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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land rocks. walter was part 2 of 2 on a jersey to the on the other $1.00 money insight. this is a news life from coming up in the next 60 minutes, exhausted, traumatized in morning palestinians. hold out hope for a cease file for almost 2 months of financing. and daughter is riley false as storm a hospital in her newness, for the 3rd time, nearly 27000 palestinians have now been killed since the beginning of the world as
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well as from bonham and has displaced thousands of palestinians families in gaza. but that face of shelter is turning into a was it tony chang on the time, me and my boy to 3 is off to the, to the military. a struggling more than ever to maintain control the we began in gaza where homeless grieving, i'm terrified, palestinians hoping that the latest international efforts will bring about to cease by the political leda of how much it smells. nea is expected india gyptian capital kyra to review a proposal that was put forward in paris over the weekend. a temporary holes in financing could allow for more a deliveries into gaza. one more is where the captives could be released in exchange for palestinian presence. on the ground though, there's been no less up in fontaine press q f. it's on going off to another nice if
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it's ready from 5 minutes across the strip. in a moment we'll go to worry challenging season okey potty stores them for us to get is really reaction on proposals for as the spot for us. let's go not to honey my mood. he's in rafa in southern gaza. honey as news of possible c. spot agreement reached where you all, what are people saying about it? a yes 1000000 road people are looking forward to hearing more constructive reports about a possible that sees fire and a possible in the to the ongoing war on the gaza strip. they are looking into an end to all hostilities and, and into the mass killing of palestinians advise it's happening right now. now despite the ongoing bombing campaigns within the past 2 days that has intensified
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across the gastric mainland han, you and it says the northern part of the gaza strip. people are still hopeful that those emerging reports started to come out within the past 2 days. i go in and fax to lead into an agreement between the palestinians, particularly of finding groups and how much mentally and the is really sad that will include not only in the work and an immediate cease fire increase in the human to turn in a a. but also a release of all how experience it prisoners, including those who were detained from a garza and the northern part as the word it was as it was still continuing, including minors in exchange reports for the release of the israeli captives inside the the gaza strip. people are hopeful, they're looking forward to having that in fact, here it all day long. we get more questions of from people who are passing by our
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side sense and just judging from the the number of the questions. and the level of, of, of, of questioning that we get is that they are eager as they are growing tired, exhausted, traumatized that they want them to enter their displacement. they don't want that to be permanent. they want to be able to go back to their homes in the northern part, then gods as they, as they have been displaced for 4 months right now. and it's, it's about time they said, as we hear from them to go back and to look after their family and then leave provide them with, with the most sacred thing they have been entrusted on providing them with just protection and safety. as so far as they are lacking any sense of security and safety as they are squeezing the overcrowded part of the ga, strip and rough i city. yeah, it's no surprise that they are desperate for a cease 5 because there's been again, more of a not is really raids across garza and took us through the situation on the ground . the awesome off, particularly out in the hospital is which have been on the siege a
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little that's exactly the port sir before deaf. and that's what have people have been frustrated about the side that the talks and the emerging reports about a possible deal between the palestinians and the these really sided just the seeing more intense bombing campaign and particularly around the city of han units on around vicinity of of hospitality for the 3rd time and i'm in the hospital been a storm by just really military. and the large deal of the facilities and the properties were severely damaged. more people are being injured than more people killed inside the the facility including displays, palestinians and, and im, lloyd. if the security guard employed by the policy of rick crescent, the hospital in a statement said that they're dealing with at least more than 10 to critically injured. this place, palestinians inside the,
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the facility including as since the past 12 hours, almost at 12 people, the worst cold inside the facility. the, the, the situations around north or has with the not are no different. there is more finding going on more bonding to the vicinity of the hospital and it's the facilities. the court yard is mainly taken over by attack and drones acquired the captor, the arts preventing any movements inside the hospitals. in addition, the fact that it's an intense finding most of the medical staff has, has already left the hospital the we're talking about large number of injuries of people inside the facility, but it's small. and in sufficient number of medical staff that is unable to provide any sufficient medical attention whatsoever in the central area of the reports of more residential buildings have been targeted. and they'll say it on the raise gap . and this is the pattern we've been seeing since the beginning of the work we have
