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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2024 4:00am-4:31am AST

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air vehicles south korea's answer to the air test. it's 1st public test flight marks, a mountain of source for the country. that's gaming to launch the flying taxi's as early as a year 2025. the . the bodies of dozens of palestinians. i found that i'm mass gray, even a school young israel is accused of torturing the civilians with locating the the hello am dire in jordan, this is out. is there a life? and also coming out the, the largest health facility and southern guns that comes on the is ran the attacks 1000 and sheltering, the fear for their lives. the ability of the mentoring community to reach the
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people have guzman with relief, remains gross, inadequate colfey as well to allow more aid into the cause of the u. n. c. military and cheap says trucks and supplies are being turned away. you have a product that's killing p tech johns in the us on the fire for not doing enough to protect children from online abuse. the . the decomposing bodies of dozens of palestinians have been found dumped in a schoolyard in northern gauze. witnesses say the victims were blindfolded and torch, advise ready forces before they were killed. the bodies were then placed in plastic bags, darted. god bless you and report some rough on a warning. his report contains distressing images a little of this man. searching bags containing the bodies of palestinians who have been missing. what was the,
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what taken away by his very sources. and now some of the remains of being discovered near how much clearer, in another way can cause. no, that's just as built. those assessed through the different sense of decade chose the doses of the parties have been don't you got to look that up? definitely. with that, i think we were shocked to find a mass grave inside the school yard. were shocked to find the dead bodies. it was a palestinian civilians blindfolded in handcuffs to the buck. the dead bodies were kept inside block bostic bout with a deep without a palestinian authority. is our calling for an investigation in our statements, the ministry or for an offense and expect what you said. the monster formation of an international field investigation team into the mastic has committed by the use of the occupation and the conditions of the missing and detained from the goal is
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to strip. the discovery of this mass of gray reflect the magnitude of the tragedy. faced by palestinian civilians and serious violation of 4 international loves. the discovery comes of just a day off that is read returned. 100 kind of thing in buddies for burial is roughly just like and offering cars on the condition of these parties. ranges of from severely decomposed to me skills are, remains making, gets hot item to find them. people still come to the site, searching foreclosure in this place of the tragedy, the tar. so by soon i will just the rough, rough in southern gauze. you know, it is really strong stuff, targeted areas around hospitals in southern because of the nice and medical complex . we just shall drink. thousands of just based palestinians has been under siege for several days. of 0 is how the mock moved to pull some rough in southern gospel . the the area around
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north or medical complex and fun. eunice has become a bottle of ground medical staff and their patients as well as displaced palestinians, woke up to the sounds of gunfire the inside the hospital. the doctors describe how desperate the situation is. no other than a couple of the, you know, football, we're no more than 5 or 6 doctors here at the emergency. each one of us is handling 10 cases at the same time. unfortunately, some patients died before we can help them. really forces have been bombarding the area around the hospital for days. most of the health of staff have less been team . salva, in half of my daughter has been wounded for awhile now. and when we come asking for treatment, sometimes they tell us available and other times it's not. i'm not sure where to go
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or what to do. this rather intensive 5, it's been bartman of hon. eunice palestinians continue to fleet south towards russell really strikes or not. they are only worried. rain is making living conditions in the cans for this place increasingly dangerous. some of the cans have been flooded and there is a major risk of a spread of diseases taking more palestinian life to many also phases tar visa. hold on a 2nd while the subject is really difficult. there is no water, no food. whatever that is available in the market is insanely expensive. many basic food items like flour and rice have vanished. is rose. war and garza so far has go nearly 27000 palestinians as a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu rose out of ceasefire proposal. palestinian
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civilians are left with nowhere to go. any more. i just gotta cut off the fine ticket in southern gauze as making it difficult for paramedics to do that . jobs ambulance is apt across in battle ground. so reach the dead and injured palestinians. last name. her son is the head of the emergency unit at nasa hospital . and han, eunice, he says his crews are taking extreme risk to try to save lives. how will that i'm so far? yeah, we always mean definitely image. i'm not, well that they've been most of the in was tried to, i mean hobbled opinion is to be 2nd. government grandmother died as little as all here, all saw, but you don't have the names of brain and the idea. so you're on a will see that the fun sure. i live in michigan. yeah. looks like it should be in the manufacturing session with specialists as i'm up a be if there's you know, some heavy minutes of signing the front end of them. i mean,
