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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 3, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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of setbacks is in serious trouble. tech giants, making big profit, skip by laying off thousands of workers plus poly employment, while employees increasingly working multiple jobs. counting the cost on al jazeera, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm about this, and this is the news i live from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, iraq, iran and syria accused the united states of destabilizing the region after american strikes and yvonne link targets. father moines,
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the loss of his son is waiting strikes. $26.00 displaced palestinians are killed over not in garza plus disabled and often by is ready bombings. a protestant, even child appeals from an in to the one the find someone who came in berlin square and estimated 100000 people marching against the far right alternative for germany and sport. it's 11 and the asian cub court a final between japan and iran on fridays on human west here of korea as they really it's the right sort of ministry has something to you as a diplomat to formerly protest american attacks on sites and the rock linked to around, a government spokesman says 16 people, including civilians were killed. iraq,
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syria and iran have condemned the attacks the us and says it hate at least $85.00 targets in both iraq and syria using long range bombers. it's a response to a drawn attack on an army base in jordan last weekend, which killed 3 american soldiers on groups of targeting the us because of its support for israel fins in monica and begins our coverage as a us air strike on harvard groups linked to iran, one of the dozens across iraq and syria, long range bombers through directly from the us to take part in the operation. the white house, as the tax sites were carefully chosen to avoid civilian death. u. s. military versus struck more than $85.00 targets at 7 facilities utilized by a wrong islamic revolutionary article. and another thing, groups that they sponsor 3 of the facilities are rec for them are in syria. iraq is condemned to strikes is
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a violation of its sovereignty. serious as the us is fueling conflict in the region, both countries have reported casualties. the bombings were framed as a response to a drone attack on american forces. nearly a week ago, 3 soldiers were killed and dozens were injured at the military base in jordan. their bodies returned to the us on friday. us present kilobyte and promise to response, and now that's been delivered. presumably, the goal of the campaign is to reestablish the terms which is at the end of the day, a political and a psychological condition. so the question is, can the, these actions inflict enough damage on a rainy, an interest that the uranium swell uh, you know, basically step back from doing this sort of thing again in the future. some are groups and a rock or know, pledging more attacks on us targets in the region. the,
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the white house says it's not seeking border conflict in the region, but it's suggested more strikes or to come saying what began to nice will not end tonight. since monahan, l g 0 correspondence in the us, iraq and iran wasn't in jordan's in washington dc. salsato's into gone for us, we're going to go to add a hash them in baghdad. talk us through how iraq is responding to what's been happening. the rock is in an old good position now that still anticipating more attacks given the us statements. what do we, rocky governments, why condemning the us talk? it's the width of the single attack by strategic partner on the body of the government, the b m u. that was a target to this uh, this nice by american, the tax reports to the prime minister. and today's the pm you saying that 16 off
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it's 60 people were killed when 6 off its own positions were hit by american strikes. now the issue is that the iraqi government always say that it's not true that the united states has called the native with the government of a rock to commit this regression according to the rocky government says statements . also, as you mentioned in the united, before the government is funding the united states shows that charger the fat because the a boss of the, of the united states is in, in town. now, in accordance with this, there's a lot of concern, given the fact that these a tax hasn't accumulated yet, this is the fast bunch of docs and it's, it's just the beginning with the tax, the on board, the thousands of all 5. i locked a shot that coincides with that are going to be attacks close to the center to for, to us for, for example, uh,
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a headquarters of gets out because we loved the group that the united states accuse is of being behind the talk that killed 3 american soldiers also attacks in provinces such as yellow or towards the south from by side like casual for some of these are the questions not thought being asked over here. but the fact is that the, the, the rocky government caught in these, dealing with a very delicate situation. and it's also a warning that this is not only a threatening the security of the region, but also threatening the a, the, the, the power of the government. and the thought y'all, the governments here impact that. so how do you thank you very much. that's not a harsh i'm talking to. is from box ad. well, it runs interior menaces one washington to stop supporting israel. how do we condemn any move against the resistance? we reject and condemn these attacks that will ignite the resistance. they must act wisely, which is very unlikely. we can't see that what the americans. but if they do choose
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to act wisely, they should stop supporting design is tricky. so we're going to cost it sorta into a problem now. so we have the foreign minister. they're saying that if i'm rejects and condemns these attacks just took us through what they have been saying as well be the statements are now finally arriving. however, when you look at the 2 on of the language, they are quite softer than expected. it doesn't seems like a statements or for a company that is sold years or minutes or opposite, all set have been attacked. so uh, earlier today we have there being a written statement from the, for the ministry spokesperson, massive can any. and then later we have heard a statement for them at the, for the minister himself and then apply. yeah. and then they have to be have who and not but a statement from your ron's ambassador in damascus for city and activated on paddle of statements versus the said this is, it could be why
