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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 2, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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the to the rising covered thread, the apocalypse may be discovers the impact nuclear weapons have on few vanity. our failure to keep humanity safe is by sitting down to the individual on the street. this is not to drill on out to 0. the torture to the hands of israeli soldiers, palestinians describe being beaten, installs, riding the temperature, the sammy say them, this is out just a live from the hall. so coming up, according to our fans, invite in the us president is met with protests in michigan way out of americans are angry about his policy on gospel. just as he has abandoned us, we will be abandoning him on election day. we will be voting with the blood of our
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martyrs in mind. us demonstrations outside ogden tina's congress passed the votes on economic reforms that of devices in the nation. the trains president prizes an e u. a package to the low tone countries saying it's a clear signal here is assuming its responsibility. the a weight beginning goes away. palestinians say they were beaten, told truth and humiliated while detained. vice riley forces the growing accusations of grossness treatments of prisoners and violations of international laws by is riley saul just thought a couple of i assume reports from dropbox and southern gaza.
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beaten to church and team related the accusation of palestinians detained by his very forces during the war and gaza, now released and in roughly that most of the minute i feel pain everywhere on my body before it just depends on our needs. for hours they kept asking me about the tunnels and about their captives held by how much of the i told them i'm 70 years old and i know nothing about these matters. they hit me a lot when i couldn't find an answer to their questions for my another saves he was taken off to being taught to evacuate his ho. oh, what the might spend the 1st 3 days without food was that we would not allowed to go to the toilets. we were beaten harshly over the 1st 3 days. after that they moved us to another place as a new method to talk show. but after a 3 day stop patient, they gave us a meal. it's not even enough for child. these are not the 1st claims of talk
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to the hands of the is very soldiers. on wednesday, the buddies approximately 30 palestinians was found down to the school yard. another in garza, the witnesses said to have been tortured by he's very forces been killed and the corpses bought in plastic bags. this is precisely why israel was taken to the international court of justice with the accusation that it is committing genocide. and the fact that we see that the i c j ruled in favor of south africa and said that there was a plausible risk of gender side is simply this, this evidence just simply bolsters that opinion of israel's been committing war crimes against palestinians since 1948, and nobody has ever held israel to account. disappointments comes off to the you and top court said israel must do more to prevent the genocide of palestinians. ordering it to investigate or accusation of accuse. and palestinians arrests are
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treated in line with international humanitarian. lo allegations of toyota has increased during, as well as will in garza from beating to withholding medication system on his point to an increase of violations of palestinian rights since october. the 7th that's phone says it's contamination from right to groups who say, such evidence needs to be present during a ceasefire. such accusations would undermine as well as credibility around the world. it's supported by evidence. it's full on garza, has been conducted without just points, has lift, little time for relief and craving, accusation of tool to adding to see it at once that tennessee force evolving palestinians. the topic of a zoom out. just a rough, rough off in southern garza, the palestinian red crescent in size is right the fullest as a stone. the compound of i'm of hospital in con use for the 3rd time. is right. the strikes of also hit central garza destroying
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a school in minnesota. it's refugee camp, how much, how much reports the lights to collect the body so full of scenes. the bikes really started in the southern city of funny things, more than a dozen, not that hospital. i've received 14 bodies so far. we receive this number before 9 o'clock this morning without bringing the bodies to the people so that they can very, it's really for continuing to bump central. how does the flattening the school initially iraq? but the g come on wednesday night when the guy launched again, because i missed my school and i came to see what happened. i found the level of the bum bought the entire place. my classroom was, you know, is it right as well? and because the task force, 85 percent of the strips, 2300000 population from their homes, the you and save the situation,
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just got this traffic are many spend the day trying to find anything. they come to each the see the situation is be on desperate. upon the not the grind grain for people during the difficult, sage we're facing people, the facility to grinding animal feed. do we just us is right, continues to get swollen because the palestinians a wondering how many of them have to die and how long they have to suffer before the bombardment in terms of his arouse prime minister by any means nothing. yeah. who says us sanctions against full secular, so unnecessary us president joe biden signed an executive order imposing sanctions on these riley settlers for attacking palestinians and they occupied westbank violence against palestinians by israeli soldiers, in sciences, in the west bank has increased sharply since the war and gauze that began on october the some white house correspondent,
