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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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pop listing and inspiring stores. people press on just to tell them what's happening in their communities in at p a and on bias. and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of the the bodies of thousands of palestinians founded a mass grave in a school yard in gaza. is right is accuse of torturing the civilians before killing them. the times that means i them, this is i'll just live from dell hall. so coming up the ability of the monitoring community to reach the people of god's release remains for us to be inadequate. a
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coal for israel to allow more aid into gaza view and see mount as terry and chief says trucks with supplies are being turned away. as well as 5 minutes defense. he will not end the wall in order to free captives housing cost. plus you have a fraud of this killing piece tag jain, cindy us around to 5, so not doing enough to protect children from online sexual exploitation. the the composing bodies of thousands of palestinians have been found dumped in a school. we all the northern garza witnesses say the victims were blindfolded and told to advise right, the forces before they were killed for the bodies were then placed in plastic bags . father cub, i assume it pulls from bravo, which one you his report contains some distressing images on with this man
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searching bags containing the bodies of palestinians who have been missing. what was the, what taken away by his very sources. and now some of the remains of being discovered near how much in another way can cause no, that's just as built. those assessed through the different sense of decade chose the doses of bodies have been dumped. you got to look that up definitely with the thing . we were shocked to find a mass grave inside the school yards. were shocked to find the dead bodies. it was a palestinian civilians blindfolded in handcuff to the buck. the dead bodies were kept inside blocks, spastic about with a deep without a palestinian authority. is our calling for an investigation in our statements, the ministry of foreign affairs and expect her. you said the monster formation of
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an international field investigation team into the massacres. committed by the is the very occupation of the conditions of the missing and detained from the goal of this trip. the discovery of this mass of gray reflect the magnitude of the tragedy faced by palestinian civilians and serious violation of whole international lose. the discovery comes of just the day off to is read, return 100 kind of thing and buddies for very little drop off just like and offering cars on the condition of these parties ranges of from severely decomposed to me. skills are, remains making, gets hot to identify them. people still come to the sites, searching for clothes in display of the tragedy, the tar. so by soon, i will just a rough, rough and southern guns holding the month since the war and gaza began infrastructure including schools, frankly been targeted across the strip and hold. the river falls from the side of
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us refugee camp in central garza. since october is cool, is in the cause of surgery. cape house in charge of to thousands of hundreds of prep teaching. firms different areas across is the causes truth. i'm screen time thing on the rubber over i do bus here in the site surrounding this school is a mosque, other owner of a schools, a clinic, and a lot of houses. this school became flat into the grounds. it's completely flat into the ground nothings left. we see some chairs, some desks, some books, but this is the only thing we see left more the than 625 policy means students have been prevented from education since the beginning of the war, according to new uh, thousands of educational universities and schools have been also born in different
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areas across of the cost of we're talking about $2.00 of the main and biggest universities in the cause of shape which are us had and the islamic university in gaza. as you see the, the school. this is sticking to another owner was schools where the school has a refugees and people that shows our shirt sheltering in this hospital yesterday night at 9 p. m. this school was targeted. we're talking about at least 10 injuries from the people surrounding this school were transferred to a hospital, people who took shelter in this school, evacuated after that is where the forces ask them to do that. uh, we do it a couple of weeks ago. this is not the only school that has been targeted by the is
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where the forces were talking about thousands of other schools that were also bombed by that is where the forces schools in the gaza strip are not on the schools . there shelters and graveyards. this is in the pull the data and the say dropped refuge account is riley strikes of targeted areas around hospitals. in southern garza, the world health organization says the intense fighting and con you this is hampering efforts to deliver supplies to medical facilities. the w h o repeat it is warning, palestinians are on the brink of salvation. we talk about desperately, the people taking food off trucks. what would you do in that situation for families staffing? you're starving. this is a population that is starving to death. this is a population that he is being pushed to the bank and they are not practiced to this conflict and that is at the corner of this, they are not parties to discomfort the civilians. have guys are in the practice of