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in refugee comes, particularly in a central area and another part, repeatedly attacks and with, with, with large amount of fire power attack aggressively in fact. okay, thank you for that honey. my knew that for us in southern gaza, let's go now. so we'll re challenge seasonal 2 parties, tourism for us. war e. so a lot of debates and the last 24 hours a, sorry about a possible si, fi deal. what are you hearing where you are this yes was a recap, isn't it? because the humanitarian in the military aspects of this proposed jail, a kind of overlay by many tiers of politics. so let's go through them how much this position is that they will only agree to a deal which ultimately sees at the ends of the war and is ready ministry pull out of gaza and into the siege of gaza at a serious prison, the exchange process. benjamin netanyahu says that he wanted agreed to
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a deal that ends the voice of the will is from his perspective, will go on. these ready ministry will stay in gaza and does he puts it? they will not release thousands of terrorist spots method, you know, who is under huge pressure from the far right flanks of his own governing coalition, and particularly gets him up and give the oven astro security minister does not trust method yahoo over any deal, things that he's trying to pull what he's courting a go clear was kind of sneak his way to something that the fall writes will not find acceptable. and he says that he is willing to pull out of the governing co elections. if netanyahu signs up to something that releases thousands and thousands of fort then and then vehicles moderates essentially. so in sort of this ways. yeah,
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that pays the opposition leader may not position leader who says that he is willing to offer. and that's in yahoo, a safety net not to save method yahoo and sells, bought to save the captives. he believes that it's, the cap says that should be kept to the top of everyone's agenda here. and that's the most important thing. guessing those captives out of casa everyone here assessing that red lines everyone is talking so that right, in particular audiences, there is no easy solution. and just as we go forward, if we get to a deal, it's likely that many of these red lines are going to be quite leave for goes to. and if this is anything like a previous deal back in the old some of last. yeah. then we might not find out the details of it, and so very lights in the day, possibly only once the actual exchanges and the seatbar has begun because nothing is really written in starting yet. indeed. on a slightly different mass a, there's been more. is there any criticism of own right,
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the united nations palestinian refugee agency? what is the prime minister had to say about it again? us yeah, we know as we have done for a long side, that's a, that's me all you is no fan of unroll this relief agency that basically list off to the humanitarian. if, as of as many, many hundreds of thousands of palestinians and garza, that has been this campaign against on rob uh the uh, the release of information showing that the online employees is ready say what brand is alls buy or at least uh, assisting in the uh, how much the tax of october the 7th. so let them know you most recently as being briefing ambassadors of the un who have come here, he's basically means heading them to and ross needs to be disbanded. he says that the mission has to end on was mission. he says that on rise self perpetuate thing.
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i it, it keeps alive that the palestinian refugee issue that for meeting the agency that looks off the products any refugees is essential. he says that on or off has help south africa and his case against is right at the international court of justice. and as we hear now from nets and, you know, in this particular sound. but he's also saying that on right self is being riddled essentially with how much there are other agencies in the you and the other agencies in the world. they have to replace on rock and roll is totally infiltrated and come us. it has been in the service of come us and it's schools and, and many other things. i say this with great regret, because we hope that there would be an objective and constructive body to offer a but nothing you know is not just reserving criticism for on risers. that criticizing the integrity of the un,
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which he thinks is being unfair. and it's treatment of his route. he says, is there a pause the wells, a names iran and human? whether it's as he puts it, salvatore and aggression and of that for you. and it's dealing with israel and it's issues with the policy and territories is biased. okay. thank you for that. laurie challenged by for a single comply to east jerusalem. being decomposing bodies of thousands of palestinians have been found dumped in a school yard in northern gauntlet. witnesses save the victims were blindfolded and tortured and finest were any forces before they were killed. the bodies were then placed in plastic bags tire. a couple of zoom reports from ruffin. a warning. his report contains distressing images, a little of this man searching bags containing the bodies of palestinians who have been missing. what was the what taken away by his very sources. and now some of the remains of being discovered near how much clearer, in another way can cause. no,
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that's just as built. those assessed through the different sense of decade chose the doses of the parties have been done. you got to look that up. definitely with that i think we were shocked to find a mass grave inside the school yard. were shocked to find the dead bodies. it was a palestinian civilians blindfolded in handcuff to the box. the dead bodies were kept inside block bostic bout with a deep without a palestinian authority. is our calling for an investigation in our statements, the ministry, or for an offense, and expect what you said. it demands the formation of an international field investigation team into the mastic has committed by the use of the occupation and the conditions of the missing and detained from the goal of this trip. the discovery of this mass grave reflects the magnitude of the tragedy. faced by
