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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 3, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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to join us and let's discover a better world. expo 2023. the ha, ha ha, this is in use our own algae 0. i'm for the back. people live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. tensions or in the middle east, the officials in baghdad, one of dia, consequences in the region after a series of us twice on yvonne legs target. sidney rock and syria is ready, mid size. hate rafa in southern guys that way. hundreds of thousands of displaced policies, the sheltering at least 26 people have been killed. tens of thousands of people
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have taken part in protest since central london calling for an immediate cease fire in guys. also this our election uncertainty in senegal as president my to solve repeated law that would have allowed to vote in february to name his success. and joining us real. so with this full iran, how big in japan to reach this 2nd straight, asian cup semi finals. i'm a half an hour away from the final boss state much will have the latest as defending time piece capsule. take on the 2nd on the thank you very much for joining us. we begin this, use our in the middle east way us try. cindy voc in syria have led to dozens of people killed or injured iraq. foreign ministry has full many protest fits of washington. at least 16 people,
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including civilians with killed any rock and dozens injured. iraq, syria, and de leon has condemned the attacks accusing washington of the stabilizing the region. the usa is, is hate, at least 85 iran legs, targets in both iraq and syria, using a long range bomb is flown from its soil. washington says that's in response to a drone attack on an army base in jordan last week, and that killed 3 american soldiers. michael apple begins coverage. this is the aftermath of us. it strikes on all the time in, you know, cause and burned out. buildings mark bear with tex took place about 350 kilometers north west of baghdad. getting on the groups links, we run across both dock and syria. long range gomez, flu directly from the us to carry out the operation. u. s. military forces struck more than $85.00 targets at 7 facilities utilized firearms,
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islamic revolutionary and article. and another thing is that they sponsor 3 of the facilities. our rec, for them are in syria. in a statement, the rocky government says it condemns the strikes as new aggression against the rocks sovereignty. sorry, as ministry of foreign affairs says the attacks full within a series of violations that the us has continued to commit in the country. we went to visit us up and what was the, how the there were us strikes on the residential compound that have buildings occupied by iraq's popular mobilization forces. and then it blew up equipment and rockets stored in these buildings, causing damage to properties and killing people before the in condemning via text runs. interior minister has also warned washington to stop supporting israel. we condense any move against the resistance,
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we reject and condemn these attacks that will ignite the resistance. they must act wisely, which is very unlikely we can see that with the americans. but if they do choose to act wisely, they should stop supporting design is regina model. washington described the bombings as a response to a drone attack on american forces. nearly a week ago, 3 soldiers were killed in dozens injured at the military base and jordan, they bodies wherever 10 to the us on friday, us president joe biden promised the response. and now that's been delivered. presumably the goal of the campaign is to reestablish the terrace, which is at the end of the day, a political and a psychological condition. so the question is, can the, these actions inflict enough damage on a rainy and interest that the uranium swell? uh, you know, basically step back from doing this sort of thing again in the future. ah,
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some on groups in iraq, all pledging more attacks on us targets in the region. the, the white house says it's not king brought a conflict, especially not with the run bus and carrying out these strikes us is juggling, detouring further attacks on his forces with trying to contain regional spillover mike level, which is there while we have correspondents in the us iraq and yvonne, vomiting jordan is in washington dc. results that are is entailed on but for us we go to ali, how shouldn't impact that? so ali, tell us more about the rocky reaction in what steps they might take in response to these us strikes. the good for you to be brought to you. government is an old god position between of strategic fox. uh that type thing. above the dr. falls for the uh for 55 minutes. so the p. m. s. the
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popular popularization false is who's 6 positions in the rock were a hit? yes, today often midnight stuff. a part of the rocky uh, uh, forces and that's, that's. busy good plus, the position that the government is facing is condemning the attacks the same time . it's saying that the american claims that was called the nation before the attack all falls on this is used by the american government to deceive people. how about the same fine, there is a really a problem here with these groups here in the rock attacking american bases in the region. so for the iraqi government, this is maybe adding to the problem is it's going to true. it's coming from i think it's or for the see that's already for jobs in the country that has a lot of a on groups and it's the idea right now. busy the facts right now is that the