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this conflict and they should be protected as should be their health facilities. as of today, over 100000 cousins are either dead, injured or missing and presumed dead is definitely joe has phase great, difficult even to reach us between loosely insides and goes up. heavy fighting has been reported near the hospital seeing con eunice. see that lead and putting access to health facilities for patients. health workers and supplies, tablets, crews in southern gaza or to cross battle grounds to reach david in to the palestinians. same son is the head of the emergency unit, and also the hospital in con eunice. he says his crews are taking risks to try and save lives. how will that i'm so far? it was me definitely image. i'm not well that they've been most of being what's tried that mean hub of the canyon is to be 2nd government the i'm
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a little all saw but you've done that and those have been and the main ideas. so you all are, you will see that the sun show michigan. yeah. looks like it should be in the manufacturing session with specialists and some of the things you need. so i'm heading in front of my wife and if you find out about my, i mean, let me see what, what has over 9. how do you see, how should i that i need to initialize? yeah. when, when it's off the phone, i know how is called the different obviously are because most of our like and then so it so she didn't, i didn't mean i sure that i don't know if i'll be the one on the buddy. it unless i should. i ask dominican with such a i to do better my size and i, i do we what do minutes? yeah, i mean, i didn't see off in this off was to shoot and i didn't the buffer this off, the machine says yes. and then apply it or so this is just
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a little bit higher than the majority of subsidies in the mix. i all the time the because there was somebody who can you in the in the is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who says he's working to free caps is held in garza, but he will not hand the wall to secure the freedom. there's a lot of, there's a lot of media hype without if it's to secure the release of more days. and so i would like to clarify who we're working to find another way to release our hostages . but i stories not at any cost. i have read lines including we will not in the war . we will not remove the army from the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. we're working all the time to release our duct,
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these and to achieve the goals of the goals, eliminating him off and ensuring that guys are no longer poses a threat. we're working to achieve all 3 goals together and we will not give up on any of them. nothing. yeah. whose comments come at the same time? these riley spine chief has been bracing politicians on a plan to release captives home the saw. so it has more from occupied east jerusalem the head of most sod meeting with israel's war cabin and to discuss with them what he and the mediators came up with at a meeting in europe over the weekend, according to was really media. david barnett presenting a 9 point outline for a plan that would see the release of captives in multiple different stages. in the 1st phase, we're looking at a $35.00 day pause in the finding. in exchange for 35 captive, this would include any remaining women and children, the elderly, and those who need medical care, then there would be around another week's pause to risk. that's how they're going
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to get out the rest of the captives who would be up for release. and in that 2nd phase, we are talking about combatants. both male and female is really soldiers. the deal though that he presented didn't yet specify how many palestinian prisoners would be released as part of the do we do know nothing. you all who has been reiterating this for on 48 hours now saying that there won't be such a large concessions given up in exchange for the captive. saying that he has a lot of red lines even meeting with some of the families of those captives who are currently being held in gaza. that meeting, taking place in west jerusalem on wednesday night. he told them there were serious concrete steps. these really government was taking, but they were doing it in a discrete way so that it could have more of a success rates so that a lot of the details don't get weeks and that they are not subject to pressure by these really public in order to secure a deal, but again the prime minister has said that israel will not be giving up large
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concessions as part of the steel for you and savannah terry. and chief is told the security council 8 the gaza is still being blocked. mountain griffith says it's vital view and agency for palestine continues it's work. the warning comes off the several west and countries suspended the funding to on why they took that decision following as well as accusations a small number of under was solve to austin. the attacks on october, the 7th, the ability of the manager and community to reach the people have guys are with relief, remains grossly inadequate. and to say it's grossly inadequate. as it says here, is grossly inadequate. it's much, much more difficult than that do and sex to general and tony. good. that is also on the line. the importance of under the is the backbone of all the men. it didn't respond so you can cause us as i appeal to all member states to get into the
