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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 2, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm AST

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with the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching that is our life from headquarters and go, ha, i've already navigated, coming up in the next 60 minutes. prophecies, a pressure cold of despair. and we feel for what comes next. a dire warning from the un on life and southern dogs all where more than a 1000000 people have moved to escape the violence. a letter of protests, more than $800.00 officials from the us and europe say their leaders, actions on policies could be contributing to a war crimes and also
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a state increase and similar attacks across the occupied west bank. the us sanctions for is released, but hundreds go unpunished. and so there's been a large gas explosion on fire in kenya's capital. at least 3 people are killed and hundreds are injured. the . it's 19 gmc, that's 9 pm in gaza. the united nations is describing the crisis in the self of the strip as a pressure cooker of despair and many fear what's coming next with is really is warning that they will advance their ground defensive to the southern most region of put us off the borders egypt of the cities already overcrowded with more than half of gauze population of $2300000.00 looking for safety. a. yeah, that this, even though, if i the best, the i'll,
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i'll top us in full security to deliver as much as they can to. so if you're not enough for that's not enough, clean frankie will to a and there's no protection with the nobody is, is guaranteed from the, from the next kind of wave of fighting that we fear is, is, is coming on. and it's like every week we think we've got a can't get any worse. well go freedom, it gets worse. is real defense minister you of go on set on thursday. it's forces are aiming to dismantle hamas and garza and cleans military operations in fine units have been successful. of a southern cities, hospitals are all under siege with school sheltering displaced palestinians being bones and residential areas fits. and now the u. n. children's agency says that an estimated 17000 children on miners in district are unaccompanied, or they've been separated from their families during the past 4 months. okay, let's bring and thought about. so he's doing this,
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not from enough assets in the south of the gaza strip. thought it, let's 1st talk about developments on the ground because these really say that their aim is to dismantle from us and guys, as we know, they're claiming that their military operations and fun eunice have been successful . but what have you been seeing and hearing on the grounds, a well, darren, that's completely a part of the ongoing military attacks that have been conducted by these really forces in different areas. of course, the goal is to serve and who have been seeing more confrontations have been taking place in the city of hon units, which is one of the main focus areas for the is very forces. and they are in circling velocity remaining hospitals that, that preventing people then medical teams from getting out of the field today. the director of warranty is department that the palestinian, where the cricket society by is very small wipers. and this is completely a parts of the i'm going give size of military a textbook at the, the statement that had been released by the is what the defense minister you're off
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. kalonde is that you have successfully taken a full control over the city of con. you this sounds to be a part of an introduction for what will come next for palestinians, especially that the majority of people in russell had been more worried about that step. that might be taken by these very many treat it to the ongoing fighting that continues on the ground. them to dates more than 100 palestinians being killed along with more than 140, injured and with, with what we can see on the skulls of cities that there is a new kind of fighting, had taken place. that when the policy in fight isn't that he's been a sewage just as the military and how much i say that as it has been saying that they have been at confronting and flashing with the east. really. so we just want to keep garza city a day for who it's these areas. we need to clearly remember the east where the forces that said that they have been taking full control over. but right now, renewing of fighting has been already existing. that's right. okay. and thought it, look, you were mentioning it off just
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a moments ago and we know that earlier there were airstrikes into that fast. what's been the aftermath of those strikes and how concerned are people over a military incursion into deaf, which as we know was supposed to be a say. so a well influx? palestinian has all kinds of mo, growing mistrust. and they cannot compete you right now. believe these very military simply because they have been following the oldest of these very israel since the beginning of this round of fighting day by day as they are now living in a rough la, which is the last remaining area. now, with such announcements, by the defense minister, it seems that we have new need of a place to go to specially if the is ready, a force is planning to force people to return back again to call us or any other. a city in gauze i, which completely right now had been reduced to the russell people will not be able to find protest. civic infrastructure depends on if they are returned back again to
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these areas. and even if the tax had resumed again in russia and practically the manager of operations thought that it seems that we have moved death amongst civil units, especially also the casualties a on a new slides. because roughly right now is very overcrowded as fluids. as with evacuees, so we can have new, any other place inside garza to be protected inside. so this is what policy has right now have been believing and have been also a trusting. it seems that they have new, any of the options were made to wait for a kind of a fruitful negotiations that might, that's the way for us to supply in to us telling us on the ground before applying that a step that might be taken by his reading defense, we did the coming days. thank you. so my thought of also in the forwarding from what i found in gaza, palestinians are returning to areas in the besieged because of strep from where the is really military has withdrawn. the scale of destruction is immense. and many say that they're not deterred by the huge task of rebuilding their homes. iran or la
