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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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what do you think the shooter was interested? because of the law? i feel like she's hiding behind the standard. round the basin and stuff or days by israeli forces pulse. the news in gaza. describe that towards the let me fuck him this. i'll just say with life and don't will. so coming up, hospitals under his very season, southern guns, so with medical supplies running low within 27000 pilots, sidney kills us. stop paid for war to new crane. european leaders agree to an additional $54000000000.00 package. and a shocking diagnosis on campus of the world health organization predicts a 77 percent increase. the number of new cases by 2050
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will welcome to you is just going 1400 gmc and we begin in gaza were a number of published and he was detained by his ready forces. say they were beaten, tortured and humiliated. they have not return to rock from any of these the latest in increasing list of accusations of gross mistreatment of prisoners and violation of international laws, which is 0, spoke to, to man about what they've been through the guys that i was at home in the army storm my house. i told them i'm sick and i can't move. they took me out of my house and put me in an armored vehicle. i thought at the beginning they would take me to the hospital, but instead they took me to israel. i spent 10 days in israel where they hit me, insulted me, and humiliated me every day. i feel pain everywhere on my body. they forced us to
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bend on our knees for an hour. they kept asking me about the tunnels and about their captives held by him us. i told them i'm 70 years old, but i know nothing about these matters. they hit me a lot when i couldn't find an answer to their questions. i swear to god that didn't have a single drop of water for days. it was the worst 10 days of my life. no food was football. when we got an evacuation warning, we left the place and headed towards the sea. the moment we arrived at the security checkpoint is really so just kidnapped us. we weren't even given a chance to ask any questions. we spent the 1st 3 days without food was that we were not allowed to go to the toilet and we would beat and harshly over the 1st 3 days. after that they moved us to another place for some new methods of torture. after a 3 day stop violation, they gave us a meal, but it's not even enough for a child. in the prison you are allowed to sleep in the yard with a width is very cold. and where you have only
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a very sin mattress and very width blankets. these riley soldiers didn't stop beating us, insulting us and swearing at us all the time. a live that attack up as a joins us from rough attack. we are seeing more a more evidence, formal claims of torture. what more do we know? yes, of course. uh hieroglyphic. testimonies today have been heads from palestinian destinies, who have been to day released by these many forces that had been delivered into the gauze. try to find, as we have been hearing and seeing different signs of, to choose on the bodies, including broken legs, sent with different beating signs all on the heads as they have been getting through, completely dressed the conditions. and he's very detentions, and this is completely her rustic testimonies on that could not anyone imagine simply because they have been going to fruit complete days without having
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a few access to through the roots as they have been, beats in daily basis in the detention and, and this is also signifies that that, that situation for the jury to old spouse and you did to these who have been arrested in goals on top of that, the majority of the dues have interested in goals will have to either rest from the homes or from the evacuation centers where they have been taking refuge inside skis, rel, i'm, it's homecoming military operations. and then over at pots and different areas in dollars districts, they have been arresting every single policy and who's over 16 being investigated on display locations about the mandatory activities inside goals. but that was sitting in the fight as a whole, so according to the destinies they have been off about the ice valley captives who has been held. they would come off since the october, the 7th at the top me of the board is and this is absolutely on us elation a for the conditions of this destiny is spot that's full. so what the majority.