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government is just issuing a statements and that's the only thing it can do to us. the whole situation. however, a problem with the government statements. there were 2 claims. so 1st of all, submitted the responsibilities that were issued by a v as i make resistance in iraq, that's different from the p. m. you with the p. m. you is a maybe a why the group that supports the 5 minutes. so. busy the stomach. busy resistance in a rock is. busy group and then from that group that have on there is several groups of fighting the american forces in the country. so this is dominic resistance group issued the statement claiming to our tax on a medic simple solution of those. so that'll be in the mos on an american position in syria. all right, thank you very much front of heidi hash him as he say, the agenda. can it an awkward opposition for the rocky government? let's get the view not from tehran and speak to rest. so say the rest,
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so we heard the reaction in the report of the reading, an interior administer, what are we to make out of the tone of the radians right now? and what do we know, in fact about the damage that was inflicted on iraq as well, the total of the statements that are coming from the running for the ministry spokesperson, nasa, the can, i need it for a minister himself and but up to my young and also the statement from your was invested, there's to damascus because said at the tone was much softer than expected and they're almost repeating the same arguments. so 1st they're saying that these attacks where the violation, it could be a way of vision off the rocks and see if he has so but, and t m to the toilet integrity. and these are the new mistakes be repeated by do i say that it's not going to produce any positive result, but dragging dressy into the region more and which is going to increase the risk or for why the warning region. and also they're seeing that these attacks are serving
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is varies uh, security. but then also they are seeing that the root cause of the cries is, is not, is visitors, group step, not with us is targeting, but rather the volume is regina and it's occupation on palestine. so these me more or less or what they are saying that these are the staples, the repeat in each other. and when you look at the tone, the word things that you do not sound like the statements that you would expect coming from a company that is army just have gate has come under attack. and when it comes to whether any, you running nationals or you may 20 minutes or the person that has been killed or not in the last nice american attacks, there is no mention. there's no word about that. and there is no need for no indication about whether there has been any damage inflicted on you running an assess in the region or not. and then also there is no information regarding
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whether you one is planning to respond or retaliate. as it's auto officially came on the attack, so more or less the said condemnation. and also i lies in the, the, the intention of these attacks, but not given that much of the information. right. and when we talk to the people, so mean here with the issue here in the wrong, this is the reason for these kind of tone is that you run this trying to distance yourself from this resistance groups that us these targeting now. and also is trying to diffuse attention and the diffused escalation. so the radians trying to diffuse tensions. you say, thank you for that. that's the results that are in iran capital t, ron, let's now go to washington d. c. fonts in jordan is therefore, so what is the, by net ministration vol, saying about the impact of the strikes and are they any indications that most strikes could be on the way as well? the 2nd question, 1st, the find, the ministration says that there will be more error strikes in response to this
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previous sunday's deadlier strike on tower 20 to the us uh, military base and north eastern jordan in which 3 us soldiers were killed. we don't know when how or exactly where those stripes will take place. but officials have said that there will be more air strikes. now coming back to the impact of friday's air strikes on more than 85 targets in syria and in a rock, there still is no read out from sun. com from central command, which says that it's trying to do a thorough assessment of what was hit, who was killed of any one they did indicate during a briefing on friday evening with reporters. that while they were going after locations that included commanded control stutters intelligence centers, weapons warehouses, and other facilities. they did also indicate that if there were people who were
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linked to either the i r g c codes force or affiliated groups, out those locations, they expected that there would be doubts or injuries or both. and so that all that information needs to be brought together and they need to release that information to the public in order to determine whether or not this was a justifiable attack. the us government is saying it is justifiable because the lives of 3 us soldiers were taken and they say that is unacceptable. all right, well thank you very much for that last name. jordan live there in washington dc, and the us has reportedly launched 3 strikes in yemen, who the fighters say they hit east of the city of saw that on saturday morning. the ringing back to fees has been attacking shifts in the right see in protest against is rouse war on gossip. and the warrant guys are now and these are as intensifying