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con reports returning home to what little is left the pulse demeans and that helmet costs. the area of garza city are serving the scale of destruction for the 1st time. since he is really military, announced a withdrawal from small pockets in the besieged strip. remnants of their lives are scattered throughout the wreckage. what hasn't been destroyed is the unflinching resilience and loyalty to land that holds their history, their stories, and their future motions. the malta, new, all our properties have been destroyed. we are old, innocent defense are familiar. we have nothing to do it from us or the resistance. they are trying to transfer us. the goal of israel is to force us to go somewhere else. we will never leave all land. we will never go anywhere. yes, i can write scripts estimate more than 70 percent of residential homes in the gaza strip. have been heavily damaged or destroyed. that's around
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a $132000.00 buildings. the u. n says around 650000 palestinians will have no home to return to. one of the war ends. debris from the mass destruction is expected to exceed 8000000 metric tons and take about 3 years to remove. as well as residential buildings, schools, government offices, and health facilities run by you and agencies have been leveled or beyond repair. the task of rebuilding seems overwhelming. the palestinians say they are undeterred and on the side of it cut them off. i will stay here until i die. i am steadfast. we will never leave our matter. it is the occupation that we live our lives one day, sooner or later. like many in casa, this neighborhood has been destroyed. but for the people who live here, this land will always be their home. no matter how many times they need to rebuild and begin their lives again. and run all the hon. i'll just hear more than 8 hundreds officials in the us, u. k. on the european union have signed
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a letter criticizing their and government support of israel's were on gaza. they include about 80 from american agencies, while the largest group is from european union institutions. the letter says, as rules show no boundaries and its military operations, causing tens of thousands of preventable civilian debts, the military operation hasn't contributed to defeating from us and does instead strengthening its appeal. it also says support for israel has been quote, without real conditions or accountability, and that there are governments risk contributing to great violations of international humanitarian law, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. berber founder woods is a former dutch diplomats who served in my law. she resides in 2022 in protest. adults policy on israel and palestine. she says the letter shows how serious the situation is. they are so deeply worried about what the current position taking
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with the current lines of action are doing to not only the stability region, but also what are, what is the impact on, on, on, on international law and incredibility. so that's why you see everywhere across the world, basically you see, you see some sort of formal organizing. also in the netherlands where i'm from, there has been, have been less as already there are weekly, sits in the minister of foreign affairs of civil service across the government. and yeah, and so the civil service decided that it would be a strong message if they organized, also across the ocean, across the atlantic ocean to, to give a signal. and that's what they did. an important factor. what of course, also uh, the routing uh of the segments of the international court of justice last week, stating that what is happening and gods are right now has a high probability of
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a masking suggest side. so we are dealing with an extreme situation and i think it is a bit of the coverage of the, of a desperate maybe as well. they just realize the civil service that they are the possibilities to influence can certainly be which they would rather do much rather do. i mean this is not something you should do every day. of course a bonus. uh, there's basically no way of pushing the policy in the right direction and forwarding to the well, let's discuss the some more with elders are a senior political analyst model on bush auto high mode one. so this looks to be a huge least significant just thanks to the serial number of people that signed onto this letter as well. it's important that the civil service people join in a number of other segments of the societies in the west who have rallied slowly. but
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surely around the issue of justice in palestine ceasefire into the general side and so on. i guess. well, you know, the latest, but of that never. we are already on the 4th month of the of the, of the war and general side have as we've been reporting and killed the so many, you know, children, old people, young people casualties over a 100000 or something. so the idea that they are coming out on that like uh, like mayors and different americans with these, like civil societies of all sort of all sorts. of course, it's also they'd join the movements uh, you know, for a degree and movement at the social justice movements the until races movement. so the fact that they are joining in, i think that adds another layer of an argument and accumulates the pressures on western governments that had been breast vacantly, hypocritical, as you said,
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that's were ready in the 4th month of this war. what do you think of the timing of this and what do you think it is that actually pushed them over the edge to do this? well, it's definitely the scenes from guys on it. and then by themselves who run this, but i think there was a huge symbolic and or wait for the i c j a link. i think once the course of the land, once the united nations court, the world's court came out with this decision. and basically imposing 6 provisions, 6 into orders in my, to my mind. and that's personal interpretation is that it was basically indicted it for genocide. and i think i'm so many ways that has encouraged a lot of people, a lot of officials, a lot of activists, but also a lot of conservatives, meaning people who would just visit the class. so for the civil servants, as we see here, but also lawyers and join others on support to come around and,
