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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm AST

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come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective. on our address here, the homeless, exhausted, m traumatized palestinians hold out hope for a ceasefire, often to the full month sufficing in gaza. the products of civil life though, also coming out of hospitals under his right. he sees in the south with medical supplies running low within 2027000 pounds of things have been killed since the start of the war. israel's bombardment has this place thousands of promising in families in gaza, but the price of shelter is turning into a was an aide for. so when you create and you were paying leaders agree to an additional $54000000000.00 package.
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the thanks for joining us and we begin in gaza were homeless, grieving and terrified. palestinians are hoping the latest international efforts will bring a passive si, fi, the political leader of a mazda as male honey. as expected in the egyptian capital car racer view of proposal performed in paris over the weekend. a temporary holton fighting could allow more a deliveries into gaza, always or the captives could be released in exchange for palestinian prisoners were on the ground. there was still no less up in israel as a tax rescue efforts on going off to another night of his ready bombardments across the street. cars as prime minister told national public radio in the us a framework for a ceasefire with his relatives now being presented to her mouth. he says in direct negotiations will take place in the coming days that we cannot predict. that is, it's going to have a break, so, and we'll move forward very fast,
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or how fast it will go to it all depends on both parties. o r m is to finish this as soon as possible, then to bring the hostages back, but particularly just thought that was what kind of a maybe designed rafa in southern gaza. so far, people are reacting with a great deal of anticipation on optimism to the emergency reports of a possible initial a ceasefire, the lender and they are more hopeful that this time it's going to be quite serious and put an end to all the hostilities in an immediate cease fire will take place to allow people not only to go back to their homes in the northern part for those who haven't been able to be in touch with their loved ones and remaining family members in the northern part on dogs. and they're hoping by the time there is a, an immediate cease fire and a deal agreed upon. they will be able to go back and check on their homes and be it connected with their family members who haven't heard from them for the past the
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months. and since the beginning of the word also will help for those who heard about the loss of their family members is to give them the opportunity to pay them respect, then to say, a final, a prayer so far, the atmosphere here, the general sentiment here. everyone is eager for a ceasefire and an end to this madness that has a started 4 months ago and has a claim more than $26000.00 lives across the golf trip. we're talking about the entire family. they've been being killed. the official position on a general level here, everybody wants to cease fire. however, they don't want it to be that mom into pre, if they don't want to be a temporary and then go back into the same cycle of bombing where we challenge has more from occupied east jerusalem. explains the politics likely to be considered in these, these 5 talks and how much is basically saying the freight to agrees any deals the
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deal would have to involve ultimately the end of the will. it would have to involve ultimately israel military pulling out of gaza, ending the seas, and as homeless puts it a serious prisoner exchange process. contrast that with a lot benjamin netanyahu has been saying, which is that any deal that he would agree to wouldn't involve the ends of the wall that say as well as intends on pushing towards ultimate victory. that israel would not be leaving gauze at any time soon. minutes, however late and that any deal would not involve as he present the release of thousands of terrorists. now the deal with the perspective deal is putting huge pressure at the moment on netanyahu's governing coalition. the cracks showing a get them up and give it there's the national security minister comes from the fall rights length of the coalition is saying that he will pull out of the
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governing coalition if that's neil, who agrees to something that he doesn't approve of the pen give it doesn't approve of, he doesn't trust. and that's in yahoo at the moment and thinks then yeah, and that's me all his essentially being sneaky and withdrawn weasel through a deal that a doesn't agree with. but other parts of the far right to say, no, let's hold on. so visit a smart rich, the finance minister been given his partner is a, it's not useful to run to the steed years. he means media studious. why that had spread threats on a partner in the governments and the cabinet, my red lines, a note, and there's no need to fill in them. he's essentially telling ben, give it to pipe down into what this weighs. yeah, the page, the opposition leader is saying that he would support netanyahu essentially gave him a safety net not to save nothing. the, all your skin doesn't particularly like a box to help secure the release of the captives. and that is the captives that should be paramount. and everyone's minds at the moment
