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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 3, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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and and so while you were spring, did it ever occurred to that? what your spring might hurt you? design your plans for people. so who do you hold responsible for? what's happened to the us launches strikes in syria and a rock and response withdrawing a tank that killed 3 american soldiers in georgia. the aerosols come sit down was up to the bodies of the 3 service members were entry. yes. and so the, you with the, on the cry, this is out, is there a line from top? how also coming up proffers a pressure cold of despair that we feel for what comes next at the warning from the
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you in on life and the southern guy. so we moving to 1000000 people the escaped yvonne's and we looked at the controversial project and the multi set is pretty the same as white sand beaches. in clear water is edwards, the us has launched and dozens of air strikes and syria and the rock using low ridge boma is it's in response to a drone strike of the bison jordan last sunday that killed 3 us soldiers. for president joe biden says he ordered the strikes on facilities used by a rounds. as long as the revolution regard quotes. in his statement, he said the strikes will continue at times in places of washington's choosing. a certain state medius is at least 13 pro randy and fighters have been killed. the strikes comes as dallas optimize and attended
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a ceremony as the bodies of 3 american soldiers were tenant on. gimme a privately with the families before the proceedings of just here. as white house correspondent kimberly healthcare has more. a us president joe biden was kept abreast of the military strikes, not only during, but prior to them taking place. according to national security council spokesperson, john kirby and the top general as the pentagon, the strikes took place over the course of 30 minutes. there were 4 locations that were struck inside syria, 3 inside iraq, $85.00 targets in total. now we're told that the targets were selected based on clear and irrefutable evidence that these sites were connected to attacks on us personnel. however, we asked for a if there would be any evidence provided. they were telling the reporters that this is an ongoing military operation. and therefore,
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that evidence would not be provided. however, the military is effort going to be as transparent as possible. still, what we know is that the military says that they selected these targets based on minimizing civilian casualties. but in terms of just how many may have been wounded or killed on the ground, a battle ground assessment has not yet been completed. now, in terms of the timing, the us president on friday attended what is known as a dignified, transferred, that is the repatriation of those 3 american soldiers that were killed on sunday, prompting this response by the us military. the white house denies that in any way. this was timed to follow that dignified transfer. instead. this is reportedly a strategic decision times because the optimal weather conditions made this the
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perfect timing for the strikes. and also the white house says this was timed to optimize the ability to disrupt and degrade the iranian back. malicious capabilities to conduct future attacks. kimberly help it alger 0, the white house. mike moved up the way it has moved from the rocky capital baghdad . a deal us at us twice have targeting locations in the last, the district of i'll call him near the border with the city according to the a to us and you're lucky minutes. resources among the areas hit and munition depot and other locations that have been used in launching it drones and missiles by a, the stomach resistance groups and targeting us and coalition forces, minutes, the facilities and iraq and see the data strikes have a good
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a. the actions in iraq, the spokesman of iraq's autumn with the forces, has issued a statement to considering data strikes, a violation of iraq sovereignty and undermining it locks it, but it still maintains stability in the region according to the statement. it is like so. it could also drag your watch it and that agent into more instability, the it at some other sources with the popular mobilization of forces. and also, with the one aligned ottoman group submitted to the commander's, would the islamic resistance have threatened to escalate at the attacks against us at military facilities in the region? but i would have to do i had a 0 above that with joshua land. this is direct all of this end of a middle east studies at the university of oklahoma. he says, washington is planning a dangerous game by increasing attacks on
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a rock and it wants to show that it's strong. there are many politicians here in washington who are clamoring for more action calling by week. this is an election c season, so he has to respond. but at the same time, he's made it very clear he does not want to escalate. and that means 2 things. he can hip syrians, that's easy, nobody cares about the syrian government. and uh, but we do care about the rocky government. the americans care about the rocky government. and there is a strategic reassessment of america's goals. america's relationship going on right now because they, they recently killed a, leading your rocky politician the head of a, one of the commanders of the islamic resistance. and, and that caused an upfront an uproar because these militias, which americans always call pro iranian, are actually they are
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a rocky militias. they're part of the rocky government and the prime minister of sedan he is beholding to them. so he cannot, you know, he had to scream bloody murder and say, look at the americans have to move out. and every rocky politician announced they did not want the iraq to become a battle ground between the ron and the united states. it's not worth it. so america does not want to get injected from a rock, particularly not before the elections in november, so it wants to be strong, but it doesn't want to kill too many rockies. the list to into guys are now hospitals in the southern city of con eunice on the sage schools sheltering this place. palestinians have been bombed in residential areas, hit full palestinians,
