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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 2, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the, the, the beaten then stops the days, palestinians and gaza, describe the torture, then 0 to the hands of his radius of the jordan. this is not a 0 life. and also coming us imposes functions. i'm for is ready. simplest we're talking about us from in the upside west by a cool to abandon joe biden, arab americans to protest against the us president's policy on concepts
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on demonstrations outside argentina's congress. as a politician's debates, economic reforms could have divided the nation. the beginning goes away, palestinians say they were beaten, tortured and humiliated while detained. buys righty. forces. there are growing accusations of grossman, the treatment of prisoners on violation of international law as vice ready soldiers . i'll just say i was tired. assumed reports from breakfast in southern gaza. beaten to church and team related the accusation of palestinians detained by his very forces during the war and gaza, now released and in rough or not most of the minute i feel pain everywhere on my body before it just depends on our needs. for hours they kept asking me about the tunnel was about their captives held by her mazda of them. i told them i'm 70 years
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old, and i know nothing about these matters. they hit me a lot when i couldn't find an answer to their questions for my another sage he was taken off to being to evacuate his ho. oh, what the mice spent the 1st 3 days without food and was that we would not allowed to go to the toilet. we would beat and harshly over the 1st 3 days. after that they moved us to another place, some new methods of talk show. but after a 3 day stop patient, they gave us and mailed it is not even enough for child. these are not the 1st claims of talked to the hands of the as well as soldiers. on wednesday, the bodies of police 30 palestinians, were found down in a school young with another and causal witnesses saved. you have been tilted by his very forces been killed and the corpse is bought in plastic bags. this is precisely why israel was taken to the international court of justice with the accusation that
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it is committing genocide. and the fact that we see that the i c. j ruled in favor of south africa and said that there was a plausible risk of gender side is simply this, this evidence just simply bolsters that opinion of israel's been committing war crimes against palestinians since 1948. and nobody has ever held israel to account . this violence comes off to the you and the top court said israel must do more to prevent the genocide of palestinians for us, of ordering it to investigate or accusation of it. hughes. and that tell us the news arrests are treated in line with international humanitarian law. allegations of toyota has increased during, as well as will in gaza from beating to withholding medication system on his point to an increase of violations of house than your rights since october. the 7th that's prompted contamination from rights groups who say such evidence needs to be
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present during a ceasefire. such accusations would undermine as well as credibility around the world. it's supported by evidence. it's full on garza, has been conducted without just points, has lift, little time for relief and craving, accusation of tool to adding to see it at once. the tendency for surviving palestinians topic about soon. how do they run rough off in southern garza, the palestinian red crescent sizes radiate forces of storm the compound of all amount of hospital and han units for the 1st time. it's really strikes of also had central guns that destroying a school in minnesota, refugee county. i'm a how much ripples of the lights to collect the body so full of scenes. the bikes really strange in the southern city of things, more than a dozen, nothing else. but i've received full team bodies sofa.
