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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 2, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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the business latest is brought to you by i guess is on line supply on one of your this makes model and plates the, [000:00:00;00] the hello to hold. rob and you're watching the, i'll just it renews our life. i'm a headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes, beaten, and stops for days. palestinians and gaza described the torch they enjoyed at the hands of his railey soldiers. the us imposes sanctions on full is rarely settlers who attacked palestinians and the occupied west. bang. also the us defense secretary says the groups of talking american bases will be held accountable. and
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we will respond when we choose where we choose and how we choose for testing solve us in several european countries, domencio regulations and lower costs. the french government has announced more concessions and peace of statement would be a school to shock switch. and for me, it was a 7 time world champion. louis hamilton consumes. he will leave mercedes and joined for already and between 225 season. the welcome to the news. uh, we begin with the palestinians, detained by his right. the full say, as he say they were beaten, tortured, humiliates, is not they pretend to rough uh in the south. and this is the latest at an increasing number of accusations of gross mistreatment of prisoners in violation of international law by is ready soldiers to recover as soon begins our coverage from
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rough or in the south of gaza. beaten to turn it on to related the accusation of palestinians detained by his very forces during the war and gaza. now released and in rough that most of the minute i feel pain everywhere on my body before it's just depend on our needs for hours. they kept asking me about the tunnels and about their captives held by how much of them i told them i'm 70 years old and i know nothing about these matters. they hit me a lot when i couldn't find an answer to their questions for my another phase, he was taken off to being taught, evacuated to so oh, with the moist spent the 1st 3 days without food and was that we were not allowed to go to the toilet, so we would be to in harshly or was with this the 3 days after that they moved us to another place. some new methods of tort show, but after a 3 day stop patient they gave us a meal, but it's not even enough for
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a child. these are not the 1st claims of talk to the hands of the is very soldiers. on wednesday, the buddies of probably 30 palestinians were found down to a school young with another and cause a witness to say if you have been tilted by his very forces been killed on the corpses, both in plastic bags. this is precisely why israel was taken to the international court of justice with the accusation that it is committing genocide. and the fact that we see that the i c. j ruled in favor of south africa and said that there is a plausible risk of gender side is simply this, this evidence just simply bolsters that opinion of israel's been committing war crimes against palestinians since 1948. and nobody has ever held israel to account . disappointments comes off to the you and top court said israel must do more to prevent the genocide of palestinians ordering it to investigate or accusation of
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accuse. and the palestinians arrests are treated in line with international humanitarian. low allegations of toyota has increased during, as well as will in gaza from beating to withholding medication system on his point to an increase of violations of palestinian rights since october. the 7th that's prompted contamination from right to groups who say such evidence needs to be present during a ceasefire. such accusations would undermine as well as credibility around the world. it's supported by evidence. it's full on garza, has been conducted without just points, has lift, little time for relief and craving, accusation of tool to adding to feed at once. the tendency force evolving palestinians start as soon out. 0 rough off in southern gauze, and target joins as though from rough up in southern gauze. and of course,
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those harrowing testimonies only add to the mole claims of torture and emerging stories of maltreatment by those that living the night. man, this is the will wrong cause a and that's absolutely true. this is the reason i may, especially for those that to me is have, has been arrested by these really forces during the operations inside the seats in clay, if they have been saying different to just saw him over the buddies of the details of the destinies. especially on the hand licks and heads as those people had been completely going through full trauma. that had been absolutely course due to the harsh humidity of your situation that they have been going through in these really detention as they have been completing you running it. absolutely low in terms of having and not having sufficient amount of food at all. voice alongside that they have been prevented at least to
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a go to toilets as they have been beated being asked about different and met a treat uh questions in terms of the hostages. the tunnels that exist in site cause, and this is a part of the, is very ongoing efforts on the grounds in order to restore that captives. and they have been also arresting a wide range number of times. themes it from different areas in the north, in gauze city, it, some of them had been taken to israel for investigations. they did not return till now. others have been taken to on this close locations and separate areas and cause this trip late that they have been released. and it's been absolutely essential to say that those people will completely suffer from the psychological impact of that, of that period of detention because the was, they weren't completely accumulated as a due to the different at which i met just being taken by is very sore. just a, during the period that they have been jailed inside israel. and of course the topic the bombardment continues from the s,
