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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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as upbringings from around the world activities and probably save thousands of victims, died waiting for justice, but never the lack of accountability. both crimes committed in death for is what's in boulder named profit for it is so part of the crimes. the usa a strikes it targets in syria and iraq, invitation for a drone attack that killed the 3 us soldiers in georgia. the bodies of those 3 american soldiers killed in the attack by rainy. in fact, i'm groups on sunday. ira petrie, i said to be you with the, i'm a probably this adult is there a lot from how so coming all prophecies, the pressure of despair that we feel for what comes next don warning from the
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un on lots and the southern cause with more than a 1000000 people have moved to a scapes of on that a controversial project. and the multi, it's is putting the famous white sand beaches in clear water is at risk. the . the us has launched attacks on at least $85.00 targets in syria and a rock using precision guided missiles and drugs. it's in response to a drug and strike at an american military bison. jordan last sunday that killed 3 us soldiers. president joe biden says he ordered the strikes on facilities used by a rounds as nomic revolution recounts and troops backed by around this time. and he said the us does not seek conflict in the region button. america will responds to attacks. syrian state media says at least 13 pro raining, and findings have been kills. one of the strikes came hours of to bite and attend
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as a ceremony to receive the bodies of the 3 american soldiers. as they returned home, he met privately with the families before the service. eldest there was white house correspondent, kimberly held kit has more. us president joe biden was kept abreast of the military strikes not only during but prior to them taking place. according to national security council spokesperson, john kirby and the top general as the pentagon, the strikes took place over the course of 30 minutes. there were 4 locations that were struck inside syria, 3 inside iraq, $85.00 targets in total. now we're told that the targets were selected based on clear and irrefutable evidence that these sites were connected to attacks on us personnel. however, we asked for a if there would be any evidence provided. they were telling the reporters that
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this is an ongoing military operation. and therefore, that evidence would not be provided. however, the military is effort going to be as transparent as possible. still, what we know is that the military says that they selected these targets based on minimizing civilian casualties. but in terms of just how many may have been wounded or killed on the ground, a battle ground assessment has not yet been completed. now, in terms of the timing, the us president on friday attended what is known as a dignified, transferred, that is the repatriation of those 3 american soldiers that were killed on sunday, prompting this response by the us military. the white house denies that in any way. this was timed to follow that dignified transfer. instead. this is reportedly a strategic decision times because optimal weather conditions made this the perfect
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timing for the strikes. and also the white house says this was timed to optimize the ability to disrupt and degrade the iranian back to malicious capabilities to conduct future attacks. kimberly, how could alj a 0? the white house, a load of the y head has moved from the rocky capital baghdad. the us is twice have targeting locations in the lucky the district of i'll call him near the border with the city, according to the, to us and you're lucky minutes. resources among the areas hit and munition depot and other locations that have been used in launching it drones and missiles by a the stomach resistance groups and targeting us and coalition forces minutes. the facilities in iraq and city data strikes have a good
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a. the actions in iraq, the spokesman of iraq's ottoman the forces, has issued a statement here, considering data strikes, a violation of iraq sovereignty and undermining it locks it, but it still maintains stability in the region according to the statement is like so. it could also drag your watch it and that agent into more instability, the it at some other sources with the popular mobilization forces. and also with. busy one aligned ottoman group submitted to the commanders, would the islamic resistance have threatened to escalate at the attacks against us at military facilities in the region, but would have to do i had a 0 above that as low as i was. and jeff joins me now in the studio and you know, this region and particularly well, this area. can you just give us a little bit of context about what is actually the,
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what was the us actually targeting? but we do need a bit of context here because you go from the iranian border into the rock into provinces such as the law then into uh, so that the then into about and nivi, and then all the way into the syrian border. this is the place where there has been a very ferocious fight as the old organs i so, and, and that i'd been operating and these militias, these groups have been crucial and bidding not fight. and i've been part of the security operators in iraq. so these groups linked to iran, uh, the biggest of them was hatched a sharpie with the popular mobilization forces, which is not part of the documentary. mm hm. and many of these groups are operating beyond those borders in the city, and all the way up to the border with lebanon. so what you've seen, the united states hit our infrastructure targets, buildings that were being used to weapons depos according to the local information up and localize the tax. it seems to be
