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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 3, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the, the the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life and my headquarters, and oh hi, i'm getting you navigate, here's what's coming up. in the next 60 minutes, us launches airstrikes and syria and iraq and retaliation for a drone attack that killed 3 us soldiers in jordan. b. aerosols comes just hours after the bodies of the 3 service members were returned to the us.
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the hello. we begin with breaking news in the us as launch dozens of airstrikes in syria and iraq. it says it's in response to a drone strike at a base in jordan that killed 3 us soldiers. so the us moultry says the strikes hit more than $85.00 targets against iran atlantic. revolutionary guards corps. they come just hours off to the bodies of the 3 soldiers returned home. rosalind jordan was standing by the pentagon. rosalind we have a statement of confirmation by centcom. tell us what that statement says. the statement from sun com which was released in the last 10 minutes or so says that just about an hour ago, 4 o'clock eastern midnight there in the middle east. if i'm, if my time of distinction is correct,
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a busy series of airstrikes was launched. more than 85 targets in a rock and in syria. and those who were targeted were members of the as lovick revolutionary guards, corps codes force and affiliated fighter groups that around has been supporting financially and with equipment. those people were targeted as well as command and control centers, intelligence centers of storage facilities for rob munitions, including bombs and missiles and other supply chain equipment. all of that was targeted in retaliation for this past sunday's attack on tower 22, which is the small facility in northeastern jordan, where 3 us soldiers were killed and dozens of others were injured almost from the moment that it, the attack took place, the violent ministration starting with the us, president joe biden said there would be retaliation. this has started at 4 o'clock
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eastern time on friday. this wave of attacks. we don't have casualty figures yet. we don't know just how much property damage, how much military equipment has been damaged, but the us said around was behind it and that there would be paybacks, right. so what do we expect then to happen in the next few hours and, and what should we be looking at for as well. one of the things that the administration officials kept noting all week was that not only would there be a trying to preserve some sort of element of surprise. but in the last 24 hours, official started suggesting that this would not be just a one off type of military response that you could see more types of responses over the coming weeks. we should also note that there were sanctions unveiled by the us treasury department in the state department on friday aimed at
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parts of the i r g c. that had been involved in supporting these groups that have been operating in syria and in a rock. so this is a part of a larger picture. we may yet hear from officials at the white house, at least that is are the guidance that we're working on. we may as also here from the defense secretary, lloyd austin himself, but were not expecting to see any officials on camera talking about this. certainly, they want to reduce communicate the message that they were not kidding when they said that there was going to be a retaliation. and because they said, if nothing else they have to avenge the lives of those who take up arms on behalf of the united states, they say us forces cannot be fired upon or killed. and those who do it can expect to get away with it. all right, well awesome, thank you so much for the time being. let's bring in the what i've been, why had my food is joining us from the iraq a capital about that. and now we have confirmation left me with that there had been
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strikes in iraq as well. tell us where the strikes have taken place and what are you hearing about any casualties. so what are your, what is security sources with this? lemme resistance say that the tax targeted about 6 locations inside iraq, nearly a, namely in a call in a district. and that included the amunition depot, a held by the popular and mobilization forces. that's the iraqi, probably part of ministry forces that is aligned with the iran, and among the locations ahead by the oddest likes, is also another location that was used to launch attacks against u. s. on coalition forces in the city. now, as you know, that the part of minutes, the popular and mobilization forces, is it working under the iraqi official ministry at an institution? some of them, a task with protecting gander, executing, get government offices,
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the state institutions in iraq and, and navy. and by that as well. so the government now has been eh, calling on these are the groups to do it to de escalate, especially since it has assaulted the folks with the us ministry of pushes to uh, reach. and we can assume to organize the us menissi presence and also a dylan sizing of ministry, the personal us and coalition forces in iraq. so the attacks as of yet has hit it a number of locations. it 6 at a slice targeted the number of locations inside iraq, namely, and district which is on the border between syria and iraq. my home has there been any official reaction from the iraq and government to the strikes so there is no official response to that is no official comments
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from officials in iraq as of yet. but we know that the government has been under huge oppression since these attacks are started on october. this event is a huge number of attacks over a 178 attacks targeting us and coalition forces facilities. maybe 10 minutes late for students is in iraq and syria since october the 17th. the one of these states says it's been about 160 attacks. in all cases, these thousands of attacks have put the iraqi government under appreciated because on the one hand it is engaging in talks with the us, officials to organize the us submitted to prison is any lock. but meanwhile, it is under huge pressure from these ottomans groups which coal, the us and coalition military presence in iraq. ok will patient that these are the groups, be slanted resistance, which includes a lot of lines on the groups,
