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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the the, the the bodies of dozens of palestinians are found in a mass grave in a schoolyard, and gossip is man, is accused of torturing the civilians before killing them. the hello i'm down in jordan, this is out. is there a life and also coming up israel's 5 minutes just as he went in the war in order to free the captives elvin johnson. the ability of the mentoring community to reach the people of god service relief remains grossly inadequate. a cool israel
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to allow more aiden to gauze up to you in a few minutes. harring. she says the trucks with supplies being turned away and classrooms abandoned. then school shut down. we'll tell you how the one goes as destroying the rights education for palestinian children in the oxide west. the . the decomposing bodies of dozens of palestinians have been found dumped in a school yard in northern gaza. witnesses save the victims were blindfolded and torch. advise ready forces before they were killed. the bodies were then placed in plastic bags just there was power, god was report some rough uh and a warning is report contains distressing images. the slow, no middle of this man searching bags containing the bodies of palestinians who have been missing. what was the, what taken away by his very sources. and now some of the remains of being
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discovered near how much in another way can cause no, there's just as built, those assessed through the different sense of decade chose the doses of bodies have been don't you got to look that up? definitely with the thing, we were shocked to find a mass grave inside the school yards. were shocked to find the dead bodies. it was a palestinian civilians blindfolded in handcuff to the buck. the dead bodies were kept inside locked spastic about with a deep without a palestinian authority. is our calling for an investigation in our statements, the ministry of foreign affairs and expect her. you said the monster formation of an international field investigation team into the mexico's committed by the use of the occupation of the conditions of the missing and detained from the goal of this trip. the discovery of this mass of gray reflect the magnitude of the tragedy faced
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by palestinian civilians and serious violation of 4 international loves. the discovery comes to us, the day off is read, returned 100 palestinian bodies for very little drop off dislike and offering cars on the condition of these parties ranges are from severely decomposed to me. still to remain making gets hot item to find them. people still come to the sites, searching for clothes in display of the tragedy tarka. by soon i will just the rough, rough and southern gauze of the world health organization says the intense fight to get an hon. eunice is hampering efforts to deliver supplies to hospitals. the w h o repeat that, it's wanting the palestinians on the brink of starvation, as we talk about as desperately the people taking food off the trucks. what would you do in that situation for families staffing?
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you're starving. this is a population that is starving to death. this is a population that is being pushed to the bank and they are not parties to this conflict. and that is at the core of this, they are not parties to discomfort the civilians. have guys are in the practice of this conflict and they should be protected as should be their health facilities. as of today, over 100000 dozens out, either dead, injured or missing and presumed dead. definitely, joe has phase great, difficult even to reach hospitals, insides on guys. a heavy fighting has been reported at hospitals in con eunice. see that lead and putting access to health facilities for patients, health workers and supplies, while islands, crimson, southern guns that have to cross the bottle grounds to reach dead. an engine palestinians must seem house on his the head to the emergency unit, and that's the hospital in hong eunice. he says his crews are taking extreme risk
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to try to save lives. how will the stuff on it? yeah, we always mean definitely meet them. well, that they've been most of the english tried that mean half of the timing is to be 2nd. government grandmother died as little as all saw, but you've done that. and those have been in the main ideas. so you all are, you will see that the sun sure. i love michigan. yeah. looks like it should be enough in manufacturing, especially especially since i'm up of the if there's you know, some heavy minutes of funding the front end of them. i mean, let me see what, what has over 9, how do you see, or should i just, i need to initialize. yeah. when, when it's off the phone, i know how is called the desk and as you'll see off or because of the most of our like. and then as of it especially that i didn't actually yeah, i don't know if i'll be one. i know for funny you know, such but yeah,
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the made up in was such a i to do better my size and i, i do we what do minutes? yeah, i mean, i didn't miss the off in this off was to she that i need moved off of this off the membership fee says yes, and then apply it or fix it. got to look like a height and then the measuring just a bunch of numbers. the next i all the time the because there was somebody who can you in the, in the office who is ready by mister benjamin netanyahu says he's working to free. the captives held in gauze the but of the month and the war to secure their freedom. there's a lot of, there's a lot of media hype without if it's to secure the release of more of that these. so i would like to clarify who we are working to find another way to release out hostages. but i stories not at any cost. i have read lines including we will not in