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. it's a tax in southern gaza, at least $26.00 policies have been killed in 2 as strikes. katya lopez totally on has more and a warning. their distressing scenes in her report this morning. the dead has become a part of the daily life. osmond bits farewell to his 8 year old son, one of several palestinians killed by his really airstrikes and bravo and southern gauze up here, benches outside hospital grounds become make shift marks where families prepare. loved ones for very well the my son is with golf now. he left me here alone, all these rain. these are killing our children and that women were not wanted people to tool. we just want to go to work and come back home
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nearly 4 months into israel's world garza families stay there. desperate and exhausted. this is the state bombed us in jamalia. so we move to con eunice. we've a targeted again and, and we'll see we then came here to rasa. but the attacks continue when the bombing started. i couldn't breathe, i was screaming so how this has become routine for civil defense and rescue cruise . taking the injured to barely functioning hospitals, hoping they'll be treated. and so far inside conditions are dire. the floor often replaces hospital. that's the age shortage, crippling guns that is evidence and the fuse healthcare facilities still able to offer services and this is what's left of their neighborhood. much of it now
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destroyed. israel has intensified. it's a tax on for off on the south, near the border with egypt. it's the city where is really forces order posted is to go the city where israel said they'd be safe. now hundreds of thousands of people who are forcibly displays some of them repeatedly have nowhere to go. nowhere to find refuge of the month is that of a i'm still in shock. we were told the raffle was safe, but it's not. my mother was killed in these attacks. enough please. i just can't talk anymore. let me just go to the those who survive. the bombings we've loved ones who didn't and wonder what more israel's were wrong cause a will take from them. katia a little bit, so the yen. how does their to as get an update on the situation on the ground 9 speak to tara capitalism, hosing a rasa in 7 guys. but it's been more strikes on rock fatality. tell us about what's
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been happening in these last few hours. yeah, so absolutely more strikes on the very densely populated area right now. we're rough, i as is where is pressing on with this blustering a military offensive a press. it's up for areas in gauze of what impacts you to know. we have been seeing a very incredible increase of the is really military attacks on the south and especially a rough within the past 24 hours. all the night strikes had be most against roughly district tubs, targeted 3 different residential neighborhoods that had contributed to killed, at least a 26 palestinians. and within the past few moments ago, is when the forces had launched a series. and the string of strikes that had targeted the eastern part of rough uh, where a residential flat, tough being targeted for one kind of city and has been killed in the past hour. and this is a partial of the parts of the on giving military companies that had been carried
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down against rough time. it moved to a great concern, especially released by the israeli defense, minnesota off the lot that they are about to start the military operations in rough uh, especially that they have successfully accomplished the majority of men a true ration in con, you inside this is not the only met that you guys have been carried out today, but also we are happy hearing. loud explode just good carries out by the is what a fine to just in a roof of district targeting agriculture allowance in the past few hours on similarly situations. sounds very critical in con eunice as pointing some back towards the on the ground. continue were 11 palestinians have been injured um, as the ongoing bombardments over the city the in the past few hours in gauze city, we have more confrontations and battles between the powers city and fight. isn't that use me to so just in the key central neighborhood of kansas city for the spot is barely announcement that they have taking full control over the parts of the territory. but we have been seeing
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a gradual increase of manager operations by palestinian fighters to attack the is really military times that are deployed in separate areas that i'm a new asset to be made by as. busy to force people to hit move to roof, i have its own guns boom button and just like safety. so yeah, and speaking of that, i wanted to find out more about the situation in rafa right now. the humanitarian situation in particular, you know, with these concerns that, that might be zeros. next, next on. good. you have to do a half of guys is 2300000 population crammed into rafa. what is it like that? well, it is quite hard to imagine how the situation right now, rough i simply because we are talking about new done house of goals as population right now resides in a rough districts. um, its the ongoing specials of con eunice a is a forcing also hundreds of thousands of palestinians to flee and to be driven to rough off in order to be away from areas of operations as
