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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm AST

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recollect the time when sequel seen started the tournaments, but only one will be crowned champions. will keep you right across the action. on alice's here, the, [000:00:00;00] the so this isn't these our own algae 0. i'm for the back to go live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. beaten and stopped for days, palestinians and guys that describe the torture. they enjoyed at the hands of these really soldiers, medical supplies and no and hospital was on the siege in the south of gaza. within 27000 palestinians have been killed since this thought of the war. also this,
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our aid for war towing ukraine. european leaders agree on an additional $54000000000.00 package after hungry backs down from a veto, straight and protesting farmers in several european countries demand fuel regulations in lower costs. the french government has announced small concessions. the we begin in guys are where some palestinians detained by is really forces say they were beaten, tortured and humiliated. if now we turn to refine this off of gaza, this is the latest and an increasing number of accusations of gross mistreatment of prisoners and violation of international laws by is really soldiers. i'll just hear . i spoke to 2 men about what they went through. just uh for guys, events. i was at home in the army store in my house. i told them i'm sick and i can't move. they took me out of my house and put me in an armored vehicle. i
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thought at the beginning they would take me to a hospital, but instead they took me to israel. i spent 10 days in israel, where they hit me, insulted me, and humiliated me every day. i feel pain everywhere on my body before supposed to bend on our knees. for hours. they kept asking me about the tunnels and the belt their captives held by him us. i told them i'm 70 years old, but i know nothing about these matters. they hit me a lot when i couldn't find an answer to their questions. i swear to god that didn't have a single drop of water for days. it was the worst 10 days of my life on was it does not pull the photo. when we go to an evacuation warning, we lift the place and hit it towards the sea. the moment we arrived at the security checkpoint, the is rarely so just kidnapped us. we weren't even given a chance to ask any questions. we spent the 1st 3 days without food. it was that we would not allowed to go to the toilet and we would beat and harshly over the 1st 3 days. after that,
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they moved us to another place for some new methods of torture. after a 3 day stop base and they gave us a meal that is not even enough for a child in the prison you're allowed to sleep in the yard with the weather is very cold. and where you have only a very thin mattress and very with blankets. these riley soldiers didn't stop beating us, insulting us and swearing at us all the time to live to all, just as tara, god bless them, who's in vasa for us? and 7 guys are sold more harrowing testimonies and, and trains of torture. terry, what more can you tell us about these cases? the yes of it. and so to, to has been shown today how thompson and deputies have been going through and he's very detention off to being arrested from different areas in psych gauze as we have been seeing does, is it palestinians a debt to these have been completely released today from the east,
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very detentions with different signs of tutor on the bodies. they have been beaten of the heads up with the broken arms and above them we're saying i'm proposing that they have been completely cumulative in these very detention as to have been deprived from having a proper access to food to water. and also they would present it to get to proper toilet just to uh, to uh, to be a question and to be investigated on the very drastic and humanitarian conditions. and this is completely contradictory to the principles of international law that's, that's a completely happened on the times of pool with suicide policy as have been taking shots on different evacuation is of course, called a strip and others happy also arrested from the homes officer being forced to leave and being taken to investigation as some of them had been taken to isabel, others have been taken to disclose location inside detailed 3 and absolutely i as we have been speaking to them, different signs of a trauma. it's true but had been completed. he is on the face as
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a jew to the whole roof. it seems that they have been unconditional as they have been experiencing it is really j is that this is not the 1st time that this man is releasing a promising you in touch. and these are that have been arrested in gauze. i bought the there on getting appraisers that have been multiple arresting. tom stands, some of them remains for a couple of days. been going to be released, reporting and staying the same corrupted conditions that they have been going through. specifically that they use what he met, that you were asking was asking them about the palestinian fighters about these really hostages and tiny information about the palestinian fighters tunnels that would help them. and they'll ration on the ground to you to tell us about the situation right now in uh guys, i have a situation on the ground tower, especially in, in hospitals, which has been under under siege uh by these things. yes, fully. uh now we have been hearing the sound of these very, uh, sort of regular drones,
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whole ringing this kind of rough districts. and that's completely shows how israel is going to guide us to, instead of just information about different talk this on the ground. and that was old isn't one of the latest strikes that had targeted at residential building and eastern roof. i work full time as many as half the reports of killed the situation . in fact, sounds to be completely dramatic. in the con eunice city, which had been the focus of the ministry operations, that where these very ministry has been completely in circling the last 2 remaining hospitals. the but we sing me fresh out on medical teams, a lot of rating inside those hospitals. um its the ongoing block on the shortage of medical supplies and we have been talking to a non boss is dash saying that he is very military tents are just a few meters away from. i'm out of hospitals that had been earlier storms by the east valley tanks as people and the factories who are inside. these buildings are completely traumatized and terrified that they are completely right not running low