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are demanding that the united states stops. support thing is what i have submitted to the campaign on the plaza, but this has been changing, especially up to the counselor attacks that would cut it out by u. s. a. the strikes that targeted the locations uh, owned by these ottoman goose and killed and wounded. and i'm a little bit a fight. so it has been based taught it to the mind us and coalition forces to withdrawal from a like that has been putting a huge impression on the iraqi government, which is by virtue of the strategic dialogue with us is a obliged or committed to protect the us and coalition forces in iraq, especially after december 2021. when the, at the number of these troops, us and collision for troops has been dallas high,
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used to about 2500 goods admitted to personnel in iraq. and about 900 in syria. and even the rules of these troops has been switched from combat to only advisor, but, but yet, these groups are not convinced because then, oh, cool patient forces and they must leave iraq immediately. all right, thank you. one moment for that update from both sides. let's now cross over to results search iris who you're joining us from to ron. has there been any official iranian reaction to this development? and as of now, no official statements, no official remarks or statements from uh to run. probably they are going through a damage assessment as of now, how did they did the centcom statement that they have uh, could they have conducted the east rice on more than 80 targets in the rock n. c area is quite important because of the same statement. americans are saying
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that they have actually targeted the winds, reputation of the gods, quotes force. so what's forces that must, there shouldn't be confusion. it's not the part of me to, to group backed by you wrong. if he's officially a lead, you need to branch off your arms revolution to gods. so by this statement sank on saying that the u. s. a has attacked rodney an army. so that is, that is quite serious. and also at the same statement, same that this a, across that to conduct the strikes directly flow from the us. so that a couple of the messages here 1st that us is showing a strong message to you around that they are serious a 2nd. that there's a cost did not flow from the original countries us, it doesn't want to risk their security. and also maybe the is original companies didn't want to be in this escalation between 2 assets and iraq, however, that the america is now officially saying that they have target to be running on me . i think it's putting your one in
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a quite difficult situation because the general expectation here was that usa will come back to the, the, the, a stripe or at tags on some of the, our groups that are backed by iran, which it includes them the, the, the access to of the resistance, however, the expectation was quite low. if do i say, is going to directly attack the writing and assess buckley this case, we see that you actually say that they have actually directly targeted the iran you an ottoman cx. and also, besides that, the location of this attached is quite import. the report can about the south of the resort and the north of the come out. this region is quite important for you. um, particularly in terms of the supply chains in terms of the coordinations and so on, because that is the only area that is actually connecting you run to syria. so you want when it comes to it's access,
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it's to has 3 points. first you run your rock board there, then rock city a board there, and then city 11, a border which is connecting directly to run to has the light in the south one of 11 on. and now do i say is attacking destiny of ground, which is connecting your walk to celia, and that is quite a busy area for the reading and forces running back to malicious. it's an important supply chain. the roads that are connecting to you want to see ever yeah. so we can see that your do i say by targeting, particularly these area is trying to also disconnect your ron from syria as well. so as i said, as of now, i think it's still a measure of the attack, both iran, so then there are. so let's just allow me for a 2nd. what do we know we expect then you're saying it's a measure to attacked. we expect then a measured response from a wrong. the point you run the officials, they have released statements of the statements, remarks, authors,
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remarks. even today, the president of the company said that if your one is attacked, so there is phones is going to be quite firm. but what do you understand from these statements that the officials mean a direct attack on the iranians foils match on the reading after the age of the groups in syria and iraq? so there was not expectation and there are still not the expectation that there's going to be a direct that the attack on your brand new sort of badges, the red lines for iran here, the set up in such a case that's going to be a reason for their war, but as i said as now, do you have so officially see that they have targeting, you running on me is quite putting you run into a difficult position. so my colleagues have been talking about how the present by them is under a public pressure back into assets. but she also, we can see that there is a growing discontent among uranium, is that the company's response is not enough, is not to dictate to deter america. what does rad attacking from attacking the
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running assets. and now when officials more and more audibly to feeling that pressure drove in. so we need to wait and see if you run, he's going to leave these on answer for whether they're also going to conduct the measure of the after the attacks. because both sides are clearly saying that they do not want a war. however, the risk for a month. all right, thank you so much for. so for that update from to run, i will get more now from washington. dc was the white house correspondent. kimberly how get so any word from the president's kimberly yeah, we understand that you as president, has been briefed on the latest details of the strikes and now he has issued a statement. i'll read you just part of it. he says this afternoon at my direction, u. s. military forces struck target set facilities in iraq as syria that the i r g, c and affiliated militia used to attack us forces. our response began today. it