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and to start speaking with more and more for justice milan, this news just in this is, according to the reuters news agency who's reporting that the us next year said on to the bank and will be traveling to them at least once again, from february, 4th, to the 8th, to, to work on the release of the hostages and to secure a humanitarian pause report or the what's your reaction to the, you know, over the past 5 or 6 times that he showed up in the region, we all was ordered back over time. he comes, we see a more is there a there? violence. so hopefully this thought maybe and exceptions new will say, because there is a lot of talk about cease fire, or at least some form of a truce. and there's so much talk and there's so much optimism. and you know, optimism can be contagious. so i am also start speaking more hopefully about the possibility of a breakthrough, whereby the people guys might get some best buy in the days to come. and i think
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having a blinking come might, you know, add another layer to the ongoing negotiations and leverage being used on these raiders in order to get with the program as aware. but i think there's probably another dimension with that we will probably learn on or learn about the next few days, which is that america is probably thinking of how it's gonna connect the interim, or the short term periods of a ceasefire, or a truce or whatever they've got to be caught in good with the day after plans. right. and i'm what, when the westbank guys look like, right. uh is by the, by the by march or by june on so, and then look, speaking of the west bank, let me just ask you about this move by president bite and he signs an executive order imposing sanctions on for is really settlers. i mean, we, we must remember that there are hundreds of thousands of sellers in the occupied
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with spanking and occupies these through slim. but what's behind this move is this for sort of the domestic american audience, or is this some way to, to attempt to force and is really change your behavior? i think it's a message to that then. yeah. how above all else. it's message. it is really a government that has a number of these fanatical, fascist leaders of the settler movements and like the minister of finance and administer of uh, security to um and i think the, the way apparently the uh, the order has been worded. it gives the united states for the 1st time, a real insight and an capacity to micromanage this kind of a thing. this is new, that's american and american musician would want to get involved in, not just, you know, with these are the government, but with the actual, uh, you know, 10 arrests, the jewish terrorist and, and dr by 3rd. but as you said, i'm, we must underline that, right?
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but until today, american charities, american foundations, support these people, and it's tax deductible in the united states, meaning hundreds of millions, if not more of dollars, go to those right. that goes in dr. back there there's, that's also remember that it's not just the buying and settlers the, the, the supplement, the civilian and the military supplement. the occupation of the, of the west bank in and by it says is a system of violence. the soul of judges are violent. so it's not just about that number of individuals who are young and, you know, pretty uh, pretty sadistic, right. it's about the whole system. it's about the whole occupation and the occupation we must always remember is a system of violence and it's supportive and financed by the united states. so this is symbolic, it's a message. it's a good step, but it's really a drop in the ocean. all right,
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thank you so much my wanda shots. so those cellar attacks we just mentioned against palestinians and occupied westbank have increased sharply since israel launched the tour on gauze on many doubt that the us sanctions on perpetrators of the violence will do much to hold them to account. charles stratford reports from the town of and so we got another attack by his wally said, lives in the occupied west bank. the policy to be and villages tell us, the attackers came in the middle of the night from one of the to illegal settlements on the other side of the valley. family of 5 heated, terrified and the home is the settlers pull officials over that call such as a light. and that situation is terrible. don't allow us to farm or build or take care of our trees. would have a bite and says the settlers weren't listen to him. as we feel is ready on the g. p . a driving off into the village to palestinian olive groves. this is one of
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hundreds of attacks on palestinian property by illegal is riley secular. since the war began on gauze on october. the 7th. the people here is you can imagine a very nervous these very the ministry has just arrived. they do not want to be filmed. now also, we some promises in rhetoric in washington the find the administration now says it will impose sanctions on is lady settlers accused of committing acts of violence to be occupied territories. the 1st full settlers targeted by the sanctions include 22 year old david che chest a reportedly let a group that sit by 2 buildings, a salty palestinians, and damaged to property, resulting the tax of a palestinian civilian and this mosque man shovel, zip among the film throwing a rock through a car window, the office of prime minister benjamin netanyahu released the statement saying, as well acts again slowly,
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so it's easy to break the law every with the full exceptional matches are not necessary to do the secular leaders denounced biden's order. the executive order start signed by the president of the united states is both disappointing and surprising. you would expect president biden to look into the fact before signing such an order you and says that has been a massive increase in set through a tax on palestinians. and their property in the last 4 months, many involving gums, and with the support of frontier to appraisal amazon, he's ready. so just and by other things on the, i bet it's, it doesn't give any consent to the so to the send doesn't mean anything to them if the americans invite them. so i think that this is towards the group. he has to deal with them as a turner this have to be punished. you have to be taken to ga us pressure on israel . small right? government may be growing. but many palestinians say biden's executive order is more about his re election campaign. and about forcing any change israel's behavior
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child stuff et al jazeera, a. so yeah, in the occupied with bank fun to more head on the all does it renews our, including we report on the play of traumatized animals in gaza, who survived israel's attacks on the strip by a whisker, the but in other news, argentina is lower house will soon vote on controversial reforms that have spark protests in the streets. congress is continuing its debate on presidents have a me a's reform bill. if approved what's known as the on the bus bill would lead to cuts and public services and job losses. at least 4 people were arrested on thursday after protest or his fault with police outside parliament, terrorism, but it was in the capital bonus. i reason sides of both could happen later on friday. a lindsey base is still ongoing, this is the start date. and for many,
