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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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lin, rosella reeds and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the . this is in use our, on our engines 0. i'm back to go live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes, beaten, and stopped for days. thomas, to me, anything guys that describe the torture they enjoyed at the hands of these really soldiers medical supplies run low in hospitals under siege in the south of guys on more than 27000 kind of seems a big deal since this thought of the war also this,
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our us defense secretary lloyd austin says alms groups, responsible for attacks on american bases in the middle east will be held accountable. and protesting. tom is in several european countries demand fewer regulations, and no french government has announced concession and on peters statement with useful to shock switch and formula $1.00 to $7.00 to chime in. louis hamilton is reported the leading the cities and heading to for rory till the 2025 season news . thank you for joining us. sits 18 g m t. and we begin in the gaza strip way. some palestinians detained by is really forces say they were beaten, tortured and too many aged. if not, we turn to refine the south of gaza. this is the latest and an increasing number of accusations of gross mistreatment of prisoners and violation of international laws
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by is really soldiers. i'll just hear a spoke to 2 men about what they went through. uh uh, some guys that i was at home in the army storms my house. i told them i'm sick and i can't move. they took me out of my house and put me in an armored vehicle. i thought at the beginning they would take me to the hospital, but instead they took me to israel. i spent 10 days in israel, where they hit me, insulted me, and humiliated me every day. i feel pain everywhere on my body before supposed to bend on our knees. for hours. they kept asking me about the tunnels and about their captives held by him us. i told them i'm 70 years old, but i know nothing about these matters. they hit me a lot when i couldn't find an answer to their questions. i swear to god that didn't have a single drop of water for days. it was the worst 10 days of my life. it does not pull the photo. when we go to an evacuation warning,
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we lift the place and hit it towards the sea. the moment we arrived at the security checkpoint, the is rarely so just kidnapped us. we weren't even given a chance to ask any questions. we spent the 1st 3 days without food. it was that we would not allowed to go to the toilet and we would beat and harshly over the 1st 3 days. after that, they moved us to another place for some new methods of torture. after a 3 day stop vase and they gave us a meal that is not even enough for a child in the prison you're allowed to sleep in the yard with a width is very cold. and where you have only a very thin mattress and very with blankets. these riley soldiers didn't stop beating us, insulting us, and swearing at us all the time. that springing i'll just here is terry cap was on, who's in a rav 4 same 7 guys? so take more cranes of torture and he's harrowing testimonies that we keep hearing . what more can you tell us about these new case? the yes fully. now
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today we have been seeing her rustic a seems to to some of these by palestinian destinies, who have been to be released today from the east valley detention pops up. being the arrested inside cause of striking different locations in the north entrance into areas of gauze cities as they have been stating that they have been completely going through her rustic. i'm horrendous, humanitarian circumstances that representative ongoing and constable. decent human reason i'm human ation as they were inside the detention as to have been deprived also from having access to enough food to foods. and they did not even get access to toilet properly. just uh they have been aust about different admitted to questions in terms of tunnels, in terms of housing. any information about the use of the hostages that have been captured at a by how much is since october the 7th attacks. and this is particularly a cause it's all the us on getting the trauma that these people have been going through specially that is will have blown. i'm not
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a risk campaign in another part of gaza strip for every pound of seniors over 15 years old at the different areas in the north. and this is completely also saying that a number of them have been showing different signs of to joan. perhaps with approved can hands and legs as they are completely psychologically exhausted. and do you have saying that they have been going through actually in human conditions and a number of out of seems by the ways to being healed is ready to be till now without having any information about the sites to this moment. and we've seen and heard more is really rates in gaza. terry, what is the situation currently on the ground, particularly at hospitals which have been under siege yes. completely. the situation on the ground seems to be controversial as they use when the forces are expanding. the military attacks in different parts of garza
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straightened now and the southern parts are roughly full palestinians have been killed within the past few hours after the residential building continue slots. and it's also in full siege of the 2 last remaining hospitals in the city. all con eunice prevented me in preventing medical teams from eating house and also moving inside the yards of the hospital as the one to be protected the meet. meanwhile, the views people have been completely run out of food with our medical supplies and which will impose new threat some of the lives of patient, but dramatically the situation of the ground t among people in gaza. sounds to be absolutely optimistic, especially with the announcements of the target for administer regarding the positive initial response by how much. and he's been in terms of reaching to a basic understanding in terms of having and pushing forward to agreement as people are right now, gathering into the ratings that's important to step here on the ground. but despite dispatch, the ongoing boom button until the goal is to strip in different areas did not stop
