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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 2, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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what we do and i'll just sarah, is trying to follow the story and leave the people who allow us into their lives. they give me 10 to minus the beaten installed for days, palestinians and gaza describes of torture. they into it at the hands of his randy . sold just the other ones are in jordan, this is i'll just say or a night from dell also coming. c us present, a dead buttons met with protests in michigan as our the americans reject his policy on the guns protests outside
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argentina's, congress zip appears to vote on economic reforms that have divided the nation on protesting farmers and sort of european countries come on fewer regulations and lower costs, the french government have announced such as we begin in gaza, we have palestinians say they were beaten, tortured and humiliated while detained size. right? the forces that are growing accusations of grossman's, treatment of prisoners and violations of international law buys riley soldiers. i'll just hear a startup was in reports now from a rough off in southern gulf, beaten to church and team related. the accusation of palestinians detained by cuz by the forces during the war and gaza, now released and in roughly that most of the minute i feel pain everywhere on my board. the they forced us depend on our needs for hours. they kept asking me about
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the tunnels and about their captives held by how much of the i told them i'm 70 years old and i know nothing about these matters. they hit me a lot when i couldn't find an answer to their questions for my another saves he was taken off to being taught to evacuate his ho. oh, what the mice spent the 1st 3 days without food was that we would not allowed to go to the toilet. so we were beaten harshly over the 1st 3 days. after that they moved us to another place as a new method to talk show. but after a 3 day stop patient, they gave us a meal. it's not even enough for child. these on the 1st claims of talk to the hands of the is very soldiers. on wednesday, the buddies approximately 30 palestinians were found down to the school yard and northern causal witnesses said to have been tortured by his very forces been killed
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on the corpses, both in plastic bags. this is precisely why israel was taken to the international court of justice with the accusation that it is committing genocide. and the fact that we see that the i c. j ruled in favor of south africa and said that there was a plausible risk of gender side is simply this, this evidence just simply bolsters that opinion of israel's been committing war crimes against palestinians since 1948. and nobody has ever held israel to account . this violence comes off to the you and top court said israel must do more to prevent the genocide of palestinians for us, of ordering it to investigate or accusation of it. hughes. and that tell us the news arrests are treated in line with international humanitarian. low allegations of toyota has increased during, as well as will in gaza from beating to withholding medication system on his point to an increase of violations of house than your rights since october. the 7th
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that's prompted contamination from rights groups who say such evidence needs to be present during a ceasefire. such accusations would undermine as well as credibility around the world. it's supported by evidence. it's full on garza, has been conducted without just points, has lift little time for relief and craving, accusation of tool to adding to see it at once. the tendency for surviving palestinians topic about zoom, algebra, russell in southern garza as the palestinian red crossman says, ready forces of storm the compound of allan model hospital and hong units. for the 3rd time is right. it strikes levels a hit, central garza destroying a school in the, in the say that refuge account. so my husband reports the lights to collect the body. so 15 p bikes really started in the southern city of thinking more than a dozen to nothing. hospital i received 14
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bodies sofa. we received this number before 9 o'clock this morning without bringing the bodies to the people. so they can very, it's really for continuing to bump central and flattening the school initially around with the g. come on wednesday night when the i lost again because i missed my school. i came to see what happened. i found the delivery address with the boom, bought the entire place. my classroom was, you know, is it right as well? and because the task force, 85 percent of the strips, 2300000 population from their homes, the un save the situation, just got this traffic many spend the day trying to find anything. they come to each . the see the situation is beyond desperate. we all talk a little bit and then as a grind grain for people during the difficult sage we're facing people, the facility to grinding animal feed,
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the us is the right continues to be swell. i'm because the palestinians a wondering how many of them have to die and how long they have to suffer before the bombardment in terms of how much these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says. us sanctions against 4 settlers a drastic and unnecessary? yes, president joe biden signed on executive order and posing sanctions on for is ready, settlers read talking, palestinians, and the occupied westbank violence against palestinians buys, ready, sold as i'm settlers in the west bank as increased sharply since the one goes up again on october 7th, a white house correspondent, kimberly hawk. it has more on that executive order. this really builds on the actions taken by the, by the ministration about one month ago that would block for national was from coming into the united states. those involved in violence against palestinians in