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a nation off the sovereignty found the territory and tag it to your rock and seal. yes. and to say that this is another strategic mistake committed by do as a and it's not going to produce any positive results, but the brother further escalate the tension. then they say that these attacks part one of the service is rare, is security, but also that i can do as into the region. and also there would mean that these attacks, if they continue, they are increasing the possibility of why the war um, what the other core issue of this statement is that the root cause of the cries as being the region is not these resistors will switch around causes the get on that line group as resistance group, but rather it is a scientist for jim and his occupation of palestine. so to all of these statements, what we do not see is any indication regarding whether any you ready to nationals or do you run you needed to assess, had been killed in the last night to attack or not, no signal, no message,
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no indication of that. the single reference to that then also not a single reference whether any you, when in military facility you don't get into the revolution, the guards have been target to, to be struck or not, no mention and no reference notification regarding that as well. so people here regarding this form and this way of the statements as 1st you don't wants to distance yourself from these groups will carry that tax on the american soldiers. and 2nd, she is also trying to defuse the passion to deescalate distribution based on thank you very much indeed. right, so sad are talking to us from tech problem. we're going to go to the also in jordan in washington dc. joe biden. the said the these on the last, the science of those type, what's the us been saying about what's been going on as well? there hasn't been a damage assessment released by centcom. that analysis is still under way, but it's interesting hearing the points of being raised by of russell center of
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from what a ronnie and officials are saying about the need to not escalate tensions in the region. the us government would argue that with $165.00 attacks on us forces, including this past sunday's deadly drone attack, in which those 3 us soldiers were killed. the us would argue that there is already been an escalation, and that by going after of command and control centers, a weapon, the supply warehouses and other parts of the alpha routers of the i, r g c and it's affiliated groups. that the us itself is trying to de escalate tensions in the region. certainly of the us has indicated there will be more of a response, not just to this past sunday's attack, but to all of these other attacks that have happened in recent months. because the
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us says it's our 1st priority is protecting the wellbeing and the safety of armed forces were deployed across the middle east. certainly the us doesn't want to see a wider war, joe biden, to us parts of it has said as much other us officials have said as much because it complicates what they consider to be several other priority goals. one trying to bring the war between israel and gaza to an end ends to stand up a separate palestinian state. they're very concerned about all the efforts, bye, i sole and other affiliated groups to try to of regroup and to a launch new attacks. they are very, very concerned about the ongoing menissi actions by the who these in yemen and they're trying to bring those actions to an end. so if you're dealing with a regional war, none of these 3 take, your issues are going to be resolved and certainly washington wants to see peace in the middle east. whether or not others i want to believe washington is certainly
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their prerogative. nurse on jordan and washington dc roseland. thank you very much indeed. well, joining me not in the studio as much as why the, he's a professor of contemporary middle east politics at colorado university. if i good to have you with us, and i'll just see here, i'm one of the ways that the us, the bottom registration was talking about. this was that this was a proportional response. and we've heard from a correspondence that the u. s. is not keen on having any sort of conflict with that on iran is not keen on having any sort of conflict with the us. i was talking to a correspondent marg. margaret outdoor had a couple hours ago in baghdad. and he was saying that the on groups off to the attack in which the 3 soldiers died had actually started to publicly de escalate their attacks. i know it appears to have reversed. this is a very tricky line that the us is taking, isn't that it seems to me that the united states and by the decision for misled of what's happening in the region, it was obvious what's happening in the city on iraq and human parts of did with as
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a war and the, the priority was and is and will be able to focus on water because i thought, you know, tried to push as i had to stop the watering because, cuz the minute this water would be stopped. that would be no active. it has already come and instead of that, we saw that the by the administration that took the whole thing to a talk, those mounted state doctors according to us in academia. those are according to the american support by the government and he had the talk about it on and those historically, whatever you, whatever you would target for the state doctor, you as a state, you out of those it. because those people that is not international, let know that kind of a spect or they can, you know, i'll put an under mine so there's no obligation on them. so basically they can decide when, well, where'd, how they can hit the states. so basically, these kinds of confrontation does not help the united states to approve once when, when major the fact that the united states has no interest to expand this kind of
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war and the energy by attacking those. yeah, same thing. and most of the, there is, there are states who are interested to see this war to expire beyond what's happening because that does not serve the security of that. it is the security of the people in that age and even the security of american interest entities. russell was describing that the response from iran had been fairly low key in comparison to what one might have expected on the previous circumstances. they certainly don't appear to be wanting to escalate this. but how strong is the argument that actually they are running hands on, particularly bothered in a sense and respond to respond forcefully. because the action is not taking, they're not counting the action. it's people who are, i think, perhaps on their behalf. maybe without any reference to it wrong, but they are acting on their behalf. so the work is being done, you know, from day to, as i said, it's on this use that to bring it on to what's happening is actually divergent.
