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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 3, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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me or even the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, that this would be a shared response. one that could take many forms and now we are seeing perhaps what looks like the 1st of that tiered response. uh so we are watching carefully to see what the us president may have to say per tech, potentially in the cumberland coming hours. but of course we've not had any sort of statements coming out of the white house, because right now the president is not physically here and things are still developing. okay. kimberly, we'll cross back to a little later as well. thank you for the time being. that's kimberly how coat reporting from outside the white house will now speak to david the ross, who is a professor at the national defense university. he's joining us live from re us. thanks for your time with us on al jazeera. so as a reporter, kimberly was just saying, we've not heard anything from the white house as of yet. we also have in high confirmation from the pentagon. so this is all according to american media,
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who are reporting that the us has begun. these retaliatory strikes in eastern syria . um, how, how do you read the situation? is this, in fact, the us striking syria as well. only us truly has the ability to destroy the iranian militia positions in syria. so there's no on the syrian, our forces themselves are pretty degraded and most of russia's military k. ready ability in syria has either been removed to ukraine or is seen. that's pretty much a defensive posture. so i think it's a pretty safe assumption that for us forces. all right, if we go ahead with that assumption, even though we have to say that, we mean we know that israel strikes inside of syria as well. but if we go on the basis of that assumption, that it is but us right now. uh, kimberly was also mentioning that us officials have been talking about it's here in response to, to the strikes and to the death of this 3 soldiers in jordan. what is that exactly?
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mean it's your response. what does it look like to you? the tier to responses is not a doctoral term that us military uses. so it's so political term, i think what they mean is that there are varying degrees of intensity. and so now you know, they're designed to show of the uranium this who, you know, are providing the capabilities and probably the directions of these attacks. just show them that when you get something, there may be something else. so just take it and regard this as the end of this. if you try to launch a, you know, a retaliatory strike to the retaliation sets of motion escalation in, in play, you'll get something much more severe. that's my guess. because again, it's, this is not here to response is not a, a phrase used to work hard. so how long do you think that this campaign, if it is, if it indeed is a campaign, how long will it take as well?
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and so that's a good question. so presumably the goal of the campaign is to re establish the terms which is at the end of the day, a political and a psychological condition. so the question is, can the, these actions inflict enough damage on a rainy, an interest that the uranium swell uh, you know, basically step back from doing this sort of thing again in the future. the challenge here is that so far, you know, i, i have to have size that 1st request, you know, let me just draw up here for a 2nd. david wrote to ross because it keeps saying that the iranians and this will, this her, that rain. yes. i mean, what do you, what do you lose? yeah. well, what are you basing that statements on that? it's the earphones behind this, the top 30 years of a rainy and practice in 30 years. every ron uh, building the capacity of this used here and in the strategic games of iran, which are the ones that are served by sending these proxy militias and the panel.
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so that's what i'm basing it all. okay. well, we know that the resistance in iraq has, in fact come out and claimed responsibility for the attack on sunday. that took place in jordan that resulted in the killing of 3 american soldiers. and you were saying that the name of the company. oh, really an arms and a reunion armed and possibly directed you were saying that the pain as to deter uh, these groups and according to you, iran, i mean it's been us going to be able to succeed and deterring these groups and doesn't the us just risk whitening the conflict right now in igniting the region as well. i think that that's one of the, the constraints of the united states as in post on its actions. so yeah, the reports right now are that the attacks are only occurring in syria. that's. ready about as limiting as things could be if, if the attacks are in your rock, for example, then the various militias that do we run,
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spitting your rock to include the islamic resistance of the rock, which i believe is actually sort of a cut out designation used by other organizations would perhaps expand that, but if it's confined to syria, what we've seen in the past is a tax against a rainy, an interest in syria which include these proxy, malicious, uh, has, can find itself to syria. so it looks as though there's a degree of restraint so far. as you know, fresh records isn't more often incorrect. so do you expect then the strikes to widen to include a rock you rock is his problem matic because iran and forces loyalty. iran have basically managed to capture a significant part of the iraqi government. so iraqi officials in public, not in private, you know, generally would have to do cry. that is a violation of your rocky sovereignty and condemn the united states. so politically,
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it's much harder for us to reach out against a rainy and interested in your rock than it is in serious. i expect that there may be, it is, it does wide next look, the logical candidate would be against the who with using the m and then possibly etc. but what we're seeing so far is a greater degree of restraints and that, so it may just simply be confined to syria, just more intense actions against iranian interest. and militias are right aligned with the run in syria that machine and asked. all right, david, the ross, we thank you for joining us from re ok. well, not the head. he's joining us from the dogma. who would tell us what you're hearing in iraq as 3. and as you know, that the has been a state of high low to an old ottoman the groups affiliated with the long since the sunday attack that killed the us. so joseph, on the border between the city and jo done, but as of yet there is no conformation,
