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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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challenges of reality and future stakes. organized by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar and association. with the the exhausted traumatized on a mooning, palestinians hold out hope for a ceasefire off to almost full mountain sufficing and gone to the main site. this is knowledge, is there a life from dental? also coming up. is there any force is still in the hospital in con eunice for the some time near the 27000 palestinians have been killed since the beginning of israel's bombardment has displaced thousands of palestinian families in gauntlet.
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but the place of shelter is turning into a war. and tony chung on the time me on my boat, a 3 is off to the, to the military, a struggling more than ever to maintain control the beginning console. with homeless grieving, i'm terrifying. palestinians hoping that the latest international efforts will bring about sci fi. the political lead of how much is melania is expected in the egyptian council, cairo to review a proposal that was put forward in paris over the weekend. a temporary hold in fighting could allow some more a deliveries into garza. ramo, is there any captive? could be released in exchange for palestinian prisoners. meanwhile, on the ground, there's been no laptop in the fighting rescue. f. it's out on going off to another night of his rarely bombardments across the strip and amendment will go toward
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challenge season ok, potty stores, let me to get. is there any reaction on these these fine proposal was but 1st, let's get the word from honeywell. moody's in rough and southern guns. a honey has news of postables. these fi agreements reached where you are. yes. well, so far people are reacting with a great deal of anticipation on optimism to the immersion reports of a possible initial a ceasefire deal. and they're, they're more hopeful that this time it's going to be quite serious and put in and do all that has all of these and an immediate cease fire will take place to allow people not only to go back to their homes in the northern part for those who haven't been able to be in touch with their loved ones and remaining family members in the northern part on dogs. and they're hoping by the time there is a, an immediate cease fire and
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a deal agreed upon. they will be able to go back and check on their homes and be it connected with their family members who haven't heard of from them for the past the months. and since the beginning of the word also will help for those who heard about the loss of their family members, there's just to give them the opportunity to pay them respect then to say a final, a prayer so far, the atmosphere here, the general sentiment here, everyone is eager for a ceasefire and an end to this madness that has a started for months that go and has a claim more than $26000.00 lives across the golf trip. we're talking about the entire family they've been, i've been killed the official position on a general level here. everybody wants to cease fire, however, they don't want it to be that mom and over pre, if they don't want to be a temporary and then go back to the same cycle of bombing the official position of how much of a leading fight in groups on the ground and leading these negotiation is that no
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deal unless there is that completes the stage and of all has still it is an immediate withdrawal was a full is withdrawal of israeli military or from across the gaza strip. particularly the northern part and gaza were people would have an opportunity to go back to their homes. we get more questions, bite our here. people. are you guys? they're asking lots of questions. they want to know the details. more importantly, they want to know exact date a when they are going to go back to their homes. has no surprise that people are desperate for a cease fire because the raids, there is no end to them. more of a night from these where it is what is the situation on the ground, particularly at the hospitals which have been on the seas? a yes. well, you know, this is the reason for the desperation, because time here is equivalent to blood the more time these talk venagas using
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take the more blood is being shipped. more people are being killed here in the gaza strip, but mainly we're looking at overnight at tox, in hon. you and it's under the central area, including the raise refugee a gap. and they'll say right, if you got more attacks, renewed artillery shillings in the northern part on gauze and city and around the vicinity of the, of a hospital. but the highlights of what happened as i said, i'm in the hospital. this is part of the palestine requested society to turn to both health organization operating across the guster. it was a storm towards the 3rd time, the reports about more than 10 injuries. and within the past 12 hours, the hospital dealt with 12 people who are being killed, including a security guard, employed by them. how this private press on society was shot and killed by attacking drones, acquired a copy or around the vicinity of nozzler hospital and ton unit refuge account. more people are pulled up from under the rebels,
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as is really military all the from the areas. so defense the crew and permits were able to get to the area holding people from under the robbers or from the streets or shot and killed as were active, intense bonding going on in that particular area that has been destroyed beyond comprehension. the area is not recognizable for many people. the local visit us a went back to check on the areas and could not find their ways to their home. okay, thank you for that honey. my mood that for us in rough uh let's go now to worry talents here was unoccupied, east jerusalem as we were hearing there from honey a lot of a lot of a desire for a cease fire. what are you hearing, where you, off a much less desire for sci fi here after size, it's with the recap. like, isn't it? everyone's particular state is objections or things that they consider red lines.