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kimberly how kit has more on the executive order. a this really builds on the actions taken by the, by the ministration about one month ago that would block for nationals from coming into the united states. those involved in violence against palestinians in the west bank, namely settlers. so this is an additive on top of that it would ban a settlers who have committed violent acts from doing business in the united states, borrowed from the us financial system from receiving money from us citizens and even own property in the united states. now what this is is really to address what the us government believes is a lack of action by the is really government from the uptake. and what they see as an targeting of palestinian since the october 7th. how most attacks in israel. so
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this is something that divided ministration feels is one of the strongest measures taken really by any administration in a number of years on how does this on how it is in ok. 5 east jerusalem was more and this was reaction or responses from several members of these really government downplaying, the settler violence against palestinians across the occupied west bank. these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu releasing a statement saying that the sanctions are both drastic and unnecessary, saying, quote that a vast majority of those who live in illegal settlements are law abiding citizens. many of them currently enlisted in israel's army fighting in the war on guns. additionally, he says that israel prosecute all violators of the law in all places, but we do know that that is simply untrue. the united nations recently released some statistics about settler attacks against palestinians since october,
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7th from that date to january 20 days. you're looking at a minimum of $460.00 for a tax on palestinians bias. really settlers, remember a lot of the settlers are now armed after the war. these really government had gone in and replenish some of those weapons. a lot of them applying for weapons licenses as well. so these really government has really downplayed this issue of settler violence against palestinians. hello, steven zones is a professor at least and studies at the university of san francisco. he says, while the executive or the measures are unprecedented, they won't solve the problem of impunity for setting the violence. this is certainly more than for have taken part in violence and attacks against the palestinian civilians in the west bank. and indeed uh the for us of that didn't in fact the entire settler violence. so his, it may be 88 to 10 faith holidays in the past year. a compared to close to $400.00
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a by the israeli defense forces, including uh, over 90 children. i had the same time as the 1st time the united states has ever specifically sanctioned any is really use under uh, executive powers that are normally reserved for what the us considers terrorist and these these uh, that's why i think the fair to say i called and i mean, these are comfortable to the irregular groups that were selling that for us in latin america during the seventy's and eighty's, a targeting does it. and so with the regular security forces looking the other way, some remarkable power allows here, but this is rarely settlers who do this kind of thing as they are they're, they're not subtle about that. i mean, they often both film themselves, they will send out messages on social media. it's brightening of the other actions and asking people to join them. so it doesn't take a lot of investigation to figure out who some of these people are. and these,
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these 4 are definitely the most notorious. there are some hope that they might have actually, us might have actually included the, the, the, the of a, the, to a is really cabinet members that are closely tired of this group and, and would cast a wider net. and so there's some disappointment that it was limited to, to just before, but finding out who these 4 were were aware of was, was not, not that difficult us present. and joe biden has visited the key swing states of michigan. he made the trip to celebrate and endorsement from the united auto workers union, which has its head forces in detroit. michigan has one of the largest are the american populations in the us. abiding, did not meet leaders of that community. the americans in war and near detroit, held the protest, riley against biden's, visit the angry of his administration, support for israel,
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the war on garza wanna set the scene for you here the protesters are just now started to walk away. they were to march back. they've been marching across the building to get kind of tense here for a moment because the police were just, they were like each other spaces in the riot police cave. you can see there's a huge police presence back there. they've just now separated without any sort of violence any arrest, but it was incredibly tubs there for a little bit. now, as you mentioned, joe biden has to do with the air of american vote in michigan without michigan. it's unlikely he gets back to the white house earlier we heard from our, the american protest side of my how mommy, she explains why 5 and this last, how vote. just as he has abandoned us, we will be abandoning him on election day. we will be voting with the blood of our martyrs in mind, and we will be voting with in mind. the fact that joe biden has administered thousands and thousands of bonds that have been relentlessly dropped on innocent