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within the past few hours. terry, thank you very much for the update. our cap was in my say, in a rough i, in southern gaza, not a policy in red, crescent phase is really forces that storm the compound of all i'm out of hospital in con eunice for the 3rd time is really strikes. i've also had central guys at destroying a school in new see ross refugee camp. i'm home. it has the details. the lights to collect the body so full of scenes. the bikes really started in the southern city of things, more than a dozen to nothing. hospital i received 14 bodies sofa. we received this number before 9 o'clock this morning without bringing the bodies to the people. so they can bury the israeli forces, continuing to bump central and flattening the score. say rock, but the g come on wednesday night when the i launched again because i missed my
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school. i came to see what happened. i found the delivery address with the boom, bought the entire place. my classroom was, you know, is it right as well? and because the task force, 85 percent of the strips, 2300000 population from their homes, the un save the situation, just got the strategic many spend the day trying to find anything they come to each . the see the situation is beyond desperate. we all talk a little bit and then as a grind grain for people during the difficult sage we're facing, people to facilitate to grinding animal feed, the us is the right continues to be swell. i'm because the palestinians a wondering how many of them have to die and how long they have to suffer before the bombardment in terms of how much does it of the political leader of how much his mind is expected in egypt, capital cairo,
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to review a ceasefire. proposal put forward in paris over the weekend cutoffs prime minister tools national public radio in the us that a framework for a sci fi with his route is now being presented to him off. he says indirect negotiations will take place in the coming days. we cannot predict that is it's going to have a break. so, and we'll move forward. it's very fast or how fast it would go to it all depends on both parties. o r m is to finish this as soon as possible, then to bring the hostages back. but to put the closure for that was what but for right members of these really cabinet tests threatening to bring down the government if what they call it breakfast si, fi deal is reached between hamas and israel is arouse main opposition party says it's ready to join the government, if that's what it takes to secure the release of captives, that's bringing mama jump to an end televi forest. that is more mohammed about the kind of pressure prominence submit you know, is facing from the far right wing,
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members of his cabinet. solely that pressure has only been growing in the past few days. what it seems like is that the far right wing, members of his governing coalition, do not want to see any kind of a deal with how much that would a, in the war in gauze before, as they say, how much is eliminated and be allow for a prisoner exchange, that would not only just see the release of dozens perhaps. and the 1st phase of captives is really capt isn't gaza, but in exchange for thousands of palestinian prisoners or as these far right. we members of the government called him terrorist. now we've heard off in the last few days from national security minister, far right. national security minister, it's marvin revere, who has threatened repeatedly to walk away from the government and cause its collapse. if israel enters into a bad deal,
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we've also heard from far right wing finance minister beds a little smart rich, who essentially has said the same this really going to show how much pressure that's in yahoo is under from the far right wing members of his government at a time when, if they leave, that government would collapse. and essentially that would lead to new elections at a time when he's pulling extremely low with members of the as rarely public as far as the trust and his leadership. and that would mean that he essentially would be out of a job and also so then what, what is the opposition saying these are the opposition saying what kind of impact is that having on farm and as soon as you of the opposition leader. yeah. your la pete gave an interview to is really television channels 12 yesterday in which he said that he was ready to joining the government on a limited basis. if that meant that they could reach an agreement on this deal that would see the release of those is really captive in gaza and return them home to israel. now it seems when you look beyond the initial rhetoric from me,
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i are lucky. the other members of his party are saying that this has not come without conditions and that his party would like to see those far right wing members. and that's the whose government dismissed before your left. he and his party would enter the government. now this is a scenario that nothing yahoo does not want to see, because if that were to happen, if those far right wing members of the government were to be ousted and then yeah, your le pete, which has come in, that means that he would be in for a limited amount of time, then he would leave, then the government would collapse, then nothing. yeah. who would most likely be out of a job. so that's and you always people in this scenario where to come to pass, we'd like to see the opposition come in for an extended period of time so that they could perhaps delay elections. it's a very complicated political reality for nets and yahoo right. now some say it's a politically untenable situation for him, really going to show how much he is being crowded, how much he is being forced to potentially make concessions. he does not want to make and how much pressure he is feeling from members of the political class across
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the political spectrum fully. thank you very much for that much. i'm doing my 1st at intel vive the us president joe biden has signed an executive order imposing sanctions on for is really fabulous for attacking palestinians in the occupied westbank violence against piracy and spies. really, soldiers and federalists in the west bank as increased sharply seems to start off the war on gossip on october 7th, and speak to our white house correspondent kimberly hawk it in washington dc. can be explained to us this executive order by present by yeah, this builds on the actions taken roughly a month ago preventing those committing violent acts as settlers in the west bank against palestinians from traveling to the united states. now, on top of that, what we know is that it will go much further. it will prevent them from doing business in the united states, borrowing from the financial system and also receiving money from the united states