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whether not this attack, new data zoar on the city and both the killed a rocky. so just a rock, you know, on a line that soldiers, that remains to be verified on our side. but as you know, that these lubbock resistance that includes 5 major it on a line. ottoman groups has been experiencing, get a state of high low to it says that attack on sunday, as you know, that despite the fact that get to it as well as the hezbollah brigade, the main accused, the group of cutting out the attack on the outposts of but a total of $22.00 and in jordan on sunday, and i always had it. so spinning it's operations. it's that tax against us and coalition forces and iraq and city a bought a new job, but another major, a lot of light and a group. yes. today, i know so that it is not so spending,
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it's continuing to attacking us and coalition forces until the united states of stops backing is what i submitted. so you can paying on the guys that in fact they have been demanding that old us and coalition troops withdrawal from iraq. they called him yoko patient forces. so that had been that had been some sort of fluctuations and a among the slum existence, a group since sunday. but as they just mentioned that they have been, they have been re, to re 18. that is task that they want all of us and coalition forces to leave iraq . they had been, they have been withdrawn from their locations inside iraq in order to, to uh, in order to leave the locations a head of the expected us accounts are a tech. so my fluid is there a sense then, amongst the not only these groups that operate in a rock, but also amongst regular rockies, that things could escalates as well
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. a lucky also shows have been calling, so call them, but they have been calling for the escalation as you know that the iraqi officials including get the a higher military commission. i've been engaged in talks with us officials to at the time we can as him to the side and organize the it minutes. we relation between the us and a rock. and that might involve us also a graduate was the will. but that has been interrupted by these it frequent attacks . and as you know, that the government has been under huge pressure because it cannot stop these attacks from the ultimate group side. and meanwhile, it has been calling the counter attacks, cut it out by us at a strikes violation of a rocks, a sovereignty. all right, maxima would, thank you so much for that update from both sides. let's bring in our diplomatic
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editor james mays. james, you're joining us from the united nations over in new york. uh, what are you hearing from your end? a yeah, no, no real reaction yet from the united nations on the ground. and the think that the reaction will be calibration by the scale of this. and exactly what the us is hitting if it is just targets inside syria and iraq, then that obviously will be serious, but it won't be services if they actually strikes something inside the rob itself, which i think would take things to a very different dimension. if it is constructed, good can find 2 attacks to those that a seen, those groups that are supported by iran, that i think the reaction to the international community is going to be pretty similar to what you've seen with the us and other western attacks. the u. k joining the us in their attacks on gemini talk it's, they'll be condemnation. they may well be cool for meeting of the un security
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council that will be a nation's including permanent members of the security council light rusher in china. who will be taking this little back to the the wall in garza and saying, well, if the us wants to go along with the rest of the security council and agree to a cease in gaza than the escalation in the region, which the us publicly said, he is trying to avoid, would come to an end of this what, what we're seeing, what we appear to be saying very early stages is clearly escalation. the us would say it's the rightful defense following that attack on the bass in jordan. but they'll be questions again about that too. um yes, the us in jordan is that with the permission of the jordanian government, but that base in jordan is a supply base for a lot of the of the bigger us space in syria. again, the countries around the world, russia know to play a, which has its own forces in syria, which was saying, why is the us in syria and is the us and syria legally, which of course,
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i think is a big, big question mark rusher of cost will say it's invite to didn't by the sofa and government of the go mentor, president assigned and that's why it's uprising in syria. i think that'll be questions. they'll be probably a security council meeting in the coming days on this. but i think the question about how seriously the international community will take it and the it's natural response will i think, and totally depend on whether there are strikes inside iran or not. yeah, james and those who are just uh, just talking about the issues and the questions that would be raised over the possible violation of sovereignty here. because my food i did was, was saying about the questions will be raised in iraq. if there are us air strikes in iraq, absolutely. the, you know, the, the us position in iraq of being about to leave it rock so many times in the past. and us troops are still on the ground in iraq. and it's a very, very uneasy relationship with the rocky government. so yes,
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they're all sorts of problems here. and i think one of the problems is that uh present button has been working out what to do in terms of the situation on the ground in the middle east. and that's how he's been finding, i think his response to the war in gaza since october the 7th. but since 3 us service personnel were killed then he has to think not only about the situation in the middle east bought the situation in the us as well. and he's coming under great deal of pressure to respond and to us, heavy response leads potentially to, for the escalation. i was speaking of the last 24 hours. i've gotta be careful of a doctor review of my source, but to a very senior diplomat from a very large country. and that person said to me that everything that's going on in the middle east right now, and the us actions in the middle. these have whole to be viewed by the fact that we were in the us selection here. and this person, the senior official,
