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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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or it's the of the aging presidents, as the formalities of the nomination concepts begin, does by didn't have what it takes for another 4 years. us selection 2024 analysis the, the the carry, johnson. this is a new license though, coming up the next 60 minutes is ready. troops are accused of kidding. at least 50 civilians. execution stops off. the bodies all discovered in a mass grave in northern gauze. shocked to find the dead bodies. there's a palestinian civilians blindfolded in handcuffs to the box. the dead bodies were kept inside blockbuster bags. israel seeds of con eunice is making it hard to treat
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the wounded with hospitals that also set to run out of food. you any amount of tiring chief tells the security council that a to cause a continues to be belongs. the bosses of 5 major tech companies are grill the senate about protecting children from online sexual exploitation. and on pete the stems of the sports views. the ron has made their way into the asian cup coastal finals waiting for them in all the tournaments was successful side, japan who defeated for reading 31 in the last 6 the the, the composing bodies of palestinians have been found dumped in a school yard in northern garza, i witnessed to say the victims were blindfolded, tortured and killed before being placed in plastic bags correct as the report sound . a warning. this report contains distressing images for the middle of this 9
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searching bags containing the bodies of palestinians who had been missing. what was the, what taken away by his very sources. and now some of the remains of the discovery how much clearer in another way can cause no, that's just as built. those assessed through the different sens of decades. so the, the doses of bodies have been done. you got to look that up definitely with the thing. we were shocked to find a mass graves inside the school yards were shocked to find the dead bodies. it was a palestinian civilians blindfolded in handcuffs to the buck. the dead bodies were kept inside block bostic about the deep without palestinian authorities are calling for an investigation in our statements, the ministry, or for an offense and expect her. you said the monster formation of an
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international field investigation team into the messic has committed by the is very occupation of the conditions of the missing and detained from the goal is to strip the discovery of this mass of gray reflect the magnitude of the tragedy faced by palestinian civilians and serious violation of 4 international lawyers. the discovery comes of just the day off that is read returned 100 kind of thing in bodies for burial is roughly just like in north ring calling. so the condition of these parties ranges are from severely decomposed to me. skills are remains making, it's hot item to find them. but people still come to the site, searching foreclosure in display of the tragedy. tar surprises. how did the rough roof in southern goals? oh tarik, i assume joins us now live from rough. it's eric, what more do we know about the circumstances in which these people died?
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yes, carrie, as we have been proposing, like this situation was very drastic today. and another part of the call is a stripe. as a grid this past 10 years, as they were cleaning the hospital, they found a mass grave in that a induct school. generally the find completely some of the palestinian decomposing bodies that had been a that had been shown different signs of torture on their bodies under a buggy organs where they have been blindfolded time costs with also a sign of a hip really of hyper text have been written on the bottom of the plastic bags that they have been put inside, which gives a clear sign that they have been arrested before they have been executed according to the eye witness on the ground. the and was mentioning that this area had been completely surrounded by these very military forces. and another part of causes
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trip is a part of the east, very ongoing operations that where they have systematically attacks the majority of united nation run filters. and every single place where it's thousands of palestinians have been, have been taking shelter inside as they have been terrifying them, forcing them to flee under is very intense abutment. and the ongoing is told means of these areas in schools. they have been carrying out a wide and mass arrest campaign for every policy and who's over 15. some of them have been taken to investigation by the military of this happy execute test. and till now they are still more palestinians, have been hold inside israel after being arrested. insight goes on from these by the site to now there is there any official comments regarding this incident, while palestinian officials appearing them, holding israel, the responsibility of carrying out sealed execution for the majority of goose talents that he has bought? it's not yet confirmed about the identity means that there are still complete the
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item to find right now is a complete opposite of information also for the family members regarding the conditions as is well till now is excess of painting. the humanitarian situation is another part of gaza strip as it was during the fighting the ground against power, city and uh on for its uh, what did you say the war on does a continue use? uh, tell us what you know about the latest fighting. yes um right now i've been hearing the sound of the buzzing of these video surveillance of drones and rough up this area that had been widely attacked in the past few hours were full palestinians have been killed off to attacking and destroying a civil call on the main road that links between hon eunice and rough. i bought this i took a big k carried out within the about 5 district areas, including one of the victims. that is a young boy,
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a different injuries that had been transported to another hospital for medical treatments alongside that. the city of con, you just had been to see a tells me that your ration and the post out exactly carry 7 palestinians have been killed alongside with more than a something others being wounded on the vicinity of an am on hosp. so that witness ongoing. ok, re shooting by the is very odd to their units that are spread onto the patient in different areas. in hon. you are just as bottles, the range between power, city and fight is and the is ready. so just along side that the uh, another part of gauze this trip had been also i sent stuff for the military attacks and confrontation stuff where we have been seeing different videos. imagine from the central neighborhoods of kansas city showing service bottles that's we're up to between the militants and between also the east, very ami were different tanks had been destroyed in gauze the streets um it's ongoing bombardment of residential buildings in kansas city. the very latest,
