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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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as far as the u. s. though is claiming they won't say revitalized ph take a vengeful control and goes off the wall. anything other than a week p a is not something is wrong with one's currently view. far as he is this week. as it as the past, it's getting weaker the dozens of bodies that palestinians are found in a mass grave and a schoolyard in northern gauze. israel is accused of torturing symphony ends before cleaning of the hello. i'm down, jordan, this is out of here a life and also coming up the largest health facility in southern guns that comes on the is randy at the top 1000. the sheltering that the un humanitarian chief appeals to wisdom conference to restore
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funding to unwrap, saying it's a live site that's moving. 3 quarters of governors population on the buses of 5 major tech companies on question to the us senate hearing about protecting children from online sexual exportation. news decomposing bodies and palestinians have been found dumped in a schoolyard in northern gauze that witnesses said the victims were blindfolded and tortured by is ready forces before they were killed. the bodies were then placed in plastic bags and there was power. god bless them, reports now from a rough and a warning. his report contains distressing images for the middle of this man, searching bags containing the bodies of palestinians who have been missing. what was the what taken away by his very sources. and now some of the remains of being discovered near how much in another way can cause no the,
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the as built, those assessed through the different sense of decade chose the doses of bodies have been don't you got to look that up? definitely with the thing, we were shocked to find a mass grave inside the school yard. were shocked to find the dead bodies. it was a palestinian civilians blindfolded in handcuff to the buck. the dead bodies were kept inside locked plastic bag, with a deep without a palestinian authority. is our calling for an investigation in our statements, the ministry of foreign affairs and expect her. you said the monster formation of an international field investigation team into the massacres. committed by the is the very occupation of the conditions of the missing and detained from the goal of this trip. the discovery of this mass of gray reflect the magnitude of the tragedy faced by palestinian civilians and serious violation of whole international lose.
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the discovery comes to the day off is read, returned 100 palestinian bodies for burial is roughly disliked and offering cars on the condition of these parties. ranges from severely decomposed to me. still to remain making gets hot to identify them. but people still come to the sites searching for clothes and displays of tragedy. tar. surprising. how did the rough rough in southern gauze? meanwhile, is there any strikes of targeted areas around hospitals and southern gaza? the national and medical complex, which of sheltering thousands of displaced palestinians has been on the siege for several days? honey must move to pull some, a rough and southern gauze. the, the area around north or medical complex in hon. unice has become a bottle of ground me to go,
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staff and their patients as well as displaced palestinians woke up to the sounds of gunfire. the inside the hospital, the doctors describe how desperate the situation is. no other than a couple of the, you know, football, we're no more than 5 or 6 doctors here at the emergency. each one of us is handling 10 cases at the same time. unfortunately, some patients died before we can help them. really forces have been bombarding the area around the hospital for days. most of the health of staff have less been team . salva, in half of my daughter has been wounded for a while now. and when we come asking for treatment, sometimes they tell us available and other times it's not. i'm not sure where to go or what to do. this rather intensive 5, it's been barred meant of hon. eunice palestinians continue to fleet south towards
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russell really strikes or not. they are only worried. rain is making living conditions in the cans for this place increasingly dangerous. some of the cans have been flooded and there is a major risk of a spread of diseases. taking more palestinian lives. many also phases tar vacation . hold on a 2nd. well the subject is really difficult. there is no water, no food. whatever that is available in the market is insanely expensive. many basic food items like flour and rice have vanished. is rose, war and garza so far has go nearly 27000 palestinians as a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu rose out of ceasefire proposal. palestinian civilians are left with nowhere to go anywhere more just as easy to cut off. this is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's working to free,
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the captives held him gauze, that body won't end the will what to secure the freedom. there's a lot of, there's a lot of media hype without if it's to secure the release of more days. so i would like to clarify who wishing to find another way to release out hostages, but i stories not at any cost. i have read lines including we will not in the war. we will not remove the army from the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. we're working all the time to release our duct, these and to achieve the goals of the goals, eliminating him off and ensuring that guys are no longer poses a threat. we're working to achieve all 3 goals together, and we will not give up on any of them. but i'm definitely with joins as live now from occupied east jerusalem, not having to. so benjamin netanyahu, the remaining defiant of his will, goes, what more did he have to say? these really prime minister doubling down and saying that the war is not going to end until an absolute victory. it's something he's been reiterating for nearly 4