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i spoke to said that makes things so much more complicated. and this person said it means, for example, good will the talk about the end of the conflicting garza talk about the 2 state solution and diplomacy. all of that is complicated. no less, certainly comp happen in 2024 because of the political dimension. everything with viewing is being viewed on the ground in the middle east by the politics of the very complicated political situation in the middle east. but it all has to be view to onto the separate lens of the us political situation with, of course, a presidential election happening in november. all right, james, thank you for the time being that james bass reporting from the united nations. we're bringing in a hotel design as monitoring events from brother in law's capital bay, rosanna worth just taking a step back and, and for. and if yours were just joining us on al jazeera, explaining to them what's happened over the past 45 minutes or so. as well,
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we are been getting reports from our sources in their zoar. that's a province in eastern syria bordering iraq, that there were air strikes and syrian states media is calling it a us aggression. we still have no confirmation from the pentagon. the american media is reporting that the much anticipated in a way to us we allegation to the killing of american soldiers in georgia, has begun. now there is tour, um the americans would have, you know, multiple really in their zoar is they are going after a groups arm to groups that are linked and backed by the brands because that whole area bordering iraq is, is a strong hold of these brand new impact groups as well as, you know, a brand new and personnel. it's such a strategic location because it's,
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it's really connex that, that test runs. iraq, syria, the route table, legs. so we are getting reports of air strikes in that location between 8 to 12 targets a size being hit. we're also getting reports from syria and stating to get it able to end up um this, that up to 10 fighters or, or members of if we run into groups as well as history and military have been killed as well as a, a t others injured. but we haven't got the independent confirmation that is the syrian state media reporting. so this is not the 1st time this area has been hit by the us much. and this indeed, this is, this was the strikes maternity sorry. in fact, us not very few weeks ago, hit a run handling targets in there and to work to in retaliation for a tax against their basis. and you back in syria. and israel also has hit the area
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repeatedly throughout the year. so a very strategic area and as from who lives, we run back reports from the ground to adjust the 8 to 12 targets. hit american media saying that the us military has the gun. it's retaliation. but still we're waiting for an official confirmation from the pentagon. yes, and just to pick up on what you're saying, the syrian syrian state media is also reporting that there had been a number of casualties and injuries as a result of what's being described as a, quote, us addressing. but the, are you hearing anything about the, the types of targets that had been attacked right now? well, no, but, but this should be a houses, facilities link to a brand new and back groups linked to the brand drone facility. the, the, there's also the order of what the under this positions on the board, the board of between. so again, the rock have also been been hit. but this is one of the most strategic locations
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because of the boots. this is the way that it is able to supply its, its allies in syria, with weapons, with drones. these groups do use erect weapons in fact lived in the bay who is reaches the iranian allies. the lebanese armed group has belie which is also engaged in a cross border comes in with this way. the army triggered by the war, it goes up. so really the war r as a, as rigorous this, this, the, this escalation across region. and soon a has been, or iranian iranian targets in syria have been repeated they targets. in fact, we're not talking about us strikes, but the estimate of the military it has intensive fine. it strikes against the right hand backed hoops in serious since the war and cost of the guns just earlier,
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2 hours ago, they had to target very close to the syrian so, so the around in the, around, in the military as well as the, the groups i liked to iraq is really military entrenched in syria, so there would be 100 our guess if the us military no is wants to go after is gonna say targets in syria. all right, and i thank you for that updates as the reporting for us from beta or less. i'm bringing roles and jordan for us understanding by for us at the pentagon in arlington. any more information? what more are you learning? and we are now getting confirmation from multiple sources here at the patagonia that the u. s. has started launching retaliatory air strikes against targets inside both syria and a rock that is in response to sundays drone air strike on tower $22.00, a us military facility in northeastern jordan, in which
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a 3 us soldiers were killed. and dozens of other military personnel were injured. the us had said offense, so that almost from the moment that attack happened, that there would be a military response. and us official, starting with the u. s. president joe biden, and the defense secretary lloyd austin said that the response would come and it would come in a multiple of fashions. so this could very well be the 1st phase, but to reiterate that retaliation, those retaliatory airstrikes from the u. s. have now be gone. okay, ross and we started now that we have that confirmation from the pentagon itself, are we learning anything more about how long this is going to take and what's, what's the next steps are? so we're not getting that level of detail yet. and in fact, it's a little hazy to suggest just how long these air strikes have been going uh,