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does not help to solve the major problem, because whenever you'll bring it on, basically the discussion wouldn't be about what the amount is during and supporting those groups. the oddity is that is appropriate in either place, which is attribution advise what type of an has. so it on, and i said that here that the it on has no interest to see escalation. for, for one major reason it on is what a team has interest to sort of by, has and has interest to remain. as a major player has interest to not to be engaged in other confrontation mainly to i see this war that is very clear on that as talk to you in the last 20 years. it's easy. so someone experts like me to see it, they are not suicide, that they don't want to lose what they have achieved. so they'll also say it on has interest, or they want to do this. they mislead, or they misread what a lot is doing. maybe what happens by it for these, by uh, groups and how they have done it, because they want to get legitimacy and tell them that it's lives by the own interest process is looking for the legitimacy within, you know,
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many politics it. ok, you the same one major point we have to look at it by hitting the iraq yesterday. they are, we can use a rocky government because the problem is that is part of the what's all the frames little which belongs to order for those. so hoops actually had to buy it by monday cuz so, but by what they did last my they are weakening or they actually creates motor facility within the rocky politics which made it actually to sort of the vision within the government. i'm not sure this wouldn't bring what a stability they like as well. and this is one of that on this occasion of this kind of confusion that the many kind of bite that i'm mistaken is, is causing advantages so far, muslims, whether we appreciate it. thank you very much. indeed. the u. s. s. report of the launch. the 3 strikes in yemen who defies. say they hit east through the sitting side on saturday morning. they don't even buy hostings of being that talking ships and the ride seat in protest against israel's war on gaza. it, as it was intensifying its attacks in southern gaza at least 26 palestinians have
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been killed in air strikes. cast a lopez are they on as more like the morning. the dead has become a part of the daily life. osmond bits farewell to his 8 year old son, one of several palestinians killed by his really era strikes and proffer and southern gauze up here, benches outside hospital grounds become make shift marks where families prepare. loved ones for period of the board or the my son is with golf now. he left me here alone, all these rain. these are killing our children and that women were not wanted
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people to tool. we just want to go to work and come back home. nearly 4 months into israel's world garza families say they're desperate and exhausted us and the state bombed us in jamalia. so we moved to con eunice. we were targeted again and, and wasi. we then came here to ross of the attacks continue when the bombing started. i couldn't breathe, i was screaming so how this has become routine for civil defense and rescue cruise, taking the injured to barely functioning hospitals, hoping they'll be treated. and so far inside conditions are dire. the floor often replaces hospital. that's the age shortage, crippling cause that is evidence in the few health care facilities, still able to offer services and this is what's left of their neighborhood. much of it now destroyed. israel has intensified. it's
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a tax on for offline the cell near the border with egypt. it's the city where is really forces order posted is to go the city where israel said they'd be safe. now hundreds of thousands of people who are forcibly displays some of them repeatedly have nowhere to go. nowhere to find refuge of the month is that i'm a, i'm still in shock. we were told, raska was safe, but it's not. my mother was killed in these attacks from enough trees. i just can't talk anymore. let me just go to the. those who survive. the bombings grieving, loved ones who didn't, and wonder what more israel's were wrong cause a will take from them. caught see a little bit, so the yen. how does the or the european union's foreign policy achieves condemned is really attacks on civilians. in rough,
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a journalist continues meeting studies. activities in this house. pushing people are going to teach in both of the 1000000 people in the solve that has been displaced progressively. again, this is huge in boulder and they claim that they will save jones. but in fact, what we see is that the palm beach effect in this video relation continuously that is creating a very dire situation. that tradition says people and guys are routinely going without food and when meals are available to charity kitchens. the wait for the plates of food can last hours, so let me call someone shouting reports. it's a number, a good one, men, women, and children, scrambler, to get their bolts filled with what ever is being served. so my love to others go home to check the kitchen, disliked these are struggling to feed
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a growing number of displace palestinians and drop for the city is crime. with more than half of cost us population of nearly 2 and a half 1000000 people, we came to rough off on thousands of 16 and here we line up for food from 12 pm. and sometimes we get to of, to, to our children have to fend for themselves. the united nations children's agency says an estimated $17000.00 minus, unaccompanied, or separated from the families. i stand here for food every day because we don't have any at home this, this place mother was diagnosed with cancer at the time of a child's book. just before the war started. she and her children have had to survive on one meal a day for weeks now. but today is a good day to having the 1st big mean in weeks. it includes rise beans and so
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not in the hudson and the since i gave good, we didn't have any needs that to or to nothing funding. some general people gave us rice and beans today. i don't know who they are, but we are grateful. some families are having to eat and move forward or to survive . 8. so getting into garza from to border crossings is only a fraction of what's needed as well as accuse of using starvation as a weapon. the full by blocking civilian access to food and water, that he's gonna find me in these high and increasing each day with persistent hostilities and to speak to, to money to it, and access palestinians and casa, experiencing most of ation. and those with kate is ready bombings, fear they would die of hung up on the consumption of these. i'll just see how
