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tv   Up Front  Al Jazeera  February 2, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am AST

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injured and explosions at an elementary school that happened in laguna near goma in north kia who province the government. so as b m $23.00 rebel group is responsible. and this follows weeks of growing violence. am $23.00 fighters are reported to be close to goma. north korea, as far as several cruise missiles, office, west coast, the leader conjunction also called for his military to stuff of preparations for war. florence louis has more north korea launch is 4th weapons test in just over a week. fire and cruise myself into the c test is carried out in the past month. include one's on a hypotonic missile and new submarine launched cruise missile on friday. stage media also released photos of northwind. the day came jungle and inspecting the construction of warships in a ship yard. in the city of non po, to kim reports at least said, strengthening the navy is an important part of young young's preparations for. he
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stepped up his rectory in recent months. some analysts say the post drink may also be intended for domestic audience. are going on high him. you're north korea used to educate, it's people conciliation, cooperation, and peaceful or even if occasion. now, it's the opposite. the intention is to foster animosity towards the south by defining south north korea as to hoss time states. north korea could be doing this to strengthen its political power. kim is also to suing stronger ties with russia. raising concerns must go, could help young young strengthen it's nuclear weapons program. south korea's response has been to seek close submitted, treat cooperation with the us and japan. last month, the 3 countries conducted possibly the biggest of a combined naval exercise, just recently, elite to units from south korea and the us health, a joint training drill, stimulating infiltration of enemy territory and directing s twice to destroy
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a target. you don't know how many this training was an opportunity for south korean and american special forces to become one team. and then how does that capability for joint special operations? soft credit is due to hold elections in april. government officials of one that north korea is likely to step up its military publications to destabilize the country ahead of the vote. so it's pretty out as well. that's up for me. thanks for watching for now. more on our website out as 0 top. com, as always, we'll be back in about 30 minutes time with the news. our state to no upfront is coming up next by the on counting, the cost of china is economy face has a slew of setbacks. is it in serious trouble? text jobs, i'm making big profit skip by laying off thousands of workers plus poly employment, while employees increasingly working multiple jobs. counting the cost on houses 0
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more than a dozen countries have announced that they are cutting funds to enroll you into a agency for palestinians. so what impact will that have on the people in god's last question to the you in special rep, a tour on the occupied palestinian territories. francesca ebony, the 1st of january, 26 united nation's highest judicial body. the international court of justice rolled on provisional measures in south africa's landmark genocide case against is while the ruling was hailed as a legal wind for palestinians. many are questioning what practical implications this will have on the war. and what does this mean for israel will discuss it all with this with headliner, stop advertising bastards of united states to be so entering the bass and entering the thank you so much for joining me on upfront. thank you. thank you. since october 7, countries all around the world have been critical of israel's campaign in gaza. but
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it was self africa that brought the case to the i c j, the international court of justice. why? i think you must remember that to we come from there in a similar situation as the of the palestinians. we come from my path, the, where we, where on plas to a denial i basic lives in order of the so the applied of, of by lesbians we, we, we, we, we can relate to and that we are not able to be indifferent to sides flight because it's just like i was, it's identical to the top. lie to me via a good me we, we can lead to we came to the conclusion that our struggles with similar and then we also came to conclusions that to the people who are plants to
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us with quite flimsy to i'm, i'm, i'm in the pub dates, of africa, to very large extent, really probably handles and so on. was maintained by it is right. so so, so, so, so we had all of those covered 92 and we thought that would contact seed and doing that and watch them getting from the bench to worse. and that to let us do something, something just to stop the, the every day, the sufferings last friday, the, i think a issue to provisional ruling on your case of africa's case against israel. and the court said that it was quote, plausible, that is real, had committed genocidal acts in palestine. the court called on israel to take quote all measures to prevent genocide and also to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide. however, despite those rules or decisions,
