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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 31, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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sized as civilians, as patients, as medical person um, as a display, as this, this a bill bets him as a mother holding a baby to execute 3 men, including a wounded, partially paralyzed mind, receiving treatment. if anybody thinks that such behavior is acceptable under any circumstances, then we are throwing away the bulk and the protection it provides to or is it a config, then it's impunity when it's done has led a war about prostitutes against the palestinian people in the gaza strip. for 4 months now, this must, since mister president,
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this council and the court have called for protection of civilians instead is thought of getting them and fed assisting with its mass indiscriminate attacks. this con, some of the court have called for allowing the humanitarian assistance to reach the palestinian population full of the gods us through it. is it a, it has instead maintain the siege orchestra 18, find mine and creating the conditions for the spread of dehydration. and that makes diseases including among children. this card and the, this concept of the court have called to stop incitement for atrocities, crimes, and to hold accountable those responsible for such incitement.
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instead bubble down or 12 minutes. this was that not the whole government took part in a conference. 3 color nice guys. and to get rid of the palestinians that the continuation of a long standing policy of displacement and the replacement of the palestinian people. i'm but it's john thing and dancing, celebrating the commission of such crimes. madame president the card appended it's the responsibility in its provision of the mind. yes. for the v is probably just not in my job is to be implemented. that has to be a ceasefire. although the better than isn't, is it
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a is to implement the 6 probably genetic measures, but you are not assuming your responsibility in adopting data is illusion to call and for a ceasefire to allow the war. and the original measure is, or the by the court to be implemented. when are you going to act accordingly? if you are really serious about respecting your obligations of, on our end of the rolling over the course that require a ceasefire. so that is that i can implement regardless of whether it's gone or not, it has to implement. but if you want to add it, i adopt a ceasefire, so that it has no excuse not to implement the 6. probably generally my goes by the court. madame president, what do we do when
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a thrust of these are being committed? when they are not only an integral part of the methods of war used by the occupation board? but its primary policy. we must put an end to them. from day one, we said that this can only be accomplished by a ceasefire, and we keep repeating seized by us. these via the s g e said i need 3 things. sees biopsies, biopsies via monitoring griffiths repeat the same thing. every agency over the united nations is saying we cannot implement what need to be implemented without the ceasefire. and yet the security council of the one on the then 15 days of this, this abhorrent criminal war against
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a lot of people in the gaza strip is continually 15500 children, at least have been killed. why do we wear the bating here? month after month, over $26000.00 palestinians blinking and terrifying circumstances. 2.3000000 people have gone through ad every single day for 120 days. and this will haunt them long after this assault. and they are trying to cheat deaths over and over again. but i didn't for safety over and over again though it is nowhere to be found until the international community must those that resolve to save them and to stop this war. and this of these atrocities
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felt the members of this council have voted for an immediate do mind if the audience sees 5. and 153 member states have supported such a ceasefire and the general assembly that was now this risk of genocide recognized by the i c j. it would be criminal not to act to put an end to this war about the last piece. my them president nothing you know said and they quote no one when stopped us, not the have not the access to even i'm not anybody else in the go dish. spoken like through water criminal is genocide that awards coated by the court of even his genocide the ads are even. and when the
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i c c finally decides to uphold it's monday, you should find his place in a jail in the hague. not in follow up and is that i all the countries from across the globe have expressed support for an and over the is that i usually occupation palestinian independence and the 2 state solution. what was the as that overnight then yahoo, he brad, about sabotage in peace efforts for decades and for obstructing palestine in independence. and the 2 states you should depriving even his own people will be some security. this is his agenda and he has acted upon it for the last 40 years. madam president,
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is the by defies that as a new shoes on the concert defies the i. c j the i see. see if there's an, an open war against the u. n. there is no single country on s that has come pained so openly and brazen lea a gaze that you and the way is that i looked at the they was we won the because the u. n. is the source of the evidence of is that i look crimes and is the ones to discredit the what is to destroy the evidence. because the u. n helps the palestinian people said live remain in the land and is the ones to approve them. because the u. n is the forum where