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the west bank, namely settlers. so this is an additive on top of that it would ban a settlers who have committed violent acts from doing business in the united states, borrowed from the us financial system from receiving money from us citizens and even own property in the united states. now what this is is really to address what the us government believes is a lack of action by the is really government from the uptake. and what they see as an targeting of palestinian since the october 7th. how most attacks in israel. so this is something that divided ministration feels is one of the strongest measures taken really by any administration in a number of years. what happened, a fluke joins us live now from occupied east jerusalem. honda, somewhat more response, has that been in his random president biden sanctioning these westbank settlers or
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responses from several members of these really government downplaying, the settler violence against palestinians across the occupied west bank. these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu releasing a statement saying that the sanctions are both drastic and unnecessary, saying, quote that a vast majority of those who live in illegal settlements are law abiding citizens. many of them currently enlisted in israel's army fighting in the war on guns up. additionally, he says that israel prostitutes all violators of the law in all places, but we do know that that is simply untrue. the united nations recently released some statistics about settler attacks against palestinians since october, 7th, from that day to january 28th. you're looking at a minimum of $460.00 for a tax on palestinians bias. really settlers, remember
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a lot of the sellers are now armed after the war, these really government and gone in and replenish some of those weapons. a lot of them applying for weapons licenses as well. so these really government has really down played this issue of settler violence against health. the news on home, the just remind us what kind of pressure netanyahu's facing from members of his government. a lot of pressure on is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, 1st from the families of captives who say that he's not doing enough to secure the release of their loved ones. then you have pressure from members of the right wing from his own coalition. we're talking about best, so there's smoke rich, the finance minister and need some more bend. we're the country's national security minister, both of them saying that if the government enters into what they're calling a reckless deal, one that is bad for israel. they will leave the government and essentially topple the coalition. then you have the opposition headed by and you're lucky saying that
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they are ready to step in and offer notes and yahoo, a safety net joining some sort of unity government for an unknown amount of time. is it means that there will be a deal to secure the release of captives. it is also worth mentioning that vandevere and small rich had previously planned to vote know against the deal back in november that saw the release of around a $110.00 captives being held in gaza. it's a more bend here and his party did end up voting against the measure, whereas smelt rich and his party religious zionism instead of boating for it. after being convinced by members of the other cabinet. all right, to have that salute live for us there and occupied east jerusalem. honda, thank you. are yes, president joe biden is visiting the election battle ground state of michigan. it's demarcus endorsement by the united auto workers union which has his headquarters in detroit. but he was the meeting, our american leaders, despite michigan having one of the largest are of american communities in the
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united states. meanwhile, our americans, in warren, the detroit, had been holding a protest, riley over his visit. the angry at biden's administration support israel and the war on gaza obviously was particular. haines is that only set the scene for you here. the protesters are just now started to walk away. they were to march back. they've been marching across the building to get kind of tens here for a moment because the police were just, they were like each other spaces in the riot police k. you can see there's a huge police presence back there. they've just now separated without any sort of violence any arrest, but it was incredibly tubs there for a little bit. now, as you mentioned, joe barton has to win the air of american vote in michigan without michigan. it's unlikely he gets back to the white house. now there's really been a trade has been condemned for dropping a bomb on the homes of doctor's treating patients and gone to the bushes. organization, medical aid for palestine. i'm a us based international rescue committee denounced photography of medical stuff. a
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human investigation said, what's thoughts have been a $1000.00 pound bomb was dropped in a compound housing, healthcare workers last month. their time was one of many causes. health ministry says 337. the health care workers have been killed since october 7th. so the hospitals across gauze, around to service. so our 53 health care centers over a 100 ambulances levels have been destroyed or damaged palestinian health officials say is ready for us is obtained nearly a 100 doctors know some of the hospital stuff. and that includes the director of guns as largest health facility. i'll ship a hospital, which is in really well only my colleague need bach. i spoke to dr. chris hook, he's an emergency doctor. we spent a month in gauze the last year with doctors without buddha's doctor who told us about his experience. this is quite here in this when you in the emergency department didn't that's the hospital even even when i was that the number of badly