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palestinian civilians and serious violation of 4 international loves. the discovery comes of just a day off that is read returned. 100 kind of thing in buddies for burial is roughly just like and offering cars on the condition of these parties. ranges of from severely decomposed to me skills are, remains making, gets hot item to find them. people still come to the sites, searching for clothes in this place of the tragedy. tarka. by soon i was just a rough, rough off in southern gauze. diana, but who is a palestinian human rights lawyer? she's with us live from ramallah. diana, what was your reaction to the discovery of these 30 bodies of palestinians who were found handcuffed, blind folded and thrown in garbage at the school in northern gaza. and this is precisely why israel was taken to the international court of justice with the
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accusation that it is committing genocide. and the fact that we see that the i c j ruled in favor of south ask for kind of said that there was a clause of a risk of gen the side is simply this, this evidence just simply bolsters that opinion of israel's been committing war crimes against palestinians since 1948, and nobody has ever held israel to account. i certainly hope that this time the world was going to wake up and do something about it. because this is, this is clearly a war crime. and clearly israel should not be able to get away with how incriminating is it that the is ready sold is left left based behind with evidence of handcuffs that had serial numbers and words in hebrew wishing on them. this is because they feel very emboldened and the reason that they feel involved and is because it's really soldiers are rarely, if ever charged with crimes and in particular work crimes,
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especially when it comes to their actions in gaza. we've seen video after video since a israel's attack on the gaza strip again with of them bragging with the way that they are a be losing and torturing, posted in. so this is yet another phase of the feeling. and so they. busy are in bold and to do whatever it is that they want to do. they feel that they, that they will be able to get away with it. and how, how critical is it that palestinians and international organizations document these kinds of trustees and, and if so, how do they go about it in the middle of will this is a very important question. this is why the international court of justice in its decision on friday, indicated that this type of evidence needs to be preserved. and of course, the only way that this type of evidence can be preserved is if there is a ceasefire. what israel has done instead is it's tried to distract the world. it's
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tried to come up with serious allegations against honor, one against other organizations as well. and instead of people focusing on this genocide and focusing on these war crimes, instead we see that everybody's turning their heads in a different direction. that's why it's so vital for people to keep their eyes on demanding a ceasefire to keep their eye on demanding. that is real, stop such that this evidence can be preserved, israel's not above the law and shouldn't be allowed to get away with work. and. and with genocide as it so far has been able to get away with rights. and if this, if this information is documented and is able to be preserved, how critical is it going to be a, how likely is it going to be that there is some, some sort of prosecution off the, on the, i mean, are there any precedents that we can look at, i was in israel, the prosecutions are few and far between and and, and completely and totally insufficient. for example,
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a few years ago there was an israeli soldier who was caught on tape as he was recorded, as he shot a motionless posted in man was lying down in the street. he shot him in the head and killed him. and that is rarely, soldier ended up going to prison for under a year. in fact, when he was released from prison, he was hailed a soldier with everybody from the prime minister to the former prime minister to others, and declaring him a hero and having a heroes welcome for him. so i don't have any space that there will be any process situations inside is really inside ms. red lake court. that said, i do believe that this opens the ground floor opens the path for prosecutions internationally. this isn't just a question of going to the i c c, the international criminal court, which is itself very political. but it paves the way because of this icy j whitley, for countries around the world to prosecute these soldiers. and these individuals for the crimes that they have committed because genocide is not like ordinary
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crimes, it is the worst of the crimes in international law. and this is precisely why. ready israel is, we're fighting the i, c, j, the ruling why they're trying to distract from the i c j a ruling and why they continue to, to not implement the i c table. okay, i really appreciate your time and perspective. donna bush, senior palestinian human rights lawyer speaking to a staff from ramallah. my pleasure is really strikes have targeted areas around hospitals in southern gauze, as we've been hearing the world health organization says that the intensifying thing is con eunice is now hampering efforts to deliver supplies to medical facilities and w h o p to this morning, the palestinians on the brink of salvation, as we talk about as desperately the people taking food off the trucks. what would you do in that situation? for families staffing? you're starving. this is a population that is starving to death. this is a population that is being pushed to the bank and they are not parties to this
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conflict and that is at the corner of this, they are not parties to discomfort the civilians. have guys are in the practice of this conflict and they should be protected as should be their health facilities. as of today, over 100000 cousins are either dead, injured or missing and presumed dead. definitely, joe has phase, great, difficult even to read trust between lucy insides on guys. a heavy fighting has been reported near the hospital, seeing con eunice sadly impacting access to health facilities for patients. health workers and supplies, ambulance crews, and southern guns. i have to cross vassal grounds to reach dead and injured palestinians a same hassan is the head of the emergency unit out and also hospital and con eunice. it says cruise on taking risks to try to save lives.