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palestinian rights for the most to settle, determination and 3, then have been recognized. and is the ones to deny and dissolve these rights? because they, you'll, and has identified that requirements for just and lasting peace. and is it i, it has chosen f, the cleansing, and genocide instead is the, has sold the, the funding of you and the agencies from eunice go to another or it has at that all the mean. the main body's of that you, when the security council, the general assembly daniel motorized council echo suck and the i c, j. it's for the model minister for the minutes that it has incited against the secret that he did on it. and it's cut on foreign minister has accused the
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commission, not a gun at all. i'm unable of being a supporter of that is in and out today. just and despicable claim. is it a, a has long gone pains against you. uh, no officials including live in hastings, the s t and the fuse the grand visas, 30 percent that they have of you and bodies as punishment for upholding data mandates. it has in this assault kid more than 150 u. n stuff. the highest number of losses by you and stuff since world war 2 in any conflict, is it a is trying to dismantle any ops that can do? it's planned to destroy the palestine and the palestinian people to forcibly
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displace them and replace them to seize phone control from that ever to the sea and to implement its premises and colonial events. in dealing with the is there any allegations, again, some on or was stuff one should never lose sight of these realities and always the way it is stated gold for years now of dismantling on or what. and they succeeded one time during the comp administration of denying funding for or for more than 3 years that are serious allegations. and there is a serious investigation. the principles of the you mind if you to that, at the impartiality and independence must be
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a pad and it is clear that, oh no, i'm the secretary general. i'm committed to these principles and there is no reason to doubt this coming month. and there is no reason to pre empt the outcome of the investigation or to tech matches that effectively amount to the collective punishment of fair to the 1000 under was stuff and millions of refugees beneficiaries of on or services. oh no, to war is the perfect example of the success of the you and for those who are discovering on or what today in the west, you created or no to and 1949 because you had the majority of members in the you and it said remarkable success story of multilateralism.
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it is, we should all of us be proud that we have an organization like on our was in the u . m. system that has been doing a remarkable job instead of a thing in a humanitarian way. the millions of the, by this time, refugees for the 75 years, it is our collective duty to protect it, to fund it, to allow it to carry it. so you might need to add the on, you know, mandate, especially in these days. who else is engaged from the humanitarian institutions that county can carry in can, can implement. what do we, what your legislative into resolutions in the security concept. if you do not have the army of the bribe, 15000 stuff on order was to implement what you want them to do. but take a lot of me and distributing and allowing massive amount of humanitarian
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assistance to get to every quote amount of of the gaza strip. but not the phone and the top of the government that wants to destroy another one. and they mad they made that crystal clear over the years, defend this brave organization. this fabulous example of multilateralism and the success story of the united nations at the time where the policy and young people are being deliberately deprived of the requirements of life of what they need for. they have said, why that and does a undermining owner what would be in humane code and other responsive. and since you already took lies the importance of one. otherwise they're all and it's
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invaluable contribution. i trust that those who decided to suspend the funding wouldn't speedily revise their decision. we appeal to you yesterday and we supported the api over the secretary general for those 3. consider because under the law does have to be funded by those who have been doing a great job in funding over so many years. and we always express our gratitude to you for your generosity and funding. oh no, my dump president chose is clear more than ever either allow is the end to dismantle the international lo best or the, or uphold it, uphold it through it is time to and is the 8 impunity from colonialism to off
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outside from ethnic cleansing, to genocide when is it time to tell, is that a enough is enough of the policy of cajoling is an ill, has bro to follow, or the most openly supp premises and racist government? and a studio is an only account ability can help us, correct. of course, a lot of roadmap is clear, some of the genocide sees via justice, freedom piece. and that a lot of that that is the only path with a pathway. from this crude madness the palace team, people deserve nothing less. they would accept nothing else. justice is what they have been denied for far too long. freedom is the
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best right piece is our to come on board and horizon. and i think you might have pres, messed it up so that the know that the said that they'll defend as to the civics. how strongly for the honda over because also decided the representative of israel. thank you madam president. on october 7th, an actual genocide will test organization the openly and probably declares its genocide will agenda. patricia the actual genocide select. that same organization continues to attack is ro to hold hostages and brutal conditions. and the tests regularly its intention to repeat the atrocities again and again and again. and yet, none of this, none of this has merits of serious attention. that's along condemnation, by this council, or anything approaching the condemnation and revulsion that merits united nations reports the message to israel citizens and to the hostages. not only from some