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the rates continue from the ground. what we do cause to focus and continue to focus on the medical facilities which are under great pressure and continued to be under great pressure. yes i, i do the majority of medical sector and goal is what had been on the white and mass is rarely prussia since the beginning of this round of, of conflicts that we've been seeing, the destruction of the majority of hospitals that were a rating of the noise in kansas city, and later we have been seeing that this chest and the focus of these very military operation had been directed towards the southern part of gauze, especially in the last 2 remaining hospitals. in hon unit square, talking about an announcer hospital, which had been surrounded by the use of a military tax within the past few days. and it wouldn't. the last couple of days had been sending and also reporting that to the east very ministry,
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texas tools about hospitals preventing medical teams from leaving the gates of the hospital and the policy the end of the christmas society. today it was as thought using does the they are running extremely low in terms of food. they are able to provide food services for the people and the patients inside the hospital because the men to treat prevents any kind of possible age to be delivered. the and also the ongoing bombardment on con, you, in a city prevent the possibility of a slink for those people who are still trapped. the and a incredibly, we can see that we can see how the situation is saw in the nozzler hospital and the ongoing appeals made by international organization to afford protections for these hospitals. the are right now partially operating with a very deep shortage of medical supplies. and it's at the expense of a miniature of ration in that part of because of strep, kind of composing the 4th in reference. thank you. know the pulse to the red crescent says is ready for is a storm. the compound of all i'm out of hospital in tony. this for
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a set time is very strong. civils a has central guns that destroying and school in this with refugee kemp comes on the hand of tripled as the lights to collect the body so full of scenes. the bikes really strange in the southern city of things, more than a dozen, nothing else. but i've received 14 bodies so far. we receive this number before 9 o'clock this morning without bringing the bodies to the people. so they can bury the it's really false is continuing to bump central. how does that flattening dispute in the say a rock, but the g comes on wednesday night in the lounge again, because i missed my school. i came to see what happened. i found a level the been bought the entire place. my classroom was, you know, is it always was the task force 85 percent of the strips,
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2300000 population from their homes. the un save the situation, just got this traffic many spend the day trying to find anything they come to eat. the see, the situation is be on desperate. upon a will the, the grind grain for people during the difficult sage with facing people, the facility to grinding animal feed. do we just us? is it right? continues to be swell. i'm because the palestinians a wondering how many of them have to die and how long they have to suffer before the bombardment. and i'm with us present job. i assigned an executive order imposing sanctions on full is ready settlers for attacking palestinians and the occupied westbank. violence against palestinians buys very soldiers and sec lives in the west time cuz increased sharply since the will on golf had begun on october. the 7th, a one times correspond. kimberly how it gets has more about what the executive
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order will do as this feeling builds on the actions taken by the, by the ministration about one month ago that would block for nationals from coming into the united states. those involved in violence against palestinians in the west bank, namely settlers. so this is an additive on top of that it would ban a settlers who have committed violent acts from doing business in the united states, borrowed from the us financial system from receiving money from us citizens and even own property in the united states. now what this is is really to address what the us government believes is a lack of action by the is really government from the uptake. and what they see as targeting a palestinian since the october 7th. how most attacks in israel. so this is something that divided ministration feels is one of the strongest measures taken
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really by any administration in a number of years. and so they joins us now for a multiply these teresa and obviously present bite and has act dates. but what's the reaction from what you are is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu wasting a statement. essentially downplaying settler violence in the occupied west bank saying, quote, a vast majority of those who live in illegal settlements are law abiding citizens. and many of them fighting and israel's war on dogs. additionally, he says quote, israel acts against all violators of the law in all places. but we do know that that is on true given how many settler tax on palestinians there have been in the last 4 months alone. but we're also getting reaction from right wing members of ness and yahoos, governments, note ultra nationalists and settlers themselves. it's
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a more bend we're the national security minister, and bethel is smaller as the countries finance minister bend beer, hailing the settlers as, quote, harowick and best sellers. smart rich saying that this is an anti semitic kind of move. and it is a quote job against the base settler pioneer movement. now the new one says that from october, the 7th to january 28th, there had been at least $460.00 for a tax on palestinians in the occupied. but the west bank by is rarely settlers, so these really, really down playing the issue of settler violence against palestinians. just wait, that for us as close to a 100 symbol still to discuss lots of moving parts of the story right now because fall right members of these right, the cabinets are threatening to bring down the government if what they call a reckless ceasefire team is reach between a mouse and israel, as well as middle position policy says it's ready to join the government test.