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citizens and also owning property in the united states. so this is really going to isolate those that have committed violent acts. and what we also know is that this is the most significant step, but any administration has taken against is really settlers that it really signals just how concerned this white house is. because what it sees is that this violence could really affect the viability of a 2 state solution. some things is divided. ministration is committed to how many people does this actually affect as well. it's a relatively small number, given the fact this only affects for nationals not us citizens. so what we know is that right now it's about 4 individuals, including politicians. we understand there's at least one. we also know that is once that little bit actually was involved in the killing of one palestinian others
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had targeted better when and farmers is. so what we're waiting to hear are the actual names of these individuals. in the meantime, we're also waiting to hear if the president might talk about this. he is going to be speaking of the coming hours in michigan where we're. 2 expecting he will be met by protests, by a very sizable air of american population up there. they have some of the top leaders that refused to meet him because of the president's policies and support of israel and it's war on gaza. kimberly, thank you very much for that. kimberly. how catch is our white house correspondent? that's not bringing child stratford who is in ramallah for us in the occupied westbank. so prime minister news, now i understand charlie has reacted to this american executive order. tell us about what he said. that's right, just in the last few minutes, there's been a statement released by the prime minister plumber, so it has to be a who's all face. so i'll read you basically what it says. it says that some, as, according to, as you know, he says the,
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the absolute majority of settlers are law abiding settlers. and he says that many of fighting in the military, he says that is well, acts a gate school law breakers. and according to an engineer who was at fault, there is no need for any exceptional measures at this time. well, i can tell you this. having spent the last couple of months going up and down the occupied waste spine can speaking time and time to find a game, to palestinians that have had either their property, its actual well being attacked themselves. but that is very much not the case. in many, many incidents, we say the settlers acting with either the tacit support or the actual physical support of the is riley ministry in these attacks. and we're looking at attacks against palestinian farmers most especially during the recent only of harvest. and
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indeed today um it was reported that a leased or around 300 olive trees that had recently been policy to an internet. ready not too far away from rob ramallah had been up rooted in a settler attack. we're also talking about a tax on, in some instances, even schools and villages that has been a huge increase in set live islands since october, the 7th, and interesting like the, the united nations organization for the coordination of humanitarian affairs. put out some statistics over the last of the last week or so they're saying that between october, the 7th and january the 28th. that was, i'm just looking for the number here of 464 reports of attacks by settlers, either against palestinians or against on the property. a 3rd of these attacks involved firearms, settlers carrying firearms around half of these attacks,
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as i say, involved either the child support or physical support of the is riley made a tree. so that flies in the face of that statement made by the is riley prime minister when we were in a village this morning. for example, this is a, a, an hour village and the occupied westbank are better with. and just to give you a, a not it does have just the level of intimidation, an affair that these people were suffering just outside on the outskirts of the village. settlers had come up last week and they dug sweet holes. these were supposed to be graves very close to this, but when school, of course, this was a graphic wanting to to the better when to to the average. right. is that living in that village that they must basically encroach on what these riley settlers the think is the land that even put flowers inside these graves. we were talking to uh
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to the better with themselves. they said that the home shipping repeatedly and to buy gun toting is riley settlers. some of the women had been beaten, the women that the children man handled as well. so it's evidence like this. that as i say is incomplete contradiction to that statement. from the is writing prime minister as the continuation of the set of audits across the occupied territories continues. thank you, tony, for that child stratford life for say in ramallah, a sophomore. ahead on this knowledge, is there a use our, including why more than thousands bites of being grounded in germany, victim pain on europe's largest economy. a deal is done to end the deadlock in northern ireland to have more from belfast on the return of a power sharing. the
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1st us defense secretary says american groups behind a tax on american basis. in the middle east, i'm to both sasha say behind american attacks in the middle east will be held accountable. this was lloyd austin's 1st press conference after undergoing surgery for prostate cancer and he apologized for concealing used hospitalizations. austin said this was a dangerous moment in the middle east, and i paid for work to avoid a wider conflict. 3 american soldiers were killed and a jo natasha on us face in jordan on sunday. this particular attack was egregious and that, you know, you know, the attack was on at the sleeping area of one of, of, of our base and, and again, uh, we have, uh, we've kotob hezbollah and, and other elements continue to
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attack our troops. uh and uh, and again, i think at this point uh we, we should, uh, it's time to, to take away even more capability and then we taking in the past. and in terms of the use of term escalation, we've not described what are what our response is going to be. but we look to hold the people that are responsible for this accountable. and we also look to make sure that we continue to wait, take away capability from them as we go for last name. jordan has more from the pentagon. thursday's press briefing at the public home was the 1st for the us defense secretary lloyd austin. since his diagnosis and treatment for prostate cancer at the end of last year, the defense secretary came under fire for not telling the president or other members of his own staff about his condition. a situation which austin set on thursday. he has apologized to the president for and said that he would do better
