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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 2, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the on the other on the cloud cuz it's a new line from dow. how come me up to the next 60 minutes? israel's defense minister says rafa in southern dogs is the next target for ground . the soul, more than a 1000000 palestinians of move that to escape violence is raised special events, gains, palestinians increases across the occupied west bank even as the us sanctions for
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is really a gas explosion and fire in kenya's capital. at least 3 people that killed hundreds injured yes, demonstrations of knowledge. and so you know, his congress debates, economic reforms and dividing the nation news. so we'd be getting this news. our end goes away, more than a 1000000 palestinians are at risk in the southern region is israel bones. its forces will move towards the city of ruffled tens of thousands of palestinians seeking shelter in the border city to try and escape the violence. they moved off to these very minute treat. the credit of the safe side is ready. troops are currently conducting operations. in con eunice, israel's defense minister, you have kalonde, says his forces will next target cause a southern city of rough hope you've also known as the con eunice battalion,
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which boasted that it would stand against the army forces has become disintegrated . and i tell you from here we will complete the mission and con units, and we will reach rough automobile. and there we will eliminate every terrorist who tries to harm us as well. robert is considered to be the last place of refuge who displays palestinians just said the majority of the 2400000 palestinians in gaza have moved to the southern port. city is rarely minutes, replied dudley, cold at a safe time after it's bombing campaign in northern and central gaza. is there any forces have since move south conducting so imagine tends fighting in homes, eunice. so let's bring out the honey. my moody is in reference of in gaza. so honey, 1000000 people crammed into the confines of rafa. israel's defense minister saying the ground assault is coming. right. the what does that as the main on the ground of the yes. well as the day,
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great. some people are hearing more about this statement made by this really minister of defense. the, there's a sense of panic and concern on just further shattering gain is remaining sense of safety for the 1900000 displaced palestinians. the squeeze in this small part of the gaza strip, what it means in the ground. and there's no question about it as we really chatted with neighbors around the sides here, who describe that this is another genocide that is going to be committed here in rough. i city because a single bomb or a single missile can code 1000 of people. we're talking about very crowded area, not only they are crammed in this part of the city, but also they have been suffering very difficult living conditions since the beginning of this genocide, as well as the lack of a extremely lack of basic supplies as well as the uh, the uh,
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the water and the medical supplies and other survival license. but it's also an interesting timing for this statement. if it, it came out of the a mid to talk that seemed to be somehow serious about the, the breaking a ceasefire deal. and within the coming days in a statement like this, just further the concern on the the sense of lack of safety and security for palestinian. just do to let you know how people feel and, and are eager for a ceasefire. it is just as of last night as some leap reports of, of the level of serious of detox. people burst into celebration and quite happy to know that there is a see for this morning. there pretty much down. as you know, the more we don't get into a ceasefire deal that increases the chances of these really of the monetary operates into expands here and rough actually. now in the past, multiple is really officials,
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whether from the military level or the political level. and the government is talked about our total war across the guster to continue dismantling how much of the fighting it grooves. and that would be expanded, but this time it's, it's the 1st i'm coming to from the very person in charge of defense then is really making such a statement and, and linking that victory of this really military with the, with continuing dismantle a hamas and the southern part here on the ground situations are very difficult and people are counting the hours. now the one that sees fire deals before the operation is expanded. here are you talking about the on the ground conditions being just terrible and the winter is making it a whole lot was isn't the cold, the rain it's just not only bombs unpredictable fall in bonds and an error strikes, but also the worst sitting weather conditions. just within the past, if you
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a few days then today happens to be very rainy. wendy, and width and just ran so far has increased the, the, the difficult given living conditions and in can here in 10 scans. because off i have turned largely into a attends camps distance. if people have been evacuating from the northern part on central, they are seeking refuge here. but also there's, there are risk of, of people dying of the spreading of diseases are whether do the contamination, the waterborne diseases or in the winter related did you like cold any flu? it just making the living condition for them very difficult. and many of the accounts have been flooded, and just that put the, the risk. but the life of many of the children of the vulnerability groups among them elderly are those with living hard health, the complications at risk of losing their lives with the people right now. if they don't die of bonds directly,
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they are going to die of the old in health complications as a result of, of the worst sitting living conditions, as well as the worst that in weather conditions that make it very difficult to combat these difficulties. honey, thanks for that to honeymoon, moved there on this very, very challenging conditions. uh, in a rough i, in southern casa, it is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has rejected us sanctions against full is rarely settlers, according to measures unnecessary. yes, present, joe biden signed the executive order on thursday in response to a tax on palestinians in the occupied westbank at bite and says, vitamins in the west bank has reached the intolerable levels and constitutes a serious, a threat to peace, security and stability. and it might be its real data roy trans isn't occupied east jerusalem to get these randy reaction before us. let's cross to ramallah to do the abraham, who's there close to the occupied westbank. so need a 1st stop at tell us more about this expansion of upset of the violence and how it