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a measured response to make sure that the president, the united states says that it is not going to look away when it searches. okay. yes, it is. we heard from a correspondent in baghdad, just before a said that it rock is, did this constitutes a violation of a rocky sovereignty? just how angry out i do think when the presence of us forces for many of these groups has essentially been a full on the side of, of, of these various munitions who are aligned with iran. they see this as a continuation of the us occupation of iraq with the united states as the now it is in europe on the invitation of the rocky government. so these groups have been objecting to the us presence in itself, but now since the war in gaza has escalated, the us support for israel, it has given these groups new impetus, but they're, they're operating in government with a didn't city on an iraq to go after us targets and because they are so well entrenched within the security operators if you go to words a base. for instance,
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if you're talking about northern europe or you cross over into city, a very us troops are on the ground these isolated desert basis as forward operations based as united states. like to call them that are operating that you will see that the maps the actual entrances. you'll see the flags of many of these militias, then the rock, the army, and then you enter the us site. so it appears that the united states, in terms of responding to its service, men being killed, has been measured as being cautious in the last 8 hours. we haven't seen any reports of a figurehead sort of being targeted. it's essentially isolated basis. but yes, there are going to be casualties, but it is not going to spiral into something much larger that many of these countries have been warning including your off that any escalation off that scale which could trigger a multi countrywide response would be impossible for anyone to control and contain the day thanks so much just on that we really do appreciate that. thank you. of the
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bullets to into gallons and now and is ready, forces have killed 15 people in 3 separate air strikes. and del paula and rafa. now most of those killed were displaced, palestinians $27000.00 people has now been killed by is rarely a tax and the gaza strip of into the full month sufficing. the many fear what is coming next is royal has announced that will advance its ground defensive to the southern most region of rafa, which borders egypt. the area is already crowded with more than half of guns as population. $2300000.00 people looking for safety supplies, they are running low in the united nations is describing the processing rasa as a pressure cooker of the skin. we hear that this, even though try the best the all pod us in food security to deliver as much as they can to assist you. not enough for this, not enough clean frankie will to a and there's no protection with the nobody is, is guaranteed from the,
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from the next kind of wave of fighting that we fear is, is, is coming on. and it's like every week we think we've got a can't get any worse. well go freedom. it gets worse. the longer the war on guys a continues, the more likely the palestinians will face famine. the you in says people live routinely going without food. we consume sherry for boats, it's a number a good one, men, women, and children scrambling to get their bolts filled with what ever is being said. so my love to go home. chat the kitchen disliked these us trumpeting to feed a growing number of displace palestinians and drop for the city is cramped with more than half of gauze us population of nearly 2 and a half 1000000 people. we came to rough off on thousands of 50. and here we
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line up for food from 12 pm, and sometimes we get to up to 2 hours. children have defend for themselves. the united nations children's agency says an estimated $17000.00 minus, unaccompanied, or separated from the families. i stand here for food every day because we don't have any at home. this displays mother was diagnosed with cancer at the time of a child's book, just before the war started. she and her children have had to survive on one meal a day for weeks now. but today is a good day to having the 1st big mean in weeks. it includes rise beans and so nothing in the hudson and the soon as i gave good, we didn't have any need to know some general people who gave us rice and beans today. i don't know who they are,
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but we are grateful. some families are having to eat and move forward or to survive . a trickling into garza from to border crossings is only a fraction of what's needed is one is accused of using television as a weapon, the full blocking sibling and access to food and water. that he's going to find me in these high and increasing each day with persistent hostilities and to speak to, to money to it, and access palestinians and casa, experiencing most of ation. and those with kate is ready bombings, fear they will die of hunger. and the consumption of these, i'll just see how a honeymoon glued as in ralph or in southern gaza for us and honey, we'll get to the grubbing issue of finding that an animal does. it says, can you just tell us about it as well as focus on russell right now?