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civilians. he has constantly administered these war crimes after work crimes, and we will not be awarding him with an election seat back in office. and we do have the power to take him out of the office. and just as he has taken our family's lives out from our own site, he will be out of the office. and he will witness that in november beyond voting with the concept in mind of voting between the lesser of 2 evils. we will be voting for people who are deserving of our vote, if either party, whether it be joe biden, trump, or whatever candidate. we will not be voting with them if for them, if they decide to support israel genocidal campaign against the husband people, we will be voting 3rd party. and soon they will be seeing that there has been a shift in the tides with people voting 3rd party. we will not just sit idly by and say that we will have to choose between the lesser of 2 evils. we will set our feet for ourselves and we will be doing that as voters, as protesters, as american citizens, as people who pay our,
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our very own tax dollars that are being sent and funded to these war crimes. we are the number one investors in the cards as a ongoing genocidal campaign, and we will not stand for that. and now the news that have been confrontations outside dodge and teen is congress as politicians to base a controversial economic reform bill. the process to say the reforms will make life even harder for them is the country struggles with an economic crisis. president heavier malays bill has been backed by the international monetary fund. there is of a, has more from the protest and by the side of we're here outside congress where there's been a lot of pension as the, the, the a told her that only the bill is ongoing. really being classes between protesters and the police. but what do you do think walter can't on back home among other things, to present processors from reaching the building. people here really concerned
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about the being, debated the workers. right. the nation is 6. let me give you the preston estimate back since the other party to vote in favor among the last one of them. for example, they found the privatized state companies getting the president extraordinary powers. modernizing slicks notation of to see was the argentina, among many other things. i'm not like people here are protesting. have you had a sense of these? no, it's crucial to transform argentina. the power with a promise to modernize the economy, to what we do, we simply went argentina power from labor unions, but also with thousands of people that are willing to challenge him any trouble. i
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just see the site is still heading out to 0. why decades old union meant to united countries in africa is causing divisions that could have a major impact on their economies the eastern, but it's still sort of cloud circulating, wins, and rate. as a result, if you're on the north coast of egypt, please don't reveal that great. and the same is true if you're as far in line as even jurist and jolt into the batch a little bit more, but not quite as breezy with his carries on through friday and saturday, if accessed, it could be arguably, was sent me up 11 by route doesn't look too good. 50 degrees bots in the right and the wind is what if it got beyond that low through iraq is don't particularly warm
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the breezes still blowing, but the sky is a property hoping snow is like to folding in that era and possibly evening time around itself is reading for this have that right and could be significant size way to practice starting a little bit early in the year, getting you significant rain for example here, but it's on its way big shelves possibly in the way or not. and then plus the strong wind, that's the following feature. shamal, if you like, for the dust, like to bring a da stone, 2 pots of eastern saudi arabia, buffering possibly capital. and the empty quarter a saturday it dies down a little bit on saturday, but it keeps attempt just down to 21 is a max. and uh huh. to wanted to shout about possibly the mortgage issue or the cx and holland. otherwise rain at this time of the year in south in southern africa, should be further south in mos on beach. and matthew, jessica entities was a big task in south africa as well. the oil rich iraq is facing a crisis and a final bike to results water as dams built by its upstream neighbors with strict
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flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate do the situation. now when regions were settled funding 1st image tensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was part to of, to, on a jersey to the, [000:00:00;00] the fall come back. you're watching out. is there a time to recap the headlines, palestinians detained device, right? a full so say they were beaten,
