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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 3, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the, the, the, the us soldiers as strikes in syria and iraq in retaliation for a drone to turn that killed 3 us soldiers in georgia. and the results comes just hours after the all these, all the 3 service then best will return created to the us, the product. so robin, you're watching onto their life when headquarters here in the also coming up profit as a pressure approval of despair that we feel for what comes next. die warning from
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the united nations on life and southern gaza with most of the 1000000 people have moved to escape violence. dr. myers and 3 days of today's argentine is economic reforms play that 1st title in the low a house. the book, just like when we begin with news that the us has little dozens of us drawings in syria and iraq, using long range bombers. it's in response to a trade and strike. it's a base enjoy. last sunday, the killed 3 us pass. now, us president's job, i says the old of the strikes on facilities used by rounds is lubbock revolution regard. cool. in a statement and by and says, the strikes will continue at times and places of washington's choosing to reinstate media says at least the team pro radian finances of being count on the other side.
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so i'm just hours of dividing the tons of the suburb name as the bodies of the 3 american soldiers are 10 times. he met privately with the families, the head of the proceedings moved up the head, the joys as though from the rocky capital baghdad. of course, everybody was wondering why those strikes would happen, the rockies, believe it's happened on the soil. what's the reaction with, according to the spokesman over the rocks armed forces, davis likes targeted the number of locations. you know, i'm district, that's very close to the city. a at e rocky bo, this is a rocky soil. according to the spokesman, all the iraqi armed forces and a it considered as the spokesman considers these attacks violation of a rock, the sovereignty, and undermining efforts to maintain the stability and security in the region as it
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could further drag you up and the region into it. any stability, according to this book, some of the rocks ottoman forces now according to other security forces with the. busy popular mobilization forces, these are all include it on a line with groups part of these lennox resistance that were hit at today. saying that in these attacks, hit locations used by the popular mobilization forces including get a munition, it a deep pool and also other locations that were used to launch attacks enjoys that were used in the tax targeting us and coalition forces in iraq and the city a number of military personnel would have killed in the attack along with the civilians and a number of but civilian houses would damage it according to the minutes resources
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with the popular and mobilization uh, forces of the y. thanks very much for that update. well that's so, so the hits following tell them is also from tyrone the sun combs statement that was released earlier saying that they have targeted did they have struck 85 targets including you run your resolution to god's quotes forces that is quite important for you around because which forces are not a, is not a lot of media through group that is backed by you run it is directly an official branch of the iranian army. so in this case, the usa saying that actually they have targeted iranian army in iraq. and in, in syria or along the border that is quite important. so and also they stated that the, the mit is some of these crops that were kept me the s drive directly flow from do
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i say that is also important because you want has been expressing it's stuff. it is concerns about the us minutes a basis in the region to be used, a gas that you're running a search here. so by the statement, yes, he's also making it clear that there hasn't been this, this is, it hasn't been yours. and this trying to avoid risk in this allies, a security here. and also we do a companies do not want to be called in this escalation between the say and iran. but also the location of these attacks is quite important for iran. we're talking about the, the, the soul of the resort and north of album came out of this region is where actually it's connected to rock to syria. but it's quite busy with the ram affiliated groups . and also the rented activities, the revolution, the gods. and so one, so by attacking particularly these location, these positions like the usaa is also trying to disconnect iran from syria as
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well. so the jim less make patients here into run because there was a times waiting attends mood, but the general expectation was that the us is going to a degree to strike the you run affiliated go if we do it on cold in excess of the resistance. but when it comes to your running, assess to be directly attacked, that the district is what quite low now might. yes it does. it physically seem that they have targeted the running army? it's raising the concerns whether you ronnie, is going to pretend you to now let's go the very latest uh from washington dc and speak to a white house correspondent, kimberly how could and kimberly, you'd be speaking to those who seem to know what seems to have happened over night in the middle east, what are they saying? yeah, the uh white house to have has held up call for a reporters, the national security council spokesperson john kirby as well as the top general from the pentagon briefing reporters. what we can tell you is that the us president,
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the commander chief, was updated throughout these operations. $85.00 targets in total were hit over a period of about 30 minutes for in syria 3 and a rock. what we're told is that the united states selected these targets based on avoiding civilian casualties. however, given the fact that a battle assessment has not yet been complete, we do not know just exactly how many have been killed or wounded as a result of these us strikes. we could also tell you that they were selected these targets based on what the us says is clear and irrefutable evidence that these sites were connected to attacks on us personnel in the region. so what we can tell you is that in terms of the sites they were command to control or a storage facilities of a ronnie and back militia groups. now in terms of that evidence, we did ask if there would be any sort of proof that would be supplied. we were told,
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but that is not the case. given this is military operations is still ongoing, but the, the white house says it will try to be as transparent as possible moving forward in terms of the timing. this comes on the keels of what we know was as you mentioned at the start of this program, the us president attending the repatriation of the bodies of those 3 us soldiers that were killed on sunday at that outpost and jordan. of course, 41 others were injured. reformers did ask to us here whether or not this was time strategically in order to send an optic message that the united states, donnelly doesn't tolerate those death, but is avenging them uh and the white house and getting denied that saying that this was purely strategic and was time to in order to optimize the weather. and of course, complete the risk. as you say, messaging, there was an international message, and there was a domestic message and that's we had tools this sunday morning talk shows with so