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that's what it takes to secure the release of captives. it does seem how and no matter which way, prime minister netanyahu looks, he's facing increasing pressure from within his own cabinet, from the opposition, from the public at large. that's exactly right. the issue of the captive is most sensitive and of the utmost importance within is really society. so you have an increase of pressure from the families of the captives who are protesting, non stop calling on the government for more action to bring back their loved ones. then you of pressure from right wing members of the government and that's in yahoo is own coalition. those same to ministers, we've been mentioning vend, beer and small groups saying that they wouldn't leave the government if nothing. yahoo entered a deal, but they considered to be bad for israel. one that would see the release of thousands of palestinian detainees from is really jails. it is also worth mentioning, but these are the same to ministers,
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both heads of their political parties who were going to vote against the last cease fire deal we saw in november, ben, beer and his australia who these party ended up voting against it, or a smoke which was later convinced in the cabinet needing to boat for the deal. now then you have the opposition who been the fiercest critics of nets and yahoo threw out this war, not just for his political career as a whole, but specifically in this period of 4 months, we're saying, but they're going to offer him a safety net. if the right wing were to leave the coalition, the yes, as he's party headed by you era, paid with step in join some sort of new to the coalition for an unknown amount of time in order to secure a deal to release the captives and bring them home saying that that is the most important wargol, but me is really army has lined out since the beginning of this war. so a lot of continuing complexities in these really government as the war continues
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from the city that forest occupied easter eastern. thank you. in the us defense secretary says all the groups behind the tanks, all american bases in the middle east will be held accountable. this was lloyd austin's 1st press conference of to undergoing surgery for prostate cancer. and the apologize for concealing his hospitalization was in jordan hospital from the pentagon. health questions dominated us defense secretary lloyd austin, the 1st one press conference of 2024. austin said he has apologized to president joe vital for not telling him when he 1st was diagnosed with prostate cancer. but what austin wanted to focus on was the multiple conflicts in the middle east, starting with a drone attack that killed 3 us soldiers in northeastern jordan. austin said the iranian back proxy behind the attack will be held responsible. you know, i don't think the or the adversaries are, have
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a one and done mindset. and so they have a lot of capabilities. i have a lot more before his surgery, austin had overseen the build up of us navy vessels in the region in part to protect cargo ships from hootie attacks in the red sea attacks austin called unacceptable, who teased, continue to do some things that a very irresponsible and illegal and, and so our goal is to make sure that we take away, we continue to take away capability from the hudy's to do what they've been doing. and then there's the war and also where the death toll has surpassed 27000 men, women and children. when asked by l g 0, if he has done enough to pressure is real to avoid killing more civilians. austin said, we've talked to him about that a weeks ago and they said they were going to do that and they are doing that. but i will continue to emphasize and that will secondary blanket and present buying will
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continue to emphasize the importance of addressing the issue of the palestine and people. it's critical and you know, we're doing more but, but we're not doing enough lloyd. austin wanted to show his health isn't to interfering with his job. and given that the president says he has full confidence in austin. it's about to work for the defense secretary, russell and jordan, elder sarah, the patent on a not printable has a all of these are including a deal is done to ended up lock in northern ireland. but i'm most val, fast on the return of a power sharing customer. the, the you need is have agreed all that a package for ukraine was $54000000000.00 hungry, dropped its beach front during a meeting of memphis states and brussels as the summit was taking place. hundreds of farmers demonstrations outside of the european parliament, the protest. okay,
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is rising cost c regulations and cheap food impulse. latasha butler has the story hungry as prime minister. i think the old man was under pressure as he arrived at an east summit and brussels having the 2 to more than $50000000000.00 financial aid package for ukraine in december. or the you leaders would determined not to allow him to stop at the deal. again. i confound distance, i complex of this is strange and so it goes to the game of the victim of them. and there is no room for compromise on our principles like rule of law, and for sure, there's no room for compromise. you claimed chris, in no mood to make any more concessions to old man. he's a close ally of russian president vladimir putin. a select group of the leaders took the home gary and prime minister side before the summit. some of the
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politicians have previously suggested budapest of voting rights could be taken away, or you funds frozen unless hungry back to deal. no, no off to the meeting. the package, which includes military assistance, was approved. these 50000000000 euros for 4 years, also send a very strong message to putting just the head of the secondary verse 3 of his brutal invasion with ukraine's president who'd attended the summit to the key. welcome to use. this is a clear signal that your brain will with sense, and that your a will with sense. well, you leaders that results one problem. another one was brewing on the doorstep. hundreds of fall most from european countries, including phones. it's lee and belgium. angry of the e u. environmental rules and phone competition. what they say is destroying livelihoods. despite the recent demonstration forming wasn't even on the official e u. summit agenda,
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which is why these pharmacies are bringing the tractors and protests. the brussels is the only way to be heard. this european union for 70 years pushed us into becoming very big fonts and all this oversized farms. today, their budgeting, i know they're criminalizing other than saying that this is our fault. the message we have for you are being union is that they cost, if this officer and that they have to bring us the solutions. impossible to acknowledge you lead to set the discuss. palm is concerned, they will say. so they talked about the situation in the middle east but came to know conclusions. it was clear that on the day when the blow could manage to come together, there was little appetite for all the crises to overshadow the display of unity. tasha butler, i'll just sarah brussels. meanwhile, 2 major pharmacy unions in front of announced the lift countrywide blockades shortly. after the prime minister offered more concessions thing, take more financial aid tax breaks,
