 11 and says there's still a window of diplomacy is what it is being threatening and they'll allow will, if has blog, does not pull back from the folder zayna folder reports from baby room, the lebanese group has been sending messages of it. so showcasing its capabilities. hezbollah appears to be sending messages of to terence, as, as well, threatens all out for this video is set to show a position guided miss. so striking what the lebanese arm group says was in his really surveillance don't at an army post on the border as well as also firing
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other explosive missiles as across the board are fighting triggered by, as well as we're on garza escalates. it's been targeting military sites, a few kilometers inside as well. we won't you against turning you aggression toward lebanon. because what a way to our grades, if you only felt the partial power organization, then in or out will you lou taste of full power. we are well prepared for who is really the army also says it is prepared for a full blown more recent war games in northern as well also involved simulated facing in urban areas and in the winter weather all the while this really army has been increasing the intensity of its attacks on hezbollah and it's infrastructure in southern lebanon. but a us envoy involved in trying to prevent a bigger conflict, says there's still
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a window for diplomacy. english huston says he will likely head back soon to beta and tell him to work on 1st association of possibilities that will allow people on both sides of the border to return home. and then a more last spring solution be on a ceasefire. that would involve a beast of presence of lebanese army troops in southern lebanon and the d. mark cation of the land border. it has below, has tied this front to a permanent ceasefire in garza. and that's why diplomacy and military action have failed to push its forces away from the border. they actually have to use the expedition to pressure people his government as a beloved, less of that the last to capable away from, from the borders as well as maintaining event. uh uh, the war of the slides because she announced before we move forward. so i think this is the prologic pressure pressure for both sides, but it doesn't seem that any of them is interested in
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a uh and then construct at this point. for now, as well as focus appears to be eliminating what it calls the threat. and so there's nothing on there. i was busy to bailout. it's time for the why that out has rob the news, the, the submitted training a man of the past several days, a cold wind seemed blowing out of the black sea through the gmc and bringing cold the fan's springs. no, just to the north of athens, that you may not think that's surprising in the middle of winter, but this is quite a heavy forego. some disruption will wrapped around the circulating low, which is focused around cypress. and when you get as cold a rover open will, most as you tend to generate big thunderstorms, and this is, it will start the cable lines at the tone a cost, a certain amount of damage. their phone goes to the center that low is drifting serves. and so the influence, i think it was going to be more on the cost of libya in egypt, and then increasing means and event leaving things better in turkey and cyprus. and
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indeed, in greece, with the wind, slightly dine, now the worst it could be 1st imagined to friday. if you look along this line, here's i'm taking, gather as an example, old cause of really so it will be when the then breezy, then light weight. so there's an improvement, but you'll see something about 40 degrees of friday. this look pretty a pleasant day. that's the bigger picture, the shelves to disperse, this fondles lebanon, and possibly go inland somewhere into syria, but suspect it's not a bad day at all with time. she's only slightly recovering, but the winds really died. died the still ahead on al jazeera, the challenges faced by the disabled in gaza. an elderly woman with the prophetic legs explains how she escaped is riley bowman, plus the ukraine. take steps to help children deal with the former. with brush
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tended salt as an injury scanned for the most valuable plan that's coming up with the the cloud of nuclear war. separate press. what if this is the beginning of one of those accidental wars? what is this is the beginning of the end of life? because we know from the hall roots of recent history to the wrong thing, card threat, the apocalypse maybe discovers the impact nuclear weapons have functionality or failure to keep him out of the safe is by sitting down to the individual on the street. this is not to drill on outages era. the latest news, as it breaks, the open gauze has left thousands of students across this trip in limbo to the destruction will lead to our last generation among the young people here with
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detailed coverage, the gaza strip has been witnessing a severe shortage of medicine for more than 3 months now, from the heart of the story. many people here say that in order for as well, to remain united to nothing. yeah, we'll have to go of the welcome back. you're watching now, just to recap all headlines. at least the, the bodies have been found down to inside of school. you all happen, navy, and it easy and hospital in northern garza. witnesses say the bodies belong to palestinian civilians who'd been exit cute. advise riley forces. these riley