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much pressure on president biden because of his support for his relevant garza and being in the election. yeah, this is going to be a political fall to the left and the right to the political spectrum as to what's happened just within the last few hours. it's there's no question that this is a sensitive and controversial issue and it's complex. on the one hand, there is a lot of pressure on president biden for the mere fact, but many americans wanted to see the death of the free soldiers avenge. but what they didn't want, or don't watch, according to public pulling, is to see the united stripe states dragged into a broader moody's conflict. and that is something that the white house has made very clear, although they've indicated this is the 1st of a multi stage response. they have repeatedly said they do not want conflict with
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a ron or for a broad middle east war. instead, the strikes have been designed to disrupt and degrade. but as you point out, joe, by that is about 10 months away from the general election. this timing is not great for him politically. he is under pressure from the hawkish republicans like capitol hill to act. but within his own democratic party and from those democrats and voters that he needs to win re election, many are very unhappy with the president. a is supporting israel and it's war on gaza and be they are that he is inc for mentally as a result. interesting ever closer to what looks like a broader middle east war. and as a result, the president is walking a very delicate type wrote right now that could threaten his chances of the 2nd term and office. we'll get more analysis of you as the i was progressive for the moment. can be how could that at the white house. thank you. hey jay, how this is
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a senior associate seller about the royal united services institute. he says the us wants to deescalate tensions of the region, but the strikes may have has the opposite effect. the key to all of this, the, the peg as a word that's at the center of it at the moment is the war in garza and the united states has headed to failed to apply any real leverage in order to bring a cease fire to gaza. which i think would really diminish the tensions in the region and remove the fuel for this sort of escalation, taking place, which is likely to continue over the coming days and weeks and beyond. the united states is looking to establish a sense of terrance that doesn't want to invite yet more escalation, whether or not a well as another question, but i think that that's very clear. it's being telegraphing this move for quite some time. it did the same when it targeted who the possessions and yeah. so the
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point is to be able to say, we've responded and you need to take this seriously and you need to back off. and i'm not sure that the strategy however will hold unless at the same time, at the very least there is a. busy little effort that really does seek to bring the conflict in gaza to an end and heather, to the united states as being unwilling to do that, i say on willing because it has the requisite leverage in this regard with these ratings. but as the god has not really brought that the back, the substance of gauze and out of hospitals in the southern city of con units and the siege school sheltering displaced, palestinians being bombed and residential areas, head full palestinians have been killed, following intensive variety shouting and gunfire at the palestine, but present headquarters now it's located inside the amount of hospital which shows us thousands of displaced people in many fields. what's coming next with israel
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warning, it'll advance its ground defensive to the southern may speaking of rough on which bold as egypt. the cities already crowded with mold and half of causes, population of $2300000.00 people looking for safety, united nations. as describing the clauses in russia as a pressure cooker of just the we hear that this even though try the best the all problems in food security to deliver as much as they can to. so if you have enough food that's not enough clean drinking water. and there's no protection where nobody is, is guaranteed from the, from the next kind of wave of fighting that we fear is, is, is coming on. and it's like every week we think we've got a talk get any worse. well, go figure it gets worse than a couple resume is in rough of what as far as if it areas housing displaced, palestinians today we had more strikes on the area that supposed to be saved zone
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for the majority of displace palestinians for taking shelter in a rough off right now as we have been, see a hearing, a string of stripes that hit the main linking areas between han eunice and also in the southern part of a rough or has people are getting much more worried about the possibility of the extension of the fighting to reach rough idea as isabel is very keen to dismantled militarily the palestinian military existence inside this area as the people here have to any of a place to be taking shelter inside. now we've been talking about more than 85 percent of kansas population on now here off to losing all of the houses being partially or completely destroyed as the question for palestinian is what next to go if the, if the over time back again to the north pole in the area in gauze or they have been only will find ruffles on that praise. they wouldn't have any civil facilities to depend on comments. there is homes and also people here to sit at the beginning
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of the fight to in a rough i is the ultimate, not that old of demo afraid of simply because every single house here have been very tragic story. that mean is roles and people are completely afraid to lose most of the family members, especially that this area right now is, is floating. we'll get back to reuse. we'll have lots of hope in terms of what isabel is saying. regarding safety, as all of them on the look, a safe, even an area that is supposed to and this ignited since the beginning of the world as a safe zone here. still a head held out is that it will tell you why them. and then as the wells coolest dictator is expecting a huge victory on the back of a brutal crunch time on the games. the in depth analysis of the days headline this, how does south africa cruise? it's accusations of genocide in this case,
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many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that this is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us sends it's will ships into the right seat. it's not receive task protection that seen as convocation. inside story on al jazeera. once somebody shoots somebody else dead, most people expect the police to arrive with him cups on that person and take them to jail. and then stand your ground. you can shoot somebody in getting their truck and drive away. is that unusual? that is very unusual because we're talking about the crime of murder, but it's a very clear in the statute. they don't want anybody arrested. that's why it's a get out of jail free card. it's time you pull the trigger. what do you think the shooter wasn't arrested? because of the law?