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injured children and women that came in was it was just horrible to say um and knowing that these, these kids who is not fortunate enough lucky enough to survive have these terrible injuries huge bands covering 506070 percent of the body. massively broken limbs really badly damaged. so these really military has really ramped up. it's activities specifically around hospitals, particularly around the nasa hospital as well, with our as rarely troops and times what are your prime. we concerns knowing that it was impossible for people to safely access and that's the hospital. and in the south is one of the last remaining hospitals with that, with the genuine surgical capacity. so now if you, by the end of the year in the south, there's always another way to go for the operations from the emergency care. so that's people who are injured outside and trying to retain the know so you've got the stuff and displays people who are we didn't last and it sounds to everyone now
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potentially trapped and unable to escape who are struggling for food and running very short to supplies that to keep those people getting us good enough for the patients with us the way um, so from both sides of it really, i think and it's, it's, is it actually does all stuff. and we know that this shouldn't be happening just to help give soon as he should be protected. you should be able to feel safe. if you buy the engine and going into hospital, we should be able to feel safe there. and it's just, it's just not the case. talk our shop right here and i'll just say right, when we come back up, deal is done to end the deadlock in northern ireland. it has moved from belfast on the return of a power sharing a couple more than that. the and then they'll kinda stay just underway. yeah. the agent of being played here and to tell for a record the time when people say installed at the tournaments,
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but only one will be crowned champions. will keep you right across the action on the, the demand for mental health support is going to know then at any time in history, that's the biggest problem that we face to mental health enough. oh use that is what drives me. mindset travels to denmark, what technology is being used to create innovative treatment. i'm here to help guide you through exploring and expressing your emotion. i'm ready, and in jamaica, we'll skip magic mushrooms. everything is effective and safe on a single usage, depending on the door send the person doing well and stay with i know and the product and all of psychiatric multi since episode. full. oh no. does he have the unique perspective? i don't want to leave. i don't want to, even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this connect with our community and talking to conversations you
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will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelter industry in the rubble of their own homes. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out to 0, the the welcome back to watching out just a real quick remind of our top stories here. this, our palestinians detained by is ready for society would be tortured on too many active. the on increasing number of accusations of christmas treatment of prisoners on violation of international law. is there any forces up still in the amount of hospital compound and southern guns and many a operating with facing facilities are running out of supplies? $27000.00 of demands of them killed, as well as one cause of the guns and use president trip. i can assign an executive
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order imposing sanctions on 4 is ready. settlers for talking products, demands and the outside west fund. 25 minutes, but not less. at the executive or that is trust. let's take a look now, some of the world news, they've been confrontations outside argentina's congress as politicians, debates a controversial economic reform bill wants us to say the reforms will make life even harder for them as the country struggles with an economic crisis as an unhappy emulates bill has been backed by the international monetary fund, but i'll just say was theresa bo joins us live from the origin time capital theresa . we've seen these. i'm to start with the approach as just getting bigger and bigger on the streets. people are extremely unhappy about president me lives before the 12. that's correct and there's been lots of tension right here. people are continue to be on the streets hours. john,
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speaking against president, have you have anything i can read? they have been debating for hours and now it's not clear yet when the voltage is going to happen. it can happen on thursday night or on friday or in the morning, but it's up to you and also whether it's going to pass. you can see there's thousands of security forces deployed on around congress. and there's also pro testers. the police have been preventing them from reaching the building and also from blocking the roads. we're also seeing lots of people with fox and times. this is a traditional way that people in argentina used to protest against different administrations and they're also present here in congress today. this is a big political test for heavier me lay mostly because of the 1st been that has sense to congress with a promise to transform argentina. initially, there were over $600.00 in this bill. however, the president had somebody not the instructions. that figure has been rubbed down