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will continue at times and places of our choosing. the united states does not seek conflict in the middle east or anywhere else in the world. but let all those who might seek to do us harm know this. if you, harmon, american, we will respond. so the us president reiterating much of what he has said throughout the weeks of the united states would respond at the time of the place of its choosing. following the death of 3 us soldiers that were killed on sunday at that outpost in jordan. and the injuries of more than 40, some of them quite gravely injured. and what we also know is that as we've been talking here analogy 0, this will be a tiered response. in other words, this is just the start of what could be something that is in for mental now the coincidence or lack thereof, in terms of the timing of today being the start of this is a somewhat deliberate. yeah,
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it appears that you as president was earlier today and remains in delaware. he's not here at the white house right now. he was attending what's known as a dignified transfer. this is where the bodies of those 3 americans that were killed were uh, brought out. and there was a very solemn ceremony where the president attended their coffins were flagged rage and their families were in attendance. and it is within hours of that ceremony that the strikes began, almost sending a message, not just to the families, but to those that the us holds responsible that these deaths were not only not in vain, but would be avenged. and so there is very much, not only symbolism here, but a very clear message that the us president, also the commander in chief of the us military seems to be sending and all of this
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noise. we should also point out that we are awaiting more details very quickly during from the national security council. we understand in about 10 minutes time, there will be an off camera briefing where we hope to have more updates on what exactly is going to happen next. all right, you'll keep across that briefing and bring us all the latest lines, but let me ask you how this is all going down sort of domestically in the us and would, would biden have, has to see congressional approval for this? well, that's the big debates. and it's very interesting because this statement, let me pull it back up here and they have been very careful to call this military operation in the middle east. and the wording is very particular when it comes to polling in the united states. americans are very opposed to
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a war and but the united states. uh rather the national security council spokes person when we travel and ship on this earlier in the week was very clear to say that this is in no way a war. the united states is not seeking more with iran because that has a very specific legal requirements. the us president cannot take the united states to war without congressional authorization. and so right now, the administration is making the argument that the military operation is defensive in nature. and therefore under article 2 of the constitution, the us president does have the power to act in defense of us national security interest. however, there are many within his own party, and there are many on capitol hill that would argue that what this is, is a major escalation. drawing the united states into a conflict that equates to war,
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and therefore the us presidents does not have the power to do this without congressional authorization. and therefore, there is an ongoing debate about whether or not the president has overstepped his legal authority. okay. kimberly will cross back to you in the later thank you so much for the time being for that update from the white house. let's stay with the states and bringing our diplomatic editor james base. james is joining us from the united nation. so what's, so what's being said at the united nations, james, and is this being seen as an escalation and a task on to solve or nations? and then at least are certainly, i think, any military action in the current, very dangerous environment. you having the reach and the scene as an escalation, the us obviously will say that this is an active defense and that's how they will justifies on the international law. or i think up to, to gauge of the international reaction to this. i think it's like play as we've
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seen with the, the us backed by the u. k. that or tax on the who sees in yemen and as long as you become the nation. i think for many countries, the possibly likely to be a security council meeting other than that will happen immediately. but down the line probably in a few days. i think it's quite possible the security council will meet to discuss this. but i think it all depends a little bit on some of the things we don't know yet. we've seen that statement from the pentagon and from the white house, 85 targets hit right now. bots that reserving the right to continue this operation . so what could be the further scope of this operation? but also secondly, was that they actually hit, i'm, what damage have they done as they say they are targeting the revolution regards in this operation will have they killed any of those, a rainy and nationals who is serving in iraq or in syria. because that if there's a large desk tool that makes it, i think, potentially
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a much more worrying situation than if there is no desktop. i think it's worth noting, of course the us has been telegraphing it was going to take action for very many hours. and i'm sure that some of the, some of these countries involved, particularly are on, was watching some of the us and i saw the assets and pulsing them as they made that course towards a syria, a new rock. so it may well be that the death toll is very low because they were full and by this but it, it does add, i think, to a very complex and difficult situation is in the region one, the senior official that i spoke to from one party big country said, you've got to really look at everything that you're seeing right now of through 2 different lenses. one lens is clearly what's going on in the region and what president biden is doing and response to events in the region