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the world court stop short of calling for a ceasefire, and that's what the south african governor was actually asking for. but was that uh, surprising to it was surprising because we had hoped that we're going to get that this is fine up because we still believe that to the, to the best. and that this had come students is, you know, to get us as far as the way or stop doing the, the, the, become each, you know, but that's why it would be better. but having said that, if you look at this pro vision, the measures they will try to be amounting to this is fine because it could be very difficult to get it out to this provision that makes sense and be able to report in, in a months time without doing things differently, see this so to let me push on that a little bit because is, israel's position is we're happy to take all measures to prevent and civilian death to prevent you know,
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violence or death and cetera. because that's what we've always been doing. so they're going to make the case that whatever the court is asking them to do, they're going to carry out because they've always been carrying it out. and at the depths that we're seeing, the 26000 deaths in 3 months are not because they want to kill people. but because a mazda is let them know choice by hiding in hospitals and refugee camps and all of this stuff. what would you say to that? you see the, those of probably just not measure of the website you will if you talk is about to people access to head, to, to medical and health care facilities. all right? yeah. then it means that they must be secured. they must be able to go there. they must not be afraid that they will be pumped if we are talking about people having access to medicaid to them that toward the end to safety and all of that, it must be available. if you're talking about the humanitarian eat, to be able to reach what it is most intimate,
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that then that must not be any fighting that is going on. it must be able to go. so it will be very difficult for us to tell why the should up, i mean, why be sure to school, why the, the palm disclosure of the company being that, that vince web and seeing what kind of city you use? carpet bonding because of how mazda is hiding behind civilians and all that passed in the leg. that way, what you'd say is, is that track ink is made in new in the okay, me, and i don't think we are saying they should not change the i am is and all of that, we're not saying that. but what do i say? leave the civilians out of these and what, what it says most, it's been a number of young people to but i mean to that that, that, that, that they seem to be the majority of women and children are the majority of them. collectively, it is the 20 more than 26000. yeah. people with di, $10000.00 of them are our deals and it's, uh, we're somewhere around one percent of the overall child population, free as it has been killed. that that's a, that's a stunning number. cut this lot,
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you have confidence that israel will do anything different in the aftermath of the ruling. and if so, what we've done to know we've done to know really we don't know, we don't know, but i think that will really depend on the resolve of international community, because i think the judges have done their best. and i think they've given us the best decisions of that that to be pulled under the circumstances that it's up to you in time. it's no community because it's going to the un though. yeah. so it's up to the international community to make up in his mind whether it wants to protect the palestinians. you're talking about the will of the, of the and that's the community. what can we get? a national community to israel says we're not going to change or the good. there are a lot of people who i'm in the as international committee can do a lot of back level, but leg photo sense the complete type. so let's you know, if he's not complete type of percent, that's what it is. you know,
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it's with flushing is i'm a to do to behave in a sent in my mouth and that tool that, that to them. and that, and that seems like a denying them my kids in the functioning them to the extreme and bump going them so to say and all that we have that those measures they've been used before. it can still be used. so hands, i'm saying it's not as different and there's no community doesn't have ways of dealing with the international community. we do listen to this, no community have meetings and level inches and all of that is up to us to decide that we are going to hold for the what the charges they have said. and the judges have told us what we own is being suspected. there are people who say there are lots of places that did something wrong, but only the jewish state is getting isolated it's, it's a mob been very israel's national security minister. in addition to just dismissing
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the ruling in and of it's. so he said haig she made on his ex account. he also said that wasn't i submitted a, do you have a concern or how do you respond to the concern that the specific choice to bring israel to the international court is an anti semitic. you see that the but i find also very, very said, you know, the, you're watching all to 0. we break into programming to bring you some breaking news . we're hearing from american media who are not reporting of that. the us has started retaliatory strikes for the deaths of 3 soldiers that took place in jordan earlier this week. in fact, on sunday. so what we know so far is that there are reports that the us is bombing a parts of eastern syria, re, let's bring into in a home the, joining us from loving on, invaded with,