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how will the stuff on it? yeah, we always mean definitely. mm hm. well, that they've been most of the in was sure. i mean, half of the timing is to be 2nd. government grandmother died as little as all here. all saw, but you don't have the names of pain and the idea. so you all are, you will see that the sun sure. i love michigan. yeah. looks like it should be in the manufacturing session with specialists and some of the be if there's, you know, some hasn't been up front in the front end. and by my, i mean, let me see what, what has over 9, how do you see i should i just, i need to initialize. yeah. when, when it's off the phone, i know how it's called the desk and i didn't see off or because of the most of our like. and then as of it, especially that i didn't actually yeah, i don't know if i'll be one. i know for funny, you know, such, right? yes, dominion was such a i to do better of my size and i,
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i do we all what do minutes? yeah, i mean, i didn't see often this off was to shoes and i didn't move above. and this off the membership fee says yeah, for the final piece it got to look like a height and then the measuring just a bunch of numbers. the mix i oh, the, the there was somebody who can you in the to the u. n. c, monetary and chief has told the security council that a to go on, so it's still being blocked loss. and griffith says it's vital that the un agency for palestine continues its work. the warning comes off to several western countries suspended the funding to on right. they took that decision following israel's accusations that a small number of interest off to pop in the attacks on october,
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the 7th. the ability of the management community to reach the people of guys or with relief remains grossly inadequate. then to say it's crushed, inadequate. as it says here, is grossly inadequate. it's much, much more difficult than that. and you want to actually general, i'm turning gutierrez, also on the line. the important stuff on the is the backbone of all the meant. it didn't respond. so you can cause i appeal to all member states to get into the continued t f wound was life saving work or excess. he's the meditative assist. i mean, guys that he's collapsing may seem to be concerned by the new main conditions faced by guys us to point to median people as they struggle to survive without any of the basics. everybody not in godaddy's hungry, while also median grapple with catastrophic levels of food insecurity. c,
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i called for a rep, it's safe. that means that it expanded and sustained the manufactured in excess of 12000 australia is one of the countries that has halted its funding to unwrapped. earlier we spent to marrying feruki. she's the deputy nita, vio starting greens. she says the decision is indefensible, hypocritical and irresponsible. the rug is one week agency in hasa, and it is the survivors of millions of people. people across the indians depends on the live saving aid that they provide in countries west and countries like australia who have suspended this aid have made a pretty disgraceful and literally in this defense the boat decisions. we know that people are being stocked in gaza at the moment. we know that there is a humanitarian crisis. we know that there is a mission of genocide that is right, is committing. and at this time to suspend the aid is disgraceful and despicable. and it is totally irresponsible. australian labor government has blatantly shown
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the hypocrisy of from the time that this particular evasion of laza started. you know, they, they, they were very quick to suspend this funding. it took them no time at all to suspend this funding, but they have not added a single word since the i c j findings that actually it is quite plausible. that is why it is on a mission of genocide and they have actually ruled that is who i should enable premeditated and assistance to gaza. and what else really has done is the exact opposite suspended of funding and funding assistance to and so they decisions are completely hypocritical. they say on the one hand that they the national. but their record directory is completely different to what they are actually doing on the ground. to displace palestinians have made long journeys to find refuge in
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southern gaza. but now the last place of shelter has turned into a war zone. with these rarely ministry, intensifying its attacks, the family is now fed, they have nowhere else to go. it may cost them. sherry reports uprooted. i'm constantly going to move him on to the man. hope somebody have survived this really strikes and from the operations in central and southern casa, they move to the furthest pointing cause are bordering egypt for safety. no matter where the goal is for anybody who has color. oh no matter what. and hey, you know, most likely is to be at least kill us. so let them ethnically cleanse what remains of the palestinians on life. and the temporary shelter has come with challenges. there is little food of water for hundreds of families living in overcrowded count . well,
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some 8 comes through the ralph of crossing palestinians here. see they have no supplies. no problem with that. that's my biggest hand the month. like i mean, even here at the border, no relief, 8 is delivered. we are forgotten. our children are falling sick and we cannot find treatment and was more than a 1000000 palestinians of sheltering in southern gaza. also the east really ministry owed them to move south toward. it's called a se, so it's now a battery from the most intensive strikes and found raids is ready soldiers the surrounding hospitals and booming residential areas. the ones who make it out safely, a settling in, in anything they can find. that's a gun, no matter who has a good business relative to do these, riley troops storm their homes and forced us out. they took our money, mobile phones, and our odds. they stripped us making a forced us out. we did not wish to leave our homes. this is the 10th place i
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resort to a covered oldest distance on foot in cold weather were left in the open house without any source of income. the scam from the junction border is a place of safety, but displace palestinians fear they will be order to move once again. i'm so i'm sure these, i'll just see the, the still ahead on al jazeera, a deal is downs, and the deadlock in northern islands. we've got the latest from belfast on the return of a power sharing a government hundreds of people are right here. outside of many believe that the president would only make the purchase of an argentine now who say they won't pay the price of the government's cost cutting with the
