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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 2, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the services and use our own algae, 0. i'm for the black people live in don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. prophecies, a pressure cold of despair that we feel for what comes next. die a warning from the un on life in the southern guys by way more than a 1000000 people have been told to move for safety. a letter of protest more than a 100 officials from the us and europe saved their lead. his actions and policies could be contributing to will crimes in casa,
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as teeth increase in federal tax across the occupied westbank, the us sanctions always relays button does, and so on, punished. also this our a large explosion and fire in kenya's capital. at least 3 people are killed and hundreds are injured. and pete has stems with your school. so straight in south korea prepared to go head to head and the asian cup cold finals, the winter will face, told them in the same ease of the baby. so chicky started to reach the last for the 1st the thank you for joining as a pressure cooker of despair. that's how the united nations is describing the crisis in southern gaza and many few at what's coming next with israel warning it will advance its ground offensive to the 7 a most region of verify that borders egypt. the cities already crowded with more
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than half of guys, us population of 2300000. looking for safety. a. yeah, that this, even though, if i the best the i'll, i'll pop us in for security to deliver as much as they can to. so if you not enough for that's not enough clean frankie will to a and there's no protection with the nobody is, is guaranteed from the, from the next kind of wave of fighting that will fears is, is coming on. and it's like every week we think we've got a can't get any worse. well go freedom, it gets worse. israel's defense may, so you have guidelines set on thursday is forces are aiming to dismantle, have mice and gaza and claim to military operations. in con, units have been successful. the southern cities, hospitals are under siege with schools sheltering. the space palestinians being bombed and residential areas hits. now the un children's agency says,
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an estimate is $17000.00 miners in the streets. unaccompanied will have been separated from their families during the past 4 months. let's get an update on the situation on the ground and speak to target was a, was live for us in a rough or the you and says atari that rafa is a pressure cooker. just how worried off people that way you are about the next phase of these rose operations, getting to them of the world for us at coca and tax is a very simple what just to describe the humanitarian crisis in the southern parts of gauze and in particular, in roughly now, the last remaining majority of guns who have been displaced from the houses off to following the old as well. the east bed he met at 3 to be here seeking safety. and now off to the east bed. he defense, minnesota. i've come down to announcements and thousands of. busy the success of military operations in con units, they are hitting this side towards rough uh, this area, the septic tank. a specific to be
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a center for the palestinian fighters. the are going to be the next target for the used by the occupation while there is in this area more than 1900000 out of scenes living in very crowded areas. um, there was no, any industry that could be cleared out of a residential or at least the back to resolve the situation for them as people are waiting for us as far as the on getting assets and domestic negotiations being made like a ton of different reasonable access the phrase that these very occupation forces might take that practical the steps to be translated on the ground. and these thoughts of the military operations here in a rough or has they have no option for maintenance. there is no any place safe to get to, especially after the, at the destruction that have been selected to the majority of areas in garza is where the men of trees. those are promoting that they might be brought back to. can you into sports with another costs of goes up to now people see it even if it pertains to you, to return back to these areas,
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he will return back to russell's 2 deputies. they won't find anything to live in and also to defend. also the situation for them here on the ground sounds to be completely desperate for them as they are struggling deep by date. only tuesday of bob's habit, the ongoing, deep shortage of fluids and of the humanitarian, basic necessities. and we have unit seth topic warning that they are today, 17000 children who is separated from their families way all these children in gaza to day and who's taken care of them as well as children, especially the old one, not accidentally going through a very dramatic and drastic situation right now is especially we have been seeing that the is very ministry attacks on gaza strip had resulted to a very high race of death sold and injuries among gall since were children have lost the parents. and as they were in the very desperate need for that, they run so can, as we've been seeing and we are as a community here we have,
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we're living an extended families. that means that also the death of parents, the family members still are still alive, who will take care of the majority of the children who have lost that one of the parents for both of them out of the organizations he has heart dollars, especially the chart to be what they're also providing. uh, cause people bought all of those children here inside those that have been they get to sleep and fax it in a very desperate need for mental health supports as they have a suffering from high rates. and she, me levels of uninstall, i see they cannot sleep well and they also have a very high levels of own system. it's a m, c a m b r to every single sign. the hearing sound of balmy's looks flow just they become absolutely terrified as they have been going through unbearable situations that new children around or. busy have been going through or such at least to some of the ones as promising it children not guessing here inside it'd be seats in place. yeah. this conflicts like the others this
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a portion of the affecting children topic. thank you so much for that updates topic up was a lie for a say in a rasa in southern gaza. that palestinians are returning to areas in the besieged guys and straight from where these really military has withdrawn. the scale of destruction is immense, but many se then not deterred by the huge task of rebuilding their homes and run. le con reports returning home to what little is left post indians and that home. a coffee area of gauze a city are serving the scale of destruction for the 1st time. since he is really military announced a withdrawal from small pockets in the besieged strip. remnants of their lives are scattered throughout the wreckage. what hasn't been destroyed is the unflinching resilience and loyalty to land that holds their history, their stories, and their future motion. the malta, new, all our properties have been destroyed. we are old,