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months. it comes as there's been mounting pressure on that's in yahoo, from the families of the captives from these really governments, specifically from within his own coalition. you have members of the far right, like you some are bend we're and best a small or it's known, ultra national as, but both ministers within these really government saying that they would leave the coalition if there was a deal that they considered on favorable to israel. and then you have the opposition who are fierce critics of nathan. yahoo! but the opposition leader. you're located, offering this. and y'all who essentially a safety net saying that he would join the government if it meant that there was a deal to bring back the captives benjamin netanyahu meeting with the families of the captive, saying that there are real efforts that are ongoing. but the more discreet they are, the more likely they are becoming successful. they don't want to reveal too much within the media. they don't want the leaks to get to out of hand,
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because then he feels the process won't be as successful. so the pressure just continuing to mount on these really prime minister. and meanwhile him, the israel spite. chief david bunny has been briefing the war cabinet. now, what more do you mean of the most odd shapes david barney is sitting in on a meeting with israel's war cabinet, essentially telling them about a 9 point plan, but he has come back with after meeting with mediators in your up this of course, according to is really media within the plan. it says that in the 1st phase of it, there would be a $35.00 day pause and an exchange there would be $35.00 captives who are released after that $35.00 day pause. there would be another week or so where they would discuss how they're going to release the remainder of the captives. the 2nd phase would include combat in that 1st space. we're looking at women and children, the elderly, and those who probably need medical care. but what wasn't addressed within this
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deal was how many palestinian prisoners would be released from israel and jails in exchange. it's something that has caused a lot of tension within these really governments. so as these talks and plans are ongoing, these really prime minister's office reiterating that there will not be major concessions given up by these really. all right, to have that sort of life as there and i'll keep by the eastern eastern. i'm done. thank you. so africa's foreign minister and the lady, pandora says, oh, state southern obligation to stop funding. i'm facilitating israel is met attractions and guns that it follows. a provisional routing by the international court of justice last week in the genocide case, file bias of africa against israel. the court ordered israel to take all steps and come to prevent its troops from committing acts of genocide against palestinians in gaza. miller as more from john his vote. so that's what is foreign minister now lady bundle reiterated south africa stones on the genocide in gaza saying that's
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all that africa could not be a partner to atrocities and is now looking at the international community to play. it's well, she says, the global community is facing a di lemme, and that it's up to the international community to compel states like is relevant, especially following the ruling by the international court of justice to compel as well to abide by that order to stop the killing to provide humanitarian aid such a need not to prevent it. so she has said to this other free guys, done everything it can and as also remained fun in that stones. but now it's up to bodies like the united nations, essentially for reform, saying that this can't be about simply monitoring such incidents or monitoring such rulings. but also enforcing that these readings are abided by. she is also drawing attention to, to the genocide convention,
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saying that the convention was designed specifically to protect the vulnerable and she spoke specifically about the holocaust saying people who were affected by the holocaust. she says how the african believes are now perpetrating genocide themselves. she's also updated so that we can specifically around what south africa will do next. in terms of its opposition to the genocide in gaza. it will provide additional submissions to the i c, j. she says in line with israel and having to submit its own reports within 30 days so that africa will provide additional submissions. and she says that would include a new evidence from the time that the i, c. j gave its ruling. but you and humanitarian chief is told, the security council of 8 the gaza is still being blocked. mountain griffith says it's vital to unreal continues. it's what the ability of the monitoring community