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in terms of food in terms of food. and they are not allowed to have a safeco results to sleep mode, to rough off in order to be safe from the east. very compartment, but generally situation also in kansas city sounds to be critical. us confrontations and bustles between the palestinian fighters and the east valley, so just continues continue. i'm at that. the ongoing is by the tax has contributed to rise. the death told to move down 26000 palestinians being killed to now. thank you so much for the updates. terry kemp was applied for say in a rough while the palestinian red crescent says these really forces of storm the compound of all amount of hospital in con eunice for the 3rd time is really strikes . i've also had central guys are destroying a school in new se rod refugee come home from home. it has the detail of the lights to collect the bodies of palestinians. the bikes really strange in the southern city of things, more than a dozen,
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nothing else. but i've received 14 bodies so far. we receive this number before 9 o'clock this morning without bringing the bodies to the people. so they can very, it's really for continuing to bump central. how does that flattening the school initially? iraq, but the g come on wednesday night when the lounge again, because i missed my school. i came to see what happened. i found a level of the been bought the entire place. my classroom was, you know, is that right as well? and because the task force, 85 percent of the strips, 2300000 population from their homes, the u. n. c, the situation just got this traffic many spend the day trying to find anything. they come to each the see the situation is be on desperate upon the the grind grain for people during the difficult, sage we're facing people,
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the facility to grinding animal feed. do we address it? is there a continues to be taught? and because the palestinians a wondering how many of them have to die and how long they have to suffer before the bombardment in terms of my one question, right. as long as they are a senior, political i'm is, he says guys and so i've long been subjected to different kinds of abuse. for a long time. it was the siege and the over the over the past 4 months, the stage went starvation. it's meant denial of basic human rights, especially with the children and to mothers and fathers and so on. and that's a very particular silent, implicit kind of violence. and then there was the bombing, the bombing from their artillery by me from the sea. but that was the kind of
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bombing that you do from a distance, but it's very, very hurtful, very destructive, very bloody. but it's from far, your pilot, your manning and artillery shell, or whatever. and then there is a psychological violence, right? the psychological vitamins, but that are the drones scanning people and what have you. and then there's this bytes, the primordial violence, the primitive violence, the physical violence, the torture double or a pipe violence that's been exposed. where is there any new soldiers? physically, personally, psychologically invested in for treating palestinians in the skin that kind of satanism that kind of hurt for him in the i think, said his against the 1st thing is as if it goes beyond the revenge of a more jo times, if it goes beyond defense beyond offense, beyond, beyond racism, it goes to something very, very basic. instinctive i would say and then malice,
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dick approach to another human being. i think these right is apparently i've lost in translation, right? as if they have not understood. and the american backers, as if they have not understood what came out from the international court of justice. i mean, my own interpretation. i would say this one has been invited the right, there's no, as i find those are dicked, but it'd be accepted. the case is or is basically so for sure, the invited for genocide i knew with frank that they cannot innocent because there is no cease fire involved as if all the charges that were made then then all the the permission and that shows there instead of orders that i send you order is right in the can set them to do a number of things because it's such a victim of chips. i have a political leader of hamas. he's mad honey. a is expected in egypt, capital cairo, to review
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a ceasefire proposal put forward in paris over the weekend cutoffs prime minister told national public radio in the us a framework for a sci fi with israel is now being presented. tomas he says in direct negotiations will take place in the coming we cannot predict that is it's going to have a break. so and we'll move forward very fast or how fast it will go to it all depends on both parties. o, r m is to finish this as soon as possible, then to bring the hostages back. but to put the closure for that was what a but far right, members of these really cabinets are threatening to bring down the government if what they call a reckless sci fi deal is reached between is tomas and israel, as or as may not position potty says it's ready to join the government if that's why it takes to secure the release of captives that speak to momma jump june about this is in tennessee for so what kind of pressure mohammad is 5 minutes and it's
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now facing from the far right wing members of his government fully the prime minister is facing increase pressure from the far right wing, members of his government over the course of the past few days. you've had several posts from martin give you your he's the far right wing. national security minister . he has posted on social media sites and said publicly, on numerous occasions that if a bad deal is entered into the if he feels that it is the wrong deal for israel, that he will walk away from the government. and that essentially would secure its demise. beyond that you also have comments from the far right wing finance minister, but is a little smart rich. and he is essentially said the same thing that if israel enters into a bad deal with how much that he would walk away from the government as well. this is very difficult for an s at yahoo, a very difficult political reality. because he would like to enter into some kind of a deal that would secure the release of perhaps dozens of his rarely captives being
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held in gossip. but if these 2 members of the government were to walk away, that would mean the government would collapse. that would be the end of netanyahu's coalition and again and again, we're hearing more right wing members of the government say that they do not want to see some kind of a deal that would end the war in gaza before the complete elimination of how much and beyond that, these members of government have made noises that they would not like to see a deal that would see the release of dozens of captains engaged in exchange for the release of thousands upon listening and prisoners. of course, when these right wing, members of the government talk about it, they label these thousands of palestinians terror results. this is what many believe is a politically untenable situation for an engine. yahoo! and he is going to continue to face more and more pressure from the right wing, members of his government in the days to come fully in the midst of all this mohammed, what is the opposition saying and what kind of impact is that having on 5 minutes initially out,