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innocent defense are familiar. we have nothing to do it from us or the resistance. they are trying to transfer us. the goal of israel is to force us to go somewhere else. we will never leave all land, but we will never go anywhere you should give me the right scoops estimate more than 70 percent of residential homes and the gaza strip have been heavily damaged or destroyed. that's around a $132000.00 buildings. the u. n. says around 650000 palestinians will have no home to return to when the war ends. debris from the mass destruction is expected to exceed 8000000 metric tons and take about 3 years to remove. as well as residential buildings, schools, government offices, and health facilities run by you and agencies have been leveled or beyond repair. the task of rebuilding seems overwhelming. the palestinian said they are undeterred and on the side of it cut them off. i will stay here until i die. i am steadfast. we will never leave our matter. it is the occupation that we live our lives one day,
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sooner or later. like many and casa, this neighborhood has been destroyed. but for the people who live here, this land will always be their home. no matter how many times they need to rebuild and begin their lives again. and run a la hon. i'll just hear a while since the start of the war, palestinian civil defense teams have been working tirelessly to save lives and lack of machinery and fuel isn't stopping them from responding to calls for help. let me go. so i'm sure revise that story. the civil defense, deans, and gaza, have never been this busy extern suppose of medics rescue in size starting to snow to head out since is well began at school until so civil defense teams and districts have been working round the
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clock and under trying circumstances. the tuesday is rarely military of intentionally destroying the station. a lot the situation on the ground is dia all civil defense stations in the north and central problems of cars that have been destroyed by his really strikes you is really truth, intentionally talked and civil defense equipment. b as the, despite the destruction rescue teams continue to operate. 2 leaving hundreds of flights, they have been red moments to solution to this to the lack of equipment and fuel is affecting the immune need to save more lives. at times. themes of how to use the bad hands to pull out the can just from the rubbing costs of health ministry says nearly a 1000 people are missing the majority of fuel to be under the degree of boomed out buildings and also the bucket. after that,
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we have responded to more than $4000.00 dimensions. it cools in the past few days alone. we also for some must have fire despite the fact that i'm right has not supplied us with any fuel and then look at it. and these really bowman campaign has destroyed much of the infrastructure, including roads, making it even harder for rescue was. telecom blackouts also have print their book, the name of michael on the international civil defense organization to live up to its role and to k, to 2 on these under the circumstances we call them the un to ad swiftly to me, telling me around 50 personnel will have been killed during operation so far. 7 teams have also come on to direct his randy attack. this fund the dangerous the continue to work with limited resources and no guarantees of the safety of consumption these. i'll just see the move in 800 officials in the u. s. u k, and the european union has signed
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a letter criticizing the government support of israel to on gaza. thank jude, about 80 from american agencies. while the largest group is from the european union institutions, the letter says israel showed no boundaries and its military operations, causing tens of thousands of preventable civilian deaths. the military operation has him contributed to defeating a mouse and his instead, strengthening its appeal. it also says support for his rev has been without waiting conditions or accountability and that the governments risk contributing to great violations of international humanitarian law, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and genocide that speak to uh, white house correspondent kimberly hawk. it was in washington dc. kimberly, we've already seen this sent letters in the us from the state department officials this. how significant is this one? what's different about this one as well, and there's nothing different about this one. i think what is significant about it is it is the latest in
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a string of letters that have been sent from parting the us presidents since the fall. and as you mentioned, it's coming uh at a significant time for the fact that the president is literally 10 months away from trying to win re election. as you point out, the us president has had a string of letters from the 500 employees from 40 us government agencies. the 1000 employees from u. s. a. the thousands of state department officials sending internal cables to the secretary of state to the open letters from his very own interests and even from capitol hill. the president has been bombarded with the message that his policies are on the wrong track. and even in the last 24 hours, as the president once again tried to campaign, saying that the united states is in lock step with israel. he was in michigan where
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he was being named called genocide. joe being asked, how many children have you killed today? as shame on you, it is a kind of political protest that has not been seen in this country really since the vietnam war. and the us has been very much rallying around this message. every time the president tries to speak with these protestors have shown up. and even as the president's staff says that the president supports the right to their 1st amendment, right to protest, this is getting increasingly difficult for the president to get his message out in order to win re election. so that is what significant about all of this. all right, thank you very much for that. kimberly. kimberly how get our white house correspondent in washington there. let's now discuss this further with craig marie, who's a former british ambassador, and a former reg to at the university of dandy who joins us from germany. thank you for your time. so 800 officials openly criticizing the government and coordinating in
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this criticism, how significant is this rest, your thoughts about this? and what do you think is the extent of this send among civil sevens in europe and in the us today? once it gets extremely significant, and then the reason it is significant, this, the 1st of us think of the language of the method of making land that they think policy is up to the bell. and secondly, the co ordination involved and then look at these uh, uh, a visual style. um 10 is that the countries um, 15 major western countries and they've coordinated together to produce this. the homeless suddenly means that they called in they took together using the official called the nation networks in which they meet transatlantic security committees, very likely made to the committees give them the identities of the people involved