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the topic. thank you. the la garza health ministry says no sir, and i'm out of hospital as a run out of food as he's ready see to the county. this medical center is continues honey, monthly reports from rough and southern garza the the area around north or medical complex in hon. unice has become a bottle of ground medical staff and their patients as well as displaced palestinians woke up to the sounds of gunfire. the inside the hospital, the doctors describe how desperate the situation is. no other than a couple of the, you know, football, we're no more than 5 or 6 doctors here at the emergency. each one of us is handling 10 cases at the same time. unfortunately, some patients died before we can help them. really forces have been bombarding the
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area around the hospital for days. most of the health of staff have less been seems all about it. half of my daughter has been wounded for the way now. and when we come asking for treatment, sometimes they tell us available on other times, it's not. i'm not sure where to go or what to do. this rather intensive 5, it's been barred, meant of hon. eunice palestinians continued to fleet south towards rough. really strikes are not, they are only worried. rain is making living conditions in the cans for this place increasingly dangerous. some of the accounts have been flooded and there is a major risk of a spread of diseases taking more palestinian life to many also phases tar visa hold on a 2nd while the subject is really difficult. there is no water, no food,
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whatever that is available in the market is insanely expensive. many basic food items like flour and rice have vanished. is rose, war and garza so far has go nearly 27000 palestinians as a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu rose out of ceasefire proposal. palestinian civilians are left with nowhere to go. any more. i just eat a bit of sending you an official has told the security council that a to goes that continues to be blocked. walton griffith says it's vital that one was, continues its work with a warning coming south, united nations agency for palestine had its funding suspended by several western nations of israel's accusations. the members of when it was stuff to possibly a tax. on october 7th. mister griffith said the amount of talents situation is very challenging in gaza. the ability of the monitoring community to reach the
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people of guys or with relief remains grossly inadequate. and to say it's grossly inadequate. as it says here, is grossly inadequate. it's much, much more difficult than that when you're in the seconds of general antenna. gutierrez has also been speaking about when was important you're speaking to the committee on the exercise of, in a, in a provide. so the posting and people and the is the backbone of all the many, 10 and response even casa. i appeal to all member states to get into the continued t as own was life, saving work or excess is the meditative assist. the mean guy is a, is collapsing, makes me concerned by the new main conditions faced by guys us to point to median people as they struggle to survive without any of the basics ever. do any not in godaddy's hungry, while also median grapple with catastrophic levels of food insecurity. c,
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i called for a rep, it's safe. that means that it expanded and sustained the manufactured and excessive $12000.00. i'll do for me not to edit the james base has been following me to the un headquarters in new york, the oldest top officials, the un from the 2nd general down was a now calling for a see saw what was interesting is that we've had the 1st meeting of the security council to discuss the situation since that ruling of the international court of justice that happened in the hague on friday. was that going to help push things towards a see saw push? things of the security council has been divided in the us to be prepared to use it's vito on this issue to block is the spot. was it going to change things on the, the, the, the, the having watch the whole security council meeting? what has happened to me is you, yes, you have a ruling from the international court of justice that says that israel must stop doing things that could amount to breaches of the genocide convention. and yet the different members of the security council level views of the international court of
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justice is rulings. it's intra meshes provisional measures in different ways. and the us certainly is saying that it doesn't feel that the rulings of the international cause of justice, amount to a call for an agency spa, all the countries sorted very differently. russia, particularly china said, know if you're going to follow what the international court of justice has ruled, then it's a prerequisites for those things to be put in place to have a c spa. so we have a situation where again, this division on the security council, this time division on what the international court of justice means. and it's rulings which i'm afraid means when the closer to a sea salt regarding the un process. motley on go, but his host and founder of the global dispatch as part cost and editor in chief of you in dispatch, a blog about you and, and global 1st. there's always a slide from denver. now. welcome to the program. so break it down
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a little bit for us if you, but what was the main practical purpose of this meeting in your as well as the international court of justice. its rulings are intended to be binding, but it doesn't really have any way of enforcing its rulings so countries can simply off to ignore it without much consequence. the idea behind this meeting that was caused by algeria was to provide some political momentum to anyway, compel israel to abide by his ruling. but as the previous segment indicated, the ruling was interpreted in different ways by different member states, including the united states who explicitly noted that the ruling did not call for a cease fire. so it really didn't change much of the diplomatic dynamics that we've been seeing at the security council for the last several months now. so whatever the result then could this well, simply ignore any routing old message. i can say it seems to be doing precisely
