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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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i guess that is a close to what is happening now. it is a call thanks. 3 question. question about 5 upfront or out 0. the the us targets around these groups in iraq and syria responds to a drug and turning the killed 3 us soldiers in georgia. the on the clock. this is out 0 life in the halls that come we saw the moons, the last of his son in his regular strike, 50 misplaced kind of things. he killed living on a pallet,
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sidney and gill disabled and often buys ready bombings, appeals for an into the war, will tell you why the man who calls himself the world coolest dictates a set to extend determined office despite criticism on guy the so iraq and syria have condemn united states, we carry out as rights when the ron leads, groups on that chart, treat us as it hits at least $85.00 targets using long range bombers. that's a response to a driving a tank on an army base in jordan. last we can kill 3 american soldiers on groups of targets in the us over support for israel. finsen mont hot begins our coverage or or us air strike on harvard groups linked to iran. one of the dozens across iraq and syria. long range bombers through directly from the us to take part in the operation. the white house as the tax sites were carefully chosen to avoid civilian
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death. u. s. military versus struck more than $85.00 targets at 7 facilities utilized by a wrong islamic revolutionary article. and another thing is that they sponsor 3 of the facilities. our rec for them are in syria and iraq is condemned to strikes is a violation of its sovereignty. syrian state media or cooling it, us aggression. both countries have reported casualties. the bombings were framed as a response to a drone attack on american forces. nearly a week ago, 3 soldiers were killed and dozens were injured at the military base in jordan, their bodies returned to the us on friday. us present kilobyte and promise to response. and now that's been delivered, presumably the goal of the campaign is to reestablish the terms which is at the end of the day, a political and a psychological condition. so the question is, can the,
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these actions inflict enough damage on a rainy, an interest that the uranium swell uh, you know, basically step back from doing this sort of thing again in the future. some are groups and a rock or know, pledging more attacks on us targets in the region. the, the white house says it's not seeking border conflict in the region, but it's suggested more strikes or to come saying what began to nice will not end tonight. since monahan, l g 0. all right, let's get a view from iraq and my food of to what is in the capital of bank that states that it was this has that includes it. and i'm going to be it on a line on the groups. it says that it's fighters have a ton of doubt. attacks with the missiles and targeting get the, a ton of admitted to the base in the studio, which is home to us,
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minutes the personnel. and also the a tag to this morning the, and in a submitted to the base with a drone. as you know, they said the houses both collision. and he was a troops in western iraq minutes, resources and commanders with the popular mobilization, a forces say that did hot quotes or in about provenance in wisdom. the lock near the bottom district that's near the border with city a has been a hit with a dislikes. they say that 3 minutes the personnel were killed, 2 civilians, and 15, although it is a one that as well as a number of civilian houses. it would uh, damage it by the, it, it was like that was targeted that was headed out by u. s. air force targeting locations that have been used according to both us out of you lucky sources that have been used in launching both missiles and the drones to target us and coalition forces the minute treat facilities in iraq and syria. on
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the other hand, here in baghdad, the government has it that condemned the tax, the spokesman of iraq, soon a, the ottoman forces. it stated that the data strikes the usa, dislikes of violation of iraq sovereignty and undermining xerox efforts to achieve this debility. and probably that would, could drag a walk into the agent and to further it any stability to, to around the russell set or reports on the reaction from iran as well. so far there hasn't been any official reaction from around or there hasn't been any statement from the reading officials yet. perhaps they are still going through the damage assessment process. and also it could be a strategy or if you're around trying to distance yourself from these attacks and also the, the groups that are being attacked. so the jungle gym. black,
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strict visions here in iran was that was due. yes. a is going to retaliate by attacking the you run the affiliated groups, which you around caused them as the excess of the resistance. but they would not expectations that there would be any direct attack warranty running, swim, or you run in a sense in iraq or, or syria. but now, based on the centcom statements, we see the 2 important points. the 1st is the location of these attacks where these attacks have will cure that is this delta the result. and the north of album came out. so this region is quite clear to go forward. you ryan's char supply chain and the you don't if you to the groups here heavy relies on this supply chain. and also it is quite busy with the, i mean after the 8th of the groups. and also is very much important because it's somehow connected. you run to syria way, uh, iraq. and now we can see that the usc is also trying to disconnect iran from syria
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as well, or at least diminished or, or reduced is logistical capacity over there. a joshua line. this is the director of the sense of the middle east studies at the university of oklahoma and then he says it washington is playing a dangerous game by carrying out a tax on iraq. it wants to show that it's strong. there are many politicians here in washington who are clamoring for more action calling by week. this is an election c season, so he has to respond. but at the same time, he's made it very clear he does not want to escalate. and that means 2 things. he can hip syrians, that's easy, nobody cares about the syrian government. and uh, but we do care about the rocky government. the americans care about the rocky government. and there is a strategic reassessment of america is gold. america's relationship going on right
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now because they've, they've recently killed a, leading your rocky politician the head of a, one of the commanders of the islamic resistance. and, and that caused an upfront, an uproar because these militias, which americans always call pro iranian, are actually they are a rocky militias. they're part of the rocky government and the prime minister of sedan he is beholding to them. so he cannot, you know, he had to scream bloody murder and say, look at the americans have to move out. and every a rocky politician announced they did not want the iraq to become a battle ground between a ron and the united states. so it's not worth it. so america does not want to get injected from iraq, particularly not before the elections in november. so it wants to be strong, but it doesn't want to kill too many rockies. the us is reportedly large 3 strikes