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we receive this number before 9 o'clock this morning without bringing the body to the people so that they can very, it's really false is continuing to bump central. how does that flattening the school in the same rock, but the g comp on wednesday night when the last again, because i missed my school, i came to see what happened. i found a level the boom bought the entire place. my classroom was, you know, is it right as well? and because the us post 85 percent of the strips, 2300000 population from their homes. the un save the situation, just got this traffic many spend the day trying to find anything they come to each the see the situation is beyond desperate upon the the grind grain for people during the difficult, sage we're facing people, the facility to grinding animal feed, do we just us is right, continues to get swollen because the palestinians,
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a wondering how many of them have to die and how long they have to suffer before the bombardment. and how does that, how much is roads prime minister benjamin netanyahu says us sanctions against 4 settlers unnecessary. yes, president joe biden signed an executive order imposing sanctions on these ready, such as protecting palestinians in the occupied westbank, bottoms against palestinians by israeli soldiers on such as in the west bank as increased sharply since the war and guns that began on october 7th. i wanna just correspond with kimberly hawk, it has more on that executive order of this solely built on the actions taken by the, by the ministration about one month ago that would block for nationals from coming into the united states. those involved in violence against palestinians in the west, back mainly settlers. so this is an additive on top of that, it would ban
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a settlers who have committed violent acts from doing business in the united states, borrowed from the us financial system from receiving money from us citizens and even owned property in the united states. now what this is is really to address what the us government believes is a lack of action by the is really government from the uptake. and what they see as an targeting a palestinian since the october 7th. how most attacks in israel. so this is something that divided ministration. feels is what the strongest measures taken really by any administration in a number of years. how much saluted in about east jerusalem with more on israel's reactions, the responses from several members of these really government downplaying, the settler violence against palestinians across the occupied west bank. these
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really prime minister benjamin netanyahu releasing his statement saying that the sanctions are both drastic and unnecessary, saying, quote that a vast majority of those who live in illegal settlements are law abiding citizens. many of them currently enlisted in israel's army fighting in the war on guns. additionally, he says that israel prosecute all violators of the law in all places, but we do know that that is simply untrue. the united nations recently released some statistics about settler attacks against palestinians since october 7th, from that date to january 28th. you're looking at a minimum of $460.00 for a tax on palestinians bias. really settlers, remember a lot of the settlers are now armed after the war. these really government had gone in and replenish some of those weapons. a lot of them applying for weapons licenses as well. so these really government has really downplayed this issue of settler
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violence against palestinians. yes, president joe biden has visited the key swing state of michigan. he made the trip to celebrate endorsement from the united auto workers union, which is headquarters in detroit. michigan has one of the largest are of american populations in the us, the biking did not meet leaders from that community. meanwhile, arab americans and warren, that's near detroit, held a protest rally against by these visits that are honest we had his administration support israel and the were on gaza. optical hanging has more of employment in michigan. michigan could really be the entire election because it is such an important critical sort of state. as our viewers know of presidents are elected on the popular vote. they're elected by the electoral college. there's a handful of states that will determine who the next president is. perhaps
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unfortunately for joe biden, many of those states have very large air american and muslim communities, 300000 error americans and muslims in michigan, which job item one, michigan, again, sell, drop by a 154000 bucks. i have spoken to several active as to say at this point. there's literally no way they will ever vote for joe biden again, and the bite immunizations argument as well. if you don't go for us, you're going to get trump possibly get former president donald trump, and he instituted the muslim band. he's been saying anyone in protest against israel should be deported. he's moved the embassy to jerusalem, but they're saying this is a long term play. without it we heard from our american and protest, selma, how mommy, she says biden has abandoned the palestinian community. and that's why is last half of just as he has abandoned us, we will be abandoning him on election day. we will be voting with the blood of our martyrs in mind, and we will be voting with in mind. the fact that joe biden has administered