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let me see what was nice, how do you see the i need to initialize. yeah. and then how, when it's off for my, for an hour, i'm called the desk and i didn't see all because most of our like and then as of it especially that i didn't mean. yeah, sure. yeah. i don't know if i'll be one for funny little such but yeah. do mid up in with such a i to do better my size and i, i do we what do minutes? yeah, i mean, i didn't see off in this off was to shoot and i didn't move above and this off the numbers. it says yes little by little piece. it got to look like a height and then the measuring just a bunch of numbers. the next i oh the, the there was somebody who can't even the
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to the you in 2 minutes here of you and chief is told the security council of a to guns that is still being blocked. mountain griffith says it's vital that the human agency for palestine continues just with the warning comes off, the sample of wisdom, country suspended the funding to unrest. they took that decision in the following. israel's accusations that a small number of unrest off to bottom the attacks on october 7th. the ability of the monitoring community to reach the people of guys or with relief remains grossly inadequate. then to say it's grossly inadequate. as it says here, is grossly inadequate. it's much, much more difficult than that. and you, in a 2nd, a general, i'm telling you a good tax also on the line, the importance of on the is the backbone volume and it didn't respond. so you can cause i appeal to all member states to get into the continued t as owned was life saving, work. excellence is the meditating the system. and you guys collapsing may seem to
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be concerned by the new main conditions. faced by guys was 2200000 people as they struggled with survive without any of the basics. everybody, not in godaddy's hungry, while also a 1000000 grapple with catastrophic levels of food insecurity. c. i called for a rep, it's safe. that means that it expanded and sustained the manufactured and excess throughout the 1000 automatic editor james base has blown out from you and headquarters in new york. the oldest top officials, the u. n. from the sector general down was a now calling for a see saw what was interesting is that we've had the 1st meeting of the security council to discuss the situation since that ruling of the international court of justice that happened in the hague. on friday, was that going to help push things towards a seesaw push things of the security council has been divided in the us to be prepared to use it's vito on this issue to block is the spa wasn't going to change
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things on the, the, the, the the having watch the whole security council meeting, what has happened to me is yes, you have a ruling from the international court of justice that says that israel must stop doing things that could amount to breaches of the genocide convention. and yet the different members of the security council of old views of the international court of justice is rulings. it's entering meshes provisional measures in different ways . and the us certainly is saying that it doesn't feel that the rulings of the international cause of justice, amount to a call for an agency spa, all the countries sorted very differently. russia, particularly china said, know if you're going to follow what the international court of justice has ruled, then it's a prerequisite for those things to be put in place to have a c spa. so we have a situation where again, this division on the security council, this time division on what the international court of justice means. and it's
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rulings which i'm afraid means with no closer to a cease file regarding the un process. 7 more confrontations between his writing police and protest us because southern border crossing protest as tried to prevent a truck from entering gaza demonstrate as gather bear again, despite the recent announcement, buys ready for us, is that the error is now a closed ministry zone, which has to say no humanitarian agent enter gaza until the captives health as relates or is there any prime minister? benjamin netanyahu says he's working to free those captives held in gaza, but that he won't end the war to secure the freedom of the fluid joins us live now from occupied east jerusalem honda. so benjamin netanyahu remaining defiant over his will goes just as a spite chief, has been briefing the war cabinet on a possible deal. these really prime ministers speaking tonight saying that while these really are interested in obtaining a deal to bring back the captives, there are red lines. he says,
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these really military will not be withdrawing from gaza. the war will not. and, and the thousands of palestinian prisoners will not be released from is really jails. it comes as the most san chief sat in on a meeting with israel's war cabinet, briefing them on the 9 point outline from mediators about a potential deal to bring back the captives. this, as reported in is really media. it would be in multiple phases. the 1st of those spaces, a 35 day pause in the fighting and exchange for 35 captives. that phase would see women, children, elderly and anyone who needs medical care. those would be the types of captives released at the 1st phase. now, after those initial $35.00 days, there will be around a week pause to reassess how the other captives are going to be released, how many post indian prisoners in exchange, and that 2nd phase would include combatants,