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in yemen, receive 5 to say they hit east of the city of soda on saturday morning. the raining by 3 feet would be an attack of ships in the red sea in protest against its roseville on garza or what on the ground, a garza is ready for us is they've killed at least 15 palestinians, and 3 strikes in the central and southern parts of the strip, most of those killed in the attack soon on the by the rough or the families display some of the cities more than 27100 palestinians have been killed in his ready attacks, indigo stripped, open any full months of war. many fear was coming next is ralph announced it will advance its ground offensive to rafa southern most pulling on strips quoted. egypt is already over crowded as more than half the population of $2300000.00. people felt that in search of safety, supplies running low and the united nations described the situation in russia as a pressure cooker of despair. it says people have routinely gain without food. when
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meals are available to charge the kitchens. the wait for plates of food can last hours, you may consume shutting this report. it's a long wait for men, women and children scrambling to get their bolts filled with what ever is being served. so my love to go home to check the kitchen disliked. these are struggling to see the growing number of displace palestinians and drop for the city is crump. with more than half of cost us population of nearly 2 and a half 1000000 people, we came to rough off on thousands of 16 and here we line up for food from 12 pm. and sometimes we get to up to 2 hours. children have to fend for themselves. the united nations children's agency says an estimated $17000.00 minus, unaccompanied or separated from the families. i stand here for food every day
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because we don't have any at home. this, this place mother was diagnosed with cancer at the time of a child's book, just before the war started. she and her children have had to survive on one meal a day for weeks now. but today is a good day to having the 1st big mean in weeks. it includes rise beans and so not in the hudson and the seems like a good we didn't have any needs that to or to nothing funding. some general people gave us rice and beans today. i don't know who they are, but we are grateful. some families are having to eat and move forward or to survive . a trickling into garza from to border crossings is only a fraction of what's needed. as well as accuse of using starvation as a weapon,
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the full by blocking civilian access to food and water. that he's gonna find me in these high and increasing each day with persistent or steel, it is industry to, to money to it, and access palestinians in casa, experiencing most of ation. and those with kate is ready, bombings, fear they will die of hung up on the consumption of these are just season. well let's get the very latest life from reference, southern guns and now and we can join honey mood. who's that? i need just tell us from your point of view, because you're not in the report on this situation. you're living at 24 hours a day. how difficult is it to find food? refresh, go through the roof in the right. a yes, nag. very, very difficult. and it's challenging times these particular day is just coupled with the, the large concern over the,
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the fact that the monitor operation might be expanding to rough city. i would very consistent with the a statement made by this really defense minister, but on the ground, the more the ongoing bomb is it creating very difficult living conditions for palestinians not only in terms of, of safety and security for their life livelihood, but also in terms of finding an struggling to find food and drinkable water on daily basis. people that are, have been standing and, and, and accusing alliance for, for a long time since the beginning of the war. it's becoming the daily routine for, for the 1900000 displays. how to send in here, everywhere you go in the streets and the neighborhood go over, people are to in alliance for in front of baker is in front of the water. that's what the nation stations in front of, of a, is do a kitchen to trying to get a me and for the day, the vast majority of families here to go buy their day without any, any food,
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the vast majority of of children right now, it's hard to break and but we see them in the streets and just in, in a, in a rub billfold, roads is searching for the scraps of a food. just do to get something for them to eat. and then the fact that no access to the clean and drinking water, just nodding the, the suffering and the misery, and lead into the spread of more disease. that the situations in the 10 comes in the rock ocean zones in laws that are very difficult to that. and coupled with the, with the width and rainy weather that is making living conditions aggressively a dangerous for them. it because it leads to the spread, not all of diseases, but also the mountain nutrition that people are not getting enough food are not getting enough. medical supplies, not getting enough of the, of the survival items to help them combat these living difficult conditions. and
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then of course, i need as the fair as the, as narrow as is ready forces. say that moving self. a yes, and that's what mounting the, the fear and level of concern among the people in rough. i hear particularly those have been displaced more than once and have been shown during it either and residential homes or, or in an evaluation centers and home. there's a, there's a growing concern and fear that i'm familiar operation, expand, and drug has going to lead into more atrocities. and it's a continuation of the genocide, the lax and in the northern part and garza in the central area. and also on han, you and it's people here have a high level of despair given that the, the, the, the restriction and the ability. right now they're all cornered in rough city. it's further south. they have the egypt and the border. they don't, they don't have the option of going to egypt. and if the, if they are allowed into the junction side, this is the, it's,
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it's feeds into their growing fear that this will lead into permanent displacement . and that's what happened to there and faster then and 19 for data. and they don't want that. it, but of course, to stay in a rough and overcrowded dropbox, while there is a ground invasion and expansion of the military operations. it's going to have them experience very difficult times. we're going to see their family members die and they're more residential homes are going to be destroyed just overnight at tart, on 2 different parts of run by leading to 15. people being can just a reminder harsh reminder that a military operation is eminent, is going to happen. and there is no regard to civilian lives so far, particularly after 4 months of unrelenting, or tell, or you're setting an error strikes this. unrelenting is, would honey, thanks to that update the from roughly in solving garza honeymoon instead of head here. and i'll just, sarah, the gunfire don't in the occupied.