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a but also the other lens is present by this political latins because of course, this is a us election. yeah. and he needs to look strong. he needs to look tough at the same time, he doesn't want to look as though he's leading the us into another war in the middle east. so i think you have to look through those 2 lenses. this particular figure said to me in terms of over the plan to see what's going on in the region, including the diplomacy with regard to the warning garza and if the conflict was to stop the idea that potentially you try and have diplomacy leading to a 2 state solution, things like peace conferences and that sort of thing. this guy who was a senior figure speaking to me, said it this year is really the nightmare yet to deal with any of this. because the u. s. a needs to be involved and involved in the diplomacy as it benefits them, at least this year though, of course, the most powerful man in the world has most of his, his vision on his political contest, which looks like it will be against president trump. and so that complicates,
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i think, all of the, of the decision making in the us, but also the way this decision making in the us is viewed by all the t plans in the world. right. okay, thank you. so lots are the prologic editor times based reporting from the united nations. we have with us once again alpha 0, senior political analyst model on the shadow to talk through all of this. and if we look at the statements that have come through for us, the statement by president biden, here's part of what he said. the united states does not see conflict in the middle east or anywhere else in the world, but let all those who might seek to do us harm. know this. if you harm and america, and we will respond. what's your reaction to that statement? well, to be honest, the 1st thing that came to mind is i wonder what the state in which feels when just the 43 percent as were killed and the reaction would be such. and now 27000 palestinians have been killed instead, we don't recognize the processing is right for self defense for some reason. but
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back to the american issue, look, i mean, you know, my job here to score is not to report. i must take the historical context here because that are part of political context for this. the elections, the american say we are defending ourselves. we have to tell you what happened in jordan last sunday. i mean, everyone must see that i might, it goes on the other side of the, i think something happened to it and so on, so forth. but if you, if you had a student of them at least an amount of time involving them, at least you know that this argument goes back and forth every day, every week, every year, for the past, 50 years of america has today. 40000 soldiers deployed in of at least a lot of them are in front of the countries to the united states, some as in syria executive front of the country to the united states. right? so the americans are really dominant,
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forcing them at least the most powerful country in them, at least the fact that as a country that comes from to oceans the way it keeps talking about active self defense. when it's done anything, then at least it's a bit ridiculous. but at the same time, it is accepted by a good number of countries as a good reason dot com as a benevolent and find out if you would have been of super powers. that it has the roles, for example, for i think, isis fighting terrorism. so whole, do you know, regional to arizona so, so, and in this case my fear, my feet in this case is that the sort that ation, i've gone through the installation that's been happening over some time now. but now it's happening at a time when the, by the administration and they are bringing the government, i'm not able to reach for new and you clear the instead, what is happening is that is right and it's friends in washington are basically pushing that by then. and ministration towards polarizing them, at least between iran and friends. and then the so called moderate senior
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government and is right that we bought our lives the region. once again, these operations are happening tonight and what happened in the next weeks and months will further 4 eyes, the region between on the one hand, iran, syria, and others. on the other hand, it is perhaps, oh dear, it'd be on all those re holes last year that we are beyond this now that see none of that. so you are a vendor on have reached the did an agreement, a peace agreement between them. and they are normalizing british and once again, the even economic us or then that's great for the region. cuz that agent does not need more more, more attacks and retaliations from the americans and areas and their friends and others. but they need to some kind of a piece of sore look. i mean, let me ask you about the iranians response because we also have a sense of calm statements. we can put it up on our screens where more one sense
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columbus saying that they conducted air strikes in iraq and syria against iran is lumnick revolutionary guards corps the i r g c puts for us as well as affiliated melissa group. so the strikes were not limited to just as they called the militia groups, but rather, and it rained in group that's part of the ministry. absolutely. and that's where this is very important. and that's why we're gonna have to look now for the area response. because as we've heard from all the correspondence, i mean there's no going to be into petitions. what was, what has been the american in a position for the american soul for the uranium soil, not to the attacks. but i've faxed the reunion, but usually what a guy does. ok if it's happened in iraq and syria. i'm not sure. i think your one is going to take this very seriously. and if this continues, as it seems that not the face is insisting it will continue, that means they ran out of the nation that a guide is going to be hits again. i think that's
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a major escalation. there's no doubt about that. but of course, again, the toilet has history. i mean, just remember that they've also killed the number of iranian refinishing that guns need those, including the right, a lot of revisions. obviously, those are the money passes, right? i money, that's right. so there's, this is not new, the americans targeting is actually not fire gc, right? it's 2002, the tax as well. so, i mean, this has been going on this cuz there's technician on account of it that issue. that's why when you look at the last week, you can make one conclusion. if you look at the last 6 months, you have another conclusion. but you, if you look at 50 years of history, or at least 43 and 4040 years of history, between the one in the united states, you know that there's a whole other dimension to this. and unfortunately, between the original power and the global power of agreed on it in the united states, both of them are finalizing the middle east, in their proxy wars, and their confrontations in that i knew most of the strong claims to be original