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so it's very interesting because in the past couple of days since yesterday, your hearing more sound from the opposition that they might be willing to enter into a unity government with nets and yahoo to try to save a deal that would see the release of these captives now one prime example of that is, yeah, your la pete. he is the opposition leader to gave an interview to his really television channel 12 yesterday. and which he did say that he would be willing to join the government. and that's in yahoo is government on a limited basis, not to save nothing yahoo! but in order to see a deal come to fruition that would ensure the release of these captives being held in gaza. now the question is, what kind of conditions come along with this offer? because as of today, there are members of his party that are saying that essentially that your la pete and his party would potentially enter the government not on a long term basis. but in order to save a deal, but they would like to see these far right, we members like some outreach and like, put in to give year be ousted from the government as
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a condition of them. joining nets and yahoo does not want to see that happen. nor does his party the could, because that would mean that somebody like a repeat would enter for perhaps a few weeks, or perhaps a few months. and then he would leave and that would lead to new elections, the very complicated political reality financing. yeah, for right now and that's in yahoo. if you were to accept something like this, he would like to see somebody like yard or left he'd come in for perhaps a month for perhaps one year so that there would not be new elections right away. the reason that to me who does not want new elections to happen right away is because in poll after poll throughout the country right now, you see as in yahoo at record low as when it comes to the trust in his leadership. and he wants to continue to be prime minister that the government were to collapse . well, it looks very possible that he would no longer be prime minister fully mamma jump june and tell her v. thank you. to spend 2 more head on this and use our including why gemini has been hit by widespread live chaos and thousands of flights have been found. it a deal is done. the end of
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a deadlock in northern island will have more from belfast on the return of a power sharing government. the european union leaders have agreed on an age package for ukraine worth $54000000000.00. the announcement was made as old 27 member states met in brussels . the agreement was reached after hungary dropped its veto fred, in a moment to get reaction from rob mcbride, him ukraine's capital key. but for us to natasha butler, impressed with brussels for us at sasha. so how significant is this ukraine agreement? the point is very significant for the leaders because they had hoped to approve this more than 50 a $1000000000.00 financial aid package for ukraine fucking defend. but when they last met for a summit, for the time increased 5 minutes to fix, to find
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a decided to veto it. she said that she felt that ukraine wasn't in a position to receive such funds because i haven't fulfilled sense of criteria. and i knew fix to find this very close allied of to watch president a platinum, a piece of it is certainly not the 1st time that he is used to be till threatened to use a visa when it comes to ukraine. so what has happened since december is that you need to be looking around, scrambling to try and find ways to pressure, i think, to old bands, try and get him on board so that they could pause this financial aid package. and that is what they have done today. we know there was a special meeting just to go to somebody again between the hungary department as the old barnett will say, some of the latest, including the french present, the goodman chancellor on the head, the you commission and you councils to try and pressure all bands i'm so the you, this is a victory, it's a win because from that point of view, they are able now to show
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a unity that we're able to say will take 7 member states came together. we continue to support ukraine. we continue to show that the western allies are on the side of keys, and they also get to send a message to russia that the you continues to be on your train side. natasha. thank you very much for that, natasha. but i lived in russell. let's cross over to rob mcbride in ukraine's capital key for us. so what does this huge, sean show v you funding mean for you creating rob, what's at stake? so yeah, it does mean a huge sense of relief of cost that finally this money has been passed and these coming in ukraine's directions. autumn is a lensky, the president of ukraine, saying that this guarantees these countries of financial stability for the long term that we're concerned, say that with funds getting sure to that, that could be a short fulls in some types of government spending. for example, on salaries as early as the spring,
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but it's understood that the 1st charge of this money, the money will be coming as early as march. the other aspect of this, which is encouraging to ukraine, is that being structured over this full year period of this massive amounts of investment it's hope will create the kind of environment that will encourage private sector investment to follow the e you money into ukraine. because of course, that is a vast multi task ahead for ukraine and we. busy ending shots and cities in rebuilding infrastructure, also in towns and we see that the kind of damage in destruction of very close to keep itself just north of here. all the towns which were the further still up russia got in trying to capture the ukrainian capital in its advance with the a full scale invasion of nearly 2 years ago. the is acting matter of barbara jessica jarine is zachary chung co presides over the most heavily damaged town. and