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with more on this developing storage data. what are you hearing about? what's going on in eastern syria we understand well, what you mentioned the media were asked to the retaliation. ready us retaliation for the the, the soldiers the gun, but there's still no confirmation from the, as on what we have been hearing from a sources on the grounds really are conflicting reports as mentioning error strikes a series of the error string there. now there is, or it wouldn't be surprising because that's where this is in the east of it borders, iraq. and this, this office state is considered from hold groups that are backed by us, that they control the border crossing to be an iraq, cuz their location. so if these are the go after these groups,
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then definitely uh there is super will be among the targets. so conflicting reports that we understand um, you know, it looks like so this wouldn't be really the 1st time if indeed this, this was the u. s. military carrying out, turning out the strikes, targeting this area, in fact, since because of the war on gaza, since they run in fact, groups started to target us troops in syria and iraq. there have been, you know, we tell the us, we strike supply by the us very in this area. but the biggest in right now is whether or not the d is this, is the us do the killing of the will be, will this be enough to deter that of these groups who have so that they stop targeting american to despite the evidence. vitale,
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for the time being, we are hearing reports of the inspection area, an area where we run in the groups. he run in personnel as well. do i mean sicily? they're all based in this area. that's 6 border region, but still no confirmation from the to okay. so, you know, we'll let you go for now. we'll come back to a little bit later. we do apologize for the connection or the audio issues we're having with zane. i'm but we're bringing out as you were a senior political analyst, middle one of the shots away in all of this one. i'm as i know it was just saying, look, we still haven't had confirmation from the pentagon, but this indeed is the us. but this is what american media is. we're 40 right now. that's airstrikes have taken place. in particular, what we know so far is in the data store in eastern siri on your thoughts on this? well, i'll tell you. i think it's expected frank. uh, regardless of uh,
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of our attempts at scratching our heads, the past half an hour just trying to figure out who's who, who's responsible for the bombing where the bombing are taking place. why uh, such an american socialist deny it and others confirm items so on. so forth, but if you look at the literature and the declarations statements and everything else been coming out, the fast 5 or 6 days. clearly the by the administration had made this decision to retaliate to the attack on northern jordan. and it clearly has a number of potential targets. the republicans in washington have encouraged that by that message and to bombs here on proper me by the side that i don't want to award where they run. and the administration was presumably looking for alternative options. are those down by may get on the south. so you can say that had 4 options. option number one is to bomb the range and military targets . convention admitted to the targets even nuclear installation and so on, so forth,
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in discount of di da. that option was to bomb the, the iranian revolution that a guard base is clearly as in discount, deduct option as well. uh, there was a, there was a challenge. that's why that is what a bomb. those are right now, the republican guards and have to be faced with the, the defenses. and apparently they didn't really go for that option. and the 3rd option was to bomb. pick a time has by laws or the has what obligates bases in iraq. for the time being, we don't hear all the reports of any bombs with any rock. so in fact, if, if big, if there's also reports are correct, washington or the by the administration has chosen the low hanging target for the low hanging fruit and all of that and shows the thought of good isn't the failed
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state of syria. so what would be the, the aim of that then? so according to reports that uh, that looked at what are the value for some of those targets? apparently the time has been a lot in eastern syria is quite concentrated in terms of its basis. and most important for the american forces is that that's where they fly out the drones. remember that the attack at the american base on northern jordan, oregon, the jordan syrian border, was carried out by a drone. it was the 1st time that an american soldier died by bombing from the air in a number of decades. this is a whole new chapter for american strategy and for american defense system and so on, so forth. so the 1st target apparently apparently was the one that was looked at during the week where washington,
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where this generation evaluation from washington were saying that the, the most important strategic target in terms of every thought, lee, yea, sion to the attack and jordan wouldn't be to attack the base from which of those drones odd sloane and that is in the eastern border in syria. my want to in the bigger picture and putting this into context. does this have the potential to, to escalate the situation and ignite the region? i mean, just a few days ago, the secretary of defense, the us, extreme defense, lloyd austin. he said that the us will not tolerate a tax on american troops. but at the same time, he said this is a dangerous moments in the middle east. exactly, i mean, you know, when you, when you listen to what they're saying, washington, they're basically arguing that there's absolutely no way america, the world superpower and the middle east. great. this power was not going to retaliate for the king of pretty,