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because what you've been through all of a humanitarian in the military concerns of this proposed deal, there is a cost layer upon the lapse of politics. so how much, what is, how much stand of this, how much the saying the dates is waiting to consider any deals that ultimately would end the war and gaza would see these ready ministry pulled out of cause at the end of the siege on garza and what facilitates a serious prisoner exchange. now contrast that with what benjamin netanyahu, it's been saying, any deal that he'll agree to will not, and the war will not see the withdrawal, if it's ready for us, is from casa. and as he puts it, that will not be a release of thousands of palestinian terrorists. now, he is on the huge pressure at the moment from the fall right front of his own governing coalition, most pointedly from it. some ben give a who is the national security minister,
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then give it to don't trust and that's what yahoo and by means on this and things that netanyahu was trying to sneak a deal through, that the father writes will find out acceptable. and he says that he's waiting to, to pay the government pronouncements and bring it down if and that's me all he sign something or agrees to something that he does not agree with. now, there are signs of a split. it's on the far right day because his pond does a lot of smoked rich is saying it's not useful to run the studio is media studios and spread threads on a partner and the government's in the cabinets. my lines and the red lines, and i and there's no need to fold them in. so what was this way to get pete? who was the main office ation leader, and he's saying that he will, he's been give, it pulls out the government's hill, offer benjamin. that's me all, it's a safety nets, a lifeline not to say benjamin netanyahu, but let's go skin, but to save the lives of the captives in gaza. again, a page says to be at the forefront of everyone's minds at the moment. so everyone's
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talking to that particular audience has environments drawing these red lines that are no good solutions? no, that would be lots of compromises. mr. dr. the place nothing is going to be written in spite and starting just yet and more than more. is there any criticisms against monroe, the united nations palestine refugee agency? what if they've been saying this? no, he's been notified on russell a considerable amount of time. and we've seen of the recent days. uh these railey saying that on raw employees way involved in the october 7th attacks. now he is maintaining that campaign and he's saying that on ross should be to spend it. he thinks that essentially a new agency should come in and do the jobs. the unreal has been to, he was saying this to agree both you and basset is just yesterday saying that on ross mission has to end because he puts it,
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the agency itself perpetuates him because it looks off to the rights and so they can monitor and a fast falls out of city and refugees including that. right? so the time to heard him say last generations ago, it perpetuates itself and it perpetuates the uh, the palestinian refugee su, besides the rise help south africa. and it's case against israel in the international court of justice. and he says that it's been something of a trojan horse for how mass itself is we can hear now. there are other agencies and the one, the other agencies in the world. they have to replace on rock and roll is totally infiltrated and come us. it has been in the service of commerce and its schools. and in many other things, i say this with great regret. because we hope that there would be an objective and constructive body to offer a of the but that's the only is not just driscoll. yvonne right is also critical of the united nations as a whole,
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which he thinks has been biased against his route and is critical of israel and it's handling all the power steering issue and not so critical of all the parts of the world where he says that has been savagery and aggression any points out it wrong. and again, that's 2 examples that, okay, thank you for that. more a challenge that 1st and we'll keep party sources in australia is one of the countries that has halted its funding to enroll audio. we spoke to marine for repay, she's the deputy laid up deals, training greens. she says the decision is indefensible, hypocritical, and the responsible, stefan ross is one week agency in hasa. and it is the survivors of millions of people. people are kind of spins depends on the live saving aid that they provide in countries west and countries like australia who have suspended this aids have made a pretty disgraceful and literally in this defense the boat decisions we know that