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the get some other world news uh, large protests of pond across the gemini to condemn with demonstrations, say, is white wing extremism in the capital. berlin people have been gathering outside parliament to speak out against the alternative for germany, policy, germans, and staging large scale protests for 3 weeks. now. the respond to author of the report that members of the if day pot and party matched to discuss the deportation of for the nationalist. we're going to go live to dominate cane invalid. we can see some of the cries behind you dominic, what's going on? i think a bit of difficulty hearing what are you saying? they're all but i think you were asking me what's going on here right now? well, this is a demonstration in the sensor as well. and that's the rice talk about a that's the old solomon's of imperial germany. now the federal parliament and the people have come here to demonstrate, again, see, i say the alternative for germany,
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specifically against that policy was pulled in german. amy got 0 and that means the false d, naturalization, of migrants who came to this country and became german citizens, and then to send them back to the country they came from. now it's worth making the point that the high, if day the leadership says it is this associating itself from that meeting and some from vac policy. and yet the people here on convinced by law refusal that denial as it was the police address, but perhaps a 120000 people are here. i am. they say more are planning to come by in the course of the next hour or so. the american here now obviously have a load is behind you. so i hope you can hear me. what is it? a fact is all of us having when it comes to how the germans are going to vote in elections. well, this is the interesting thing before the revelations about this meeting and puts
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them in much certainly in january the odd date was getting around about 2324 percent of the folks in the opinion polls that means one in full germans was saying they'd fund for it, since put them in stations began since the whole thing about that me think began that figure that has dropped to around 19 percent in the polls. so the demonstrations appears to be having an effect. but crucially here, it's worth remembering that in the old east, german, 80, i s a has a much stronger presence and is leadership. the policy leadership says, wait until the european elections coming up later this year. and then specifically 3 elections in hold east german states where they think they're going to come 1st, where the opinion polls say, perhaps 35 percent of the population. simple them. so you have that's the sense it, these demos, all having and it's back to the national level bucks in the i. if they strong the
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holds, the support seems to be holding dominic, thank you very much. indeed, dominic came talking to us from barley the rice for the us. why sciences arrived in south carolina democratic font and primaries kick off on saturday with little opposition voters are expected to choose president joe biden is their candidate. the results in the turn are to in this primary could set the tone for primaries to come, as well as the presidential vote in november. my kind of reports from the state capital, columbia, the democrats, this amend surprises, south carolina has replaced iowa and new hampshire. a so traditional kick off states me this is seen as a rallying call across fruits meetings of the democratic party like this one, addressed by the parties. national leda, people are going, some of the people are excited. we've been all over the state of really lot of energy,
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right. the bedrock of bite and support is in this room. he deserves to stay on the line. he's a good person. he has a good heart and if he wants to work for the people, okay, is your body versus donald trump and we start to see the contrast in, in both of them is the job. i did do some things. you didn't do it all, but yeah, look good for you to see. you do what we want him to do. but there's less certainty among the younger generation and growing resentment. the democrats take the african american vote for prompted to get the with the belief that by didn't, has not fulfilled it with tax, which promises i believe that he sold us a vision of what we wanted to hear. and when he came down to actually keeping his promise on that vision, it completely went out the door. during a recent campaign speech in charleston by did was interrupted by cold recipes spot . gone to the administration's,
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i'm questioning support of israel school has popped deep. and among young democrats, victoria jordan points to the best of economic gains made that the biden is promotion of women of color to the countries, quotes and executive, but argues as a pull to the genocide could be punished at the polls, especially if college students, myself included um, asking for that, see as far asking for you know, more understanding of what's going on overseas that only affects you know, older generations, but it just isn't as much as not more success, younger generations, because we are inheriting all of this latest figures indicate that nearly 50000000 jobs being created since by didn't took off us. unemployment has dropped below full percent and inflation. is that the pre pandemic levels? the vote is the south carolina will decide with a this is evidence of a job well done by kind of o, just area,
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south carolina. time for the weather. here's carter how low they have from northern parts of south asia. we have seen persistent fall in small issues that have continued for new delhi, disrupting some traffic there and causing poor visibility and quality issues. now the good news is we will see some wet to weather start to creep into new daily thanks to a west city disturbance that's moved its way from. i've gone just on into pockets. donald bought some very heavy rain in the south. it's not moved on to northern parts of india, bringing some the storms, the threat of lighting, as well as hail and wintry conditions up in the mountains. now for the south of this, it is a much more sex old story. we will see the development of some rain pushing into northern areas such as to per dash and be hot and the wet weather when she conditions continue for that pool and baton, but much dry up full. the rest of india clear skies settle conditions down to the south. some heavy rain, however, affecting sri lanka. and heavy rain is the story for central china. as we move to east asia, that's called a wintery front to it,