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have been killed. the following intense is rarely selling and gunfire at the palestine. read crisen society, good quarters. it's located inside the altima hospital with shelters thousands, despite people. and many fear what's coming mixed with israel. a warning it will advance its ground offensive to the southern most region of rafa, which borders egypt of the cities already crowded with more than half of guns as population. $2300000.00 looking for safety. the united nations as describing the cross as in bravo. as a pressure cooker of despair, we hear that this, even though i tried the best, the all partners in full security to deliver as much as they can just simply not enough for that's not enough. clean frankie will to a and there's no protection with the nobody is, is guaranteed from the, from the next kind of wave of fighting that we fear is, is, is coming on. and it's like every week we think we've got
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a can't get any worse. well, go figure out, it gets worse, tara capitalism is in raffle. where strikes have had areas, housing displaced, palestinians. today we had more strikes on the area that supposed to be safe zone for the majority of displace palestinians for taking shelter in a rough off right now. as we have been, see a hearing, a string of s tribes that hit the main linking areas between hon eunice and also in the southern part of a rough or has people are getting much more worried about the possibility of the extension of the fighting to reach rough idea as isabel is very keen to this nonsense militarily the palestinian military existence inside this area as the people here have to i need a place to be a taking shelter inside. now we've been talking about more than 85 percent of kansas population on now here off to losing all of the houses being partially or completely destroyed as the question for palestinian is what makes to go if the,
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if the return back again to the north or any area in gauze or they have been only will find ruffles on that praise. they wouldn't have any civil facilities to depend on comments. there is homes and also people here to sit at the beginning of the find to in a rough, why is the ultimate nightmare that all of them off rates of simply because every single house here has been very sad. tragic story that mean is roles and people are completely afraid to lose most of the family members, especially that this area right now is, is floating with the factory is we'll have lots of hope in terms of what isabel is saying. a regarding safety as all of them on the look, a safe even in the area that is supposed and this ignited since the beginning of the world as the saved zone here. for the longer the war on gaza continues the more likely palestinians full sized famine. the you in says people are routinely going without food. we consume sharif reports or it's
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a lovely one. men, women, and children. it's kremser to get their bolts filled with what ever is being served . so my love to others go home to check the kitchen, disliked these are struggling to see the growing number of displace palestinians and drop for the city is crump. with more than half of cost us population of nearly $2.00 and a half 1000000 people, we came to rough off on thousands of 16. and here we'd like to proceed from 12 pm. and sometimes we get to up to 2 hours. children have defend for themselves. the united nations children's agency says an estimated $17000.00 minus, unaccompanied, or separated from that family. i stand here for food every day because we don't have any at home. this, this place mother was diagnosed with cancer at the time of
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a child's book, just before the war started. she and her children have had to survive on one meal a day for weeks now. but today is a good day to having the 1st big mean in weeks. it includes rise beans and so not in the hudson and the since i gave good, we didn't have any needs that to or to nothing funding. some general people gave us rice and beans today. i don't know who they are, but we are grateful. some families are having to eat animal for that to survive. a trickling into garza from to border crossings is only a fraction of what's needed is one is accused of using starvation as a weapon. the full by blocking civilian access to food and water. that he's gonna find me in these high and increasing each day with persistent pulse deal. it is
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industry to money to it, and access palestinians and casa, experiencing most of ation. and those with kate is ready bombings, fear they will die of hung up on the consumption. these are just more than 800 officials in the u. s. u. k and the european union have signed delays are criticizing the government supported as well as war on concept police, as is israel, showing no boundaries in his military operations, causing tens of thousands of preventables civilian deaths. the military operation hasn't contributed to defeating a mazda and is instead strengthening its appeal. it also says, support as well has been without real conditions or accountability, and that their governments risk contributing to ethnic cleansing and genocide. all the vendor would, is a form of dunston diplomat who served in ramallah. she resigned in 2022 in protest
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against the dutch policy on israel and palestine. she says, police, it shows how serious the situation is and they are so deeply worried about what the current position taking with the current lines of action are doing to not only the disability in the region, but also what are, what is the impact on, on, on on the international law and its credibility. so that's why you see everywhere across the world. basically you see, you see some sort of formal organizing. also in the netherlands where i am from. there has been, have been less as already there are weekly 6. is that the minister of foreign affairs of civil service across the government? and yeah, and so that the civil service has decided that it would be a strong message if they organize, also across the ocean, across the atlantic ocean to, to give a signal. and that's what they did, an important factor. what of course, also uh,