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this central gave region nearly 2 years into russia's full scale invasion. the streets and buildings still by the scots of when this community was briefly and devastatingly on the front line. more than 5000 people lost their homes. there was the much, the more than 2000 private buildings. a high rise buildings schools to kindergarten of local government facilities. certainly the town is being transformed. irina's office at least now has windows again, a project such as these schools built with lift you waiting in funding are replacing what was destroyed, but much more is needed. there's not much, wasn't in this, but i'm support from europe is essential for us doing this work. we understand that to build our community, the states cannot do it on its own. we need some money from europe and on our solid b. u funding is especially significant as a similarly sized, a package from the united states is being delayed because of
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a political dispute in washington. further complicated by the upcoming presidential election, us funding to ukraine, the became a hostage or for domestic us politics. and this was very hard for the, i'm trained to do and this, and was it the uh, in the, in the, you are a presidential election seems united states ukraine's precarious existence looks set to continue until it can become fully integrated into the, your opinion. this episode does reveal just how vulnerable ukraine is to any delay in approving support. a vulnerability, so many here believe will only be overcome when it has the security of full. a membership. just starting the legs, the process to join the block. ukraine's priority is getting sufficient funding to survive long enough to see it through public broad. i'll just say era, but at the end, ukraine,
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while you leaders in brussels focused on the war and ukraine. hundreds of farm is demonstrated outside the european parliament. police house down fires and protesters who approach secuity ford ins farmers use more than a 1000 tractors to brock roads. in the belgian capital approach, i saw the latest see leaks against rising cost. you trade rules and cheap food in ports. in france, france in france, tom is bronx highways for another day around paris? prime it is to get late. i tyler bounced new measures to protect from as thank so its more financial aid tax breaks and allowing the use of pesticides in greece, in the city of tessa and of nikki fama, surrounded the venue of an agricultural affair. the greek government has offered to speed up financial aid, what farmers have been protesting across the country for a week. italian farmers stage protests in milan with some saying that failed to trace by europe. 80 non government policies are not unhappy at the low prices.
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they're receiving for their parties. well, let's take a closer look at what's behind thomas protests across the block. farmers in countries including france, belgium and h. lee are worried about cheap imports, mostly from ukraine. protestors in belgium, lithuania and friends, want better pay for that parties. prices have been falling since 2020 to the high cost of diesel and electricity has a profits in countries such as germany, france and italy. some countries have cut the diesel subsidies grievances in belgium, poland, and france also include strict e u environmental regulations. we want to stop at these crazy, i know that come every single day from the open commission, the tech guy option should i mean on the 3rd one is we, we would be minded to expect from the spanish and the finding the event community we adding the specific momentum, you know, what's happened there would have been selections and coming and politicians and
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supernatural. so also the european commission. and i think that these are the best moments that together all you were bam. 5 minutes ago 2 is the street on cho, or necessities. because a, we can not, that is the, again, have a default, another 5 d as a wait, the more legislation, and not compete with the same toys that say congress. okay, 1st of all we decide to come here to drug and we are the kind the over your young fire miss. to create the unit vice. nope, again is about the weights they for probation of the problem. and the other kind of believes because we'd like to see florida, i went to the sion i with farmers moods. i will put those foods to safeguards, email you're part of this kind of situation, the beginning, fide a dignified incomes are still ahead on this out to 0 and use our as shocking diagnosis on cancer wells. household ization for dixie 77 percent increase in the
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number of new cases by 2015. and tony chang on the time me on my board with 3 is off to the cube. the military are struggling more than ever to maintain control the route to you by visit customer. as the subdivisions have been lifted from the southern philippines, the deepest cloud, the biggest thunderstorms have moved to where they are drifting to was know the sort of racing maybe bonia and a line that probably gives the same risks to west and java, maybe some matcher. otherwise, the client looking for the persistent ne monsoon is dying down a little bit. but if you go further north, the resurgence of winter snow returns to hawkeye or the mattress. i'm sure it may be more interesting. it is a certain amount of snow on his way out in 2 ways from western china, tibetan placer,
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genuine north of the i can see such that there are warnings. i don't think it has been this bad since 2009. so the significant size of the yankee is like to be right and is getting colder good. and then shaking down to about 6 degrees from the teams . now this time of the year and it's been going on for weeks now, the known indian played in to some degree pack is done, gets fogs that will not shift. sometimes we can move it with the wind, but the wind start down sometimes with shelves. there are no more showers to come, so i'm afraid you've got it for a while yet elsewhere in india, one or 2 like 2 shafts on the east coast. and so like it looks drive, it has been changed on this way for pakistan. but look at this coming through iran, significant rate, i suspect by the end of the weekend, the weather brought to you by visit the and then what to do was
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savvy and everything is good. even explain the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. this with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding poor ribbons, occupied and imprisoned al jazeera. the hardest thing for me is a lawyer. and this is trying to explain to a teenage victim how the courts have failed her. the church has failed her, her parents have realtor, and apparently the law may sell her that no one cares or no one protects her. so how do you get a young person to have faith in anything? when the courts and the church are climbing the fact that her abuse is all over the world on the internet. that's not a secret. but whatever the church says about it is a secret. and what they did about it as a secret,
