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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 3, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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is by sitting down to the individual on the street. this is not a drill on that which is 0. the us is always of inside $54.00, right? the world people pay attention to this $1.00 here. and i'll just leave this very good that bringing the news to the world from here, the, the us bombs, iraq and syria in response to a drug and attack the killed 3 us soldiers enjoy the on the clock. this is out during life and uh, we'll see it coming up. the struggle for food in gaza with half the population crammed into one city desperation as mounting. it is rarely troops, a closing in on rafa. policy and go disabled and often buys ready bombings, appeals for an end to the vote. on my account on columbia, south carolina,
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with democrats. so hoping that a large crime re to announce, will provide a spring board with joe biden's re election. the iraq and syria have condemned united states to carry out as strikes on or on by groups on the chart, treat us as it hit at least $85.00 targets using long range bomb is. that's a response to a drone attack on an army base in jordan last weekend. the killed 3 american soldiers on groups of targeting the united states for supporting israel and it's war on garza, vincent model begins our coverage now a us air strike on arm groups linked to iran. one of dozens, across the rock and syria. long range bombers through directly from the us to take part in the operation. the white house as the tax sites were carefully chosen to
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avoid civilian deb. us military forces struck more than $85.00 targets at 7 facilities utilized by a wrong islamic revolutionary article. and another thing is that they sponsor 3 of the facilities. our rec for them are in syria and iraq is condemned strikes as a violation of its sovereignty. syrian state media or cooling it, us aggression. both countries have reported casualties. the bombings refrained as a response to a drone attack on american forces. nearly a week ago. 3 soldiers were killed and doesn't for injured the military base in jordan. their bodies return to the us on friday. us president joe biden promised the response. and now that's been delivered, presumably the goal of the campaign is to reestablish the tourist, which is at the end of the day, a political and a psychological condition. so the question is, can the,
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these actions inflict enough damage on a rainy, an interest that the uranium swell uh, you know, basically step back from doing this sort of thing again in the future. some are groups in iraq are now pledging more attacks on us targets in the region. the the white house says it's not seeking board or conflict in the region, but suggested more strikes or to come saying what began tonight will not end tonight since modern algebra. but for the latest out of iran, russell said, has this from tara as well so far there hasn't been any official reaction from around or there hasn't been any statement from the reading officials yet perhaps they are still going through the damage assessment process. and also it could be a strategy or if you're around trying to distance itself from these attacks and
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also the, the groups that are being attacked. so the jungle gym, black, strict fusions here in iran was that you, i guess a is going to retaliate by attacking the, you run the affiliated groups, which you around caused them as the excess of the resistance. but they would not expectations that there would be any direct attack warranty running, swim, or you run in a sense in iraq or, or syria. but now, based on the centcom statements, we see the 2 important points. the 1st is the location of these attacks where these attacks have will cure that is the sort of data sued and the north of album came out. so this region is quite create to go forward. you ryan's char supply chain and the you don't if you to the groups here heavy relies on this supply chain. and also it is quite busy with the, i mean after the 8th of the groups. and also is very much important because it's
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somehow connected. you run to syria way. uh, iraq. and now we can see that usc is also trying to disconnect iran from syria as well, or at least diminished or, or reduced is logistical capacity over there. so what about the view from a right come up root of what is in the capital of like that. so this, that it was, this has that includes it, and i'm going to be it on a line on the groups. it says that it's fighters have counted out attacks with the missiles and targeting get the, a ton of military base in the city, which is home to us, minutes the personnel. and also the a tag to this morning the, and in a submitted to the base with a zone. as you know, they said that houses both collision and he was a troops in western iraq minutes, resources and commanders with the popular and mobilization. a forces say that