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busy of palestinian presidents and these really jacobs have been getting through even similarly to the situation of the west bank as israel day by day is launching more a rest campaigns. i meant the unrelenting bombardment that is unfolding the territories . i talked talking about the ongoing bombardment of guns that we have of being advocates be more over night. is rating raids the across the street. and what's the situation on the ground, particularly at the hospital was which was we know beat on the seeds as well. honestly, the situation day by day and goal is that is getting much more critical, especially back to each man is a completely rounded up mandatory at tax and the software costs of gauze that, that supposed to be safe zone. where 1000000 a palestinian a 1000000 prompts and you know, taking refuge in these areas. now the information's uh, continue in hot, continuing upon you and assist eats especially that the last 2 remaining costs. but those have been pcs'd for a move down couple of days. um,
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as of the expansion of the isabel military operation at the happy in circling of hospital preventing medical teams from dissing out of the hospital. also imposing a police significant restriction in terms of risk to being the injured people in different areas of the targeting. simply because of the majority of victims and things that people have been transported from, con eunice to rough off because the on, on april to get out from the hospitals. i'm, it's ongoing a, he'd be firing towards the departments of the hospitals and it's facilities were in the past few hours that have been seeing more rates and confrontations on the vicinity of and also on loss or hospital. but what is full, so essential to say is that people that are running low in terms of food and water, simply because there is no interview. monetary is applied, being delivered to those areas that has been perceived as he's well, is preventing anyone to move into that area for out the use of quite cool drugs
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that open the fire against every possible pass and is moving on the ground that which will completely complicate the situation, especially the medical one for hundreds of power, steering agent, people who are receiving the treatments and such hospitals tire many thanks for the update turned up. it was in there and wrap them are. now these are the minute trees being condemned for a dropping off of excuse me to the dropping of i bomb on accommodation for don't to is treating patients in gaza. the british organization, medical aid for palestine and the us space international rescue committee denounced the targeting of medical stuff, united nations investigation sideboards for to of being a 1000 pound bomb was dropped to the compound housing british don't to this last month. that was one of many attacks on health care workers because his health ministry says 337 of them have been killed sofa in the war. so the hospitals across the gaza, out of service. so $53.00 health care census more than
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a $150.00 have been bombed, also destroy. busy or damaged, more than a 100 ambulances. housing and health officials say is ready, forces obtains near the 100 doctors, nurses, and other hospital stuff, including the director of causes. largest health facility will ship a hospital, which is in ruins. where are you? i spoke to dr. chris hook, he's an emergency don't to spend a month and goes at last year with doctors without borders. folder hook told me about his experiences. it is quite horrendous when you in the emergency department didn't. that's the hospital even even when i was that the number of badly injured children and women that came in i was. ready just horrible to say um and knowing that these, these kids who, if that fortunately enough lucky enough to survive, i have these terrible injury, huge bones covering 506070 percent of the body. massively broken limbs really badly
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damaged. i think it's really military has really around the top. it's activities specifically around hospitals, particularly around the nasa hospital as well, with our as rarely trips and times what are your prime, we concerns knowing that it would be possible for people to safely access and that's the hospital. and in the south is one of the last remaining hospitals with that, with the genuine surgical capacity. so now if you buy the engine anywhere in the south, there's almost no way to go for, for your operations, for emergency care. so that's people who are injured outside and trying to get in. and then obviously you've got the, the stuff and displays people who all we didn't last of itself who run out potentially trapped and unable to escape and who are struggling for food and running very short to supplies that to, to keep those people getting us, getting off to the patients with us then when i say from both sides of it really i think and it's, it's,
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is it actually does all stuff and we know that this shouldn't be happening to ask you to help gifted as he should be protected. you should be able to feel safe if you buy the engine and go to hospital, we should be able to feel safe there. and it's just, it's just not the case. display as part of a study, and so have made a long journey is to find refuge in southern gaza. but the last place of shelter has now been tended to was this really military, intensifying its attacks that finally say they now have nowhere else to go? well, because to ensure you propose the absolute and i'm constantly going to move him on to the man has somebody have survived this really strikes and from the operations in central and southern cause a they move to the 3rd is pointing cause or bordering egypt for safety. no matter where the goal is for anybody who has color. oh no matter what. yeah, most likely is to be at least kill us. so let them ethnically cleanse what remains of the palestinians on life. and the temporary shelter has come with challenges.