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the will. we will not remove the army from the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. we're working on the time to release our objectives and to achieve the goals of the goals, eliminating him off and ensuring that guys are no longer poses a threat to working to achieve all 3 goals together. and we will not give off on any of them. but i'm definitely with joins us live now from the occupied east jerusalem honda so nothing yahoo that remaining defiant of his will goes just of his spite. chief has been briefing these really will cabinet on a possible deal. david barney, the head of the most sub briefing israel's war cabinet about a potential deal on the table after meeting with several different mediators in europe. he presented according to his really media, a 9 point outlined of a multiple phase deal. in the 1st stage, it would be a $35.00 day pause,
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and the finding in exchange for $35.00 captives among this group would be any remaining women and children, the elderly, and those who are in need of medical care. now there would then be around a week pause to reassess to see how the remainder of the captives would be released . and then the 2nd phase would include combatants, meaning is rarely soldiers, both male and female. but the deal just yet did not specify how many post indian prisoners would be released in exchange. we've been hearing from these really prime minister repeatedly over the last 48 hours. the thousands of palestinian detainees will not be released from is really jails. it comes as nathan yahoo actually met with several representatives from families who have loved ones being held inside of gauze a current way as he said that these really we're doing everything they could and that there was a concrete effort to try and secure a deal. but they wanted to keep it discrete because the more details the public
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finds out, the less likely it is to work according to nets and yahoo. so while all of this is ongoing, that's in young reiterating, but there will not be big concessions on home. the next in the yahoo seems to be on the grain pressure from a number of different directions. how's the responding to that? a pressure from all different directions from the families of the captives who say the government is not doing enough from the americans who want to see a different type of prosecution of this war. and also from the is really government from all sides. busy war cabinet to the coalition, to the opposition within nets and yahoo is own government. you have members of the far right. who are against any sort of deal that would allow the largest really concessions meaning a significant number of palestinian prisoners released from his really jails. they are saying that they would waive the government, essentially the coalition would be disbanded. then you have the opposition saying
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that they would join us. and y'all, whose government for a certain amount of time, if it meant there was a deal on the table to bring the captives backs. and that's, and yahoo increasingly under pressure as these talks continue. but again, he has reiterated that the war is going to continue as he comes from pressure from members of his far right. government hemmed up. thank you. now the palestinian ministry of education, the says increased is really south of violence. i'm the ami rates across the occupied westbank, destroying the right to education. so many palestinian children schools have been forced to close down. i'll just say it was john stripe and reports and the village of bank tour by illegal is ready, settlement runs alone. we only road to bait or school. and the okey point was bank . but no ton of stadium students come here anymore. the promising you know salty insisted the school clothes when the one goal is to begin because of these rating
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secular tax. the school was built in 1953 these way. the settlements began arriving 25 years later. the children's all work still hands in in 2 car doors. classrooms, a band and a basketball court where they used to play on the settlement will, is only meet is a way and he's ready flag flies over nearby military base. even today the lead, when i know we have never seen anything like this before, is really subtle. is come to the nearby ministry check point. they throw stones, they stop cause and sometimes confiscate them in the past, the surplus of phone stones out the students during sports classes. whatever it was play time, we faced a potential emergency situation. this is destroying the right to an education is really set low balance against palestinians and the property across the occupied westbank is dramatically increased since the homeless attacks. on october, the 7th,
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nearly full 100 palestinians have been killed in these way. the military rates hunting suspected members, the palestinian resistance, the school, the suffrage is a freight sent it to me. they sion by is raining settlers. living in an illegal is rarely settlement behind. that rule only meets is a way it is one of moving funds with schools that the palestinian authority say be finish the close because of increased set global islands since the war began. many of reopened, but 11 being forced to close and the last 2 weeks. many of the students from bait or have be moved to school across the valley, practice into overcrowded classrooms, within suspicion facilities to accommodate even the basic needs. to have the teachers and students are cramped into the classrooms. we can't use the lab to the science because we need to use that to teach other subject that it's