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a people are right now here are completely suffering from an acute food insecurity, especially with the lack of food votes and medical supplies, and the situation might sound completely rustic for the medical secretary in particular, especially that the majority of the population of right now we refer are completely receiving a treatment in only 3 hospitals. doctors to that to be mainly operating right now in this a very small area where it means that there's going to be much more pressure on the medical sex that to be operating. especially just the lack of medical supplies being delivered to a to move off within the past few weeks. and due to the fact that if there is going to be any potential ground inclusion to rough, i have a situation will be much more dramatic, especially that palestinians here in rough or has new in. busy have know any of a place to go to seeking safety specially that he's been swimming with the option of starting a military ground, including indigo. she ation uh with the terms of reaching c spy i might reach to,
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i did end with how much movement inside cause. and so literally day by day situation is getting much moved. dalia, especially the soonest. i've had one from a possible funding inside the territory. thank you. thank you so much for that. that started camp was with my correspondent in a rafa life a and us type mentioned a worsening situation in the rock by the european union. foreign policy chief has condemned, is really a tax on civilians and off i think around this continuous media studies, activities in this house, pushing people are going to teach them both of the $1000000.00 people in this solve that has been displaced, proven actively. again, this is huge in boulder and the claim that the west save jones. but in fact, what we see is that the palm beach affect and disability of relation continuously that is creating a very dire situation. tens of thousands of protesters of violating in london right
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now, calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza. the, the estimate is in the series of solidarity demonstrations in various capital cities to condemn israel is for and to us use really government to allow more humanitarian aid into gaza. organize is expected 300000 people to join the mauch in britain's capital. and during the whole, is that the protest forest joining us now live on the news. our just how big are the crowds today, jonah, and what's happening there? the time a mark survey sort of sizes. take advice, essentially. since october, the 7th quoted for an into the war and gaza, as you said, organize it to be about perhaps over $300000.00 people. feeling is much bigger anyway than we've seen previously. and around a 100000 people just know how big box through sent to london beginning at
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midday, outside the bbc headquarters in being here where i am on why to past down and speak beside the stage of the departments where the i'm in that obviously to speak to the success maker of organizations. so given the proximity to the table as much of the government of israel to pressure as it is a dozen pretty stuff me to get you to try to indeed support all these actions. it doesn't have as well as the people i spoke to the crowd very consistent, the possibility of spillover. they worried about the resume, implications times of something you see on here today. this possible is the 1st to the guy since the it's not to go to just to see the, hey,
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this is preliminary judgment possible. holding on is right. the actions that put leads to genocide, so that as well as thousands of jobs for them to the war a ceasefire. now there are also have it to be close to the genocide. and so how tightly is the much being police to join the police, keeping it pretty low? key press 0 need to get about around a $1000.00 each company involved a day to keep order. here, these boxes are inevitably which are the peaceful. so for the case of a small minority, does that make sense imposing trouble? the police is going to balance the rights of professors to protest with the rights of the general public to go about their business as well. perhaps sometimes this evening was on the police may be able to beat on usually they found the place coverings. people attempted to dispute that identity as well as that,
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as has happened before. warnings took the test over at the series slogans. bios for the pro from us smoking may in fact arrest. thank you very much for that during the whole life for us that in london the s or into other well use now and in synagogue president mucky saw has postponed the presidential election that was due on february 25th in a television address to the nation. he announced that he had cancelled the relevant electro law, citing a dispute with the list of election candidates, a hissing in the declaration. i've signed the decree of february, 3rd, 2020 for repealing that of november 29. 2023. can reading the electoral body as for me, by some commitment not to run for the presidential election remains on change. and
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finally, i will initiate an open national dialogue to bring together the conditions for a free, transparent, and inclusive election in a peaceful and reconciling, sending gotta that's bringing i'll just here is nicholas hoc in the car for is the senegalese capital. so nick official campaigning for the vote was due to start in just a few hours. why? as president, microsoft decided to postpone this election well, he cited numerous reasons why the selection couldn't take place. there's been a doubt over the electrical process for the most weeks days. why? well, that's because some of the major candidates or political opposition leaders are not in the race. let's start with kareem was who's in the exile and joe hyde cuts are. he was not allowed to take part in the race because because he was accused of having dual friends,