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there is little food of water for hundreds of families living in overcrowded accounts. well, some 8 comes through their alpha crossing palestinians here. see they have no supplies. no problem with that. that's my biggest him, the one thing i mean, even here at the border, no relief, 8 is delivered. we are forgotten. our children are falling sick and we cannot find treatment and was more than a 1000000 palestinians of sheltering in southern gaza. also the east really ministry owed them to move south to what it called a se, so it's now a battery from the most intensive strikes and found raids is ready soldiers the surrounding hospitals and booming residential areas. the ones who make it out safely, a settling in, in anything they can find. that's a gun, no matter who has a good business relative to go with. these rarely troops storing their homes and
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forced this out. the took our money, mobile phones and our id. so they stripped us making a forced us out. we did not wish to leave our homes. this is the 10th place i resort to cover the oldest distance on foot in cold weather were left in the open house without any source of income. the discounts on the gyptian border is a place of safety, the displace palestinians appear. they will be order to move once again. i'm a cos, i'm sure these as you see it on the political ito from us as much money as expected in the egyptian capital car. riders should review a proposal for forward and power over the weekend. kansas prime minister told national public radio in the us a framework for a cease fire with israel is now being presented to mass. he says in direct negotiations will take place in the coming days. we cannot predict that is it's going to have a break. so,
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and we'll move forward very fast or how fast this will go through. it all depends on both parties. our m is to finish this as soon as possible, then to bring the hostages back. but to put the closure for that was what have explosion has been reported, never ship west of the many port city of had a at the british maritime security agency, u k. m t. o said the vessel was quite a tact. this comes off to us forces say they prevented more attacks on shipping off the coast of human several drone sites in areas controlled by who the fighters were attacked. a ballistic missile being prepared for launch was destroyed. us also says a free and rainy and drains were shut down in the gulf of age and nearly to is have agreed on a package for ukraine with $54000000000.00 and aspen was made as old 27 member states met in brussels agreement was finally reached off the whole review to the deal last year. latasha butler was in brussels for the latest. i need this cleaning
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. delighted as a managed to sign off on this deal. i've moved in the fifty's a $1000000000.00 package for ukraine, the financial aid package, and we understand that the money would be paid out of repaired for years. it will be discussed each year, and then it will be up for reviews every 2 years. it is so a win for you just because back in december that had to somebody said that they were hoping to sign off on that financial aid package, said it was vito by hungry by john gary. employment is the victor who is a close ally of russian presidents of light demand to say what we have now is all 27 member states. one for which is from the point of view of the you, the optics of good because the message that they wanted to send out to russia to most guys is that the, you continues to stand united when it comes to ukraine, particularly. and again, that is challenging when there's so much i'm search and see particularly we've got
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us selections coming up later this year. and the us position on ukraine will become less clear. while the leaders meeting in brussels focused on the war and ukraine, hundreds of farm is demonstrated outside of your p and parliament. police who's down 5 and for testers who approach secuity coolants more than a 1000 trying to is blocked roads in the belgian capital. the protests were the latest weeks of outraged by farm is against the rising costs. you trade rules and shrink food ports. the still ahead on my options here on tony chang, on the time in my folder 3 is off to the cute. the military is struggling more than ever to maintain control storm brewing and india warnings, but one of its best known exports is on the threat. the
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same depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa to it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide in hold across the scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term informed opinions when the us census warships and to the right see it's not received task protection. that scene of complication inside story. on al jazeera award winning in depth investigations. the gift compelling science inter toes from asia and the pacific one. 0, one east. on out to 0 the the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching outlanders are, is there a mind of adults choice? this out? policy means detain, buys, ready for us, is say they would be and tortured and humiliated. now returns to a rough. does the latest and increasing accusations of guys is treatment of prisoners and the violation of international goals?
