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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 3, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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of the the, the us little just as strikes in syria and iraq and retaliation for prototype that kills 3 us soldiers and children. the results comes to so is up to the bodies of the 3 service methods where re punctuated to the united states. the thoughts of around and the watching of their life while headquarters here in the also coming up profit as a pressure of despair that we feel for what comes next. was i warning from the us on life, been something gone. so when move and the 1000000 people have moved to escape, pilots, adults and team is economic reforms play that 1st handling the level house up to 3
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days of debates and tweets of protest the welcome to the program, the us as launch dozens of us strikes and syria and iraq, using long range bulbous it's in response to a dry and strong and cause a base in jordan last sunday, the killed 3 us soldiers present. j biden's as the old of the strikes on facilities used by eros, islamic revolution regard. cool. the statement, he says, the strikes will continue at times and places of washington's choosing to reinstate media says at least the team, pro, rainy and scientists have been killed. now the strikes come to sounds of to bite the 10 to the ceremony. as the bodies of the 3 american soldiers returned home. he met privately with the families before the proceedings office. there was white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare triples. a us president joe biden was kept abreast of the
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military strikes, not only during, but prior to them taking place, according to national security council spokesperson, john kirby and the top general at the pentagon. the strikes took place over the course of 30 minutes. there were 4 locations that were struck inside syria, 3 inside iraq, $85.00 targets in total. now we're told that the targets were selected based on clear and irrefutable evidence that these sites were connected to attacks on us personnel. however, we asked for a if there would be any evidence provided. they were telling the reporters that this is an ongoing military operation and therefore that evidence would not be provided. however, the military is effort going to be as transparent as possible. still what we know is that the military says that they selected these targets based on
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minimizing civilian casualties. but in terms of just how many may have been wounded or killed on the ground, a battle ground assessment has not yet been completed. now, in terms of the timing, the us president on friday attended what is known as a dignified, transferred, that is the repatriation of those 3 american soldiers that were killed on sunday, prompting this response by the us military. the white house denies that in any way. this was timed to follow that dignified transfer. instead. this is reportedly a strategic decision times because optimal weather conditions made this the perfect timing for the strikes. and also the white house says this was timed to optimize the ability to disrupt and degrade the iranian back to malicious
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capabilities to conduct future attacks. kimberly, how could alj a 0 the white house to the why it has more from iraq's capital baghdad deal us it us twice have targeting locations in the lucky the district of i'll call him new the both the with the city a according to the to us and you lucky minutes, resources among the areas head and munition depot, and other locations that have been used in launching it drones and missiles by a dyslexic resistance groups and targeting us and coalition forces minutes. the facilities in iraq and city data strikes have a good a. the actions in iraq. the spokesman of iraq's army forces has issued a statement, considering data strikes, a violation of iraq sovereignty,
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and undermining it locks it efforts to maintain stability in the region according to the statement. it is like so. it could also drag your walk it and that agent into more instability, that it at some other sources with the popular mobilization of forces. and also would they run a line item with groups submitted to the commanders? would the islamic resistance have threatened to escalate that attacks against us, that ministry facilities in the region, but would have to do i had a 0 above that ha, helen is a senior associate fellow at the royal united services institute. he says the us wants to de escalate tensions in the region of the strikes may have the opposite effect. and the key to all of this, the, the peg as a word that's at the center of it at the moment, is the war in garza and the united states has headed to failed to apply
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any real leverage in order to bring a cease fire to gaza. which i think would really diminish the tensions in the region and remove the fuel for this sort of escalation, taking place, which is likely to continue over the coming days and weeks and beyond. the united states is looking to establish a sense of terrance that doesn't want to invite yet more escalation. whether or not it will is another question. but i think that that's very clear. it's being telegraphing this moved for quite some time. it did the same when it targeted who the possessions in yemen. so the point is to be able to say, we've responded and you need to take this seriously. you need to back off. and i'm not sure that the strategy however, will hold, unless at the same time, at the very least, there is a power level effort that really does seek to bring the conflict in gaza to an end