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addressing this council, but too often from the council itself is being your humanity does not matter to us . you are not deserving of protection. instead, madam president, well with this turn up scene in version of reality, there's not some us that has been charged with genocide. does not it support us into running pretoria that are being held to account is the country that is the victim of how much the genocidal campaign it is. again and again and again, the subject about courageous accusations, the more extreme, the better, the change on telling a story which from us it's abusive civilians and civilian infrastructure. and it's up to you tell it to simply disappear. that this puts in a distorting so called reality to the security council, as a matter of routine does not make it morally acceptable and she's own and it already compounds. the disconnect between what is of self and said in this chamber and what is happening in actual reality. a lie told a 1000 times is not less of a lie. yes,
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the civilians suffering in this war to both these raiders and palestinians is tragic. it is heart wrenching, but it is impossible to understand this tragedy and much less to respond to it. by spinning reality, as his real estate would be for the icy j is always committed, as it must be to comply with the law. and he does so in the face of how much is at the contempt for the law. is res, committed as it must be to demonstrate humanity. but he does so in the face of how much is to inhumanity these commitments on wavering and exist quite independently of any i j. c. proceedings. but he promised his contempt for the law is never part of the discussion if it's up to in humanity towards palestinian civilians as well as his riley's evidence is simply ignored. you're not dealing with the agonizing reality. and the dilemma is the israel faces. seeking to minimize the within hom, against the lawless terrorist organization that seeks to maximize that. we are dealing with a level or there is
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a reason to proceed the representatives of the day and the supporters of how much such a south africa handled julia must present. so distorted a reality to the council, it is obvious for them the brutal gravity created by some us does not exist. any deed cannot exist for a full, if it did, there would be no possible case of genocide and the effort to demonstrate demonize israel to tell a story. one side is the victim. and the other side is a villain. would collapse, brother is, or it would be a democratic country, exercising its right and duty to defend its citizens under nearly impossible conditions. and from a true genocidal threat. that in president is hardly surprising that those who have no qualms about distorting the facts of knows a taste about the starting the law. the very attempt to level the charge of genocide against israel is outrages, distortion of the genocide convention. it is an attempt to empty the world of its unique force and special meaning and to turn the convention itself into 2 of
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tourists, have totaled a stain for life and for the law against those trying to defend against them. the same distortion of the law is not being applied to the transparent attempt to trust and misinterpret the decision of the court on preliminary measures, the quotes decision on provisional measures was issued less than a week ago. the methods before the court documents on the merits of the case of not even being heard, let alone decided that's already the council has convened. already. the allegations have been leveled already. the abusive and politicized nature of this process has been late, but the desperate attempt to ascribe blame is transparent, political thea, to a verdict looking for a crime. so it seemed appropriate to set the record straight 1st or the session made the such confidence by the posting representative that the court has found plausible evidence of genocide as a prime example of this desperate distortion. this is a blatant mist characterization of the very nature of the provisional measures phase of proceedings of the temples ability in the course of jurisprudence and of
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the courts. actual decision of the court could not have been clear or that it has not and could not make up this preliminary stage. any finding on the charge of genocide level by south africa is always confident that to africa's labels against israel will be rejected by the i c. j at the merits phase of proceedings. already. it has been widely denounced by numerous states known for the commitment to the rule of law. but the quote at this early phrase of proceedings had no authorities to make findings on the merits, and did not do so. as the court stated in paragraph 50 and i quote, at the present stage of the proceedings, the quote is not required to ascertain whether any violations of israel's obligations under the genocide convention have occurred. such a finding could be made by the court only at the stage of the examination of the merits of the present case and of quote, late to presuming liberty realizing that some may have difficulty understanding this paragraph. the quote reiterate to this assertion in paragraph 62 and then beginning paragraph 84. it stated,
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the decision given in the present proceedings is in no way printed pre judges. the question of the jurisdiction of the court to deal with the merits of the case or any questions relating to the admissibility of the application or to the merits themselves. and of course, if the point was clear enough in the decision, judges bundari and not, and that is the creations also left no room for misunderstanding. so much for the claim that's of africa's outrageous and false accusations have been given legitimacy by the court. the 2nd, the supporters of how must genocidal tourism assimilate ludicrously, trying to so that the quote is cool, that is real to see if it's moved to opperation. the opposite is the case. in fact, the quote you now know mostly and right q project in south africa's vile attempt to undermine is roles. inherent tried to defend itself against the genocidal terrace of how much but a single judge suggested otherwise, no. could they have the very idea that is what will be my this fundamental right? what? how much will be free to continue its terrorist on salt and hold hostages in brutal