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ministries, counting out morris rides in northern and central gaza pricing on the ground as long as the constant prices in the southern gospel. artillery shouting and explosions have been hugged around the last and medical complex. in the con eunice, the u. n. agent states of palestinian refugees says the sacking of 12 employees in gauze accused of involvement in the service of tax was a preemptive measure. the spokes person for the agency tells out, is there the step was necessary to ensure the continuation of services to gauze of life. they sold the war and gauze. it was already difficult for palestinians with disabilities as well as bombing campaign, and forced evictions made it even harder to survive. a high fish was has a prosthetic leg and this sheltering of the european hospital in hong eunice. she explained how she escaped when her home was shell is
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the law that is a uh. ringback a a what? legit and the the but when the old the yeah, i don't have the last business i had in just a little 16 band dish with uh, when did i? uh, i'm the last in the home. i'm a she didn't you and i still have not study a lot of the live a and i said i'll accept the home of a has used a number of semi a lot the of the name of the
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on the just the the, the bed with a full that see much of a problem. so that'd be putting on the, on the, on the low on the, the not be much a lot. well, it's a good uh, i had the yeah been, is your best and then you look lot apply, you know, you have a lot of law about the slips. got a jada, there is uh, what is the, what is the, have a lot of gotta say you have 10 you um. well see if that's the one to dislike what, what we've done. dish. i'm the good the, the,
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all, let's take a look at some of the world news. now. a russian politician with n t will views has begun the process needed to enter the race for president boddeson agenda and says he has submitted more than a 105000 and signatures of support to the central is action commission. he's already publicly stated, he will then brushes ward ukraine if elected officials will now check the authenticity of the signatures for analysing the final candidates, the chimes that we may have putting in loss in march. well here the issue of, of all of, of joins us now live from us. go, can you tell us about the opposition kinds of of the yes bill position kind of it is for is not just didn't any have to collect 100000 signatures. that's in accordance with the russian electro know, but according to the team that danced, and they've gathered more than 200000 signatures on that. it was
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a huge surprise and success. so according to savvy conducted defined a desk didn't seem, he is in 2nd place off to legitimate person who oversee, enjoys overwhelming support in this country, boris, and advanced in an honest with questions off to submitting signatures to the central election commission. he promised uh no to russian for 25 years or indefinitely. he reminds that he was going to run as an opponent of the current president. the vision has many times read the races that face and made a faithful mistake known change, especially the show peroration, a new frame attached people to come to the polling stations and vote in passing on sunday mazda 17 face. yes, of course. the destiny has been running an unprecedented campaign, and he's the only position, as you mentioned, politician who's willing to receive presidential nomination and to actually stop running for president of the whole country and the whole world, so long,
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long queues on across russia and in other countries. where people were eager to leave their signatures in support of the defendants nomination. and talking about that operation, we understand this being a prisoner swap, the 1st one since the downing of a russian transport plane. is it back to business as usual for prisoner swats between russia and ukraine now? as well it's, it's a good one actually because we saw from the ministry of this defense, the russian ministry of defense in these reports as the return of 109 to 5, russian versus a whole to replace 195. you've 3 and one web presence landscape. you frame speaks about 207 people and also the dining. oh, the it will 7 to 6 play last week as many russian politicians in zip code for the constellation of possible negotiations on the exchange of the places. but as we see
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the war. a continues the ministry of defense said the freed uh, service members will we would be transported by by uh, the cross of the russian aerospace full says, uh by the military uh, aviation russian mutual ration to most scofield friedman's and rehabilitation. and that's the hopelessly they need some, some sort of psychological and medical health. so obviously, all those people who have been released have been provided with all the necessary medical and psychological assistance as well. that's what we are hearing from the ministry of defense. all right, thanks so much. julia shuffled oliver a hi, it's been any to us and structure invited to crying and they're all concerns about it's long term effects on children. special comes to being organized to help youngsters cope with the war trauma. i'll just here as well. my driver falls from the region of the cut box you activities design to help young mines come to
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terms with children, with very different experiences, but all suffering some degree of trauma. like 17 year old valeria forcibly relocated to russia by her father, then brought back to ukraine by her mother. i knew she's a mother. every one would say that these are one nation, one people. but that's not true. it's another country. and when i come back to grand, i realized i was hong shuttle. the one part of the country that's about the least touched by will the co pay to the mountains, all the perfect place for recovery. but many of the stuff are themselves from the cities ravaged by war, such as psychologist julia from mary paul. some of the trauma is multi dimensional, and it's not just the fear they experience from the bombing. it's the feel of occupation diffusion using loved ones. separation relate many especially younger