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is for the palestinians. living in the shadow as well posting is because they're seeing as really supplements interesting, closer towards their homes. they've been suffering from more and more vicious, subtler attacks against them. you have to remember that, that now bigger number of the subtler is and they have the backing of these really government. they have the arms and they've been launching attacks against palestinians, whether they are inside their homes, whether they are trying to take care of their all as trees or what have you. we've been reporting in the past few months about the growing, subtler attacks that has reached on for us to then to then high record levels. but also in the past few years, we've been already saying that subtler attacks are tripling subtler attacks are becoming more dangerous and they're not really centered in one area here or there. but we're talking about all across the occupied westbank. but when we talk about
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the executive order, palestinians will tell you, yes, it's important to try and curve those attacks against policies. but this is not the key point. the key point is that those supplements are considered any good under international law. they're built on lines that belongs to the palestinians. they've been kicked out of those lands to allow for those circulars to build their a cut of bonds to build their homes. and sometimes that building even farms with, with big lands. so the point is for palestinians is that their whole existence in the occupied westbank is illegal, and that's the point they need to be addressed when we're talking about also you and an international law saying clearly that those supplements are against international law. right. and what about the likely effect of the sanction is essentially these for individuals any impact any just going to make any changes on
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the ground as well. if we were gonna uh, take anything uh from uh, last night is that should tell us a lot because just last night after the executive order was signed we're talking about is there any settlers who have attacked palestinians in a village here in the drama law? so i also, in the past few weeks, we've been seeing those circular attacks really unabated when it comes to palestinians who have to remember then that when we talk about those attacks, let's remember the big rum page. and so water with we've seen a secular is going into palestinian homes and burning them and burning their properties. those settlers have got very minimum and lightweight sentences from these re me just the system. so those suckers are used to the infinity. when we talk about, you know, talking at the americans talking about, for settlers, when can you compare that to the numbers of attacks?
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it really tells you that this is very little. it will do little to curb circular attacks against pulses needed. thanks for that to need to abraham the in ramallah, let's spin across to occupy these truths and mortgage comments as standing by for us, the android. tell us what the thinking about this is by the, by the administration, given the steadfast support of israel to the or yeah, well, this sees the most significant step, but any us administration has ever taken against these, right? the satellite movement of 15 who is executive order does is allow the us to impose financial sanctions on anyone who is involved in violence attacks against palestinians. any special this that are volts against von and strikes against protestantism, that includes officials and politicians who might be encouraging them. that is a big part of this. now as we've just been hearing for media in yourself for at
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settlers have already been hit with these sanctions, any assets that they have in the us are being frozen in the background. so this is the c o for many, many years repeats it us administrations at, with the exception of donald trump has been judging is ready governments to get a grip on the side of the issue and repeats its method. yahoo administrations have been moving in the opposite direction, encouraging 3 policies. settlers to move into the west bank sends out the items and already doing what the us administrations have been asking them to do. and now you have an s in yahoo governments, which it actually has it. it's a full products, the champions of the sample of sampling movement in the phone if it's a more bank of it at and by the low smoked ridge. so the us and ministrations think
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that the separately movement is and impediments to the 2 state solution that's probably a bit of domestic politics going on in this as well in the united states with joe biden, looking at as the the, i'm good, i think that a lot of his electoral base has for his support. so is ralph and it's one, gaza. i'm trying to find a way of giving them something to bring them back on side as we are in election. yeah. crucial election damage i bought by we've heard from these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu on this once he had to say yeah, well, benjamin netanyahu obviously not very enthusiastic about the steps that the us administration has taken, ignoring the fact that these righty separately moving and settlements themselves as being rules are legal and the issue is a national lo, method, yahoo! the side, the vast majority of settlers are law abiding citizen citizens. and many of them
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are fighting these days to protect israel. israel is taking action against people who break the lower everywhere and therefore there is no place for unusual measures in disregard. now by the law, smotts rich has gone much further than the netanyahu. and he says, beset live on his campaign is an anti semitic lie. that's enemies of israel disseminate with a gold of smearing the pioneering settlers unsettled with the enterprise as a hum them. i'm not smooth the entire state of israel. so he's a quite saying this move by the button in administration with anti semitism. and he's saying that he's going to carry on championing the settling movements. and if the price is us, us sanctions against me, then. so be it a rotary thing. so that's a really trying, is there an occupied east? jerusalem? let's take this on further. we can speak now to the best will for our cheese and assistant professor at both at university at palestine at great. have you with us here on set. so this is the thing is that it's important to remember that some of
