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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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and with the prophecies, a pressure of despair that we feel for what comes next. the united nations die a warning on life and southern gaza for more than a 1000000 people have moved to escape 5 in the home. and this was put on and this is out of the on line from dog ha, also coming up the steep increase in sets of attacks across the occupied westbank. the us sections full is various, but also skilled on punished a large gas explosion and fun and kenya's capital that needs 3 people are killed, hundreds injured and the world food program says it's receiving reports of people
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dying of starvation and sit on the armies fighting upon men to treat a pressure cooker of despair. that is how the united nations is describing the crisis and southern gaza. their fee is about what comes next with as well as the wondering. it will advance its ground defensive to the southern most region of alpha which borders egypt. the city is already crowded with more than half of gauze is $2300000.00 population looking for safety. a yeah, that this, even though, if i the best, the i'll, i'll pop us in for security to deliver as much as they can to. so if you not enough for that's not enough. clean. frankie will to a and there's no protection with the nobody is, is guaranteed from the,
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from the next kind of wave of fighting that will fears is, is coming on. and it's like every week we think we're gonna talk it any worse. well, go figure it gets worse. as well as defense minister you i've got on says the operation in con eunice, a successful that southern city is a background with hospitals on the siege schools sheltering displays, palestinians bombed and residential areas head. and now the un children's agencies as an estimation of $17000.00 children and gaza. unaccompanied will have been separated from the families in the past 4 months. honey mac, who is in the alpha and southern gaza. this is this one that was more of concerning the reports made by on you on about how the situations are getting really worse. and then the funding part of the gospel, mainly in this particular area in reference to if you were more than half of the
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population been crammed into this pocket in the southern part of the godfrey. largely lacking the basic facility that instruct structured infrastructures male in the area of the evacuation sort of them off the the area. 3 where thousands, literally hundreds of 1000 and people set up their make, have tens of experiencing difficult living conditions as the rain. it continues on weather conditions are worse than in each passing day. but the fact that there is an end is very the intention of expanding the military operation into or off has to be just very worried concerning 2 of the people here. not only looking at over crowded area, but the fact that that extension to the ongoing atrocities and genocide at the genocide that actually it could have listened to another part and gaza strip. of course, the defense minister of as well talk about in terms of it expands,
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expanding the military operation throughout back to deciding that the victory wouldn't be completed without coming through of understanding. how does that fail largely to talk about any safe career doors or safety plans for the 1.9. this place how definitive village civilians with into this part of advice that he just did not make a lot of sense to people who were hoping for a cease fire. the of now will cannot, were going up this morning to the data stating guns concerning news by the defense minister. it's allison, in returning to areas within the besieged strip that is rarely met. the tree has withdrawn from the level of destruction as immense, but many are on phased at the task of rebuilding their homes. once again, in the con reports returning home to what little is left post indians and their home a coffee area, gaza city, are serving the scale of destruction for the 1st time. since he is really military
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announced a withdrawal from small pockets in the seed strip. remnants of their lives are scattered throughout the wreckage. what hasn't been destroyed is the unflinching resilience and loyalty to land that holds their history, their stories and their future motions. the malta, new law properties have been destroyed. we are old. innocent defense are familiar. we have nothing to do it from us or the resistance. they are trying to transfer us . the goal of israel is to force us to go somewhere else. we will never leave all land. we will never go anywhere. you should write scripts estimate more than 70 percent of residential homes in the gaza strip. have been heavily damaged or destroyed. that's around a $132000.00 buildings. the u. n says around 650000 palestinians will have no home to return to. when the war ends. debris from the mass destruction is expected to exceed 8000000 metric tons and take about 3 years to remove. as well as residential
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buildings, schools, government offices, and health facilities run by you and agencies have been leveled or beyond repair. the task of rebuilding seems overwhelming. the palestinians say they are undeterred and on the side of it cut them off. i will stay here until i die. i am steadfast. we will never leave our matter. it is the occupation that we live our lives one day, sooner or later. like many in casa, this neighborhood has been destroyed. to look for the people who live here, this land will always be their home. no matter how many times they need to rebuild and begin their lives again. and run a lot. hon. i'll just here is really sitting over tags have continue in the occupied westbank just hours off to us. president joe biden signed to the executive order in response to the assaults biden has him post sanctions on full is rarely settlers whose attacks left palestinians dead inches and their properties damaged.