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westbank is ready for his car, up more rates on palestinian heights to play in long game republicans and fell fast getting places rate united. harland, the hello. there was not in south east asia and heavy fog and high humidity caused some issues in hanging with vietnam on friday. and also of course, and disruption it to the ad travel and also affected the quality. the good news is things have come down to more moderate levels. we've seen some way to whether it's not to affect mold and pot for vietnam over the next few days. and that is likely to alleviate some of those issues. much dry a however,
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for the east of this across the philippines, still some showers here in that not many drenching down port. instead we'll see those developed across from western areas across indonesia, java, and so much i think some of those bust of heavy rain. now as we head south to australia, the heavy rain is still the story across the northern territory as well as queensland, thanks to the remnants. very slow moving of tropical psycho kimberly they're going to work the way across into new south wales of the next few days. we have got some severe weather warnings out full that buddha. the heavy rain is likely to bring temperatures down across the southeast. we've seen the heat spread from the west to the southeast corner temperature coming down in melbourne, but that's not the case in sidney. we'll see some of those sundry showers come into she is that it gets gets knocked out by wednesday of the phone counting the cost of china is economy face has
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a slew of setbacks. is it in serious trouble? tech giants, making big profit skip by laying off thousands of workers plus poly employment, while employees increasingly working multiple jobs. counting the cost on that, which is 0. the us is always of inside 50 for the world. people pay attention to this one here, and i'll just see this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, how the game you're watching out 0 or one of our top story is this out. and syria
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and the rock of condemned, excuse me, it condemn us, a tax on at least $85.00 talk. it's linked to iran. they were in response to drain strength when an american miniature, based on the jordan, the killed 3 us soldiers on groups of target, seem to us over support for israel. the remains of the soldiers have been were punctuated and hold the ceremony in the state of the present trip i met probably with the, with the families is just small strikes will be carried out and it goes or is ready for the zip killed at least 15 palestinians and strikes in the central and southern district throughout isabel. so strong defensive tools. rafa for many public schools, fled and search for safety. for more than 8 and a half 1000 children have been injured in israel's foreign garza, many of had arms or legs amputated without an ascetic one. young palestinian girl
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recalls her old and the then when it on fall. right. that's on summer in that that, that was that is that was not a bad guy being yeah. i love that. no doubt. wow. know, i have fallen nation and i guess you should have been around like you have a lot of reasons need them. oh the saddle. yeah. yeah. i you, me. well, i have to and that now i have one of the math that is philippine is in the by then helpful. not by then. yes, i had bubble and i'm glad i see some and then the nothing. that's the name of leah the he'd been correct that
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know here and then the guide and then by then listening and i'm still working on identity. i'm the one request so the, the accounting team of 16, the highland i'm to see when i use my bills online, then i it off the bus last night the mid afternoon. so that's not a hit on the dining side. you took granted home. yeah, ma'am you let them know. yeah. a lot of i'm of the whole i didn't get any side to get out for the rest. they said i would say that really i have a love how, how nice she is. a lot of the uses
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a lab the how, how and then i've not. meaning i've not been at them is ready for assistive carried up more rates every night in the occupied. westbank is have you gotten 5 resulted into bus when sol just stored in the city in the early hours of science, they built a rating. several of the city city numbers and code curious as well as towns that you need. meanwhile, that posted in home was vandalized and to best buy's ready soldiers. this video shows the optima of the right well, since the beginning of the war and gaza is ready for us to set up hundreds of new military check points across the occupied west bank. they say the goal is to ensure is real security product and insight is just another way to collectively humiliate them if they ever have a system this is really check point nablus in the occupied westbank is
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close, at least for now, posting and driver's waiting to move in and out of the city or at this time still no one knows when or if they will be allowed to continue their journey. traffic is moving at another check point, nablus. what 74 year olds, and how much city says it's taking too long. it's our last week i spent 3 hours of this check point, so by the time i arrived to my destination to drop off the shipment, it was too late and the stores were closed. long before the world goes, i started posting is suffered from is wait a minute, there was check points that isolates and disconnected cities and towns from one another as these really a full in gaza increases. so does the number of as really obstacles in the occupied westbank. new gates have been installed is really soldiers hold the keys, with no restriction on is really cards moving in the occupied territory. what