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children such as 12 year old kid hello. struggled to talk about their experiences. last time, we would take it into buses. he tells us to attempt in russia, where we stayed for a bit over a month. but that's about who he can. we can't 17 year old give him was in the same group and remembers the joy of returning home. the home when we got home. i 1st emotions were meeting my friends and family again. there was join more. the ukraine estimates about 20000 children have been forcibly relocated to russia since the start of the full scale invasion nearly 2 years ago, despite repeated efforts and international mediation, only about 400 children have been returned. the 1st removal has led to will crimes charges against moscow allegations. the key hopes will one day reach an international court. for now the focus is on reclaiming ukrainian children and
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helping them recover from mcbride. i'll just say era is that car, patsy or region ukraine? the main laws, but it's a government says is easing election registration rules for political policies. the announcement comes just before the 3rd anniversary of the minute recruit. it also comes as neighboring. china is being increasingly affected by continued fighting with level forces near the border. and the chinese broken seeds fine with level sizes and nobody in law seems unlikely to hold. katrina, you reports the town of willie, china's south west and border with me in law. the streets of really in china, southwest a quiet but the peace of the city has been routinely broken by conflict across the board. and me and ma, with to rep a groups are to the ruling military, june to street artillery shells have ended chinese people here, prompting homes to be evacuated and to shut down of schools and businesses. shame, and also a deep worry about our safety. but i felt better obviously, industries,
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few with petroleum chinese soldiers said they want to be a quick one year and i am very sorry about what is happening me and my now i've hired by me is i think these to work in motors trying to because i pay to them because most military leaders have been shunned, buying then west, some countries at seizing pallet and february 2021. the china has acknowledged the 2 into the official government providing it with crucial economic support as me and my 2nd largest for an investor of the single pool. the 2 countries. yeah. 2100 kilometer border. and yeah, and what is strategically important for china? providing energy and transportation portals to the indian ocean. they don't want to disarrayed state. they don't want of refugees poring over from that side. they don't want fighting coming into china. china is leadership is not exclusive. we deal with the military. the problem of criminal gags, operating online, scabs targeting chinese people,
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has pushed aging closer to rebel forces. gains were only removed off the arrival of lines known as the 3 by of defeated the military and took control of me in most northern co kind region. in october. the gang leaders were handed over to chinese police on tuesday. i don't think the migrations soul about coming. i don't think they understood how important this was for china and they were slow to react. i'm. i think that due to noise china, they using must've known that the brotherhood was preparing to these attacks. china recently broken a ceasefire between the rebel alliance and the military regime. but sporadic slicing has continued. china is using it full force me on was the 3 on the level 2 . but i'm going to say it's in fluid is limited. they doing maybe doing what every tons protect its interest along the border. it will not be able to achieve long term piece 3. you alba, 0 really city,
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non china. david matheson is an independent me and my analyst and a former senior researcher with human rights watch. she joins us now from chung. my good to have you with us. so was it much of a surprise that the authorities decided to extend the state of emergency in the end? no, definitely no surprises ago. that was why we expected. um, and they would just be enjoying the same thing every 6 months since i started security 3 years ago. so yeah, definitely no surprises that uh what does it tell us about the grip under control of the authorities at this point time the country as well. it certainly we being the type of series of military so fast. you can say are the past 3 years, but most acutely on the past 3 months. so, so i, since, since that offensive up in the world and chopsticks but all around the country, the sufferings, quite significant military estates are losing
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a lot of soldiers are losing a lot of bases. and lots of them around that. that 1st stage i, i think is fine. um. so i do think that extending the state of emergency is just mainly extending the inevitable and, and the fall i think is this is almost guaranteed by now. is much of this do or how much of this is due to an alliance that was formed between different ethnic groups and certainly a lot of it, i mean basically that the whole country against them. now, i'm just finding, we're trying to state from the art which was formed a 16 years ago, and some of the group supplemental actually presenting the crews and said it's not a historic old and un, including the national unity governments and the literally hundreds of people's defense focuses on local defense pulses around the country. there's a sign in the security forces on multiple facts and inflicting real damage to them