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people are being stopped in gaza at the moment we know that there is a humanitarian crisis, we know that there is a mission of genocide that is right, is committing. and at this time to suspend the aid is disgraceful and despicable. and it is totally irresponsible. so strange and labor government has blatantly shown the hypocrisy of from the time that this particular evasion of laza stockade you know that they were very quick to suspend this funding. it took them no time at all to suspend desponding, but they have not up to a single word since the icy j findings that actually it is quite plausible. that is why it is on a mission of genocide and they have actually ruled that is who i should enable humanitarian assistance to garza. and what to spray a has done is the exact opposite suspended of funding and funding assistance to and
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so their decisions are completely hypocritical. they say on the one hand that they were going to national director directory is completely different to what they are actually doing. on the ground displays, palestinians have made long journeys to find refuge in southern gaza. but now the last place of shelter has turned into was saying, is there any ministry intensifying its attacks? the families now said they have nowhere else to go in medical, some sharif reports uprooted. i'm constantly going to move him on to the man. hope somebody have survived this really strikes and from the operations in central and southern cause a they move to defer this point and cause are bordering egypt for safety. no matter where the goal is for anybody who has no matter what. yeah, most likely is to be at least kill us. so let them ethnically cleanse what remains
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of the palestinians on life and the temporary shelter has come with challenges. there is little food of water for hundreds of families living in overcrowded accounts. well, some 8 comes through the ralph of crossing palestinians here. see they have no supplies. no problem with that. that's my biggest him, the one thing, i mean, even here at the border, no relief aid is delivered. we are forgotten. our children are falling sick and we cannot find treatment and was more than a 1000000 palestinians of sheltering in southern gaza. also the east really ministry owed them to move south to what it called a se. so it's now a battery from the most intensive strikes and found raids is ready soldiers the surrounding hospitals and booming residential areas. are the ones who make it out safely of settling in, in anything they can find the good bits of relative or do these
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rarely troops storm their homes and forced us out the took our money, mobile phones and our id. so they stripped us, making up, forced us out. we did not wish to leave our homes. this is the 10th place. i resort to a covered oldest distance on foot in cold weather were left in the open house without any source of income. the scam from the junction border is a place of safety, but displace palestinians fear they will be order to move once again. i'm so i'm sure these aren't. you see the still ahead on the islanders era. you have the products of this killing sea type john some of us on the fire and not doing enough to protect children from online sexual exploitation. the
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the despite of days was a cold wet weather, a band. they are all on its way through a good part of central europe says it's subdivision line. here we go to the north on that you think that might be the cold or at, but certainly when deer and quite often which are the avalanche warnings over at for through know why because the mattress knows could afford. it was not particularly cold there. and there's writing on its way through discussing that tensions here on the especially low know, especially hard. they know the ticket arjun that special, which is why this band is on its way slow. the south is really good, be brief, it will not attempt, she's back. it will give some wet snow to the north in the house and right the way through to hard run in australia as well. so if it still is still to will them to dry in a good profit of spain, the cold breeze, it seemed like through grease in particular, has become lights and not so snow is really a risk. however,
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you'll see temperatures will be dropping in eastern europe, saturday, 8 or book rest, for example. case important being book or us down to 5 degrees. probably rain on friday and then back up to 12 again, which is above average. but there's quite a big spread of this time. the, at a cost is sunday, it does mean the code is still going sides. so i need to fix the northeast of africa, particularly north coast of egypt and still it pushes the sand up into the. so is it all the dusty? how much of the wind the allowed to us so the sea and everything is the torture full types of georgia. it was unbelievable. they would fit us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding pure revenge.