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yes, the over night. then in fact, it started an early hours of last night in the evening, hours away with the heavy artillery sitting of the eastern part of rough city and finishing out about midnight with massive airstrikes and both different locations and nature and about behind in the central part of rapacity, a very crowded and densely populated 2 areas. the one it needs to wrap a how residential home full of displays, palestinians, including the owner, the local residents, and the owner of the residential building. where it's been show during housing sheltering people who have been displaced from the northern part and got the city and from hon. eunice, that 13 people are being killed and 10 of other injury is different. injuries were reported to and those are hospital and central. the roof on the other ears strikes targeted a residential home in on janina district. that's a central part of robust city. and this is not the 1st time as you may not have
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been in fox since the beginning of the ford being repeatedly targeted, more residential homes inside this district had been destroyed compared and they did about more people being killed and very heavy. our deal is hurting and more there's right, we're looking at a total of 15 people, that the fact that we're seeing an intense bombing can campaign across reference. it is just an indication and very consistent with the is really defense minister statement of expansion. the military operations and throughout the city. yeah. and honey, as we hear the unions described drop it as a pressure cooker of dispute. but can you just try and tell us what that actually looks and feels like is you are on the ground there. and this will not only we're looking on over a crowded area right now,
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but largely here the $1900000.00 display the palestinians are going hungry here in this part of, of the gaza strip at people entire families. this is go by their day without eating any, any food for the day is no means what? so ever would have the children roaming display on roaming. the streets are filled with revel, just searching for us, perhaps, of food. we have the, the, the, the problem of people who are experiencing health complications unable to get the, the necessary, the necessary portion of food that it's needed to stay in their health and to help them combat these difficult conditions. among all of this, there's the vulnerable group of children and women, and those are pregnant or breastfeeding the lack, the resources and nutritional elements that are needed to keep them sustaining. in fact, according to the young report on the internationally recognized 5 phases scale of food, the crisis will look at here at the quarter quarter of dollars of the people in
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gaza. that's almost half a 1000000 people are at the, at phase a number 5, which is a catastrophic lab. and we're looking at masses. tar vision. and it just very unfortunate to say that this is how food is being what the noise in using against civilian population. honey is a way to really do appreciate your work for us, honey monkwood, for us and rough at and southern cost. smell still a hit here on al jazeera at a standstill. how is ready, chick points and making life tougher palestinians and the occupied west bank. the teen depths, analysis of the days headlines. how does south africa, cruise bits, accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and all the cool scholars including his ravings con, confirm that face is a textbook genocide. frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for
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office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships and to the right. see, it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation inside story on al jazeera and on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. 3 questions. first of all, 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another mcclin's thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without us real permits and nothing leaves scottsdale with offers roles. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0. examining the impact of today's headlines, explore and abundance of well class program designed to inform. most of the things i despise. see the well, from a different perspective on al jazeera, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the future notice here, a reminder about top stories, the salad, the us has the interest tax on at least $85.00 targets in this area. and the rock, it's in response to a drone strike at an american miller tree by some jordan last sunday. the killed 3 us soldiers. sorry inside medius is at least 13 pro randy and 5 has have been killed. with the strikes come to sal is up to the remains of the 3 american soldiers who accounts whoever tends to be here with president giovanni admit privately with the families before the ceremony is ready. forces have killed 15
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palestinians most displaced from their homes by law. and rafa was i was told that i would be safe. is there any forces have carried out more? right, so i have an ice in the occupied west bank. heavy gun fi has been recorded into boss is the, is ready on the storms, the city in the early hours of saturday. so just also invited several other cities including netlist and can kenya as well as towns and self. it's in the janine since the start of the war on guys is there any forces have sued up hundreds of new military chick points across the occupied west bank. they say the goal is to ensure as well security the palestinian site. it's just another way to collectively kimberly item the, the abraham reports. this is really check point. you have nablus in new york, your pied west bank is closed or at least for now palestinian drivers waiting to
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move in and out of the city. or at this time still no one knows when or if they'll be allowed to continue their journey. traffic is moving at another check point, nablus. what 74 year olds, and how much he says it's taking too long. it's our last week i spent 3 hours at this check point, so by the time i arrived to my destination to drop off the shipment, it was too late and the stores were closed. long before the world garza started posting his suffert's from his way. you made it through his check points that isolates and disconnected cities and towns from one another as the is really a full in gaza increases. so does the number of as really obstacles in the occupied westbank. new gates have been installed is really soldiers hold the keys with no restriction on his way the car is moving in the occupied territory. what organizations say before the war,
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the around 77 activated then man check points. after the war, more than 500 check points were reactivated under all 140 new ones established and totaled. we're talking about more than $700.00 check points, cement blocks, 3rd smells, and gates many are told to be shot. like the one behind. it really is a who to text the driver for fluid knowledge in the occupied wes thing. after the 37 years in the business, he knows the shortcuts and how to avoid closures. but many of the alternative routes are on develop. are we doing the remodel for a drive from bremo law? did you need a journey that shouldn't take more than 2 hours? roadblocks closed through within 3 check points. later, we reached our destination a journey which took us twice as long within 4 hours to the work to