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. come so the, you know, these are the committees structures and the officials were meant to be kind of like the west security architecture. and the whole security architecture is saying to the west and leadership, you've got the study and all the i'm so that that's intentionally it's indicative called the very loves to be of discontent. ok, so you think a large degree of discontent? now the document does not include the name of sign is because they, they feel reprisal apparently. what do you think they'll might have pushed them over the edge? because european and us policy on this issue of israel palestine on this issue has largely been consistent. what do you think, let them, let them today to write this, let us and i think so to me by being emboldened by the judgment of the international court of justice,
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that really makes it impossible for concerns to be just dismissed by politicians and say, oh, but we don't think there's anything wrong, we don't think it's those, but i can believe it's very plain is that respecting blo online they have a father to, to a source, to, to him, to, to say the i c j. he says this is possible genocide. so i think that's important me the sign a say the raise concerns through internal channels, but that they were ignored. do you think that openly and publicly denouncing these policies will make a difference? but it will make a difference on public opinion and it will make it harder for governments to avoid that example. accusations of complicity in genocide and but it is, it's very plain they will wound up. they've been gold. i think the thing to remember is, i'm not sure,
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but the politicians will change calls because the fact is now the civil southern. so honestly trying to do their job to, to, for the interest. so they come to you sometimes they see fit. but politicians are both in power. bolt defend the sold by the is really loving the that's the simple to design this lovely stuff. political decision makers about nobody owns these, these civil servants, that they're not all to pay and paypal. uh, that's why they're able to speak i, it's in this way so not likely to make a difference on policy even us. and it's going to be difficult to dissuade the politicians, you know, in almost every single western country, both of the official coffee and government and the officials, main opposition party supports what the service doing in so many western countries
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such named united states from united kingdom because the political class is a big deal, but the, these civil servants, in the sense of the site to go much wine to public concern the general population, but is less than voltage across the pin and north american state speak. people see what is happening. you know, in this age for social media can come do these things in secrets anymore. so, so then the general population, if, if the general, sorry to interrupt, if the general population has a voice in all this, then they could ultimately effect policy through the ballot boxes, right? you would jump. so what does that mean here in the u. k, the new k, but i'm 50 citizen and united kingdom for example. you have the labor and the conservative policies, both of whom slavishly support israel. not the leaders of both policies refused
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even to say it was a whole crime, a to shoot to not know somebody and tying a white flag full. but it is wrong to this guy. so self his doctors and shoot patients in that hospital beds comatose. you know, that this little bother you can vote for the name of the democratic process simply as a functioning. thank you for talking to us about this. very interesting to your thoughts, craig, mary, former british and bass are joining us on the al jazeera news out. subjects now is really sadly our taxes still taking place in the occupied westbank just hours after us present. joe biden signed an executive order in response to the souls biden has imposed sanctions on for is really such as a tax left palestinians, dead and injured and the property is damaged. but many more settlers have yet to be held to account is really prime minister. benjamin is now whose office rejected the
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measures calling them unnecessary. while the un says secular violence has increased significantly since the october, the 7th attacks, at least 367 secular types have been recorded in the occupied territories between october and december, with one 3rd of the incidents involving guns, 7 palestinians, including a child have been killed in attacks in the past 3 months. that you and says more than 1200 policy is up in force from the homes by federal violence. and despite hundreds of palestinians being attacked, only 2 settlers have been arrested. i'll just say or is neither a brain spoke to an activist who said, present bible sanctions against force atlas will have little impact. let's talk more about those attacks with this. an activist who has been for years talking about the rowing attacks of settlers against palestinians. they have had mr. japan july and you've been monitoring and seeing those secular attacks for years. do you
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think that this executive or they're being signed by the us president, is going to have any effect on the solar violence on the ground? and if it's the point of talking about that, organizing gang, so such as the, the, are the got, i think people are, i guess the best thing in the communities. and just to see that late in the last 3 months, we've got a 16 palistine in between communities as being, fortunately displaced and pushed out from the lens by the sickness, a visit. does that organize? then? do you have the, the, who is the one who's commenting the crime? is this lovely loose and this is the crimes against humanity, the committee. it's the deadly, those that was inciting against the nice thing the minute that i think them out of the one who's invisible to governments now being viewed as swats, which has been, is this sort of leaders of this, of this, the guns with the groups. nathaniel as well, so it doesn't put in any way i mean by didn't come just kind of just like throw solely in our eyes
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the, let's turn our attention to some of the days of the world news. and the international court of justice has all of that. it does have jurisdiction to hear ukraine's genocide case against russia. just days after the 2022 invasion ukraine, the fisher accused russia of reaching the genocide convention. russia said it was in reading to stop and that led genocide of russian speakers in eastern ukraine. russia rejected ukraine's case that it was reaching the treaty and wanted the case dismissed. best way to truce tino marinello about this. he is a professor of law at little john moore's university and he's joining us from nipple. thank you very much for being with us. so the i, c. j has ruled that this case can go ahead. how significant is this? first of all, but it's also one of many things for having made this afternoon. this document these particularly both times because 18 days the to the case that is required,