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continued seat of wound was life saving work. excellence is the meditating. the system in god's a's collapsing makes me concerned by the new mind conditions faced by god's us to point to medium people as they struggle to survive without any of the basics ever do any not in godaddy's hungry, while also a 1000000 grapple with catastrophic levels of food insecurity, c, i called for a rep, it's safe. that means that it expanded and sustained the manufactured and accessed throughout the gaza. australia is one of the countries that has halted its funding to hunger. earlier we spoke to matt having thought ok, the deputy laser of the strait in greens. she says the decision is hypocritical and irresponsible. on the on ro is one week agency in hasa, and it is the survival of millions of people. people. past indians depends on the live saving aid that they provide in countries. westman countries like australia
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who have suspended this aids have made a pretty disgraceful and literally in the defense, the boat decisions. we know that people are being stopped in gaza at the moment. we know that there is a humanitarian crisis. we know that there is a mission of genocide that is right, is committing and at this time to suspend the aid is disgraceful and despicable. and it is totally irresponsible. australian labor government has blatantly showing the hypocrisy of from the time that this particular evasion of laza started. you know, they, they, they were very quick to suspend this funding. it took them no time at all to suspend this funding, but they have not up to a single wood since the ice c j findings. that actually it is quite plausible. that is why it is on the mission of genocide and they have actually ruled that is so i should enable her medicaid assistance deposit. and what else really has done
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is the exact opposite suspended of funding and funding assistance to and so they decisions are completely hypocritical. they say on the one hand that they were going to national but they are record directory is completely different to what they are actually doing on the ground. the still ahead on al jazeera, tony chang on the time in boulder. 3 is off to the crew. the military is struggling more than ever to maintain control. and the u. k. government unveils the deal that could the end, the political style, nice and open on the the submittal training is the source of stormy weather,
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which is just because he's fairly warm against the cold has been coming to answer the g and the simulations dropped away from cyprus neither sorry for the north coast or fiji. it looks like it on show when will bring rain with it and that spreads across from egypt to the defense. a few shells in line, but the coast slattery, sky, particularly cold and windy, i suspect jerusalem's backs only 80 degrees. you might get low teams down the coast with the wind dying dime. thankfully on friday, and much improve picture anyway in total here. so big picture across, so you're in iraq, there will be our breaks or frightening mastery. she has fall off his queue weight and stuff of that because the air is quite fast, the wind is blowing. there will be likely a sandstorm blowing through northern savvy, another one, developing through the process, possibly to catch up during friday with the dropping temperature and then into the empty cold and significant rain, the u. a. and then across into iran, eventually into something back this time it's all happening. i say coming up this weekend, fish out of stretching from like victoria right or into you see up here on that. it
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is literally, i was hoping that, that all the same saw so that send the big charles in some parts of south africa along the western cape. there was still a big fire risk. the, the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis where does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics the bottom line what happens in the. 1 has implications all around the world. it's international perspective with the human touch looming way in and then pulling back out again. the
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only thing i'll just there a time to recap on headlines now. at least the, the bodies have been found dumped inside of school. y'all near the invasion hospital in northern garza, with the site. the bodies of those of palestinian civilians were exit keith's advisory forces. sorry, 5 minutes to have anybody. nothing. yeah. he says he's making every effort to free the captive cells in gaza, but he won't end the war to secure the freedom as no added. he one removes the armies johnson over these thousands of palestinian prisoners doing security council . this meant to discuss last week's ruling by the international pulse of justice. the israel must prevent tax of genocide the by some by so that made it clear that the i c. j decision will not install washington from blocking calls for c. as far