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that every month. i know it's a provisional ruling. the final outcome of the question, whether or not israel is committing genocide against the palestinians as put forward by the application by so africa that's going to take years and years and years to adjudicate. so the idea is to try to get israel to abide by these provisional and then measures to do really 3 things. one take steps to prevent genocide to stop the incitement of genocide and 3, allow more humanitarian aid into gaza as well to improve the humanitarian situation . people might be asking why does it take so no. why does the i c, j appear to move so smoothly? what's all the factors involved? a well listen, the wheels of justice at the i c. j do move very slowly. the most recent of genocide case at the i c j wasn't 2019 when i began the smallest african country, excuse me, in march of genocide against or any of that was 2019 and took the i c j 4 years to
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decide whether or not it even had jurisdiction to the side of the question and the case is still ongoing. genocide also is a very complicated and complex question of international law. there's a lot of people, intricacies going into deciding whether or not genocide is indeed occurring. so those 2 factors, just the structural way in which the i c j, operates plus the tricky leave of questions around genocide, in particular, all combined to make this a really might be and drawn out process that will take many years. and let me ask you, what do you make to the situation with the one right then because it's a difficult position, but it's work is so vital. and you saw members of the us state department justice. we reiterate how vital the word of honor roll is, how it's irreparable and irreplaceable among the humanitarian agencies in honor of just at the moment that they were cutting funding to on right now is the
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main player, to the extent that limited aid is able to get into israel, into gaza. be a goes to crossings that are opening it is distributed by hon. within does a and e. the humanitarian situation that is already perilous now, will comply, will collapse nearly entirely by may says under a lot of funding is not restored. it's a really, really heavy, heavy blow. we'll have to leave it that motley and go, but we appreciate your time. thank you. thanks a. now they've been more confrontations between is very police and protests to us at the time we saw them border crossing. the protests as tried to prevent a truck from entering gaza, demonstrates has gathered there again despite the recent announcement buys very forces of an area is now a closed minute. she said, just to say no humanitarian agent into gaza,
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to all the captives held their released is what a prime minister benjamin netanyahu was told, the families of captives held in gaza that every effort has been made to secure their release. well, i'm the, some of the joins a slide that from occupied these through some having to firstly israel. spite chief has been briefing the war cabinet. what do we know about that? a newer force and is really is, is really media suggesting that the most sod chief has been briefing israel's war cabinet on the details of the deal. he reportedly presented a 9 point outline for the deal that would see in its initial phase a 35 day pause in exchange for the release of 35 is really captive. in this 1st stage, you're looking at women, any remaining children, the elderly, and those who are in need of medical care. after this 35 day pause, there would be
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a week where there would be other talks on how to proceed in the 2nd phase of the deal, which would see the release of combatants. now these really prime minister has also spoken out, releasing a new video statement saying, but there are red lines that these relatives are not going to release thousands of palestinian prisoners as part of this deal, which the spike chief did not specify. well, briefing the war cabinet. additionally, these really prime minister has said that some of those red lines include not ending the war that israel is going to continue until the objectives are reached and that he is willing to make a deal, but not at any price. this is not going to be something that the families of the captives are specifically happy about because they want to see a deal being made at any cost whatsoever so that they can see their loved ones again. but these really prime minister has been clear and even meeting with some of
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those families and representatives of others in west jerusalem earlier today. he said that real concrete steps were being made, but they couldn't be made so publicly just yet because it would perhaps harm the deal and the more private the details were that it had a better chance of succeeding. the families of the captives have been putting a lot of pressure on these really prime minister in the forms of demonstrations, speaking out really taking to the streets to show their frustration against these really prime minister, who they say is not doing no indeed pressure from those pharmacies, but what is the extent of a political pressure that's in you on who is under now? so there's pressure on almost every front from these really prime minister. you're not just looking at it from the families of these captives, but in fact, that they always pulled numbers that have never been low or in a new survey conducted just less than 24 hours ago. it saw that only 23 percent of
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these really public would vote for benjamin. that's and young to once again be the prime minister. so selections where it help today, he simply would not be the premier. there's also pressure from the right wing camp of his government, specifically ministers, like it's a more bend beer in espanol, whose cabinet, who says that if needs rarely as enter a deal that he says is bad or is not favorable to them, he's threatening to waive the government as similar to other far right members of the coalition, but then you had members of the opposition, like your lupita, who is the head of the opposition. in fact, we said that he would provide a safety net for the government that his party. yes, a deed would join netanyahu's government under unity coalition to try and secure a deal that would bring back the captives to their families. and this by unity government would be for just a certain amount of time that they agreed upon. so certainly pressure mounting on all fronts for these really prime minister from the saw who the,