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the routing uh of the segments of the international court of justice last week, stating that what is happening and goals are right now has a high probability of a matching suggest side. so we are dealing with an extreme situation and i think it is a bit in the course of the, of the desperate maybe as well. they just realize the civil service that they're the, the possibilities to influence can turn to be which they would rather do much rather do. i mean this is not something you should do every day. of course a bonus. uh, there's basically no way of pushing the policy in the right direction, according to the move of 9000 children have been injured in israel's war on guys of many have had legs amputated, doctors a being forced to carry out operations without. and this basic one young young palestinian girl recalls what day i and the then when it on
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fall. right. that's on summer in that that that was that is that was will not be bad. that being yeah. i love that. no doubt. wow. know i have fallen nation and i guess you should have been around like you have a lot of reasons need them. oh, the saddle. yeah. i you dig. well i have to find that. now i have one of the math that is still at the in the by then helpful. not by then. yes, i had bubble and i'm glad i see some. and then the nothing. that's the name of leah, the he'd been correct that now here i'm season
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guided them by then listener. and i'm still working on identity. i'm the one request so the, the accounting team that's being the highlights on some of those. see when i use my bills online, then tie it off the bus last night the mid afternoon, so that's fine. i'm not here then. but down inside you took granted home. yeah, ma'am you let them know. yeah. a lot of i'm lovely. all i didn't get any side doing really when you get out for the rest, based on the senate roommate and i have been was how, how many is a lot of the uses a the lab the how,
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how and then i've not. meaning i've not been at them so, so hit hit on al jazeera, the place confront, protest is an argentine onto the law houses process. the president's controversial reforms and playing alone game republicans in del fast hope's getting closer to united on the spring at turner. this is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks.
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facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there is mode that unites us then divide the sales of lines scorched find photos. real quick accounts rising from beneath the rubber best put stories salvage on the high seas brought to the ground breaking sounds from award winning film. the watch. listen witness. on al jazeera, the the
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the you're watching else is there. a reminder of our top story is the south. the us has launched a, a strikes in iraq and syria. the military says it has more than 85 targets connected with around the climate revolution recounts. it's in response to a drone strike that kills a 3 american soldiers as a bison. children and sons, i just try to come just hours of the day remains were returned to meet you with present, jo divided mid privately with the families before proceed. hudgens haines is low, a house of parliament has passed the controversial austerity bill spiking protest in the capital. the members of congress passed prison heavy and allies reforms by
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144 to 109 votes. could i support for points from total? saudis, the nation is not for sale, chanted these people outside argentina's congress. it happened death to lawmakers passed president heavy. it'd be nice landmark bill meant to begin transforming the state and the economy. critics say they call them and will use the will to increase the expectation of natural resources, benefit the private sector, and cut resources for the environment and culture. if he doesn't get them off, this is what we see. a group of 40 businessman guides malays policies on the right, so often times had risk. the bill touches fundamental issues that affect people to work in class. the debate lasted for 3 days and the government had to give in to the demands of other political sizes. the bill initially had over 600 last it ended with a little over 300 the
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way in which we voted clashes between protesters and security forces have taken place to the debate . the government says, didn't teen, as economy needs to be motor, nice to attract for an investment. they also blamed the previous administration for sewing inflation to the dire economic situation and the lack of forwarding. we served in the central bank. but i'm gonna check in 50 what we have noise. people say this government doesn't listen to so, so need this government is a 3rd attorney and expertise of an enter democratic. oh yeah, that's the only thing they can say, because the government took office 50 days and found over 1000 efficient rates in
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the past is 1000 and you're talking about us. 50 days have been in power. but the bill still needs to be revised little by little and then ratified in the senate. mean a one with 56 percent of the volts in december and says he has the legitimacy to implement. he's a stereotype measures to reduce government spending and fight inflation. but those against him say he's measures will bring even greater economic despair and promise to fight back city. so we'll just see that when a site is us silly has declared a state of emergency as well as size rides across the central part of the country. at least 10 people are reported dead in the military. so region and around a 1000 homes have been damaged or destroyed. what's already started by um, mobilizing more emergency teams to control the flights. nolan island is preparing
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to usher and its 1st devolved government and nearly 2 years after the democratic union, this party agreed to rejoin the power sharing executive mission sign. having become the largest single policy in the assembly at the most recent elections for the 1st time in northern islands history, it will take the position of this minister mocking a major milestone in its transition from the group to political movements. harry faucet has more as a full is building club, the members of switch to the winter game at don't. this is a strongly republican part of belfast. the club has been around since 19 o. 5 as long as champagne has existed. so how did people hear still about it's taking a lead role in the developed government that was still part of the united kingdom. i think our community has come to terms with the fact that we are a mixed community. and we do have to sure things which sort themselves and their own time as long as we can keep conflict that i think that's the most important