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and heather, to the united states as being unwilling to do that i say on willing, because it has the requisite leverage in this regard with these ratings. but as the god has not really brought that the back, the best sense of goals of the hospitals in the southern city of con eunice, under siege school sheltering displaced, palestinians have been bombed, under residential areas, hits, full palestinians, have been killed. following intense is really selling and gun 5 at the palestine red crescent headquarters is located inside the la model. hospital shelves has thousands of displaced people and many say that what's coming next with as well as warning that they live vans. it's brand defensive to the southern based region of rough thought, which bowed as egypt. the city is already crowded with mold and hoff of gauze, as population of $2300000.00 looking for safety. united nations is describing the
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crisis in rough as a pressure cooker of despair. we hear that this, even though, try the best, the all problems in food security to deliver as much as they can to. so if you have enough food that's not enough clean drinking water and there's no protection where nobody is, is guaranteed from the, from the next kind of wave of fighting that we fear is, is, is coming on and is like every week we think we've got a talk get any worse. well, go freight, it gets worse. that a couple of assume is in rough of what as strikes as hit areas, housing displaced, palestinians. today we had more strikes on the area that supposed to be saved zone for the majority of display status indians for taking shelter in a rough off right now, as we have been, see a hearing, a string of stripes that hit the main linking areas between con,
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eunice and also in the southern parts of a rough or has people are getting much more worried about the possibility of the extension of the fighting to reach rough idea as isabel is very keen to this nonsense militarily the palestinian military existence inside this area as the people here have to any other place to be a taking shelter inside. now we've been talking about more than 85 percent of kansas population on now here off to losing all of the houses being partially full, completely destroyed as the question for palestinian is what next to go? if the, if the return back again to the north pole in the area in gauze or they have been only will find ruffles on that praise, they wouldn't have any civil facilities to depend on the comments. there was homes and also people here to sit at the beginning of the fight to in a rough life is the ultimate nightmare. that all of them off rates of simply because every single house here has been very sad. tragic story that mean is full
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and people are completely afraid to lose most of the family members, especially that this area right now is, is floating with evac to reuse. will have lost hope in terms of what isabel is saying. i regarding safety as all of them on the look, a safe, even an area that is supposed and this ignited since the beginning of the world as a safe zone here. palestinians are attending to areas in the besieged gauze. the strip from where the is really ministry has withdrawn by the scale of destruction is immense. but money save that, they don't have to buy the huge task of rebuilding the homes and run the constables returning home to what little is less pulse the needs and the home a cost. the area of the gaza city are serving the scale of destruction for the 1st time. since he is really military announced a withdrawal from small pockets in the besieged strip. remnants of their lives are scattered throughout the wreckage. what hasn't been destroyed is the unflinching resilience and loyalty to land that holds their history, their stories,
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and their future motions. the malta, new, all our properties have been destroyed. we are old. innocent defense are familiar. we have nothing to do it from us or the resistance. they are trying to transfer us . the goal of israel is to force us to go somewhere else. we will never leave all land. we will never go anywhere you are speaking with the right scoops estimate more than 70 percent of residential homes in the gaza strip have been heavily damaged or destroyed. that's around a $132000.00 buildings. the u. n says around 650000 palestinians will have no home to return to. when the war ends. debris from the mass destruction is expected to exceed 8000000 metric tons and take about 3 years to remove. as well as residential buildings, schools, government offices, and health facilities run by you and agencies have been leveled or beyond repair. the task of rebuilding seems overwhelming. the palestinians say they are undeterred
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and on the side of it cut them off. i will stay here until i die. i am steadfast. we will never leave our matter. it is the occupation that we live our lives one day, sooner or later. like many in casa, this neighborhood has been destroyed. but for the people who live here, this land will always be their home. no matter how many times they need to rebuild and begin their lives again. and run a little fun, i'll just hear as well. the 9000 children have been injured in israel's will wrong cause. then they have had that um, so legs amputated soft as all being forced to carry and help raisins without anesthetic. one young posted ingle recalls harold hill and the then when the it on fall. right. that on summer in guys that that i've that is, that was not a bad guy being yeah. i love that. no doubt. wow.