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moving across moles and areas over the next few days. so it remains will not in west down in the south, a much colder up in the north. but if we have a look at the 3 day for the asian will see that temperature climb up slowly, with some sunshine on tuesday. so ahead and i'll do 0. i'm looking at a life in london where hundreds of thousands of people are marching in solidarity. this kind of spinning and playing a long game republicans in belfast. hope they're getting closer to the united kingdom sports, the 1st gold levels of being one of the world context championships and doha. the demand for mental health support is going to know then at any time in the history, that's the biggest problem that we face to mental health enough our youth that is what drives me. mindset, travels to denmark,
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what technology is being used to create innovative treatment. i'm here to help guide you through exploring and expressing your emotion. i'm ready. and in jamaica, we ask you a bunch of mushrooms, everything is effective and safe on a single usage, depending on the door. same person doing well. stay with i know a lot of product life and all of psychiatry. my you since episode full on on disease, the low cost ages underway. yeah. the agent come being played here and could tell or record the time. when people say you started the tournaments,
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but only one will be crowned champions. will keep you right across the action. on the do you want to know, is it a reminder of our top stories? this are a rock spot, our ministry, some of the us diplomats of baghdad to protests against american attacks and sites links to around multiple targets in the rock and cities overhead attacks. but in response to a drones try and come an american military base in georgia, the u. s. is also reported. they launched 3 airstrikes in yemen, 45 to say they had east of the city of side on saturday morning. if any and box who refused to be attacking ships in the red sea in protest against israel's war on gaza. and then gaza is ready, forces are killed at least $26.00 palestinians in hand strikes. and the central and southern parts of the strip. israel says little advances run defensive towards dropbox. many palestinians fled in search of safety but as a protest as
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a be marching through london to condemn israel's war on garza is the latest and the cities of world wide demonstrations against the war organizes that are expected of about 300000 people to join the ma actual joiner, how is that the process he's joining his life. joining behind you, it looks fairly quiet, but i have been looking at some of the agencies pictures that we've seen from the aerial shots and the crowds really are huge talk us through what's happening. the very significant numbers, it seems, this is the 8 box, if it's designed to take nice expense to london, previous matches have attracted on his 1000 bloss demonstrate this, this time over. and i to say they're expecting me to say 300000, perhaps a 100 or 2. i estimated as a value for the operate square. i am yet 0 wide hole, just opposite downing street there on the way starting at supposed to buy something as if a b, b c. headquarters. moving on rates in space, hay market 5 to
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a 1000 square and then the next half hour or so reaching the costing dining street . and i think with a riley at speeches, square the, i've managed, clear, making their way as they will pass. the seat of government is the messages. as much as israel pressuring it to stop. it's 4000 as it used on the previous government. the threatened did support res, rouse actions in gaza at least the 1st box in the u. k. of it's time to happen since the international court of justice today last month issued any trim judgment at all during israel to see. so the actions that could lead to genocide that you're seeing in this crowd of people john thing, stop the war list, the blockade. and of course, inevitably now stop the genocide as well. hm. and at least a couple of protests had been for testing demonstrations. we have seen in the past in london, that security and policing has been a controversial how tightly is this one being placed?
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for 2 types, there are around a 1000 police officers on duty. we understand, previous motto, subpoena goes overwhelmingly peaceful, but it is often the case that a small minority turns out content composing trouble. and the police have to strike a balance that they between the right to protest is to protect the rights of the public. to go about the business on a saturday. yes. so yes, the police are out on 4th. and 4th, some suggestions may may be next color in the next scene before on friday, on the usually the metropolitan police issuing a standing order on anyone wearing face wash. so any item to disguise their identity, excluding the most religious face coverage. and that has happened before the police warning demonstrates that any slogans or trucks, berkeley, anti jewish warranty does, but the pro moss could be met with arrest. jonah, thank you very much. indeed, we're going to be checking in with you, obviously is that protest makes its way towards you, but for not john hall in london. thank you very much and leave behind the scenes
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diplomatic efforts and the water and gaza are continuing. katara has been helping to mediate sees far towards the category. prime minister has met the un secretary general as a different logic editor, james based reports. the secretary general of the united nations meeting, the prime minister cuts off who's been leading negotiations with egypt, israel and the us on efforts to get a new, much longer cessation of the fighting and casa for this, for the end of the meeting, the prime minister, mohammedan abdul rahman know funny was not saying and the thing, but the un had this comment. no surprise discussed the efforts underway to end of