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technically citizenship. and then there was rose. we're dealing with what are the only 2 female candidates who is currently in detention for the same reasons for having dual citizenship. and then there is the a popular opposition leader with mind sancho in jail. so with his stand in for the selection was fun time i 5 will be kept who was hoping to campaign in this election under a bound political party, but from jail. so the circumstances of the electoral process and what is normally, what are the most stable democracies in the region seemed unstable. and that's why president lucky so he says that decision to delay the elections and call forth national dialogue. yeah, this denise, certainly unprecedented for synagogue. they have been of course, free is a pre election violence which so far have not materialize. that no change in
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a course the mood like in the country after this announcement. today, we're entering unchartered waters for cynic all. it has always had a peaceful process, democratic process and electro processing, which one president hands overpowered to the next. so this is really unprecedented for the government, for the electronic process and for this and it, these people and them just outside the ruling parties. headquarters in what was supposed to be hours before the start of the campaign and look at the mood outside . you see no pictures or no sign post of the ruling party candidate. i'm a do boss instead, you see this man. lucky. so he holds the kids to when the next election takes place and they'll certainly be a lot of attention on what's happening and set a goal because given the atmosphere in the region, let's remind our viewers. there's been several crews in neighboring countries. molly awesome new there where the democratic institutions have been put into
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question. so there's a lot at stake here, not only for set a goal, but for the stability of the region is called on national dialogue. there's already reactions from the members of the opposition can lead to solve. the former mayor of the car says, this decision is incorrect. the election should go ahead. there were 20 candidates in the running. now is that these people are faced with uncertainty on who will lead this country and most importantly, when will the selection take place? yeah, knowing when the date has been announced yet for the the election. thank you very much, nick, for that. nicholas hock is not correspondents. in the car sent a go and still ahead on this these hours from the pledge of offices setup scheduled for the northern and the 1990 and ground breaking moment as to montez. the power sharing government returns after 2 years with a republican us 1st minister of northern ireland. it's late in drama and the
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english premier league between talking to them and have it to enjoy. we'll have the details coming up later in sports. they like, what the hell are they? what's out in south america and the state of emergency has been declared across a central parts of chile. that's often what are being called catastrophic. wild fires broke out. now they are threatening to spread thanks to the very dry conditions as well as a heat wave, which is not just affecting sheila, but also northern argentine to add into paraguay. the temperature in us when she on, well above the average for this time of year, not much of which are further north of this, the threat of flooding. continuing for pots of ecuador, much dry, however, to the very east of that for places like so we're not as well as the guy on as well
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. we are seeing some way to weather thanks to the continued for colombia. now he is still the story as we go sunday in some monday, the temperature picking right top, the in essence shown in power white and he's the story. oh, cool. central part of central america for places like valley city much saturday into sunday will be $31.00 degrees celsius. the finish i was continue for western parts of mexico. they fly up. however, we'll see the west to weather developing. i'm moving across the florida panhandle. some of that coming into cuba and also jamaica, i'm gonna have a cool a feel there by wednesday. the, the demand for mental health support is quite to know then at any time in the history, that's the biggest problem that we face the mental health enough. oh use that is what drives me. mindset travels to denmark,
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what technology is being used to create innovative treatment. i'm here to help guide you through exploring and expressing your emotion. i'm ready, and in jamaica we ask you a bunch of mushrooms, everything is effective and safe on a single usage, depending on the door. same person doing well. stay with i know and no other product and all of psychiatric multi since episode full on on disease. the phone counting, the cost of china is economy faces a slew of setbacks. is it in serious trouble? tech giants, making big profit, skip by laying off thousands of workers plus poly employment, while employees increasingly working multiple jobs. counting the cost on al jazeera, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news out on l. g 0 with me for the back to a reminder of our top stories, iraq, yvonne and syria accusing the washington of destabilizing the middle east. us says it's found 85 even link targets in iraq and syria getting at least 16 people and response to the killing of 3 us soldiers in georgia in last week. and gaza is really forces that killed at least $26.00 bodies to the engine as strikes seem at a central and southern parts of the strip. more than a 100 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. and infiniti golf president, mike you saw, has announcing definite postponement of the presidential election that was scheduled for february 25th. the price of inside the disputes with the list of