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capt. timothy is marly and legally unthinkable. indeed, by emphasizing that both parties to the contract are bound button international humanitarian law. the court clearly indicated that he understands that montreal operations will continue. they've read just provisional measures requested by south africa will effectively and some of these dismissed by the court. the measures indicated relating practice to existing legal obligations to which israel is already committed, as demonstrated in world, indeed, israel's wars against from us not against palestinian civilians. this is a matter of explicit government policy, military directors and procedures. there's no less an expression of israel's core values as stated, a commitment to uphold the law, including obligations on the international humanitarian law is unwavering. and is it exists independent of any i, j. c, proceedings? i know how much is contempt for the little in this context. israel remains committed to mitigating somebody at home and to facilitating access to military and
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aid according to the law despite all the challenges, but also seeking to assure as counsel no to the resolution 2720. both the 2 men of terry and nature and that it reaches it's of interest, a nation, and it's not stolen by some us, is what is continuing to work with international stakeholders to further advance the subjective. it is what it is also committed to preventing incitement. like every little binding democracy is real, makes rigorous of efforts to draw the line between permissible statements. even those that express painted outrage in times of crisis and those which go beyond the limits of free speech. as israel's attorney, general state is publicly recently any statement calling for international intentional home to civilians contradicts the policy of the state of israel and the amount of criminal offense, including the offensive incitement. several such cases are currently being examined by his writing law enforcement authorities. and there's also respects are all given to the i c, j for the supplement of disputes. what he does not respect is the blatant abuse of the court and its procedures by south africa and the comfortable efforts to the
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store the truth in support of a genocidal terrorist organization at the expense of both is riley's and palestinians, who boast as of a peaceful and prosperous future. free of the death coats of from us find the men of president. it is quite telling that in the description of the quotes decision by how much defenders no mention is made of the court's grave concern for the hostages . its unequivocal, call for immediate, an unconditional release. no, of course is mentioned made of the call of one of the judges from south africa usage warm relations with the terrace, the organization to help secure the hostages release. it is telling, but not surprising. nothing about the description we have heard of the court's decision. nothing about this grotesque use of the icy j. i think about the breakfast breakfast complaining of this meeting of the council, which is to go to counsel has to do with the law. it is about distorting the facts and the law, so that can be used as a weapon. and it's an assault on the integrity of the i, c, j as an institution,
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as much as it to is an assault on the truth. it should be but treated by this counsel accordingly managed. they have raised the issue of audra and the active and direct role that employees of this you an agency played in october 7th. new mexico is real. welcome to decision to many countries to suspend the funding to enroll and calls for an index independent and transparency investigation into the agencies conduct in the gaza strip. both regarding the involvement of unwritten police in october 7th, mexico. and regarding the appointment of almost operatives, an involvement of terrorist elements and its activities that and president incredibly, the security council is coming again and again to discuss the situation, to discuss the spin and distortions of how much the support is. and yet it still has been unable to condemn domestic as of october 7th by the sidled terrace. of hum us the genocidal incitement or the reprehensible term of strategy that causes untold suffering to both is really and palestinian civilians. until he does this
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counsel will fail to meet his responsibilities. it will continue to be abused as a forum where lies can be told, with a little can be manipulated to serve its greatest. violate, as with the victims of terrorism will feel abandoned and where in the words of judge bar up at the i, c, j, the crimes of cain can be attributed to table. i think you should let me ask you to hold, please don't, don't just heard the noise in this room with that statement. i now get the fall to the representative of south africa when i'm president. i thank you julia and members of the security council for providing so i've actually kind of opportunity to address the consul at this present today. we think that you and you may need to know if there's any emergency relief coordinator. my team could please be seen this briefing
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and the statements of many members of the council federally have head this morning, provides its leaden deflection of the devastating situation in garza. and that prostitutes been committed in palestine to the targeting of cvn. so you get an interest structure, the un premises and as the buttons the bowls targets, the extra is but we are all witnessing daily by is right at a violation of intention and law including the you into the geneva convention and is protocols a solid glass dated before but is a tax on and cabinets and most innocent civilians. how mines is also violated international but i'm present the events of the past few months in gaza. have you that straight to that is why is acting contrary