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meaning is really soldiers. there are still no details about how many palestinian prisoners would be released, but again, he is really prime minister, has reiterated that he will not be releasing thousands of them. but it comes as his office has also said that these realize will not be giving up major concessions in exchange for a deal. something that the families of the captives will surely be disappointed with because they have been tweeting with these really government to give up anything necessary to bring back their loved ones. yeah, and i'm the netanyahu seems to be on the growing pressure from a number of different directions. how's the responding to that to a number of different directions is exactly right. and that's in yahoo, under pressure from the families of the captives who he actually met with last night, telling them that there are concrete steps toward securing a deal. but the more that it is discrete, the more likely it is to succeed again, they've been increasingly frustrated with him. that's and you all whose numbers
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remember, have never been lower in a poll. conducted by is really media show that if elections were held today, as an yahoo would only get around 23 percent support, meaning that he wouldn't be the prime minister, but also attention from the right wing who are threatening to leave the government . if these really is enter a deal that is not favorable to them, one, they would consider bad. so pressure just continuing to mount on this and yahoo. all right, i'm just sort of live there for us who knocked about east jerusalem. i'm definitely cute. as belongs as fighters, the website 3 is randy, military sites, man, lebanon, southern border. the stripes come off to is ray, the plains north. 3 raids earlier on wednesday between the towns of hunting and teary in southern lebanon. the town of your router was also struck by miss off humans who are things that i talk to much and ship and the gulf of aidan successful was reportedly targeted. but the marseilles south west of the port, the i'm group say the attacks on ships in the red sea in response to israel's miniature operations in johnson. well,
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the many of the many armed forces continue to provide support. i'm sort of darcy with that brothers in the cause of stripping by blocking is really a navigation. all those heading to or part time assuming pull in the red under region, sees not until food and medicine are allowed to have of. the many armed forces will confront the american british escalation with escalations and will not hesitate to carry out the comprehensive affected military operations in retaliation to any british american foolishness. against the beloved demon top, i shall break here and i'll just ere i, when we come back there's lots of people right here outside of work with many believe that the only word we report from the origin time capital with controversial economic reforms being debated, more or less stay with us the,
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the weather brought to you by visit capital and they might be one day's relief from what's been fed. the cold weather in the northeast, the us new yorks up to 9 degrees. this code is going to come back down again and watched her on the face tempt you, go from 4 to 0. at the same time, down the pacific coast range and spread over then to mexico. have a lot more time. she's back here. bring at snow to the rockies and the cascades. you'll notice. but the co, incidentally, schools, fairly massive, wants to british columbia. we've had recently reco breaking terms using one or 2 islands in the caribbean. that might be repeatable because the breezes very license, the environment. rain seems like to be enhanced in costa rica and, and panama. unless indeed, whole new york city on notice. and i wanted to share, i was in mexico. 19 degrees, only mexico city, heavier housing and south america. of course, the land slot in per day. a lot of this writing will be welcomed because it's
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a driving good part of amazon. yeah. and your interest in columbia all the way down to the southeast to preserve the potential these orange top share was means flash. nothing has been some of the southeastern resort as well, but the size of that is quite whole, particularly in central know, imagine tina and power guar i think was the since you and go about 40. the same time by your blanket is about to go down below 40 is the wind changes, direction we dropped to a rock more reasonable. 28. the weather brought to you by visit castle. this is the 1st genocide that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking and raise. the listening post
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covers how the news is covered. the welcome back. you want, you know, just a record to mind about top stories here. this of at least the bounty bodies have been found dumped inside of school yard, mid indonesian hospital in northern garza. witnesses say the bodies are those of palestinian civilians who execute advise ready for 625 minutes. the benjamin netanyahu says he's making every effort to free. the captives held him guns up, but he won't end the war to secure their freedom. that's in the do you want to move the army from gaza or release thousands of palestinians prisoners on the human security council as meant to discuss last week's routing by the international court of justice of israel must prevent acts of genocide use. and that's what made it
