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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the the the, the bodies of thousands of palestinians found that a mass grave and a school y'all been gone. so is rather as accused of torturing the civilians before killing them. the on saturdays i them, this is i'll just say are alive from the hall. so coming up as well as prime minister says he will not end the war in order to free captives held in garza the ability of the mentoring community to reach the people that does service relief
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remains personally inadequate. a call for as well to allow more right into gaza. un savannah terry and chief says fox with supplies of being turned away. and now the news of tony chung on the time. yeah. and my boy, that 3 is off to the cute, the military, a struggling more than ever to maintain control the the composing bodies of thousands of palestinians have been found dumped in a school. y'all didn't know the and garza witnesses say the victims were blindfolded and tortured by is ready forces before they were killed. the bodies were then placed in plastic bags thought a cup i assume or pulls from draw far. we should warn you is reports contains some distressing images, a slow in the middle of this man,
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searching bags containing the bodies of palestinians who had been missing. what was the, what taken away by his very sources. and now some of the remains of the discovery knew how much clearer in another way can cause. no, that's just as built. those assessed through the different sense of decade chose the doses of bodies have been dumped. you got to look that up definitely with the thing . we were shocked to find a mass graves inside the school yard were shocked to find the dead bodies. it was a palestinian civilians blindfolded in handcuffs to the buck. the dead bodies were kept inside block plastic bag, with a deep without a palestinian authorities are calling for an investigation in our statements, the ministry of foreign affairs and expect her. you said the monster formation of
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an international field investigation team into the messic has committed by the is very occupation of the conditions of the missing and detained from the goals this trip. the discovery of this mass grave reflects the magnitude of the tragedy faced by palestinian civilians and serious violation of 4 international lawyers. the discovery comes of just the day off that is read returned. 100 kind of thing in bodies for burial is roughly just like in north ring calling. so the condition of these parties ranges are from severely decomposed to me. skills are remains making, it's hot item to find them, but people still come to the site, searching foreclosure in display of the tragedy, the tar. so by soon, i will just the rough, rough off in southern guns that was helpful than i zation says the intense fine thing in hon units is i'm putting assets to deliver supplies. the hospitals,
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the w h l repeated it's warning, palestinians are on the brink of starvation. we talk about desperately, the people taking food off trucks. what would you do in that situation? your family is staffing your starving. this is a population that is starving today. this is a population that is being pushed to the brink and they're not parties to this conflict, and that is at the core of this, they are not parties to this conflict. the civilians have guys are not parties of this conflict. and they should be protected as should be their health facilities. as of today, over 100000 cousins are either dead, injured or missing and presumed dead. definitely, joe has phase, great, difficult even to read trust between those insides on guys. a heavy fighting has been reported near the hospital, seeing con eunice sadly impacting access to health facilities for patients. health workers and supplies. ambulance crews in the southern gaza have to cross battle
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grounds to reach david in judge palestinians the same house and is the head of the emergency unit. and also the hospital in con, you this, he's as is cruise and taking risks to try and save lives as to how we got them so far. yeah, we always mean definitely image. i'm not well that they've been most of being what's tried that mean half of the timing is to be 2nd government down the list all here. all saw, but you don't have the names of brain and the idea. so you're on or you will see that the sun. sure. i love michigan. yeah. looks like it should be in the manufacturing session with specialists and some of the be if there's you know, some heavy minutes of funding the front end. and my, i mean, let me see what was nice, how do you see the i need to initialize. yeah. when,
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when it's off the phone, i know how it's called the desk and everything. so yeah. because most of our like and then as of it, especially that i did when i showed them, i don't know if i'll be one on the buddy. you know, so should i ask dominican was this way to do better with my husband? i i do what? yeah. what do minutes? yeah, i mean, i didn't see often this off was to shoot and i did move above and this off the membership fee says definitely notified or space. the majority of subsidies in the mix i o the because there was somebody who can you in the is there any prime minister been you mean nothing? yeah. who says he's working to free the captives held in garza,