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truth and punishment notifications, including those in terms of the genocide convention. so i've got his bus update to resort to international judicial mckenneth and including at the international criminal court and the international court of justice to seek justice for the people of palestine. with each heavy that the international community can not proclaim the importance of international law. and the importance of the un charter in some situations and noting ivis as even the rule of law only applies to a subject few for the intent is not low to be credible. it should be removed from the applied and not select. accordingly, on 29 december 2023,
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south africa filed an application instituting legal proceedings at the international court of justice against israel. and the 1948 convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. with respect to is the is ready to conduct in the present conflict in gaza in the middle, his head in the heat on 11 and 12, january 2024 in relation to the request for provision. i may just sub african is right. both parties to the genocide convention, which has as it subjective the prevention and punishment of perfect treatise of the crime of genocide which include it includes in accordance with i to go 3 of the convention genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide, dialect and public incitement to come in genocide,
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attempt to commit genocide and complicity in genocide on 26th, january 2024. the court delivered its order on south africa's request for a provision that amazes the tenant that is was actually the guys la, possibly genocidal. the court was knit unanimous in his folder for provision, now measures which include that is why i saw a take all measures we cities power to prevent all x of genocide as contained in article 2 of the genocide convention and prevent and punish direct and public incitement. to do so is right, is the more require to take effective measures to provide agents. you need
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a basic services and you may need to an assistance, but i'm present. it is not just the bottom or 8. it is a part complete. and she, in that 8 phase is ryan must ensure effective measure of i've taken to present the destruction of evidence and it show its preservation important fee is right, is required to provide a report to the court on the may just it has taken to give effect to face provision on measures within one month. these for it was not measure aside direct q by into one use while which is required to send to the court order. and to the genocide convention itself. to stop all acts by it that are possibly genocide. this surely no credible basis weighs while to continue
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to the same body committed to actions in full complains with international law, including the genocide convention caving to got to the course really. additionally, following the court's order said, states, i'm now a notice of the existence of a citizen of genocide against the policy and people in gaza. they must therefore, also independently and immediately to prevent genocide by israel and to ensure that they are not themselves in violation of the genocide convention. including by 18 assisting. in the commission of genocide. this, this is suddenly imposes an obligation on all states to seize funding. and
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facilitating is riley's military actions, which are possibly genocide though the i c, j a ruling is read out by judge the nice you of the united states. no to that israel used the notion of self defense as, as it attempted defense of the actions of which sylvester maintained which on the side of the court, only noted that these variety defense without giving it any further credence, it did not have to as the court and the judges, uh, went on way of his own adviser will team in 2004 in the meta pertaining to the new guy. consequences of the construction of the wall in the pipeline listed in territory. where the quote are set to that, an occupying power cannot rely on,
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i take this to one with it. it goes to the people that it occupies the full best asian. but they're presented to of the united states. and israel, that the court or from the us that the, the country fm, the us understanding of the issue of self defense is not accurate. but i'm present the decisions by the court marks a decisive victory for the intonation of low flow and a significant milestone in the search for justice for the police to mean people. the cause decision also affects the importance of to vote, governance institutions including organs of the united nations. it remains vital for all member states to respect and increment the decisions of the court. hopefully it would provide
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a new test to the search for and lasting for the constitution, peace and stability in the middle east. so that go sincerely hoops that is ryan will not act to frustrate the application of this order as it has publicly threatened to do so. but that it was in state act to comply with it solely. it is bound to do so. unfortunately, in the days since the cost the decision we have seen that is right in the government continue. if you go to actions in violation of the court order, south africa will continue to act within institutions of global governance to protect their rights, including the fundamental right to life of palestine is in gazza which continue to remain at agent risk including from is really me to tell you, i thought that vision and disease and to obtain the fate an application of
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international law, all in the interest of a connective to many notably south africa will continue to do everything within his power to preserve the existence of the palestinian people as a group to n o x of a pi tate and genocide against the palestinian people and to book with them to the realization of the f one to, to right, to self determination. so that's go well comes the support expressed by several countries. and we encourage states that are so inclined to approach the courts to intervene in the proceedings so as to send a strong message to the international community. but the situation in the guise of strips is in can festival. but i'm please, i'm sorry guys noted with great consent that negations by israel,