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the vitamins in the illegals estimate expansion was going on way before october. the 7th. i mean, yeah, for sure. i mean this, this, you know, the context of, of set the buttons and set them in construction is, you know, 3 dates, the existence of the state. i mean, when we speak about a set that is just headlines, we have to take into account that you know, this the, the, the reason why we have over 700000 settlers on the west bank on easiest level is because the, by the us administration and other internet has been symmetrical me at the other states have been eating, and i bet thing the subdivisions have and essentially, you know, they have never a, put any serious measures to restrict the construction of, of settlement supplements. the, the type of land in a sense, i would say that businesses, you know, this step is to let them to late. uh, you know, it, it's such as it such as on a quarter, a issue regarding the existence of the state, which is, you know, the, the discrimination between palestinians would have been to us bank and jewish
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settlers. the laws that allow for business combination. and the fact that most of the settlers who commit a serious violent act as we have witnessed in the past twos, and since the creation of the states never get prosecute to be really, i mean these, these measures would not be to the set them into movements uh you say you say too little too late to are you surprised is coming tool given, as i said, to rory the and the by the ministrations, steadfast support of his route to him? i'm not surprised because i mean, as you report the report, the dory has, as mentioned, you know, by then is, is, you know, we are approaching the selections. i mean, he's, he knows very well that he's losing a certain votes, particularly in and out of, in states with another population, almost implementation. so in a sense, you know, he's trying to kind of, uh, put forward something the relevant to the city and community. but in a sense it's, i mean it's, it's, it's useless. i mean, but the misers to, to control of the us itself is the us as a force that there's when we're talking about this entire government that has settler advocates as you,
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as it already has mentioned. but he was also talking about the it would encompass it politicians who in site settings. yeah, i mean, but to also let you know that they have never really taken any serious measures against been viewed or some others. and this is not the 1st. let's just remember that's been viewed also has been invested in the past, right. he hasn't been charged with, with, uh, incitement to terrorism. uh, he's never been charged really and does any minutes a, quote, a court system. uh, the government itself is based on this ideology of a bad thing said the construction. so, i mean, i'm very, that's where the dismissal is with do anything concrete to change the t or in the fact that defensive to state submission. because as we know, you know, the also cause the not managed to create templates for with reasonable and sustainable plan towards it, but it didn't seem statehood. but in the meantime, we have been witnessing over the past 2 years. and not only since october, 7th, at advance and that, but this coalition of southern construction, eviction and for the students from the lens as well as that, and pictures that conspiracy in communities which let's start with the center. that's an estimate, right. what i, i'd say is it gives us the broad,
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a picture of the broader context of that to what degree has this settlement construction and expansion. how is it impacted the, the, the sense of the, the need for resistance? i mean, i would, that's it as in 2 ways. the 1st thing is that 2nd, because the construction has effectively fragmented the westbank. and is there a system? i mean, we were talking about the system and see how that to us talking about the recommended segment that to the 3 that i think none of the architects of, of the piece that had envisioned in a sense, we're talking about the, you know, uh, posted in a segment instead of today, what are you going to access? see if there's an amenities without having to bypass or pass through a set of the roads. and how does that affect us? it is, i think the effect to an effects we're talking about the situation where we have 700000 said let's, let's remember that as a government windows such as when this war began the loud uh the argument selling of guns for sutler. so we're talking about an ongoing issue, right? we certainly as well, yes, and actually the strength of defense and, and that they then missiles, but they said that instead of the community,
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so we're talking about the violent and armed community, but not to, you know, they're not citizens. and since they said the set of subjects, so what i'm the only see the day that they hold the, the better part is to continue to advance that unfortunately. but it's the new land, which means effectively that but as things would be further fragmented, they're like, oh airlines would be further stolen and, and confiscated. and to be honest, the assistance would increase because as we have witnessed over the past months and since the beginning of this occupation with that i so is there any violence which in my understanding it's not just set that up by incident that a government which we are witnessing in the gaza strip is also a manifestation of this violence. i mean, it's a similar idea. understood, right? it's not just, you know, the stuff is, i'm not separate from the state. the state is functions on this ends on this project on this day in this project. so in a sense, the argument of, of settlers, the continuation of violence would effectively see that i suppose, send it as it stands because when it wants to let this, but then when you like to live with this, that attend definitely to us as history has told us is that you would resist and i think that's what we would do it with me,
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right. so it is accessible and simply being stolen from under the feet that we're gonna have to leave with the important context as well. thanks very much indeed for that. thank you for i just thank as well since the beginning of the world palestinian civil defense teams have been working tirelessly to save lights like machinery and fuel is not stopping them from responding to calls to help make assume as this report to the civil defense themes and gaza have never been busy, busy it's time to pay the medic rescue and find it starting personally to head out since is well began at school until so civil defense teams and districts have been working round the clock and under find circumstances they accuse the is riley,