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know i have fallen nation like it should have been around like you have a lot of reasons need them on the side of the nav by you make? well i have to and i have one of the math that is philippines in the lab and helpful not by then. yes i had baba had another class and then nothing was the name of leah le. he's saying correct that no god, no, but i then listener and i'm still working on identity. i'm the one wish. oh, so the, the accounting team that 16 the highlands and
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we'll see when i get my bills online then play it off. now let's skip not off last night. i'm enough. and so that's fine. i'm not here. then the down inside you took running home. yeah ma'am you let them know. yeah. a lot of fun. lovely. all i didn't get any side to you that when you get out for the rest of the day, some of the senate remain that have been was how, how many, here's a lot of the same. they have the lab. well, how, how, and then i've not really, i've not been at them. is there any faces or setting up hundreds of military checked points across the occupied westbank? they say the goal is to ensure israel security, the palestinians say it's just another way to collectively humiliate them and
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further complicate that lives as needed to. abraham explains, this is really check point nablus in the occupied westbank is closed at least for now, posting and drivers waiting to move in and out of the city. or at this time still. no one knows when or if they will be allowed to continue their journey. traffic is moving at another check point, nablus. what 74 year olds, and how much city says it's taking too long. with our last week i spent 3 hours of this check point. so by the time i arrive to my destination to drop off the shipments, it was too late and the stores were closed. long before the world garza started posting his suffert's from his wait a minute to his check points that isolates and disconnected cities and towns from one another. as these radio sold in gaza increases. so does the number of is really
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obstacles in the occupied westbank. new gates have been installed is really soldiers hold the keats with no restriction on his way the car is moving in the occupied territory. what's organization say before the war, the around 77 activated then man check points. after the war, more than 500 check points were reactivated under all 140 new ones established and totaled. we're talking about more than $700.00 check points, cement blocks, 3rd smells, and gates many are told to be shot like the one behind. it really is a who to text the driver for fluid knowledge in the occupied last thing. after the 37 years in the business, he knows the short cuts and how to avoid closures. but many of the alternative routes are on developed. we've joined the remodel for
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a drive from bremo law. did you need a journey that shouldn't take more than 2 hours roadblocks, closed roads in 3 checkpoints. later we reached our destination a journey which took us twice as long more than 4 hours to work, to stress and anxiety, humiliation, extra cost and waste of time. they want to make our lives hard and complicated. so we eventually the alternative route means doing stuff. being law, being frustrated, resembles much of the palestinians to life spent in waiting that but he does eat a coupon to us thing as well. so head hay on out is there, it will tell you why the man who calls himself the wells coolest dictates it, is expecting a huge victory. now solve it on the back of a brutal trunk donald trump times. and we to pull from them all these way. carl rates being threatened by the corrections officers, official island,
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the rather light which is showing itself in hawkeye, their own home shrew, largest breeze temperatures, sub 0 and support. but significant winds is about to show itself in this part of china, and that it hasn't been since 2009. we've seen this amount of forecasts now. and what does it does appear to some of the warnings? this part of china? heavy rain to the south, the young c heavy stove to the north doesn't stretch quite as far as vision. you'll notice. and it's about the, the pulse. and it's the west pulse of the last couple of days, least south of that, quite looking picture. quite often, some thailand, rays are still pretty big and potentially subject giving in borneo java and sue marshall. but you'd expect that this time of year,
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some good news from the old india because it rained in the priest picked up the phone, didn't lift deeds seem to have visibility about 2000 meters wrong. 200 meters. there's still a few more shelves to come and i'm usually there's writing this way through southern pakistan and cut off. she doesn't expect much reading this talking to you, but that has been some um, they will be some more during something i won't stuff is gone through is to be a much quieter picture. and surprisingly, almost all the way around is almost like looking dry. the right and disappeared through know mindy, and we left with sunshine from north to south and east to west. the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it to the question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing lead scottsdale
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without permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without the the look and see what you all just bear with me. so he'll run the reminder of all the top stories. the guy says launch. it's how they treat strikes and iraq and syria developed reset it hit mold in $85.00 targets connected with the bronze islamic revolution regard. cool. these tries come to so as of to bind the tons of the southern maple 3 american soldiers kills and to try and strike because of a central last sunday statement, privately with assemblies before proceedings. the un humanitarian agency says is
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concerned about as well as plans to expand this operations into rafa, describing the southern my city and calls a pressure cooker of dispatch team is low. a house of parliament has passed a controversial step with the bill, sparking protests of the capital members of congress passed. president, had the malays reforms by 140 full to 100. 9 votes. trees by reports on the phone, but as always on what this means for the country as it struggles to overcome a debt crisis. the nation is not for sale. chan, did these people outside argentina's, congress happened death to lawmakers passed president? have you had any nice landmark bill meant to begin transforming the state and the economy? critics say they call them and will use the will to increase the expectation of natural resources, benefit the private sector,
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and cut resources for the environment and culture. it's under people think that this is what we see. a group of 40 businessman guides malays policies and the right stuff often times had risk. the bill touch was fundamental issues that affect people to work in class. the debate lasted for 3 days and the government had to give in to the demands of other political parties. the bill initially had was 600 last, it ended with a little over 300 the one in which we voted clashes between protestors and security forces. have taken place to the