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by 121 of our staff members were involved in up to a 7 attacks. we will come down announcement by the substitute general. but the united nations is taking swift action following the allegations. and that an investigation by the un office of intonation of a site was immediately activated. are we extremely concerned by their announcement by various countries of intention to withdraw him into the and funding to withdraw following that positions? so that's a guess i'll post a call by the un secretary general for the countries that have decided to withdraw all pause that funding for him to be close to that decision, right, has been providing life saving humanitarian assistance to police students for decades. withdrawing funding from ro weston and already dia and complex to many children situation. south africa appeals to both countries
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. to reconsider that decision. in conclusion is but present. madam president, south africa would like to repeat what it stated a few days ago in this chamber. wall is never weiss when they use a force is utilized any way in the world. it is picked up of whether it is law, full or no full. the laws of rules must be applied and civilians must be protected. this console must fulfill its mandate and focus its efforts on enforcing peace. i think you, susan, this is the only thing out there. we've been following developments of the un security council very closely indeed where that has been this ongoing session discussing the crisis in gaza. we've just heard from 3 representatives to the
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united nations, the listing, and i'm boss of the to the you and we had a month. so followed by the as rarely, and then south african representative to them. body rad mansell. describing the situation and gaza is a 120 days of how you will say the keys is where i live defying the united nations of being open the war with the u. n. and also being in breach of international law, we sole accusations being traded between the israeli and palestinian representative . both of them accusing each other of genocide before of course south africa reiterates it, the quote for a c spot. all of this, just to remind you, coming 5 days after that crucial ruling of the international court of justice and the hague. that's the u. s. highest quote. the rule is that there is substantial evidence plausible evidence to allow israel to be put on trial for possible breaches of the geneva. and so the genocide convention in the meantime.
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uh, that's uh quote issue what amounts to is in junction to cease and desist order. quoting for israel with immediate affects, make sure its military does not commit acts. that could be perceived as genocide. israel under pressure close to report back on his progress in a months time that is the background or if they thought everybody got it to james base, standing by at the united nations, the in new york, and also a lot to impact kid james. but what do you think this session really told us about the crisis and gaza? busy also, the deep differences of opinion, diplomatically over the direction of this conflict. and i think that's key question of any meeting of the security council right now with the war on casa, is, does it bring it as any closer to a see saw in gaza? now i think we may be actually closer to a c spot. then we were a few days ago, but know it's because of the work of the security council visit. right. different
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track going on. as you're aware of that meeting that took place in paris with the representatives of israel, of cots, of egypt in the us. and there was some talks that perhaps that could be leading to a cease file that would last longer than the last one in terms of what we saw in the security council. very bits of disagreements as you say on, on, on where to go with regard to a possible c spot and the intervention of the international court of justice. and then the other aspect, of course, is the allegations against, under, uh, uh, the part of the you and the deals with the palestinians, different views on that as well. but with regard to the international court of justice and its rulings, it's pretty clear that the international court of justice, as you say, came down with these into and rulings these provisional measures, which are orders, which is rel, is supposed to follow. the problem is that as you listen to all of those countries, the 15 countries of the security council speaking and then palestine, then israel,
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south africa, the additional speakers you have 18 different views of what the international court of justice said. each of these countries has its lawyers. each of these countries has its leaders and they take very different views about what the international court of justice said. these right, the representative said, the south africa's case of the international court of justice was outrages and false. and he made the point as the us did, that there was no ruling the that some israel was doing. and this thing that could be in breach of the genocide convention. well, i was in that cold hearing. i was at the hey going friday and it was very clear. i live since this to the, to the presiding judge, read the ruling that they did fail that south africa's claim was possible. they don't make a final ruling, but i do believe it was closed. the book is also clear for many members of the security council, as well as the posting and representative of the i c j rulings that they put in
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place, which don't mention the word c spots specifically, but could only be put in place if there is an agency spot, again that was very strongly rejected by israel and also by the united states and the united kingdom, which all the countries on the security council, the u. k. and the us that are opposed to an agency. so the us has been prepared to use. it's vito in the security council 3 times the u. k. most recently, on the most recent vote, abstaining on the vote on a cx 5 and the security council, james, by his automatic adds to life and the un beneflex laura elbow and a is a policy in the american international lawyer who kind of hosts the weekly poll cost of the palestine potent, she joins us live from parents. if i will welcome to you, i'm sure you have be listening into some of the comments that will be made that the un security council, once you make all of the international reaction to the i. c, j,