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the the, the watching the news, our on algae 0. i would need for the black people. i, reminder of my main stories, somebody's simians, detained by is really forces say they were beaten, tortured and humiliated. they now have returned to ross on, he's on the latest seen an increasing number of accusations of gross mistreatment of prisoners and violation of international law. is there any forces that stormed hospitals in 7 guys on mania operating with basic facilities and running out of supplies within $27000.00 side of seniors have been killed since these routes were on. guys are starting early october and you need it as have agreed on an age package for ukraine worth $54000000000.00. the agreement was reached after hungary dropped his details. right. well, natalie, i spoke to garrett, gave roy, who's an analyst with the center for fair,
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political and analysis on gary and based, think tacky, explains why hungry has been drunk in ukraine. funds are hungry. has been in a dispute with the brussels for quite the wine out, or you funds that have been withheld from hungary, that hungry is invited to under the regulations about the youtube. these agreements disputes over rule flow corruption and democracy the you has not given it all of the money that congress entitled longer to budget at hungry. so every time the, you only meet the rule is required in the european cost you a hungry has been trying to use the best leverage in these negotiations to release further your pm funds. and this has been going on for years now. and these decision to be for a few grain also requires and i mean the in the past, so, so hungry for us and it was done in the and the european leaders problem is that to give
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a fair review process to this whole discussion and disputes and just review all the hungry has been done in order to address the use concerns and the whole for the 100 and government these that these review be resolved in a favor of decision uh towards hungary under being relatively small country, both economically and the size has not so much leverage in these uh, adults and uh, the funds are big part of the 100 and budget. so during these negotiations, every time the government has sort of leverage. and that is usually in the case of your name is decisions. i'm just trying to use that leverage to get every euro, the discount. so basically this is a negotiation technique, and this will go as long as the, all of the european funds have not released the hungry. that's my prediction. that every time you're gonna get these require to make a decision on this scale, the government to be that for expressing a veto or even the week though, these decisions outright in order to get some of the funds released. as so far this
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textbook has yielded some of these off as an agreement has been reached in northern ireland, which is expected to restore a power sharing government has been political, dead long fare for 2 years after pro british union. this politicians walked out in protest said, breaks it, trade rules. harry foss, it has more on this from belfast. what's happening right now in the british parliament in westminster and the house of commons, the is it has to be sort of fairly sparsely attended debates on the deal that was officially unveiled on wednesday. this essentially is a very procedural nodding through of the agreement. as far as the u. k. government is concerned there was some voices raising some queries and opposing points launch . leave those on the more hard line, fringes of unionism, some of them even within the democratic union, this policy that has made this deal with the british government. there was some
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within the, the ruling conservative party at the national level as well, who are worried about the implications of a deal on how britain might be able to diverge from the trading laws and make the most, as they see it all breaks it. freedoms in the future, but essentially the real agreement that was reached was that by the democratic unionist party earlier in the week, they have now agreed to go back into power sharing government at the devolved level here in northern ireland and really and stopped this long. john fitz, being prospecting, so many people here in terms of budgets in terms of just having a functioning governments. and that is now likely to take place the assembly due to sit here in belfast on saturday. once the final i's dotted and t's, crossed in one split in westminster on thursday to us defense secretary lloyd austin has apologize for concealing his recent hospitalization and his 1st press
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conference since his recent cancer diagnosis. he also said the us is ready to respond to attacks on american basis, often added that this was a dangerous moment in the middle east, but the us would work to avoid a wider conflict. this particular attack was egregious and that it was, you know, the attack was on at the sleeping area of one of, of, of our base and, and again, uh, we have, uh, we've kotob hezbollah and, and other elements continue to attack our troops. uh and uh, and again, i think at this point uh we, we should, uh, it's time to, to take away even more capabilities that we've taken in the past. and in terms of the use of term escalation, we've not described what are what our response is going to be. but we look to hold
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the people that are responsible for this accountable. and we also look to make sure that we continue to wait and take away capability from them as we go for the spring in washing jordan in. uh, the us for a, she's in uh, arlington, virginia, had the pentagon ross. tell us more about 1st of all what the us defense secretary said, they're about us sanctions right now in the middle east or the us secretary lloyd austin, told reporters here on thursday that it is very important to deal with a ron batch proxies. you noted that the enemy has a lot of capabilities, but that i, meaning the defense secretary, have many more capabilities to deal with them. you said this is not a us problem. whether you're talking about the who these attacking commercial vessels in the red sea, or whether you're talking about other around back proxies. attacking us forces or
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attacking a rocky forces or curtis forces, or whatever the case may be. he said that this is an international problem and that there needs to be result in actually putting their activities to an end. he also did know to a very briefly in response to a question from our colleagues at algae or our book that told the situation involving the rising death, total of palestinians in garza is not an acceptable situation. he says he speaks frequently with you. i've got a lot the israeli defense minister and has told him that much more needs to be done . and he also noticed that while things are improving, things are, are getting better in terms of trying to protect palestinian civilians. he did note that not enough is being done. and lloyd austin ross also addressed his recent