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the where the land take, whether it's bad to bite into the play. and if you're at, once again, this is one week front ahead and this is one following that is going to be a western wendy spell. it was a pretty shelves then it's going to bring rain through front germany. highland stove for the north and stripes. the alps and then some to follow the temperature difference isn't that great? you'll notice it's not particularly cold air, but it is cold. and then what's currently around in bulgaria, for example. so when it goes down through, so being voluntary and beyond, not the attempt to break down again and bring some stay with it only a days. whereas i think is sofia. then we back up to an average of 7. and a brief day the wind increases. there give us 10 degrees on a dry looking sunday that will just serve to enhance what is already a fairly show breeze coming down to libya and egypt. and that's also enhancing the breeze the hall mountain, which the seasonal window saved fall. this he had been fairly devoid of task,
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but now it's stronger. it's picking up a lot more. so how it does. and c, r and down through sedan, chub, new jersey, and eventually off the west coast of africa. so the sides just a circulation forming the eastern racial don't think it'll affect motor issues. it just shows this is active area. so the range fairly heavy here, particularly on the eastern side or by the gasket, mozambique in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa since it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide in holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing, of jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships into the red sea, it's not receive task protection that seem to have complication inside story. on al jazeera,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. a watching out. is there a mind if i told stories this our international efforts to bring about
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a sci fi in gaza, a gathering pace, political lead of how much is notion a is expected in the egyptian capital car, ready to review a cease fire proposal that was put forward in paris over the weekend. meanwhile, the palestinian red crescent says, is there any forces have storm the courtyard of l m. all hospital is ton unit. and the fed time, at least $26900.00 palestinians happen to ever since, as well as who owns off at the down in the world health organization says be intense fighting and con eunice bring efforts to deliver supplies to medical facilities, w h, i repeat to this morning that palestinians bring his foundation, south africa's invest the to the nice of nations has wound as well as allies. they could be at risk of complicity for genocide. said states. i'm now
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a notice of the existence of a seed, asterisk, of genocide against the police to me and people in gaza. they must therefore, also independently and immediately to prevent genocide by israel and to ensure that they are not themselves in violation of the genocide convention. including by 180, assisting. in the commission of genocide, the un security council also conveying to discuss last week's international court of justice ruling that is wrong must prevent acts of genocide in its full on garza, on diplomatic efforts to james base, has moved from the united nations. for the 1st time the security council convened to discuss last week's interim ruling by the international court of justice is on the on garza this meeting requested by the arab nation on the council. oh jerry.
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yeah, good luck or not. it is crucial to achieve a ceasefire. immediately to those that oppose that cease fire must ask questions of their conscience efforts to get a resolution calling for an immediate c spa had repeatedly been blocked by one of the security council's permanent members, the us itself passed. so that made it clear that the ice c j decision to won't change that position. we must be honest about what the court did, not order. specifically, it has not ordered an immediate cease fire. it has not made any finding that this preliminary phase of the proceedings that israel committed genocide or otherwise violated the genocide convention. and indeed the united states continues to believe that such allegations are unfounded. israel's deputy ambassador when further claiming the case against his country, which was brought by south africa, the ice c,
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j was outrageous and false. but all the country sort very differently. the chinese and bass of the told me the court's rulings were clear, but could only be put in place if there was the spot. whatever did they uh, to uh, race. those goes a ceasefire is a precondition is some aust, that's watch. we also believe district credit console should do among the provisional load is made by the international court of justice, a call to scale of humanitarian aid for gaza. but that's not happening. the u. n's top humanitarian official told the security council, the suffering is only getting worse with israel frequently blocking the entry of much needed items into casa, james bay's, which is 0 of the united nations. and he was supposed to say that prevented more attacks on shipping off the coast of them in the us as if the tax several drugs side scenarios controlled by who is the fighters,
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they destroyed and on to ship ballistic missile. preparing for the launch, united states also says 3 and radian drones were shot down in the gulf of 8 and the many of the many armed forces continue to provide support. i'm sort of darcy with that brothers in the cause of stripping by blocking is really navigation. will those heading to occupied palestinian poles in the red under region sees not until food and medicine are allowed to tell me how many of the many armed forces would confront the american british escalation with escalation and will not hesitate to carry out the comprehensive and effective miniature operations in retaliation to any british american foolishness, against the beloved to him and what the okay, let's bring you some other weld news making headlines pro democracy groups from man ma, holding
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a protest in thailand. the demonstrations outside the u. n. office and the capital bank called a cooling for return to a civilian administration in neighbouring me on law as the country monks 3 years since miller street to power the leaders that have extended the state of emergency . on wednesday, the ministry has been facing tough resistance from revel sizes who intensified a tax on on the basis on post in october. let's get more and this we can speak to tony chang. he joins us now from miss say, a village on the highlands for that with me. and i'll try to get to see you. so it's been 3 years now. a 3 is from that ministry to how to things stand in me on well, because it appears neither the army. oh, the ethnic forces seemed willing to back down as well. that had been the position very much for the last 2 years. then the towards