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occupied and imprisoned the the welcome back you watching out. as a reminder, on top stories, this our international efforts to bring about a safe spot in golf at a gathering pace. the political lead of how much is small shania is expected in the egyptian capital congress to review a ceasefire proposal that was put forward in paris over the weekend. meanwhile, the palestinian red crescent says, is there any forces have stored in the courtyard or out amount of hospital in one unit for the 3rd time at least $26900.00 papa statements and can kill sense as well
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as well ongoing, talented in any time the world health organization says the intensifying thing in hon. units and timeframe efforts to deliver supplies to medical, tennessee's b, w h. i repeated it's warning promising himself on the brink. explanation ambulance crews in southern guns, i have to cross baffle grounds to reach dead, an engine palestinians. the same hassan is the head of the emergency unit. national hospital in funniness. he says his crews are taking risks to try to save lives. how will that i'm so far it yeah, we always mean definitely image. i'm not well that they've been most of the in what's tried that mean hobbled opinion is to be 2nd. government grandmother died as little as all here. all saw, but you've done hudson. and those have been to know about the idea, so you're on or you will see that the fund. sure. i love the mr
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study and the fishermen manufacturing such with specialists as i'm up a vision. you know, some has even us funding the front end of them. i mean let me see what was 9, how do you see, how should i that i need to initialize. yeah. and then how, when it's off for my, for now how it's called the desk and i didn't see off because of the most about what i can do as of it, especially that i didn't ask for the most. i'll be one for funny little so show you the made up in was to show you how to do better my size and i, i do we all what do minutes? yeah, i mean, i didn't miss the off in this off was to shoot and i did move the buffer this off the membership fee. so definitely the final fix. it got to look like a height and then the measuring just a bunch of numbers. the mix. i oh,
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the you because there was somebody who can you in the, in the the spring in some other world news out pro democracy groups from man law holding a protest and thailand the demonstrations outside the un office and the counsel bind coke according for return to a civilian administration in neighboring manual as a country monks 3 years and submit a she to power the latest that have extended the state of emergency. on wednesday, the ministry is facing tough, was assistance from revel sizes who intensified a tax on, on the basis on post. in october,
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20 tank reports from the typed me on my border to the one on a hillside in east hmo. in late january. the far as crack let's with the sound of come, $53.00 is owned. mazda military has less control than the day at launch the crew. right now, the, it is already, military doesn't control. you know, most of the country at least 75 percent of the country, especially the border area. but the presence is still built in kind of a state ethnic 20 forces surround the government trips in that basis. but i'm challenged at power, not hillary to stop them from being over, run frivolous places and civilians suffering a high number of casualties in shan state where the offensive began in late october alliances and coordination between the ethnic on this ma'am of all means lost control of vital trade routes and border crossings with china. and the more the rebels find, the more they learn while our but
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a few experiences have made us into different. so just through what we are learning from fighting and fighting why learning, we know more about their forces and also we have better communication between our own. so just well, many of the official board posts remain closed or controlled weapons supplies and personnel move freely through on check jungle crossings. there are still parts of me and mosque border which a heavily fen stuff like this. in the last 12 months in thailand, china, india and bangladesh strategic pulled a position to pull into i think i'm is, can now come and go as they please. the general ment online who let the crew show no indication, he might change direction. despite signs of consent, within the ruling elite, coincides in, has been dealing with me and most military leadership, the decades on behalf of one of the largest ethnic companies. he's the kind of
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captain that when did 6, when the ship things, as you will see and then take all the passengers with him. that's what they say. i'm i, i hope it's not true. on the western coast, the military is under attack and this particularly important part of scituate, we're kind stages being on the marshal since the violence against the rank of muslim minority in 2016 even those hoss controls fail to hold back the resistance. tony chung out to 0 on the timing on my board to a european union need is amazing, and brussels in a renewed attempt to approve of a 50 full $1000000000.00 amendment to the budget to help ukraine over the next few years hungry vito. the amendment out december summit, mid warnings from keys at pots. if it's government will stop running shorts of money from mcbride reports from the town and forwarded young cat nikki was acting