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and the promise not to bind pesticides in front such were allowed elsewhere in europe. now the staff who performed screening to apples became the latest german workers to strike on thursday. labor and rust is becoming more frequent, and one of your largest economies should hold reports now on how to estimate the 200000 passengers across 11 major apples were affected, that they represent a fairly small sector of airport workers. but if you come across some security yukon slide, germany's latest industrial dispute to walk out by security screen is therefore crippling affected airports. some of the countries major ones, the lead handbook stood, got cancelled on the punches, grounding around 200000 passengers, many tourists, and no toilet the board in advance for your city with my shared lines and flight members, but nobody console,
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they have no idea. the information on the he may or i little much the one day strike. he's part of a recent space of industrial action until now read in gemini workplace relationship tends to be more constructive than l squared. and you know, high inflation and the shortage of skilled workers have given unions the upper hand in demanding better wages and conditions. when the employee, i don't to get our solution, the re swipe again and again again, it comes at a bad time for germany's stagnant economy. now we see that systematically the strikes become longer and more frequent, and vanity economic costs are going to rise significantly in the this comes on the back of an economy that is already weak. the german economy has been shrinking last year is badly growing this year. so the strike comes at the wrong time for the
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german economy. it was some relief for travelers this week. this train drive is return to work on monday. but tuesday, so thousands of doctors on strike. and on friday, it will be the to end of public transport workers bringing tram subways and buses to a halt. jo, know how l g 0? that will be fed under the 3 of the q in me and law pro democracy groups of protested in neighboring thailand. the 7 straight to the side of the uno, placing the template bang, cold, cold, for an end to me, that treatment will end of a ton to civilian government. the military leadership has extend to the states of emergency by 6 months as it faces an unprecedented challenge. for rebel alliance, they launch the offensive full months ago, and the military has lost control of several towns and cities. since then, we went to is a professor with the asia pacific center full security studies under time means the american lieutenant colonel in the us makes join us from honolulu,
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kentucky. with us miss went back on the program, a states of emergency, it has been extended by 6 months. but the psychology that is imprinted, certainly for the international hits by naperville, gives the impression that the military to into is in charge. it isn't in control, but it's not psychology weakening right now. uh yes, i think so. as you know, we see more of the international media is paying a little bit more attention to the law. they're starting to understand that the military is not too big to fail. and in fact, it is in the verge teetering on the verge of collapse. because like you said, on less than half the country is under its control. especially the border areas. the coalition forces have control of the over 90 percent of the border areas which control a lot of trade in to me and others. so it is please,
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please finish. yes. so that's why international, you know, community need to pay attention to what's happening in the a my, because they has a larger implication in the, in the region. indeed. and so the last 3 years, the military have controlled the narrative, hasn't they? we've had very little news about really the struggle by opposition groups, but that narrative is changing. is it not by these groups when the fighting ventured into? what do you think the strategy is here and where do you think the strength phase in changing the state is quoted that we're seeing right now. and it's the people support a pete rather people rejection of the military. as of yesterday, they had a silent strike nationwide. after 3 years, people still rejected the military who and, and our data shows that over 90 percent of the country is in some
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level of resistance and some cases on resistance. so it's, people still are not accepting the military and you know, yes, a lot of people pay attention to to a bridge in 2010, 27. but actually they have been slowly chipping away at the military for 3 years. and that enabled 1027 to be very, very successful. i think from international village we just need to clarify, fold them as well. that the um, deposition of various groups who are ethnically different in different parts of me . and mother will find thing that wrote in bottles, but besides the main opposition leader of unsigned sushi who's actually behind balls right now, that seems to be no sort of a b as of this representative, trying to publicly negotiate with the who into it. because if i'm collecting thinking what these groups want is a long term federal,
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lo telling me that would protect the ethnic groups across the different parts of me in the that's correct, but in addition to the ethnic groups, but also the people of defense forces, this is the majority, burning opposition forces are also against the military. this is something that is an unusual, unprecedented in history of the law. but there is no, although there is no one person that you can point to, but they are many leaders that are cooperating with each other to, to deliver this victory. this victory against the military is not possible without them all the leaders from all these various groups cooperating with each other. it is so yeah, it's not easy. so no worries. no, it isn't an easy story as well as any that we will continue to unpack and certainly keep a very close eye on it in the weeks and days ahead. certainly meet with the thanks
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so much for joining us from honolulu. thank you. so head here on the news, i us present, j bartonville, michigan to show support for re election, but the faces i can get from power the americans, those as i've gone so will be life from the swing states and peace will be here to preview the 1st of the asian cup, cold of finals and to jacob stones and jordan history. the, the, i think a wins about it to play through northern europe at the moment is a bit of a huge shave of co dash has been blowing behind this cold front through eastern europe. so for a time terms of withdrawal, in many countries, eastern europe down towards the north and the june, to be honest, within the following year. though quite strong is bringing along double figure