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meanwhile, is there any forces of storm hospitals and southern guns, and many of them are operating with basic facilities and running out of supplies for the $27000.00 palestinians have been chosen as well as long cause. a sausage and early october the leaders of agreed, a $54000000000.00 a package for ukraine. the agreement was finally reached in brussels by all 27 member states off the hungry veto. the dealer in december agreement was reached off to ukraine of war. and it's running out of ammunition to find russia's invasion, lisa, that of the 3 of the crew and beyond law pro democracy groups that protested a neighboring thailand. demonstrated outside the un office and you cancelled by and called cold for the ends to ministry rule. and would return to a civilian government. also on the end of the 3, the ministry leadership extent of the state of emergency mammals army is facing
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tough resistance and revel fights is that alliance of ethics is launched and offensive against the government. 4 months ago. tiny chang reports from the border with tenants of the one on a hillside in east, a man in late january the far as crack let's with the sound of come. 53 is owned. mazda military has less control than the day at launch the crew. right now, the, it is already, military doesn't control, you know, most of the country, at least 75 percent of the country, especially the border area. but the presence is still built in kind of a state ethnic 20 forces. surround the government troops in that basis. but i'm challenged at power, not hillary to stop them from being over, run frivolous places and civilians suffering a high number of casualties in shan state where the offensive began in late october alliances and coordination between the ethnic on this ma'am of all means lost
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control of vital trade routes and border crossings with china. and the more the rebels fight, the more they learn while our but a few experiences have made us into different. so just through what we are learning from fighting and fighting why learning, we know more about their forces and also we have better communication between our own. so just while many of the official board posts remain closed or controlled, weapons supplies and personnel move freely through on check jungle crossings. there are still parts of me and mas boda, which a heavily fen stuff like this. in the last 12 months in thailand, china, india and bangladesh strategic pulled a position to pull into i think i'm is, can now come and go as they please. the general ment online who let the crew show no indication, he might change direction. despite signs of consent, within the ruling elite, coincides in, has been dealing with me and most military leadership,
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the decades on behalf of one of the largest ethnic companies. he's the kind old captain that when the 6 when the ship things, as you will see and then take all the passengers with him. that's what they say. i'm i, i hope it's not true. on the western coast, the military is under attack and this particularly important port of scituate, we're kind stages being on the muscle since the violence against the rank of muslim minority in 2016 even those hoss controls failed to hold back the resistance. tony chung out to 0 on the timing on my board to now. so you, one of india is best buy next for starts eating t is fane for its distinctive flavor, but the government is being worn out without edge and help reduction could die out without fernandez, explains why dodge dealing with the land of the sun. the boat is
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home to india's finest tea, but it may not be so for long. at least 10 of the regions, 807-0000 patients have shut down in recent years. i'm sure mon canaria santa who heads the t exporters association, says climate change. politics depend, demik, global developments and increasing costs are making it difficult to continue every automotive and acute financial crisis. we have scared to promote because one of us, quite in the budgeting fee for us, this is not a business. you know, it's a passion. we are in love with us that all the things we are in love with the tv produce and the people who worked with us. so for us, this was an extended family. and that's what's keeping getting gardens going so far . of the 2 main production periods, the dodgy link t october to early march and made to june each year up to 80 percent of revenue is generated. during this time,
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the drought rain and falling use of aging tv shows cut output by more than half to 6 1000 tons last year. new one for the distinctive flavor, 70 percent of this premium black t has usually been exported with global economic problems and cheaper alternatives . so many people have seen him on every your, it's been the getting worse and worse and worse, you only have because i mean of this be during the 1st 1st few months of the off the ritz. it's been a completely a whitewash and that's been a fan ever since 2017. the 42 percent increase in daily wages. fertilizer cool and chemical cost coupled with folding demand, as lift plant is unable to maintain that the plantations or re plans. the closures and also he thousands of workers and families. the head of the indian association of to last done a says urgent help is needed if we can get
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a package of him. so i'm kind of in some sense for next year i'm sure to come back and the government has to watch a big slab initiative to promote that is and then the that this is the is the best that is a, maybe a good, but not as good as this is, i think of compliant as i'm hoping some help will come that way. so they can go on producing india's famed and aromatic t. and that fernandez audra 0 are nobody's riot. police were called in to clear protest as the outside. argentine is congress. as politicians debated the controversial economic reform bill. please use pappas right to break up hundreds of demonstrators. trade unions quote, for the months against tough economic measures announced by the recently elected president. the chief executives of major social media companies such as facebook, have testified to us senators about child exploitation on that platforms, concerns