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a huge challenge for the children. and for us, you can see the is where the settlement and the school would still love and estimate used to go to clearly from the office at hill c, a playground used by these really settlers children over to a soldier's golf nearby base. and he's ready minutes. he drove flies above us, has been filled. and levia jed, the ultimate in july, i've had no choice but to take online lessons since the school was closed off my struggles to focus on his arabic clause. and it does not. here is the good, our school has great facilities. it has a big playground for sports. there's really good education there. the school we were moved to had no space for us. at the beginning of the war, the soldiers used to come in front of our school gate. yes, it's safe for there, but i hope we can go back to our main school one day. tomorrow, i'm at 6 with his nephew taking a geography. listen in another room that online learning is nothing compared to
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appropriate school education. there are so many distractions when they're studying at home, of the palestinian children, have had their education disrupted by as well as of the patient but decades. the universal rights of children like ultimate to learn and grow is on the switch. like never before. it's all start for the late. good in the ok. probably what spank has bloss as fighters of attack 3 is really ministry sites in the 11 on the southern buddha. the strikes come off to is where the plane is low and the 3 raids early on wednesday, between the towns of hunting and tv in southern lebanon. the town of your ruins also hit by mister. as human suits, ease of attack, to merge on a ship and the gulf of a vessel was report we targeted within the south south west of the port city, the on groups as the attacks on ships and the red sea on response to israel's ministry operations been gone so well the many of the many armed forces
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continue to provide support. i'm sort of darcy with the brothers in the gaza strip . by looking is really navigation. all those heading to occupied palestinian pool in the red under agencies. not until food and medicine are allowed to have. the many armed forces would confront the american british escalation with escalation and will not hesitate to carry out the comprehensive affect it military operations in retaliation to any precision american foolishness against the beloved woman. a short break here and i'll just say when we come back and tony chang on the time me on my board with 3 is off to the crew. the military, a struggling more than ever to maintain control the
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it's a bite to snow again. lots justin hawkeye day or northern homes. you but there will be snow showers on the eastern side of the korean finishes that we some snow in central china is work his way down to was the yang see. otherwise it's right into the south of that range. we're just catch parts of japan as well. but you'll notice the scenario that are running out through western china to was she down maybe even beijing sydney, the yangtze valley is going to feel rather cold, rather impressed by the sold, you know, kind of the 3 degrees as a sort of flood risk for the southern philippines, the pumps and johns to match, or maybe sharing a single but this both a flood risk here. it's just a daily shower and we have significant rainbows. and the full cost of the afternoon in pakistan and india will affect new daily. i don't think that it's going to do what you want to do and that is, improves the quality you'll get rid of the fog, or at least not for very long. so now if in the mountains has been welcome to been following for a couple of days, the 1st process there is a lot of it off the season. a few shall seem likely in bangladesh as well. that
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most of pakistan is looking fine and dry. that's true if it run, but there's rain coming across from the west of the most, just this on thursday and then finds that reading becomes substantial snow over the high ground in the wrong and eventually crossing the border. it starts to renting something packaged on the phone, counting the cost of tax by who pays on the red se, disrupting global trade. cut them, push out prices and fuel in place in africa as mounting death is crippling. the confidence developments. plus we looked at how sleep has turned into a multi $1000000000.00 business, counting the cost on, i'll just say around what we do, and i'll just, sarah, is try to follow this story. and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity into money. see, the
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the welcome back you watching out just the record from mind about some stories, hey, there's at least 30 bodies have been found dumped inside of school yard, live in the nation hospital in northern casa, which is to say the bodies of those of college to be, and civilians were executed by the way, the force, which is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's making every effort to free the captives held in concert. but he won't end the war to secure their freedom. he added, he wants to move beyond me from god's already spouse, us to meet with all the humans, humanitarian chief has told the security council, the age of gaza is still being blocked. bottom grip, it says it's vital that the human agency for palestine continues. it's what the warning comes up to. several of western countries suspended the funding to unrest.