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election candidates now is really certainly with tax on palestinians in the occupied westbank have increased sharply in the past 4 months. the u. s. has imposed sanctions on for settlers responsible for some of the violence, but many dot the restrictions will make a difference. john stratford reports on the account of us that we are in the occupied with another attack by israeli settlers and the occupied westbank promised to be and villages tell us the attack has came in the middle of the night from one of the 2 illegal settlements on the other side of the valley, a family of 5 heated, terrified in the home. as the settlers pull federal over, they call, such as a light, and that the situation is terrible. they allow us to farm or build or take care about trees. whatever biden says the settlers wouldn't listen to him as we feel is ready to pay a driving off into the village to palestinian olive groves. this is one of hundreds
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of attacks on palestinian property by illegal these riley settlers since the war began on gauze on october. the 7th. the people here is you can imagine a very nervous these way the ministry has just arrived. they do not want to be filmed. now all the weeks of promises and rhetoric in washington, the binding in ministration now says it will impose sanctions. on is lady settlers accused of committing acts of violence to be occupied territories. the 1st full settlers targeted by the sanctions include 22 year old david che chest a result of the letter group that's set by 2 buildings assaulted cala stadiums and damaged to probity, resulting the tax of a promise they needed civilian and this mosque my shovel, zinc among a film throwing a rock through a car window, the office of prime minister benjamin netanyahu released the statement saying is
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well x again slowly. so it's easy to break the little every with the full exceptional matches are not necessary to do the secular latest denounced biden's older. the executive orders thought signed by the president of the united states is both disappointing and surprising. you would expect president by then to look into the fact before signing such an order you in says that has been a massive increase in set through a tax on palestinians and their property in the last 4 months, many involving gums, and with the support of frontier to appraisal image is ready, so just and by i don't think that the, i that's, it doesn't give any consent to the so to the set doesn't mean anything to them if the americans and by then and so i think that this is towards the group. he has to deal with them as a toner. this have to be punished. you have to be taken to ga us pressure on israel . small right? government may be growing, but many palestinians say biden's executive order is more about his re election
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campaign. and about forcing any change israel's behavior child stuff et al jazeera, a so yeah, and occupied with bank or since the beginning of these are as well on guys that these are, these have the siege and to talk hospitals in the guise of straight deeds backed on the 2nd aged palestinians has been devastating that somebody's really forces have withdrawn from the north and the scale of these rather sold on the health care system is becoming clear. here's what one journalist documented at the hospital for rehabilitation and artificial names in northern gosh sheesh
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the, [000:00:00;00] the
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town to some of the world news and sheen feigns michelle o'neill is the 1st republican and catholic to become the 1st minister of know the 9 and i am honored the found here us 1st minister as she was sewn in as leader of northern islands, the vols administration. as far as the power sharing government to return for the 1st time since 2022, o'neill was meant to take the job nearly 2 years ago. that's why and had party sion phase one, the most number of ceasing assembly elections for the 1st time under the good friday agreement in 1998 that ended so to use a vine and to know the night. and the main british union is an irish nationalist. bodies must govern together the rival democratic unionist party, o d u p. northern islands launches pro u. k. party refused to join the government and a dispute over post breakfast trade rules. the d u p ended the political deadlock this week after striking a deal with westminster, michel o'neills party sion fe wants to take northern ireland out to the united kingdom and 6, a united ireland. how the faucet joins does not live from belfast. so an historic
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moment for northern ireland, terry, what have you heard today from michelle o'neill? the place indeed. and so it will herself made that point saying that this was a historic day and you don't for an overnight and also. so this is part of odyssey . you would see it saying that this was a day on imaginable to her parents and grandparents generations. but this was a very different state from what it was in the day. and she said, that's because of the good friday agreement that old state has now gone. and she also talked about the, the conflict of so many decades. and that's it said that she was sorry for the lives lost during the conflict old lives without exception. so i think a recognition the of those killed by irish republican on site as well