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this is the longest succession in congress since 1985. there's been lots of tension inside congress between lawmakers and negotiations on going, but also on the street on thursdays. and so hundreds of people outside of congress, even thousands of them that were clashes between protesters and the police. the police were preventing them from getting close to the building from blocking rows using a t or gas. walter, a rubber boot that, come on god. the thing is the government is saying, the security forces here, this isn't going generated a risk for heavier me. they started with over $600.00. last it's been with us. now we have seen we have seen the number of states that the government wants to privatize to go down
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from 37 to 26. we're also seeing that the president wants to get extraordinary powers initially to west for 2 years now. it's been agreed that it's going to be to one year and that he, there's going to be limitations to the powers that he's going to get. so suddenly lots of people hear some sound the way it's not clear yet when the boat is going to happen. the international court justices rule that it does have jurisdiction to hear a genocide case brought by ukraine against russia. days off to the invasion. in february 2022, ukraine accused russia a breaching the genocide convention. moscow said it invaded to stop in a legit genocide of russian speakers in eastern ukraine. it rejects ukraine's arguments. it breached the treaty and once the case dismissed, christina mary, now i know is professor of lord liverpool, john moore is university. she says the case is about violations of the genocide convention, not russia's use a force against new crane. this is not in a position against to the shop of committing the general side of the case is based
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on the following. the. on the following down, you might claim to present to the buy ukraine. russia no, sorry to have stopped the that was good. i strongly against you. green on the basis of a false claim that you create and was completing the genocide india individual on top of the task and done yes, good in ukraine. and these false allegations on is being used false allegations to prevent and punish the genocide is as being used to start to start the work it's, it's in both until the mind that the mouth to 2020, to be the initial cost of just the sort of a, the issue with the probation on measurements in these case, i'd like to test done in the case against the side. he's published on measurable success daughter. most of the above and beyond measurements requested to by cutting the cost imposed on device shot. this is 5, in other words, to stop the me and it was against you create and to be the president over the, the shuttle to adjust. he says a, remind me that that last tried not to comply. we did these visual measures. that's
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let's remind the binding. so the case, so we'll move on. it's not the case on the guy the deal, but the use of force it says, but he's a case on the validation of the genocide convention on this. because a of the democratic party in the us as holding its 1st primary election in south carolina on saturday, president biden is expected to win. but democrats are hoping for a good turn out from black voters. a primary when and south carolina was crucial to biden's campaign 4 years ago. for testers, showing their support for palestinians have been kept away from the us president when he was campaigning in michigan. earlier for his re election, joe biden has already won the support of automobile union workers in the states, many car factories, but as potty co hanging reports, his support for israel's war on gaza could make it hard to win the crucial swing states. as the police keeping pro palestinian activists far
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away from president, joe vied tense, moments and police in full rank. your move in their anger, frustration and disappointment on full display. it ends without confrontation, and without seen, the president. they say is fight and could see this. he would know he's lost their vote over his handling of the war on gaza. there is nothing that will ever make me vote for a genocidal president ever. ever. not only me, but everybody else, my whole community, my whole out of community will never vote for this man. inside the event bind, spoke of his support of labor unions, not a single mention of gaza. we now have in large part because you in organized labor, the strongest economy in the whole damn world. michigan has a large air of american and muslim population who voted overwhelmingly providing in the last election. if you lose is even half of their vote,
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it's unlikely he can win michigan without michigan. he has a very narrow path to winning the 2nd term democratic strategist, hoping the potential of another donald trump presidency will be enough to change their minds. but could lead to ronnie who helped launch the a band and bite and movement says that won't work because joe biden is president. we don't believe that is really, is our bombing a little bit less. so when we have trump, i don't believe they're just going to bump a little bit more just because trump is president and what we need. we need a ceasefire. they say they are willing to have another trump term if it sends the message to politicians over the long term. their voices matter or the thing, know, have the power. we will be voting 3rd party. and soon they will be seeing that there has been a shift in the tides with people voting 3rd party. we will not just sit idly by and say that we will have to choose between the lesser of 2 evils. we were told no details about where the president was going to be. while he was spent 6 hours in michigan,
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it was very clear they wanted to keep people far back from the event using snow falls and police officers and the people i talked to say the things that was done on purpose. they didn't want the media seen huge protests right outside of this event, but in them they say it's not going to matter. the protest they'll pay attention to will be in november when he doesn't get their vote. political haine al jazeera warren michigan. still ahead on i was a 0, i will explain how germany is decision to is it citizenship laws will affect millions of people the so i may just still, which is batches no way was gust of a 120 and 30 kilometers per hour. it's running through fairly quickly now and contains of an element of rain or snow which will be showing itself as these,