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military of intentionally destroying the station. what the situation on the ground is, dia, all civil defense stations in the north and central provinces of cause. i have been destroyed by his really strikes you is really truth intentionally talked to the civil defense equipment dog. despite the destruction rescue teams continue to operate. 2 leading hundreds of flights, they have been red moments telephone to this with lack of equipment and few is affecting the immune need to save more lives. at times. themes of how to use the bad hands to follow the can just from the gulf of health ministry says nearly a 1000 people are missing. the majority of fear to be under the debris of bombed out buildings and also to find them. i as in a bucket, after that we have responded to more than 4000 americans. it goes in the past few days alone. we also for the mass of fire,
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despite the fact that it has not supplied us with any fuel. and they looked at it, and these really bowman campaign has destroyed much of the infrastructure, including roads making it even harder for rescue was telecom blackouts, also hamper in their book. the name of michael on the international civil defense organization to live up to its role. and to k, to, to our needs under the circumstances we call on the un to ad swiftly to me is only around 15 personnel will have been killed during operation. so far, 7 teams have also come on to direct is randy attack. this fund the dangerous the continue to work with limited resources and no guarantees of the safety of consumption. these are just eva were more than 9000 children have been injured in israel's war on garza. many of had the arms or legs amputated, some doctors and being forced to carry out operations without an ascetic,
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young palestinian girl is being recorded. or what do i know the fall and read that on summer in that that that i've that is, that was not a bed that being yeah, i love that. no doubt. wow. know i have fallen nation like it should have been around like a timing out of always need them. oh, the saddle. yeah. yeah. i you well, i have to and i have one of the math that is philippine is in the by then helpful. not by then. yes, i had baba had another class and then nothing was the name of leah the he'd been correct that
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no hands on the guide. and then by then listening and i'm still working on identity in one request. so the, the accounting team that's being that's highlighted on some of those. see, well, i have an open line then tie it off the bus last night the mid afternoon. so that's fine. i'm not here then, but down inside you took running home. yeah. ma'am, you let them know. yeah, a lot of i'm lovely. all i didn't get any sad to hear that when you get out for the rest, based on the senate roommate and i have been left how, how many years a lot of the uses
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a lab the how, how and then i've not. meaning, i've not been at them or the, a large explosion fire at a gas depot and the canyon capital is killed at least 3 people. 5 fights is back to 4 hours to put out the place and not really the place destroyed vehicles and injured hundreds of people living in a crowd residential area nearby. to meet people and i got boone by an exploding gas cylinder as i was trying to escape. it exploded right in front of me and the impact knocked me down in flames. engulfed me. i'm lucky that i'm strong enough to get away. let's go straight away tonight. rabid catherine, so is dining bye for us and catching up pretty terrify. incident for those caught up in a
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a yes and that fire has now been contained. we've been hearing. i'm from the government spokesman, who said that this incident happened about to about 11, say 2 pm. people was sleeping. they were in the houses when they had these large explosion. uh they said that uh that the exclusion was so loud that the houses uh, shoot. so we, uh, people with tools have been a consent to have died a several others, many others are in different hospitals in this city as well. now what we told is that the ad tongue expose a tongue x exploded at a nearby uh, gas depot. so this talk was tiring, gas cylinder. uh, well, one of the cylinder um fell off and then the explosion happened. uh,
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it affected the neil bi factories. uh as well as vehicles. uh there's a huge damage as well. so now the government says that it is investigating the cause and why this happened. and also that also investigating what uh, what sort of measures says choose the measures security measures and a safety measures were in place of the time capturing. what about the, this particular area where the incident took place? is it basically populated, or it's a very crowded area. it's a residential area. um, people are, you know, do people that are, you know, how very many of the stock stories. uh they are very uh, houses as well. so people there say um that they was very
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scared when this explosion happened because they didn't understand what was going on. and like i say that they say that there was, you know, there was a lot a lot on the rumblings i, they also say that the, you know, basically the houses was shaking. so people are looking and looking and trying to find out exactly what happened and they are say that the government needs to do better and to investigate exactly what happened so such an accident doesn't happen again. catherine will leave with that for the moment. so terrify incidents that catherine, sorry, the, in the way we think that being confrontations outside argentina is congress is politicians debated. controversial economic reform bill protests to say the reforms will make life even harder for them as the country struggles with an economic crisis to resume report stuff from bonus x the tension and cables outside argentina's congress as a debate rages insight on whether to pass origin tina's precedents have yet to me,