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i feel like she's hiding behind the stand your ground. the the book, the book you want to observe me. so robin, the reminder of all told stories. the us is car that retaliatory as strikes and the rock and syria, the minute reset, mold and 85 targets connected with the rods is not revolutionary gone, coal with it. this comes after the us receive the bodies of 3 of its troops killed in a dry and striking space in jordan. last sunday. the strides comes hours of divine attended, a settlement, the bodies of the 3 american soldiers,
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whether the country to, to keep it privately with assemblies, the head of the proceedings of un humanitarian agencies as concerns about his wells . plans to expand this operations into rough from describing the supplements. $16000.00 a pressure cooker of despite the palestinians are attending to areas in the besieged gauze. the strip for where these really military is withdrawal and the scale of destruction is immense. but many site then not to to buy the huge task of rebuilding the homes and run a la carte, ripple's returning home to what little is left post indians and their home a costing area because the city are serving the scale of destruction for the 1st time since he is really military announced a withdrawal from small pockets in the seed strip. remnants of their lives are scattered throughout the wreckage. what hasn't been destroyed is the unflinching resilience and loyalty to land that holds their history, their stories,
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and their future motion. according to custom, alternate or properties have been destroyed. we are old innocent, defense, a civilian. we have nothing to do it from us or the resistance. they are trying to transfer us. the goal of israel is to force us to go somewhere else. we will never leave all land. we will never go anywhere your 2nd, a right scoops estimate more than 70 percent of residential homes and the gaza strip have been heavily damaged or destroyed. that's around a $132000.00 buildings. the u. n says around 650000 palestinians will have no home to return to when the war ends. debris from the mass destruction is expected to exceed 8000000 metric tons and take about 3 years to remove. as well as residential buildings, schools, government offices, and health facilities run by you and agencies have been leveled or beyond repair. the task of rebuilding seems overwhelming. the palestinians say they are undeterred
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and on the side of it cut them off to me. i will stay here until i die. i am steadfast. we will never leave our matter. it is the occupation that we live our lives one day, sooner or later. like many in casa, this neighborhood has been destroyed. but for the people who live here, this land will always be their home. no matter how many times they need to rebuild and begin their lives. again, the rental of han, how does your husband team is lo, houses voted to approve the controversial reforms that a spot protests in the streets congress to spend 3 days to basing. it doesn't have the malays reform bill. and if approved by the sentence was known as the omnibus bit will lead to consume public services and job losses, at least for people who are arrested on thursday. i have to protest as fault with police outside parliament. teresa is outside congress in, but it's not, it was the i'm here at the top. what is known as the
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bill? 140 for both the i can the bill mental health president, the margin teen mental health when you get the president extraordinary powers to redeem when he leaves us with this country. the top 2 days have been the 3 meet with trying to make these harshly repressed. people are really concerned about the baby among many of the the each month to the price is the people here said that they want to continue the team not even the economy commission,
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people here to pay the point 18 with 2030 so but actions are taking place now solved all this we can do with the recent poll, suggesting that president, now you become a clear favorite to win a 2nd term. because a has face criticism from international human rights groups following the clock down on gains. and we'll wrap a little report. so from sun salvador there is an error of excitement in el salvador over sunday's national election. and it's all because of this man, salvador and president mcgee. again, he's the self described world's coolest dictate who in 5 short years has managed to transform el salvador from one of the most dangerous places in the world into
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arguably the safest country in latin america. today, salvadorans like gabby gassett is, can walk around freely in downtown san salvador without having to worry about being robbed or falling victim to gang violence. i think the majority of everybody would agree. it's the security. uh, to be honest, it's not something that i will come to the center of downtown outside of it, or i think that's one of the things that we're really happy about curity. of course, you know, and that's taking some parts measurements to do it. those hard measures, gabby refers to include the so called state of exception, which has been used to justify an indefinite suspension of constitutional rights and carry out a nation wide crack down on gangs. it's a model that even other latin american leaders from countries where in security is a problem have sought to emulate a model that critics a, represents