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of what soldiers. not just that this comes after, reportedly something between a 150 and a 160 times where american forces in iraq, syria, yeah. man, other places or targets have been attacked. so it was almost accepted as a fact that america was going to 30 days anyway. so within this condition that america was going on 338 america. i found it shows the most the skill actually escalation. mm hm. so i need a number of options. i just, uh, i just, uh, i'm the line to you earlier about from what the conventional forces in iran, yolanda republican guards or uranian supported groups in your walk. it actually chose not to attack. i knew one of them for the time being, they chose, as i said,
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the low hanging targets in syria, a fib state, basically where america could function. it actually already has bases that and it doesn't feel that it would upset or it doesn't care if it upsets that are seen as it would if at the upset the presidency in the lock or that is a menu on in syria. so much easier targets for the united states that now that's all. remember that back in 2018, trump ordered a from presidency also chose to bomb within syria after the chemical attacks back then. so syria is much easier thought, good for the united states that here walk and you want, and clearly they've chosen the place where reportedly that's where the kid that has the flu. it's throwing that killed the american soldiers down there. now, we should remember and remind, or viewers around the world is that the americans have warned once and again the past few days that this is part of longer sustained campaign. this is
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not a one off. in fact, very retaliation is going to be sustained in a number off because they claim that good type has the lights of the not attack just once. in fact, in fact, a number of that model is found by for just a 2nd because we're going to bring in our correspondent rosalyn jordan, who's joining us from the us raw's. what are you hearing on your end about this development? sources here at the pentagon are not confirming that a retaliatory strike or strikes have started against iranian based on the back targets in the region between jordan syria and a rock. but they do and says that the bind administration's policy of retaliating in response to sundays are drone attack, which kill of 3 us soldiers will happen. the officials have been very keen to
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stress that they're trying to maintain the element of surprise that they don't want people to try to figure out exactly who might be targeted when or where or by what method. and so they are really trying to stress that people should not be getting over excited, but that there is going to be some sort of retaliation against those who attacked us forces on this past sunday. yeah, rosalyn, because up until this point we have been hearing from american officials that there's going to be an attack. and it will probably be in syria and, or in iraq to and they've also made the point of saying that they didn't want to telegraph exactly on what day. in fact, there been some suggestions in the last 24 hours that this could be a series of actions that could take possibly weeks. and again to why use the element of surprise if you don't know exactly when something is happening. if the
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human instinct is to expect that retaliation would come very quickly, especially after friday's dignified transfer, which is the us military's turn for the return of the bodies of those 3 us soldiers . then you might theoretically let your guard down. but us officials have been very keen to stress that those who are responsible should not feel that they're going to be able to relax, that the us is going to carry out some sort of retaliation against those who were involved in it. not necessarily those who carried out the attack directly, but perhaps those who were behind these attacks, the planning, the funding and so on as well. all right, roslyn, we'll cross back to you in the later. thank you. that's the update from the pentagon over in the united states was now bringing for so far as our restore your joining us from to her on. so robin was just telling us of the pentagon not confirming as of yet that these are indeed us retaliatory strikes for the soldiers
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that were killed in jordan on sunday. but from your end a russell. what's been the reaction to this developing story as well as it's no good or no uh, official statements. yeah. its from uh to ron. so, but today, earlier today we have seen that you're running media was reporting that one of their official different mission to guards official had been killed in his ready age, strikes them to run, the officials are willing to revenge for that type of a regarding to us for about a month or do us a tax, the individual region or serious so far we haven't heard any or official reactions so far. but there is of course, quite a terms of the distribution. i moved here any time people, including the officials, are expecting us retaliation to it's um, this is sort just be killed in jordan. how the expectation here is quite clear to say that this is not going to have a direct attack on your writing and soil. however,