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a number of palestinians detained by his ready forces have returned to gaza, claiming they were tortured while in detention just spoke to, to man about, well, they've been through. you guys is that i was at home in the army storm. my house, i told them i'm sick and i can't move. they took me out of my house and put me in an armored vehicle. i thought at the beginning they would take me to a hospital, but instead they took me to israel. i spent 10 days in israel, where they hit me, insulted me, and humiliated me every day. i feel pain everywhere on my body. before supposed to bend on our knees for an hour. they kept asking me about the tunnels and the belt their captives held by home us. i told them i'm 70 years old, but i know nothing about these matters. they hit me a lot when i couldn't find an answer to their questions. i swear to god that didn't have a single drop of water for days. it was the worst 10 days of my life. it does not. i'll pull the photo. when we go to the evacuation warning,
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we lift the place and headed towards the sea. the moment we arrived at the security checkpoint, the is rarely so just kidnapped us. we weren't even given a chance to ask any questions. we spend the 1st 3 days without food. it was that we would not allowed to go to the toilet, so we would be to in harshly, over the for the 3 days. after that they moved us to another place for some new methods of torture. after a 3 day stuff vase and they gave us a meal, that's not even enough for a child. in the prison you're allowed to sleep in the yard with a width is very cold. and where you have only a very thin mattress and very with blankets. these riley soldiers didn't stop beating us, insulting us and swearing at us all the time. now the story, the miller tree is being condemned for dropping a bomb on accommodation for doctor's treating patients and gaza. the british organization, medical aid for palestine and the us based international rescue committee denounced the targeting and medical stuff. and united nations investigation side was for 2 of
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being a $1000.00 pound bomb was dropped on the compound housing produced doctors last month. that was one of many a tank. some health kind of work has cause us health ministry says 337 of them have been killed sofa in the war, so that the hospital was across garza kindly out of service and say, well 53 health care centers over the $150.00 of being bombed, also destroyed or damaged more than a 100 ambulances policy, and health official site is ready for seats have detained in any $100.00 doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff, including the director of costs as low as just health facility. oh, shit for hospital, which is in ruins. where are the aspect so dr. chris hook, he's an emergency. don't think who spent a month in gauze with doctors without borders. don't to hook told us about his experiences. that is quite here in this when you in the emergency department didn't that's the hospital even even when i was that the number of badly
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injured children and women that came in was. ready just horrible to say um and knowing that these, these kids who, if that fortunately enough lucky enough to survive, i have these terrible injury, huge bones covering 506070 percent of the body. massively broken limbs really badly damaged. i think it's really military has really around top it's activities specifically around hospitals, particularly around the nasa hospital as well, with our as rarely trips and times what are your prime. we concerns knowing that it was the possible for people to safely access and that's the hospital. and in the south is one of the last remaining hospitals with that, with the genuine surgical capacity. so now if you buy the engine anywhere in the south, there's almost no way to go for, for your operations, for emergency care. so that's people who are injured outside and trying to get in. and then obviously you've got the, the stuff and, and displaced people who all we didn't last of itself who run out potentially
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trapped and unable to escape and who are struggling for food and running very short to supplies that to, to keep those people going. who are still in the hospital, the patients with us. then when i say from both sides of it really, i think and it's, it's, is it actually does, aust, i'm and we know that this shouldn't be happening to ask you to help gifted as he should be protected. you should be able to feel safe if you buy the injured and going to hospital, we should be able to feel safe there. and it's just, it's just not the case. the world health organization says intense fighting, and con eunice has hampering efforts to deliver supplies to medical facilities. it's a good morning, palestinians, on the brink of starvation, as we talk about as desperately the people taking food off trucks. what would you do in that situation? your family of staffing your starving. this is a population that is starving to death. this is a population that he is being pushed to the bank. and they are not practiced to
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this conflict, and that is at the core of this. they are not parties to discomfort the civilians. have guys are in the practice of this conflict and they should be protected as should be their health facilities. as of today, over 100000 cousins are either dead injured or missing and presumed dead. definitely, joe has phase great, difficult even to reach hospitals, insides on guys. a heavy fighting has been reported at hospitals in con eunice. see that lead and putting access to health facilities for patients. health workers and supplies and displace palestinians have made a long journey is to find refuge in southern guns. but the last place of shelter was now being turned into was with these ready men of treat, intensifying its attacks. the family say they have nowhere else to go. michael soon sharif reports uprooted. i'm constantly going to move him on