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with the very they just saw the african foreign minister and they handle says all states have an obligation to stop funding and facilitating israel's and mich reactions and gone. so it follows a provisional routing by the international court of justice last week. and the genocide case filed by south africa against israel. the quotes ordered israel to take all steps. it can to prevent its troops from committing genocide against palestinians in gauze. from either minute reports from johannesburg. so that's what is foreign minister now lady bundle reiterated south africa stones on the genocide in gaza saying that's all that africa could not be a partner to atrocities and is now looking at the international community to play. it's well, she says, the global community is facing a di lemme, and that it's up to the international community to compel states like israel, and especially following the ruling by the international court of justice to compel
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as well to abide by that order to stop the killing to provide humanitarian aid such and the not prevented. so she has said to this other free guys done everything it can and as also remained fun in that stones. but now it's up to bodies like the united nations, essentially for reform, saying that this can't be about simply monitoring such incidents or monitoring such rulings, but also enforcing that these rulings are abided by. she is also drawing attention to, to the genocide convention, saying that the convention was designed specifically to protect the vulnerable and she spoke specifically about the holocaust saying people who were affected by the holocaust. she says how the african believes are now perpetrating genocide themselves. she's also updated south african, specifically around what south africa will do next. in terms of its opposition to the genocide in gaza, it will provide additional submissions to the i c,
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j. she says in line with israel and having to submit its own report within 30 days so that africa will provide additional submissions. and she says that would include a new evidence from the time that the i, c, j gave its ruling. it has with us as it's fighters of attacks. 3 is rarely minutes re sites and 11 in southern border strikes, follow is very plain launching 3 rates earlier on wednesday, between the towns of had a number of 3 in the southern lebanon. the town of your ruin was also struck by we saw us envoy involved in trying to prevent a bigger conflict between israel and 11. and it says the still a window diplomacy. israel has been threatening and will not, or is block, doesn't pull back from the folder. because the now reports from baby, it's lebanese. the group has been sending messages over time. showcasing its
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capabilities. hezbollah appears to be sending messages of de terence, as, as well, threatens all out for this video is set to show a position guided miss. so striking what the lebanese arm group says was in his really surveillance. don't at an army post on the border as well. as also firing other explosive missiles as across the board are fighting triggered by, as well as we're on garza escalates. it's been targeting military sites a few kilometers inside as well. we won't you against turning you aggression toward lebanon because what a way to our graves. if you only felt the partial power organization, then in or out will you lou taste of full power. we are well prepared for who is really the army also says it is prepared for a full blown more recent war games in northern as well. also involved simulated facing in urban areas and in the winter weather all the while this really army has
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been increasing the intensity of its attacks on hezbollah and it's infrastructure in southern lebanon. a. but a u. s. envoy involved in trying to prevent a bigger conflict, says there's still a window for diplomacy. english huston says he will likely head back soon to beta and tell him to work on 1st association of possibilities that will allow people on both sides of the border to return home. and then a more last spring solution be on a ceasefire. that would involve a beast, up presence of lebanese army troops in southern lebanon, and the d. mark cation of the land border has a blow, has tied this front to a permanent ceasefire in garza. and that's why diplomacy and military action have failed to push its forces away from the border. that tries to use the expedition to pressure people his government as was beloved, less of that,
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the last 2 capable away from, from the board as well as maintaining that, uh uh, the war or the site because she announced before we move forward. so i think this is the prologic uh, pressure pressure for both sides, but it doesn't seem that any of them is interested in a, in the caustic at this point. for now is ross focus appears to be eliminating what it calls the threat. and so there's nothing on there. i was busy to bailout a life before the war on dallas. it was already difficult to palestinians with disabilities, but as well as the bombing campaign enforced evictions has made it even harder to survive. assess, has a for specific neg, sheltering at the european hospital in con eunice. she explains how she escaped when her homeless child is the governing by law. that is a uh in the way what legit and the
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the but when the oh the yeah. i don't have the last business i had in just a little 16 band dish with live. uh when did i uh i'm the last in the home. i'm a she didn't you and i still have not study a lot of the live a and i said i'll accept the home of a has used a number of semi a lot the of the name of the on the just the the, the bed with a full that see much of
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a problem. so that'd be putting on the, on the, on the law. i'm in the, the, the most of the well, well i had the yeah been, is your best and then you apply, you know, you have a lot of law about the slips. got that as uh, what is the, what is the have you got to say you have 10 you um. well see if that's the one to dislike what, what we've done the dish and the good as well. so it's a coming out this era across rooms a band into schools shut down. will tell you how to warn garza the destroying the right to education, had a student of children and then okay, find westbank uninstalled to ron, have beaten the silvia on the final coming up
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the the where the atlantic where those back to bite into the play and if you're up, once again, this is one week from the head, and this is one of the following. that's going to be a western wendy spell. it was a pretty shelves then it's going to bring rain through front germany. highland stove for the north and stripes. the alps and then some to follow the temperature difference isn't that great? you'll notice it's not particularly cold air, but it is cold. and then what's currently around in bulgaria, for example. so when it goes down through, so it'd be involuntary and beyond it, not the temperature broke down again and bring some, stay with it any a days. whereas i think is sophia, give it back up to an average of 7. on a brief day, the wind increases there give us 10 degrees on a dry looking sunday that will just serve to enhance what is already