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we would think so far because they seems to be some extremely big irreconcilable differences of opinion between the us on either of those or whether it actually calls from the media end to the funds. thank you for having me. so israel and the us have been engaged now for several days in a media frenzy trying to spin dr. the i c j order into some sort of a win for israel and also take the attention of the order off of the order by distracting with other stories like attempting to justify the cutting of funding for owner what. but i think we have to be very clear that the courts of its failure perhaps to include an express order requiring israel to halt its military assault. does not make this a win for israel. and the court rejected every single one of israel's legal arguments. and they ordered a number of provisional measures including requiring israel to ensure that its
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military with immediate effect ceases killing and wounding palestinians and imposing on them conditions of life designed to bring about their destruction and hold her in part. and as was just mentioned, many legal scholars and experts, south africa's foreign minister as well has said this that it would essentially be impossible for israel if it were actually to try to respect the order to do so without halting its military operations in and on gaza there's simply no way that you can provide aid to all of causes. 2.3000000 people without ceasing the bombardment. there's simply no way that you can stop killing and wounding palestinians without ceasing the bombardment. nope. now of course, whether is real actually wants to follow the order is a different question. and what we've seen in the last few days is simply has no interest in abiding by the the order. oh yeah, the exactly what re add month. so the kind of thing you know and busted it to the you and suggested by saying that israel defies international law,
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isn't in his words open, or is there always an open war with the united nations? what does that say about the effectiveness of any kind of ruling by the i c, j o n d, possibly by the international criminal court going forward? and so i think we have to remind the viewers that, you know, the order itself is incapable of making a difference merely by its being rendered. um, so you know, we have to keep in mind that the own us will always remain on people to organize, to mobilize, to build power in order to oblige israel to comply with its international obligations. and to essentially use what we have now in the form of the i c, j order a as a tool in order to push forward the global movement. calling for an immediate permanent ceasefire and eventually an end israel siege of gaza and to the occupation of gaza. and the west bank and the dismantlement of the cellar colonial apartheid regime. laura alone, i will have to leave them a favorite may,
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thanks to share your thoughts and analysis the avenues, the ceo's of major social media companies have testified before the us sentence about child exploitation on that platforms concerns a growing that they have failed repeatedly to protect miners report tables hearing shows, cases of children being tricked into sending explicit photos. they've probably sold in the us last year to see a monks look above was put under pressure to explain what measures the company had taken to protect children. well, mike had us on the story from washington dc and like, why is this hearing happening a to well, the senate has been considering various forms of legislation in congress as a whole in terms of country and what has been increasing action on the online media
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relation to children and indeed teams. now they have been discussing forms of legislation to try and select the holes because they believe that the c o is all these online companies are simply not policing themselves. now we've heard from the c o, as in the course of the day, they insist that they have both sex fist safeguards into the systems to protect, to children and youth from home. the members of the committee completely pushed back against that. at one point mock stuck a bug, b, c o, off meta was forced to confront some of the parents who were in the audience and apologize to them for the home that his platform has done. but behind all of this is section $113.00 of the communications act, which says that the content providers cannot be held responsible for what is put on the platform. in other words, the online companies do not have any form of legal accountability for what is port
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on the sides. this is something that they want to change in congress, so might potentially know legal responsibility old need for them to do that. but is there moral responsibility, do we think, i mean, in that room, there was some of the most powerful business leaders in the world sense to get of how committed they ought to addressing these safety concerns and to well, certainly the committee and most of the audience does not believe that they are committed to and got enforcing at the safe gods they do put as i said, safe guards in place, but clearly this is not working according to the statistics. now let me just take one example. a member of the committee confronting once again mark spoke about, says that the committee has e mail chain between silk, a book, and some of his stuff in which it was discussed how to make the platform safer. it would have required employing more people, which in the emails still going to turn down. so the committee at put the question