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to any less than $300.00 among those laws. is how to privatize over 40 states companies in the country giving the president extraordinary powers of for over a year. among many other measures, the people that are protesting here are extremely concerned about the economic situation in argentine not storing installation, 25 percent in december. the prices of electricity of fuel, of gas. oh, food is going up and people are saying that they cannot make, can sneak, have you want me to use chrome is saying that is that the bill passes and we'd be austerity measures that the government discouraged teams. that meant that inflation would start to go down. however, people who are not convinced or stating that the leg well and that's hurting the working class will end up hurting the environment because he's also proposing among those bills to modernize vx field technician or for the winter. for example, i'm not something that concerns that population. so lots of tension on the street. the debate is still ongoing. as i said before,
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it's not clear yet whether these know he's going to pass in the lower house. people here are promising to remain on the street, then they came to offer the promise to transform this country to modernize the economy. okay. to attract, moving investment is not going to be. that is something that is starts and people say that the remain on the street to challenge him. yeah. and theresa, just briefly. i mean, how is the item of funding then going to impact on malays? policies of the have your me let you simply man things, policies that the item that we would have liked to see other governments, you're not going to not implement very harsh austerity measures, heavier me that is promising to reduce by 5 percent the government's spending to have a 0 deficit in the country, which is the even more of what they are even asking. what we're seeing right now is the item it has already on wednesday for $47000000000.00.
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$1000000000.00 is struggling to pay back. getting that has also announced that they are holding the review until november. it's generally happens in september, so they're moving you back to the thank you for much more time. so certainly the item, it is nothing. what is going to happen? we have turned up ministration to forwarding, heavier meanings right now, but certainly you can see on the streets the impact that many of these policies are going to have on the population. all right, that's a reasonable life for us. the and when, as i was trees of thank you. now you leaders of agreement a $54000000000.00 aid package for ukraine. hungary dropped its veto threat during a meeting of member states and brussels. well, as the summit was taking place, farm was a blocking roads around the capital. they want to draw attention to that protests against the rising costs of cheap food imports. latasha bucket reports from brussels, the hungry as prime minister. the old man was under pressure as he arrived at an e u summit in brussels, having the to, to more than $50000000000.00 financial aid package for ukraine in december. that
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usually does but determined not to allow him to stop at the deal. again. i confound distance, i complex of this is very strange and so it goes to the game of the victim. and there is no room for compromise on our principles library level. and for sure, there's no room for compromise. ukraine crushed in the mood to make any more concessions to open use a close ally of russian president vladimir putin. a select group of the leaders took the home, gary, and prime minister aside before the summit. some of the politicians had previously suggested to budapest of voting rights could be taken away, or you funds frozen unless hungry back to deal. no, no off to the meeting. the package which includes military assistance, was approved. these 50000000000 euros for 4 years also send
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a very strong message to putting just the head of the secondary verse 3 of his brutal invasion with ukraine's president who to attended the summit to the key. welcome to use. this is a clear signal that your brain will with sense, and that your a will with sense. well, you leaders that results one problem. another one was brewing on the doorstep. hundreds of farm is from european countries, including from italy and belgium. angry of the e. u environmental rules and phone competition. what they say is destroying livelihoods. despite the recent demonstration forming wasn't even on the official e u. summit agenda. which is why these follow me say that bringing the tractors and protests to brussels is the only way to be heard. this european union for 70 years pushed us into becoming very big fonts and all this oversized funds. to date their budgeting. i know they're criminalizing as and saying that this is our fault. the
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message we have frontier being union is that they cost if this officer and that they have to bring us the solutions impossible to acknowledge you need to set the discuss. palm is concerned. they will say. so they talked about the situation in the middle east, but came to know conclusions. it was clear that on a day when the blow could manage to come together, there was the full appetite for all the crises to as a shadow. the display of unity. tasha butler, i'll just sarah process the u. k. parliament has approved the deal. it pays the way for a pi sherman government to resume in northern ireland. it's been 2 years since the union. this politicians withdrew from the developed government of a post, brags the trading arrangements. crucial spending decisions were delayed and public services were badly affected. i'll just say let's have a full set reports now from belfast is like many schools and genitives in belfast has been doing all that kind to re integrate people's onto the pandemic. but the