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the fighting to secure the release of the hostages and to ensure support for humanitarian operations was the 6th general given any time line for a potential start to a new system actually was brief to on the on, on the latest, earlier this week is the security council metal and gaza. algeria, the current are a member of the council circulated a new draft resolution, which would again cool front of me just see spa. but the us ambassador linda thomas greenfield says this is very unhelpful to the ongoing delicate negotiations. this draft resolution to put sensitive negotiations in jeopardy, derailing the exhausted ongoing diplomatic efforts to secure the release of hostages and secure an extended pause. the palestinian civilians and aid workers so desperately need. so the us of baset associates opposed to the timing of
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a new draft resolution. but of course, have countries been opposed to the idea of a c spa for nearly full months or un security council resolution demanding a c spa? would it be impossible ready if the us haven't used it's vito on 3 different occasions, james pays out his era. the i said nations more than 27000 palestinians have been chosen. israel's war on guys of age and a half files in children have been injured. many of had arms or legs amputated without an aesthetic. here's the story of one young palestinian go. in the fall and read that on summer in that that that was that is that was not a bad guy being yeah. i love that. no doubt. wow, no,
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i have fallen nation and i guess you should have been around. like it's highly out of always need them. sadly. yeah. i you. well, i have to and i have one of the math that is philippines in the by then helpful. not by then. yes, i had bubble and i'm glad i see some and then nothing was the name of leah the he'd been correct. that is no hands on god. no bad then listens. i'm still working on identity. i'm the one wish. oh, so the, the accounting team that's being the highlights on some of those. see, well,
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i have an open line then tie it off the bus last night the mid afternoon. so that's fine. i'm not here then, but down inside you took learning. who yeah, ma'am you let them know? yeah. a lot of i'm of the whole, i didn't get any side to the left when you get out for the rest based on the senate roommate and i have been left how, how many, here's a lot of the uses a lab the how, how and then i've not meaning i've not been at them. is there any forces or can it up more res overnights in the occupied westbank? have you gotten flies been voted in 2 of us when soldiers strong the city in the areas of saturday. they also rated several other cities including novelist,
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bethlehem, uncle k. yeah. as well as times near jeanine, at least 12 palestinians were detained across the occupied west bank over night. since the beginning of the war on gaza is rarely forces of setup, hundreds of new military check points across the occupied. westbank may say the goal is to ensure is real security. the palestinians say it's just another way to humiliate them. collectively, it able to reports this is really check point you have now this in the occupied westbank is closed, at least for now, posting and drivers waiting to move in and out of the city, or at this time still, no one knows when or if they will be allowed to continue their journey. traffic is moving at another check point, nablus. what 74 year olds, and how much city says it's taking too long. it's our last week i spent 3 hours of this check point. so by the time i arrived to my destination to drop off the
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shipment, it was too late and the stores were closed. long before the world garza started posting his suffert's from his weight limited through his check wins that isolates and disconnected cities and towns from one another. as the is weighty a full in gaza increases. so does the number of his really obstacles in the occupied westbank. new gates have been installed is really soldiers hold the keys, with no restriction on his really car is moving in the occupied territories. what organizations say before the war that was around 77 activated then man check points . after the war, more than 500 check points were reactivated, and they're all 140 new ones established in dolton, we're talking about more than 700 check point cement blocks, 3rd smells, and gates many are totally shocked. like the one behind it really is a to, to text the driver for who was knowledge in the occupied to us thing. after 37
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years in the business, he knows the short cuts and how to avoid closures. but many of the alternative routes are on developed. we joined our model for a drive from bremo law. did you need a journey that shouldn't take more than 2 hours? roadblocks closed through within 3 check points later, we reached our destination. a journey which took us twice as long within 4 hours. the work to express and executive humiliation, extra cost and waste of time. they want to make our lives hard and complicated. so we eventually the alternative routes means doing stuff. being block, being frustrated, resembles much of the palestinians to life spent in waiting that but he
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does eat a coupon to us thing the going to take a look at some more world news now a historic moment in northern ireland for the 1st time, an irish nationalist seemed to become 1st minister michelle o'neill was meant to take the job nearly 2 years ago. that's when her politician fame, one of the most number of seats and assembly elections, a goal that have never achieved before. the good friday agreement in 1998. and it's 13 years of violence and northern ireland under it, the main versus unionist, an irish nationalist parties must govern together with the bible democratic unionist party or d u p. that's northern islands, largest pro u k. policy refused to join the government in a dispute over post brags it's the trade rules or the end of the political deadlock . this week, after striking a deal with westminster, michel o'neills politician fame was to take northern ireland out of the united kingdom. and once
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a united ireland hottie foster is joining us live from about 5 ton of all is all of us playing out in northern ireland target of the war right now. what's playing out is the election of a speaker and 2 deputies, because that is the 1st order of business that has to take place between. but before either either the 1st minister of the deputy 1st minister or nominated, i'm asked about how it's playing out more broadly. in northern ireland, essentially uh there is a pretty big cleaning of relief that finally they will be govern government again at this level. obviously services have been provided by the health service, the education service and so on. and they've been functioning. but at a much lower level than people here once because they haven't been able to have profit budget tree, long term decisions and planning instant you to because that is supposed to come from this building behind us here. so now that this deal is being made some