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many most fitness have yet to be held to account is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his office rejected the measures cooling them, unnecessary. that abraham is into tamala and explains whether the us sanctions would have any impact on the ground. as we're gonna take last night as an example and this morning then they will have little in fact, we've already seen settlers attacking palestinian homes in the village of cynthia near drama last night. this morning. we've also heard from a family individually of nablus, saying that some of those have attacked them again. that is a sense of impunity when it comes to those settlers. they feel that if they have been able to get away with attacking palestinians that have to say that while it's important on the political levels to see a move like that by the americans. the section if you set there is for palestinians . the main and core issue is that the existence of those indian is really
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supplements which are against international law. there is really a unit is really buildings is really construction in occupied territory. this is against all international law uh articles. so this is what palestinians wants us, they want to see less effects against them. but they also wants to see that lines being safe from confiscation for the service of these really suffers the 2 of the world news now and, and kenya, these 3 people have been killed off to a laurie carrying gas exploded and caused a major fun. 5 foxes, especially for alice to put out the blaze and my rosy. hundreds of people living in a residential area was injured and vehicles discharge catherine, so it has the latest from nairobi. so this is a compound where this incident happened. it happened late last evening
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and just look at the impact of that explosion. they'll walk trucks here, including the truck that was being used to transport. uh, they said gas cylinder as that one of the city to explode it and that led to multiple explosions. so the government has been here uh, we have spoken to the government spokesman, who said that they are looking into how and why at this facility uh was uh wanting here because this is a residential area for the residents that we stopped to say that they have completed so many times about it says that this whole uh, they say that says they do not want that facility there because they feel like it's unsafe and they wanted the owners to move. it's an area that is not
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a populated like this area is, is a very um, you know, dense a neighborhood. so people are saying that the government needs to do better to avoid such an accident. again, katherine story of the 0 narrow the the world food program says it's receiving reports from saddam of people dying of starvation that you an organization is urging the one signs to provide immediate guarantees unimpeded delivery of food supplies. 10 months of fighting between saddam's army and the power of military rapids support forces as trapped many civilians and cut them off from life saving assistance area. i spoke to lenny kinsley who's the head of communications and spokes person for the world food program for the don. and she explains just how don have a situation is some people are really struggling to afford a basic meal a day, especially those that are in emergency levels of hunger or i p. c, or out of 5,
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which is based on an internationally recognized food security assessment. and what that means is, especially those in the highest levels of hunger, are resorting to the absolute, most extreme coping mechanisms to put food on their plates. including selling everything that they own. and then some areas where conflict, assigning is ongoing, like in types of for 2. people are literally trapped and unable to leave. and that is where we have received or reports from a to monetary and actors that people are dying of starvation and what is urgent as for w p to be able to access these areas to support those who are struggling to this extent. yes, the world food program is only able to deliver food, food assistance to one,
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and 10 people facing emergency levels of hunger. so what are the challenges that you're facing? so the challenge that we are facing are access constraints. and the biggest challenge actually is that we are not able to deliver assistance across conflict lines. uh so in some parts of the country, largely in the east and north, it is a sit on the armed forces that are in control of the territory. now in other parts of the country are different actors such as the paramilitary rabbit support forces . and most of our food assistance comes in through the red sea port. and from there, it's moving through chromeboys further, further west and into some of these different areas of control. and that's the biggest challenge that we face in that we are not getting one that security guarantees. the clearance of the approval of said truck to move these commodities freely. russian attacks and southern ukraine have code to french aid workers,