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the end of october we saw is offensive insurance today, which is behind me here, which really made a huge difference. 3 of the income is joined together and what was called the brotherhood. the launch started going off the smaller man, not just a basis and had huge success. and the past 3 months, they've managed to push out the military from hundreds of those bases. that then spots a lot of the other groups in other parts of the country to, to stop fighting other again. and they've also had a lot of success. so you'll find that on the board with thailand on the border with china, india and things a dish. the me, i'm of june to is last very strategic positions. now they still do hold a lot of ground, a lot of the largest cities, some strategic crossing points like this, but there are other areas. so an estimate 70 percent of the country is completely out of the control. but then we get to another problem and that is the, the calm is, i've done everything they can,
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but they still haven't managed to dislodge the army. the army has power on challenge in the air. it has the v. r tillery, and it has a boss supply of weapons which the ethnic arm is really don't have. so we're looking at a position now with the army or in the bases. they're able to show they're able to call in and supply, and they're able to get supplied from the the, surrounded by the acne. com is the controller most of the country side. but this is a situation that could be deadlocked for some time to come. unless someone can make a breakthrough, and i think many people here are hoping that perhaps a change in leadership might open a pos in negotiation. because if that doesn't happen, this very bloody civil war could continue for a considerable time. and tony, how good is the coordination between the different ethnic rebel groups fighting against the ministry? because that's going to be pretty crucial if it comes to a political transition. and yeah,
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that's what's really made the difference. this time we've seen all of these different ethnic armies, some of which have been in existence for decades. but they've actually managed to coordinate, particularly here in san stay with the the brotherhood alliances they call themselves really managed to, to form a very united front and provide inspiration. but that in itself could potentially indicated problem in the future to visa roll the ethnic groups around the country that have their own agendas. they have very different capabilities. they have very different goals. and while i think they're all very pleased with the success they have and they have the united go kicking out the military, what replaces them? is it a federal motor? as we've seen in the past? are they going to one more autonomy? what parts of the country will they want to govern over and what, what extent will that power entail? and that's before you even start talking about the pdf, the younger groups of protest,
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those who have been also crucial in this fight. but now these are just young people, often from the up in areas they've gone out, have been, she usually disappointed the queue. they've had the, the future live live, it's completely destroyed. and they just want to get back to a very democratic future. so at this stage it's very hard to see where all this goes. okay, thank you for that tiny chang that for us last spring and dr. south, he's the spokes person for me and most government, exiled and national units and government. and he's a full let me on my invoice to the united nations. he joins us live from an undisclosed location. thank you so much for your time. so the resistance, as we've been hearing that appears to have had some recent buffer feels success as against vision to do you think the civil war may be shifting annual favor? it's just definitely um, it's a 2 years old paying 2 years of suffering. that's and destruction, but also is a,
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she is all the details of the people who meet them all 3 years of the domination of the people with me. i'm a feel free to democracy. the people with me i'm, i'll leading, we must, we die for federal democracy, freedom the national unity government recently released a political roadmap to ending ministry roll and enabling a peaceful transition of power. you also said to the gen, to that you are open to p. storks, if they accepted your terms, did the army, have the army responded to offer these the army there we are facing is not the army the premium though? delrays group. so we hold that there will be at least some meet the zeros who are as possible leaders who have the heroes and to hear the voice of the people who me when i say the voice, democratic voice of the people who me a mom. if the a we me, we are ready, but we are looking for
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a possibility to see it. sorry. so you're saying nobody has responded to you. so if i know, okay, so the energy unofficially considers itself the political friends of all the resistance groups. but as we've been hearing from our correspondent, they are many, many onto resistance groups in me on law. how united are you for the 1st time in the history of a medium, all m u t e is the most inclusive diamonds in newmont historic. so we, there's off costs, some level where we need to coordinate bought these bought enemy generals, idaho military. so that have united us for more vision, the reason for new future. the reason for new federal democratic memo,
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when i say new memo, the global save federal, democrat the union, regardless of race or lanes as a culture of may see these is full of mima. okay, so you're confident when it comes to some time of political transition. if that time doesn't named tom, you can come together on the one national utilizing government will only want to move vision. the vision for the future is mainly to the account, the media that a general must not be a product, and yet i'm a product is any more the must be out. there has to be a strategy to just is believe all through the people with me. i'm all, it has to be military professional. that is on their own cvb of control. we can move on him again to future that the military is a pato bar part of days. those days awful. okay, dr. sasha, i appreciate your time