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to the men. have somebody have survived this really strikes and from the operations in central and southern cause a they move to defer disappointing cause are baldwin, egypt for safety no matter where the goal is for anybody who has and hey, you know, most likely is to be at least kill us, so let them ethnically cleanse what remains of the palestinians on how you slice in the temporary shelter has come with challenges. there is little food of water for hundreds of families living in overcrowded counts while some 8 comes through. there are 4 crossing palestinians here. see they have no supplies, and the movies have the one thing. i mean, even here at the border, no relief, 8 is delivered. we are forgotten. our children are falling sick and we cannot find treatment and a lot more than a 1000000 palestinians sheltering in southern gaza. also,
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the east really ministry owed them to move south to what is called a se, so it's now a battery from the most intensive strikes and found raids is where the soldiers, the surrounding hospitals and bombing residential areas. the ones who make it out safely, a settling in, in anything they can find. that's a gun no matter who has a good business relative to do these riley troops storm their homes and forced us out. they took our money, mobile phones, and our odds. they stripped us, making a forest us out. we did not wish to leave our homes. this is the 10th place, i resort to i covered all this distance on foot in cold weather. were left in the open without any source of income. the scam from the junction border is a place of safety, but displace palestinians fear they will be order to move once again. i'm so i'm
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sure if i should see the, this is ready for us is they've struck at least 4 areas in southern lebanon. the military service strikes were aimed at hezbollah infrastructure and ministry compounds in response to rocket launches from 11 on towards northern israel early on thursday. yes, what was it? say they prevented more tax on shipping off the coast of human several drones site scenarios, controlled by whose he fighters were attacked. ballistic missile being prepared for launch was destroyed. us also says 3 uranium drains was shot down in the gulf of age and well the, the many armed forces continue to provide support. i'm sort of darcy with the brothers in the cause of stripping by blocking is really navigation. all those heading to or part time is still in the pool in the red under agencies. and so food and medicine are allowed to have. the many armed forces would confront the american british escalation with escalation and will not hesitate to carry out the comprehensive and effective military operations in retaliation to any british
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american foolishness. against the beloved human was still ahead on mileage a 0. a storm brewing in india, warnings the one of its best known exports is on districts, plus attorney chang on the time me on my board. 3 is off to the, to the military, a struggling more than ever to maintain control the and still it is faulty analogy and team that i'm in the middle of chile. not much change here a davie shows folding attempt is really high by a blank of 41 is quite scroll all the way down to those and those impacts of down here. but the heat is actually moving north was pushing up into, for example, the power required us. once you have the full cost,
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we'll see temperature as rise. that could well be a new record at the record stands just below 40 and we're full costing $41.00. even so if whether it's a rick will break through a lot, it's going to be too hot. and also this sometimes too much right now. i love this rate is going to be welcomed because our areas are dryers and amazon, you live with us. that's what the full cost is, and we've seen flash flooding in the cities north of rio, still a possibility. and also this weather when does so light. now in the smaller arms the category and we could see more reco breaking high temperatures. we seen many in the last few months. the breeze is bringing rain to costa rica in panama, hopefully is welcomed brian, at least mexico once again, looks fairly drawing mexico city up to about 20 degrees. not exactly, particularly will. the picture in the us is really focused really on the pacific coast time, and this is not a pineapple express bringing extensive writing from north desire of the
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it's one of the world's largest radio telescopes, designed by soviet era pioneer only to be left lying, idle refusing to be silenced, his niece resuscitate the sleeping colossus. the witness met the 54 armenians for built in space, drive on the jersey to the the the, the challenges here. here's a reminder of our top story. is this our international efforts to bring about
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a ceasefire in guns, a gathering pace? the political leader from us is expected in the objection capsule. the car rates of reviews cease 5 proposal for forwarding powers over the weekend. the product student in red present, says, is ready for is, is still on the grounds of the amount of hospital and con eunice for the 3rd time at least 26900 pounds. assuming something to. ready so sales people and guns have started in early october. to help organizations says the intensifying team in the co newness is tempering efforts to deliver supplies to medical facilities. the w h o repeat it. it's one of the protest against the on the brink of style fiction. now he usually does have agreed on an aide package of ukraine with $54000000000.00 lead to some old, $27.00 member states matching process to discuss the aid funding. the daily increase the yearly discussion annual review in 2 years if needed, a sticking point and being hung respect to all that research