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so called albany will spill in a motor. nice thing, the country's economy. not everyone is happy with the change, the precedent ones for origin tina, the store that meant that the only way you have human lady can impose these ultra liberal model is with repression. she wants to delete workers' rights and origin to, you know, with the bill and we weren't to allow, it will be on the streets fighting back. 7 trying to make it to the building on the police using water cannon in order to prevent and have you mean to bother with modernize the economy to attract boring investments. when she was a confronting with argentina, powerful neighbor, thousands of people on the street when they responded to the violence outside congress. with this controversial tweet allow union congress opening a cage or
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a prison for the thousands of protesters on the street. they've been initially contained over 600 laws, but has now been with us over 200 as a president was forced to give into the demands of other political parties. the new package gives the precedence emergency powers for a year, allows for the privatization of 37 state companies and modernize the expectation of fossil fuels. that can be the same data being then. so you can, tina is an intensive care and it's seriously addicted to a drug, the drug, the deficit, and the symptom, this inflation of parents to me is the drug dealer. i can tell that needs to get rid of this addiction because we wouldn't of a feature. otherwise. the old nibble's bill is the you president's 1st big political test. let me lay you had a decision to make. he could say, i'm going to go for as much as i can go right to the beginning, to have a strong impact to make use of my political capital,
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because i've just been elected and so on. and then we can see how this battle goes . or you can say, i'm going to take these things on one by one. i don't want to have to have too many enemies at the same time that he's chosen the fact he made promises, he's austerity measures and reforms. we bring down sewing inflation in argentina and jumpstart the economy. but these images of repression on the streets. so how difficult the months ahead will be. and how the president is willing to confront those who dare oppose him the so as if he didn't win a site is. so the head here and out there. why it's not a good time to take a train or a plane. and jem need the latest on the transport strikes, which according to sales for travelers, plus us president joe biden comes to the 1st whole state of michigan to find out for so you've got
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a problem here. i've had to go have that story. the, i think a wins about it to play through northern europe at the moment is a bit of a, you shave of co dash has been blowing behind this cold front through eastern europe . so for a time, temperatures would drop in many countries, eastern europe, down towards the north and the g. and to be honest, within the following, a 3rd quite strong is bringing along double figure temperatures, obviously, where it's high ground, for example, in no white snow, it will still be the result and stay for time will fall out of that cold front and key. for example, maybe as far as, as bucharest, though i think that's the date for about the following. whether it's a distinct change. for example, in vienna, we got steadily to around about 15 degrees. by monday the average is about 5. cos it does go up and down. lot, 15 is quite extraordinary. will maybe still bit of code is still going to flow
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through the southeast corner. so into north libya i need shipped on the coast to be sure to feel cold and windy and the wind has been pushed up enhanced. and this see the hallmark and there is weakening during friday. i think it was still see dusty weather probably in chat and yeah. are now in southern africa, this time the it should be madagascar and mozambique that gets the heavy weather. and indeed that's the case. but some big shows also showing up in south africa the a we look at the world's top business stories from global markets to economies and a small business sales force and including security around the world. is there something that the international community, your view should be doing to understand how it affects counting the cost on al jazeera, the demand for mental health support is quite to now then at any time in the
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history, that's the biggest problem that we face to mental health enough, our youth, that is what drives me. mindset, travels to denmark, what technology is being used to create innovative treatment. i'm here to help guide you through exploring and expressing your emotion. i'm ready and in jamaica we ask you a bunch of mushrooms, everything is effective and safe on a single usage depending on the door. same person doing well, stay away. i know and on a product like that and all of psychiatry money since episode full on, on disease of the. so the
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catalog and you're watching out there. a reminder about the top stories is and israel promises to move its forces towards the city of ruffled, more than a 1000000 displaced palestinians seeking shelter in the city to escape the finance . it's really military had declared that a safe side is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has rejected us sanctions against, for his writings. settlers court even measures are necessary for us the chair by the sign to the 2nd day of order on the 1st day in response to attacks on pot us to use is the old 5, west back launch explosion and fire at a gas different in the canyon comfortable as killed at least 3 people, 5 fight as baffled for hours to put out the place and directly destroyed vehicles. the right back to the war on guys are in. israel is cool to shut down the you and agency for policy need refugees is raising concern and loving them. palestinian refugees have long accused israel,
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of deliberately preventing their right to return by seeking to hold on was operations center. honda reports now from fidelity refugee camp in northern 11th. this work, the 1st faddie stuffy, has found in a month. life is hard for palestinian refugees in lebanon, and they are expecting it to get worse, as, as well, demands the closure of their lifeline. do you an agency owner? well, i know the owner, i can't afford to put my 4 children into school. palestinians are denied rights and services and they've been non, for nearly 40000 palestinian children are being educated because of the agency. a decision by some donors to suspense funds following accusations by as well, that a number of staff were involved in the october 7 attacks is threatening the agencies operations. and not just in garza, the benefit now to suspend the funding for the board. one of the law will have serious consequences on this community. and of course the human impact would