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clear that the i c j decision when stuff washington from blocking calls for a ceasefire. for south africa's ambassador to the un says countries about helping is read and it's one, gaza. now at risk of complicity for genocide, said states. and now a notice of the existence of a series of genocide against the police to and people in gaza. a z must therefore, also independently and immediately to prevent genocide by is for you and to ensure that they are not themselves in violation of the genocide convention, including by 18. 0, assisting. in the commission of genocide and south africa's foreign minister melody, pandora says, all states have an obligation to stop funding and facilitating israel minutes reactions in gaza. it follows
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a provisional routing by the international court of justice last week. in the genocide case, followed by south africa against israel, the code of israel to take all steps, it can to prevent its troops from committing acts of genocide against public demands in gaza. smell. in the month since the wind gauze have begun, infrastructure including schools have regularly been targeted across the street. in category reports, i understand that refugee come in central gossip since october school is in the cause of surgery. cape house in charge of to thousands of hundreds of prep teaching from different areas across is the cause of truth. i'm currently standing on the rubber over i do bus here in the se. surrounding this school is a mosque, other owner of a schools, a clinic, and a lot of houses. this school became locked into the grounds. it's completely flat into the ground nothings left. we see some chairs,
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some desks, some books, but this is the only thing we see left more than 625 policy means students have been prevented from education since the beginning of the war, according to new uh, thousands of educational universities and schools have been also born in different areas across of the cost of we're talking about $2.00 of the main and biggest universities in the gaza strip, which are us had and the islamic university in gaza. as you see the, the school. this is sticking to another owner was schools where the school has refugees and people that shows our shirt sheltering in this hospital yesterday night at 9 p. m. this school was targeted. we're talking about at least 10 injuries from the people surrounding this school were transferred to
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a hospital, people who took shelter in this school, evacuated after that is where the forces ask them to do that weeks. so it a couple of weeks ago. this is not the only school that has been targeted by the is where the forces were talking about thousands of other schools that were also bombed by that is where the forces schools in the gaza strip are not on the schools . there shelters and graveyards. this is in the pull the data and the say dropped refuge account the spring, some of the world news now, and the international court of justice has ruled russia violated an empty terrorism treaty, but it did not a word compensation to ukraine, which filed the case. i'll just say i was real mcbride as more from ukrainian
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capital. the best been mixed responses here in keys to what seemed as mixed rulings from the international court of justice to a series of that complaints brought by ukraine against russia for the way it has acted in the territories it's occupied, including, of course, try me as since 2014, there was a partial waiting for ukraine with the i. c. j. a finding the russia did not properly investigate the funding of a separatist in the east of the country as it was supposed to have done with its obligations on the various international laws governing the financing of terrorism . but the i, c. j stopped short of demanding a compensation for that action, which is a disappointment here in ukraine of the i. c. j also refusing to blame russia for the downing of m. 817. the malaysian outlines jet over ukraine, which ukraine had brought saying that they was clear evidence from international
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investigators and from ukraine itself that rushing back separate as well to blame using they say a russian that supplied miss out the i. c. j also rejected other claims of discrimination against s, nick tacos, and ukrainians in the occupied crime in peninsula with ukraine. of course, claiming that russia has sits systematically conducted a policy of discrimination in the antics crime may have since it to cobra in 2014 rub mcbride. i'll just say era keith step in protest outside of congress analogy and tina, that's politicians debates a controversial economic reform bill. police use pepper spray to tragically hundreds of demonstrators. trade unions cold for the mocked against the task. economic measures announced by the president of the leg teresa, but it was not the protest in the capital, but desirous a very long session in congress with that'd be based on going back to glass within
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40 and 50 hours. that phone calls all nibble's be of by elected president, have you ever made, was hoping to use it to transform argentina or that's what it said. political situation outside congress is completely different. hundreds of people, especially from left when groups have gathered near, surrounded congress and they're being pushed away by the police not being allowed close to the building. there's hundreds of security forces that deployed all around this area. the omnibus bill, initially had $600.00, is off meant to transform argentina, the economy. that's what the president says initially. also, the president had somebody lots of concessions to other political parties to guarantee that this no, he's going to pass. it's meant, for example, to assess the presidency to privatize state companies, to modernize the x notation of both of us. however, many of the people that i've got are here today are saying that that is going to hurt the environment is going to hard workers, right?