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please say the with more to the maybe it's a stage and now it d or the. busy busy depending on your project objection, on sunny days to buy, you got show in these proceedings that's been rejected either by the cool to just a few minutes ago. because to a we day you want to majority as a rejected or most hold. the believe me, the projects on objections presented the buyer on shot at it as a test confirming that there is a dispute between the assigned you create and you never nation include application interpretation. it will seem to myself with a genocide to combine shop and the court types of jewish diction. but people are in this stop rushing into maybe it's case that to ukraine as not committed to the genocide specific care. they all but go hoss getting done. yes, cooking, you're doing a territory. okay. just just to break it up for a of us for international audience. just to understand this case a little bit more the case. so revolves around the 1948 genocide convention.
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ukraine is not accusing most of committing genocide in ukraine, but it's saying that in russia violated this treaty by justifying the invasion of ukraine by saying that it was needed to stop. and i like genocide of russian speakers in eastern ukraine. i. i know that is extremely difficult to, to prove genocide in, in a you know, it and then it tribe, you know, so how, how will you can go about doing this? how would it be possible to, to prove this in the court as well? first of all, as you could please say that mean this is not an accusation. it gains to the shop of committing the general side of the case. he's based on the following, the on the following down, you might, it's claims presented to by ukraine. the gosh, uh no, sorry to have stopped the that was good. i shall make gains to green on the basis of of votes. the claim that you create in what's completing the genocide india individual. and so i'm going to ask and don, yes, good. the new queen and these for so like a short as being
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a huge supposed obligation to prevent and punish the gentle site that is being used to start the stuff that was it's, it's important to me in mind that the month to 2022. i think the initial cost of just the solar, the issue with the probation on measurements in these case, i'd like to test done in the case against these items and these but based on match what was accepted almost over the putting beyond measure was requested to by putting the costing post on the shop. let's use 5. in other words, to stop it means any war against you create and to be the president over the, the struggle to adjust. he says it remind me that i'm not sure it's not to comply with these, but be sure measures that let's remind the binding. so the case. so we'll move on to not the case on the got the deal, but the use of force heap says, but he's a case on the validation on the genocide convention on this because say okay, so the case will move on and it might take some time before there is a ruling i wanted to talk to you about the i c j and that a little bit more because it's been described as an international court of justice
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. justice without power because it has no enforcement mechanisms. what difference does, does that nice c j voiding made because russia hasn't combined with other previous rulings of the international court of justice? much like israel. yes, i mean, this is a thought brand which is called multiple international institutions, also through international cult of, of jobs. see, so it's important to stress that to the judge and my to day like to the visual and major ruling is legally binding. but it's in for somebody these political sites up on the individual states, in this case, about shot or international organization like to disagree with the golf between play my insides, decisions all the judgments and not to at lee. we don't expect to disagree with the call and see the team plan man ceasefire because of i'll show you the phone. my name's take to 5 people to give it to go do it can use it, get it needs to be defined what's to prevent the security council between bones as he's 5 and the specific context. so if these are likely, as we have seen,
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that seems much of 2022, that they need that seizure and then they got being and the stop falls of the student is in ukraine, the would be effective. okay, thank you so much for talking to us about this. thank you for your insight. tricity, you know, my re nano professor of law livable john morris university. thank you for your time . now, russian attacks in southern ukraine have killed 2 french aid workers. french raise any money in my car and describe the killings near the city of care, so on as cowardly. russian forces launch a series of early morning joined the tax targeting the southern and central regions of ukraine. those strikes came a day after ukraine said it had launch an attack on a russian warship near crimea. rob mcbride has more than that from keith or more strikes being reported over nights in the central and southern ukraine's view. okay . ukrainian no authority say a total of $24.00 shy head drones was launch that they intercepted. they say nearly
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half of those of the ones that got through there was damage reported to energy infrastructure around the city of previously with around $40000.00 times for a while being without power. also a 130 mind was trapped on the ground by the power outages, but now returns to the surface. meanwhile, more details have been emerging about what ukraine claims has been a significant success against russia's blacks. the fleet with video circulating now widely after being released by ukrainian military intelligence to backup that claims. this was an attack they say that happened 2 nights ago. and i done to find the a small boy ship. it's a described as a me so carrying cool. that's the even opiates, with a crew of 40 on board the videos appearing to show it's being attacked by multiple c drones exploding in a bowl of flame. and then i think kicked out the russians have, don't come into the officially on this. but the russian bloggers have confirmed that was some kind of attack and the ukraine, claiming that they,
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they had this was a further significant loss for the black sea fleet, which has in the nearly 2 years of full scale war. i lost a number of vessels to a country. ukraine is invalid, 3 on the list. points out effectively. doesn't have a navy of it. so to i still head on this, i'll just there and use our molly's decision to leave the regional blanket go. ice has divided the country for us and explain how germany is decision to ease of citizenship. laws will affect millions of people and this tre and football pay and makes an entrance fits for a king. as these welcomed thoughts were former, that's coming up as for spaces, stay with us for back up to this show, frank, the heat wave prevails an option to introduce cooling down in places by a blanket,