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going forward. austin wanted to underscore that he still is very much on top of the many security challenges facing the united states and its allies. he talked about the ongoing attacks by who these on commercial vessels in particular, in the red sea. and he said that these attacks need to stop. it's not a us concern often said, but it is an international concern. and it's affecting people who have nothing to do with the ongoing war and gaza speaking of gaza. he's mode that he had spoken consistently and frequently with you. i've got a lot that is rarely defense minister. he said that he had stressed the need to protect the palestinian civilians, the death told, having now risen to close to 30000 in recent weeks. and austin said that while things have changed in terms of these really military's focus as it fights the war in gaza, you said not enough is being done. and he included the united states in that
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calculation. finally, when it comes to this sunday attack that killed 3 us soldiers, a northeastern syria, austin said that there is a plan for retaliation. he did not say, however, when, where or how it would be carried out. but he did say that you're not still unanswered. as for sundays, dudley drone to tack on a u. s. military position in northeastern jordans, which killed 3 us soldiers. austin said the administration has come up with a plan to retaliate. however, he said that while it is multi layered, he says that he was not going to get into the details of how, where or when this response would take place. rosalyn jordan elder 0 at the pentagon, being out of wells news, european union leaders have agreed on on age package for ukraine was $54000000000.00. the announcement was made as all 27 member states met in brussels . the agreement was reached off the hungary dropped its veto straight at tasha
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button that has moved from breast it's very significant for the leaders because they had hoped to approve this more than 50 a $1000000000.00 financial. a package for ukraine can defend, but when they last met for a stomach, but at that time on grief, 5 minutes to fit to hold on a decided to veto it. she said that she felt that ukraine wasn't in a position to receive such funds because i filled sense of criteria and i knew fix to find this very close allied of the russian president vladimir, appreciate that it is certainly not the 1st time that he is used to be to threaten to use the type when it comes to ukraine. so what has happened since december is that you need to be looking around, scrambling to try and find ways to pressure fit to bands, try and get him on board so that they can pause this financial aid package. and that is what they say. we know there was a special meeting just to go to somebody again. beats we not hungry department,
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will say some of the leaders, including the french president, the gym, and chancellor and the head, the commission and the counsel to try and pressure open. i'm so the you, this is a victory, it's a win because from that point to be they are able now to show a unity that are able to say, well, 27 member states came together. we continue to support ukraine. we continue to show that the western allies are on the side of keys and they also get to send a message to russia that the you can see used to be on your friends side or the you funding should be welcome news in the many ukrainian communities damaged by the war, rob mcbride reports from one of them in need of more help to repair and rebuild storage. so when i get to the door, it was acting matter of barbara jenco mean. irina zachary jenco presides over the most heavily damaged town in the central key region,
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nearly 2 years into russia's full scale invasion, the streets and buildings still by the scots of when this community was briefly and devastatingly on the front line. more than 5000 people lost their homes. there was the much, the more than 2000 private buildings, a high rise buildings, school district and their garden at the local government facility. certainly the town is being transformed. irina is office at least now has windows again projects such as these schools built with lift you waiting in funding are replacing what was destroyed, but much more is needed. there's not much, wasn't in this, put them on support from europe is essential for us doing this work. we understand that to build our community, the state cannot do it on its own. we need to warn you from europe and on ourselves . see you funding is especially significant as a similarly size, a package from the united states is being delayed because of a political dispute in washington. further complicated by the upcoming presidential
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election, us funding to ukraine, the became a hostage or for domestic us politics. and this was very hard for the of train to do and this, and was it the uh, in the, in the, you are a presidential election seems united states, ukraine's precarious existence looks set to continue until it can become fully integrated into the european union. this episode, as we're available just how vulnerable ukraine is to any delay in approving support of unreliability. any here believe will only be overcome when it has the security of full, a membership, just starting the leg, the process to join the block. ukraine's priority is getting sufficient funding to survive long enough to see it through public broad. i'll just say era part of the income ukraine. now, while you leaders in brussels, focus on the war in ukraine. hundreds of farm is demonstrated outside the european
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parliament. police holes down fires and protesters who approach secuity cordons farmers use more than a 1000 tractors to block roads in the belgian capital. protest saw the latest c weeks against rising cost. c, u travels and cheap food in ports. meanwhile, 2 major pharmacy unions in funds have announced that they will lift country wide brocade. shortly after the prime minister offered more concessions. they include more financial aid tax breaks, and a promise not to bond pesticides in funds that are allowed elsewhere in europe. in greece, in the city of tested and make a font is shalonda the venue of an agricultural fe. the greek government has offered to speed up financial aid, but thomas has been protesting across the country for a week. now, earlier i spoke with his all my to tell me no, who's a union member involved in the protest in france. and asked him why french farm is also angry. as the main issue for foreigners in europe and friends is