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french president, a menu mccall and describe the killings near the city of cas on as cowardly. ocean forces launched a series of early morning drawing the tax targeting, southern and central regions. so if you claim with those strikes coming a day after you claim said it had launched an attack on russian worship near crimea . rob mcbride has moved from keith. more strikes being reported over nights in the central and southern ukraine view. okay. you kind of know, sorry to say a total of 24 shy head drones was launch that they intercepted. they say nearly half of those of the ones that got through that was damage reported to energy infrastructure around the safety of previously with around $40000.00 times for a while, being without power. also a 130 mind was trapped on the ground by the power outages, but now returns to the surface. meanwhile, more details have been emerging about what ukraine claims has been a significant success against russia's black sea fleet with video circulating now
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widely after being released by ukrainian military intelligence to backup that claims. this was an attack they say that happened 2 nights ago, and i done to find the small vol ship. it's a described as a me so carrying cool. that's the even all bits with a crew of 40 on both the videos appearing to show it's being attacked by multiple c drones exploding in a bowl of flame and then a sinking. now the russians have not come into the officially on this, but the russian bloggers have confirmed that was some kind of attack. and the ukraine, claiming that they, they had space was a further significant loss for the black, safely, which has in the nearly 2 years of full scale war, i lost a number of vessels to a country. ukraine is invalid, 3 on the list, points out effectively. doesn't have a navy of it, so still ahead on knowledge is here. i'm very simple email in all sizes on why congress the bank to know that precedents have you had any way says way from
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argentina. people here say you wouldn't leave them with a more economic needs. and we're, in the move days, we come a race of freshman by the creation of college official islands to help boost tourism. the narrow southern thailand is quite halting, the sunshine pers catch in particular the shelves are enhanced elsewhere during this still lofting ready season. and i think it will be those in borneo so otherwise a probably java as too much wish. all the west east places. there's still winter to be had it's fairly normal winter now in japan around the miles went to you might say that is not my style, but in china is a different story. we've got waves instead of coming, asked it to best and flat to with that cold and to the with this has been mentioned
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and some of the warnings that exist in this positive china. the code is pretty long way, sorry for terms and then showing great and much below where they should be not been housed already producing like the flooding in other parts of some of the china. so this is the worst they think they seen since about 2009 out of the by state will apply the amount of rain. we've seen a change the folk regime in new delhi because of fund rewrite. yes. today the folks in the little bit, the breeze picked up. this may well happen elsewhere in the golden indian plate. and because of this month, almost the rest of the wave on its way through. otherwise, the picture is pretty much as you might expect for india, for pakistan, and you don't expect to see very much rain in karachi is telling me about 7, which is the average. well guess the more than that, the unique perspective on and the i don't want to even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really
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a formatting thoughtful this coverage and there's no reason to target the journal on her. it's voices that i'm of the patient. please be connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own homes. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out to 0 of the you're watching me and it's been put on and done on the mind to about stories to tell you an agency says is concerned about israel's plans to expand its operations into drama, queen and gaza at a pressure of despair the southern city bordering egypt is the last place of refuge
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from more than half of gauze as the 2300000 population. and the new one's children's agencies. as an estimation, 17000 youngsters and gaza have been separation from this happens. you must have had already a cold. israel's military offensive move on children. and as various types of attacks have continued just hours off. so us president joe's live inside an executive order and response to the assaults, violence against palestinians and the occupied westbank has increased shortly since israel launched as one, gaza and israel's coal, to shut down to you one agency for palestinian refugees is raising concern and 11 on palestinian refugees have along with choose israel, of deliberately preventing their right to of a to i station to hold on russ operations. so in all the reports from the dobby refugee camp in northern 11 on this work, the 1st for the stuffy has found in a month. life is hard for palestinian refugees and 11 on. and they're expecting it
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to get worse, as, as well, demands the closure of their lifeline. do you an agency owner? well, on the owner, i can't afford to put my 4 children into school. palestinians are denied rights and services and they've been of nearly 40000 palestinian children are being educated because of the agency. a decision by some donors to suspend funds following accusations by as well, that a number of staff were involved in the october 7 attacks is threatening the agencies operations. and not just in garza, the benefit now to suspend the funding for the, for one of the law will have serious consequences on this community. and of course, the human impact would because that's how this city and still have access to live and on public system. so they rely on underwashed for basic services like health care. it's also the largest employer of refugees. it has at least 3000 audit stuff