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thousands and thousands of bonds that have been relentlessly dropped on innocent civilians. he has constantly administered these war crimes after work crimes, and we will not be awarding him with an election seat back in office. and we do have the power to take him out of the office. and just as he has taken our family's lives out from our own site, he will be out of the office. and he will witness that in november beyond voting with the concept in mind of voting between the lesser of 2 evils. we will be voting for people who are deserving of our vote, if either party, whether it be joe biden, trump, or whatever candidate. we will not be voting with them if for them, if they decide to support israel genocidal campaign against the husband people. and we will be voting 3rd party, and soon they will be seeing that there has been a shift in the tides with people voting 3rd party. we will not just sit idly by and say that we will have to choose between the lesser of 2 evils. we will set our feet
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for ourselves and we will be doing that as voters, as protesters, as american citizens, as people who pay our, our very own tax dollars that are being sent and funded to these war crimes. we are the number one investors in the cards as a ongoing genocidal campaign and we will not stand for that. well james, i'll be the president of the american institute. he says that even if by and qualify ceasefire, it would not rescue his chances with the arab american folks as it's too little too late. i said that was quoted in the paper today saying after 30000 dead, there's really no looking back. you're not going to bring them back, you're not going to bring back the effort and the feelings that the community has, at least. however, if you did a ceasefire and made some very strong statements, that might open the possibility of a conversation. but right now there's no conversation because there's no respect and it's, it's a problem. look, i've been doing this work for 4050 years, and i've never seen a situation like this where we simply were shut out from conversation. and the
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result is that people are saying they're going to vote either uncommitted or not vote at all. and that will be hurtful because we are the margin of difference between victory and defeat in michigan. and i would also add in pennsylvania and virginia. those were 3 states that the campaign ported us in, in 2020, and frankly, i see no change at all in the feelings that they have today. what they had a few months ago. but we saw it before in 2020, they bought a 3rd party. they voted ralph nader in 2016 many voted for jill's time. is not the 1st time that people who felt vulnerable and hurt voted for 3rd party or didn't vote at all. that's the issue and it's also going to impact young voters, black voters, non white voters, generally. who are i'm surprised, i've been doing this work on palestine down for my whole life. and i've never seen a situation where the vote of other groups, other than air of americans were impacted by something in the middle east. but young black voters are telling us we're not voting, providing that's,
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that's catastrophic for the president unless he changes that. and i just don't see the administration recognizing or willing to do something about it. or in other news, they've been confrontations outside argentina's congress as politicians, debates have controversial economic reform bill for just to say the reforms will make life even harder for them is the country struggle with an economic crisis. rather than have you. i mean, days bill has been done by the international monetary fund, theresa bo, as well, from the protest and the origin time capital were here outside congress where there's been a lot of pension. as the debate over that only has been is ongoing. we've been seeing classes between protesters and the police, but what do you do? the water cat on the back home come on the other things to present professors from reaching the building. people here really concerned about the being,
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debated the workers. right. the nation is 6 sections, the other party to vote in favor among the last one of them, for example, they found the privatized state companies getting the president extraordinary powers, moder, nice thing. it's like so patient all to see was the argentine, among many other things. i'm not like people here are protesting. have you ever mean any sense of these? no, it's crucial to transform argentina to begin this process. however, it's not clear yet when we will take the 40 hours the evening hour with a promise to modernize the economy to people
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we do. we simply went argentina, power from labor unions, but also with thousands of people that are on the streets waiting to challenge him finish. i will, i just see the site is time for a short break here and i'll just figure out when we come back one more than a 1000 flights of been grounded in germany. and the storm in a teacup warnings that one of india is best on exports is on the for its more not stay with the the winter weather returns for a while to japan was more snow for at least knolls, but on usually the amount of snow coming up to the defect in plateau sir. good parts of northern china that is file sizes,
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yankee looks to be cause an event. i haven't seen one quite this scenario since about 2000 not it'll be worth a space on the 2nd best on saturday where the rain rolls are being hosted a miserable day in shanghai. that is cool to south. is that great any about 6 degrees? well below where it should be, maybe not surprisingly, the breeze middle face, which is the season or why is that it will life and i, which means the day the sun storms are moving as much. so it gives a greater risk of flooding, maybe less selling the southern philippines, maybe mall. so in java and sumatra, single pool looks very slightly. sherry and thailand is quite sunny and hot. pretty standard wells, right. most of india, which is tom the as i'm sure you know by no means for the northern planet, including the major cities from tallahassee upwards to north impact is done. fog persistent, ferguson, probably. and there's nothing much to move you to invite him to the immediate future. but there is a change of weather taking place at the moment. it wrong, lower ground level that to choose. we've got rain coming through those rough costs