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but he wanted to end the was to secure the freedom. there's a lot of, there's a lot of media hype without if it's to secure the release of more days. so i would like to clarify who we're working to find another way to release out hostages, but i stories not at any cost. i have read lines including we will not in the will . we will not remove the army from the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. we're working on the time to release our objectives and to achieve the goals of the goals, eliminating him off and ensuring that guys are no longer poses a threat to working to achieve all 3 goals together. and we will not give up on any of them how to solve whole joins us live from occupied east tourism. so that's the line, but nothing now is being putting out what does is spite chief, so being telling the cabinet as the head of most sod meeting with israel's war calvin,
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and to discuss with them what he and the mediators came up with at a meeting in europe over the weekend, according to his really media. david barnett presenting a 9 point outline for a plan that would see the release of captives in multiple different stages in the 1st phase were looking at a $35.00 day pause in the findings. in exchange for 35 captive, this would include any remaining women and children, the elderly, and those who need medical care. then there would be around another weeks pause to reassess how they're going to get out the rest of the captives who would be up for release. and in that 2nd phase, we are talking about combatants. both male and female is really soldiers. the deal though that he presented didn't yet specify how many palestinian prisoners would be released as part of the do we do know nets and yahoo has been reiterating this for on 48 hours now saying that there won't be such a large concessions given up in exchange for the captive saying that he has
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a lot of red lines even meeting with some of the families of those captives who are currently being held in gaza. that meeting, taking place in west jerusalem on wednesday night. he told them there were serious concrete steps. these really government was taking, but they were doing it in a discrete way so that it could have more of a success rates so that a lot of the details don't give weeks and that they are not subject to pressure by these really public in order to secure a deal, but again, the prime minister has said that israel will not be giving up large concessions as part of the steel. so that sounds a little bit different than what next. now it's been saying different signals from different positive administration. i guess a sign of conflicting pressure house that's now dealing with a to. 1 there's a lot of pressure from multiple angles. you have pressure from the families of the captives who say the government's not doing enough. you've pressure from israel's
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biggest ally, the united states, who says that his role needs to prosecute this war differently. you pressure from the war cabinet and that's and you know, who's on coalition and even the opposition. so there's a lot on his plate as the war is in its force months now from his own government, you have dissent from the members of the right. when you say, if nothing, yahoo enters a deal that is not favorable to them, that they say is bad. for israel, they are going to leave the governments venue of the opposition, the fiercest critics of nets and yahoo threw out the war saying that they would provide a safety net for him. they would join some sort of unity government for a certain amount of time. so that they can secure a deal to bring those captives back to their families. so there is a lot of different pressure from a lot of different angles from the very top levels, from netanyahu's work cabinet, all the way down the line to the opposition and incredibly complex time for his really politics. all right, we'll leave with that. thanks so much, i'm this whole now do you and see mount,
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terry and chief has told the security council aid the gaza is still being blogs. boston griffith says it's vital view and agency for palestine continues its work. the warning comes off to several western countries suspended funding to on the way they took that decision following israel's accusations that a small number of underwear stuff to possibly attacks on october, the 7th the ability of the monitoring community to reach the people of guys or with relief remains grossly inadequate. then to say it's crushed. inadequate, as it says here, is grossly inadequate. it's much, much more difficult than that to the un security council. also, convenience to discuss. last week's international court of justice rooting. that is from us prevent acts of genocide in this war on gaza. how's if somebody could get it to james space is moved from the united nations. for the 1st time,