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a short income. we're working of a lot. and we don't get a fair income for work because, or the importation of products from other countries actually competing directly with us on the local market. and obviously the working conditions and production. these are not the same in every factory. so we actually have to compete, reeves, all the production and companies, countries that have different predict your needs. and that's not fair. so actually the management at the moment is not that many policies. so we can have a fair income from or production. but that is how much of the french government a few days ago announce measure is to help pop the farm is such as emergency cache and also controls on important food. why is that? not enough? that's the right direction of the problem is we don't want to get some money as a society. we actually want us to get a fair. 2 pay for the production to food products that we wouldn't that we sell on
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the market. 2 and the problem is, on the same time they are saying that we can help us more and they're really trying to controlling partition. but at the same time this you leaders and they were shaking free trade agreements with a lot of different countries, including macro store, judy caveats that direct cetera. so we actually see a double speech where they say they were reducing portions of the same time. they are negotiating to import more, especially with the map for sure. a free trade arguments definitely needs to 30 stream the high rise in importance of food, especially story being coin, etc, from south america. the still ahead on this news our us on flowing in india and warnings that one of his best known exports is on this right. and peter will be here to preview the 1st. so the asian kept the quarter finals as to jake is fine. and jordan, i is the,
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the, the east administrating this still churning with winter storm. it's very and pleasant weather, if you're in it from north, in egypt, through the southern event, up towards the 11th. and the sheriff's do penetrating 9 and the time sheets can be quite low. best amount in jordan about 10 degrees. now if you go further east, that same line takes a bit of a breeze through iraq, which shows significance there in the wrong and rain in southern iraq. that's jumped down a little bit because that is quite a strong wind. so for a couple of days running down through the gulf, though, haul, get hit by a strong northwesterly. tempted to run out the $21.00 box, and then the land this. well, the clued east and society sandstone seems quite likely the right to the apple is going through the u i. e, and i'm on showers or significant right or wrong. and to, to something pakistan is
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a significant change to the weather type over the next 2 or 3 days. okay. a few shares in somalia side of sudan arrived late victoria all still around the heavy rains this time the a should be further south and i think it will be for metal gasket. the big got and significant. right. and if it goes on big some significant, some big shows in south africa, but still around the western cape, there was a significant fire risk on the, the 1st when i saw that we see the real time it's the victims themselves. and i saw there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias, understand what they are looking to see out and raise the listening post covers how
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the news is covered. expo 2023. the world, the fascination of joint and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the welcome back. a recap of our top stories on this. i'll just share and use our some
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palestinians detained by he's ready for us to say they were beaten and tortured and humiliated. did not return to rafa in southern gaza. these are the latest and i'm increasing number of accusations of gross treatment of prisoners and 5 ation of international law. yes, present, joe biden has signed an executive order imposing sanctions on for is really fabulous for attacking policy and any occupied westbank. a violence against protest in the west bank has increased shopping since the spot of the war on gas and us defense secretary lloyd austin says behind a tax on us spaces in the lease will be held accountable to the american soldiers for carrying a drone attack on us facing jordan found to have in use and on the 3rd anniversary of the cool in young my pro democracy groups have been processing in neighboring thailand. the demonstrators
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outside the u right now, facing the capital bank called, called for an end to military val and a return to a civilian government. also on the anniversary, the military leadership extended a state of emergency by 6 months, by myanmar as armies facing tough resistance from rebel fighters and allies of se commies, long shut offensive against the government 4 months ago. and the military has lost control of several towns and cities. since then, i'll just there is tony chang reports from the border with thailand as the one on a hillside in east demand. in late january the far as crack let's with the sound of come. 53 is owned. mazda military has less control than the day at launch the crew right now that it is already military doesn't control, you know, most of the country, at least 75 percent of the country, especially the border area. but the presence is still thoughts in kind of
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a state ethnic to any forces. i'm surround the government trips in that basis, but i'm challenged at power, not tillery to stop them from being over, run frivolous places and civilians suffering a high number of casualties in chance state where the offensive began in late october alliances and coordination of between the ethnic on this ma'am, of me has lost control of vital trade routes and border crossings with china. and the more the rebels fight, the more they learn while our but the few experiences have made us into different. so just through what we are learning from fighting and finding why learning, we know more about their forces and also we have better communication between our own. so just well, many of the official board posts remain closed or controlled within supplies and personnel move freely through on check jungle crossings. there are still parts of me. i'm a photo which a heavily fen stuff like this. then the last 12 months in thailand, china, india,