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according to uh, the us military's clock. but i think it's safe to say that for at least the past hour, this military operation has been underway. now there, of course, there been lots of reports about who exactly is being targeted, what their national affiliation might be, where they might physically be located. us officials are not giving that level of detail at least on background just yet, but suffice it to say, there has been considerable concern about letting this attack on the troops at tower 20 to go on, answered. and certainly this is the 1st step. i don't think that this will be the last one. all right, uh, ross, and thank you so much, ross and jordan, reporting from the pentagon. we have of those out to 0, senior political analyst, my the one beside us. so confirmation. now from the pentagon, what do you make of this? where, you know, sometimes in strategic affairs,
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the simplest answer is the correct answer. and this was predictable. it was expected, the americans announced that they said we will retaliate. it wouldn't be within days, but it wouldn't be over days, many days, sustained campaign. and that we wouldn't go off of those groups that are backed by iran. but in fact, even within the administration, we've heard a lot of people say they are back, but not necessarily directed. so i think we're probably going to hit a lot of interpretations. is it back to time directed or back? not directed us. um, so who was the, the us a sending a message to whom here is it to everyone? is it to the groups that it accuses iran of backing and funding? and, you know, i mean, they're not mutually exclusive, right? because the message to your line and message to it's, uh, it's uh, you know, clients or associates or the so called extra super existence. this is more or less
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what they've come to learn over the past at least 4 months. is that there are a number of groups we called them spin. they are segmented party centric and it logically networked. but the whole sees or the as well as the 11 or the cat that had been syria or others in iraq dot or more or less, the logically connected. um. and they somehow coordinated without being in contact . and they are very much one of them, backed by your on, on your, on most of that. i mean, it doesn't shy away from saying that these are groups of i support the are called the actual, the access of resistance and resisting who. who is this thing though? the foreign forces of domination, that in course the united states, the u. k. has one, as is read occupation, and the ducal so that is right as a colonial entity. so the question,
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the big question that you've been sort of dealing with a nice short our viewers around the world looking into with this, how well, 1st of all, with this lead to them towards the escalation, or will this indeed, it leads to deterring good type? it has what law and eventually they didn't go on. i think the asset has been already cleared from the outset. and we've heard that from, by that himself, when he spoke about the whole fees in yemen, a journalist as to okay, now that you bombed, i would say is, what does sometimes you think that going to be deter? then he said, no, of course not. right, right. we'll get that as well. i be the 3rd, of course not what you want me to do. it's absolutely not. the question is not whether they would be deterred or not what, not why the united states would re establish that there is because there wasn't much over the terms. the question is, what does this need to further explanation?
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now what we know is that neither her on nor washington meaning the lead the ship in the on the lead, the ship in washington today is not interested in escalation. but that does not mean that there wouldn't be no escalation, right. and especially because my lot over in the united states, i mean, you have some, some of the sort of hawkiss republican officials in the us who have been calling for a direct strikes on iran option. okay. how strongly are these voices? do you think in the us right now? i'm sorry. how strong are these voices and the republicans? there are some die hards on thought unions, especially that center from arkansas. but there's a number also of senators and congressmen that are 100 percent supported by these are lobby, but notably by the software, jim's so the jewish constituents for national security, they're the ones where i've been the most outspoken on the question of we must do
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it that gives the wrong we must attack it on. so there's a number of hard core pro is really institutions in washington. but there's also hot core republicans. there's also a few. it's too complicated to go to expand as to what's, what's your project? sonya and democrats who are also enthusiastic or bullish on on, on finishing it on. right. so clearly there's a whole number of, uh, combined in, in washington that would be more than interested in, in a conversation with you on with her the likes of john bolton, for example, a number of times preaching about why we must meaning america must, that's accurate on and yet, i mean just to be clear, the by the solution is not interested in a major confrontation where they are on for 2 reasons. one expediency, there's no point of getting out the image on water. and then that action year for a guy who wants to be re elected americans don't that they don't want one to. you
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might say this is not necessarily more important or less important, but by then committed himself and the for ever wars. and them at least, and he really a, singly for that of, i've gotten his done and he was even probably a ready to pull out of iraq if need be, even though it's just uh, you know, the number of a few thousands of american soldiers that but all to say that the americans in the region who now said are defending themselves, that actually dominant invasion, america is the superpower. and then at least america does not withdraw from anywhere offensive, at least except under pressure, except after confrontation, we haven't seen an american force and them at least that was do, or we deployed part of a place except under pressure. so the united states unfortunately says the cost or the doctrine of any, not the date. these have decided to start deploying big time in the middle east.