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because that's how the citizens don't have access to lebanon's public system. so they rely on unable for basic services like health care. it's also the largest employer of refugees. it has at least 3000 on it stuff. now many people feel their future is uncertain, chubb i don't know what the what, how i am one of many you won't be able to afford health care. my wife would dying. she has cancer and kidney problems. the fear of otherwise collapse is not you refugees believe it's been as well strategy to put an end to their rights as refugees. refugees are concerned about under was future, not just because of humanitarian reasons for palestinians. the agency has political significance. it may not have the mandates to secure their rights to return to their homeland, but it was created to provide them with assistance pending
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a solution to their plight. as well as war on gaza is being felt here. many have lost family members and many believe their lives in exile may become permanent. but the israel wants to destroy gaza to push the palestinians out. and they never will allow us to return to how does that from any here, the attack on or what is about ending their status as refugees for good center for their i was just either north in lebanon, many palestinians say they would be tortured then humiliated. well detained by its relative forces. they're great. yeah, cause ations of groceries, treatments of prisoners in violation of international laws, biased or any soldiers target? what was the reports now for rafa in southern guns, beaten to judge and team elated. the accusation of palestinians detained by his body forces during the war and gaza,
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now released in roughly that most of the minute i feel pain everywhere on my body before it just depends on our needs. for hours they kept asking me about the tunnels and about their captives held by how much of the i told them i'm 70 years old and i know nothing about these matters. they hit me a lot when i couldn't find an answer to their question or another said he was taken off to being taught, evacuated to. so what the might spend the 1st 3 days without food and was that we would not allowed to go to the toilet. so we will beach and harshly over this the 3 days. after that, they moved us to another place, some new methods, a talk show, but after a 3 day stop, they shouldn't. they gave us a meal that's not even enough for child. these are not the 1st claims of talked to the hands of the isabel as soldiers. on wednesday, the buddies approximately 30000 indians were found down to the school yard another and cause
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a witness to say if you have been tilted by his very forces been killed and the corpse is booked in plastic bags. this is precisely why israel was taken to the international court of justice with the accusation that it is committing genocide. and the fact that we see that the i c. j ruled in favor of south africa and said that there was a cause of a risk of genocide is simply this, this evidence just simply bolsters that opinion of israel's been committing war crimes against palestinians since 1948. and nobody has ever held israel to account . this violence comes off to the you and top court said israel must do more to prevent the genocide of palestinians ordering it to investigate or accusation of accuse. and palestinians arrests are treated in line with international humanitarian lo allegations of toyota has increased during, as well as will in garza from b thing to withholding medication system on his point to an increase of violations
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of palestinian rights since october. the 7th that's phone says it's contamination from right to groups who say, such evidence needs to be present during a cease fire. such accusations would undermine as well as credibility around the world. it's supported by evidence. it's full on garza has been conducted without just points. has lift little time for relief, i'm describing accusation of tool to adding to feed and once the tendency force evolving palestinians topic about zoom out. just a rough rough off in southern guns. the protests showing the support for palestinian to be kept away from the us. president, as he campaigned in michigan for his re election, but joe biden has already won the supports of automobile union workers in the states. many qualified truth,
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but it's probably go hand reports his support for israel's war and does a good make it hard to win. the crucial swing state from his expected republican rival, donald trump, to the police keeping pro pills, do need active as far away from president joe find tense, moments and police and full rank. your move in their anger, frustration and disappointment on full display. it ends without confrontation, and without seen, the president they say is bite and could see this. you would know he's lost their vote over his handling of the war on gaza. there is nothing that will ever make me vote for a genocidal president ever. ever. not only me, but everybody else, my whole community, my whole out of community will never vote for this man. inside the event find spoke of his support of labor unions, not
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a single mention of gaza. we now have and large part because you in organized labor, the strongest economy in the whole damn world. michigan has a large air of american and muslim population who voted overwhelmingly providing in the last election. if you lose is even half of their vote, it's unlikely he can win michigan without michigan. he has a very narrow path to winning the 2nd term democratic strategist, hoping the potential of another donald trump presidency will be enough to change their minds. but collegial ronnie who helped launch the a band and binding movement says that won't work because joe biden is president. we don't believe that the israelis are bombing a little bit less. so when we have trump, i don't believe they're just going to bump a little bit more just because trump is president and what we need. we need to cease fire. they say they are willing to have another trump turn. it sends the message to politicians over the long term, their voices matter. they now have the power,