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. now many people feel their future is uncertain, chubb the lowest of the book. i don't know how. i am one of many, you won't be able to afford health care. my wife would dying. she has cancer and kidney problems. the fear of otherwise collapse is not you. refugees believe it's been as well strategy to put an end to their rights as refugees. the refugees are concerned about the owner was future, not just because of humanitarian reasons for palestinians. the agency has political significance. it may not have the mandates to secure their rights to return to their homeland, but it was created to provide them with assistance pending a solution to their plight. as well as war on gaza is being felt here. many have lost family members and many believe their lives in exile may become permanent. but the israel wants to destroy gaza to push the palestinians out,
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and they never will allow us to return to holly from any here. the attack on the wall is about ending their status as refugees for good center for their elders. either north and 11 on raleigh is being held in support of palestinians and several cities around the world. and the edmonds capital son of thousands of people are calling for an end to as well as one, gaza. weekly demonstrations have been taking place there on fridays humans with the rebels having caring out the tax and the red sea on ships heading to a link to israel. the hopefully said they'll continue the attacks until the roll ends and for test a showing their support for palestinians have been kept away from the us president . and does. he campaigned in michigan for his re election job item has already won the support of ocean louisville. and union workers in the states, many call factories, buses, patrick hall haines reports to support for as well as one, gaza, could make it hard to win the crucial swing state police
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keeping pro pillows, do need active as far away from president joe vine. tense moments and police and full rank, your move in their anger, frustration and disappointment on full display. it ends without confrontation and without seen, the president they say is fight and could see this. he would know he's lost their vote over his handling of the war on gaza. there is nothing that will ever make me vote for a genocidal president ever. ever. not only me, but everybody else, my whole community, my whole out of community will never vote for this man. inside the event find spoke of his support of labor unions, not a single mention of gaza. we now have and large part because you in organized labor, the strongest economy in the whole damn world. michigan has a large air of american and muslim population who voted over willingly providing in
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the last election. if you lose is even half of their vote, it's unlikely he can win michigan without michigan. he has a very narrow path to winning the 2nd term democratic strategist, hoping the potential of another donald trump presidency will be enough to change their minds. but collegial ronnie who helped launch the a band and binding movement says that won't work because joe biden is president. we don't believe that the israelis are bombing a little bit less. so when we have trump, i don't believe they're just gonna bump a little bit more just because trump is president and what we need, we need to see is fine, where they say they are willing to have another trump term. if it sends the message to politicians over the long term, their voices matter or the thing, know, have the power, we will be voting 3rd party. and soon they will be seeing that there has been a shift in the tides with people voting 3rd party. we will not just sit idly by and
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say that we will have to choose between the lesser of 2 evils. we are told no details about where the president was going to be. while he was spent 6 hours in michigan, it was very clear they wanted to keep people far back from the event using snow falls and police officers and the people i talked to say the things that was done on purpose. they didn't want the media seen. huge protests, right outside of is event, but in the end, they say it's not going to matter. the purchase, they'll pay attention to will be in november when he doesn't get their vote. patio hain, elda, 0 warren, michigan. dodge and tina. now we're raj. police have hard rubber bullets and was a candidate protest as determined to stop the government spending costs. the confrontation happened as politicians, debates and major reforms proposed by new the elective president hobby. in the day of today's, of the reports from what a site is produced to say, life will get even harder for them if his plans stopped the tension and cables outside argentina's congress as a debate rages insight on whether to pass origin tina's precedents have yet to me