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a fairly show breeze coming down to libya and egypt. and that's also enhancing the breeze the hall mountain, which the seasonal window so far this year has been fairly devoid of task. but now it's stronger. it's picking up a lot more. so how in depth and c orange down through sedan, chattanooga and eventually off the west coast of africa. so the sides just a circulation forming the eastern racial don't think it will affect motor issues. it just shows this is active area. so the range fairly heavy here, particularly on the eastern side or by the gasket mozambique, or the boil rich get rock is facing a crisis and a final fight to results. water, as dams built by its upstream neighbors, restrict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate the situation. now, when regions were settled, funding 1st emerge,
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pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the line. iraq's walter was part 2 of 2 on a jersey to the latest news. as it breaks, the new crane sense, we've long struggled to establish a distinctive national identity. literature has always played a significant role with detailed coverage. critics say the use of a government helicopter is in line with the president's upbringing from around the world activities and probably said thousands of victims died waiting for justice that never came to the lack of accountability. people's crimes committed in default is what's emboldened and copied for it is a part of the crimes the news the
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fucking back her mind of the headlines now at least the 2 bodies have been found dumped inside of school. we all know the engine nation costs, but from the northern 1000 witnesses side of the bodies on those of palestinian civilians who had been executed by his very forces un relief agency in gaza. such as being forced to leave. the southern city of con, unice, has already strikes of hits facilities in the past few days. they can't, if possible, to provide a displaced and when did you enter? monetary in chief was told the security council that's vital was what continues in casa. the morning comes up to several, west and nation suspended funding from you in a day at a start in the months since the war and guns have began, infrastructure including schools has regularly been targeted across the street. and how to report from this throughout refugee camp in central casa or since october,
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it's cool is in the causal surgery cape house in charge of to thousands of hundreds of prep teaching firms different areas across is the causes truth. i'm crazy. standing on the rubber over i do bus here in the surrounding this school is a mosque, other owner of a schools, a clinic and a lot of houses. this school became flat into the grounds. it's completely flat into the ground. nothings left. we see some chairs, some desks, some books, but this is the only thing we see left more the than 625 policy means students have been prevented from education since the beginning of the war, according to new uh, thousands of educational universities and schools have been also born in different
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areas across of the cost of we're talking about $2.00 of the main and biggest universities in the cause of shape which are us had and the islamic university in gaza. as you see the, the school. this is sticking to another owner was schools where the school has a refugees and people that shows our share of sheltering in this hospital yesterday night at 9 p. m. this school was targeted. we're talking about at least 10 injuries from the people surrounding this school were transferred to a hospital, people who took shelter in this school, evacuated after that is where the forces ask them to do that weeks. so it a couple of weeks ago. this is not the only school that has been targeted by the is
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where the forces were talking about thousands of other schools that were also bombed by that is where the forces schools in the gaza strip are not on the schools . there shelters and graveyards. this is in the pull the data and the say, the refuge account, the palestinian ministry of education says increased is very cellular bonded and send on the rates across the occupies westbank or destroying the right to education of how the student children. many schools have been forced to close down. child stratford, reports from the village of state, the buy illegal is ready, settlement runs alone. we only wrote to bait or school in the occupied with the bank, but no ton of sydney and students come here anymore. the palm of sydney and all sorts, he insisted the school clothes when the one goal is to begin because it is really secular tax. the school was built in 1953 these way. the settlements begin arriving
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25 years later. the children's outlook still hangs in in 2 carlos classrooms, abandoned a basketball court, where they used to play on the settlement will, is only meet is a way he's ready flag flies over nearby military base even today the lead, when i know we have never seen anything like this before is really subtle, is come to the nearby ministry check point. they throw stones, they stop cause and sometimes confiscate them in the past, the sub list of fraud stones at the students during sports classes. whatever it was play time, we faced a potential emergency situation. this is destroying the right to an education is really set low balance against palestinians and their property across the occupied west bank is dramatically increased since the hamas attacks on october the 7th, nearly $400.00 promised indians have been killed in his way the military rates hunting
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suspected members of the palestinian resistance, the school, the suffrage is a freight send it to me. they sion bite is really sick, lives living in an illegal is rarely settlement behind. that rule only meets is a way it is one of moving funds with schools that the palestinian authority say have been forced to close because of increased secular blinds since the war began. many of reopened, but 11, being forced to close in the last 2 weeks. many of the students from bait or had been moved to school across the valley, practice into overcrowded classrooms, within the suspicion facilities to accommodate even the basic needs. to have the teachers and students come into the classrooms. we can't use the lab to the science because we need to use that to teach other subject that it's a huge challenge for the children. and for us you can see the is where the