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to reach the people of guys or with relief remains grossly inadequate. then to say it's crushed, inadequate, as, as it says here, is grossly inadequate. it's much, much more difficult unless you're a security council. it has convened to discuss last week's international court of justice, ruining that israel must prevent acts of genocide and it's war and gaza. a different logic editor james base has moved from the united nation. for the 1st time, the security council convene to discuss last week's interim ruling by the international court of justice is on the on garza this meeting requested by the arab nation on the council. oh jerry, yeah, good luck or not. it is crucial to achieve a ceasefire immediately to those that oppose that cease fire must ask questions of their conscience efforts to get a resolution calling for an immediate c spa had repeatedly been blocked by one of the security council's permanent members. the us itself,
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by so that made it clear that the i c j decision to won't change that position. we must be honest about what the court did, not order. specifically, it has not ordered an immediate cease fire. it has not made any finding that this preliminary phase of the proceedings that israel committed genocide or otherwise violated the genocide convention. and indeed the united states continues to believe that such allegations are unfounded. israel's deputy ambassador when further claiming the case against his country, which was brought by south africa, the ice c, j was outrageous and false. but all the country sort very differently. the chinese and bass of the told me the court's rulings were clear, but could only be put in place if there was the spot with everything they uh, to uh, place those goes a ceasefire is a precondition is some aust,
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that's watch. we also believe district credit console should do among the provisional load is made by the international court of justice, a call to scale of humanitarian aid for garza, but that's not happening. the u. n's top humanitarian official told the security council, the suffering is only getting worse with israel frequently blocking the entry of much needed items into casa, james bay's, which is 0 of the united nations. went on and we spent democracy on go. but the editor in chief of you in dispatch, that's a blog which office may use an opinion about that you read them global affairs. he says the reason for this meeting was to compel israel to abide by the icy general in the international court of justice. its rulings are intended to be binding, but it doesn't really have any way of enforcing its rolling so countries can simply opt to ignore it without much consequence. the idea behind this meeting that was called by algeria was to provide some political momentum to in
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a way compel israel to abide by this ruling. but as the previous segment indicated, the ruling was interpreted in different ways by different member states, including the united states who explicitly noted that the ruling did not call for a cease fire. so it really didn't change much of the diplomatic dynamics that we've been seeing at the security council for the last several months now. they've been more confrontations between his rating police and protest us that'd be cut on both southern border crossing the protest as tried to prevent aid trucks from entering guns demonstrate as gather the again, despite the recent announcement, buys ready for us is there is now a closed ministry zone, for just to say no humanitarian agent enter garza until the captives. however, i released so many displaced families across gauze are struggling to survive with little aid coming into the rough, a border crossing charging groups,
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trying to help with basic food items for families. muhammad ahmed reports from northern gaza. no, no, if you had done this really wrong cause it continues. the north of god says under seed, no release, it has been delivered to the people here hold on. even one, some 8 is handed out. these really forces to target and kill innocent civilians lining up for food. we have all witness what happened in alco await square. here comes a rule for the charity and relief agency to play, including the algerian alberto. society must have been that magazine. we are trying to lend to helping hands to more than 4000 families trapped in the north of the gaza strip. we have partnered with other child to agencies to prepare those food packages. so this is the walk of child to organizations. and evelyn individuals. we've been doing this since the beginning of the war, and one of the, well, i let me jump me around the zone totally besieged northern parts of the gospel strip is on the verge of funding. this is a real tight, real suffering real pain. despite these various relentless bon bonded wheels
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bearing no efforts hunting out hot meals, buying and distributing basic food items. as you can see, i repeat, aside from israel's massless selling the northern part of the gulf, this trip is hunger stricken the city and said, i mean this is the message of charity workers here in the north of gaza strip, which has been reeling under rootless shelling and a tight siege as israel's war and gaza continues. the north is on the verge of a family and with no hope of any relief, aid being delivered to the hungry stricken part of the strip. how much the, the most, what's, what's coming here and i'll just say we're including there's hundreds of people right here. outside of the many believe that the president would only make words we report from when desire is where controversial economic reforms being debated more and spend the