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temperatures, obviously, where it's high ground. for example, in no white snow, it will still be the result and stay for a time will for that cold front and key, for example. maybe as far as, as bucharest, though i think that's died for about the following. whether it's a distinct change. for example, in vienna, we got steadily to around about 15 degrees by monday, the average is about 5, cos it does go up and down. lot to 16 is quite extraordinary. well, maybe still bit of code is still going to flow through the southeast corner. so into north maybe or i need shipped from the coast to base it will feel cold and windy and the wind has been pushed up. enhanced in this see the how much those weakening during friday. i think it was still see dusty weather probably in chat and yeah. now are in southern africa at this time the it should be mount a gas, couldn't mozambique that gets the heavy weather. and indeed that's the case. but some big shows also showing up in south africa and
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the, the demand for mental health support is quite to know then at any time in the history. that's the biggest problem that we face to mental health enough. oh use. that is what drives me. mindset travels to denmark, what technology is being used to create independent treatment to help guide you through exploring and expressing your emotion. i'm ready. and in jamaica, we ask you a bunch of mushrooms, everything is effective and say on a single usage, depending on the door. same person doing well and stay with. i don't know of a product like that and all of i got your money since episode full on, on disease of the phone, counting the cost of tax. my whole face of the red sa, disrupting global trade, could then push out the price isn't pump fuel inflation. africa as mounting debt is crippling the confidence development. plus we look at how sleep has turned into
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a multi $1000000000.00 business. counting the cost on al jazeera, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the book about killing cumulative 7 use on with me. so robin into a hold of mind to a volatile stories. some palestinians detains by his body forces, say they were beaten, tortured and humiliated. they never tend to rough. these of the latest, at an increasing number of accusations of christmas treatments of prisoners and violation of international use present j barton assigned to the executive order. imposing sanctions or forwards. ready satellites were talking, palestinians be occupied,
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westbank violence against palestinians in the west. banks increased shop lease as a stall to the war of dogs that spend zachary lloyd austin says on, whoops, behind on the faces and the middle east will be held accountable. 3 american soldiers were killed at a try and a time for the us facing killed and any of this week displaced. palestinians has made long journeys to find refuge in the southern garza. but the last place of shelter has not been turned into vols. same with these really military, intensifying his attacks, he's in the family, say they have no one else to go, leak assume should be for pulse uprooted. i'm constantly going to move him on to the man. hope somebody have survive this really strikes and from the operations in central and southern cause a they move to defer disappointing cause or baldwin, egypt for safety. no matter where the goal is for anybody who has no matter what and hey, you know,
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most likely is to be at least kill us. so let them ethnically cleanse what remains of the palestinians on life. and the temporary shelter has come with challenges. there is little food of water for hundreds of families living in overcrowded counts . while some 8 comes through the rav 4 crossing palestinians here see they have no supplies. and the that's my biggest hand, the one thing i mean, even here at the border, no relief, 8 is delivered. we are forgotten. our children are falling sick and we cannot find treatment and a lot more than a me and palestinians sheltering in southern gaza. also the is really ministry owed them to move south toward it called a se. so it's now a battery from the most intensive strikes and found raids is ready soldiers the surrounding hospitals and bombing residential areas. the ones who make it out
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safely, a settling in, in anything they can find a has a gun no matter who has a good visual relative go with these rarely troops storing their homes and forced this out. the took our money, mobile phones and our ideas. they stripped us, making a forced us out. we did not wish to leave our homes. this is the 10th place i resort to a covered oldest distance on foot in cold weather were left in the open house without any source of income. discounts on the gyptian border is a place of safety, but displace palestinians. few, they will be older to move once again. i'm a close, i'm sure these aren't you see the to you as president by this visiting the election backround states of michigan as to mark as endorsement by the united auto workers union, which has a headquarters in detroit. we wouldn't be meeting our of american leaders despite michigan having one of the largest of american communities in the us with a lot of americans in warren, a detroit to be holding a protest rally, advise,
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and visits the angry as his administration. strong support for israel in the will on gone so. so let's call safe a now to punch eco haine who's in warren in michigan and patsy biden arrives. it's 2 very different messages. it seems so he's audiences he does a definitely uh, one of the union members. the other 2 people who are concerned about what happened in god's order set the scene for you here. the protesters are just now started to walk away. they were to march back. they've been marching across the building to get kind of tens here for a moment because the police were just, they were like each other spaces in the riot police k. you can see there's a huge police presence back there. they've just now separated without any sort of violence any arrest, but it was incredibly tugs there for a little bit. now, as you mentioned, joe biden has to win the air of american vote in michigan without michigan. it's unlikely he gets back to the white house. i don't want to talk to one of the