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$3300000000.00 pounds more than full 1000000000 us dollars worth of funding can finally be released. so a lot of people are looking for that. but as you say, this is more broadly on the issue that is so long divided northern ireland, it's place either in the union with united kingdom or in the future as soon faded wants to see a united ireland. this is a milestone moment. just as a full building club, the members of switched to the winter game talk. this is a strongly republican part of belfast. the club has been around since 19 o 5 as long as shouldn't say it has existed. so how did people hear still about it's taking the lead role in the developed government that was still part of the united kingdom. i think our community has come to terms with the fact that we are a mixed community. and we do have to sure things which sort themselves and their own time as long as we can keep conflict that i think that's the most important
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thing to us. the decades to conflict between republicans and union. this was played out in the violence of the troubles. 3500 people were killed. champagne was the political wing of the irish republican army seen a so dangerous u. k band. it's the the jerry adam's voice from being broadcast for the 1998. the good friday agreement brought in a power sharing government with the 1st and deputy 1st ministers would come from each side of the conflict and we equal power. now sion things michelle o'neill will become the 1st republican 1st minister. hope body says it brings unification closer . this is the right time pushing for him to be talking about the united on and being in the touching victims. it is the reality of the good party agreements and 1990. yes, we all hold it for the good part 8 payments because we believe in the hopes on the opportunity and the democratic a piece of impact with nor did cheap are as unity champagne, as long as seeing the transition from guns and bombs to negotiation and democracy as a model for other such movements around the world that it's status as big as the single
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policy. and the assembly doesn't necessarily mean it's close as you had prevail. the site the champagne is 1st minister isn't really because of a search and support for nationalism is because of a weakening of unionism. and mainly actually with many people saying that then neither unionist on this list long ago the idea or should fame taking the symbolic lead. here at the storm on assembly would have provoked outrage them on eunice. because all odd line you noticed that remains the case, but there walkable thing about what is a landmark moment is just how broadly it's being accepted. that speaks to 25 years of power sharing student signs commitment to non violent and also a she a sense of urgency across the, not in for its government to start working again. the baton players in the fulls wrote a, just some of those waiting to see whether that process stabilizes the state to quote and organize place within the u. k. will bring the students name closer to its ultimate target ari. close it out to 0 so far
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and there is some analysis that suggests that perhaps the restoration of government here could cement the, the nature of, of this government and all the mountains place at least in the short, to medium to within the union. to see this functioning again, might see some of the support. that's the i, the idea of nationalism has gone it in recent years and months, somewhat ab away and certainly at the moment, polls suggest they're still the majority. if they were a referendum tomorrow in favor of the union, however, as you heard and not report shouldn't say it is being very bullish about this. i made sure that neil is certainly making the most of the significance invest in these all equally powerful positions 1st and the deputy minister. but they are the idea of a symbolic nature of a sion fain politician. taking that tough job is still very much that she says that she will govern for role and will address the very pressing social and economic
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issues ahead of people here in northern ireland. and she will be nominated, we, we believe shortly off to the top of the out between 14 and 1413 gmc carry faucet and about 5 savvy. thank you very much indeed. and so they had, and i'll just say to install to india, take control of the 2nd test, much against the fire he's going to be here with us for the in on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue as opposed to what is happening now it to the question of 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta . nothing goes into garza without his real permission. nothing leaves golf though with offers roles. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violent upfront, without
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a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time. in one year we source that change, it became clear at that point that we really were in a kind of a new era of nobel peace, slower. it's maria, theresa and professor michael wooldridge and explore the pedals and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we all can protect ourselves. studio b, b a. i series on a jersey the the driver's board here as far. rob, thank you so much. a last minute penalty gave
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a wrong victory over japan and their asian capital quarter final, the tie brought together the 2 highest rank sides on the continent. japan took the lead dough, has education city stadium through heidi mass that morita, but around head back with to 2nd have goals to secure a to one when the a 3 time champions will play either cuts are or is becca sided in the semi finals on fridays on human was a hero for south korea as they meet australia to reach the semi finals. you're going, coincidence team remain on track to lift the truly for the 1st time in 64 years. so create a getting revenge against the team. beat them in the 2015 final. so how malick reports go through soon, the celebration a do. may i put you in a all the new stadium they'd be the most drained yet with the last 4 of the agent. come, they now got a really good chunk to break that drunk and see the 1st asian cup titled, since 1960,