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settlement and the school which allow an estimate used to go to clearly from the office at hill. i can see a playground used by the israeli settlers, children over to soldiers golf, the nearby base. and these really minutes each of the flies above us has been filled. and levia did the ultimate in july i have had no choice but to take online lessons since the school was closed and struggles to focus on his arabic clause. the now here is the good, our school has great facilities. it has a big playground for sports. there's really good education there. the school we were moved to had no space for us at the beginning of the war, the soldiers used to come in front of our school gate. yes, it's safer there, but i hope we can go back to our main school one day. to mohammed sits with his nephew taking a geography lesson in another room. that was online learning is nothing compared to appropriate school education. there are so many distractions when they're studying
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at home. a palestinian children have had their education disrupted by as well as okey patient. but decades, the universal right of children like ultimate to learn and grow is on district like never before. it's all start for the late good in the occupied westbank, the place in paris. so the rest of at least 18 farm is when they attempted to block the main wholesale market and the vehicles were deployed in several locations. after several days of nationwide, protests, farmers have been looking roads to demonstrate against the recommendations. rising cost and cheap imports. some of the protests of being held in germany, belgium, covenant, and it's the head of a european leaders gathering. the books executive commission has proposed limiting
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from inputs from crane and listening some green regulations as well as emergency somebody is taking place in brussels on thursday. will be dominated by attempts to unlock $54000000000.00 in mitre 8 for you. credit hungry, vetoed to you in december. may. this was also discussed as well as were ongoing. is that your pain council president that charles michelle called for a 2 state solution a to the strip. the belgian prime minister said he'll raise those. your wife protests by farm is at the meeting. but that choice. so this is sexy general of the european movement international, a civil society network providing close. so you are in integration. you joins us live from brussels. now we appreciate your time. let me ask you 1st. we find that ukraine continues to be concerned about funding. what we're hungry is position be going forward using what will ukraine get? what it wants the prime minister has to be. not only things are
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still the ransom for months now and she doesn't have to be there. oh, and forgot the use of it as opposed to doing all the options to bypass the video. and, but unfortunately these kind of, this is only the found sort of a structure problem. what about the war on gulf? so that's what was the going to be an important topic. what issues will be on the agenda there to be you have had the difficulties coming up with a really fine position, especially because the huge sense is competence on for the security parties. easy. so leave is usually banking by your member stays the whole hour, that events and use on the water and other and as it is, honestly, you haven't been able to address it with you early orders that are certain elements
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that are already made or stable, especially a lot of the us be some line as a part of stadiums for, for decades now. so it has to be distracted. and this the, the increasing been to be also easily closing eaters to come out of the material here position. but again, here we see the structure, the diffusion susie and decision making of the liver, where the leaders, the human center is unable to hire a computer producer on site to show its crisis. so wide range of topics coming out to at the stomach, as we've mentioned, including farm is striking across europe. other likely to be any policy changes as a result. and that is really discussing about how the farm executives kind of is afforded to, you know, lee, you has to do some revolutionary purchases as
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organization in a base. so we do this time, which obviously office or the society and the executors, especially the fires was you know, is effective, is very sensitive to bios changes like these combined before we move warning grade . and there is a crisis that the, the, one of the class has been phasing in our designs is our photos from different, very bad kinds of sectors has indeed be under pressure or forget about the model. the, the by the goal storage is supporting the findings at the, in the, in utah and many measures. are there sure that the assignments or vice you or others, great wants to know just i'm, i'm farmers, but i think it's easiest in general for these types of climate change and the measures that we are in desperate need to have done. we might have an adverse
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effect on the sort of there. so what is the biggest thing are we will try to book the environment at the same time seating seasons. and in this case, farmers in particular for the cost of the forty's affidavit that petra so so that's so thanks very much for joining us. about a new crane, a swap. hundreds of soldiers rushed as defense ministry. so the countries each exchanged $195.00 prisoners before was the 1st swap since the russian metric signed it, coming at $65.00 ukrainian prisoners was down last week. around 50 summer exchange is helping bro could since the war began. international courts of justice has ruled that russia violate an antique terrorism treaty. they stopped short of awarding compensation to create and what brought the case of the series of major social media companies have testified before the us senate about
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child exportation on that platforms concerns are growing that they have repeatedly failed to protect miners report tables out the hearing shows cases of children being tricked to send explicit photos sold in america last year. let's see a lot is that the bed was put on the pressure to explain what measures the company had taken to protect children. this is why we're building all. what did you firewalls center that's i don't think that that's who did you fire? i'm not gonna answer that. i would use the fire. anybody. right? you didn't take any significant because it's appropriate to talk about it, but it's not a part of the decisions that didn't do, you know, who was sitting behind you. you've got families from across the nation whose children are either severely harmed or gone. and you don't think it's appropriate to take a talk about the steps that you took, the fact that you didn't fire single person. let me ask you this. let me ask you this that we have you compensated any of the victims, sorry. have you compensated any of the victim's eyes, girls?