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i took that decision following israel's accusations, but a small number of unrest stop to punch in the attacks on october 7th. the ability of the manager and community to reach the people of gods or with relief, remains grossly inadequate. and to say it's grossly inadequate. as it says here, is grossly inadequate. it's much, much more difficult than that's what you've been talking to general. i'm telling you guitar, there's also on the line, the importance of monroe is. the, is the backbone of all the men. it didn't respond even because i appeal to all member states to get into the continued t, as owned was life saving work. excellence is the meditative assist. i mean, you guys a is collapsing. i'm extremely concerned by the new main conditions faced by guys as 2200000 people as they struggle to survive without any of the basics ever. do any, not in godaddy's hungry,
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while also 1000000 grapple with catastrophic levels of food insecurity. i called for the rep it's safe. that means that it expanded and sustained the manufactured and accessed throughout the 1000. want us trying to is one of the countries that has suspended funding to on run. let's get more and this now with marine the federal case. she's the senate to an deputy leader of the australian greens. he joins us live from sydney, maureen goods, happy with us, so we sold them to you in chief on the toner. content is saying that the owner is the backbone of the humanitarian responsive guys that he's appealed to member states to continue the funding most likely to happen then if this funding doesn't resume i'm thank you for having me died. and we know that ross is one week agency in the us us and it is the survival of millions of people. people kind of spins depends on the live saving aid that they provide in countries. westman countries like australia who have suspended this aids have made a pretty disgraceful and literally in this defense the boat decisions. we know that
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people are being stopped in gaza at the moment. we know that there is a humanitarian crisis. we know that there is a mission of genocide that is right, is committing. and that this time to suspend the aid is disgraceful and despicable . and it is totally irresponsible sign that says talk about a strain to them. because australia is one of the donor countries, as you say, that is suspended funding to unwrapped. but we seen big protests in australia against israel is one, gaza. how is the war? i'm this, i'm gonna issue plan. yeah. politically. the, the people in australia has come out on the streets for weeks and weeks since this general side started. and so by actually refusing to listen to the people of australia, the stream government was making decisions completely that opposed to the sentiments and feelings. and the demands of the australian people, people in australia can actually see what is going on in causa. they can see that
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more than 26000 people have been master good. they can see that more than 12000 of those auction print. this is completely unacceptable this mission of genocide and especially the cheer leading on by australia, by the u. k. by the us off. this invasion of bozza is reprehensible. the people have been demonic. okay. been seeing one, he's fired to happen. and when we are demanding use for aids to and i have to be restored immediately and add to unwrapped to be increased as well. how much marian, how much pressure then is the labor government on that to reverse its funding decision? i mean, as you say, palestinians are being killed, stop displaced, the i, c, j has ruled, but the israel must prevent any kind of genocidal acts. but yet there seems to be no condemnation of israel's actions in gaza coming from australia. and those strange and labor government has latency in the hypocrisy of,
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from the time that this particular invasion of laza started. you know, they, they, they were very quick to suspend this funding. it took them no time at all to suspend this funding, but they have not up to a single word since the i c j findings that actually it is quite plausible. that is why it is on the mission of genocide and they have actually ruled that is so i showed enabled tremendous media assistance to garza and what else really has done is the exact opposite suspended on funding and funding assistance to. and so they decisions are completely hypocritical, they say on the time that they, the national director directory is completely different to what they are actually doing on the ground. and let's locate about this. you know, we know it is no secret that is ryan has but a very long time. been trying to undermine and the fun and route which is
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a life of a lot. okay. so many boasting very let me let me just being full. okay, let me just jump in that because i pushed the time. i mean, as well as the prime minister. netanyahu has said that under his mission has to end in gaza. how worried all you quickly that this case could actually undermine on was operations and gods. i mean, as you say, so many people have dependent on the agency, but it varies the bible as well as the western governments and people like us. and because we're getting documents needs to wake up to the fact of what is actually going on on the ground. gonzalez' said i'm millions of people who are being stop. this is a collective punishment. suspending aid funding now to unwrap it amounts to a collective punishment of people who are already under genocide and this is unacceptable. the communities around the world. it's not just okay and communities community have been marching and we will keep putting pressure on the australian government. solomon stops them next week. and australia,