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. is it reaching a tipping point? i guess is the key question. it is very difficult to point to any discernible tipping point that the, just as somebody said that the past 3 years, but i keep calling the and i might be a site conclusion in the long run. it's a bit to say it's going to be 3 months or 6 months and this particular point, you know, i really don't think that we, they, but i do think that they significantly weight. and it's important to, to look at the balance due to the losses and the fact that they have no political plan to actually get out of this. and whatever legitimacy they have. they completely lost it on the tree for years ago and haven't been able to respect any sort of deal with the all, but any form of domestic and international legitimacy at all. so in the long run, it has to run out of, of ideas and they're running out of military forces. so i,
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you know, if this is the decision point that can actually drag on for quite some time and actually get a whole lot of you don't already, it's all right. good to get your analysis on that. thanks so much. thank you. how buck sounds, former prime minister, i'm wrong. com has been given a 2nd jail sentence within 24 hours. and then his wife was for a baby receive 14 years for corruption on tuesday was given 10 years for leaking state secrets, the cricket, the to and politician is already subbing a 3 year sentence off to another conviction for corruption. it's nearly 2 years since he was removed from office author losing a parliamentary vote of confidence. local colton. india has ruled hindus, candle for prize and the seal basement of a disputed mosque in order to officials to allow which was inside within a week. the 17th century mosque is near a temple in the northern city of around us. the muslims in the area have held
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regular prize the most for decades. they've challenged the quotes decision. the library is new president joseph black guy has declared a drug abuse. a public health emergency addiction to heroin and crack cocaine is on the rise and the lack of treatment facilities means the majority of attics left defense of themselves admitted race reports from the capitol monrovia after 2 decades of addiction. that is done by seeking help to overcome hybrid, he says he cultivated during lot be of the civil war was not the ease of 14 years when i joined the revolution. so that is especially as that is moving seem to call oh my, the one on grass. and i think that is smoking the grass and smoke the drive and do it as, as no longer make you feel that way, you know, you want to see the less so i gave them according to united nation. so it
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goes an estimate of 13 percent of live beatrice population is abusing drugs. it says 20 percent of young people also addicted to elicit substances with the absence of appropriate government program to tucker. the problem is individuals and then governmental organizations stepping in after the detox, which has to do with the medication and all of that. after that, we're getting to more costly in, in trying to provide some vocational training skills for them. highest seclusion can only help a few addict or to type and they are mostly kept for a maximum of 35 or 40 percent of rehabilitated ad. it says, fall back into the habit because drugs are cheap and easily a product of the streets a drug. gotcha. is that increasingly targeting west africa? because a weak law enforcement, what am i better security features, whole community engagement will help to curb the rise and smuggling and use of how
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drugs are we are going to skid. that level of drugs in wash. doug, about warner media, not a drugs. we going to skid, adopt drugs door, the keys in court. it went the way with this effect of a hot air. what is the cause? this them live here recently passed a new drug flow, but many here tell me is that corruption wouldn't allow it to succeed. that he says he's no recovered, but that of science is still struggling. but at least for now, he's called a temporary job at the rehab center. how many degrees did you see the world yet? oh, that's catch up on all of us balls news with joe. sorry, thank you. the shucks, keep coming at the fraction of nations and know that heavy weight has been knocked out as morocco will be by south africa in the last 16 rocha with the highest rank team in the tournament. but south africa took the lead and the 57th when it threw
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evidence my copa morocco had the chance to equalize when they were what did a penalty in the 80 said, minutes for south africa handbook. but as for, for q me across the board, they then went down to 10 men. when sophia and rebecca was showing the red cards, south africa took advantage and added the 2nd go, thanks to really and free kick fight to go home. when the front of the find out will now play kate foot in the quarter finals onset. today. i'm proud of the team because i think no one gave us a chance. but of the defense gave me lots to money, but we can big strong and we recruit and do it very hard to be lazy. i know to malia 3 to offered to one when i became a fast so and i'm going to put them ahead in the minutes and then last seen that. so now your co made it to just off to the break but kind of fast. i pulled one back from the penalty spots and then so they have an equalizer in the last minute, but it was ruled out of side. so it's molly who had into the quotes has to face