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debate. the government says ident tina's economy needs to be motor, nice to attract for an investment. they also blame the previous administration for sewing inflation to the dire economic situation, and the lack of funding we served in the central bank. but i'm gonna check in 50 what we have noise. people say this government's doesn't listen to so. so need this government is a 3rd attorney and expertise of an entry democratic. oh yeah, that's the only thing they can say, because the government took office 50 days and found over 1000 efficient grades in the past is 1000 and you're talking about us. 50 days have been in power all, but the bill still needs to be revised little by little and then ratified in the senate. may 1 with 56 percent of the volts in december and says he has the legitimacy to implement jesus debbie to measures to reduce government spending on fight inflation. but those against him say he's measures will bring even greater
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economic despair and promise to fight back it is i will. i just see that when a site is elections are taking place, they'll solve it all this weekend with the recent poll suggesting present the e book kelly, i click save it to win a 2nd to however, but kelly hesitates criticism from international human rights groups following across town gains and will rapidly report stuff from san salvador. there is an air of excitement in el salvador over sunday's national election. and it's all because of this man, salvador and president mcgee. again, he's the self described world's coolest dictate who in 5 short years has managed to transform el salvador from one of the most dangerous places in the world into arguably the safest country in latin america. today, salvadorans like gabby gassett is, can walk around freely in downtown san salvador without having to worry about being
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rock or falling victim to gang violence. i think the majority of everybody would agree. it's the security. uh, to be honest, it's not something that i would come to the center of downtown powder. i think that's one of the things that we're really happy about curity. of course, you know and has taken some part measurements to do it. those hard measures. gabby refers to include the so called state of exception, which has been used to justify an indefinite suspension of constitutional rights and carry out a nationwide crackdown on gangs it's a model, but even other latin american leaders from countries where in security is a problem, have sought to emulate a model that critics say represents a threat to salvador and democracy. it's a 1000 more than the candy. this was so it could be kelly model is nothing more than frankie with the democratic system. breaking with constitutions and on breaking with fundamental rights on breaking with the international community with
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the basic principles of coexistence among countries. in other words, when it is a dictatorship, like the ones we have had here and less what america and currently have the big discount and what's the new and looking or might be good. and then we'll have put them into the argument from human rights and civil liberties experts. is that o'kelly's, popularity is largely driven by a willingness from salvadorans to sacrifice the countries democratic values in the long term for the sake of living in peace. now, salvador and voters may have concerns over the future of their countries, democracy and the loss of certain civil liberties with support for president naples taylor and his re election is still over whelming with the presidential election just around the corner. now you book and it is all but sure to win. but as the accusations against his government continue to mount, the question is how much longer this overall mean popularity can endure? when was it up a little al jazeera sense of law, the democratic policy in the us holes that says primary election on such
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a day and south carolina, for instance. right. but is expected to win. but democrats on have you for a good turnout from black faces. 4 a when in south carolina, it's showing the primary election was crucial to biden's campaign. 4 years ago, living tenure at least 3 people have died after lori coming gas exploded, causing a major fire find finds as bottles of hours to put out place in library. hundreds of people living in the residential area in just an vehicles destroyed. those career has fired several cruise missiles off it's west coast need a congenital cycles for his military to step up. preparations for mobile phones slowly ripples north korea long. just it's 4th weapons test in just over a week. fire and cruise myself into the sea test is carried out in the past month. include one's on a hypotonic missile. and new submarine launched cruise missile on friday. stage
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media also released photos of northwind. the day came jungle and inspecting the construction of warships in a shipyard in the city of non polk. a kim reportedly said strengthening the navy is an important part of young young's preparations for. he stepped up his rectory in recent months. some analysts say the post drink may also be intended for domestic audience. granted him your north korea used to educate its people the conciliation cooperation and peaceful or even if occasion. now it's the opposite. the intention is to foster animosity towards the south by defining south north korea as to hoss time states. north korea could be doing this to strengthen its political power. kim is also pursuing stronger ties with russia, raising concerns most go could help young young strengthen it's nuclear weapons program. south korea's response has been to seek close and military cooperation with the us and japan. last month, the 3 countries conducted possibly the biggest of a combined naval exercise,
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just recently, elite to units from south korea and the us health, a joint training drill, stimulating infiltration of enemy territory and directing s twice to destroy a target. you don't know how many this training was an opportunity for south korean that the american special forces to become one team. and then how does that capability for joint special operations? south korea is due to hold elections in april government officials if one that north korea is likely to step up its military publications to destabilize the country ahead of the vote. it's mostly just a controversial project to reclaim land is underway in the mouldings. it will create artificial islands using sun dried from the ocean beds. the government insists it's needed to boost torres of but active as one. it will damage marine life tiny chain to pulls the from the multi, it's to white, sandy beaches and clear to close waters. this is the multi of the world knows and
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the island of island gilly is a smaller waist. this next to the capital, one of the most densely populated citizen in the world. just off the coast project to try and remedy the pillows sunk into the sea for highway leading to what to now just assemble will be a new call get pulled in residential blocks. locals have watched, is there a direct view is turned into a building site. they take this that and using a dresser, and they put all the sad insight. and this is one of the biggest big donations at being in the motive. and that had a very immediate impact. and then we came out to have a look that was settlement looms like a cloud of settlement coming and hooting.


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