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have you compensated them? i don't believe so by honda, it has more now from washington dc. republican lindsey graham of the senate judiciary committee, set the tone for the proceedings. he told the c o, this of the wilts, major online companies. you have blood on your hands. this was a theme picked up by other members of the committee during some times of style. questioning off the c os. they responded by saying that they had introduced safeguards into the platforms to prevent home to teams and children who use those particular platforms. but at one stage marks look at the at the c o off the meta was forced to confront some relatives of victims in the audience and apologize. let me ask you this. there's families of victims here today. have you apologize to the victims as i would you like to do so now? well,
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they're here. you're on national television. would you like now to apologize to the victims who have been harm, but you're not showing the pictures. would you like to apologize for what you've done to these good people? at issue is section to set up the communication side, which says that platforms cannot be held easy and comfortable for what is posted on them. this is something that the senate committee wants to change. my kind of, i'll just era washington pocket stones, full of prime minister in wrong count has been given a 2nd jail sentence within 24 hours. connor and his wife for the be received 14 years for corruption. on tuesday, he was given 10 years for the can state secrets to attend politician. he's already setting a 3 year sentence off to another conviction for corruption. the city 2 years since he was removed from office soft, amusing upon dimensions, vote of confidence. i said i had done that. i was just there in sports,
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just the city beat the next to keep up the pressure on the boat that's coming up next week. the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the software was full, know his peach care you. thank you so much. full time agent coupling is japan. they've reached the quote of finals with a comfortable $31.00 victory against ball rain. jim and nash was at altima stadium
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in doha for us, of the japanese fans what a good voice. yes, i'm dressed to impress as they headed to alton mamma stadium, hoping that he wouldn't be on the end of another shot results. barring support, as we're looking for this side to draw inspiration from a rocks unexpected victory of japan in the group stage. a big golf club, all right, and you can see asian cups, most successful team ranks, maybe 70 places above the it was japan, you made the break 3. so if you want me to send, say a mike of a short hit the price and ready to go on was asked to put in the re bounce demand wasted no time in the 2nd hoss answer because he said q by made it to nail a few minutes after the restock bahrain was creating much but found themselves back in a 2 bits with a bit of help from depends go, peep at zion's is the key. and i said, wait,
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wait. i made them in school that mix up. i'm not going off to go through the bar in pieces, legs to make you 31, which is how it finished japan, the premises in this tournament. so you are taught that great, but that is funding in the past that these friends can now look, fluids. the right towards the final, with the side remaining on track for a regular extending of 5th agent comp. title 7 asked out to 0 out the amount of stadium and japan will face the wrong in the cause of finals of today age serial. on penalties you're on have any fancy to women and they took the lead to a very it's have any penalty in the face. tough, vol. check syria. where would the penalty, you know, must have been screwed in the 63rd minutes and make it 11. so maybe he was sent to the to book of the fences the romance of adding a movie, extra time period with teen men. but serious miss basic and payments. while the runs for interface is they go through as say, look for
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a 1st asian cup titled for 48 the quota finals are now states and it opens with a match between subject, keystone and jordan on friday before a straight. if a south korea, as your contents been, it's been going proceed of a 1st title since 1916 been on saturday, iran faced japan. well hosts gotta take on who's becky stone. and this now looks in the african cup of nations. cool to find those 2 fixtures on friday as my gerry a face and go to the well the r c play, denny. i don't sense of the saturday, the host or an action before cape boot, place south africa, a little looking well placed to snatch back a 5 point lead at the top of the premium, the the county 31 up against chelsea digger. jonathan opened the scoring for connor bradley east 41st go for the red top side will be 5 points clear of mention besetti and also if it stays this way, i met just the said he made sure all that 5 point get by taking care of business