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protesters here. sallow have may have a thank you very much. it describes the level of anger in this community towards job i. joe biden has entirely abandoned the policy in the community. the air of community now has abandoned the concept of humanity as a whole. just as he has abandoned us, we will be abandoning him on election day. we will be voting with the blood of our martyrs in mind, and we will be voting with in mind. the fact that joe biden has administered thousands and thousands of bombs that have been relentlessly dropped on innocent civilians. he has constantly administered these war crimes after work crimes, and we will not be awarding him. it's with an election seat back in office and we do have the power to take him out of the office. and just as he has taken our family's lives out from our own site, he will be out of the office and he will witness that in november. and it was pretty clear the bottom industries and is counting on the community when it gets closer to the election, looking at the likely opponent, donald trump and thinking you're, he's worse, you're going to vote for joe biden,
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because donald trump is worse for your community. did the muslim, bad, threatening to basically just port anyone who protest against israel. so what do you say to that rationale with that rational we have moved beyond voting with the concept in mind of voting between the lesser of 2 evils. we will be voting for people who are deserving of our vote, if either party, whether it be joe biden, trump, or whatever candidate. we will not be voting with them if for them, if they decide to support israel genocidal campaign against the husband people, we will be voting 3rd party. and soon they will be seeing that there has been a shift in the tides with people voting 3rd party. we will not just sit idly by and say that we will have to choose between the lesser of 2 evils. we will set our feet for ourselves and we will be doing that as voters, as protesters, as american citizens, as people who pay our, our very own tax dollars that are being sent and funded to these war crimes. we are
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the number one investors in the cards as a ongoing genocidal campaign. and we will not stand for that. we have the right to dictate where our techs, peer dollars are going. so you're putting the loan gate, if you can become a force in politics, then you'll be listen to more than, let's say the is really low. 100 percent. i think voters, especially the younger generation, have witnessed and seen and come to the realization that joe biden is not going to do as justice. he is not going to do the people justice, and there has been a huge shift as we have seen. he has the lowest voter approval rate, one of the lowest voter approval rates in history, and that is largely due to his policies regarding the middle east and especially in palestine. so thank you so much for speaking with elders or english. we appreciate that. so we think the joe biden presidential biden is in a building about a quarter of a mile there. we haven't actually seen him pop up yet, but he's apparently work talking to union members who are working. the phone's trying to get the people to, to come out to the, to vote. i can tell you,
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i've spoken to several people here. the level of anger is you can feel it. and i've asked several, is there anything job i can do at this point to change your mind? would you ever vote for me? they said no, he's last for to us for forever. so that's the very latest from here. of course we'll follow the today's proceedings with you patsy. as the i was progressed to the moment thanks very much. i particularly in there in warren, in michigan. so the united kingdom parliament has approved a deal that pays the way for power sharing government to resume in northern ireland . it's been 2 years since the union is politicians withdrew from the devolved government over post breaks it. trading arrangements crucial spending decisions were delayed and public services were heavily impacted. how the full set has moved from belfast. like many schools and genitives in belfast has been doing all that kind to re integrate people's onto the pandemic. but the some that's been a struggle. so this year the schools introduced a safe space. the haven, the students with special needs or social issues to find rest bite and
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a friendly here. but such innovations, cost money, and funding decisions have been on hold since the collapse in 2022 of norman islands developed government. we need improvements made to our building to make these adjustments. they don't toppling overnight if we don't have that funding. those children at home waiting to come to a place that we have secured for free trade policy in london on thursday, u. k. politicians approve the deal set to restore an overnight as power sharing executive release more than $4000000000.00 of funding for its public services. but at the same time, another strike was on the way in belfast. this time, public transport workers trying to ensure the demands to pay rises and met. one told them the government release funds that give us our pay race, which beverly decides, not just us old public sector workers. and we'll continue on. if you ask people about the real world impact to velocity 2 years without a function and government,
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almost all of them will say it's the health service. almost every metric, especially waiting times northern on cell service, lags fall behind the rest of the u. k. adams down to is a family doctor and a senior stick and the british medical association here he says his patients regularly into an agonizing weights hospital treatment. most of them are a year plus a certainty for routine or urgent. red flags are slightly different and, but, you know, some of her elderly patients, for example, you need joint replacements. they could wait 56 years to see a surgeon long term problems within northern islands. public services have been worse and by this crippling balance of political deadlock, the politicians about to resume their duties. know that to a large extent, that will be judged by how quickly they can start to put them right. are you close it out just, you know, fast for politicians and origin. tina's congress saw jesus, it's all the controversial economic reform package. president, have
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a malays bill has been backed by the international monetary fund until start with the protest as clashed with right place outside congress on wednesday, while low make cause on debating the bill. they say reforms will make it life even hold on. let's get more or less entries about joins us now from the origin time capital. well the president isn't making any friends, but he did say the road ahead would be real key. well, that's correct and i'm here right in strong. right, where there's hundreds of people that i've got are here to protest against the government in the middle of enormous price of defenders. inflation rates was 25 percent. when you talk to people here, they say that the prices of everything and then everything else up continue to go up. i'm not why there's protesting. what have you had to be ready to cooperate, to promise to me or you can be right in front of me