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power. the united states, as far as the one is concerned, there's a foreign power dominating the region, but you have to say says i am accepted as i've been oven and super foundation by a number of countries who are hospitable to my forces into my basis. again, this is creating the kinds of chicks, the positioning, and the region you're on, and it's so called excess of resistance. a gas is red and it's back codes, especially the united states. i think after tonight we're going to see more full arrives. they shouldn't be going to be seeing more effects and kept that tax. i doubt, as i told you, that this would deter iran or detailed it runs our lives, friends, clients, assets, whatever you want to call them in the region right or the out in yemen. whether they are in syria, iraq never known. what else? ok, thank you so much. my wanda shawna will not bring in here who's
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a senior associate fellow at the royal united services institute. joining us for lunch and thanks for your time with us. and i'll just see what, what's the reaction to these developments? so i think this is indeed quite an escalation. it's an escalation that frank rivera region could do without. i think it was inevitable. because, of course, that has been an escalation building up. started by out on, over the last few months with regards to targets on american soldiers. um, so i'm not surprised that there has been this reprisal and retaliation by the united states. having said that, if the united states is looking for an overall uh, an overall view of the region, then if the escalation is the way forward and as your correspondence mentioned, they don't want to go to war. then the key to all of this, the, the peg as a word that's at the center of it at the moment,
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is the war in garza and the united states has headed to failed to apply any real leverage in order to bring a ceasefire to gaza. which i think would really diminish the tensions in the region and remove the fuel for the sort of escalation taking place, which is likely to continue over the coming days and weeks and beyond. what do you make of the fact that the us, i mean this, i want to stay didn't really come as a surprise according to many because the us had been warning that it was going to retaliate. it was going to attack it was saying, where it was going to attack sort of removing the elements of surprise. why do you think that is, is because the united states is looking to establish a sense of deterrence that doesn't want to invite yet more escalation. whether or not a well as another question, but i think that that's very clear. it's mean telegraphing this move for quite some
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time. it did the same when it targeted who the possessions and yeah. so the point is to be able to say, we've responded and you need to take this seriously and you need to back off. and i'm not sure that the strategy however, will hold. unless at the same time, at the very least, there is a power, little effort that really does seek to bring the conflict in gaza to an end and heather, to the united states as being unwilling to do that, i say on willing, because it has the requisite leverage in this regard with these ratings, but as the god has not really brought that the bear. so how i mean, i know that you keep saying that you think that this is going to escalate. i wonder if you can just elaborate a little bit more on that. i mean, what do you think the, the perhaps hours and the days ahead hold? so there's something called the law of unintended consequences, which many have been warning about for the past not 3 days or 3 hours,
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but the last 4 months. that if you continue on this trend of escalation, then you don't know where to go. and you can try to calibrate and calculates and be very careful and surgical than all the rest of it. but it doesn't really take very much for the thing to spin out of control. and we've seen, you know, at least 80 targets today alone. i'm not sure that we can be so sure about how the iranians will respond to this. and then what's going to happen after that? as i said, the, the key to all of this, in my opinion, that lease is that if we want to see a d s collision model returned to the region, we've got to start and really focus efforts on this burning sure which is in the gaza strip. and the bum bard month that is taking place there and that i think would remove an,
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an immense amount of fuel for that escalation going forward. all right, so we'll leave it there. thank you so much for speaking to us from one to still a has on the else. is there any sour pressure of cold out of despair that we feel for what comes next? dire warning from the un on life in southern gaza. we're more than a 1000000 people have moved to escape violence the to match up the site taken care of the went across the coast of tropical queens in new times though just over a week ago and caused some damage to the strength of wind. his hasn't gone away, he's just reform the sick and i think storm drawing nerves won't moisture from the
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gulf of commentary. and the rare event it maintains a circulation as it drops, floods all the way down through the heart of others. really a big does it complement otherwise it's a dry warm picture. sydney success to melbourne must be about the voice of the summer, especially for the real hot weather is further west as finals as marble. while we see 46 or 47 recently, that will continue in western australia and new zealand caught looking down. sunday was 25 degrees in christ church. you go up to 30, come monday. 36 is available in southern thailand. if you get to $57.00, that will be a new record. the wet weather during this ready seasons is migrating into borneo, java and sumatra. a more or less leaving the philippines much trying to and also when to continues it stopped 60 severe in japan. but in china is a different story. there are warnings are for the severity of the coming snow for indeed rain falls in the heart of china.