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the security council convene to discuss last week's interim ruling by the international court of justice is on the on garza this meeting requested by the arab nation on the council. oh jerry. yeah, good luck or not. it is crucial to achieve a ceasefire. immediately to those that oppose that cease fire must ask questions of their conscience efforts to get a resolution calling for an immediate c spa had repeatedly been blocked by one of the security council's permanent members, the us itself passed. so that made it clear that the ice c j decision to won't change that position. we must be honest about what the court did, not order. specifically, it has not ordered an immediate cease fire. it has not made any finding that this preliminary phase of the proceedings that israel committed genocide or otherwise violated the genocide convention. and indeed the united states continues to believe
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that such allegations are unfounded. israel's deputy ambassador when further claiming the case against his country, which was brought by south africa, the ice c, j was outrageous and false. but all the country sort very differently. the chinese and bass of the told me the court's rulings were clear, but could only be put in place if there was the spot, whatever they uh to uh, reach those goes a ceasefire is a precondition. if some aust that's watched. we also believe district credit console should do among the provisional load is made by the international court of justice. a call to scale up humanitarian aid for gaza, but that's not happening. the u. n's top humanitarian official told the security council. the suffering is only getting worse with israel frequently blocking the entry of much needed items into casa james bays,
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which is 0 of the united nations humans hose. these have attacked to much and ship in the gulf of aidan vessel was reportedly targeted with a missile south west of 8 and the on group says the attacks on ships in the red sea and response to as well as miniature operations and gaza. the many of the many armed forces continue to provide support. i'm sort of darcy with that brothers in the cause of stripping by blocking is really navigation. will those heading to occupied palestinian pools in the red, under agencies? and so food and medicine are allowed to tell me how many of the many armed forces would confront the american british escalation with escalation and will not hesitate to carry out the comprehensive, unsuspected military operations and retaliation. unable to any british american foolishness against the beloved them. in the still ahead on al jazeera, there's hundreds of people right here outside of many believe that the president
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would only work waiver pulled from one side. i swear it controversial economic or forms of being debated. i am the boss is a 5 major tech companies have question the us senate hearing about protecting children from online sexual exportation the and they might be one days relief from what's been fed. the cold weather in the northeast. the us new yorks up to 9 degrees. this code is going to come back down again and watched her on the face temperature. griffin full to 0. at the same time down the pacific coast. ready to spread over then to mexico have a lot more time. shes back here, bring at snow to the rockies and the cascades. you'll notice, but the co incidentally is pools ferry, massive wants to british columbia to we've had recently reco breaking terms using
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one or 2 islands in the caribbean. that might be repeatable because the breeze is very license environment. right, and seems like to be enhanced in costa rica and, and panama. unless indeed from dearest, you'll notice, but i wanted to share. i was in mexico. 19 degrees, only mexico city, heavier sheriffs, in south america, of course the land slot in per day. a lot of this writing will be welcome to cuz it's a driving good part of amazon. yeah. and you'll notice from colombia all the way down to societies to preserve the potential these orange top share was means flash . nothing has been some of the, southeastern brazil as well. but south of that is quite ha, particularly in central north imagine tina and power guar. i think we'll see a century ago about 40. the same time by a blanket is a bite to go down below 40 is the wind changes, direction we dropped to a rather more reasonable. 28. the
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many have seen the war on gaza through the lens of photo journalist mo tons of size the most terrifying pictures i never thought and never saw or even was payable. i was charged so i couldn't even take the camera, the motives as high as a joins the stream on. i'll just euro. what we do, and i'll just, sarah, is try to follow this story and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity into money. see the the, you're watching out just here a time to recap on headlines. at least 30 be bodies rather have been found dumped