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for example, of down to $54.00 with increasing likelihood to share with that he's is just drifting further north in towards powder dry. since you're on a run by 40 degrees might go up further. the full cost for the next $3.00 days could take you to $41.00 was half a day, which would be a new record. then it cools down as thunderstorms do the thing and sure, and the atmosphere and a combination of long live drives and then southern flash let's because of the big shelves have been affecting most of the countries for the normal. so presenting, pos, columbia, peru, and occasionally bolivia, that's going to continue for the next day or so. the highest temperature received them. this will allow them to count or be may be repeated, but there's no particular full cost of the fact. and the writing has been fairly heavy in kind of our cost 3. chris can become lights, has no real prevailing bridge relates to trade winds and not very strong up in the moment. it has cooled down in mexico and it will carry on that vain loss because watts come out of california has been heavy, heavy rain. these going slow, the science with this actually the next few days,
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unlikely the significance known in the rockies. and yet more rain coming down the coast of a pacific america at the same time that co, that comes out of the rockies, joins the plains in the womack and we get big funds tomes and louisiana. the of the month of the fish bucket. gone as ordering a general election on february the 8th with its former later on von, and present many buckets on. is that asking if the boys will be free? and fred said without the data for the latest development and detail and analysis, the demand for mental health support is going to know then at any time in history, that's the biggest problem that we face to mental health enough our youth, that is what drives me mindset travels to denmark, what technology is being used to create innovative treatment. i'm here to help
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guide you through exploring and expressing your emotion. i'm ready, and in jamaica, we are skip magic mushrooms. everything is effective and safe on a single usage, depending on the door. same person doing well. stay with i know and no other product like that and all of psychiatry, money since episode full on on disease the, the, you're watching the news hour on algae 0 with me for the back people. a reminder of on the top stories. the united nations humanitarian agency says is concerned about his routes planned to expand its operations aimed at to rasa. describing the 7 know
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16 guys as a precious cook of despair, drama, which folders, egypt is a last place of refuge for more than half of guys as 2300000 population units says says an estimate of 17000 children in guys that have been separated from their families. so you insurance agency had early a call this route military offensive. a war on children. and $800.00 officials from the us and europe have signed a letter of protest saying that need his actions and policies could be contributing to will crimes in gaza. and that also says he's really a tax orange defeating this from us by strength name. it's a pm now group of wounded palestinian den, their families have arrived in contact for medical treatment. there were flown from egypt on a military pain. barbara and go by has the details, fees, interest, palestinians, and their families survive, check points and showing during the john needs to leave garza so catch
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a spent most lost family members of the house since the war and goes up again. and now goodness that it was a normal night that these really tanks came in without warning guys, if we were in the cameras and when the he tested my father and younger sister were killed and i was injured. do i have blood in my eyes because of the tank outside of the bed? the man why you is hoping had thoughts i will make a full recovery. and as i um, what off if i'm i'm accompanying my daughter. she was injured with shrapnel and her head just received permission for treatment outside guys, i think god were waiting now to board the plane and the name on the fly out on fluffy on are process health ministries has more than $60000.00 palestinians have been wounded, steering is ready to attack since october. they rely on barely functioning hospitals for treatment. the world health organization says checks that border
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crossings have slowed down the delivery of fuel food and medicine to the strip. and well, that's obviously done with this like like a distribution then cause is very difficult. people are almost dying and they're suffering really badly. it's getting to complete chaos and famine, especially in the north. and rafa and han eunice, people in con eunice daniel, fella in those from guys. the c t. r o displaced in rough, which was nearly 1500000 palestinian refugees cannot move. i'm fighting between is really forces and palestinian fighters around some hospitals in southern casa, has tons them into was and barbara and got out of sarah as well as call to shut down the ones agency for palestinian refugees is raising concern 11 on palestinian refugees of long accuse israel of deliberately preventing the right to return by seeking to hold on wise operations. i'll just say is gina hunter, reports are,
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but we refugee counts in northern. let in all this work. the 1st faddie stuffy has found in a month. life is hard for palestinian refugees in lebanon, and they are expecting it to get worse, as, as well, demands the closure of their lifeline. do you an agency owner? well, i know the owner, i can't afford to put my 4 children into school. palestinians are denied rights and services and they've been on for nearly 40000 palestinian children are being educated because of the agency. a decision by some donors to suspend funds following accusations by as well, that a number of staff were involved in the october 7 attacks is threatening the agencies operations. and not just in garza, the benefit now to suspend funding for one of the last we'll have serious consequences on this community. and of course the human impact would because that's how the citizens don't have access to live in on the public system. so they rely on
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unable for basic services like health care. it's also the largest employer of refugees. it has at least 3000 on it stuff. now many people feel their future is uncertain, child, most of the board. i don't know how. i am one of many, you wouldn't be able to afford health care. my wife would dying. she has cancer and kidney problems. the fear of otherwise collapse is not you. refugees believe it's been as well strategy to put an end to their rights as refugees. refugees are concerned about on our watch future, not just because of humanitarian reasons for palestinians. the agency has political significance. it may not have the mandates to secure their rights to return to their homeland. but it was created to provide them with assistance, pending a solution to their plight. as well as war on gaza is being felt here.