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and in fact started entering into major confrontations and them at least now we're seeing them fight. thing is the wars and them at least, and we must underline that because we know we wouldn't have this. it is seen a lot of this. neither enjoy the northern indiana, northern syria, if there was no, is really aggression in palestine. right. okay. what was done by for a moment because we're bringing. kimberly, how could you tell us more about president biden? kimberly it how much pressure he was under to show that he was doing something about the attack that took place on sunday that resulted in the killing of 3 soldiers in jordan with us president has been under enormous pressure ever since this attack took place on sunday not just on capitol hill, but also from the american public. you have to remember the timing of this. the us president participated in what's known as a transfer, a dignified transfer. that is where he was at the dover air force base earlier
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a few hours ago where the coffins of the 3 soldiers that were killed were flagged. right. that was a very solemn ceremony. he was present with the family members after speaking to them earlier in the week and hearing just how upset they were, obviously to lose their loved ones in this attack. the so the president not only had to hear those emotional stories, but he also had to hear the criticisms of some of the more hawkish members of the republican party on capitol hill saying that they believed that it was time for the us president to send a message to a ron and the groups that it is financing. we heard from the president that he was personally holding ron responsible for this attack because in his words, they were supplying the weapons that allowed for this attack to occur. and even as the president and his secretaries and his folks, people were saying, but they were not seeking a broader middle east conflict,
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they did say that they were planning to retaliate in some form and fashion at a time and place of their choosing. but this has been controversial inside the united states. there are members of the president's own democratic party that are saying that it's time to stop the escalation that has been occurring. but the president is overstepping his authority that he doesn't have the congressional authorization to, to lodge what could be an escal atory strike that could lead to a broader middle east conflict. even dragging the united states into a war. they have made the argument that under article 2 of the constitution, this is still defensive in nature and that the president does have the authority. but there is an argument, a legal argument to debate that. now i can tell you that in the midst of all of this, the united states says that it does have intelligence. but
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a ron didn't make the components of the drone but carried out this attack. but they have not in any way supplied any evidence of that intelligence to prove that. in fact, ron did have the uh, the components or the ability to make the, the drum that carried out the attack that resulted in the death of these 3 american soldiers or the 40 that were wounded in this outpost in jordan. so again, the united states is blaming a ron. it has not provided evidence bids or ron was behind this attack. and again, the united states president saying that they do not seek a broader conflict. well, at the same time, also saying they do not wish for this to escalate. kimberly, just one more while i have you with us since the strikes started, which is which was about i want to say an hour or so ago about 45 minutes or so ago
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. have we heard anything from the president himself? it's very curious, but we have not, but that is not entirely unusual. what typically happens in situations like this is that the president will hang back and let his national security team his team at the pentagon to, to conduct this is, there are times when the president will be present in the situation room here at the white house. this is not one of those locations, and it may have to do with the fact that the president was up in delaware at the dover air force base for this dignified transfer that took place earlier in the day . that is where the president has remained out in his home in delaware. and so we are waiting to find out more from the president whether or not he will release the statement. we're reaching out to the national security council as we speak in order to try and get more information. all right,
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you'll keep across the story for the time being. thank you. kimberly health at reporting from the white house will cross over time. what i've been, why had my hold, you are joining us from baghdad. so now we understand that the pentagon has confirmed that air strikes have taken place in syria. and in iraq, what are you hearing from your end? where have the strikes been any rock we have been getting reports from lucas media, that data switch happened in our time. as you know, the time is about doing a district to between a rock and the city. and there is no conformation about casualties as of yet, but the local sources here say that one of the ministry leaders of say, that showed that briggs, that one of the main brigades included in the islamic resistance, a group it posted that he's calling on the a rocky parliament to question the for the minutes. so they are like you for
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a minnesota. and to encourage him to urge him to a liaise with that countries like jordan and so data about and quade not to let the united states to use their soil to carry out the attacks again as to a locations and the rock. as you know, that these ultimate groups affiliated with the law and have been blaming neighboring countries for letting the united states using the saw it is to carry out attacks against the locations in a rock and the city a. but generally speaking, that has been a some sort of tension here between the government on the one hand and the a lot aligned mcgrooves, especially when it comes to the minute the presence of us and coalition forces and iraq, as you know, that the colon, occupation forces and they demand that they leave a rock as soon as possible. the government, on the other hand, has been in the huge pressure, has been facing
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a pressure given the fact that it is engaging in talks with the us submitted. so you'll push it has to reach mckenna's him to organize that minutes. the presence of the us and coalition troops in iraq on the one hand. and meanwhile, it does not want any retaliatory attacks to be cut it out on a rocky soil. it calls it a, but you need some of the rocks at sovereignty. but on the other hand, it goes on the, you're on the line with groups to de escalate. the step that was an hours had by the hezbollah brigades a few days ago to de escalate to suspend old milledgeville operations against us and coalition forces in iraq and syria was, will come by to the government by many government officials. but that has been disrupted by a new job that brigade, one of the brigades included in the stomach resistance when it's the leader now