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and bangladesh strategic pull the positions of pull into i think all i'm is, can now come and go as they please. the general ment online who let the crew show no indication, he might change direction. despite signs of concern within the ruling elite, coincides in, has been dealing with me and most military leadership, the decades on behalf of one of the largest ethnic companies. he's the kind old captain that went to 61 to ship things, as he will say. and then take all the passengers with him, that's what they say. i'm i, i hope it's not true. on the western coast, the military is under attack. and this particularly important part of scituate, we're kind stages being on the marshal since the violence against the rank of muslim minority in 2016, even those hoss controls failed to hold back the resistance. tony chewing out to 0
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on the time me on my board. let's talk to helen maria crude, about the situation in myanmar. she's a senior research or with the danish institute for international studies focusing on justice and security in the and more and is joining us from tony in demo. thank you so much, helen for being with us. so 3 is since the anniversary of this courtney and mar. how strong would you say that june does hold on powers today as well? the minutes are you into is extremely, we can best we just turn to be bored say, and this has to become a key, especially after the operation, 1027. the operation that was lost in northern shots states on the border to china. that with the 3 missing of my stations, the alliance of the air konami's, the men d a and the t a a's. where now there has been a brokerage ceasefire put in practice. these groups have control over this area and
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we both are heading to the floor just now that it's also happening in other parts of the country where it's the o 5 sessions and also the you were resistance organizations leading to the nationally village of government. and also take control inside the country in birmingham majority areas install these areas. they're also creating new, local governments, new state likes that helps, but also a lead to more on the, in the military itself is extremely low. we've seen 14000, so just some pretty deliberate live journal. and since the full address over the last 3 months, 5000 soldiers have surrendered to the resistance groups on the best deal. so it is a really weekend for me to treat them on a weekend military. you st. moran is no way on the resistance groups getting the support from and the resistance groups are broad,
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was beacon getting this call from the general population. and members of these persistence was also civilians. although to do with these peaceful protest with stripe, a civil disobedience moving off to the group and then joined on mass. also some of these organizations up to refute into florida areas. and i'm now helping as teachers, as nurses, adults, to see these kinds of sit all these new kinds of local governance arrangements in the various order areas. and as i said, you also for each side is the bottom be turned into the speaking doesn't have a complement digits of the c o, legitimacy in the population. interesting, you mentioned the border areas and the operation near the chinese border earlier. how concerned do you think badging is today about this growing on re send me an ma, which i spilt over into its borders. and, and, you know, we've seen in the past, china being able to exert its influence over myanmar politics. is that still the
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case today? and it's definitely a very important to keep an eye on china and china has the, the more last i ricky back this operation 10. 27 is the estimates we're seeing the coming out the most of because the stations in the alliance, their activity, we're able to lower some of these criminal networks inside the criminal networks going on in that space, which was not in the interest of china at all. a lot of chinese were working, it seemed like conditions there. but at the same time, china is also being the one pushy for the end to the fighting in that area because they also wants to build and they've also reused to this strategic bang advantage. the weakening of the lead entering that area to promote the kind of economic interests and negotiations with the military is particularly linked to the bills of road initiative. china plays a key role and it's clear that in any pressure from china and the military doings
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and can also be a help from the assistance of moving book with china, will support this kind of federal democratic agenda that is emerging as kind of and more this unified were read the goal, political goal of, of, of the opposition government, the national community government, and as all of the se, okay, stations, that's another to thank you so much for talking to us about this. thank you for your insight helen, the re, a cool journey is the from denmark. thank you. now in agreement has been reached in northern ireland, which is expected to restore a power sharing government. there's been political deadlock there for 2 years after pro british union, this politicians walked out in approach. i said breaks it. trade rules. how are you false? it has more from belfast. what's happening right now in the british parliament in westminster and the house of commons,
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the is it has to be sort of fairly sparsely attended debates on the deal that was officially unveiled on wednesday. this essentially is a very procedural building through of the agreement. as far as the u. k. government is concerned, there was some voices raising some queries and opposing points launch. leave those on the more hard line fringes of unionism, some of them even within the democratic unionist party that has made this deal with the british government. there was some within that the ruling conservative policy at the national level as well, who are worried about the implications of a deal on how britain might be able to diverge from you trading laws and make the most, as i see it all breaks it. freedoms in the future, but essentially the real agreement that was reached was that by the democratic union as potty, earlier in the week, they have now agreed to go back into power sharing government at the devolved level here in northern ireland and really and stopped this long john,