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many have lost family members and many believe their lives in exile may become permanent. but the israel wants to destroy garza to push the palestinians out and they never will allow us to return the house from any here. the attack on the wall is about ending their status as refugees for good center for their elders. either north and 11 on riley is being held in support of palestinians in several cities across the world in humans capital. so now thousands of people are calling for an end to is are as well on guys, a weekly demonstrations have been taken face at every friday. them and sophie levels have been carrying out a tax in the red sea on ships heading to orleans to israel. that will be se they'll continue the attacks until the war in gaza ends. demonstrators have also gathered in jordan's capital, amman, protesting against the suspension of un funding several western countries tops funding for the agency for palestinian refugees after is really allegations of some
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staff being involved in the october 7 attacks the on to out of world news now. and in kenya, at least 3 people have been killed after a laurie carrying gas exploded and caused a major fire firefighters bottled for hours to put on the blazing. i will be hundreds of people living in a residential area were injured, and vehicles destroyed kathrine. so he has moved from i will be so this is a comb pound where this incident happened. it happened late last evening and just look at the impact of that explosion. they'll walk trucks here, including the truck that was being used to transport this said gas cylinder, as that one of the city did exploded and that led to multiple
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explosions. the so the government has been here. uh, we have uh spoken to the government spokesman, who said that they are looking into how and why this facility was running here. because this is a residential area for the residents that we stopped to say that they have completed so many times about. it says that the vessel, they say that says they do not want that facility there because they feel like it's unsafe and they wanted the owners to move. it's an area that is not populated like this area is, is a very um, you know, dense a neighborhood. so people are saying that the government needs to do better to avoid such an accidents. again, catherine story all does. there are no rosie in germany,
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members of parliament have passed the final hurdle to change the law on becoming a german citizen and ending the bond on holding dual citizenship transfer. old off, shaw says new legislation. well, the new legislation will benefit people who lived and worked in the country for decades. the revised law will allow applicants to keep their existing citizenship and reduce that time someone has to move in germany. before qualifying for a passport was applicants will be eligible after 5 years instead of 8. but the timeframe falls to just 3 is for fluent german speakers. domini kane has moved from berlin and this was the last points of which political opposition to the citizenship. little could be manifest in the chamber behind the one to stop the states house of parliament in germany. there was speeches in favor of the speeches of james, but in the end, the harsh decided not to suffice in favor,
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but also not to vote against them because of the constitution of this country. it means the little goes through because of the phone does talk, the elected house of parliament, had already voted in favor of it. in so far as the practicalities are concerned, well now the law will go to the president. people sign it 3 months off to that some point in may, it will become low thoughts. that does not mean that the people who will now be able to apply for the, for us citizenship. and if possible, get this anytime soon. there is a large back lock, hundreds of thousands of people ready in the system under the existing law law still waiting for that case has to be heard. the point to make here is that there is at least one policy that is very much opposed to this policy. the if day, the alternative for germany policy, which some of its members of even talked about re migration false deportation of people who've already become genet, sending them back where they came from. mainstream bodies don't agree with that policy. of course, the conservative christian democrats say that this new law is not
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a good idea for germany, but they didn't suppose that in this particular debates in the one this hot, dominant cane houses era bully in money demonstrates as i've shown, the support for the decision to withdraw from the regional organization echo off the share and booking at 1st of all. so non strands to create all 3 countries are ruled by military leaders will cease power in recent cools echo as has criticized the loss of democratic rule. and while i protest as in money botched, by the june to batch pigeon to ride it out of the sphere, that meeting echo us is a step backwards. nicholas hungry for some neighbouring sending goss the sick steps in charge. the prize, the melody and fabric buzzle is sought after an exported across west africa, as always, used to make 2 additional clothes warned for weddings in religious ceremonies. but shop on or did you, the mom i do is warning his customers and neighboring countries that the cost of