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said that they will continue attacking us and coalition forces in iraq and syria. as long as the united states, a stands as a back of, of u l, but as far as admitted to complaint against the law. so how do we expect these great have moved to remind me that you have some collision forces? how do we explore the currently to respond? i mean, as you were just saying, you were mentioning, cut out because by law who, who announced the suspension off operations against us troops on wednesday. do we expect that group to reverse that decision now that the us has been striking iraq and syria and, and what about the other groups? well apparently yes, because remember that the announcement of the escalation of suspension of all attacks against us and coalition forces in iraq can see it was temporary. so it means that it means that they, they could be could as you a tax. again, i'm given the fact that one of the major brigades included in the subject
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resistance a group is not the escalating is vowing to a resume to continue in fact, attacks against us thing and coalition forces in iraq and city. that's actually an indication that this some kind over the escalation with lots of hold on. hold up. oh, okay. well, thank you much for the heads. uh, giving us the update from by dodge. uh, we cannot speak to, i'll to zeros, correspondent dorsen tovaris or thought you reported extensively from to her on how do you think of reading and officials are going to be reading this development well during i think they're going to be watching everything that's happening tonight. very, very carefully, and i think that we're somewhat prepared for what was coming given the events that we've seen taking place over the past few months. and especially at since last sunday with the death of the 3 us soldiers. and i think it would be pretty safe to assume that all the radian forces on very high alerts,
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especially the reigning aerospace, at the moment. any small incident could spark a wider conflicts. and i think the readings are very well aware and watching the developments very carefully to see what's as targets are in iraq and syria. and you haven't. and i think what will happen in the next 48 hours. we've very, very critical because their response to what the americans are doing as we speak will determine how things develop in the next few days. and of course, the so we don't know yet if the united states is going to hit inside iran, it's very unlikely given what the american officials have been saying and what the radians have also been indicating there is definitely no interest in conflicts between the united states and iran, given what is happening right now, the reading officials have said they're not looking for both directly. and it through other channels delivered messages to the united states as has officials
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from washington to, to her on saying, given everything they're doing, they still don't want to have to go to war with iran. this is something that is still happening outside of radian soil, but as we know, things can get out of him very quickly. so i think everybody's definitely on high large, but i know that the, uh, there is absolutely no off tied into ron for a war with the united states. right. and because we know that iran has warned us not to launch any strike on iranian territories or so, and as we're just saying, mean around said that if the us escalates in this way, then it's response will be swift and dramatic. but we're starting as well. that's after the attack took place in jordan that killed the 3 american soldiers. iran did come out and say that it had nothing to do without attracting absolutely right away . the radiant officials for the foreign ministry came out and said they had nothing to do with it. they wanted to make it very clear, they want us to get ahead of a situation. they didn't want it to get out of control and get out of hand and to
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for people, especially as well to start pointing the finger at or on. they said that these groups are working independently, even though iran supports them politically. they are not pulling the strings, they are allies, they're not proxies per se for iranian revolutionary guard. and that they work within their own structure and hierarchy. and their own had nothing to do with ordering them to carry out any kind of attack. and this is the rhetoric we've heard from tyrone before. even after the october 7th attacks that have most carried out. a rating for ministry officials came out and said we had nothing to do with it. we have no knowledge of it. but of course they then defend the policy in people's rights to defend themselves. that's part of the rhetoric from tyrone and has been for many, many years. but in terms of actual action carried out by proxy groups or by groups, a quote unquote affiliated with to her on the range. an official position is that they don't pull the strings, right? they are independence and what they do is as
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a result of the american presence in the region, and that is what is causing these groups to act and behave in these ways. all right, thank you. so much store, so thanks for the time being let spring. and rosalind jordan, once again, rosalind standing by for us at the pentagon in arlington. so rosalind, you were telling us earlier that now we have confirmation from the pentagon that the u. s. has been striking targets in iraq and in syria. what more are you learning? so we are also learning from u. s. military sources, that 7 locations between a rock and syria. we don't have the exact breakdown. have been targeted. that we are expecting a series of statements confirming this retaliatory air set of air strikes. coming 1st from sun. com. then there will be a statement coming from the white house. and then there will be a statement coming from the defense secretary lloyd austin. and we are also able to confirm that to b one b bombers, which are the premiere of fighting
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a fighter jets for this kind of air strikes are being used in the circumstance. there's some other reporting suggesting that this may continue for another amount of time friday night into saturday morning. we don't know yet. what if any follow on activities are going to be carried out by the us military, but 7 locations? we don't have any casualty figures as of yet. it usually takes the us military, a bit of time to figure out what the actual impact of such air strikes would be. yeah, rosalind though we did hear from siri and state media in fact that there have been a number of casualties and injuries as a result of the strikes. they didn't release any fingers, but that's what we heard from a syrian state. media ends up just reading here, according to the reuters news agency, rosalind, that the us military is saying that it's, it's conducted airstrikes and iraq and syria, which we know against iran islamic revolutionary guards corps goods forest as well