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the phone counting, the cost of china is economy faces a slew of setbacks. is it in serious trouble? tech giants, making big profit skip by laying off thousands of workers plus poly employment, while employees increasingly working multiple jobs. counting the cost on al jazeera, the revealing eco friendly solutions to come back. threats to opt on its own l g 0. neos rain forests are some of the world's oldest, but they are no match for the dead size. increasingly, with susan in the face of man made deforestation an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes bone plants to protect or village
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fire beneath a witness documentary on a jersey. you know the how are we going to be top stories on al jazeera? we do have breaking news and it's but the us is carried out. retaliatory airstrikes and iraq on syria. the military says more than $85.00 targets connected with iran islamic revolutionary guards corps were fits and this comes off to the us receive the bodies of 3 of its troops killed in a drone strike. a basin jordan last sunday. as well, somewhere around those price we have with us, i'll just there as correspondent doors,
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as your bar is ortho covered iran extensively joining us here on seth. now that sounds com has released the statement saying that they targeted i, r g c assets and iraq and syria. does this change iran calculation the, what do we expect iran to do next? well, i think they're going to be assessing the damage, right? that 1st and foremost to, to see how much has been destroyed and what has been destroyed, i think the radians or well you very well aware of this was coming. so it was not a surprise attack and i think they had advanced notice because the us had been warning about this anyways. yeah, absolutely. uh, so they knew this was coming. uh so i think they obviously made some calculations in advance and, and now is going to be what has been lost and down what damage has been a occurred and that will determine their response. and also i think the goal by are these attacks discharged by the us wasn't to eliminate any of the personnel of the
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urgency and the police force who are in iraq and syria, especially in syria and an official capacity. according to the radians, the posts force of the revolutionary guard has been invited by the syrian government to be there and advisory role for the syrian forces. of course, the americans see it very differently. so there's a lot of issues to work out on that as well as so the personnel of the urgency was not the target. it was logistics that was hit. that's the 1st thing. so they're gonna have to assess the damage. and then it's, we understand the americans aren't done yet. this is not a one off one night thing. the statements have been coming out at saying that they're going to continue this just to start. so we're gonna have to see what else will happen in the coming days, and that will determine how the ratings but respond. and i think it's important to point out that both sides there on n, washington are not interested in escalating this complex into a full out war. but a,
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it's very difficult to see how that could be avoided if this continues. let's take a step back for a moment and just reminder, viewers. how about the attack that took place on sunday that killed 3 american soldiers? the accusation of course, was that iran was behind this, it wrong to deny its just talk to us about that attack and what the runs been saying since then. it was a said that they are not behind these groups that carry out these attacks against us forces an interest in the region. what is happening to the us forces is as a result of us policy and their support of israel and what's happening and gaza. and in order for these attacks to stop, the americans have to stop supplying weapons to israel. that has to be a ceasefire in gaza in order for the region to have some kind of stability. that's the 1st thing. and the attacks that have been ongoing. they are not directly being orchestrated by to air on
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a they are supported by the rating regime. the supreme leader, ayatollah. how many has applauded the who sees for carrying out attacks against us and trust in the red sea. but to say that a wrong has been directing them. they've denied it outright. and they say that they work independently. iran supports them politically. these groups, the resistance groups. so that's the 2nd issue and the radians have said that these groups act on their own and we don't direct them that we support them. yes. and the americans are now looking at it in a way that without the reading and support these groups would not exist or they would be as strong. certainly the military capabilities would not be there. so they're going to attack the installations that supply these groups. and that's what we've seen tonight, logistical centers in syria for facilities in iraq that are helping these groups carry out these attacks. ok, thank you so much store. so we'll,
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we'll cross over to iraq and speak to him. i from what i've been, why had he's joining us and that rocket capital bank died because we understand that there has been official reaction from iraqi officials. but this during this is the spokesman over he likes to automate. the force is a big, it is generally a ha, a soon. he's just issued a statement. it is saying that to a and other areas a have been a hit, a on the, on the lucky border bite at 8 a, strikes by f u. s. the u. s. a flight of jets and the a that it comes, and these a dislikes come at the time when the what a rock is working called to guarantee the stability of the region. and these ada strikes according to the statement of violation of iraq's sovereignty
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and undermining a rocks efforts and a threat that might drag iraq into the agent to a serious consequences. and the, the, the outcomes the might be a dangerous on safety and stability of a rock and the agent that it again confirm is. busy iraq's the government, the stance towards these ada strikes, as you know, that some of the counter attacks that would cut it out by us at a slice in the past 3 months and targeted locations of video on online aligned um, in groups getting on the one thing a number of them had been told to do deducted by the right to the government had been even provoking the government to issue official, the statements deducting the in the us and coalition forces minutes. it presents any luck and also to demand a scheduled uh, scheduled the plan to was though a lease troops from iraq, again,
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data slice had been considered a violation of iraq silver. and the this is the iraqi official spokesman of the ottoman a 4th a. so again, this brings us back to the main problem. the at pressure is that the government has been facing since the beginning of these attacks on october. this have been t's as you know that these attacks have been counted out against us and ministry. and the coalition ministry facilities in iraq and syria, dozens of attacks, a targeting these percentages by here on out of the allied groups. and in many cases, that has been met with a teddy, a 3 counter attacks by usa, the strikes kidding. and one thing a fight that was over 8 on a line to i'm a groups in the locations on iraq. he saw you. all right, thank you. so much i was on through, i had reporting from about that well, earlier i spoke to dave with the ra, she's
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a professor at the us base national defense university. and he explained what to us officials mean by it's your response on a tiered responses is not a doctoral term that us military uses. so it's so political term, i think what they mean is that there are varying degrees of intensity. and so, you know, they're designed to show up the uranium to, you know, are providing the capabilities and probably the direction of these attacks. just show them that when you get something, there may be something else. so just take it and regard this as the end of this. if you try to launch a, you know, a retaliatory strike to the retaliation and set the motion of escalation in, in play. you'll get something much more severe. that's my guess. because again, it's, this is not here to response is not a, a phrase used to work on this campaign if it is, if it indeed is a campaign, how long will it take?