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we will be voting 3rd party. and soon they will be seeing that there has been a shift in the tides with people voting 3rd party. we will not just sit idly by and say that we will have to choose between the lesser of 2 evils. we were told no details about where the president was going to be. while he was spent 6 hours in michigan, it was very clear they wanted to keep people far back from the event using snow falls and police officers and the people i talked to say the things that was done on purpose. they didn't want the media seen. huge protest right outside of this event, but in the end, they say it's not going to matter. the protest they'll pay attention to will be in november when he doesn't get their vote political haine. elda 0 warren, michigan. the government didn't get, he is being pressured to offer compensation to people whose homes with gunners to the fuel. definitely expression hundreds of protests is blocked to main road and the capital cannot create at the last, in december killed 25 people demonstrated accuse officials of negligence on going
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to do or not since the destruction of our homes. we did not see anything from the government. we have sleeping in the street is very difficult to stick our children to school. we're not getting any support from the government. today we blocked the road so that the leaders will see what our demands demonstrate. isn't molly of showing the support for the decision to withdraw from the regional organization, tobacco us share and picking it for us? it has also announced plastic with all 3 it ruled by military leaders who sees power and recent crews echo us is criticize of loss of democratic rule or protest as in money back to june to others fed leaving echo us as a backward step. nicholas hoc reports now from neighboring, senegal, the sick stairs enjoyed the prize. the melody and fabric buzzle is sought after an exported across west africa, as always, used to make 2 additional clothes warned, for weddings in religious ceremonies, but shopping or did you the mom i do is warning his customers and neighboring
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countries that the cost of the fabric is about to go up each of the mollies planned to leave the regional west african body echo was me bring an end to the free movement of people and goods like the precious fabric uniform as often as the font is. we only to feel the pinch from the current crisis at to get the impact of leaving the cause, who really software and the government needs to review its decision. thousands of protesters are gathering in molly's capital, bomb echo. they support the decision by their military rulers, along with those of new sharon burkina faso to leave the regional body echo was imposed sanctions and all 3 countries following the military. coups power cuts in molly and the fuel and food shortage. and these here are affecting their populations. meanwhile, attacks from arm groups are on the rise. it's popular smooth because they know that . but eventually that the union, the blog and survey is putting pressure on them to come back to across additional order, which they're not ready to do. so with throwing pointing to the community is
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a way to extend the investigating and follow it legitimately, of course, for the citizens of the 3 countries. this could mean the lead visa. so traveling work in the region, 5000000 of them live in work in ivory coast alone. custom duties may come into complicating the movement of goods as well as people, according to us to test x from the sending of the government. half of the products in goods that trans it through the port of the car are destined to the land lock countries of multi new share. and regina fos. so their withdrawal from the regional body echo us will have an impact on the economies of the region. it will be a year before the split takes effect, but many fear it means more trouble for the region. and the 49 year old union meant to unite african nations, but now dividing them nicholas hawk, elgin's era,
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the car so the head hearing out 0, a deal is done to in the deadlock in northern ireland, will have more from belfast and the return. the power sharing
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the ceiling, the estate, fucked, wrestling, and boxing hit traditionally being f limits to women, one on one a makes the female athletes flashed into the place and the ring on out to 0 the the, [000:00:00;00] the
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now the, the okay parliament's approved deal that pays the way for power sharing government through human overnighted. it's been 2 years since you need this. politicians withdrew from the develop government type of post prices trading arrangements. crucial spending decisions with delayed and public services were badly attacked. sorry for sitting in our posts for both like many schools and genitives in belfast has been doing all that kind to reintegrate people's onto the pandemic. but the some that's been a struggle. so this year the schools introduced a safe space. the haven, the students with special needs or social issues to find rest spite and a friendly yeah. but such innovations, cost money, and funding decisions have been on hold since the collapse in 2022 of northern islands develop government. we need improvement made to our building to make these adjustments. they don't toppling overnight if we don't have that funding. those children at home waiting to come to a place that we had secured for him for see in london on thursday,
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u. k. politicians approve the deal set to restore an overnight as power sharing executive and release more than $4000000000.00 of funding for its public services. but at the same time, another strike was on the way in belfast. this time, public transport workers trying to ensure the demands to pay rises and met and told them the government release funds that give us our pay raise. what's beverly and type of thing? not just us old public sector workers, then we'll continue on. if you ask people about the real world impact to velocity 2 years without a function and government, almost all of them will say it's the health service. almost every metric, especially waiting times northern on cell service like spa behind the rest of the u . k. allen's down to is a family doctor and a senior stick it and the british medical association here. he says his patients
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regularly and do agonizing weights, hospital treatment the most of the year, plus certainly for routine or urgent red flags are slightly different. and, but, you know, some of her elderly patients, for example, you need joint replacements. they could wait 56 years to see a surgeon long term problems within northern islands. public services have been west and by this crippling balance of political deadlock, the politicians about to resume their duties. know that to a large extent, that will be judged by how quickly they can start to put them right. are you close it out to 0, so fast to germany where public transport was because of the latest to walk out on strike. they for the airport security staff who brought apples to a standstill on thursday, and that ruined travel plans for an estimated 200000 passengers during a whole. now, as this report they represent a fairly small sector of airport workers. but if you could post some security yukon, slide jim and these latest industrial dispute to walk out by security screeners,