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hosts ivory coast. the japan remain on calls for record extending fixed asian cop title off to booking those spots in the quotes, the finals, they beat behind the $31.00 earlier even off the scoring and then go depend well now face the window, wednesdays late, much between iran and syria. also have gone within 2 points of premier league late as livable off to basically nothing for us to one a for quite 1st off it was gabriel geezers who school the 1st goal in a 65th minutes is full season. okay, a 2nd cool. the 2nd 7 minutes late to forest grab the constellation, but it wasn't enough to deny mikella puts aside an important 3 points in the type of race. you can pump has a living full funds, not to worry about to play exit this also. he revealed last week it will be leaving
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the club at the end of the season. especially important things need time. so it's all fine. don't worry. you can borrow it just for you at home. don't worry and, and it's, it's fine. the boys lost this place around the grid coach call her when she likes. he says he respects shelby's decision to step down at boss right now. so he says he'll leave at the end of the season because he finds the pressure of the job crew unpleasant rail, a 10 points, a head of boss lender in the spanish league. okay. talk about sure. i know it's a be a tough a on thursday. one, as indeed the most but a show and i see it all felt more pressure at the beginning of my career coaching in the 2nd division in italy. i had a hard time managing the stress to the point where i told my assistant in 1996 that i wouldn't make it till 2000. it's 2024 now. you eventually get used to the pressure and so that fuels you to do your job better. i've called those mean,
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and they are confident drawing level in the test series and stay for pets of face england in the 2nd test on friday. in the last, the 1st test in hyderabad, off to being in a strong position was just a full test. they last at home for 12 years. and yet has been really low cds, and i totally, i went through all of the cities and most of the so that means the team isn't it? so these lots of conditions. it's doctors, colorado, i'm sure directors. and finally, laurie mcelroy now believes those players who defected to lift gulf should not be punished. and welcome back to play on the pca tool. it follows. mcelroy is right, a cop teammate through hudson, becoming the latest play to sign up for live. obviously i've changed my tune on that because i see where golf is and i see that having a diminished pga tour and having a diminished lift or anything else is, is bad for both parties to foster that we can all get back together and start to play and, you know, start to have, you know, the strongest feels possible,
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i think is great for go. i'd like to win here and a stand up of that you'll see on the 18 green and know that i've beaten all of the best players in the world. now to an injury scape the n b a's, m v, p joel, and beat the phone. so it's right there, landed right on his leg, probably high for extended to philadelphia. 76. this though, within some pain of the golden state warriors play a landed on his left knee, he was able to box the dressing room, sets having an em all right. in the next 24 hours, there's no indication yet as to when he'll be back for the 6 is did lose the game, which means then his last 4 in arises to collect himself and be the best performing team, the boston celtics of one. again, they beat the indiana pace is 129 to 124. jason typed in top scoring, and this one with 30 points is over. all right, that is always put for nowadays pace up. would you like to somebody?
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i think someone's so that's it. so this news out, i'm back here in a couple of moments with another full show, those who stay with us the, it's one of the was largest radio telescopes designed by soviet era pioneer only to be left lying. idle refusing to be silenced is nice. recessive dates the sleeping colossus. the witness knocked 50 full armenians for both in space. drive on the jersey to the the man was 71 year old. courteous reeds, a retired swat commander and police captain who brought a gun within that day. we just went back to watching the previews,
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thinking everything was over, like okay, manager is going to come up, so keep your phone way. that would be a. but that's not what happens. it's not at all. when the guy sat down, he kept same stuff to my husband about, oh so now you put the phone away and my husband, you know, turned around and stood up and just said, hey, what is your problem? a movie hasn't even started and he was just nasty surveillance footage. just chattering popcorn, it reads when mediately fired a pistol and a trans chest just saw like a spark. aaron just saw him go down. and from there a i didn't even realize that my finger was shot as well. i was just so worried about the surface when it got shot, the computer. i'm a nurse or so hard to have a point. i'm just trying to make sure the size. i said with a child died less than an hour later just unbelievable
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because the situation had never got more than just kind of a whatever to what's your problem, you know, and then his dad and it just didn't make any sense how it escalated that quickly. the palestinians in milton gaza say they've discovered thousands of bodies done in the school. the witnesses say this civilians executed by israeli forces the time sam inside them. this is al jazeera live from the hall. so coming up, the southern gauze is biggest health facility comes under israeli attack,
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thousands of palestinians sheltering that caea for their lives. they were dismiss allegations pre em.


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