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as the law says, it's fights is of a tax. free is really ministry. science may 11 in southern boulder. the strong's comm officer is ready. the plains launched 3 rates earlier on wednesday, between the towns of hunting and the tv in southern lebanon. the town of yellow and was also struck by miss ha, still assigned void involved in trying to prevent a bigger conflict. between is ryan and devin and says there's still a window for diplomacy. it's, well, it's been strengthening and all out war is, has, the law doesn't pull back from the board as the for the reports from babe ruth that have a nissan group has been sending messages of it. so showcasing its capabilities, hezbollah appears to be sending messages of de terence, as, as well, threatens all out for this video, beset to show a position guided miss. so striking what the lebanese arm group says was in his really surveillance don't at an army post on the border as well as also firing
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other explosive missiles as across the board are fighting triggered by, as well as we're on garza escalates. it's been targeting military sites, a few kilometers inside as well. we won't go against returning you aggression toward lebanon. because what a way to our grades, if you only felt a partial power organization, then in or out will you lou taste of full power? we are well prepared for who is really army also says it is prepared for a full blown more recent war games in northern israel, also involved simulated facing in urban areas and in the winter weather all the while this really army has been increasing the intensity of its attacks on hezbollah and its infrastructure in southern 11 on a, but a u. s. envoy involved in trying to prevent a bigger conflict, says there's still
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a window for diplomacy, aimless huston says he will likely head back soon to beta and tell him to work on 1st association of possibilities that will allow people on both sides of the border to return home and then a more last spring solution be on a ceasefire that would involve a beast up presence of lebanese army troops in southern lebanon. and the d. mark cation of the land border has below, has tied this front to a permanent ceasefire in gaza. and that's why diplomacy and military action have failed to push its forces away from the border. they actually have to use the expedition to pressure people his government. that's a lot less of that the last to keep people away from, from the board doors as well as maintaining that, uh uh, the war or the site because most before we move forward. so i think this is a dramatic and pressure pressure for both sides. but it doesn't seem that any of
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them is interested in a, in the caustic at this point. for now is ross focus appears to be eliminating what is calls the threat. and so there's nothing on there as rosita balte. 3 is also launching a co, me in laws, mid traits facing different resistance than ever before. and the line. so that's the economy is launched in defense of against the governments in shawn states in october last year. that spawn to wave of resistance around the country. since then, the ministry been pushed back from strategic bases and border crossings. tony chung reports for the time in ma border are still on the hillside in east hmo in late january the far as crack let's with the sound of gum. $53.00 is owned, mazda military has less control than the day it launched the crew right now that it is already, military doesn't control, you know, most of the country, at least 75 percent of the country, especially the border area. but the presence is still thoughts in kind of states
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ethnic to any forces surrounded government trips in that basis. but on challenge at power, not hillary has stopped them from being over run frivolous sizes and civilians, suffering a high number of casualties in shan state where the offensive began in late october alliances and coordination of between the i think on this ma'am of me is loss control of by to trade routes and border crossings with china. and the more the rebels find, the more they learn while our but a few experiences have made us into different. so just through what we are learning from fighting and fighting why learning, we know more about their forces and also we have federal communication between our own. so just well, many of the official voted posts remain closed or controlled, weapon supplies and personnel move freely through on check jungle crossings. there
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are still parts mazda border, which a heavily fence stuff like this. in the last 12 months in thailand or china, india and bangladesh strategic board a position to pull into, i think all i'm is can now come and go as they please. the general minim, like let the crew show no indication, he might change direction. despite signs of concern within the ruling elite, coincides in, has been dealing with me, a mazda military leadership, the decades on behalf of one of the largest ethnic companies. he's the kind of captain that when the 6 when the ship things, as you will see and then take all the passengers with him, that's what they say. i'm i, i hope it's not true. on the western coast, the military is under attack and the speak equally important ports of scituate. we're kind stages being on the marshal since the violence against the rank of