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a threat to salvador in democracy. it's a pattern more than the book can. and this was so it could be kelly model is nothing more than franky with the democratic system. breaking with constitutions and on breaking with fundamental rights on breaking with the international community, with the basic principles of coexistence among countries. in other words, when it is a dictatorship, like the ones we have had here in less than that, okay. and currently, who would i be and we'll just gone to the new and looking. i'm ready. good. and then we'll have put them in the argument from human rights and civil liberties experts is up o'kelly's. popularity is largely driven by a willingness from salvadorans to sacrifice the countries democratic values in the long term for the sake of living in peace. now, salvador and voters may have concerns over the future of their country's democracy and the loss of certain civil liberties. with support for president naples taylor and his re election is still over whelming, with the presidential election just around the corner. now you book it, it is all but sure to win. but as the accusations against his government continued
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to mount, the question is how much longer this overwhelming popularity can endure. when was it up a little al jazeera sense of, of the judge and the united kingdom is thriving as a public old, a charge against regret to turn the gun full of the climate detective as he said, they were arrested unlawfully this tongue bag was amongst dozens, of people arrested during a protest outside of an oil and gas conference in london. they don't tell you, but the defendants were accused of failing to comply with an old, at barclays, to move the demonstration to a designated area. the judge finds no evidence of any offense being submitted. the government's investigations of the way in kenya, after at least 3 people were killed in an age of 514 people in michigan, 280 of those injured firefights has bottles. hours to put out delays in nairobi. katherine solely has the story. the people here in a crowded neighborhood was settling down for the night when suddenly an exclusion
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sounds said they had smelled gas fumes for about an hour before the incident. investigators believe a licks at the plant led to gut feeling does exploding. local people say the hardest sound like send followed by a huge ball of fire. several walk killed. this woman is inconsolable. this is the gust apple. whether gusting dot exploded. it heat a neil biotech style warehouse, the court fire several residential houses, vehicles and business premises was also damaged. the impact was huge. this is a call that has been completely destroyed. no residents who are in the houses say that the explosion was so loud that houses should stop clean carrying the series, the house was leaving in was
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a raised to the ground. some of her belongings destroyed to watch them all. no more for the customer. more people started saying fire fire, i felt wait, i felt i was suffocating for me to call them monoxide. there was a woman behind me and she wanted help. but i could only save myself some of the motto. government officials have launched an investigation into why the plant was operate without a license from the energy regulator. it was not in place just with the status of it . so clearly uncomfortable and focused on the residential area of the manual such illegal businesses. and definitely they compromise people to continue doing so. those are the ones that should be held back onto the lives of jacqueline and her neighbors has been turned upside down. they said they've complained to many times about the dapple and why it was being operated. yeah, hoping government will ok quickly to ensure facilities like this can be moved away from where people leave passing. so all these era nairobi and you can follow that
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story on the coal saw breaking story phase us stripes on syria by logging onto our website to thousands of adult calm. it's updated throughout the day. that's it for me. so hold on the moon using hoffman out of the weather is next. and then inside story to stay with us here on the raw the light, but it winters showing itself in hawkeye. their own home shrew, largest breeze temperatures, sub 0 is a part, but significant winds is about to show itself in this part of china, and that it hasn't been since 2009. we seen this amount of full costs now, and the would visitors appeared in some of the warnings. this part of china heavy rain to the south, the yangtze heavy stove to the north doesn't stretch quite as far as page. and you'll notice, and it's about the, the pulse,
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and it's the west pulse of the last couple of days, least south of that. quite looking picture. quite often, some thailand, rates are still pretty big and potentially subject giving in borneo, java and sue marshall. but you'd expect that this time of year, some good news from the old india because it rained in the precinct up the phone didn't lift deeds seem to have visibility about 2000 meters rather than 200 meters . there's still a few more shelves to come and then usually there's writing this way through southern pakistan and cut off. she doesn't expect much ratings from you, but that has been some i'm, they will be some more during fasting. i won't stuff is gone through is to be a much quiet to picture and surprising the almost all of it, ron is almost like looking dry the right and disappeared through northern india and we left with sunshine from north to south and east to west on the examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not
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a war between an israel. this is a war against palestinians. exploring a 112 clause program. and we are basically a digital firm scene investigator. but we're doing it from space design to inform multi verse on the spot. you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective. on our address here. to stand off, slips for us in politics and noble island for 2 years is over pro protest you need is set to take the seats and the regional tunnel. that's where the biggest policy is. shouldn't say in fox it's go is irish unity. so could that happen? oh, really. okay, remain intact. this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm adrian finnegan, suspended by a boy called northern islands. power sharing part of the storm on this.


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