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as affiliated melissa group. so we seem to be getting more information as a, as the hours go by. that's right, and i would expect that we're going to get much more detail about the actual a group or groups targeted in this series of airstrikes as well as what of command control or other military apparatus might have been targeted in this wave of air strikes. but again, the usaa is confirming that 7 locations between a rock and syria have been targeted. it is important to note that us forces have been deployed inside eastern syria in order to participate in ongoing efforts to the fang and to feed ice. so, of fighters out as well as those other groups that might be posing some sort of a threat to of the people who live in that region as well as in northern iraq. but
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again, we need to hear that detail coming from uh us, administration officials. we expect in the next few hours. all right, rosalind, i thank you so much for the time being rosa, enjoying reporting for us from the pentagon. so here is where we are right now. the us has begun conducting air strikes on targets in both iraq as well as syria. and this could be the start of what might be a larger scale us strikes on iranian backed militias, as they describe them who carried out attacks on us troops in the middle east. and the strikes for us to sing, or in response to a drone strike. by a rainy and back groups, according to the us on a us military outpost in jordan. on sunday, that attack resulted in the killing of 3 us service members and wounding more than 40 others. i will move away from the story for just
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a moment and tell you about what's going on and guys, because in the southern city of con, eunice hospitals are under siege school sheltering displaced, palestinians are bonds, and residential areas are hits. and 4 people have been killed following intense is really selling and gunfire at the palestine red crescent headquarters there. it's located inside the amount of the hospital complex, which shelter has thousands of displaced people. the amount of hospital has been under siege and targeted for 12 days and many fear. what's coming next with israel, a warning it will advance of ground defensive further south to it, us off the city borders, egypt. it's already crowded with more than half of gauze. this population of 2300000 looking for safety. the united nations is describing the crisis, set it up as a pressure cooker of despair. we hear that this, even though try the best, the all problems in food security to deliver as much as they can to. so if you have
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enough food that's not enough clean drinking water and there's no protection where nobody is, is guaranteed from the, from the next kind of wave of fighting that we fear is, is, is coming on. and it's like every week we think we've got it. talk get any worse. well, go fader, it gets worse. oh, settler attacks against palestinians and the occupied westbank have increased sharply since is relaunched. it's war on gaza need out that us sanctions on perpetrators of the violence will too much to hold them to account. charles stratford reports in the town if and so we have another attack by israeli settlers in the occupied west bank. promised to be in villages. tell us the attack has came in the middle of the night from one of the 2 illegal settlements on the other side of the valley. a family of 5 heated, terrified in the home. as the settlers pull federal over, they call such as a light,
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and that the situation is terrible. they allow us to farm or build or take care about trees. whatever biden says the settlers weren't listen to him. as we feel is ready, i'll meet you here. driving off into the village to palestinian olive groves. this is one of hundreds of attacks on palestinian property by illegal is riley secular since the war began on gauze on october. the 7th. the people here is you can imagine a very nervous, these ready ministry has just arrived. they do not want to be filmed now all the week. so promises in rhetoric in washington. the bind administration now says it will impose sanctions on is lady settlers accused of committing acts of violence to be occupied territories. the 1st full settlers targeted by the sanctions include 22 year old david che chest a who reportedly let a group that sit by to buildings assaulted college stadiums and damaged a property,
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resulting the tax of a palestinian civilian and this mosque, my shovel. zip among the fields, i'm throwing a rock through a car window. the office of prime minister benjamin netanyahu released the statement saying is well x again slowly. so easy to break the law. every with the full exceptional matches are not necessary to be secular. lead is denounced biden's order. the executive order start signed by the president of denied of states is both disappointing and surprising. you would expect president by then to look into the fact before signing such an order. you in says that has been a massive increase in sector with tax on palestinians, and they probably see in the last 4 months, many involving guns and with the support of frontier to prove whose damage is ready, soldiers, and by other thing that they did. so it doesn't give any consent to the so to the center then mean anything to them. if the americans and by then and said, think that this is towards the group. he has to deal with them as authorities have
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to be punished. you have to be taken to ga us prussia when israel small, right government may be growing. but many palestinians say biden's exec is even older. he's more about his re election campaign and about forcing any change is rails behavior. child stuff alger 0. a. so yeah, in the occupied with bank. so the us as long as they are strikes in syria and iraq and retaliation for a drone attack last sunday that killed 3 us soldiers in jordan. earlier i spoke to david the ra, she's a professor at the us based national defense university. he explained what us officials mean by a tiered response to the attacks on a tiered responses is not a doctoral term that us military uses. so it's so political term, i think what they mean is that there are varying degrees of intensity. and so, you know, they're designed to show up, the uranium to, you know,
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are providing the capabilities and probably the direction of these attacks. just show them that when you get something, there may be something else, so just take it and regard this as the end of this. if you try to launch a, you know, a retaliatory strike to the retaliation and set the motion of escalation in, in play. you'll get something much more severe. that's my guess, because again, it's, this is not here to response is not a, a phrase used to work on this campaign if it is, if it indeed is a campaign, how long will it take? well, so that's a good question. so presumably the goal of the campaign is to reestablish the tourist, which is at the end of the day a political and a psychological condition. so the question is, can the, these actions inflict enough damage on a rainy and interest that the uranium swell?