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a spokesperson for the national unity government. thank you. your opinion need is a holding a summit in a renewed attempt to approve a 50000000000. you are a package for ukraine agreement on the full year program. a funding has been held up by objections from hungry and then warnings from keith that parts of its government will start wanting short of money. rob mcbride before us now from the town of but the young cotton near keith. when i get to the door, it was acting matter of barbara jenco mean. irina zachary jenco presides over the most heavily damaged town in the central region, nearly 2 years into russia's full scale invasion. the streets and buildings still by the scots of when this community was briefly un. devastatingly on the front line . more than 5000 people was their homes. there was the much, the more than 2000 private buildings,
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a high rise buildings schools to kindergarten at the local government facility. suddenly the town is being transformed. irina is office at least now has windows again projects such as this school built with lift the way the in funding are replacing what was destroyed but much more is needed. there's not much, wasn't in this, but the more support from europe is essential for us doing this work. we understand that to build our community, the state cannot do it on its own. we need some money from europe and on our solid . b u funding is especially significant as a similarly size, a package from the united states is being delayed because of a political dispute in washington. further, complicated by the upcoming presidential election, us funding to ukraine became a hostage or for domestic us politics. and this was very hard for the of train to do and this, and was it the uh, in the, in the, your, a presidential election seems united states,
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ukraine's precarious existence looks set to continue until it can become fully integrated into the european union. although in you, leaders are likely to find some work around to force through the aid package. this episode has reveal just how vulnerable ukraine is to any delay in approving support of under ability. so many here believe will only be overcome when it has the security of full human to ship. just starting the leg, the process to join the block. ukraine's priority is getting sufficient funding to survive long enough to see it through public broad. i'll just say era part of the income ukraine to russia and ukraine have 8 swamps around 200 person prisoners of war and was the fast swaps since a russian ministry plane was shot down last week, which most guy says was covering 65 ukrainian prisoners off the 2 years and the deadlock in northern ireland on green has been reached to restore
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its power sharing government pro partition union. this politicians worked house in 2022 and protest breaks the trade was. now the details of the deal with irish nationalists have been revealed from belfast. harry for such as in belfast on wednesday, northern islands perspective, new 1st minister, the 1st to come from should feign which one. so united ireland said she was ready to get down to the business of government. i welcome the fact that we're going to have an executive up and running. and i am off to leslie up for the task of laden thought executive to work with all the executive parties. right. not terrible, and delivered on the things that really matter to people. the power sharing government has been dormant for nearly 2 years. also, the democratic unionist party pulled out the posts for exit trading rules. they said undermine moving islands. place in the united kingdom like like, statement on the islands, executive formation in westminster. the details of the deal that brought them back on the side with being spelled out by the british government for leasing more than
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$4000000000.00 worth of public spending. as we move forward swiftly to give effect to our commitments. i now urge the policies to do the same thing electrifying the speaker of to no longer assembly to re post on. so what's next or 1st, infect the 1st minister at a point, new ministers to the executive. the deal will allow all good ship from great britain and designated to remain in northern ireland to enter without any checks addressing some union. this concerns the northern ireland was being treated differently from the rest of the case single market. the reception was brought to be one of welcome release of the so long without a functioning government and with failing public services. i was looking for them to put money back and pay those products again and help them all of the services. the health services a joke. um 1st of all, um, there's like in the southern or hollands doing nothing. so i'm getting paid for it . for all the perennial divisions here, there is something approaching consensus on the restoration of develop government as of
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a late last year. suggested more than 70 percent of people across political divides were in favor of it for now that red thing and those not as politics, optimism prevails. it may not exactly be a brand new don't moving on, just had it share a false ones in the past. but it is at least a return to profit covenants for nearly 2000000 people. i suppose it, i'll just 0 so fast. so it has on the out there at the top tech boss is a question in the united states about protecting children from online sexual exploitation
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the the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back, ryan police were called in to clear protesters outside argentina's. congress is electricians debates of a controversial economic reform bill police these type of spray to break up hundreds of demonstrates has tried unions cool for the most against tough economic measures announced by the recently elective president teresa bo was out. the process in when is there is a very long session in congress. would that be be ongoing? that could last within 40 and 50 our system calls all nibble's b as by elected president, have yet to be late withholding. we use it to transform argentina or that's what it said. but the whole situation outside congress is completely different. hundreds of people, especially from left when groups have gathered near,