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they're hooked quotes are in about providence in wisdom. the lock near the bottom district that's near the border with city a has been a hit with a to strikes. they say that 3 emitted c personnel were killed, 2 civilians and 15, although it is a one that as well as a number of civilian houses. it would uh, damage it by the a dislike that was targeted that was headed out by u. s. air force targeting locations that have been used according to both u. s. and e. rocky sources that have been used in launching both missiles and the drones to target us and coalition forces at the minute treat facilities in iraq and syria. on the other hand, here in baghdad, the government has it that condemned the tax, the spokesman of iraq, soon a, the ottoman forces. it stated that the, the a, the slides, the usa dislikes of violation over iraq suffering t, undermining xerox efforts to achieve this debility. and probably that would,
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they could drag a walk into the agent and to further it instability way. it's a complex business. so let's try it on the level of bed without correspondence of and you have ideas you've been to the region many times of the at. so let's bring up a map. we can see the geographical context of this because it's important with what's going on. right? absolutely, so if you look at this, not fits, you've already got iran, iraq, syria, and lebanon, while united states, the thing is not at ward and them, at least the good is reading and back groups being targeted in iraq. if you look at the provinces fed viola, so that the about and innovate is where they've been operating. and they came to this prominence during the fight against iceland, where they were being supplied by various actors. and then we are very crucial in the fight against ice elizabeth and again, it acted as a front end component of iran regional strategy as well. so what the united states
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have hit a targets in bar province in the resort in syria. and if you look sort of south towards that map is that jordan is in, in a ton of is with the american soldiers were killed as bad. so it's a, it's a complicated spectacle for these groups that are operating, core, ideologically, and militarily aligned to run. but it's not clear how much operational control is there on has over them. so it is important for the united states to show its people that it is going after these groups. but it appears that these are calculated strikes against those groups and an outpost where it wouldn't essentially cause a change reaction, right? so yes, the usa that these would be the measure it attacks, right? absolutely. so if you look at who is being killed, so there be so far we bought, seen any major lead is off the most of the various functions that are linked with iran. the biggest of them, the popular mobilization force and force has the hash, the sharpie, as it's known, which is now under the command of the rocky prime minister. but whether it reports
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to the 5 minutes is a completely different thing. but it is so intricately tied to the security aspect of, of these countries. you've heard the statement from the city and defense of industry saying that it's civilians and military personnel were killed the rock and city a boat saying that this at it kind of contract the counter terrorism operations that, that, that are being carried out in the region. so it's not just complicated because of you're going to see it very, it's alignment to various groups at all. so because of that stretch that it was, it's not just to us personalize well, but i did it on hoops the device. okay. we've got about 45 seconds will so as i might say, what are the implications of this and the challenges of it that seem expire, but so far it as, as you said in united states, the saying that it is the beginning of this, it's operations. it appears that so far, but they've had as a measured response, it's best that they have not gone off the targets, which would immediately make it wrong. vitalia dorothy be in a position that will have to so it is as of now 8 hours, 10 hours into the strikes that that. com has prevailed so far. there's been some
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counter measures by various groups, but it is out of the ordinary because since october 7th, since this escalation in the ward gaza, they have been more than a $150.00 attacks on us and coalition bases and personnel in iraq and syria. so it was, it was bound to happen, but some of us service been, have been killed. but it appears that a cooler heads of prevailing as of now, and it doesn't seem to be escalating towards. but all region in act as only leaders have said that if this persists, if you continue to target groups beyond the boundaries beyond the borders of various countries, it could have unintended consequences and may be out of the control of all of these countries. all right, well we'll see how it opens up. that's great. contacts for us is almost like stop. thank you. now the us has reportedly launched 3 strikes and you happen to see fight to say they have east of the city of sata on saturday morning. the writing back to
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feeds have been attacked and shipped to the red sea in protest against israel's will. on garza, the well on the ground and goes is ready. forces have killed at least 15 palestinians, and 3 strikes in the central and southern parts of the strip. most of those killed in the attacks on the ballot and rough with families from displaced displays from other cities. more than $27100.00 piloting to be killed in his radio titles goes the strip of the they've been nearly 4 months of boil. many fed what's coming next . israel has announced it will advance its ground offensive to rafa, which is the southern lace corner of the strip. and it borders egypt is already over. crowded is more than half the population of $2300000.00 people fled there and such a safety supplies are running low in the united nations to describe the situation in russia as a pressure cooker of despair. indeed it says that people are routinely going