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uh, you know, basically step back from doing this sort of thing again in the future. iraq is, is problem attic because iran and forces loyal to iran have basically managed to capture a significant part of the iraqi government. so iraqi officials in public, not in private, uh, you know, generally would have to do cry. that is a violation of your rocky sovereignty and condemn the united states. so politically, it's much harder for us to retaliate against iranian interest in the rock than it is in syria. i expect that there, maybe it is. it does widen, expect the logical candidate would be against the who is using the m and then possibly, etc. but what we're seeing so far is a greater degree of restraints. and that, so it may just simply be confined to syria, just more intense actions against iranian interest. and militias arrive aligned with you, run it syria that we've seen in the past. what's not bringing roles and jordan was
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standing by for us at the pentagon in arlington. and we now have of statements, rosalind that's been released by centcom. that's right, according to us, the com which is the branch of the us military or combatant commander. i should say, that is responsible for security issues across the middle east and northern africa . this attack, this series of airstrikes started 51 minutes ago, east coast time, according to stock. com. more than 85 targets. going after members of islamic revolutionary guards, course codes force, as well as affiliated dial militia groups that around has been supporting training, paying for equipment and so on. this is in direct response, according to com, for the attack, the drone us air strike on sunday, on tower 22 that tell us military post in northeastern jordan. we're 3 us soldiers
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were killed and dozens of others were injured by net ministration has insisted. it was going to respond when and where it felt it was appropriate. and it what use whatever methods it felt would send the message that attacks on us forces would not be tolerated. we should go on to note that according to the 2nd statement, more than 125, precision munitions, or bombs, you know, smart bobs in the military's a common parlance were dropped. they say that the facilities that were targeted really covered the range of what any large scale organized military operation would include, including command and control intelligence setters, weapons stores including rockets and missiles. you a, the storage facilities drone garages to be very plain about it, as well as targeting supply chain operations. all of the things that the i r g c and it's affiliated groups would be using to launch attacks. whether on us forces
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on syria defense forces on other uh, groups of the us military is saying that it has gone precisely after those targets is in there, indicating that this could continue. so rosalind, what have we ever heard anything actually this in the past hour or so from the us defense secretary himself. and what do you have to say up until this point? what we have not heard yet from the us defense secretary lloyd austin. we are being told by military sources that we will likely hear from him probably in a written statement as these error strikes continue or perhaps conclude. but we have heard from the defense secretary, just in the last 24 hours, was that there is going to be a response for the killing of those us forces in northeastern jordan on sunday. he was just behind me, out of podium,
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taking questions about ongoing prices across the middle east, as well as questions about his own health. but he was quite adamant that the by the administration was not going to like the depths and the injuries of us troops in northeastern jordan go unanswered with the us administration. rosalind bit concerned though that their, their military bases in the middle east will be targeted as well in retaliation to well, i think what officials would say to you was that we've already seen more than $100.00 . $65.00 for such attacks on us forces in the middle east since october, 13th adjuster, but 6 days after her most attacked of southern israel and killed more than $1200.00 is really citizens. and so not only has or the us, i've been very concerned about the rising tempo as it were. of the attacks on us
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forces were not involved in any active combat situations. but they also know that they have to be very careful in how they respond. there's a real concern in the, by the administration about possibly setting off consequences that the us and its allies in the region would not be able to contain. and part of the problem is that you're not just talking about one military, engaging against another military or against a power military group. you're talking about a lot of independent actors that don't necessarily come port to the law of war to the rules of combat engagement. and so you don't, you cannot predict what action you take that might lead to something that would be reasonable. there could be any number of complicating factors that in turn increases the prospect of a regional war, which is something that officials in the, by the administration are very, very worried about setting off. so they have to calculate what they're going to do
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. there may be things that you was officials want to do that may not be wise from a long term perspective because let's not forget, they want to try to bring this war between israel and gaza to an end. they want to try to get the establishment of a palestinian state. they've also been trying to deal with a curbing i suppose behavior and curbing around in behavior. they have to be careful not to upset all of those competing goals. all right, thank you, rosalind for that update from the pentagon. so just a reminder, here's what happens in the past hour. the u. s. has begun conducting airstrikes on targets in both iraq and in syria. that's according to us officials as well as the pentagon who has given us confirmation. and the strikes are in response to the drone strike on the us military outpost in jordan on sunday, which killed 3 us service members will take
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a short break here and all the 0 back in just about 2 minutes or so. with much more on this developing story as well as the space underneath the israel has now imposed a complete fees ongoing sense. so how do they survive if you have no income? how do you live? cost of living rose sharply after the war and ukraine could something like that happen again as a ripple effect of 2000. and one is it us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this. when the price of oil goes up, the costs of almost every thing goes up. counting the cost on out of their business latest is brought to you believe, i guess is a line supply on one of your this makes modern pleads. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the business like just is free to you believe, i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern plates
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, if you're watching the news, our life and my headquarters and, oh hi, i'm getting you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes us launches airstrikes and syria and iraq and retaliation for a drone attack that killed 3 us soldiers in jordan. b. aerosols comes just hours
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after the bodies of the 3 service members were returned to the us.


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