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cancer diagnosis. cross, can you hear me? okay, apologies. we seem to have lost our connection there. with the ross and jordan, who was at the pentagon, where the defense secretary lloyd austin, has just had his for us news conference since his recent cancer diagnosis. lloyd austin said that that diagnosis show came and he should have notified present joe biden and the public about it. not major increase in new cases of cancer is being predicted within the next 25 years. and a survey of a 115 countries worldwide shows that the majority of them fail to spending off on cancer treatment, the head of the a world cancel the on sunday w, i chose agency survey said they were an estimated 20000000 new kinds of cases in 2022 and coastal 1000000 related dest, around one, in 5 of the world's population,
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are diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. approximately one in 9 men die from the disease. for women is one in 12 data collected by uh, global cancer observatory, says long breast and could collect roll, kansas are the 3 most common types recently, bite, 2050. it's predicted. they'll be 35000000 new cancer cases. actually, 77, increase. 77 percent increase on waste and estimates. well, earlier we heard from freddy bray, who's the head of the cancer surveillance branch at the international agency for research and cancer explained what could be behind the increase? i mean, things like tobacco, alcohol abuse, they, these are key factors that are driving the, the increasing incidence of cancer, certainly. and we, we do see differences in the, in relation to, to where companies are in terms of social and economic transition. it tends to be
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that highest d i country, so this as human development index, which is a marker of, of, of social society when economic development. we tend to see higher incidents in those countries. and certainly they of the, of the cancer sort of a home and many westernized countries such as lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer. but we are seeing these, kansas very much emerging and lower income countries. and they lower human development settings. but one of the biggest challenges facing is the proportional increases in the cancer parts. and that's going to be most striking in the, in the lower income to lower human development countries. they are going to see a projected increase of well over doubling of the burden by 2050. and these are very much the countries that currently uh, equipped to, to, to really sort of deal with the cancer kinds of problem. and it's only going to get bigger, and that's going to be more patients in castle hospitals in the future of the staff who performed screening at the ports have become the latest german workers to
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strike on thursday. labor and rest is becoming more frequent in one of your ups largest economies during a whole report on how and estimated 200000 passengers across 11 major airports were affected. they represent a fairly small sector of airport workers. but if you could post some security yukon slide, germany's latest industrial dispute to walk out by security screeners therefore crippling effect the the airports. some of the countries major ones, bullying him, book stood, got cancelled on the punches, grounding around 200000 passengers. many tourists north over the phone in advance for your city with my shared lines and flight members. but nobody can phone, they have no idea the information on an inmate or i don't know much the one day strike. he's part of
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a recent space of industrial action until now read in gemini workplace relationship tends to be more constructive than l squared. and you know, high inflation and the show teach of skilled workers have given unions the upper hand in demanding better wages and conditions when the employer going to get our solution. the re swipe again and again again, it comes at a bad time for germany's stegman take hold of me. now we see that systematically the strikes become longer and more frequent. and then the economic costs are going to rise significantly in the this comes on the back of an economy that is already weak. the german economy has been shrinking last year is badly growing this year. so the strike comes at the wrong time for the german economy. there was some relief for travelers this week. this train drive is return to work on monday, but to day sol, thousands of doctors on strikes. and on friday it will be the to end of public
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transport workers bringing tram subways and buses to a halt. jo, now how l g 0? right? police were called into k of protesters outside argentina's congress as politicians debated a controversial economic reform bill. please use pepper sprayed to break up hundreds of demonstrations. trade unions called for the march against off economic measures announced by the recently elected president. teresa was at the protest in west size a very long session in congress with that'd be based on going back to glass within 40 and 50 hours. that phone calls all nibble's bills by elected president, have you ever made, was hoping to use it to transform argentina or that's what he said. but the whole situation outside congress is completely different. hundreds of people, especially from left when groups have gathered your surrounded congress and they're being pushed away by the police not being allowed close to the building. there's
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hundreds of security forces that deployed all around this area. the omnibus bill, initially had $600.00, is off meant to transform argentina, the economy. that's what the president says initially. also, the president had somebody lots of concessions to other political parties to guarantee that this no, he's going to pass. it's meant, for example, to assess the presidency to privatize state companies, to modernize the x notation of both of us. however, many of the people that have gathered near today are saying that that is going to hurt the environment is going to hard workers, right. among the other thing, gardens united in the middle of an economic crisis. december's inflation weight was over 25 percent since we negotiated a debt with the international monetary fund. the government is saying that it was implemented stairways the measures to reduce the deficit in this country. but people who or are we so we really concerned about the economic situation. they say that the price is