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there's, i've been debating courses, nibble's bill that the president is hoping wouldn't help him term for argentina. initially this bill had 600 right now, which means we do know how to privatize state companies. for example, granting the president extraordinary powers for one years. among many other issues that affect people's lives. here we're being told that the debates exactly 50 words . it's not clear yet whether we're going to take face making sure this is thursday . give me a call. if not, it also happens on friday. not sometimes. he comes on board of residents attacking political parties. that would be, he saw now he's on. that's why there's the shots of tents, and that's why it's taking such a long time for this bill to be able to be bolted because many say that mean they came to power being at outside or pride in himself and not having a political experience. many,
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what is happening right now is because of that because he has no experience on how to handle the phone at 16 argentina. of course, theresa on the other side of this as well. and very important to the whole debate right now is that i am, if funding comes with conditions and what one does, how that's going to impact not just the policies, but also the politics that you've been talking about as well. most certainly, i mean, yeah. have you had a mean a re present what the international monetary fund would have like to see other governments in argentina he'd be like as promising to implement the service? the measures is promising to reduce by 5 percent government spending. he's promising as 0 invested in this country. he's even promising to carry out more fairly to measure the b i. m f is currently implementing what we're seeing right now is the item at wired argentina, $4700000000.00, big wednesday, argentina, always the i am at over $44000000000.00,
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but we've been struggling to be damn. it has also said that the funds we review instead of happening in september, will happen in november to get the current administration more time. however, the i may have had already warrant about 3 minute more that timothy and argentina on the strength of what we're seeing right here with hundreds and hundreds of people coming here with this being ongoing caches with the police. and so of course, there's going to be a closer look into how the government disable to handle the instability and attention that probably many of these are going to bring about. we'll continue to watch how those demonstrations continue through the day with you. teresa both are important as always as well keep up as best buy in time. so a 500 percent increase in the price of petrol. that is being blamed on a cyber attack, installing a foreign virus in sales software. matress are furious of the price increasing that reducing government spending. in communist leadership blames us sanctions afield,
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food and medicine shortages. but i the down bubble. so we got people are a bit shocked with just the fuel prices increase. also leads to an increase in public transport fast and transportation prices so. so the new price is not a very expensive to keep in peoples poll. cancel about a the, i'm about, it's a good one on one, i'm a game. so one also lean on. it seems to me that this is a good measure not to raise fuel process, but to leave it at this price until the economy stabilizer is the one that sees it across the head. here on the news out, i'm on the richardson in the hallway. a record number of athletes are getting ready
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to compete. the well the quite 6 championships. the focus on times pulled on his pizza. so thank you so much. 7 time fully won the champion, louis hamilton will switch from mercedes to for already in 2025. the british dr. assigned a multi year contract with mercedes until 2025, but he has activated a release close and he's deal for all. we recently announced the contract extension with one of the current drive of charlotte class, while they deal with kala science expires at the end of the year. uh is the same as a hugely successful partnership between hamilton and mercedes, the full member, tighter and drive a $16.00 will be 7. will titles with the team between 20142020. hamilton holds the rankled with 103 race wins. any 2 of those have come with mercedes. you also holds the record for most po, positions and most podium finishes. but hamilton has not won a race with mercedes and saudi arabia and 2021. p a news agency for me to one
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correspondence full. duncan says, this is one of the biggest transfers in the history of the sports for hamilton, who is not getting any younger, it could be one last shot of glory. this is a guy who, you know, issues to winning. he's always the one throughout his career. he 7 seasons without winning a single race and he still believes that he can win this reco. it's well $76.00 the size of it. he believes he was wrong. so then i will be back in 2021. and i think this, the, this is the suggestion, sorry, that he's in meetings for i always expect to now this of this deal to beat speed increases is indicative of how he feels like this guy here. besides, i think the key things to the bank and offer him a route a call back to so it's a full glories. and i think with rental office, i believe he's decided to take it to take it probably than i'd say. and the 0 for i was was, was too great for him since down thursday. so it's
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a fantastic story for this, for one that it probably needed off to, to use as of the stuff in dominance. the probably and with us the not a good sized from this 80 manchester, united or headed full and away premier, he went against wolves as early as the 5th minutes, eric 10 huntsman, went to in front office. rach fluid was an excellent 18 year old if it submit the goal for the visit says the lead was doubled when restless void and managed to feel a symbol of the line. the wolves defends unable to prevent you might, if they can get to know a lot about 15 minutes left an f one me one in spain. robin hood are a few minutes away from going top of legal caller x a lot. he's man or leader. any sooner and against the faith, thanks to a brace from the hassle, these as it stands, rail will overtakes to rhoda at the top of the standings. the
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full time champions, japan of lift fluid junior ito out of the squad hit of the asian kept cool to find looking spot rain on saturday. ito is accused of sexually assaulting to women. the 5th year old has filed a criminal complaint against the 2 women for finding faults. complaints. now the 1st of the asian cup cold of finals kicks off on friday when such a keystone face jordan, the jordanians, have reached the courses on through previous occasions that was back in 242011 as full. so tricky still on this is a 1st ever appear and set the competition. and they are enjoying the fairytale run their on. we are ready to continue all our dream. we live in that today. so we will try our best to play against very strong up on a jordan. very good team, very good coach. and i can only say for my side, maybe everybody laughing about me, but i believe in a dream. and i believe to model