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and all of which is heading towards unusually practice time the, the, [000:00:00;00] the whole go back to watching out. is there a quick reminder about top stories here? there's our honest indians detain vice ready for us to say they would be tortured and humiliated. an increasing number of accusations of grossness, treatment of prisoners and violations of international lawyers by it's really true . yes, president or button has signed an executive order imposing sanctions on who is
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ready to suffer as for talking kind of to me and i'm fine with is when 5 minutes have been been, it's not. and i said the executive order is on this not just based on this to be in this i've made long journeys to find refuge in southern gaza with an area that is real said to be safe, has not been turned into a was a family, say they have no way left to go. when i called century for for uprooted, i'm constantly going to move him on to the man. hope somebody have survived as well . yes. for likes and from the operations in central and southern cause a they move to defer disappointing cause or baldwin, egypt for safety. no matter where the goal is for anybody who has color. oh no matter what a hey, you almost literally used to be at least kill us. so let them ethnically cleanse what remains of the palestinians on life. and the temporary shelter has come with challenges. there is little food of water for hundreds of families living in
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overcrowded accounts. well, some 8 comes through their alpha crossing palestinians here, see they have no supplies. no problem with that. that's my biggest hand the month. like, i mean, even here at the border, no relief, 8 is delivered. we are forgotten. our children are falling sick and we cannot find treatments involved more than a 1000000 palestinians sheltering in southern gaza. also the east really ministry owed them to move south toward. it's called a se, so it's now a battery from the most intensive strikes and found raids is ready soldiers the surrounding hospitals and booming residential areas. the ones who make it out safely, a settling in, in anything they can find. that's a good no matter who has a good business relative to do these rarely troops storm their homes and forced us out. they took our money, mobile phones and our id. so they stripped us, making
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a forced us out. we did not wish to leave our homes. this is the 10th place, i resort to i covered all this distance on foot in cold weather. were left in the open house without any source of income. discounts on the gyptian border is a place of safety, but displace palestinians fear they will be order to move. once again. i'm a close. i'm sure these aren't. you see the now group of wounded palestinians and their families of arrived and cast off and much needed medical treatment. they were flown from egypt on a military plane. barbara and gulf ever for these injured palestinians and their families survive. check points in shelling during the john needs to leave garza so catch a set. most of the family members and the health since the war and goal is that they can now goodness that it was a normal night that these really tanks came in without warning guys. and we were in
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the cameras. and when the he tested my father and younger sister would killed and i was injured. i have blood in my eyes because of the tank shaving. outside of the bed. the man y u is hoping had thoughts. i will make a full recovery. and as i um, what off if i'm i'm accompanying my daughter. she was injured with shrapnel in her head. just received permission for treatment outside guys. i think god were waiting now to board the plane and the name on the fly out on fluffy because as health ministries has more than 60000 palestinians have been wounded. steering is ready to attack since october. they're relying on barely functioning hospitals for treatment . the world health organization says checks that border crossings have slowed down the delivery of a few suit and medicine to the strip. and well the next object done with this like like a distribution day and god is very difficult. people are really most dying and they're
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suffering really badly. it's getting to complete chaos and feminine, especially in the north. and rafa and han eunice, people in con eunice data bella, and those from guys, the c t. r will displaced in rough, which was nearly 1500000 palestinian refugees cannot move. i'm fighting between is really forces and palestinian fighters around some hospitals in southern casa, has tons them into was, and barbara, and alex's era, the to some of these now and on and legal gas to vote has exploded in the canyon capital firefighters are scrambling to put out the flames, they are residential area in nairobi. several people, if you're dead and more than a 100, i've been injured. that you need is have agreed in a $54000000000.00 a package for ukraine. the agreement was reached out,
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the hungry dropped its vito's right latasha bucket. a report from brussel is very significant for the leaders because they had hoped to approve this more than 50 a 1000000000 dollar financial, a package for ukraine back in december when they last met for a summit for the time and grief, 5 minutes to fit to hold on i decided to see to it, she said that she felt that ukraine wasn't in a position to receive such funds because i filled sense of criteria and i knew fixed will by and as of right close allies of the russian president vladimir, it is said you know the 1st time that he is used to be to threaten to use the type when it comes to ukraine. so what has happened since december. busy that you need to be looking around, scrambling to try and find ways to pressure it to old bands, try and get him on board so that they could fall off of this financial aid package . and that is what they say. we know there was a special meeting just to go to somebody again. beats we not hungry department,