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well, so that's a good question. so presumably, the goal of the campaign is to reestablish the terms which is at the end of the day, a political and a psychological condition. so the question is, can the, these actions inflict enough damage on a rainy and interest that the uranium swell? uh, you know, basically step back from doing this sort of thing. you're getting the future. iraq is, is problem attic because iran and forces loyal to iran have basically managed to capture a significant part of the iraqi government. so iraqi officials in public, not in private uh, you know, generally would have to do cry. that is a violation of your rocky sovereignty and condemn the united states. so politically, it's much harder for us to retaliate against iranian interest in your rock than it is in syria. i expect that there,
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maybe it is. it does widen expect the logical candidate would be against the who is using the m and then possibly, etc. but what we're seeing so far is a greater degree of restraints and that, so it may just simply be confined to syria, just more intense actions against iranian interest. and militias arrive aligned with you, run it syria that we've seen in the past. the full transfer gauze on our hospitals in the southern city of con eunice, or under siege schools. sheltering displaced, palestinians had been bond on residential areas, hits for palestinians have been killed following and tens is really showing on gunfire at the palestine red cross in headquarters. it's located inside the amount of hospital which shelters thousands of displaced people and many fear what's coming next with israel, a warning it will advance of ground defensive to the southern most regional facade
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which borders egypt. the city is already crowded with more than half of gauze, population of $2300000.00, looking for safety. the u. n. is describing the crisis of f as a pressure cooker of despair. we hear that this even though try the best the all populace in food security to deliver as much as they can just simply not enough food. that's not enough clean. frankie walter and there's no protection where nobody is, is guaranteed from the, from the next kind of wave of fighting that we fear is, is, is coming on and is like every week we think we've got a can't get any worse. well, go figure out, it gets worse, tara, about zoom is i software airstrikes have had areas, housing displaced, palestinians. today we had more strikes on the area that supposed to be safe zone for the majority of displace palestinians for taking shelter in
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a rough off right now. as we have been, see a hearing, a string of s tribes that hit the main linking areas between hon eunice and also in the southern part of a rough or has people are getting much more worried about the possibility of the extension of the fighting to reach rough idea as isabel is very keen to this nonsense militarily the palestinian military existence inside this area as the people here have to, i mean, a place to be a taking shelter inside. now we've been talking about more than 85 percent of kansas population on now here off to losing all of the houses being partially or completely destroyed as the question for palestinian is what makes to go if the, if the return back again to the north or in the area in gauze or they have been only will find ruffles on that praise. they wouldn't have any civil facilities to depend on the comments. there is homes and also people here to sit at the beginning of the find to in a rough. why is the ultimate nightmare that all of them off rates of simply because
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every single house here have been very tragic story. that mean is roles and people are completely afraid to lose most of the family members, especially that this area right now is, is floating with evac to reuse. we'll have lots of hope in terms of what isabel is saying. i regarding safety as all of them on the look, a safe, even in the area that is supposed and this ignited since the beginning of the world as a safe zone here. the palestinians are returning to areas and the besieged because of strep from where the is really military has withdrawn on the scale of destruction is immense. many say they're not deterred by the huge task of rebuilding their homes and run a lot of con reports. returning home to what little is less pulse the needs and the home a cost. the area of gaza city are serving the scale of destruction for the 1st time . since he is really military announced
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a withdrawal from small pockets in the besieged strip. remnants of their lives are scattered throughout the wreckage. what hasn't been destroyed is the unflinching resilience and loyalty to land that holds their history, their stories, and their future motions. the malta, new, all our properties have been destroyed. we are old. innocent defense are familiar. we have nothing to do it from us or the resistance. they are trying to transfer us . the goal of israel is to force us to go somewhere else. we will never leave all land. we will never go anywhere your 2nd. right scoops estimate more than 70 percent of residential homes in the gaza strip have been heavily damaged or destroyed. that's around a $132000.00 buildings. the u. n says around 650000 palestinians will have no home to return to. when the war ends. debris from the mass destruction is expected to exceed 8000000 metric tons and take about 3 years to remove. as well as residential buildings, schools, government offices,
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and health facilities run by you and agencies have been leveled or beyond repair. the task of rebuilding seems overwhelming. the palestinians say they are undeterred and on the side of it cut them off. i will stay here until i die. i am steadfast. we will never leave our matter. it is the occupation that we live our lives one day, sooner or later. like many in casa, this neighborhood has been destroyed. but for the people who live here, this land will always be their home. no matter how many times they need to rebuild and begin their lives again. and run a little fun. i'll just hear a still a has on i was a 0, will tell you why the world's coolest dictator is expecting a huge victory on the back of