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the brought to you by visit capital. and they might be one day's relief from what's been fed. the cold weather in the northeast, the us new yorks up to 9 degrees. this code is going to come back down again and watched her on the face temperature. griffin full to 0 at the same time, down the pacific coast. ready to spread over then to mexico. i've a lot of times just back here, bring at snow to the rockies and the cascades. you'll notice, but the co incident phase rolls fairly massive, wants to british columbia. we've had recently reco breaking terms using one or 2 islands in the caribbean. that might be repeatable. because the breeze is very license, the environment rain seems like to be enhanced in costa rica and, and panama. unless indeed home depot. so you'll notice that i wanted to share. i was in mexico. 19 degrees, only mexico city, heavier sheriffs, in south america. of course, the land slot in per day. a lot of this rating will be welcomed because it's
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a driving good part of amazon. yeah. and your mission is from colombia all the way down to societies to preserve the potential these orange top share was means flash . nothing has been some of the southeastern resume as well. but sounds about it's quite whole, particularly in central know, imagine tina and power guar. i think we'll see a century ago about 40. the same time by a blanket is a bite to go down below 40 is the wind changes, direction we dropped to a rock more reasonable. 28 to the quote to you by visit castle. oil rich, your rock is facing a crisis and a final bike to results water as dams built by its upstream neighbors, restrict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate do the situation. now when regions were settled funding 1st, image pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was part to of to on
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a jersey to the the welcome back and watching. i'll just share a quick reminder about top stories here at this hour. at least 30 bodies have been found dumped inside of school yard live in the nation. the hospital in northern johnson, which is the side of the bodies of those a palace to me and sydney ends to execute buys, waiting for 25 minutes to opinion. i mentioned young sans, who was making every effort to feed the cup to sell gonzalez'. fremont in the war to secure their freedom now has been nonsense, it's fine. terms of attack 3 is really ministry. sites me, 11 on the southern border. the strikes followed his ready planes launching 3 rates
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early on wednesday, between the towns of hunting and a tv in southern lebanon. the time of the other one was also struck by i'm inside the us envoy involved in trying to prevent a big conflict between israel and 11 on says there's still a window for diplomacy as well as been threatening without war if has been on, doesn't pull back from the border, but as they know how to report some bad route, the lebanese on group has been sending messages over time. showcasing its capabilities, hezbollah appears to be sending messages of to terence, as, as well, threatens all out for this video is set to show a position guided miss. so striking what the lebanese arm group says was in his really surveillance don't at an army post on the border as well as also firing other explosive missiles as across the board are fighting triggered by, as well as we're on garza escalates. it's been targeting military sites, a few kilometers inside as well. we won't you against turning you aggression
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toward lebanon. because what a way to our grades, if you only felt the partial power organization, then in or out will you lou taste of full power. we are well prepared for who is really the army also says it is prepared for a full blown more recent war games in northern as well also involved simulated facing in urban areas and in the winter weather all the while this really army has been increasing the intensity of its attacks on hezbollah and it's infrastructure in southern lebanon. but a u. s. envoy involved in trying to prevent a bigger conflict, says there's still a window for diplomacy, aimless huston says he will likely head back soon to beta and tell him to work on 1st association of possibilities that will allow people on both sides of the border to return home and then a more last spring solution be on
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a ceasefire that would involve a beast of presence of lebanese army troops in southern lebanon, and the d. mark cation of the land border. it has below, has tied this front to a permanent ceasefire in garza, and that's why diplomacy and military action have failed to push its forces away from the border. they actually have to use the expedition to pressure people his government as a beloved, less of that. the last to capable away from, from the board as well as maintaining event. uh uh, the war of the slides because she announced before we move forward. so i think this is the prologic pressure pressure for both sides, but it doesn't seem that any of them is interested in a in the construct at this point. for now is ross focus appears to be eliminating what is calls the threat. and so there is nothing on there as rosita, they wrote the
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book of some other world news now on politicians in argentine now debating a controversial economic reform bill or just as a gathering outside congress to oppose it. this was a scene uh just a few moments ago where police were pet, the spring demonstrate, as soon as a boat has multiple designers. i think when it goes past people are getting seen as far right. residents probably gonna be ladies on going right now in the country. congress being debated what is known as the labels to be a bill that the precedence has cleared from the original bill had a wrong $600.00. but the president had to make lots of inspection. i mean, we broke down we 118. there's an issue concerning the private party station of state companies. modern nice being x notation