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sold truth and humiliated. there are an increasing number of accusations of gross mistreatment of prisoners and violations of international law. us president joe biden was met with protest by arab americans went on a trip to the swing states of michigan demanding. he does move to bring about a ceasefire and casa, the votes could determine whether or not to remains in the white house. police abuse was accountants. of breakup protests outside, dodge and team is congress. the demonstrations come as politicians to base the controversial economic, his phone bill protests to say that you ranges will make life all the for the group of wounded palestinians. and the families of arrives in cause of so much needed medical treatment. give a flying in from egypt on a military plane, barbara, and go for reports. these interest palestinians and their families survive, check points and shelling during the john needs to leave garza so catch
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a set. most of the family members and the health since the war and goal is that they can now goodness that it was a normal night that these really tanks came in without warning guys. and we were in the cameras. and when the he tested my father and younger sister were killed and i was injured. i have blood in my eyes because of the tank shaving outside of the bed . the man why you is hoping had thoughts, i will make a full recovery. and as i um, what off if i'm i'm accompanying my daughter. she was injured with shrapnel in her head. just received permission for treatment outside guys. i think god were waiting now to board the plane and the name on the fly out on fluffy because as health ministries has more than 60000 palestinians have been wounded. steering is ready to attack since october. they're relying on barely functioning hospitals for treatment . the world health organization says checks that border crossings have slowed down
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the delivery of a few food and medicine to the strip. and well, the next object done with this, like, like a distribution then cause it's very difficult. people are almost dying and they're suffering really badly. it's getting to complete chaos and famine, especially in the north. and rafa and han eunice, people in con eunice data bella induced from guys, the c t. r will display san rafael, this, which was nearly 1500000 palestinian refugees cannot move. i'm fighting between is really forces and palestinian fighters around some hospitals in southern casa, has tons them into was and barbara, and alex's era and all the news. a you leaders have agree, the 50 full $1000000000.00 a package for ukraine hungry drops its veto threat during a meeting of member states and brussels summit was taking place. so farmers were blocking roads around the capitol. well,
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they want to draw attention to the protests. the gains rising costs and cheap food impulse, natasha bought the results from brussels. the hungry as prime minister. the old man was under pressure as he arrived at an east summit in brussels. having d 2 to more than $50000000000.00 financial aid package for ukraine in december, or the e lead is what determines not to allow him to stop at the deal. again, i come from distance, i complex up. this is very strange. and so it goes to the game of the victim of them. and there is no room for compromise on our principles like rule of law. and for sure, there's no room for compromise on ukraine course in the mood to make any more concessions to open use a close ally of russian president vladimir putin. a select group of the leaders took the hungarian prime minister side before the summit. some of the politicians
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had previously suggested to budapest of voting rights could be taken away, or you funds frozen unless hungry back the deal. know off to the meeting, the package which includes military assistance, was approved. these 50000000000 euros for 4 years also send a very strong message to putting just the head of the secondary verse 3 of his brutal invasion to, to with ukraine's president who to attended the summit to the can a welcome to use. this is a clear so you know that your brain will with sense and that your of will with sense. well, you leaders that results one problem. another one was brewing on the doorstep. hundreds of farm is from european countries, including phones. it's lee and belgium. angry of the e u. environmental rules and phone competition. what they say is destroying livelihoods, despite the recent demonstrations forming wasn't even on the official
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e u. summit agenda. which is why these follow me say that bringing the tractors and protests to brussels is the only way to be heard. this european union for 70 years pushed us into becoming very big farms and all this oversized funds. to date their budgeting, i know they're criminalizing as and saying that this is our fault. the message we have frontier being union is that they cost if this officer and that they have to bring us the solutions. impossible to acknowledge you need to set the discuss. palm is concerned, they will say. so they talked about the situation in the middle east but came to know conclusions. it was clear that on a day when the blow could manage to come together, there was the full appetite for all the crises to overshadow the display of unity. tasha butler, i'll just sarah process a while to major pharmacy unions in front of announced a lift country wide blockade. shortly after the prime minister offered more concessions. thanks to mull financial aid, tax breaks,