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a package last year. well it, by monday we'll get reaction from robot brian susan, the ukranian capital key. but 1st, let's get in touch with butler in brussels and natasha. i'm focus through the details of this a few crate. is it? what was expected? the wind. okay, so you need is a ride to air in bustles this morning. 8 was clear that a deal was probably going to be made even though that means so much uncertainty around is because back in december of the law, somebody's hungry is victor. bob had to do so this deal. but what we have now is a more than $50000000.00 financial aid factory checking the green lights, spiteful, $27.00 member states. now it will be discussed each year the up for review in 2 years. and it's money that will be paid out. we on the side over period for 4 years, it is for you to a win because it does take a long time to get to. busy i don't wanna say because the fact that is an
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opportunity to send a message to russia to moscow that the european union stands united, 27 member state signed united when it comes to continuing to support ukraine, particularly when we are at a time is so much ins and search and see particularly when we're facing us selections later this year. and there was a lot of concern for what that might mean for support for ukraine amongst wisdom allies. so i mean, regarding victor autobahn, he of course, of being the main sticking point in getting this agreement over the line. he has to put it mildly taking something of a product and not take respondents to rush of in the past. so is this now a climb down from old on the locate depends on your perspective and he said he probably wouldn't be putting that spin on it. look, there is no doubt so that it is being a very difficult few months because back to december, that was me. you some age of which uh, old old 27 member sites were supposed to be green lights. and uh,
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this financial aid package hungry victor over bad news is vito to locate a use a close ally of the russian president vladimir police. and now he said that one of the reasons he was booking get was because you claim hadn't fulfilled the sort of criteria it needed to fill in order to be given such an age package. now what we have now is that the e u has agreed to a review and a couple of years of this money who founded wants to review to they say, look at me, some going to do it or you every 2 years. so in a sense, they've made a concession to them. we also know that they've spent the last 3 months scrambling around, trying to find ways to try and persuade them to sign off on this. some of the things that we talked about, well, possibly trying to scrap agrees of voting rights in the you may increase, disrupt hungry economy by freezing or you fun. so a lot of things with circulation that we know that just before this, even some a,
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some of the main, the latest problems, it's legitimate age plus the head. sophie, you commission and the counsel met one on one with all that in a room to make sure that he was going to be on board and sign off on this summit. some of the open has succeeded in disrupting. you might say the process once again in a european union, but in the end, as so often happens when it comes to oregon, he has had to climb down and get on board. all right and such a place to walk you through all that natasha butler in brussels over to the ukrainian capital kiff. and what mcbride is standing by and rob, clearly ukraine is with a strong shift money. this $54000000000.00 will match the most to yeah, absolutely. i think of a sense of relief hearing keith is almost a palpable the prime minister here. dennis ash my how has a say welcome to this obviously and saying that this shows the solidarity of your p . m. pod. there's a standing with ukraine showing a united front as you claim
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a face at the prospect as a beginning. a search for a 3rd year of this full scale will also a statement from the president below them. is that lensky saying that this guarantees long term security financially for ukraine's. there were concerns here that's about funds were already running shoals in some parts of government. and that's by the spring, some parts of government would be running, got some money if things like a so called liquidity that's having cash or on hand to pay people's salaries and so on. and it's understood that the. busy crunch of this much needed money. that's a record to be around. 5000000000 euros will be available in march. so in time to full stool. any of those problems, what's also being welcomed is that some of this money is going to funds a, a so called investment instrument to try to encourage other for the private sector investments coming from europe and elsewhere here in to ukraine. so this money leading to have a further investments of other monies,
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which is going to be much needed. of course, as ukraine faces the prospect of use of rebuilding its cities and infrastructure, i many things so that rob mcbride's lot for us in cuba now after 2 years of deadlock in northern ireland and agreements being reached to restore its power. sharon government, pro british unionist politicians looks out like in 2022 and protested bricks of trade rules. were now the details of the deal with the irish nationalist who being reviewed from belfast or force of has more as in belfast on wednesday, northern islands prospective new 1st minister. the 1st to come from should feign which one. so united ireland said she was ready to get down to the business of government. i welcome the fact that we're going to have an executive up and running . and i am off to leslie up for the task of laden thought executive to work with all the executive parties. right. not terrible, and delivered on the things that really matter to people. the power sharing government has been dormant for nearly 2 years. also, the democratic unionist party pulled out the posts for exit trading rules. they said undermine moving islands. place in the united kingdom by quick statement on