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at least inside of the earth, into western russia. but the following is still called issue comes off the water that so we're talking about single figures, but not subzero figures. and this is yolanda division software, which is roger the roll, most of which it's sunday, but colder and the long which there is rain folding. but you will notice that rain doesn't change very much, and very anxious not to bring any further size. and we still got when the weather or the british owls and norway was snow at some height. but if you pick up via and on the wall on the side of that cold front, we see temperature has steadily rising heat up to 15 quite strongly by tuesday stills and i fly through eastern europe to give or off on pleasant weather. i know libya and some parts of no need shipped as well. most of north africa is drawing on the mountains. nothing strong as it was still contained some sand bring it in to chad. the significant rate across southern africa goes from more or less and go to townsend the, but some of thunderstorms of once again blooming in what is otherwise
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a pretty warm south africa. the latest news, as it breaks, people are from the facts that are also a target. it's happening in 2024 with detailed coverage is really forces continue their intense bombing around lost their hospital in san eunice from the heart of the story doesn't. who's been arrested interrogation and put into the presence of given information on family members, the cloud of nuclear lumens ever present. what if this is the beginning of one of those accidental wars? what is this is the beginning of the end of life, as we know from the horrors of recent history to the rising card tract, the apocalypse, maybe discovers the impact nuclear weapons have vanity or failure to keep your
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humanity safe is by sitting down to the individual on the street, this is not to drill on that, which is 0 the, [000:00:00;00] the kind of a guy here with, i'll just say right here as a reminder of the top stories this hour. the you on humanitarian agency says it's concerned about israel's plans to expand this operations into enough describing the southern most city in gaza as a pressure cooker of despair. but f a which borders egypt is the last place of refuge for more than half of gauze as 2300000 people. $800.00 officials from the us
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and europe assigned to a letter of protest saying their leaders actions on policies could be contributing to a war crimes. and also the letter also says that is really a tax aren't defeating how much, but strengthening its appeal value. in children's agency, so as an estimated 17000 children and gaza had been separated from their families. unicef had earlier called israel's military offensive a war on children. there's been more than 9000 children who've been injured and israel's war on gaza. many have had arms or legs amputated. some doctors have been forced to carry out operations without an aesthetic one. young palestinian girl recalls her ordeal. and the then when the it on fall a right that on summer in that that, that i've, that is,
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that was not a bad guy being. yeah. i love that. no doubt mom. no, i have fallen national like it should have been around like you have a lot of reasons need them. oh, the saddle. yeah. yeah. i you dig well i have to find that. now i have one of the math that is still at the, in the by then helpful not by then. yes, i had bought by another class. and then the nothing of the name of leah, the he'd been correct. that no god and the bad then last names, i'm still working on identity on the one wish.
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oh. so the, the accounting team that's 16 the highland i'm to see when i get my bills online then play it off. and now let's skip not off last night. i'm enough. and so the then the down inside you took running home. yeah. ma'am you let them know. yeah. a lot of fun. lovely. all i didn't get any side to you that when you get out for the rest of the day, some of the senate remain that have been was how, how many, here's a lot of the same. they have a lab the how, how and then i've not meaning i've not been at them
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there earlier we spoke to test ingram from you and assess she recently returned from gaza and told us about some of the children she met there. when i was there, i met dozens of children who all told me about the different experiences. each one had an absolutely heartbreaking tale of, of loss of, of displacement. so many of the children are living in conditions that no child should have to bad living and makes himself as in the cold with no deductible, lack of access to food and clean water and sanitation and, and really missing the kind of safety and security. and that, that things like having a permanent home at the school provided for the so the conditions uh, you know, incredibly terrible beyond even what i imagine they would be like before heading into, into gaza. and as you say to these children, the, the long term impact on their mental health is something that way, you know, stuff a very concerned about. because in a, in another conflict around the world, a child in the family might experience one or 2 traumatic events. but then being
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able to play the same to you, but the repeat in trauma, the children and gods are experiencing will definitely have a long term impact on their mental health. some buffalo, these, this right nice reason escalation hostilities, we estimated that about half of the children and god the needed urgent mental health support. we now said that numbers almost a 100 percent, you know, settings on the ground, providing some level of mental health support and psycho social services. we've reached over $40000.00 children, but it's obviously not enough. the so i much more we can do. and what, what we are concerned about is that until the fighting stops and children can feel safe, we're not going to say the real kind of effects of that trauma or understand how we can help properly. so that's why we need an immediate cease fire so. so the, the trauma can stop and we can help them. the animals and dogs are also suffering abandons unforgotten, ultra 0 husband, speaking to effect whose transformed is clinic into a century to save