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the foreign minister has actually not some why did it on spans the data information she had to make these decisions. and we wouldn't be questioning about her about that back when vitamin stops next week and no pressure from the community. okay, marine for a company, so i'll be happy with that. thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you for talking to us. and for having me about 3 years off alone, she got military coup me and mas minutes res, facing different resistance, i'm eval before an alliance of ethnic com is launched, offensive against the army and sean states, and late october of last year, this bumped a wave of resistance around the country since then, the armies been pushed back from strategic basis and border crossings. challenging reports, what type me and my buddha of the one on a hillside in east a man in late january the far as crack let's with the sound of gun 5. 3 is owned. mazda military has less control than the day at launch the crew. right now the it
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is already, military doesn't control, you know, most of the country at least 75 percent of the country, especially the border area. but the presence is still built in kind of states ethnic 20 forces surround the government troops and that basis. but i'm challenged at power, not tillery to stop them from being over, run frivolous places and civilians suffering a high number of casualties in shan state where the offensive began in late october alliances and coordination of between the i think on this ma'am. of all means loss control of vital trade routes and border crossings with china. and the more the rebels fight, the more they learn while our but a few experiences have made us into different. so just through what we are learning from fighting and fighting why learning, we know more about their forces and also we have better communication between our own. so just a moment, while many of the official voted,
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posts remain closed or controlled, weapons supplies and personnel move freely through on check jungle crossings. there are still parts of me. i'm a photo which a heavily fence stuff like this. in the last 12 months in thailand, china, india and bangladesh strategic bought a position to pull into i think all i'm is, can now come and go as they please. the general ment online who let the crew show no indication he might change direction. despite signs of consent, within the ruling elite coincides the yen has been dealing with me and most military leadership, the decades of the hall of one of the largest ethnic companies. he's the kind of captain that when the 6 when the ship things, as you will see and then take all the passengers with him, that's what they say. i'm i, i hope it's not true. on the western coast,
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the military is under attack and the speak equally important ports of scituate. we're kind stages being on the marshal since the violence against the rank of muslim minority in 2016, even those hoss controls failed to hold back the resistance. tony chung out to 0 on the timing on my board. and tony joins us live now from mess. sorry, that's the village on thailand's border with me and my tony said 3 is on from the cube a night of the army. all the ethnic forces seem willing to back down. so what happens now? i think that's what everyone is trying to account. the optimist. so i think i'm hoping that that should now be a parent to the military. they need to come to some kind of negotiated settlement with the ethnic um is that fine? i think, and also the pdf, the people's defense forces groups the so opposed to military government. but i think on the other side of the con you, there is the potential for the absolute chaos. you've got more than 10 ethnic. com
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is all of whom, who have different agendas. they're all fighting for a certain level of autonomy. in some cases, they're asking for even outright independence from the federation. and you've also got lots of different groups who was much younger people who are fighting just full of democracy. you are not prepared to accept any level of military rule. if the military back down, i want to see the men she pushed out of politics forever inside man or future them . yeah. and. but that makes any kind of settlement very complicated as it always has been in them. but i think while that happens with seeing the complete disintegration of laura and all that behind me in shan state, we've got the norm as narco trafficking gangs. we got scam, census being run by guns of criminals attempting tens of thousands of people across the border. and human trafficking schemes and i think the real concern so many people not just hit but the in the why the region is the me i'm a could become
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a failed state. all right tony time. so that, that's cost to katrina, usually joins us live from the city of really on the china, me and my buddha, katrina. so how is china viewing all this instability and presumably basing wants to see the escalation along its border with me and ma that's exactly what the aging ones that shows a 2100 columbus, a border with me in law. and it's extremely concerned because this pricing has really affected the stability and security of china and the south west here that is close to me and ma. and that's what aging has use its influence. not with not only the regime but also these revel group to try to brokers. c spy is especially in the north of me and law. but these are proven fragile, and china knows that they're underlined, complicated reasons for this invoicing, and that it won't really be able to deliver a long term piece, but it's trying to protect its interest. now the slicing has directly influenced the piece here in greeley. we've had story artillery shells come into the chinese slide in during chinese people, comforting evacuations and pleasures of businesses and schools and me on law is so
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important for trying to strategically. badging needs access to med mazda access to indian ocean. it.


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