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muslim minority in 2016 even those hoss controls failed to hold back the resistance. tony chewing out to 0 on the timing on my board to the been protest outside of congress, an argentine as politicians, debates a controversial economic reform bill. police use at this price of trying for hundreds of demonstrators, trade unions hold for the monks or game stuff. economic measures announced by president heavy. i mean i the cuban government has postpone plans for a 500 percent increase in the price of petrol. the delays being blamed on a cyber attack and storing a file in virus and sales software. motors, soft furious at the price increase and reducing government spending. communist leadership blame is us sanctions for fuel food and medicine shortages. the lack of fuel impulses caused months of electricity blackouts as a neighboring,
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hazy protest is the vin on the streets of painting for an end to a gang wolf which is taking over the country. gang kennings and kidnapping his soul twine unprecedented levels and the tow for so full of 300000 people. that holmes pro brown says more flaming tires and other degrees burned in ported prints. hades in battled capital, as residents protested against overwhelming gang violence. many here say life has become unbearable. the job i'm on the street today because my area of pioneer is most good. i can't stay at home. are lots of exposure. at the moment people are leaving the house. i have found myself obliged to take to the streets to say no to every out. arielle refers to prime minister arial reed, who has held office without election since the assassination of president jogan, illinois day in july 2021. many haitians consider henri and
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illegitimate ruler the over the entire republic must rise to make ariel on re respond. we can no longer standing in security. nothing is functional, not even the democratic institutions. we want elections, free of games. the head of state is now even involved in games. the whole country is gates drive. all the games now control and estimated 80 percent of puerto prince and vast swans of the countryside gain killings doubled last year to 4500 and kidnappings, searched by 80 percent gang members, also engage in widespread rape and sexual assault of women and girls. now, bull may was injured in a shoot out in his neighborhood of selina. on sunday i was sitting with a friend new to my house once the bullets came in, one hit me and broke the boat. but i don't have the means to, which is a hospital according to the u. n. agency, eunice,
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of more than 300000 patients have led their homes because of violence and in security. i ran, i have children with me. i ran with the, i have nothing for the in the kill people. the chase says that's why i left the area. last year, the united nations came up with a plan to bring several 1000 police officers from kenya to help stabilize haiti. but a kenyan court blocked the deployment ruling that it was unconstitutional for now haitian, say they can't see a way out, rob reynolds, l g 0. 1 of the 2 years of deadlock in northern ireland and agreements been reached to restore its power share and government pro versus union. this politicians walked out in 2022 in pro tested brags at phase rules. now they've reached the deal with irish nationalists, the one to 90 the island of island from bell fost high false. it has boil in
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belfast on wednesday. northern islands prospective new 1st minister. the 1st to come from should feign which one. so united ireland said she was ready to get down to the business of government. i welcome the fact that we're going to have an executive up and running. and i am off to leslie up for the task of laden thought executive to work with all the executive parties. right. not terrible, and delivered on the things that really matter to people. the power sharing government has been dormant for nearly 2 years. also, the democratic unionist party pulled out the post breaks it trading rules they said undermine moving islands. place in the united kingdom, by quick statement on the islands, executive formation in westminster, the details of the deal that brought them back on the side with being spelled out by the british government for leasing more than 4 $1000000000.00 worth of public spending. as we move forward swiftly to give effect to our commitments, i now urge the policies to do the same thing electrifying the speaker of the no longer assembly to re post on so much alexis, less than 51st minister and
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a point you ministers to the executive the deal will allow all good ship from great britain and designated to remain in northern ireland to enter without any checks addressing some union. this concerns the northern ireland was being treated differently from the rest of the u. k. single market. the reception was brought to be one of welcome release of the so long without a function in government and with failing public services. i was looking for them to put money back and pay those products again and help them all of the services. the health services a joke. um, 1st of all, um there's like in the southern or homes doing nothing. so i'm getting patrick for all the perennial divisions. here there is something approaching consensus on the restoration of developed government as of a late last year suggested more than 70 percent of people across political divides were in favor of it. but now that red thing and no is not as politics, optimism prevails.


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