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will say some of the leaders, including french president, the gym, and chancellor and the head, the commission and the counsel to try and pressure open. i'm so the you, this is a victory, it's a win because from that point to be, they are able now to show a unity that we're able to say well, 27 member states came together. we continue to support ukraine. we continue to show that the western allies are on the side of keys, and they also get to send a message to russia that the you continues to be on ukraine side. now the staff who performed screening, i've had bullets in germany, all the latest workers to go on strike that an estimated 200000 passengers. across 11 major airports were effected on a home before us as they represent a fairly small sector of airport workers. but if you could post some security yukon slide,
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germany's latest industrial dispute to walk out by security screeners therefore crippling effect the the airports. some of the countries major ones, bullying him, book stood, got cancelled on the punches, grounding around 200000 passengers. many tourists, i know told with a bone in advance for yesterday with my shared lines and life member. but nobody can phone, they have no idea the information on an inmate or as a little much the one day strike. he's part of a recent space of industrial action until now read in gemini workplace relationship tends to be more constructive than elsewhere in your now high inflation and the show. teach of skilled workers have given unions the upper hand in demanding better wages and conditions when the employee, i don't to get a solution that re swipe again again. again, it comes at
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a bad time for germany's stagnant economy. now we see that systematically the strikes become longer and more frequent, and then the economic costs are going to rise significantly in the this comes on the back of an economy that is already weak. the german economy has been shrinking last year is badly growing this year. so the strike comes at the wrong time for the german economy. there was some relief for travelers this week. this train drive is return to work on monday. but tuesday, so thousands of doctors on strike. and on friday it will be the to end of public transport workers bringing tram subways and buses to a halt. jo, now how l g 0. now the number of new counsel case is expected to increase significantly within the next 20 decide yes. and the world health organization says i have a $150.00 and countries also shows that the majority of them don't spend enough on cancer treatment at of will cancel. they on sunday,
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the said they said they were an estimate to 20000000 new kinds of cases in 2022, close to 10000000 related deaths, around one and 5 of the world's population are diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. approximately one to 9 men die from the disease for women, it's one and 12, with data collected by the global cancer observatory, says long breast encoder ritual. kansas of the 3 most common types recently by 2050, is predicted. they'll be 35000000 new cancer cases. that's a 77 percent increase on recent estimates or 40 braves from the international agency for research on cancer. he explained what could be behind the increase. i mean, things like tobacco, alcohol abuse, they. these are key factors that are driving the, the increasing incidence of cancer, certainly. and we, we do see differences in the, in relation to, to where companies are in terms of social and economic transition. it tends to be that highest d i country. so this is human development index, which is a marker of,
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of, of social society to an economic development. we tend to see higher incidents in those countries. and certainly they have the of the cancer sort of a home. and many westernized countries, such as lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, but we are seeing these kansas very much emerging and lower income countries. and they lower human development settings. but one of the biggest challenges facing is proportional increases in the kinds of parts. and that's going to be most striking in the, in the lower income to lower human development countries. they are going to see a, a projected increase of, well over doubling of the burden by 2050. and these are very much the countries that currently uh, equipped to, to, to really sort of deal with the cancer pencil problem. and it's only going to get bigger. and that's going to be more patients in castle hospitals in the future. now to one of india is best known expos dot gene in
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t is famed for its distinctive favor. but the government's being blown that without urgent help production could die out. now phenomena is explains why the dodge dealing with all the land of this on the boat is home to india is find this t, but it may not be so for a loan, at least 10 of the regions, 807-0000 patients have shut down in recent years on shipment, canaria, santa who heads the t exporters association says climate change. politics depend demik global developments and increasing costs are making it difficult to continue every automotive and acute financial crisis. we have scared to promote because one of us quite into budgeting be for us, this is not a business. you know, it's a passion. we are in love with us at all the things we are in love with the tv produce. and the people who worked with us, so for us, this was an extended family. and that's what's keeping budgeting gardens going so far. there are 2 main production periods for dodgy link


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