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without food and when meals are available that charge the kitchens, the wait for a plate of food can last hours. michael soon sherry has this report. it's a long wait for men, women, and children, scrambler, to get their bolts filled with what ever is being served. so my love to go home, chat the kitchen, disliked. these are struggling to see the growing number of displace palestinians and dropped for the city is cramped. with more than half of cost us population of nearly $2.00 and a half 1000000 people, we came to rough off on $1015.00. i'm here we line up for food from 12 pm, and sometimes we get to of to 2 hours. children have defend for themselves. the united nations children's agency says an estimate of 17000 minus, unaccompanied,
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or separated from the families, the nightstands here for food every day. because we don't have any at home. this, this place mother was diagnosed with cancer at the time of a child's book, just before the war started. she and her children have had to survive on one meal a day for weeks now. but today is a good day to having the 1st big mean in weeks. it includes rise beans and so not in the hudson, and the soon as i gave good, we didn't have any need to know some generous people who gave us rice and beans today. i don't know who they are, but we agreed for some families that having to eat and move forward or to survive. a trickling into garza from to border crossings is only
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a fraction of what's needed as well as accuse a few things, television as a weapon. the full by blocking civilian access to food and water, that he's got 5 minutes high and increasing each day. we've persistent to steal it is industry to monitor it and access, palestinians and casa, experiencing most of ation. and those with kate is ready bowman's fear. they will die of hunger on the consumption of these. i'll just see how i, let's go to rafa live, know, southern gaza, honey. my mood is the for so sir, how many 1st up? just tell us from your experience between all of the reporting on the story you're living it day today. how difficult is it to find food and fresh water in rockford right now? the yes, well a so far it's and quite difficult and it's increasingly become more it's challenging
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. and each passing, they were looking at over crowded roughly here with more than $1900000.00 displays, palestinians been filtering and run by citizens. the beginning of the work. and more people are lean towards zone and han unison to send drugs that mail it from refugee, kansas, all the crammed in this, a small part of, of the gods. the 1000000 rough i said the part in residential buildings, the other, the vast majority are intense kinds and evacuation zone and my wife and that's western part of, of asked to do that. doesn't have any infrastructure or any, any incredible line of resources to help people compatible living in the difficult living condition. but so far over crowded real fast truck goes day to day to find food and a drink couple water. the vast majority of the water here is contaminated, is leading into discredit with diseases and particularly among children. and those would have complications like a pregnant women,
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as well as those are breast feeding. but also the struggles to get food here is becoming very visible. there is a famine going on here, hardly because people do not have the ability to purchase this, the kind of food that they want on the top of that there's also a trickle amount of food available here, either in the market or in shops or even if from a, from what have be not allowed into the cost of so far, it doesn't and not nothings to be in, meet the needs, the greater needs of each passing be of this place and largely traumatized population and rough i, city and honeys, is ready for us as we will say, they moving the movie south and heading towards the rough up people must be very frightened about this. so yes, very frightening about the fact that the military operation might be expanding into the roof. i sit in that that, that level of fear having $0.03
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a statement made by the israeli dentist, defense minister side thing that victor wouldn't be completed until the military operation gets the right to be in this month anymore. how much infrastructure or it's operative on the ground, but here what we're looking at in overcrowded area crowns with people. 1.9000000 displays pallets in smaller area. a single method on a bomb can cause the death of many civilians here. but the problem we're looking at here right now is n. e mail it to an expensive. another operation only means one thing for the vast majority of people. it's an extension to the genocide relax taking place in the central area. honda and is that the northern parts and more atrocities are going to be committed, particularly when does really military including its defense minister failed to talk about any safety measures or a plan for the 1900000 displays. people here in norfolk city and talking about