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thing. deals the decades to conflict between republicans and union. this was played out in the violence of the troubles. 3500 people were killed. champagne was the political wing of the irish republican army seen a so dangerous u. k band. it's the, the jerry adams voice from being broadcast for the 1998 the good friday agreement. go to the power sharing government with the 1st and deputy 1st ministers would come from each side of the conflict. and we equal power smashing sayings. michelle o'neill, who become the 1st republican 1st minister, her body says it brings unification closer. this is the right time pushing for him to be talking about to united on and being in that touching distance. it is the reality of the good party agreement. and they can make the, we all hold it for the good part 8 payments because we believe in the hopes on the opportunity on the democratic a piece on pots with, nor did cheap are as unity champagne, as long as seeing the transition from guns and bombs to negotiation and democracy
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as a model for other such movements around the world that it status as big as the single policy in the assembly doesn't necessarily mean it's close as you had prevail. the site the champagne is 1st minister isn't really because of a search and support for nationalism is because of a weakening of unionism. and mainly actually with many people saying that they neither unionist on this list long ago. the idea should fade taking the symbolic lead. here at the store, month assembly would have provoked outrage them on eunice because on the hard line, you notice that remains the case. but there walkable thing about what is a landmark moment is just how broadly it's being accepted. that speaks to 25 years of power sharing students haines commitment to non violent and also a she a sense of urgency across the not in for its government to start working again. the baton players and the full is ready to just some of those waiting to see whether that process stabilizes the state as quote and moving items placed within the u. k . will bring students thing closer to its ultimate target. how are you supposed to?
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how do 0 belfast as the democratic party in the us holds its 1st primary election on saturday and south carolina president joe biden is expected to win bond democrats hoping for a good turnout from black sizes. the wind in south carolina during the pry me primary election was crucial to buttons campaigned 4 years ago in eastern democratic republic of congo, at least one person has been killed into injured and explosions that a primary school had happened in laguna on the outskirts of the regional capital going north, keep you province. the government says the m $23.00 group is responsible. it follows weeks of growing filings as in 235. as i was fortunate to be close to going, north korea has find several christmas owls off its west coast lead to control and also cool. but is it his military to step on preparations for board foreign slavery
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has more north korea largest. it's 4th weapons test in just over a week. 5 and cruise myself into the sea test is carried out in the past month. include one's on a hypotonic missile. and new submarine launched cruise missile on friday. stage media also released the photos of northwind. the day came jungle and inspecting the construction of warships in a ship yard. in the city of non po, a kim reports at least said strengthening the navy is an important part of young young's preparations for. he stepped up his rectory in recent months. some analysts say the post drink may also be intended for domestic audience. again, on high him, your north korea used to educate it's people the conciliation cooperation and piece for unification. now it's the opposite. the intention is to force to animosity towards the south by defining south north korea as to hoss time states. north korea could be doing this to strengthen its political power. kim is also to suing
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stronger ties with russia. raising concerns must go, could help young young strengthen it's nuclear weapons program. south korea's response has been to seek close submitted, treat cooperation with the us and japan. last month, the 3 countries conducted possibly the biggest ever combined naval exercise, just recently, elite to units from south korea and the us health, a joint training drill, stimulating infiltration of enemy territory and directing asteroids to destroy a target. even if we don't know how many police training was an opportunity for south korean and american special forces to become one team and then hands that capability for joint special operations. south korea is due to hold elections in april government officials of one that north korea is likely to step up its military publications to destabilize the country ahead of the vote. so it's really just the controversial project to reclaim land is underway in the mall,
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dave's. it will create artificial islands using sens dredge from the ocean bids the government insistence needed to burst tourism but active as vulnerable damage marine life. tony chang reports from the mel dates the white, sandy beaches into turquoise waters. this is the mold eaves. the world knows not the island of island gilley is a smaller waist. this next to the capital, one of the most densely populated citizen in the world. just off the coast project to try and remedy the pillows sunk into the sea for highway leading to what to now just assemble will be a new call get pulled. then residential blocks locals have watched. is there a direct view to a building site? they take this that and using it read. yeah. and they put all of that insight and this is one of the biggest explanations at bringing the motive and that had a very immediate impact. and then we came out to have
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a look that was settlement looms like a cloud of 30 men coming and hooting over you like it was this that when this started.


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