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organizations say before the war, the around 77 activated then man check points after the war, more than 500 check points were reactivated. and they're all 140 new ones established in dolton, we're talking about more than 700 check points, cement blocks, 3rd smells, and gates many are told to be shot like the one behind it really is a who, to tech, the driver for fluid knowledge in the occupied last spring, after the 37 years in the business, he knows the short cuts and how to avoid closures. with many of the alternative routes are on develop. we joined our model for a drive from bremo law. did you need a journey that shouldn't take more than 2 hours? roadblocks closed the roads in 3 check points later, we reached our destination
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a journey which took us twice as long within 4 hours. the work to express an executive humiliation extra cost and waste of time. they want to make our lives hard and complicated. so we eventually the alternative routes means moving stuff. being blocked, being frustrated, resembles much of the palestinians to life spent in waiting that but he does eat a coupon to us thing. the 2 other world news go to elections that taking place in el salvador this weekend with a recent polls adjusting president night bugler, a clear favorite to win a 2nd time. however, he's face criticism from international human rights groups following a crack down on gangs manuel russell reports now from sun solvable.
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there is an error of excitement in el salvador over sunday's national election. and it's all because of this man, salvador and president mcgee. again, he's the self described world's coolest dictate who in 5 short years has managed to transform el salvador from one of the most dangerous places in the world into arguably the safest country in latin america. today, salvadorans like gabby gassett is, can walk around freely and downtown san salvador without having to worry about being robbed or falling victim to gang violence. i think the majority of everybody would agree. it's the security. uh, to be honest, it's not something that i would come to the center of downtown l powder. i think that's one of the things that we're really happy about curity. of course, you know and has taken some part measurements to do it. those hard measures. gabby refers to include the so called state of exception,
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which has been used to justify an indefinite suspension of constitutional rights and carry out a nationwide crackdown on gangs. it's a model that even other latin american leaders from countries where in security is a problem have sought to emulate a model that critics say represents a threat to salvador and democracy is a problem or the end or okay, me. this was so it could be kelly model, is nothing more than franky with the democratic system. breaking with constitutions and on breaking with fundamental rights on pricing with the international community, with the basic principles of coexistence among countries. in other words, when it is a dictatorship like the ones we've had here and less what america and currently have the big discount and what's the new and looking or might be good. and then we'll have put them into the argument from human rights and civil liberties. experts is that kelly's popularity is largely driven by a willingness from salvadorans to sacrifice the countries democratic values in the long term for the sake of living in peace. now,
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salvador and voters may have concerns over the future of their countries, democracy and the loss of certain civil liberties with support for president naples daily. and his re election is still over whelming, with the presidential election just around the corner. now you can, it is all but sure to win. but as the accusations against his government continued to mount, the question is how much longer this overwhelm mean, popularity can endure? when was it up a little al jazeera sense of 3 people have been wounded in a stop be attacked, could have major powers metro station. one person was seriously injured and to others like the wounded of the gods and the all station. just one of the busiest and the city. it's how good was detained and according to police, the motive is still on the night. i'm just preparing for its 1st develop government and any 2 years off to a debit credit union, his party agreed to rejoin the power steering executive should find the largest
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single party in the assembly will have the position of 1st minister for the 1st time high fawcett reports now from belfast. as a full building club, the members of switch to the winter game at don't. this is a strongly republican part of belfast. the club has been around since 19 o. 5 as long as shouldn't say it has existed. so how do people here feel about it's taking the lead role and the develop government, the but it's still part of the united kingdom. i think our community has come to terms with the fact that we are a mixed community. and we do have to sure things will sort themselves and their own time as long as we can keep conflict that i think that's the most important thing. tell us the decades to conflict between republicans and union. this was played out into violence of the troubles. 3500 people were killed. champagne was the political wing of the irish republican army seen is so dangerous. you. k band,


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