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a few of the prices of electricity that everything is going up. that big cannot make ends meet. however, the president is saying that this set of loans that are being debated are necessary to improve the economic situation. he believes that in a few months, the situation in argentina is going to start to improve people on the streets that i pulled. the thing behind this police officers are saying that that's not true, they do not believe in something like that. they believe the videos are going to hurt people like them very. so we'll just see that one is how you do cuba has postponed, finds for a 500 percent increase in the price of petrol. the delays being blamed on a cyber attack, installing a for, and virus in sales software, all to raise the furious at the price increasing that reducing government spending . the company's leadership lanes. us sanctions for fuel food and medicine shortages . the still ahead on algae 0 as storm brewing in india and warnings that one of his best known exposures is under
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the the, the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back on the 3rd anniversary of the cool in young law pro democracy groups of protests that in neighboring thailand the demonstrators outside the u. n. office and the capital bank called called for an
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end to military, val and a return to a civilian government. also, in the anniversary, the military leadership extended a state of emergency. and mars armies facing tough resistance from revel fighters and a lions of ethnic on these launch an offensive against the government 4 months ago . and the military has lost control of several towns and cities since then. tony chang reports from the border with time act a doing on a hillside in east a man in late january the far as crack let's with the sound of gum. 53 is owned. mazda military has less control than the day it launched the crew right now, that it is already military doesn't control, you know, most of the country, at least 75 percent of the country, especially the border area. but the presence is still built in kind of states ethnic to any forces. i'm surrounded government trips in that basis, but i'm challenged at power, not hillary to stop them from being over,
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run frivolous sizes and civilians suffering a high number of casualties in chance state where the offensive began in late october alliances and coordination between the columns. ma'am, of me is loss control of by to trade routes and border crossings with china. and the more the rebels find, the more they learn while our but few experiences have made us into different. so just through what we are learning from fighting and fighting wide learning, we know more about their forces and also we have federal communication between our own. so just well, many of the official voted posts remain closed or controlled weapons supplies and personnel move freely through on check jungle crossings. there are still parts mazda border, which a heavily fence stuff like this. in the last 12 months in thailand or china, india and bangladesh strategic board a position to pull into,
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i think all i'm is can now come and go as they please. the general minim, like let the crew show no indication, he might change direction. despite signs of concern within the ruling elite, coincides in, has been dealing with me, a mazda military leadership, the decades on behalf of one of the largest ethnic companies. he's the kind of captain that when the 6 when the ship things, as you will see and then take all the passengers with him, that's what they say. i'm i, i hope it's not true. on the western coast, the military is under attack and this particularly important port of scituate, we're kind stages being on the marshal since the violence against the rank of muslim minority in 2016, even those hoss controls failed to hold back the resistance. tony chung out to 0 on the timing on my board to now to one of india's best known exports. dodgy link
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t is famed choice. distinctive flavor for the government is being warned that with outage intel production could die out. we now fernandez, explains why dodge feeling, well, the land of this on the boat is home to india is fine. s t, but it may not be so for a loan, at least 10 of the regions, 8070 presentations have shut down in recent years. i'm sure bond canaria santa who heads the t exporters association says climate change. politics depend demik global developments and increasing costs. i'm making it difficult to continue every on other than acute financial crisis. we have scared to promote because on a false quad into budgeting fee for us, this is not a business. the funeral, it's impression. uh we are in love with us. what are the things we are in love with the tv produce? and the people who worked with us, so for us, this was an extended family. and that's what's keeping budgeting gardens going so
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far. there are 2 main production periods for dodgy link t october to early march and made to june each year, up to 80 percent of revenue is generated. during this time, the drought rain and falling use some aging tv shows, cut output by mold in house to 6000 tons last year. the new ones that are distinctive, sleeva, 70 percent of these premium black teeth has usually been exported with global economic problems and cheaper alternatives. so many people have seen him on every your, it's been the getting worse and worse and worse, you only have because i mean of this be during the 1st plus 2 months of the year after which it's been a completely a whitewash. and that's been a fan ever since 2017 and 42 percent increase in daily wages. so the license cool and chemical cost coupled with solid and demand as lift
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pumped, is unable to maintain that deep down patients or re put on the closures and also heat thousands of workers and their families. the head of the indian t association. now to a less done a says urgent help is needed if we can get a package of him. so i'm kind of assistance for the next 2 years. i'm trying to income and the government has to watch a fix. i'm initiative to promote that is the, this is the, this, the best that is a maybe a good but not as good as this. i should think of compliant as i'm hoping some help will come that way. so they can go on producing india's famed and aromatic t, and that fernandez to 0. the back now to the war on guys on display spanish city. and so i've made long journeys to find refuge in southern gaza. but the last praise of shelter has now been turned