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inside a school yard near the indonesian hospital in northern garza where the society, the bodies of those as thomas, the indian civilians who were exit ques, advisory forces, as well as 5 minutes have been having us and yet it was says he's making every assets a free the caps. it's 1000 gallons on the 110 the was to secure the freedom 2nd. yeah. why? the z loads remove the army from gaza. all release thousands of palestinian prisoners un security council has matter to discuss last week's routing by the international court of justice that israel must provide tax of genocide the us and by so that made it clear the i c. j decision will not solve washington from blocking calls for a see saw a 3 is off the launching a cool man mazda entries facing different resistance than ever before. and the lines of ethnic armies launched and defensive against the military and sean states in october last year, the small wave of resistance around the country. since then,
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the imagery been pushed back from strategic bases and border crossings. totally chang reports from the time in my border as the one on a hillside in east, a man in late january the far as crack let's with the sound of come. 53 is owned. mazda military has less control than the day it launched the crew. right now the it is already, military doesn't control, you know, most of the country at least 75 percent of the country, especially the border area. but the presence is still built in kind of states ethnic 20 forces surround the government troops and that basis. but i'm challenged at power, not tillery to stop them from being over, run frivolous places and civilians suffering a high number of casualties in shan state where the offensive began in late october alliances and coordination of between the i think on this ma'am,
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of me is loss control of vital trade routes and border crossings with china. and the more the rebels find, the more they learn while our but a few experiences have made us into different. so just through what we are learning from fighting and fighting why learning, we know more about their forces and also we have better communication between our own. so just a moment, while many of the official board posts remain closed or controlled, weapons supplies and personnel move freely through on check jungle crossings. there are still parts of me. i'm a photo which a heavily fence stuff like this. in the last 12 months in thailand, china, india, and bangladesh strategic pull to positions of pull into i think all i'm is, can now come and go as they please. the general minim, like and let the to show no indication he might change direction. despite signs of concern within the ruling elite, coincides in,
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has been dealing with me and most military leadership the decades on behalf of one of the largest ethnic companies. he's the kind old captain that when the 6 when the ship things, as you will see and then take all the passengers with him. that's what they say. i'm i, i hope it's not true. on the western coast, the military is under attack and this particularly important pulled up, situate we're kind stages being on the marshal since the violence against the rank of muslim minority in 2016. even though his house controls failed to hold back the resistance. tony chung out to 0 on the time. yeah. and my board attorney chang joins us now from messiah village on thailand's folder with me in law. so it's been 3 years since that metric who tony rebel forces now beginning to turn to tie the game symmetry. it's very much so the offensive,
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the stuff is and lays out too, but here in 10 state behind me really set off a spot of the lead to military force has been pushed back into that base. is this still in lots of these areas, but in many places the trapped inside the bases that being reinforced by air, only helicopter drops sending in munitions supplies. morales very low. we've seen huge numbers of this oceans. and even the offices from the most military escaping across the border into india. so it's a pretty daunting situation. but at the same time, they have this incredible superiority in the air and with heavy artillery. that means we've got a sort of deadlock, which has and much for example, a little south of here in kaya state and local the state capital. the current, the forces have forced the ministry into one small area,
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but they comp dislodged and they don't have the weapons of needed to get them out. and i think this is something we're going to see repeated across the country. that said, uh, you know, the, the, the rebels themselves are also running out of weapons. in some cases they're taking terrible casualties facing these strikes. so it is a real problem. i think the optimist inside me and i think that this kind of deadlock could force the army into a stage where they start to negotiate with some kind of piece will open up. but at the same time, others are concerned with all these disparate s. think this will the other problems me and my faces, this conflict could just get the mud and about. all right, that's what's going on that size. that's thank tony chang. this goes to katrina you now is she joins us from the city of are really on the china, me and my board. so how is paging viewing the reason the setbacks of demetrius always memo?