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matter of barbara jenco mean. irina zachary jenco presides over the most heavily damaged town in the central region, nearly 2 years into russia's full scale invasion. the streets and buildings still by the scots of when this community was briefly and devastatingly on the front line . more than 5000 people was their homes. there was the much, the more than 2000 private buildings, a high rise buildings schools to kindergarten and local government facilities. suddenly the town is being transformed. irina's office at least now has windows again projects such as this school built with lithuanian funding or replacing what was destroyed, but much more is needed. there's not much wasn't in this, but i'm support from europe is essential for us doing this work. we understand that to build our community, the states cannot do it on its own. we need some money from europe and on our solid . b, u funding is especially significant as a similarly size,
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a package from the united states is being delayed because of a political dispute. in washington, further complicated by the upcoming presidential election, us funding to ukraine, the became a hostage or for domestic us politics. and this was very hard for the train to do this. and was it the uh, in the, in the, your, a presidential election seems united states ukraine's precarious existence looks set to continue until it can become fully integrated into the your opinion. yes, although is you leaders are likely to find some work around to force through the aid package. this episode is where they will just how valuable ukraine is to any delay in approving support. a vulnerability that many here believe will only be overcome when it has the security. a full human to ship, just starting the legs, the process to join the block. ukraine's priority is getting sufficient funding to
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survive long enough to see it through public broad. i'll just say era part of the income ukraine. meanwhile, fires have started on the streets of brussels as farm as protest in the belgian capital. the same time even need is have been meeting for that summit. so i can look at these live pictures, they show smooth fires that have started in the city center of brussels, with tires and hay, appearing to be used as fuel, more than a 1000, tractors and clubs. the capital is found this protest, european agriculture rules and regulations. ron police were called in to clear protest as outside argentine as congress, as pull additions to base it a controversial economic reform bill. please use purpose price and break up hundreds of demonstrations stories and by without the purchase a very long session in congress. would that be based on going back to class within
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40 and 50 hours? that phone calls all nibble's b. as by elective president. have you ever made was hoping to use it to transform argentina or that's what it said. but the continuation of side congress is completely different. hundreds of people, especially from left when groups have gathered near, surrounded congress and they're being pushed away by the police not being allowed close to the building. there's hundreds of security forces that deployed all around this area. all naples been initially have 600 is off meant to transform argentina's economy. that's what the president says initially. also, the president had somebody lots of concession to other political parties to guarantee that there's no, he's going to pass. it's meant, for example, to assess the presidency to privatize state companies to modernize the limitation of both of you was however, many of the people that have gathered here today are saying that it's going to hurt the environment is going to hurt workers' rights. among the other thing, guardians,
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united in the middle of an economic crisis, december's inflation weight was over 25 percent. it's we negotiating a debt with the international monetary fund. the government is saying that it was implemented security measures to reduce the deficit in this country. but people here are, we were really concerned about the economic situation. they say that the price is a few of the prices of electricity, but everything is going up so big cannot make ends meet. however, the president is saying that this set of loans that are being debated are necessary to improve the economic situation. he believes that in a few months, the situation in argentina is going to start to improve people on the streets that i pulled. the thing behind this police officers are saying that that's not true, they do not believe in something like that. they believe the videos are going to hurt people like them, but it's, i will, i just see that one is how you this the chief executives of major social media
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companies like facebook have face tough questions from us. son is, has about child exportation on their platforms. the popular sites are accused of failing to protect youngsters from online sex abuse like kind of reports from washington. some families of victims of online abuse where we're at the hearing and can met us e o monks took a bug, was forced to face them. or would you like to apologize for what you've done to these good people uncharged. through the apology, youtube, as it was, was made earlier, each of the tech fee owes expressed concern for what they termed abuse of the platforms together, but insisted they took stringent measures to prevent tom to young use of the savior . we make it very difficult for, for predators to find teams on snapchat. direct messaging is not available to any uses under the age of 16. i know you don't mean it to be so, but.


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