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the islands, executive formation in westminster. the details of the deal that brought them back on the side with being spelled out by the british government for leasing more than $4000000000.00 worth of public spending. as we move forward swiftly to give effect to our commitments. i now urge the policies to do the same thing in notifying the speaker of an old one assembly to rico stone. so much alexis or 1st infect the 1st minister and a point new ministers to the executive. the deal will allow all good ship from great britain and designated to remain in northern ireland to enter without any checks addressing some union. this concerns the northern ireland was being treated differently from the rest of the u. k. single market. the reception is broadly being one of welcome release of to so long without functioning government and with failing public services. i'm just looking for them to put money back in people's products again and helping all of the services the health services of joke. first
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of all there's again that they're sitting in their homes doing nothing and getting paid for the perennial divisions. here there is something approaching consensus on the restoration of develop government as of a late last year suggested more than 70 percent of people across political divides were in favor of it for now that red thing and those not as politics, optimism prevails. it may not exactly be a bright, you don't know the non decided share a false ones in the past, but it is at least a return to profit covenants for nearly 2000000 people are bullshit. alger 0, so fast to the 3rd anniversary of the crew in myanmar pro democracy groups that protested a neighboring thailand. newspapers, the un office and the capital bank called cold for an end to ministry rule. and the return to a civilian government. moazami is facing tough resistance from revel. fights has
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the lines of ethnic armies launched and defensive against the government. 4 months ago, tony chang reports from the buddha with time to on, on the hillside in east a man in late january the far as crack. let's with the sound of gun 53 is owned. mazda military has less control than the day at launch the crew. right now, the, it is already, military doesn't control. you know, most of the country at least 75 percent of the country, especially the border area. but the presence is still built in kind of states ethnic 20 forces surround the government troops and that basis. but i'm challenged at power, not hillary to stop them from being over, run frivolous places and civilians suffering a high number of casualties in shan state where the offensive began in late october alliances and coordination of between the i think on this ma'am of i mean is loss control of vital trade routes and border crossings with china. and the more the
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rebels find, the more they learn while our but the few experiences have made us into different. so just through what we are learning from fighting and fighting why learning, we know more about their forces and also we have better communication between our own so just small, many of the official bore, the posts remain closed or controlled. weapons, supplies, and personnel move freely through on check jungle crossings. there are still parts of memos border which a heavily fen stuff like this. and the last 12 months in thailand, china, india, and bangladesh strategic pulled a position to pull into i think i'm is, can now come and go as they please. the general ment online let the crew show no indication he might change direction despite signs of consent within the ruling elite coincides in has been dealing with me and most military leadership the
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decades on behalf of one of the largest ethnic companies. he's the kind old captain that when the 6, when the ship things he will say and then take all of the passengers with him. that's what they say. i'm i, i hope it's not true. on the western coast, the military is under attack and this particularly important part of scituate, we're kind stages being on the muscle since the violence against the rank of muslim minority in 2016 even those hoss controls failed to hold back the resistance. tony chung out to 0 on the time me on my board. what of india is best known and export struggling to use fame for this thing to flavor, but the government is being one that without urgent help production could die out. but no fernandez explains why a doug feeling all the land of this on the boat is home to india is fine. s t,
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but it may not be so for a loan, at least 10 of the regions, 87 t foundations have shut down in recent years. i'm sure mon canaria santa who heads the t exporters association, says climate change. politics depend demik global developments and increasing costs . i'm making it difficult to continue every automotive and acute financial crisis. we have scared to promote because one of us quite into budgeting fee for us. this is not a business. you know, it's a passion. we are in love with us. what are the things we are in love with the tv produce and the people who worked with us. so for us, this was an extended family and that's what's keeping budgeting gardens going so far. there are 2 main production periods, the dodgy link t october to early march and made to june each year.


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