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again, certainly, who are managed by team assistant captain fence on company, it was not a pleasant good to into the full company. the ocean scene is woke up with a and birthday boy who young alvarez helped himself to embrace in a comprehensive, 31 waiting for 5th audio. this main robbery with the food for the english champions to a 2nd. and as it stands, 5 points behind a little pool, but with a gaming hands talk them have moved about best and violence are full. so they'd be brain for 3 to print for to community lead through new motor pay off to 15 minutes, then space school to quit goals, destiny de, makes it $11.00 before brandon johnson school, straight off. so the results were taught us and schooling. they said in the space of 8 minutes i've been so if you will receive a tough and take all 3 points, little pool captain vigil van dyke is me. well says he usefully committed to the club, despite concerns that he could leave at the end of the season. the announcement of head coach you can pups except last week,
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sparked concerns that some players could follow him out. the tool and the icon is 18 months left on his contract and when he was off the bodies feature, he said he was unsure, but he has insisted that it was taken out of context. it was a, a big announcement. obviously the last couple of days. it's been a shock to each one of us connected to the club, and i feel exactly what the friends i've been feeling and the exact moment then, you know, don't get it to us. i'm fully committed to the club and i love it. and i love each and every say i'm the captain, then we're going to go for it all spanish champions. barcelona, have close the gap at the top of lee good to each point. so these for the time being they are all ever a points behind top. so i didn't really know they felt our cattle and club. we take on the 2nd place, round madrid on thursday. boss's latest game produced, the one know when ever also suited substitute see to a real case with the only goal of the match. bad news for fans who were hoping to
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see christie on a rinaldo and leon. oh, macy go ahead. said in re add on thursday. for now though, is reportedly not available for the frame. the cup match between these on us aside, and missy's into miami, an injury to the portuguese, caused a friendly in china to be cancelled last week. may see, and right now there's rivalry became the stuff of legend. while the 2 were in league with boston loan and rheumatoid, respectively india, a confidence of drawing level in the taste series, as they prepared to face england in the 2nd says starting friday in the last, the 1st test in hyderabad, or being in a strong position to just the 4th tests they lost at home for 12 years. now, england will be hoping it won't be a repeat of a series in 2021, which sold them when the 1st test before using the series $31.00. yeah, it's been a lot of cds and hopefully i will also see that in here. so that means we are putting up more than the other team, isn't it? so these lots of conditions. it's doctor's going on, but i'm sure. does that,
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does it finally? absolutely. that's upside, and i have addition to this folder last week, so it'd be like say statements, what we do well and how come from that are suddenly not looking to find themselves a rolling mcelroy believes those players who defected to live golf should not be punished. and welcomed back to play on the pga tour. as far as i could always ride a cops, he made several hats and becoming the laser. stay to sign up for one of obviously i've changed my tune on that because i see where golf is. and i see that having a diminished pga tour and having a diminished lift or anything else is, is bad for both parties to foster that we can all get back together and start to play. and, you know, start to have, you know, the strongest feels possible. i think it's great for going. i'd like to win here and stand up with a trophy on the 18 green and know that i've beaten all of the best players in the world. and that's what we're supposed to see. so tonight, carrie pizza,
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thanks very much. indeed. that's it for this news that in a few moments it most at the bottom. and so you can catch up a lot more analysis era. took the statement, the hard hitting in to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by or die. suppose you've described that is better than that at any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block is different on it access, is he of the story on told to how does era when i asked him, did you think park club can hurt you? he said herbicides are supposed to kill plants, not people. yeah. and again,
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he's relying on the regulators right. and the companies to be telling him the truth . and so when the companies are not truthful and the regulators are lacks, in doing their jobs, people are put a risk and this is the end result. these cultures solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person and yourself and that person ensures. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dishes we want we want to break because the women and my country, they're not sweet to us. we are not. and neither ology, we are human beings on this earth to be treated equally. we are working in their
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thoughts, that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before, can be done. as long as a human being is doing, it's just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is clear as you do the the photo and carry johnston. this is a news lot from the coming up and the next step for this of palestinians found in a mass grave and a schoolyard is route, is accused of torturing the civilians before cutting them. israel seeds of con eunice is making it hard to treat the wounded hospitals that are set to run out of


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