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into a war zone. with these really military intensifying its attacks. their families say they have nowhere else to go. when we go, so i'm sure a fast the stories uprooted. i'm constantly going to move him on to the man. hope somebody have survive this really strikes and from the operations in central and southern cause a they move to defer disappointing cause or bordering egypt for safety. the no matter where the goal is for anybody who has pretty yeah, most likely is to be at least kill us. so let them ethnically cleanse what remains of the palestinians of life. and the temporary shelter has come with challenges. there is little food of water for hundreds of families living in overcrowded camps . while some 8 comes through the rav 4 crossing palestinians here see they have no
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supplies. and the fact that some of these had the one thing, i mean, even here at the border, no relief, 8 is delivered. we are forgotten. our children are falling sick and we cannot find treatments and was more than a me and palestinians of sheltering in southern gaza. also the is really ministry owed to them to move south toward it, called a se. so it's now a battery from the most intensive strikes and found raids is ready soldiers the surrounding hospitals and booming residential areas. are the ones who make it out safely, a settling in, in anything they can find. that's a gun, no matter who is a good business relative to go. these rarely troops storm their homes and forced this out. they took our money, mobile phones and our id, so they stripped us, making up, forced us out. we did not wish to leave our homes. this is the 10th place i resort
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to a covered oldest distance on foot in cold weather were left in the open house without any source of income. discounts on the gyptian border is a place of safety, the displace palestinians appear. they will be order to move once again. i'm a go some shareef auction so you know how these really military is being condemned for dropping a bomb on the homes of dr. streets and patients in garza, the british organization, medical aid for palestine and the us based international rescue committee denounced the targeting of medical staff. are you an investigation? said was thought to, i've been a 1000 pound bomb, was dropped on a compound housing health care work as last month. the attack was one of many guys as healthy as 3 says, 337 health care workers have been killed since october. the 7th 30 hospitals across sky out of service. so our 53 health care centers over 100 ambulance is that also
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been destroyed or damaged out of city and health official say is ready, forces have detains many a 100 doctors, nurses, and out of hospital staff. that includes the director of guys as largest health facility, how she for hospital which is invoice claudia, my colleague needs bank. i spoke to dr. chris hope was an emergency doctor who spent a month in guys the last year with doctors without borders. he told us about his experience. this is quite here in this when you in the emergency department didn't that's the hospital even even when i was that the number of badly injured children and women that came in was it was just horrible to say um and knowing that these, these kids who is not fortunate enough lucky enough to survive. i have these terrible injury, shared bones covering 506070 percent of the body. massively broken limbs really badly damaged. i think it's really military has really around the top. it's
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activities specifically around hospitals, particularly around the nasa hospital as well, where there is rarely trips and times what are your prime. we concerns knowing that it was impossible for people to safely access and that's the hospital. and in the south is only the last remaining hospitals with that, with the genuine surgical capacity. so now if you buy the engine anywhere in the south, there's almost no way to go for, for your operations, for emergency care. so that's people who are injured outside and trying to get in. and then obviously you've got the, the stuff and displays people who all we didn't last and itself who run out potentially trapped and unable to escape and who are struggling for food and running very short to supplies that to, to keep those people going who are still in the hospital, the patients that us the say from both sides of it really i think and it's it is, is it actually does all stuff and we know that this shouldn't be happening possibly
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to help gifted as he should be protected. it should be able to feel safe. if you buy the engine and go to hospital, we should be able to feel safe. and it's just, it's just not the case. well, that's the news from out on all just here, but to stay with us some back in just a few minutes with more of the basic a snapshot of an ordinary day. most people got about the business. hardly paying any attention to the rifles navigating the streets. these devices delete with documents, parcels, and food from companies and the restaurants. the ordering process takes just a couple of minutes using an app up to which they read both cases treats us to read . the mob installed in the brain, prevent them from getting lost, and electronic eyes help overcome obstacles. something that sometimes might prove to be quite challenging. for us,
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russian. why that lead use of people trying to help a delivery of robots out of a snow tripped have gone viral online. since russian are interested the so called special miniature operation and ukraine, thousands of migrant laborers have left the country fronting innovators to fast track. a only takes the tree to partially supplement the human work force. israel has now impose a complete fees on god's so how do they survive if you have no income, how do you live? cost of living rose sharply after the war and ukraine could something like that happen again as a ripple effect of the guys. what is it us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this. when the price of oil goes up, the costs of almost everything goes up counting the costs on out. is there a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time in one year?
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resources that change, it became clear at that point that we really were in a kind of a new era of nobel peace, slower. it's maria, theresa and professor michael wooldridge explore the pedals and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we act out can protect ourselves. studio b, b a. i series on a jersey the on the beach in and stops for days. fat has to be in the same guy. so i described the torture. they enjoyed at the hands of he's really so the, so i'm for the back to the, this is ology 0. lie from to ha. also coming up. medical supplies run low in


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