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the fabric is about to go up. each of the mollies planned to leave the regional west african body echo was me bring an end to the free movement of people and goods like the precious fabric. and we have one that's out in the font is we only to feel the pinch from the current crisis at 2 that the impact of leaving the eco was who was really software and the government needs to review its decision. thousands of protesters are gathering in molly's capital bomb echo. they support the decision by their military rulers, along with those of new sharon brick, you know, fast. so to leave, the regional body echo was imposed sanctions and all 3 countries following the military. coups power cuts and molly and a fuel and food shortage and these year are affecting their populations. meanwhile, attacks from arm groups are on the rise. it's popular as well because they know that. but eventually the, the union, the blog and salaries put the pressure on them to come back to class, additional order, which they're not ready to do. so i was throwing, pointing to the community is
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a way to extend the best staying and follow it legitimately. of course, for the citizens of the 3 countries, this could mean the lead visa to travel and work in the region. 5000000 of them live in work in ivory coast alone. custom duties may come into complicating the movement of goods as well as people, according to assist takes from vista, the goal government, half of the products in goods that trends it through the port of the car are destined to the land lock countries of multi news year and burkina faso, there withdrawals from the regional body echo us will have an impact on the economies of the region. it will be a year before the split takes effect, but many fear it means more trouble for the region. and the 49 year old union meant to unite african nations,
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but now dividing them nicholas hawk elgin's here at the car, us and argentina riah police are fired rubber, bullets, and water count on a protest as determined to stop the government spending cuts. the confrontation happened as politicians debated, major reforms proposed by the new president. how the malay. so a simple report, somewhere in a cyrus protest to say life for them will get even hotter if the president spends on stopped tension and k was outside argentina's congress. so the beat wages, insight on whether to pass origin tina's precedents have yet to be late. so cold only will spill aimed at motor. nice thing, the country's economy. not everyone is happy with the change. the president wants for origin tina this. so that means that the only way have you and the lady can impose these ultra liberal model, is with repression. she wants to delete workers' rights and nurturing to, you know, with the bill. and we weren't to allow,
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it would be on the streets fighting back the . 7 trying to make it. 6 on the police using fibers, right. 7 in order to prevent the development of the economy to attract bullying, investments when she will be confronted with argentina, our neighbors. thousands of people on the street when we may responded to the violence outside congress with this controversial tweet allow union congress opening a cage or a prison for the thousands of protesters on the street. the been initially contained over 600 laws, but has now been reduced over 200 as a precedent was forced to give in to the demands of other political parties. the new package gives the precedence emergency powers for a year, allows for the privatization of 37 states companies and modernize the exportation
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of fossil fuels. that can be the same data being then see you a gina is an intensive care and it's seriously addicted to a drug. the drug does the deficit and the symptoms inflation put in to me is the drug dealer ident team that needs to get rid of this addiction because we wouldn't have a feature otherwise. the old new boost bill is the new president's 1st big political test. mulay had a decision to make, he could say, i'm going to go for as much as i can go right to the beginning, to have a strong impact to make use of my political capital, because i've just been elected and so on. and then we can see how this battle goes, or you can say, i'm going to take these things on one by one. i don't want to have to have too many enemies at the same time. he's chosen to make promises. he's austerity measures and reforms. we bring down sewing inflation in argentina and jumpstart the economy,
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but the family diesel repression on the streets. so how difficult the months ahead will be. and how the president is willing to confront those who dare oppose him. the so i just see that when a site is malaysia, it has reduced the present time or from a prime minister, naji browse ok. he was sent into 12 years after being convicted of fraud, and money laundering is now expected to be released in august 2028. a g was charged for his role in effect and mismanagement of a multi $1000000000.00 state fund. the still ahead on and use our will hear from the boss of mercedes to mercedes for me to one team after the shop is that louis hamilton will leave for ferrari the business like this to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant.