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a safe corridor or a plan for them to leave, to go back to their homes. and the motive part and gust of the situation is getting really tough for never to each passing date. shattering any level. and his sense of security and safety and overnight, massive attacks coupled with artillery, selling on the eastern part of the, of the city of rebecca and 2 more residential homes were destroyed. the victims happen this time to be again done like the displays have been shown during these residential homes 15 people have been killed among them, children and women sense of injuries went through hospitals that are already struggling over one doesn't have separation, medical supply whatsoever. everything is leading every practice that every single act on the ground here suggests that is more of the genocide, those practices are going to happen very difficult in distressing situation. the rough or in reference of the goals are highly mcquaid for 40. thank you. hear me. i
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still ahead here and algebra, the gunfire adult in the west bank is ready for his car up more rates on the as hello. the non emergency drought has been declared in the north east as spain, and that's off the 3 years with no significant rain officials, according it was dropped in a 100 yards. and there's no rain coming into spain of the next few days. we've had extreme heat following us from last year into january and those temperatures are still sitting high. so this time is yeah, we've got an area of high pressure dominating across west in pots of the
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mediterranean. so largely settled for much of it to be. but we could see some fob issues in the north on saturday. much cooler, however, for the southeast corner was low temperature warnings out for pots of grease. but we've got an area of low pressure and that's the dominant feature across europe over the next few days, bringing some very strong winds up in the north. we're going to see blowing snow from new way into sweden, saturday into sunday, and red warning salt for coastal areas of poland. and you can see it gets a little wintery on the east of the next few days. and we're going to see some way to weather start to come into the north west of the u. k. so heavy rain warnings out for scotland. it is an cloutier and more recently for the south of this. but the heat continues to build suddenly across central parts of europe. the unique perspective on in the but don't want to, even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this to me. it was really a, for my things,
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thoughtful this coverage. and there's no reason to target the journal on hers voices, and i'm of the patient. please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere means that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable, the stream on out to 0, the the the other guy you're watching out 0. and one of our top story is us and to syria and the rock of condemned us thompson, at least $85.00 talk is linked to iran. they were in response to a drug and strike on an american military base. and george last weekend killed 3 us
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soldiers. the remains of the soldiers have been repack traits in order to disarm the us state of delaware. as the j 5 privately, with the families, he suggested. most strikes will be heading dogs. there is ready, forces have killed at least 15 pounds to gauge. and 3 strikes from central and southern protestants. trip is rather announced, it will advance its ground defensive towards rough or where many palestinians who fled and such safety. so it is ready, forces have carried up more rage of nights in the occupied west by yes, heavy gun 5 was reported in 2 russ when soldiers stored in the city in the early hours of sack today he also rated several other cities including nothing to come to you, as well as tom's net jeanine, be well published and you'd have meant to bass has been vandalized by his ready soldiers. this video shows the optimal for the right,
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which left the home in disarray with the families belonging. scott has been damaged since the beginning of the war and garage is ready forces of setup, hundreds of new military check points across the occupied west bank. they say the goal is to ensure is real security policy and say, is just another way to collectively humanly need to ever assessed this. this is really check point you have now this in the occupied westbank is closed at least for now posting and driver's waiting to move in and out of the city are at this time still no one knows when or if they will be allowed to continue their journey traffic is moving at another check point, the annapolis. what 74 year olds and some of the city says it's taking too long. it's our last week i spent 3 hours a district point. so by the time i arrived to my destination to drop off the