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b was among many other things. i didn't see anything that made me cry to be patient rate. in december 1. we negotiating an agreement of $40000000000.00 with international monetary fund on the whole, stay with the measures to bring down that deficit. there's hundreds of people right here outside of congress, with many believe that the president would only towards the one the one to sell out natural resources, reduce labor rights to of existing knowledge and t for decades. so to salary increases on our right to strike completely around in order to prevent those from getting. 6 lead up to this that is expected 4050 hours if it
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is, it has been expected to head to the senate, probably had him in the face of b, realty economic situation in the country. however, many of the people that i've gathered here today with their situation with only get more a police in paris, the rest of that least 18 farm is when they attempted to block the main wholesale market. and vehicles are deployed in several locations of to days of nationwide protests, farmers up and blocking roads to demonstrate against you regulations. rising costs on cheap imports. some of the protests 7 held in germany, belgium, poland, and it was russia and ukraine that'd be swept around $200.00 prisoners of war. it was the 1st one since a russian miniature plane was shot down last week, which moscow says was carrying $65.00 ukrainian presidents around 50. similar
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exchanges have been pro good since the war began. most miniature government has extended the country state of emergency for another 6 months. it comes on the 3rd anniversary of screws, which brought the ministry to power. meanwhile, neighboring china is trying to de escalate the tensions between the army and rebels . it's border with me in my katrina, you reports in the town of really on china is a south west and bought it with me in law in the streets of really in china, south west or quiet. but the piece of the city has been routinely broken by conflict across the board and me and my developer groups are to the ruling military june to stray artillery shells have ended. chinese people here, prompting homes to be evacuated, and to shut down of schools and businesses senior man and also a deep worry about our safety and cut. but i felt better obviously, industries, few with the petroleum chinese soldiers. and would you be a quick one year and i am very sorry about what is happening me and my now i've
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hired the by me, is very pleased to work a mattress time to because i paid to them because i knew that most military leaders have been shunned buying then west, some countries since seizing pallet and february 2021. the china has acknowledged the doing to the official government, providing it with crucial economic support as me and my 2nd largest for an investor of the single pool. the 2 countries. yeah, a 2100 kilometer border and yeah, and what is strategically important for china? providing energy and transportation cordele is to the indian ocean. they don't want to disarrayed state, they don't want of refugees poring over from that side. they don't want fighting coming into china. the china is leadership does not exclusively deal with the military. the problem of criminal gags, operating online, scabs targeting chinese people, has pushed aging closer to rebel forces. gains were only removed off the rebel alliance known as the 3 brotherhood defeated the military and took control of me in
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most northern co kind region. in october. the gang leaders were handed over to chinese police on tuesday. i don't think the me, i'm are raising sold coming. i don't think they understood how important this was for china. and they were slow to react. so i'm, i think that due to noise china phasing must've known the brother who was preparing to these facts. china recently broken a ceasefire between the rebel alliance and the military regime. but sporadic slicing has continued. china is using it for me on most of the 3 on the level 2. but i'm going to say it's into it is limited staging, maybe doing what every tons protect its interest along the border, but it will not be able to achieve long term piece. 3 out of 0 really says a non china chief executive officer is of major tech company is a face tough questions from us sentences about child expectation on their platforms . they're accused of not protecting minors from abuse online. i'll just,
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it was my kind of report from washington dc. some families of victims up on line abuse where we're at the hearing and can met us e o. mark soak a bug was forced to place them or would you like to apologize for what you've done to these good people in charge? through the apology, youtube, as it was, was made earlier, each of the tech fee owes expressed concern for what they termed abuse of the platforms together, but insisted they took stringent measures to prevent tom to young use of the savior . we make it very difficult for, for predators to find teams on snapchat. direct messaging is not available to any uses under the age of 16. i know you don't mean it to be so, but you have blood on your hands, you have a product, you have a product that's killing them as broad specific instances.


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