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a growing with the change, the populace science of failing to protect young people. there's been a big increase in the number of children being fixing to sending explicit photos online. this is why we're building all. what did you firewalls center that's i don't think that that's who did you fired? i'm not gonna answer that. if this was a fire, anybody right? you didn't take any significant actors. it's appropriate to talk about it. but it's not a part of the decision. so didn't do you know, who was sitting behind you a, you've got families from across the nation whose children are either severely harmed or gone. and you don't think it's appropriate to take a, talked about the steps that you took, the fact that you didn't fire a single person. let me ask you this. let me ask you this, that we have you compensated any of the victims, sorry. have you compensated any of the victim's eyes, girls have you compensated them? i don't believe so. so a major increase in new cases of cancer is being predicted within the next 25 years . and a survey of
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a 115 countries worldwide shows that the majority of them failed to spend enough on kinds of treatment right now. well ahead of world cons to day on sunday, the w h shows agency surveys said there were an estimated 20000000 new cases in 2022 in close to a 1000000 related deaths around one of them. 5 of the wells population of diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. approximately one and 9 men die from the disease for women, it's one and 12 data collected by global cancer observer, latrice as long breast and color rec, told kansas are the 3 most common types recently. by 2015 is predictive, they'll be 35000000 new kinds of cases. a 77 percent increase. some recent estimates. well for the bright is the head of the cancer surveillance brown. so the international agency for research on cancer, he explained what could be behind this increase. i mean, things like tobacco, alcohol abuse,
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fear. these are key factors that are driving the increasing incidence of cancer, certainly. and we, we do see differences in the, in relation to, to where countries are in terms of social and economic transition. it tends to be that height, the i countries list as human development index, which is a marker of uh, of, of social society to an economic development. we tend to see higher incidents in those countries. and certainly they have the of the cancer, sort of a foaming and many west the nice countries such as long cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer. but we are seeing these kansas very much emerging and lower income countries in the lower of human development settings. but one of the biggest challenge experiencing is a proportional increase in the cancer parts, and that's going to be most striking in the, in the lower income, the lower human development countries. they are going to see a, a projected increase of well over doubling of the burden by 2050. and these are very much the countries that currently, uh, equipped to, to,
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to really sort of deal with the cancer pencil problem. and it's only going to get bigger, and that's going to be more patients in castle hospitals in the future. i can that's it for me. in the book, a inside store is next. as the subdivisions have been lifted from the southern philippines, the deepest cloud, the biggest thunderstorms have moved to where they are drifting to was know the sort of racy, maybe bonia on the line. the property gives the same risk to western java, maybe some matcher. otherwise, the client looking for the assistant ne monsoon is dying down a little bit. but if you go further north, the resurgence of winter snow returns to hawkeye or the mattress. i'm sure may be more interested. there's a certain amount of style on his way out in 2 ways from western char tibetan black
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. so. so anyway, north of the yankee, such that there are warnings, i don't think it has been this bad since 2009. so that's significant south of the i can see it's like to be right and is getting coated it and then shutting down to about 6 degrees from the teams. now this time of the year and it's been going on for weeks now, the northern indian played in to some degree practice done gets fog. that will not shift. sometimes we can move it with the wind, but the wind start down. sometimes we shares. there are no more showers to come, so i'm afraid you've got it for a while yet elsewhere in india, one or 2 like to share some east coast. and so like it looks drive, it has been change on his way for pakistan. but look at this coming through iran, significant rate, i suspect, by the end of the weekend. the latest news, as it breaks in ukraine sense we as long struggles with scott blake said this thing to national identity literature has always played
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a significant role with detailed coverage. critics say the use of government helicopter is in line with the president's upbringing from around the world activities and probably said thousands of victims died waiting for justice, but never came to the lack of accountability pulled. crimes committed in double is what's in boulder named profit for just some other crimes. the international monetary fund products, strong growth for russia's economy this year. let's, despite the sanctions opposed to the invasion of the frames, european nations 12 well behind russia in the item at full cost. so what's behind these figures? do sanctions actually work? this is inside storing the


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