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a brutal crackdown on gang the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the so argentina, as laura house has voted to approve controversial reforms that have sparked protests and the streets congress who spend 3 days debating presidents have gave me, lays reform bill if approved by the sun. it's what's known as the on the on the bus bill would lead to caught some public services and job losses. at least 4 people were arrested on thursday after protest or a slot with police outside parliament. the elections are taking place in el salvador this weekend with re supposed suggesting presidents not able kelly a clear favorite to win a 2nd term. color. his face criticism from international human rights groups
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following a crack down on gains and civil society groups have also expressed concerns over the legitimacy of the elections. many well, regular reports from the salvador and capital there was an error of excitement in el salvador over sunday's national election. and it's all because of this man, salvador and president mcgee. again, he's the self described world's coolest dictate who in 5 short years has managed to transform el salvador from one of the most dangerous places in the world into arguably the safest country in latin america. today, salvadorans like gabby gassett is, can walk around freely and downtown san salvador without having to worry about being robbed or falling victim to gain violence. i think the majority of everybody would agree. it's the security. uh, to be honest, it's not something that i was on to the center of downtown allowed,
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or i think that's one of the things that we're really happy about curity. of course, you know and has taken some part measurements to do it. those hard measures. gabby refers to include the so called state of exception, which has been used to justify an indefinite suspension of constitutional rights and carry out a nationwide crackdown on gangs. it's a model that even other latin american leaders from countries where in security is a problem have sought to emulate a model that critics a, represents a threat to salvador and democracy. it's a problem more than the candy. this was so it could be kelly model is nothing more than frankie with the democratic system breaking with constitutions and on breaking with fundamental rights on breaking with the international community with the basic principles of coexistence among countries. in other words, when it is a dictatorship like the ones we've had here and less what america and currently have the big discount and what's the new and looking or might be good. and then
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we'll have put them into the argument from human rights and civil liberties. experts is that o'kelly's popularity is largely driven by a willingness from salvadorans to sacrifice the countries democratic values in the long term for the sake of living in peace. now, salvador and voters may have concerns over the future of their countries, democracy and the loss of certain civil liberties. but support for president naples taylor and his re election is still over whelming, with the presidential election just around the corner. now you can, it is all but sure to win. but as the accusations against his government continued to mount, the question is how much longer this overwhelm mean, popularity can endure? when was it up a little al jazeera sense of before we go, here's a reminder of our breaking news and the us has carried out retaliatory airstrikes and a rock in syria. the military said it hit more than 85 targets connected with air runs atlantic revolution regards core. it's in response to the death of 3 us
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soldiers who were killed in a drone strike at a base in jordan last sunday. that's it for me. thanks for watching the news our my colleagues to hell rahman will be backed up the top of the hour and just a few minutes with much more of the days news on the latest breaking news by the time as well as on guys, a continues bring you relate, we are on the rounding dollars a covering, the ongoing is raising apartments and the suffering. the people told us that we lost displacements and block of resources as well as district conditions here in and around the hospital. and from the height is to return the call, the health data rate restrictions prevent freedom of rights to worship tyler, we will continue our coverage of this route. will cabinet decisions the kansas
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items, all the political decide from the west bank. we continue reporting on the mileage is really raved with feelings of loss, dissension, and destruction. stay with us for the updates and detailed coverage of the war on garza, on al jazeera, an oil rich good rock is facing a crisis and a farm of vital results. water, as dimes built by its upstream neighbors, restrict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate do the situation. now when regions were settled, funding 1st emerge, pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was part to of, to on a jersey to israel has now impose a complete fees on garza so how do they survive if you have no income? how do you live?
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cost of living rose sharply after the war and ukraine could something like that happen again as a ripple effect of the 1000. what is it us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this when the price of oil goes up, the costs of almost every thing goes up. counting the costs on algebra, 2 us soldiers that strikes in syria and iraq in retaliation for a drug and a tank that killed 3 us soldiers in children. the products of revenue, what you all to 0 life, my headquarters here in the also coming up. the result comes just hours of to the
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bodies and 3 service members were returned to the us prophecies, a pressure of despair that we feel for what comes next. the die warning from the


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