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a 5050 chance has to be able to try to. we love to have this done with all the work . see we need to be very focused. we need to prepare. well, essentially, all the preparations, if very good in the morales very high. we need to pay attention close attention to the details because the details will be the different confirmation barrier of the 1st quote of final between subject the storm and the jordan. that will be followed by australia against south korea, who on the 1st asian cub since 1960 fold soccer ruins all aiming for a 2nd title. it's about, you know, getting out game right. and i truly believe that you have the most important thing for us. tomorrow's visible defensively obviously will be well set up and we've considered only one go in the full game so far with they've conceded 7. but um, you know, we've, uh, we've got to make sure that with the bowl we better tomorrow. obviously we, we all watch, you know, the previous games of those trailing side very,
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very good side, very competitive strength and weaknesses like every team has. i'm not going to those details. those details i'd discuss meant by coaching staff. i'll be excited to play them. it will be a $5050.00 match, it will be hot formats and it will be all ready for the battle of the battle through of the world aquatics championship. so in the middle east for the 1st time, the event starts in costs of capital doha on friday. well then 2 and a half 1000, definitely. so taking part, many of you will going to compete for gold at this is paris olympics and the richardson reports the stomach space bravest. most for east championship. right. especially since we are we don't the will. the quite 6 championships event is in the middle east for the 1st time and it's 50 a history of bringing competitions here more and more and water cortex for the 1st
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time. and i think, you know, i mean at least i can have the potential to host olympics at some point. russia and father reese would find from last year's world championships in japan to, to the crane. more my wife leads from those countries could compete as neutrals, if they agree to follow the strict rules, including not soaking it to the media. but there are no russians in the hall and $95.00 since i've registered to take pounds. some big names including 21, so it will assuming champion k to a decade escaping doha to propose that issues pers olympics away from the spotlights of competition. that's the only thing was a paula open will to swimming and autistic swimming the world championships. so as an olympic qualify, it will be the 1st and then picks that has meant in the autistic swimming events or in the goal better because the when you see people who get into this for they always say, oh yeah,
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watching one of the games and i was inspired and i looked at that pool and i wanted to turn artistic something. so i think it's really important to have men and artists. let me ask you a little bit because that inspires the young female athletes, male athletes. just to see a sport that's all inclusive height. the only thing is yet to become an olympic schools, but it's being positive these championships to move the decade. the australia is rheana. eastland would be leaking from a twin c. meet the platform to defend her. we'll try to go home. if i walked up to 20, made us and didn't feel scared. i would think there's something wrong dealing with it is, is something that, that also drive to you as a, as a human being you know, other coming those challenges and nice fees. um, well under pressure ice is such a great feeling and cancel. i the only thing you sent to continue
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its trajectory towards olympic conclusion. on the richardson l g 0, the show at best share will make use english cricket they do in the 2nd test against india. the 20 year old spinner missed the 1st taste of the delays. and securing a visa, especially it was initially lifting up adobe when england travelled. no, there's no worries. oh no issues for me. the fact that he's been away from a group for, for a period of time and coming back in and making saving. yeah, it just takes of all of them. so i've got an outboard for the week of $800.00 rug be 6 nations kicks off on friday when 2 of the favorites. the last is will come from tonight and face of the most say both team. so if the quota finally accepts the hands of the eventual findings, southern african new zealand island though, the reigning 6 nations champions. but the french will begin to make up for the disappointment that the world cups for the good wind here on hearing soil. and that's what this bolts needs for tonight, sir. thanks very much, peter. i'll be back with more news on the other side of the right. but until then from pizza. most of the news, our team here in the hall. thanks so much for your time and your company,
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i've seen a few minutes the the markets aren't as busy as normal. the single largest employer in palestine is the public spending will far as he will. p a. the palestinian authority remains the key economic drive of the palestinians, employing a 143000 people. the p a is currently paying an average between 60 and 75 percent of salaries due to each worker because israel is withholding the tax. this is the trade crossing between palestine and israel. these rarely saved or released the money, but with deductions and no money for the employees and goals that they was present . jo gordon is putting a tremendous amount of pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to release the funds for the palestinian authority to us though is claiming it once a revitalized p a to take a vengeful, controlling cause
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a off the wall. anything other than a week, p a is not something is wrong with one's currently view far as he is this week, as it, as if at the end, it's getting weaker in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa cruise fits accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and all the cool scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide. frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea. it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation inside story on al jazeera, 0 here to report on the people often ignored, but who must be hurt. how many other channels can you say will take this time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas? of course we cover major global events, but our passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in
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places like how this finds, the young men have regions and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort, we care strict. the people installed the days, palestinians in gauze to describe the torch they enjoyed at the hands of israeli soldiers, the island. so robin, what you all just say we're line headquarters here in the also coming up the us impose the sanctions on for is really set. let's have a time palestinians we occupied westbank,


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