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it will probably going to target to the you run allied goods, you see what we, i need a new rock. and i could also target some of the around noon assets that you run in officials who are working in syria and iraq. so what's the one to send from the statements that are coming directly from the officials and to they also from the reading president himself saying that if any attacks happens on your runs, the response is going to be quite firm. however, we know we understand from the statements that you browse. red line is not us attacking is allies in syria and iraq. but when you ride new soil, so that is the red line. and there seemed to attacks happens when you're running. and so you'll, that is going to be the reason for the war, right. and up until the score and the rest of what we don't know if the us will be
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heading inside iran. so yeah, as of now, it's not definitely not clear. and from the statements, the provide me with the official statements that there is no such an expectation. however, there is all sorts of possibility. but the speculations regarding that on not high, they believe that the us is not going to come back any direct strike on the iranian story. and i'm also this is understandable from the american statements as well. officials in america repeatedly, they have said that they do not want the original war and the so that we can see that both you run into us are saying that they do not want more. however, did that, that combination of the you when's here is just mission. everything seen a jewel for dies position any time this could be a spin over. so americans are a cruise indeed run in proxies here and you run, you'll see as well. they do not have the proxies, but they have the allies and this allies do not take the commands or the orders
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directly from to run. your run says that these allies, for the access to the resistance, is acting by its own own interest. and they're making their calculations based on their own assessments. so if i say that these groups auto total has groups that i was in communication, i from time to time dick went back some consultations, however, they are not you running proxies. so this is your mom's position here, as i said, what do you understand from the statements and to move in to run the expectation you around? the usaa is going to target you running allies from probably you running an offset as well, but not a direct attack on your writing and story. and also they have been some of the reports. seeing that you one has been pulling out some of your senior officials in syria and iraq and getting back them to, to run in that aspect patient that in case if do i say target is top, you running in advisors for the officials off the top of the revolution to the gods,
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but one thing is, is quite clear that is being repeatedly said here in a vocal mood that if any attacks happen on uranium struggle, that's going to be a reason for the war. and that is definitely being intensified. she, as i said, they're not expecting that to happen. however, that is, even if it is a slight possibility, that means or seeing that the response is going to be quite harsh, quite firm, and they are going to be guarded as a reason for them. okay, russell, thank you for that update from to, from across back to washington dc and speak to our white house correspondent, kimberly how to it. kimberly anything new from your end. what are you hearing of the we've not heard anything here at the white house. the president isn't here right now. he is in silver or rather in delaware, and this comes on the heels of the president participating in a dignified transfer for the 3 americans that were killed at uh earlier
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in the week on sunday. of course that prompted a response by the united states. what we know, of course, is that 3 americans were killed as a result of strikes on that outposts in jordan. and we know that the us president said on sunday, the statement of the, of the feeling of the american public was that their hearts were heavy. and that this would require a response of the time and place of the us commander and she's choosing. and so why would presume that to given the statements that we have heard all week, whether be from the us president or from his national security council spokesperson, john kirby, or even the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, that this would be 8 here, a response, one that could take many forms and now we are seeing perhaps what looks like the
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1st of that tiered response. uh so we are watching carefully to see what the us president may have to say per tech, potentially in the tumbling coming hours. but of course we've not had any sort of statement coming out of the white house, because right now the president is not physically here and things are still developing. okay. kimberly, we'll cross back to a little later as well. thank you for the time being. that's kimberly how coat reporting from outside the white house will not speak to david. the ross is a professor at the national defense university. he's joining us live from re us. thanks for your time with us on l g 0. so as a reporter, kimberly was just saying, uh, we've not heard anything from the white house as of yet. we also have in high confirmation from the pentagon. so this is all according to american media for reporting that the us has begun. these retaliatory strikes in eastern syria how, how do you read the situation is this, in fact.


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