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that's been expecting so many people here in terms of budgets in terms of just having a functioning governments. and that is now likely to take place the assembly due to states here in belfast on saturday. once the final, i's dotted and t's, crossed and went to westminster on thursday. as a staff who performed screening at airports have become the latest german workers to strike labor. unrest is becoming more frequent in one of your largest economies . during the whole, we force on how an estimated 200000 passengers across 11 major air force were affected. they represent a fairly small sector airport workers. but if you could post some security yukon slide, germany's latest industrial dispute to walk out by security screen is therefore crippling effect the the airports. some of the countries major ones,
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the lead i'm book stood, got cancelled on the punch is grounding around 200000 passengers. many tourists and no toilet the board in advance for your city with my shared lines in flight members, but nobody can phone, they have no idea the information on the he may or i don't know much the one day strike. he's part of a recent space of industrial action until now read in gemini workplace relationship tends to be more constructive than l squared. and your now high inflation and the shortage of skilled workers have given unions the upper hand in demanding better wages and conditions when the employer going to get our solution. the re swipe again and again again, it comes at a bad time for germany's stagnant economy. now we see that systematically the strikes become longer and more frequent,
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and then the economic costs are going to rise significantly in the this comes on the back of an economy that is already weak. the german economy has been shrinking last year is badly growing this year. so the strike comes at the wrong time for the german economy. it was some relief for travelers this week. this train drive is return to work on monday, but twos a sol, thousands of doctors on strikes. and on friday it will be the to end of public transport workers bringing tram subways and buses. to a halt. jo, know how l g 0. now to one of india is best known x for stodgy. ling t is famed for is distinctive flavor, but the government is being born that without urgent help production could die out me now for 9 days explains why dealing with the land of this on the boat is home to india's finest tea. but it may not be so for a loan,
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at least 10 of the regions, 8070 presentations have shut down in recent years. i'm sure bond canaria santa who heads the t exporters association, says climate change. politics depend demik global developments and increasing costs . i'm making it difficult to continue every on other than acute financial crisis. we have scared to float because on a false quad into budgeting be for us, this is not a business 0. it's a passion. we are in love with us that are all the things we are in love with the tv produce and the people who worked with us. so for us, this was an extended family. and that's what's keeping getting gardens going so far . of the 2 main production periods, the dodgy link t october to early march and made to june each year up to 80 percent of revenue is generated. during this time, the drought rain and falling use of aging tv shows cut outputs by more than half to 6 1000 tons last year. new one for the distinctive flavor,
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70 percent of this premium black t has usually been exported with global economic problems and cheaper alternative. so many people have seen him on every your, it's been the getting worse and worse and worse, you only have because i mean of this be during the 1st 1st few months of the year off the ritz. it's been a completely a whitewash and that's been our friend ever since 2017. the 42 percent increase in daily wages, fertilizer pool and chemical costs. coupled with folding demand, as lift count is unable to maintain that the plantations or reply and the closure is of also heat. thousands of workers and their families. the head of the indian t association of to last done us is urgent help is needed. if we can get a package of him, so i'm kind of in some sense for the next 2 years,
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i'm sure to come back and the government has to watch a big slab initiative to promote that is the, that this is the, these, the best that these them may be good, but not as good as this plant is. i'm hoping some help will come that way. so they can go on producing india's famed and aromatic t. and that fernandez. hodges 0. i still a head on algae 0. i'm on the richardson in doha, where a record number of athletes are getting ready to compete. the well, the quite 6 championships, the business like this this brought to you believe i guess as i live slowly on, one of your this makes modern pleads. the
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business like just is free to you believe i guess is a light smile on one of your makes modern pleads the
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cannot be trustworthy. thank you very much. we'll start with widespread reports at $741.00 champion. lewis hamilton could switch from mercedes to ferry in 2025. the british drive it signed a multi year contract with necessities until 2025. but it appears that the 2nd season may be optional for already recently. you know, is the contract extension with one of the current drivers show on the clips while they deal with carla signs expires at the end of the year. if the deal goes ahead, it would in the huge, the successful partnership between hamilton and mercedes forming the clattering drive. a 16 will be 7 will titles with the team between 20142020. having some holds the record with 103 race wins. 82 of those have come with mercedes. it also holds the record for most po, positions and most podium finishes. but hamilton has not won a race with mercedes and saudi arabia in 2021 p a news agency for me to one
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correspondence full. duncan says, this is one of the biggest transfers in the history of the sports. and for hamilton, navy is not getting any younger, it could be one last shots of glory. and this is a guy who, you know, is used to winning. he's always the one throughout his career. he 7 seasons without winning a single race. and he still believes that he can win this record. it's well $76.00 the size of it. he believes he was wrong. so then i will be back in 2021. and i think this, the, this is the suggestion, sorry that he's in meetings for i always specs and now this for this deal to beat speed increases is indicative of how he said it was like this guy besides, i don't think he thinks that they can offer him a route a call back to so it's a full glories. and i think with rental office i've, we've decided to take it to take it. probably the not i'd say, and the euro for i was was this was too great for him since the downstairs. it's a, it's a fantastic story for this, for one that it probably needed also to use as of the stuff in dominance. the