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express an executive humiliation, extra cost and waste of time. they want to make our lives hard and complicated. so we eventually the alternative route means doing stuff, being block, being frustrated, resembles much of the palestinians to life spent. and we can do that, but he does eat a coupon to us thing the . it's take a look at some other world use. now a government investigation is under 110 year after at least 3 people were killed and a major $514.00 people i'm missing and $280.00 others injured at cruise, baffled for hours to put out the fight. and i wrote the catherine story reports from the same people here in a crowded neighborhood last,
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2nd in down for the night when suddenly an exclusion. some said they had smelled gas fumes for about an hour before the incident. investigators believe a leak at the plant lead to got ceiling. does exploding local people say the hottest sound like send followed by a huge ball of fire. several walk killed. this woman is inconsolable. this is the gust apple. whether gusting dot exploded. it heat. neil biotech style warehouse, the court fire, the several residential houses, vehicles and business premises, well also damaged. the impact was huge. this is a call that has been completely destroyed. no residents who are in the houses say that the explosion was so loud that houses should stop clean carrying the series,
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the house was leaving in was a raised to the ground. almost my belongings destroyed to watch them. oh no more for the people started saying fire fire. i felt weak. i felt i was suffocating for me to call them monoxide. there was a woman behind me and she wanted help. but i could only save myself on my opinion. the motto, government officials have launched an investigation into why the plant was operated without a license from the energy regulator. it was not in place just with the status of it . so clearly uncomfortable and focused on the residential area of the manual such illegal businesses. and definitely they compromise people to continue doing so i'm, those are the people who have come to the lives of jacqueline and her neighbors has been turned upside down. they say they've complained to many times about the devil and why it was being operated, hoping government will act quickly to ensure facilities like this can be moved away
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from where people leave. kathleen, so all this era nairobi former us president donald trump's trial on the federal charges of attempting to attend the 2020 election results has been postponed for the shuttle to begin next month. in washington, dc. the judge said, and you died will be said of to an appeals court rules on trump's claims of presidential immunity. he has denied any wrong doing of the controversial project to reclaim land is underway in the mall dates. it will create artificial islands using sand stretched from the ocean, bids and give us one. it will damage moraine life. toni chang reports from them all dates, white, sandy beaches and clear to close waters. this is the multi of the world knows and the island of island gilly is a smaller waste is next to the capital. one of the most densely populated citizen,
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the world. just off the coast project to try and remedy the pillows sunk into the sea for highway leading to what to now just assemble will be a new call get pulled in residential blocks. locals have watched. is there a direct view to a building site? they take this that and using a dresser, and they put all the sad insight. and this is one of the biggest explanations at being in the middle of the and that had a very immediate impact. and then we came out to have a look that was settlement looms like a cloud of 30 men coming and hooting over you like it was this bad when they started it. now the surface was, is it clear again, but the real damage has been the the dive is here. say the judging has already had a devastating impact on the under water environment reefs in this area of last 70 percent of the carl coverage. 50 meters down the nearby reef is still home to some
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fish. the divorce is cloudy. the reef cup of incense curls, look colorless with few signs of new growth. hardly bustling with life. of this, say the un. is it the house or the problem? judging, send beds, kills micro organisms vital to sustaining marine environments. it's a tricky balancing act for the government of the country that's 99 percent on the volta and vulnerable to rising sea levels. we have been even looking into things such as relocation, of course, to other areas, and ensuring that we take the maximum mitigation protection meshes while we do recommendation because the coordination is a sustainable delta. indeed, we have to wait for everyone to do it in a way that has minimal impacts. the residents of feeling guilty are already taking action to protect the reef carl's comp bank to promote gross attached to frames and replanted off the coast. it's phone for me, i do,
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but the only thing they can do to protect their environment from being swept away in the race to expand tony cheng elder 0 building gilly, the mouldings. well, that's all somebody's home of christ and now where there is next, then inside story will examine the implications of sion sign. becoming the launch of policy in northern ireland. stay with us, the this hailstones on an old coast of egypt produce what looked like smell when the grand real snow as a result of the cold, as come out through the trees and across from the van, produce some snow renewals and society from the masses to book and this unpleasant weather because it's not snow, it's just cold and wet. continues. who live and ride up to watch some turkey that's throughout saturday. and indeed sunday the wind is still blowing. no, it should improve after that. indeed,
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it stops to improve on sunday afternoon leasing sinai. and the picture on such a date to the east that proper few shelves in serious a dry looking picture. but this shamal, the strong, windy, still blowing. it hasn't been particularly dusty, but in land it is so in eastern society and the empty core, if you'll notice the orange bloom which is picking up the desk, the wind keeps blowing. so dial off max is $21.00. reactions any 80 the low, low sites this time of the year. tropical after usually fatty drive environment, the lady told her to generate shells and there are few showing up in the easier it hardens the heavy stuff is further west of the republic of congo or knowles, and go to a lot of choices. choices of trusted terms in there, and despite the heat warnings in the nose and the western cape is about to be a new blue, but the big thunder storms in south africa. the
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south coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i travel, whether it's east or west africa, people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not just on their suffering, but also on a more realistic and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in their communities in a t a n y. and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of the a stand off that's for us in politics and northern ireland for 2 years is over pro protest you need is set to take their seats and the regional parliament where the biggest privacy is shouldn't say it's go is iris unity. so could that happen? oh,
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really. okay. remain intact. this is inside story. the hello and welcome to the program. i'm adrian finnegan, suspended by


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