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surrounded congress and they're being pushed away by the police not being allowed close to the building. there's hundreds of security forces that deployed on around this area. the omnibus bill, initially had $600.00, is off meant to transform argentina's economy. that's what the president says initially. also, the president had somebody lots of concession to other political parties to guarantee that there's no, he's going to pass it's meant, for example, to assess the presidency to privatize state companies. to modernize the expectation of both of you was however, many of the people that have gathered here today are saying that it is going to hurt the environment is going to hurt workers' rights. among the other thing, guardians, united in the middle of an economic crisis, december's inflation wage was over 25 percent. it's we negotiating a debt with the international monetary fund. the government is saying that it was implemented security measures to reduce the deficit in this country. but people
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here are we really concerned about the economic situation. they say that the price is a few of the prices of electricity, but everything is going up. the big cannot make ends meet. however, the president is saying that this set of loans that are being debated are necessary to improve the economic situation. he believes that in a few months, the situation in argentina is going to start to improve people on the streets that i've closed. the thing behind this police officers are saying that that's not true, they do not believe in something like that. they believe the videos are going to hurt people like them very so. well, as i said, i went to tell you this. a cuba has postpone plans for a 500 percent increase and the price of petrol, the delays being blamed on a cyber attack, and storing a foreign virus in sales. folks with laser is off furious at the price increase and reducing government spending. communist leadership claims us sanctions for fuel
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food and medicine shortages, that sound bubble. so people are a bit shocking because the fuel price increase also leads to an increase in public transport fast and transportation prices so. so the new price is not a very expensive to keep going. people still cancel about a, the, i'm about, it's a good one. what am i getting? so what else? what lena? it seems to me that it's a good measure not to raise fuel prices about to leave it at this price until the economy stabilizer is the one of the chief executives of majors. social media companies such as facebook to face and tough questions from us sinuses. many popular assign san keys to failing to protect youngsters from online sex abuse. what kind of reports from washington? some families of victims of on line abuse where we're at the hearing and meant to us e o. mark. so could bug what's supposed to play center and would you like to apologize for what you've done to these good people in charge
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through the apology, youtube, as it was, was made earlier. each of the tech fee owes express concern for what they to abuse of the platforms together, but insisted they took stringent measures to prevent tom. to young uses havior, we make it very difficult for, for predators to find teams on snapchat. direct messaging is not available to any uses under the age of 16. i know you don't mean it to be so, but you have blood on your hands. you have a product you have a product of this killing, save them as broad specific instances of online abuse 7, including the sale of drugs. a bridget lost her teenage son after he took a pen, always pill that he purchased on the internet. a tragedy shed by son chapman who's done send me was found dead at the age of 16. having taken fentanyl that was sold on the snap platform, a dealer reached out on snap jack to sammy with
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a colorful drug menu, offered him something for free. in order to addict him and delivered a counterfeit drug to our home, like a pizza, with a lethal dose of fentanyl and sam schuchman had a meeting with a snap c. o. even spiegel, who only attended this hearing of the being subpoenaed. and i asked him to put on 3rd party safety software and he said that data privacy meant that they couldn't do it during the hearing spiegel apologize to parents whose kids overdosed private off the buying drugs on the snap platform for last section to set up the communications access 10. busy cannot be held liable for what is posted by uses. therefore, there is no legal accountability for any home that may be a consequence. there is not one law in the book because you oppose everything we do . and you can't be sued them on to by committee members and by the grieving parents
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like sam chapman there must be accountability durbin, mike, hannah, oh, just the era? washington. okay, that's it. for me. my name's sides of the sneeze. i'll be back there in just a moment, but on today's the the demand for mental health support is going to know then at any time in history, that's the biggest problem that we face the mental health enough. oh use. that is what drives me. mindset travels to denmark, what technology is being used to create innovative treatment. i'm here to help guide you through exploring and expressing your emotions. i'm ready, and in jamaica, we'll skip magic mushrooms. everything is effective and safe on a single usage, depending on the door. same person doing well, stay with i know and no other product like that and all of psychiatric mining since
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episode full on on disease, the cloud of nuclear war lose ever press. what if this is the beginning of one of those accidental wars? what is this is the beginning of the end of life because we know it from the horrors of recent history to the rising card tract, the apocalypse, maybe discovers the impact nuclear weapons have funds, humanity, our failure to keep humanity safe is by sitting down to the individual on the street. this is not to drill on out to 0. what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they're going through here. it just here to we believe everyone has a story. we're hearing economic crises, dorming, the glow. catastrophic effects caused by global warming and conflicts and wars destroying production. factors aggravating the global food crisis. and the substituting the development of a comprehensive and systematic response. the international conference on to justice
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from a human rights perspective. challenges of reality and future states organized by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar and association with the or the exhausted traumatized on a mooning. palestinians hold out hope for a cease fire off the unless form on sufficing and gone to the main site. this is all just there. a life from dental also coming up is there any force is still in the hospital in con eunice for the 3rd time,
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maybe 27000 palestinians have been killed since the beginning of israel's from


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