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among the other thing, gardens united in the middle of an economic crisis. december's inflation rate was over 25 percent since we negotiating a debt with the international monetary fund. the government is saying that it was implemented security measures to reduce the deficit in this country. but people here are, we were really concerned about the economic situation. they say that the price is a few of the prices of electricity that everything is going up, the big cannot make ends meet. however, the president is saying that this set of loans that are being debated are necessary to improve the economic situation. he believes that in a few months, the situation in argentina is going to start to improve people on the streets that are protesting. behind this police officers are saying that that's not true. they do not believe in something like that. they believe the videos are going to hurt people like them very so as i said, i want to tell you this. the people in haiti are demonstrating over the surgeon,
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crime and kennings in the country for just as, according on the government to move, to reduce the violence which has displaced more than 300000 people. the people of haiti are tied for misery as a separate the residents con. take it any area, has gains hoops nanda and destroyed people's lives today. we say it's a vessel for the revolution is possible, but you can't government just publish details of a deal that looks at to restore the power sharing government in northern island. it does away with many of the posts for exit, trade checks that unit. so want to preserve know the mountains pace in the united kingdom, opposed to 0. sorry for that report from belfast. as in belfast on wednesday, northern islands prospective new 1st minister. the 1st to come from should feign which one. so united ireland said she was ready to get down to the business of
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government. i welcome the fact that we're going to have an executive up and running . and i am off to leslie up for the task of laden thought executive to work with all the executive parties. right. not terrible, and delivered on the things that really matter to pay for. the power sharing government is being dormant for nearly 2 years. also, the democratic unionist party pulled out the posts for exit trading rules. they said undermined moving islands place in the united kingdom by quick statement on the islands, executive formation in westminster. the details of the deal that brought them back on the side with being spelled out by the british government by releasing more than $4000000000.00 worth of public spending. as we move forward swiftly to give effect truck commitments. i now urge the policies to do the same thing, electrifying the speaker of to no longer assembly to re post on so much alexis, less than tech, to 1st minister, and a point new ministers to the executive. the deal will allow all good ship from great britain and designated to remain in northern ireland to enter without any checks addressing some union. this concerns the northern ireland was being treated
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differently from the rest of the case single market. the reception is broadly being one of welcome release of to so long without a functioning government and with failing public services. that is looking for them to put money back in people's products again and helping all of the services. the health services a joke. um, 1st of all, um there's like in the southern or homes doing nothing. so i'm getting covered through all the perennial divisions. here there is something approaching consensus on the restoration of developed government as of a late last year suggested more than 70 percent of people across political divides were in favor of it for now that red thing and no is not as politics, optimism prevails. it may not exactly be a brand new, don't moving on, just had it share a false ones in the past, but it is at least a return to profit covenants for nearly 2000000 people. i suppose it, i'll just 0 so fast. the chief executive officer, as of major tech company, is a face tough questions from us senators about child exploitation on that platforms
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. they're accused of not projecting mine is from abuse online august. there was mike kind of reports from washington, dc, some families of victims of online abuse where we're at the hearing and can met us e o. mugs took a book, what's supposed to place them, or would you like to apologize for what you've done to these good people and search through the apology, youtube, as it was, was made earlier, each of the tech fee owes expressed concern for what they termed abuse of the platforms together but insisted they took stringent measures to prevent tom. we 2 young use of the savior. we make it very difficult for, for predators to find teams on snapchat. direct messaging is not available to any uses under the age of 16. i know you don't mean it to be so, but you have blood on your hands, you have a product you have.


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