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a bands and animals. honey, my smooth reports facing very grim face of being killed by his really attack or starving to death. many animals are suffering in the war on god. i imagine is a veterinarian in russia. he has converted the roof of his clinic to hold hundreds of abandoned animals, their vine club. i'm going up not a death in a new place. has safe, rough lines held in gaza has been a major destination for displaced people which close to sewage and the number of refugees. many of whom, particularly those coming from northern and central garza brought their pets with them and could not just leave them to their fate. some aids being allowed to enter the strip that security checks delivery bottlenecks. and the difficulty of moving through the rubble of awards on have hindered supplies. the harsh reality of many
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palestinians is that they don't have a daily means, making it difficult to provide for their pets. which on the buckle, no. the medicine and food crises made it exceedingly difficult for people to keep their pets. and as a result, we are receiving daily reports of that's being abundant in the street by the owners and observing increasing numbers of abandoned pets. some animals defied all the arts and found a home in the shelter, less than a 100000000 and a good time i felt guilty when i found out there wasn't vac clinic here because i have no idea what might happen to him. the used to get startled by loud noises and suffered panic attacks. i stopped chasing his steele and threw himself on the ground. he feared loud noises. but that doesn't come without consequences. like the people of gaza. most surviving animals are traumatized by the devastating impact of war. 9, pacific new summit. as
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a result of the continuous showing the cost is running around constantly. a psychological situation has changed and she's acting up normally running around all over the place. i'm forcing me to look for her, put her in my lap and hold her closely. as many palestinians say they have gained a renewed sense of responsibility for their loved ones as well as animals hoping for peace wherever they are. any more more, just eat a proffer in southern garza as a group of wounded palestinians and their families have arrived in cats, har for medical treatment. they were flown from egypt on a military plane, barbara, and go for reports. these interest palestinians and their families survive. check points in shelling during the journeys to these garza so kata spent most lost family members of the house since the world goes up again. yeah. goodness that it
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was a normal night that these really tanks came in without warning guys, and we were in the cameras and when the he tested my father and younger sister were killed and i was injured. i have blood in my eyes because of the tank shaving. outside of the bed. the man why you is hoping had thoughts. i will make a full recovery. and as a uh what off if i'm i'm accompanying my daughter. she was injured with shrapnel and her head just received permission for treatment outside guys, i think god were waiting now to board the plane and the name on the fly out on fluffy on are process health ministries has more than $60000.00 palestinians have been wounded, steering is ready to attack since october. they rely on barely functioning hospitals for treatment. the world health organization says checks that border crossings have slowed down the delivery of fuel food and medicine to the strip. and well, that's obviously done with this like like a distribution day and cause is very difficult. people are almost dying and they're
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suffering really badly. it's getting to complete chaos and famine, especially in the north. and rafa and han eunice, people in con eunice, dental bella, and those from guys, the c t. r will display san rafael, this, which was nearly 1500000 palestinian refugees cannot move. i'm fighting between is really forces and palestinian fighters around some hospitals in southern casa, has tons them into was and barbara and got out to sarah israel's coal. to shut down the un agency for palestinian refugees is raising concern in loving on palestinian refugee is of long accused israel of deliberately preventing their right to return by seeking to halt owner was operations. then i heard that reports from but that we refugee camp in northern 11 on of this work. the 1st saturday stuckey has found in a month, life is hard for palestinian refugees and 11 on,
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and they're expecting it to get worse, as, as well, demands the closure of their lifeline. do you an agency owner? well, on the owner, i can't afford to put my 4 children into school. palestinians are denied rights and services and they've been of nearly 40000 palestinian children are being educated because of the agency. a decision by some donors to suspend funds following accusations by as well, that a number of staff were involved in the october 7 attacks is threatening the agencies operations and not just in gaza. the benefit now to suspend the funding for the board, one of the law will have serious consequences on this community. and of course that human impact would because that's how this city and still have access to lebanon's public system. so they rely on underwashed for basic services like health care. it's also the largest employer of refugees. it has at least 3000 audit stuff. now
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many people feel their future is uncertain. chapman, the lowest of the book. i don't know how. i am one of many, you won't be able to afford health care. my wife would dying. she has cancer and kidney problems. the fear of otherwise collapse is not you. refugees believe it's been as well strategy to put an end to their rights as refugees. refugees are concerned about under was future, not just because of humanitarian reasons for palestinians. the agency has political significance. it may not have the mandates to secure their rights to return to their homeland. but it was created to provide them with assistance, pending a solution to their plight. as well as war on garza is being felt here. many have lost family members and many believe their lives in exile may become permanent. but the israel wants to destroy because of the push the palestinians out,
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and they never will allow us to return to how does that differ from any here the attack was under what is about ending their status as refugees for good center for their i was busy to north 11 on still ahead on all the 0. we're in the mold eaves with oral resorts threatens by the a sense of sort of special islands to help boost tourism. the phone counting, the cost of china is economy faces a slew of setbacks. is it in serious trouble? tech giants, making big profit, skip by laying off thousands of workers plus poly employment while employees increasingly working multiple jobs. counting the cost on al jazeera,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, a government's investigation is under wayne county. after at least 3 people were killed and a major fire, $280.00 others were injured firefighters bottles for hours to put out the blaze and nairobi. catherine solely reports from the scene. the people here in a crowded neighborhood was settling down for the night when suddenly an exclusion sounds said they had smelled gas fumes for about an hour before the incident. investigators believe a leak at the plant led to gut feeling does exploding local people