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shipment, it was too late and the stores were closed. long before the world goes, i started posting his suffert's from his way to mid threes. checkpoints that isolates and disconnect the cities and towns from one another as these weighty assault in gaza increases. so does the number of his really obstacles in the occupied westbank. new gates have been installed. really soldiers hold the keats with no restriction on his really cards moving in the occupied territory. what's organization say before the war, the around 77 activated then man check points. after the war, more than 500 check points were reactivated under all 140 new ones established and tilted. we're talking about more than $700.00 check point cement blocks, 3rd smells and gates many are totally shocked. like the one behind it really is a who to tech, the driver for fluid knowledge in the occupied last spring. after 37 years in the
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business, he knows the short cuts and how to avoid closures. with many of the alternative routes are on develop. we joined our model for a drive from bremo law. did you need a journey that shouldn't take more than 2 hours roadblocks closed the roads in 3 check points later we reached our destination a journey which took us twice as long within 4 hours. the work to stress and exotic humiliation extra cost and waste of time. they want to make our lives hard and complicated. so we eventually the alternative routes means doing stuff. being blocked, being frustrated, resembles much of the palestinians to life spent. and we can do that, but he does eat a coupon to us thing more than 8 and
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a half 1000 children have been injured in israel's will on because many of her arms or legs amputated without on assessor one young palestinian girl recalls rodeo and the fall russian background center in that that, that was that is that was will not be this guy being. yeah. i love that. no doubt. wow. know, i have fallen nation and i guess you should have been around like you have a lot of reasons need them. oh the saddle. yeah. yeah. i you make, well, i have to death and i know how full of the math that is philippine is in the by then helpful. not by then. yes i had baba had another class
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and then nothing was the name of leah. the he'd been correct that no hands on the guide and then by then listening and i'm still working on identity in one request. so the, the accounting team that's being done at highland i'm to see when i use my dentist online, then try it off the bus last night mid afternoon. so that's fine. i'm not here. then the scanning size you took running. who yeah ma'am you let them know? yeah. a lot of i'm lovely, a call. i didn't get any side to really wouldn't take it out for the rest. they
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said, i would say that may not have been the last how, how many? here's a lot of the same as a family, the lab, the how have, i mean i've miles meaning i've not been at them the so to other world use now and for us present donald trump, this trial on the federal charges of attempting to overturn the 2020 election results has to be prescribed. it was scheduled to begin next month in washington, dc. the judge said the due date will be set after an appeals court rules on trump's claims of presidential immunity. he's denied any wrong doing. meanwhile, the race for the white house has arrived in south carolina. democratic primaries kicked off on the sides today and with little opposition. vices are expected to
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choose. president joe biden is the kinds of results and the turnout could set the tone for primaries to come. as well as the presidential by to november, my kind of reports now from the state capital of columbia. the democrats, this amend surprises, south carolina has replaced iowa and new hampshire a. so traditional kick off states me this is seen as a rallying cool across fruits. meetings of the democratic party like this one, addressed by the parties. national leda, people are going, some of the people are excited. we've been all over the state really a lot of energy right now. the bedrock of bite and support is in this room. he deserves to stay on the line. he's a good person. he has a good heart and if he wants to work for the people, okay, is your body versus donald trump and we start to see the contrast in,
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in both of them is then we'll jump out and do some things. he didn't do it all, but yeah, look good for you to see. you do what we want him to do. but there's less certainty among the younger generation and growing resentment. the democrats take the african american vote for prompted to get the with the belief that by didn't, has not fulfilled it with tax, which promises i believe that he sold us a vision of what we wanted to hear. and when he came down to actually keeping his promise on that vision, it completely went out the door. during a recent campaign speech in charleston by did was interrupted by cools risky spot. gone to the administration's unquestioning support of israel school has popped deep and among young democrats, victoria jordan points to the best of economic gains made the biden is promotion of women of color to the countries, quotes and executive, but argues as a pull to the genocide could be punished at the polls,
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especially if college students, myself included. um, asking for that see as far asking for you know, more understanding of what's going on overseas.


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