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some that's been a struggle. so this year the schools introduced a safe space. the haven, the students with special needs or social issues to find rest bite and a friendly. yeah. but such innovations, cost money, and funding decisions have been on hold since the collapse in 2022 of norman islands developed government. we need improvements made to our building to make these adjustments. they don't toppling overnight if we don't have that funding. those children at home waiting to come to a place that we have secured for free trade policy in london on thursday, u. k. politicians approve the deal set to restore an overnight ins, power sharing executive, and release more than $4000000000.00 of funding for its public services. a sort of the same time. another strike was on the way in belfast, this time, public transport workers trying to ensure the demands to pay rises and met and told them the government release funds that give us our pay race, which were fairly insight. not just us all public sector workers,
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then we'll continue on. if you ask people about the real world impact to velocity 2 years without a function and government, almost all of them will say it's the health service. almost every metric, especially waiting times northern on cell service lags fall behind the rest of the u. k. allen's down to is a family doctor and a seniors ticket and the british medical association. here. he says his patients regularly and do agonizing waits hospital treatment. the most of the year plus, certainly for routine or urgent red flags are slightly different. and, but you know, some of her elderly patients, for example, you need joint replacements. they could wait 56 years to see a surgeon long term problems within northern islands. public services have been west and by this crippling balance of political deadlock, the politicians about to resume their duties. know that to a large extent, that will be judged by how quickly they can start to put them right. are you close it out? just 0. so fast smells guineas as it will whole funerals for the victims of december's
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fuel deco bloss hard days have been working to identify the bodies of 25 people. meanwhile, hundreds of protest and lots of main highway and the capital on demanding compensation from the government for they've done those codes which asked as a cruise officials of negligence and got to do or not since the destruction of our homes. we did not see anything from the government. we have sleeping in the streets is very difficult to stick our children to school. we're not getting any support from the government. today we blocked the road so that the leaders will see what our demands are. police in tech here have rescue 7 people who are taken hostage at a factory owned by a us company. local official say the gunman was detained off to a $9.00 standoff suspect to post the pictures on social media. standing next to a drawing of the palestinian fine. what appeared to be a protest against is ready actions in god's well that's it for me
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down jordan, for now you can find more info on websites. i'll just say or dot com. the weather is up next and then says, throw it off. one of the many conflicts around the globe could turn into a world state you and thanks for watching the winter with returns for a while to japan was more snow for at least no, but on usually the amount of snow coming out to the tibetan plateau, sir good parts of northern china that is file sizes, yankee looks to be cause an event. i haven't seen one quite this scenario since about 2000 not it'll be worth a space on the 2nd best on saturday where the rain rolls are being hosted a miserable day in shanghai. and it's cool to south of x squared at any about 6
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degrees. well below where it should be, maybe not surprisingly, the breeze middle face, which is the season or why is that it will life and i, which means the day the sun stones are moving as much. so it gives a greater risk of flooding, maybe less 7 the southern philippines, maybe mall. so in java and sumatra. single pull looks very slightly. sherry and thailand is quite sunny and hot. pretty standard where this right most of india, which is tom the as i'm sure you know by no means for the northern planet, including the major cities from downtown. so yep. was to know the impact is done fog assistant ferguson problem. and there's nothing much to move you to the moment in the media future, but there is a change of weather taking place at the moment through a wrong lower ground level that to choose. we've got rain coming through those rough costs and all of which is heading towards unusually practice time. the cloud of nuclear war is ever present. what if this is the beginning of one of those
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accidental wars? what is this is the beginning of the end of life because we know from the horrors of recent history to the wrong thing, covered threat, the apocalypse maybe discovers the impact nuclear weapons have functionality or failure to keep him out of the safe. is by sitting down to the individual on the street. this is not to drill on that which is 0. was a raging around the world. many assessing fees begins with, with both supplying alms to countries. they support. the united nations has been accused of weakness, paralyzed by vito's, helped by the major powers. so because these global complex turned into a 3rd world war, this is inside story. the .


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