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say the hardest sound like send followed by a huge ball of fire. several walk killed. this woman is inconsolable. this is the gospel apple. whether gusting dot exploded it heat, a meal biotech style warehouse, the court fire several residential houses, vehicles and business premises was also damaged. the impact was huge. this is a call that has been completely destroyed. no residents who are in the houses say that the explosion was so loud that houses should stop clean carrying the series, the house was leaving in was a raised to the ground. some of her belongings destroyed to watch them. oh no more for the summer, more people started saying 55 i felt week i felt i was suffocating for me to call them monoxide. there was a woman behind me and she wanted help. but i could only save myself. i'm a happy moon day, a motto, government officials have launched an investigation into why the plant was operate
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to without a license from the energy regulator. it was not in place since to the status of it . so clearly uncomfortable and focused on the residential area of the manual, such as the legal businesses. and definitely they compromise people wanting to do so i'm, those are the ones that should be held back onto the lives of jacqueline and her neighbors has been turned upside down. they say they've complained to many times about the devil and why it was being operated, hoping government will act quickly to insure facilities like this can be moved away from where people leave. passing slowly, altura nairobi, demonstrators, and molly have shown their support for the countries withdrawal from the regional organization a cause. but authors and molly fear leaving across as a backward step. nicholas hoc reports from neighboring center goal, the sick stairs in charge the prize. the melody and fabric vessel is sought
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after and exported across west africa, as always used to make 2 additional close warned for weddings and religious ceremonies. but shop owner, did you the mama who is warning his customers and neighboring countries, that the cost of the fabric is about to go up. each of the mollies planned to leave the regional west african buddy echo was me bring an end to the free movement of people and goods like the precious fabric. and we have one that's out in the font is we only to feel the pinch from the current crisis at to that the impact of leaving the echo us who really software and the government needs to review its decision. thousands of protesters are gathering in molly's capital bomb echo. they support the decision by their military rulers, along with those of new sharon brick, you know, fast. so to leave, the regional body echo was imposed sanctions and all 3 countries following the military. coups power cuts and molly and a fuel and food shortage and these year are affecting their populations. meanwhile,
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attacks from arm groups are on the rise. it's popular smoke because they know that . but eventually the, the union, the blog and salaries put the pressure on them to come back to class, additional order, which they're not ready to do. so i was throwing, pointing to the community is a way to extend the best staying and follow it legitimately. of course, for the citizens of the 3 countries, this could mean the lead visa to travel and work in the region. 5000000 of them live in work in ivory coast to load custom duties. they come into complicating the movement of goods as well as people, according to us to test x from vista, the goal government, half of the products in goods that trends it through the port of the car are destined to the land lock countries of multi news year and burkina faso, there withdrawals from the regional body echo us will have an impact on the
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economies of the region. it will be a year before the split takes effect, but many fear it means more trouble for the region. and the 49 year old union meant to unite african nations, but now dividing them nicholas hawk, elgin's era, the car, the german parliament has approve the radical change to the citizenship laws, which will allow more migrants to naturalize. as germans government says, the new legislation will benefit people who lived and worked in the country for decades. from berlin, dominic cane reports. these people are cuing to take a german language test. if they pulse, they'll be one step closer to becoming german citizens. for years that's been a long and difficult process, but now parliament has voted to relax the rooms, which is helpful for i mean, i wish i lived here since leaving jordan in 2016. good. it's very good news. it's very good news. the, i think there's a lot of people,
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the been living in germany working and quite well integrated. you can say. but the rules were a bit to speak in part minutes to say the change is all to bring germany in line with the rest of the e. u. and vital. there's noise, that's a new citizenship, though, is a historic step towards a more modern immigration country. everyone has now understood that i can only maintain all economic prosperity of social cohesion to immigration. under the revised law applicants will be allowed to keep their existing citizenship the time a person needs to live in the country to qualify will also be caught from most applicants. it will be 5 years instead of the current 8. so those with fluent german vamps drops to just 3 years. the biggest potential beneficiaries of the changes are from the turkish community. my boot is one of the 3 and a half 1000000 techs in germany to aunt german citizens. i always thought it would
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be hard to do. i could have it qualifications, all sorts of things, but you have a skills to say, so it'd be good enough now i think so now i need to submit an application know to everyone. welcome to change floor conservative cd you potty opposed to all the far right. if day has been accused of wanting to the polt migraines to become naturalized as germans. its leaders deny this and have denounced the new law and the governments entire asylum and migration strategy. these are the take, the type of these policies you're driving, local storage is to despair blowing up welfare systems and undermining internal security. but above all, you're depriving germans of the homeland torch. the new law will not come into effect until mid may at the latest, but there are already hundreds of thousands of people in the system waiting to be naturalized. so even with the new law that's not going through both houses of