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to him, are you putting profit? you'll be paid earning less if you pay more people above the safety of those who use your platform. so this is the type of element that the committee has been looking at. and its findings basically is that no, the online companies are not doing enough. they are putting profit over the safety of the clients who are actually paying for these platforms. and that in order to deal with this, there has to be legislation and in particular, section one, set you up the communications act, which removes accountability has to be re written as a fascinating legal to political tests along the way that mike handling washington dc. thank you. of the okay, that's, that's our time for peter and the support me. thank you so much. full time agent
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top. when is japan and reach the quote to find with a comfortable 31 victory against ball rain. jim and ash was at altima state, even though for us the japanese fans what a good voice. yes. and dressed to impress as they headed to out the moment stadium, hoping that team wouldn't be on the end of another shot results, bar and support. as we're looking for this side to draw inspiration from iraq's unexpected victory of japan in the group stage, a big golf club. all right, and you can see asian cups, most successful team, right? to the 70 places above the. it was japan, you made the break 3. so if you want to minutes in say a mike of a short hit, the place to go on was that to put in the re bounce demand wasted no time. in the 2nd half of 2nd piece, a cube, i made it to nail a few minutes after the restart. boring was creating much but found themselves back
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in a to be it would have been help. some depends go people zions vicki and i said wait a. the way that made amends, pull that mix up, not last us. could you go through the bar in pieces, legs to make it 31, which is how it finished japan, the criticism at this tournament, failing to you. and so the great, but that is funding in the past, and that these funds to now look fluids the right towards the final, with the side remaining on track for a regular, extending a 5th agent comp. title 7 asked out to 0 out the amount of stadium japan will be facing either iran or syria in the cold. final penalties coming to the on the go, the wrong have any fancy to win. and they took the lead through maybe thought any penalty in the 1st half of the va, all checks or you were awarded the penalty themselves. i'm not going to be in school in the 63rd minutes and they could 11, ivory coast were on the verge of an mdx, it from the africa, a couple of nations,
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but the fans have caused for excitement of the hosts, prepaid to face molly in the quarter finals, thousands of fans or gathering into the city of milwaukee as they hope to see bayside reached the semifinals for the 1st time since 2015 when they wanted. they had coaches. y'all knew me guess i was fired off to a poor group stage. but they still made it through and now and the case i could boss em us 5 days fresh optimism the head of the match on saturday. so here's how the quota finals of shaped up to fixes on friday nigeria face and go to the democratic republic of congo. play denny, i'm a sensitive host or an action for k food play. south africa mentions to city facebook in the, in the pre meeting, shortly hoping to close the gap on need as livable the rates announced last week, long time managing using top will be leaving at the end of the season. so the bus pip, claudio himself, has been up at home since 2016 says he has not yet made a decision on whether or not to renew his contract. i see you have time lifetime.
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now i feel really good. i've always, i've been but football suggesting change a lot. so student i have my opinion, the one you have one year and a half left. the contract is a lot a lot of time in little football. so we take time to have time. i would say level pool cats and virtual van dykes as he's fully committed to the job, despite concerns that he could leave at the end of the season. the announcements of head coach, you can top 6 that last week spoke concerns that some players could follow him out . the tool vandyke has 18 months left on his contract and when he was asked about his future, he said he was, i'm sure that he's insisted that it was taken out of context. it was a, a big announcement. obviously the last couple of days. it's been a shock to each one of us connected to the club, and i feel exactly what the friends i've been feeling in the exact moment and you know, don't get it to us. i'm fully committed to the club and i love it. and i love each
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and every say, i'm the captain, then we're going to go for the india or confidence of drawing level in the test series as they prepare to face england in the 2nd test starting friday. now in the last, the 1st test in hyderabad, off to being in a strong position, it was just the full test. they'd lost the time for 12 years. and then we'll be hoping it wouldn't be a repeat of a series and 2021, which sold them when the 1st test before using the series $31.00. yeah, it's been really loves series and i totally, i wouldn't draw associated enough for the video. so that means the theme is in it. so these are the conditions. it's tough to score on, but i'm sure. does that, does it find the? it's just a reminder that iran and serial are locked in an asian cup last 16 penalty shoot up the when it will go on to face japan in the cools of finals me. yes, and we are excited about that box. all right, manufacture level outset for me, new fog and these are kind of jumps and they see just the most time it's much more
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the days we use watching for just the a settled time upfront takes on the big issue. studies of poles, types to what is happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. question, profession and unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads profit without the girl's permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding and fees, fire demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. but out of their business latest is brought to you by the pegasus lines fly on one of your this makes modern plates. the
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