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as well as watching the situation very closely. this impacts china is secure, i think directly, it's has a 2100 kilometer boda with me and, and this is why china is getting involved in the conflict itself. it's actually is using its influence with both the regime and revel groups in the north to progress the slide is the. and the reason is that the slicing directly impacts this region on the board. it impacts the piece of those living here we've had straight artillery shells go in through the chinese side, injuring chinese people, forcing evacuations, enclosures of schools and businesses. you've had the muse refugee is also streaming into china. so china is extremely worried about that. also a long time the big picture is bathing needs me and most strategically. it provides the landlord region here in the south west with crucial access to the indian ocean . china has invested $113000000.00 into yeah, and most since the crew and board of trade is worth full $1000000000.00. also we've
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had lots of crime syndicates along the board, directly targeting chinese nationals, and that is really bol the chinese government. now the use and it's had to lead in close that and work more closely with the rubble groups who are now empowered in the north to get those under control. so many complicated factors here, but also many reasons for trying to watch this closely and be in close contact with all the parties who have pallet in the m. all right, thanks so much. katrina, you. the russian president vladimir 13 is running for another time in polls set for march. while he's have any favorite to win. you may have some competition and opposition kind of is gathering signatures to be on the balance. your wish of, of all of the reports from oscar, of the boxes, boxes and small boxes containing 100000 signatures for a position presidential hopeful by reason of destin. according to a survey, conducted by his team has 10 percent of both to support that would put him in the
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2nd place of the current presence, legitimate piece, and waiting. and they will by comparing the use of those tubs of politics of mr. poor jen, including the special media to reputation. the same is for the what the all central reporting says destroyed is that the institution. so russian state like bottom in the like or dislike re election by the way. and i have to establish again, this is did use of a university professor of physics and the law at the recent edition has been engaged in russian politics for all was said to yes, it was criticized and deposits will cope raising the pro government's policies and the kremlin, he admits he doesn't have the career smelled the politician maurice and himself will the speaking skills of the child, a position activists, alex, a level ne, but the has not stopped him, gaining some support. hundreds of thousands of people across russia. break the code and keyed day and nice to leave the signature in favor of his presidential
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nomination, old dominion for me, it's important to give my vote to a candidate and who's against the military operation in ukraine. who do i see with us? this is the, are the charges together legally would, and nobody to take the we can not to express protest me. i couldn't find the just to show a position. now it's a rich wrong is to say that react to give them and that they are quite a lot of us. yeah. to protect him cuz then you know, i want to be an active citizen and i hope things change for the betsy and outcome changes. so i decided to take part in this uli and the bone. they're the ones who've imprisoned opposition lead to like say, novel. ne, signed for the desk bins nomination. but there are many who predicts that the crumbling could stop. in addition from running of this before you combine your laguna beach, it's, it is clear that if an edition is allowed into the presidential race, his reading will increase and this does not contribute to the unconditional victory of put. it seems that denying him registration now would be more beneficial for
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pollutants campaign edition says no match have he's allowed to run his team, have already achieved one of that goals. i have sounds of thousands of posts for people all over the russia and they are right. so i'm think like because i was sure i was alone, but i am not alone. a lot of people think like me, morris. the definition is optimistic, his name will appear on the bottom of the central election commission has taken time to verify the submitted signatures and will analysis decision on whether to allow, in addition to become a presidential candidates that reading is expected in about a week. you know, ship of all of the older 0 most go well they've been protest outside congress in argentina as politicians debate the controversial economic reform bill. police use half as freight so frankly, hundreds of demonstrates is trade unions cold for the march of gain stuff. economic measures announce vice president. have you had me lie?
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so is of the, was that the protest and want to side us a very long session in congress? would that be based on going back to the last within 40 and 50 hours? that phone calls all nibble's b as by elected president, have you ever made was hoping to use it to transform argentina or that's what it said. but the whole situation outside congress is completely different. hundreds of people, especially from left when groups have gathered near, surrounded congress and they're being pushed away by the police not being allowed close to the building. there's hundreds of security forces that deployed on around this area. the omnibus bill, initially had $600.00, is off meant to transform argentina's economy. that's what the president says initially. also, the president had somebody lots of concession to other political parties to guarantee that there's no, he's going to pass. it's meant for example, to assess the presidency to privatize state companies to modernize the expectation
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of both of you was however, many of the people that have gathered here today are saying that that is going to hurt the environment in going to hard workers, right among the other thing, guardians, united in the middle of an economic crisis, december's inflation weight was over 25 percent. it's we negotiating a debt with the international monetary fund. the government is saying that it was implemented scary the measures to reduce the deficit in this country. but people here are we really concerned about the economic situation. they say that the price is a few of the prices of electricity, but everything is going up so big cannot make ends meet. however, the president is saying that this set of loans that are being debated are necessary to improve the economic situation. he believes that in a few months, the situation in argentina is going to start to improve people on the streets that i've closed. the thing behind this police officers are saying.


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