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parliament, potential applicants may well be waiting separately is to get hold of one of these . a german possible it's going to came out to 0. north korea has fired several cruise missiles office, west coast leader, kim jong boone, also called cold for his military to step up preparations for war florence. the week was more a north korean launch is 4th weapons test in just over a week. fire in cruise myself into the sea test is carried out in the past month. include one's on a hypotonic missile and new submarine launched cruise missile on friday. stage media also released the photos of northwind. the day came jungling, inspecting the construction of warships in the ship yard. in the city of non po, kim reports at least said, strengthening the navy is an important part of young young's preparations for. he
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stepped up his rectory in recent months. some analysts say the post drink may also be intended for domestic audience. again, on high him, you're north korea used to educate it's people the conciliation cooperation and peace for unification. now it's the opposite. the intention is to foster animosity towards the south by defining south north korea as to hoss time states. north korea could be doing this to strengthen its political power. kim is also to suing stronger ties with russia. raising concerns must go, could help young young strengthen it's nuclear weapons program. south korea's response has been to seek close submitted, treat cooperation with the us and japan. last month, the 3 countries conducted possibly the biggest ever combined naval exercise, just recently, elite to units from south korea and the us health, a joint training drill, stimulating infiltration of enemy territory and directing asteroids to destroy a target. even if we don't know how many police training was an opportunity for
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south korean and american special forces to become one team. and then how does that capability for joint special operations? south korea is due to hold elections in april government officials of one that north korea is likely to step up its military publications to destabilize the country ahead of the vote. so it's 3 algebra. a, a controversial project to reclaim land is underway in them. all these it will create artificial islands using sand dredged from the ocean beds. the governments insist it's needed to boost tourism, but active a sworn. it will damage marine life, toni chang reports, and them all these white, sandy beaches in clear to close waters. this is the mold eaves, the world knows, and the island of an ungodly is a small low races next to the capital. one of the most densely populated citizen in the world, just off the coast project to try and remedy the pillows something to the sea for
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highway leading to what to now just assemble will be a new call. get pulled in residential blocks. locals have watched. is there a direct view is turned into a building site. they take this that and using it right? yeah. and they put all the sad insight and this is one of the biggest big donations at being in the motive. and that had a very immediate impact. and then we came out to have a look that was settlement looms like a cloud of settlement coming and hitting allergies like it was this bad when they started it. now the surface was is a clear again, but the real damage has been the, the dive is here. say the judging has already had a devastating impact on the, on the water environment rates in this area of law, 70 percent of the carl coverage, 50 meters down. the nearby reef is still home to some fish. the divorce is cloudy, the reef covered incense curls look colourless, with few signs of new growth. hardly bustling with life to this,
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say the un. is it the house or the problem? judging, send beds, kills micro organisms vital to sustaining marine environments. it's a tricky balancing act for the government of the country that's 99 percent of the volta and vulnerable to rising sea levels. we have been even looking into things such as relocation, of course, to other areas, and ensuring that we take the maximum mitigation protection meshes while we do recommendation because the coordination is a sustainable adult. indeed, we'd have to wait for everyone to do it in a way that has minimal impacts. the residents of feeling guilty are already taking action to protect the reef. carl's cup bank to promote gross attached to frames, and replanted off the coast. it's phone for me, i do, but the only thing they can do to protect their environment from being swept away
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in the race to expand tony cheng elder 0 building gilly, the mouldings. we'll be back with more news just a moment, turn out to 0. the the 1st mass protest of 2024 u. k. 7th national demo since the stones of israel garza was another enormous gathering conference in a group of 50 miles to the west of lincoln encased new castle in the middle right on the south coast as well. the sentiments here very clearly ceased find out if you're saying what's happening and there's no question about the service. it is a broad spectrum of anti war protest indian sentiments among the british jewish
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groups of pulled up the as rainy government actions. there is a sense the international public opinion is having an impact is putting irresistible political pressure on international leaders. while the cottage continues cause for cease far, let me get louder. on counting, the cost of china is economy face has a slew of setbacks. is it in serious trouble? text joints, making big profit, skip by laying off thousands of workers, plus poly employment, while employees increasingly working multiple jobs. counting the cost on al jazeera, economic crises, dorming the globe. catastrophic effects caused by global warming and conflicts in wars destroying production. factors aggravating the global food crisis and the substituting the development of a comprehensive and systematic response. the international conference on food
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justice from a human rights perspective. challenges of reality and future stakes. organized by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar and association with the, the, the prophecies, a pressure of despair that we feel for what comes next. a dire warning from the un on life and southern gaza. we're more than a 1000000 people have moved to escape the violence the


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