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therefore crippling affected airports. some of the countries major ones, bullying him, book stood, got cancelled, old. the punch is grounding around $200000.00 passengers. many tourists, i know told of the board in advance for your city with my shared lines and flight members, but nobody can phone. they have no idea the information on the email or i don't know much the one day strike is part of a recent space of industrial action until now read in gemini workplace relations have tended to be more constructive than elsewhere. and you are now high inflation and the show teacher of skilled workers have given unions the upper hand in demanding better wages and conditions when the employee, i don't to get our solution, the re swipe again again again, it comes at
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a bad time for germany's stegman take hold of me. now we see that systematically the strikes become longer and more frequent. and then the comic costs are going to rise significantly in the this comes on the back of an economy that is already weak . the german economy has been shrinking last year. is badly growing this year, so the strike comes at the wrong time for the german economy. there was some relief for travelers this week. this train drive is return to work on monday. but tuesday, so thousands of doctors on strikes. and on friday, it will be the to end of public transport workers bringing trams, subways, and buses. to a halt. jo, how l g 0 a place kentucky. they have rescued 7 people who would taken the hostage to us and factory. local officials say the gunman was detained off for a 9 hour stand off the suspects and put the pictures on social media, sending the extra drawing of the kind of thing in flag. and what appeared to be
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a protest against his rarely actions in gaza. now that the welds are quite as championships are in the middle east for the 1st time. event stats here and colors caputo on friday. more than 2 and a half 1000, definitely taken part, many of whom were going to compete for gold. this is paris olympics. i the richardson as the the some of the speech bravest most for east championship, right. across the southwick's are we don't the world aquatic championships. event is in the middle east for the 1st time. and it's 50 years history. bringing competitions here more and more and water cortex for the 1st time. and i think, you know, i mean at least can have the potential to host olympics at some point. russia and father reese would find from last year's world championships in japan, jew to the crane will not work please from those countries could compete is neutrals if they agree to follow the strict rules,
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including not talking to the media. but there are no russians in the hall and $95.00 since i've registered to take pounds some big names including $21.00. so it will assuming champion k to a decade, a skipping doha to propose that issues pers olympics away from the spotlights of competition. that's the only thing was a paula open will to swimming and autistic swimming the world championships. so as an olympic qualifying will be the 1st and then picks that has meant in the autistic swimming events during the gold medals. the when you see people who get into this for they are say, oh yeah, are watching the games and i was inspired and i looked at that pool and i wanted to draw an artist or something. so i think it's really important to have men in our just let me ask you a little bit because that inspires the young, female athletes, male athletes. just to see a sport that's all inclusive height. the only thing is yet to become an olympic
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schools, but it's being positive d championships to move in a decade the australia is re on an airplane. will be leaking from a twin c meet the platform to defend who will try to indo huh. if i walked up to 20 meters and didn't feel scared, i would think there's something wrong dealing with it is, is something that, that also drive to you as a, as a human being you know, other coming those challenges and nice fees. um, while under pressure ice is such a great feeling and cancel the only thing you sent to continue its trajectory towards olympic. conclusion. on the richardson al jazeera though in color waters the co has plunged into a freezing fuel in no way. but the driver and passenger would soon fished out thanks to the cat, some if a floating soul and that happened to be passing by the college driver says he thought it was in pox mode when he hit the accelerated pedals. luckily they didn't
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have to go for to wilma flight. he saw on a who knew such a thing existed at that's it from 8 o'clock, i'll be back in a couple of minutes. the you know, kind of stay just underway. yeah. the agent of being played here and to tell for a record the time when people say you started the tournaments, but only one will be crowned champions. will keep you right across the action. on the, it's one of the world's largest radio telescopes, designed by soviet era pioneer only to be left lying, idle refusing to be silenced,
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his niece resuscitate the sleeping colossus. the witness knocked 50 full armenians for built in space, drive on the jersey to economic crises. dorming the glow. catastrophic effects caused by global warming and conflicts in wars destroying production. factors aggravating the global food crisis. and the substituting the development of a comprehensive and systematic response. the international conference on to justice from a human rights perspective. challenges of reality and future states organized by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar and association with
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the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the steeping increase in secular times across the occupied westbank. the us sections for israelis. but myself is go on punished the 11 o'clock this is out, is there
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a life of israel's defense minister says that reference southern dogs, that is the next target for ground results for the 1000000 palestinians have moved


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