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known for the 1st time at the tournament. south korea were forced to dig deep, good, intense, and inside went behind just before the break. thanks to a nice finish by the straight is craig goodman. in the 2nd half of the koreans push time and the if it's pay don't on union winning a penalty. and i did tell him thanks to view all reviews. when he chan stepped up to take this book and convert to do with these to send the game into extra time. but it was still in himself that proved to be them at 2 in the tubman stones 3 kit feeling. a 21 went over straight here to finish the game with 10 men. very exciting and very, very happy for the wind. of course. yeah. go 1st so far that we are losing. so we are still depressive, but the end, the end of the game, we are reading so we are so. so how be we are cherry for them. i cannot even fly in the hall. i'm happy. right,
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so now was it like why right now? like to the doctor. we're heading to the last for they know they got tough just because george and if they want to make it to the final for the final. so ever, they don't need any permission to done the news. they do the democratic republic of congo or into the last 4 of the africa cup of nations. they came from behind the beginning, 31, c or congo will next space, the winters of saturday's quarter funnel between molly and house ivory coast 3 time champions, nigeria beat and goal a one male animal. i look man with the only goal of the game. next step for nigeria is either tape therapy or south africa. this one's heavy weight boxing fight between tyson fury and alexander, whose sake has been postponed. series to promote a release. this photo of a cuts a box who has suffered in training. the and beaten fighters were supposed to face
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each other in saudi arabia, on february 17th to decide the 1st undisputed champion since the lennox lewis. there been multiple reports of unrest and curious training cap. here's boxing right there, guarantee date. with this take on what's been going on. 2 you know what, i'll do so heard rumors that he's had a great camp as well. this is boxing, it says the school is the ball room, sports of opinions. he looks in phenomenal shape. he may have not had a great camp. i know you didn't have a great camp going into one of the wilder fights, but he drew one and 12 of those. um, no one cops himself in the oh, i deliberately to get out of a fight. he's earning extraordinary amounts of money for flights and always had to re sick. who was in camp in woodside, spain at the moment. um, it was due to go to saudi arabia. uh next week. um, there is a 2 flight deal with no reason why fi were able to uh, wanted to pull out this silver see that dental incident. and i imagine the
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only thing too is, is, precludes. you have dispute to talk to from a nova hall for year off to we haven't had one for 25 years. it's a real shame of both flights as will be desperately disappointed. we're all disappointed in the industry and all the fans, the boat tickets and flights. ready be disappointed as well. to ireland began there 6 nations rugby campaign, an impressive fashion. the reigning champions ran and 5 tries on their way to their biggest ever away when in france. it finished 3817 to ireland, and more say, later this saturday italy, host england and wales take on scotland. and before we start, the 2024. give us the great britain, won the 1st title at the world aquatics championships taking place in dow tom daily let his seem to victory in the mix team diving event. the 4 time world champion is competing internationally for the 1st time since winning gold in the men's
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synchronized 10 meter platform f toki olympics. this competition also serves as a qualifier for this. here's pair of skins that i was so nervous during my 1st 5 instruction with well for 2 and a half years and it was on spring ball with the huddle set like i was so terrified . but anyway, it feels good to be back out there and competing again on the long side this team, it's just been amazing. i didn't quite expect that it was going to be, you know, a gold medal buy out the bought. but it's a good way to solve the complexity and you should have speech as well, has that in india into a strong position in the 2nd test against england. the score in a double century as india reached 390 sites in their 1st name. india's boilers have also been in top form. england were dismissed for 253 in the fine. okay,
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and that is all you support for now brought back 5. thank you very much. indeed. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with more days use the don't forget, as always, you can get a lot more on the sport or no news on the website. i'll just eat a dot com. i will process. the president biden says, one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. the rails war on guns are, continues. we bring you every angle of the story. we're getting into the hospital that you've spent almost the last 100 days here. what lessons can be drawn if you adjust these? you better prepare for,
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it's clear to the family. the plan for the government to continue with visible isn't working. so many more people killed overnight to, to concert where the strikes have been focusing. all we now seeing a worrying escalation of the prices and where the system lead international efforts to contain the will stay without the 0. for the latest developments, the demand for mental health support is quite to know then at any time in the history, that's the biggest problem that we face to mental health enough. oh youth. that is what drives me. mindset travels to denmark, what technology is being used to create innovative treatment. i'm here to help guide you through exploring and expressing your emotion. i'm ready, and in jamaica, we'll skip magic mushrooms. everything is effective and safe on a single usage, depending on the door. same person doing well and stay with i know and the product
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life and all of psychiatric mining since episode full on on disease of the colleges with the iraq, iran and syria accuse the united states of destabilizing the region officer american strikes on the run link talk the madison, this is audra 0 live from don't have also coming up on my how
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father moines the loss of his son is really strikes. $26.00 displaced palestinians are killed overnight in gas plus disabled and often to my is really bombings


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