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and the promise not to bind pesticides in france that are allowed elsewhere in europe. so the okay, parliament has approved a deal that pays the way for a power sharing government to resume and northern ireland. it's been 2 years since union. this politicians withdrew from the devolved governments of, of post sprague said, trading arrangements for crucial spending. decisions with delayed public services with badly affected high false. it results from bel falls, like many schools in genitives in belfast has been doing all that kind of to reintegrate people's onto the pandemic. but the, some that's been a struggle. so this year the schools introduced a safe space. the haven, the students with special needs or social issues to find rest bite and a friendly here. but such innovations cost money, and funding decisions and being on hold since the collapse in 2022 of norman islands developed government. we need improvements made to our building to make
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these adjustments. they don't toppling overnight if we don't have that funding. those children at home waiting to come to a place that we have secured for him in london on thursday, u. k. politicians approved the deal set to restore an overnight as power sharing executive release more than $4000000000.00 of funding for its public services. a sort of the same time. another strike was on the way in belfast, this time, public transport workers trying to ensure the demands to pay rises and met and told them the government release funds that give us our pay race, which beverly invites, not just us, all public sector workers, then we'll continue on if you ask people about the real world impact to velocity 2 years without a function and government, almost all of them will say it's the health service. almost every metric, especially waiting times northern on cell service lags fall behind the rest of the u. k. allen's down to is a family doctor and
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a seniors ticket and the british medical association here he says his patients regularly and do an agonizing weights hospital treatment the most of the year. plus certainly for routine or urgent red flags are slightly different. and but, you know, some of her elderly patients, for example, you need joint replacements. they could wait 56 years to see a surgeon long term problems within northern islands. public services have been west and by this crippling balance of political deadlock, the politicians about to resume their duties. know that to a large extent, that will be judged by how quickly they can start to put them right. are you close it out to 0? so fast a fire has a gas f o. in the canyon capital appears to be out of these a live pictures from nairobi. what hours ago and explosion set off the place which killed at least 2 people, 5 sizes scrambled, put out the flames near a residential area, at least a $165.00 others were injured calls of the bloss. oh yeah,
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not this. denise says it will hold funerals for the victims of december's fuel deco bloss that although it seems to be working to identify the bodies of 25 people, involved, hundreds of protests is blocked to main highway and caps and comic ring and demanding compensation from the government. for the damaged homes, protest is excuse officials, of negligence. demonstrations of being held in knowledge as opposed to jones's decision to withdrawal from a regional block. molly new jet indicated a 5 so have announced plans to quit the economic community of west african states. all 3 countries are ruled by the ministry which sees power and cruise, a colossus criticize the cruise and as impose sanctions. molly's decision to leave the block is divided the country nicholas harker pulled some deck off. neighboring senegal, the sick stairs in charge. the prize,
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the melody and fabric buzzle is sought after an exported across west africa, up as i always used to make 2 additional clothes warned for weddings in religious ceremonies, but shopping or did you the mom i do is warning his customers and neighboring countries that the cost of fabric is about to go up each of the mollies planned to leave the regional west african buddy echo was to me bring an end to the free movement of people and goods like the precious fabric. and we have one that's out in the font is we only to feel the pinch from the current crisis at to that the impact of leaving the eco was who was really software and the government needs to review its decision. thousands of protesters are gathering in molly's capital bomb echo. they support the decision by their military rulers, along with those of new sharon brick, you know, fast. so to leave, the regional body echo was imposed sanctions and all 3 countries following the military. coups power cuts in molly and a fuel and food shortage and these year are affecting their populations. meanwhile,
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the tax from arm groups are on the rise. it's popular smoke because they know that the value of the union, the blog and survey is putting pressure on them to come back to class additional order, which they're not ready to do. so i was throwing, pointing to the community, is a way to extend the best. a impala is legitimately, of course, for the citizens of the 3 countries. this could mean the lead visa to travel and work in the region. 5000000 of them live in work in ivory coast alone. custom duties may come into complicating the movement of goods as well as people. according to our sophistic scrum, vista, the government, half of the products in goods that trends it through the port of the car are destined to the land lock countries of multi need share and burkina faso. there withdrawal from the regional body echo was will have an impact on the economies of


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