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probably and with us the not a good size for me say the full time champions. japan have left for with junior ito out of the school to hit the asian cup cool to final a gets by writing on saturday. it's a is accused of sexually assaulting it to women. the 5th year old has filed a criminal complaint against the 2 women for finding faults. complaints. so the 1st of the agent got caught up on was kicks off on friday when such a keystone face. jordan, the jordanians, have reached the courses on 2 previous occasions that was back in 2004 in 2011 as full. it's a chicky still and this is a 1st ever appearance of the competition. they are enjoying the fairytale run the wrong. as we are ready to continue all our dream. we live in that today. so we will
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try our best to play against very strong opponents. jordan, very good team, very good coach. and i can only say for my side, maybe everybody laughing about me, but i believe in a dream. and i believe to model a 5050 chance has to be able to try to. we have to do something with the chromebook . see we need to be very focused. we need to prepare. well, essentially, all the preparations are very good and the morales very high. we need to pay attention close attention to the details because the details will be the different confirmation of a of the 1st quote, a final between such as eastern and jordan that will be followed by a strain against the south korea who i am. the 1st agent kept since 1964, the saw caruso aiming for a 2nd title. it's about, you know, getting a game right. and i truly believe that you have the most important thing for us. tomorrow's with the bull defensively obviously will be well set up and we've considered the only one go in the full game so far where they have conceded 7. but
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um, you know, we've, uh, we've got to make sure that with the bowl we better tomorrow as the world aquatics championship. so in the middle east for the 1st time, the event starts in cost of capital doha, on friday. mold in 2 and a half 1000 baskets will taking part, many of whom will go on to compete for gold. this is paris olympics, and the richardson reports the sum of speech bravest. most employees, this is going to be a championship, right? and especially since we are we don't the will a quite 6 championships event is in the middle east for the 1st time and it's 50 a history of bringing competitions here more and more and water cortex for the 1st time. and i think, you know, i mean at least can have the potential to host olympics at some point. russia and valerie smith, i'm from last year's world championships in japan jus to the crane more now. west leads from those countries could compete as neutrals,
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if they agree to follow the strict rules, including not soaking it to the media. but there are no russians in doha and $95.00 since i've registered to take pounds. some big names including 21 telling, well, assuming champion k to a decade escaping doha to propose that issues pers olympics away from the spotlights of competition. that's the only thing was to paula open water swimming and autistic swimming. the world championships as an island to qualify, it will be the 1st island picks that has meant in the autistic swimming events during the gold medal. who is the, when you see people who get into this for they always say, oh yeah, watch the lovely caves and i was some spy. busy and i looked at that pool and i wanted to turn artistic something. so i think it's really important to have men and artists. let me ask you a little bit because that inspires the young, female athletes, male athletes, just to see a support that's all inclusive height. the only thing is yet to become an olympic
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schools. but if the parents of these championships to move the decade, the australia is rheana, eastland will be leaking from its winds. he needs a platform to defend who will try to go home. if i walked up to 20, made his and didn't feel scared, i would think there's something wrong dealing with it. is it something that that also drive to you as a, as a human being, you know, other coming those challenges and nice fees, while under pressure ice is such a great feeling in capsule height. the only thing you sent to continue its trajectory towards olympic conclusion on the richardson l g 0 though. okay, we'll leave it there for the time being. i'll be here with another updated little bit later for the future. thank you very much for that. and that is in use our for now on alger 0 from me for the back to the whole team here in july. thank you very
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much for watching my colleagues. so rahman is with you next with more to day. so that's the and when i asked him, did you think park club could hurt you? she said herbicides are supposed to kill plants. people. yeah. and again, he's relying on the regulators. right. and the companies to be telling him the truth. and so when the companies are not truthful and the regulators are lacks, in doing their jobs, people are put a risk and this is the end result, the unique perspective on and the but don't want to even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really a, for my things, thoughtful this coverage. there's no reason to target your journal on her. it's voices and i'm all the patients. please connect with our
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community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs . and this is unacceptable. the stream on out to 0, president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, economic crises, dorming, the globe. catastrophic effects caused by global warming and conflicts and wars destroying production. factors aggravating the global food crisis. and the substituting the development of a comprehensive and systematic response, the international conference on to justice from a human rights perspective. challenges of reality and future stakes. organized
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by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar and association with the the, [000:00:00;00] the come on. so around the you're watching the, i'll just it renews our lives from dave hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes beaten uninstalled. the days palestinians in garza described the torch. they in joel at the hands of his riley soldiers, medical supplies running low and hospitals under siege and the south, a gauze at mold and $27000.00 palestinians have been killed since the stalks of the


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