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so cold only will spill in a motor. nice thing, the country's economy. not everyone is happy with the change. the president wants for origin. tina is the main thing. the only way have human lady can impose his ultra liberal model, is with repression. he wants to delete workers' rights and origin to, you know, with the bill and we weren't to allow, it will be on the streets fighting back these have been trying to make it. 6 the police using piper right walter count on, in order to prevent didn't have to follow with a modernize the economy to attract boring investments. when she won't be confronted with argentina, neighbors, thousands of people on the street when they responded to the violence outside congress with this controversial tweet allow union congress opening a cage or
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a prison for the thousands of protesters on the street. they've been initially contained over 600 loss, but has now been reduced over 200 as the president was forced to give into the demands of other political parties. the new package gives the precedent. emergency powers for a year allows for the privatization of 37 state companies and modernize the exportation of fossil fuels. that can be the same data being then 0. dena is an intensive care and it's seriously addicted to a drug, the drug, the deficit, and the symptom, this inflation put in his him is the drug dealer ident team that needs to get rid of this addiction because we wouldn't solve a feature. otherwise. the old nibble's bill is that you, precedents 1st big political test, let me let you had a decision to make. he could say, i'm going to go, or for as much as i can go right to the beginning, to have a strong impact to make use of my political capital,
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because i've just been elected and so on. and then we can see how this battle goes, or you can say, i'm going to take these things on one by one. i don't want to have to have too many enemies at the same time. he's chosen to make promises. he's austerity measures and reforms. we bring down sewing inflation in argentina and jumpstart the economy. but these images of repression on the streets. so how difficult the months ahead will be. and how the president is willing to confront those who dare oppose him. the so i just see that when i'm citing and peas in germany have paused the final hood to change the low on becoming a german citizen. and, and then the bad on holding deal citizenship john. so the old actual says, new legislation will benefit people who lived and worked in the country for decades . the revised will will allow applicants to keep their existing citizenship and reduce the time someone has to live in germany before qualifying for
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a passport. most applicants will be eligible off to 5 years instead of 8. but the timeframe falls to just 3 years for fluent german speakers. dominic a and has more details from being in. and this was the last points of which political opposition to the citizenship law could be manifest in the chamber behind the one to stop the states house of parliament in germany. there was speeches in favor of the speeches of james, but in the end, the harsh decided not to vice in favor, but also not to vote against them because of the constitution of this country. it means the little goes through because of the phone does talk, the elected house of parliament, had already voted in favor of it. in so far as the practicalities are concerned, well now the law will go to the president. people sign it 3 months off so that some points in may, it will become low thoughts. that does not mean that the people who will now be able to apply for the,
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for us citizenship. and if possible to get this anytime soon, there is a large back lock, hundreds of thousands of people ready in the system under the existing law law. still waiting for that cases produced to the point to make here is that there is at least one policy that is very much opposed to this policy. the if day the alternative for germany policy, which some of its members have even talked about re migration, false deportation. of people who've already become gender, sending them back where they came from, mainstream bodies don't agree with that policy. of course, the conservative christian democrats say that this new law is not a good idea for germany, but they didn't suppose that in this particular debates in the one the scotts, dominant cane houses, era bully, the controversial project to reclaim lands underway in the mall deeds, recreate house official island susan sent drudge from the ocean floor. the government insist it's needed to boost tourism. that activists one damage marines.
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life tony chang, reports from them all. dates the white, sandy beaches and clear to close waters. this is the multi of the world knows not, but the island of island gilley is a small low waist. this next to the capital, one of the most densely populated cities in the world. just off the coast project to try and remedy the pillows, sent into the sea for highway, leading to what to now just assemble will be a new call, get pulled and residential blocks locals have watched. is there a direct view into a building site? they take, they stand using a dresser, and they put all the sad insight. and this is one of the biggest explanations at bringing them all of and that had a very immediate impact. and then we came out to have a look that was settlement looms like a cloud of 30 mind coming and hitting a lot of you like it was this bad when this started it.


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