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the business relations to be sponsored by intellect tuck,
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he's real estate consultant. the the right time numbers for say a speech that's probably thank you so much. jordan have reached the semi finals of the asian capital the 1st time in the history. it was an own go that the side of things in the 2nd toss again, such as you saw this some body tunnel send such a keystone home. jordan, have only ever got as far as the quotes has previously, but now they have made it into the final full face. the wind is all of the game that is going on right now. what else? you need stadium. it's a repeat of the 2015. the asian cup, final, which australia one, it's currently no low in that one. the quote, the final is cake of 50 african
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a couple of nations to friday's opening match sees the highest rank team left at the tournament. nigeria take on the lowest angola, but this f gone has been unpredictable with early exits or favorites like morocco, cynical, and egypt. and it's something nigeria is a super ego. so thinking about the so called big seems to have gone out size. it's been a low surprise results, but the main things that we remain focused, we look at all in games. we analyze all in performances and we want to do what's best for us. that's one of 2 games on friday. the other cool to final seems guinea take on the democratic republic of congo. the d r c made it this fall, having beaten egypt on penalties. in the round of 16, the head of mercedes told me to one thing so, so it will say is loise hamilton leaving for ferrari has taken me by surprise. the 7 time world champion has decided to switch to the rivals at the end of the 2020 full season. it will bring to an end of the decade. societies where he's one who
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but one of these drive is titles across the room. but as a couple of days earlier, but wanted to wait for the breakfast we had planned and it was wednesday morning. and this is when he, when he broke the news. but you know, with me you can be very straightforward because i'm straight forward too. so once he said this is what i'm, what i'm trying to do, that was the fact that you can try to convince him otherwise, having judging that seat is great for the team. and knowing that we have a drive on the other lever makes the decision for the 2nd seat, much more comfortable. i haven't really properly reflect the team on wherever going to go from the re key to very experienced because i don't know yet what, what is the best for any potential driver that's coming off or the team going forward? indian creek is or in a good position at stumps on day one of the 2nd test against england. open to your
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shop, c, j swell, put on the one man. sure. rest of the host one, the tulsa interest events between 2 to 56 is in these weights. when i'm beaten century shy swell was 179, not out. at the close. i mean the 356, the 6 even leave the 5 much serious 1000000. now it's a tennis and an historic tie between 2 rivals in the davis cup. india has instincts of pakistan for the 1st time since 1964. to play a world cup group one payoff, usually the countries play at a neutral venue, but the international tennis federation has insisted this one go ahead in the summer, but or the last time india played against pockets on 60 years ago, my father was on the team and you click 3 of the 3 of his matches, which he won. and so for me to be back up here and focused on the captain of the team is and the most of the moment. and it's all this the history in the making and . busy it's then opportunity that uh, you know,
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not knowing intent displayed have had in the last 60 or so on the lives of i would think a quite excited to be here and, and let it stay rug be 6 nations kicks off later when 2 of the favorites for last year as will cut fronts and all had and face sophie must say, both team suffered quote to find leaks. it depends on the eventual finalist south africa and new zealand island, all the reigning 6 nations champions. they also have a new captain in peace romani who was all square the 30 match could decide the championship competition every game is collapsed with and that's an owner statement and you know, make of, of what you want. but, you know, board of a sort of there tomorrow when, when the game and, and set us up for a, for, for, but i'm going to, for the rest of the campaign. and, you know, as i said, huge, huge occasion for both of us the la, cuz we're missing best number on james and anthony davis for the 1st on the season . that's that how the game against the boston celtics,
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because of injuries. but alston reeves stepped up school in a season high city, c 4 and to meet the lake is 2 a 14105. when a canadian naval skill, miguel kingsbury has added these names. so the record books when he is 8712 cup title at a competition in utah, that product the previous meetings are equal for korea will accept wins of by legend, re sweeter skier in the most and knock this is not a seen from a movie. this is for me you've interest and boss to learn to play or to to video being given a welcome for, for a king actually and pub color color. when he started his career, the top gave away 55000 tickets, defends, so they could see the officially on failed as a color coded player again, after 17 years career approved. when he was there for the time being funny picture, thank you very much. we'll see you later, and that's the news. our for now on alger 0, but do say with us, i'll be back in a few minutes with mom, today's top story,
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the oil rich, the rock is facing a crisis and a final bike to results water as dams built by its upstream neighbors with strict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate do the situation. now when regions were settled, funding 1st emerge, pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was part to of, to, on a jersey to settle tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it to the question about 5 unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another cleansing has taken place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leaves profit without the girl's permission to allow me to push back for
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a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 on the market zones. is busy as normal. the single largest employer in palestine is the public opinion for c, p a. the palestinian authority remains the key economic drive of the palestinians, implying a 143000 people. the p a is currently paying an average between 60 and 75 percent of salaries due to each worker because israel is withholding the tax. this is the trade crossing between palestine and israel is rarely saved or released the money, but with deductions and no money for the employees and goals that they was present . joy gordon is putting in tremendous amounts of pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to release the funds to the palestinian authority. the us though is clear, if once a revitalized pe to take a vengeful controlling goes off the wall. anything other than a week, the
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a is not something is wrong, one's currently view far as he is this week, as it as the and it's getting weaker the the services in use, our analogy is 0 for the back to go live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes prophecies a pressure cold of despair that we feel for what comes next. die warning from the un on lysine 7 guys that way, more than a 1000000 people have moved to escape violence. a letter of protests more than


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