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as those on the other side. but really she put a lot of the energy of, of her speech. i don't real speech into what is needed to be done here in or out in terms of normal governance. and that's something that they haven't seen here for nearly 2 years. and that was an echoing of that from the new deputy 1st minister, as well as the deputy 1st minister and my little 10 gary, who said that michelle is a committed republican. i'm a union, this will never agree on those issues. but concept that is doesn't discriminate and the health service needs to be fixed, i think, is that really doesn't calculate how a lot of people here feel that this is a major milestone. but what they really want to see is the kind of everyday issues that it'd be neglected over the last couple of years finally being addressed. so yeah, an equal partnership then under the good friday agreement. but what are the challenges in that this new power sharing government is pulling tough to deal with as well. it is largely trying to get those public services back into
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a fittest state. they have been running, they've been run by civil sevens in the engine room, but in terms of profit budget, treat planning, proper reforms. we've seen them slip behind the sorts of levels that they are in the rest of the united kingdom, particularly the health services. that is something almost everyone you speak to here, talks about. and so, as part of the nudging towards this, that we've seen from the british government, that has been this big figure that's been laid out. that's $3300000000.00 pounds, $4200000000.00 us dollars, which is supposed to be released. now that we do have power sharing back in, in northern ireland. so a lot of people will be judging the effectiveness of this new partnership in terms of whether the infrastructure, the services get back online, but the role. so people who do hold these historic issues very dearly, especially those on the union, a side who have lost people during the troubles, the hotter line unit is represented by the t u. v policy,
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which has one member in the assembly. he was saying that michelle, that you would never be recognized by him in to thousands of people he represents. so those issues still do cost along shadow. but i think for the vast majority of people here, they just want to see normality, profit governance restored. and this is the 1st day of that happening. thank you. how are you for that? how are you false at live that in belfast to germany now with tens of thousands of protesters have been rallying in berlin to condemn what they say is right wing extremists. and similar protest supply and in other germany, cities for a 3rd successive weekend demonstrations began following we force at the far right alternative for germany party, i discussed the deportation of foreigners and germans with immigrant backgrounds. domini kane has more from ballot demonstration is like this one in the center of the capital city. i've been happening on a regular basis ever since. the revelations of that meeting in paulding county or
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valid on the way it is reported that they may cut seal was discussed, the full, the full patient migrant. she came here, caroline has jennings, although the day has this associate fell from a meeting, the people are convinced that crying, say aloud, they don't want that kind of thing. yeah. the interesting thing is that the opinion polls appear to suggest that actually support for the if day is dwindling before the revelations of the pots. then me thinks the policy was getting as much as 24 percent of the vote that has not dropped to around 19 percent. but that means that across the country, around 10000000 germans support the fall, hike f day. and it's jointly to says, wait till the elections in east germany in september to see how powerful the dominant cane al jazeera poland in the us,
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the democratic parties holding as far as the official nominating context on saturday. voters in the state to south carolina are going to the polls and even though present, joe biden faces no serious opposition. the result in this binary could set the tone for the campaign to come, as well as the general election in november. my kind of reports from the state capital columbia, for the democrats, this amend surprise that south carolina has replaced iowa and new hampshire a. so traditional kick off states me this is seen as a rallying call across routes. meetings of the democratic party like this one, addressed by the parties. national leader, people are going to come out, and people are excited. we've been all over the state. really a lot of the energy, right. the bed dropped off by didn't support is in this room. he deserves down a lot. he's a good person. he has
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a good heart and if he wants to work for the people, okay, is your body versus donald trump and we start to see the contrast in, in both of them is then we'll jump out and do some things. he didn't do it all, but yeah, look good for you to see. you do what we want him to do. but this less certainty among the younger generation and growing resentment. the democrats take the african american vote for granted together with the belief that by didn't, has not fulfilled. it would test which promises, i believe that he showed us a vision of what we wanted to hear. and when he came down to actually keeping his promise on the vision, it completely went out the door. during the recent campaigns between charleston bided was interrupted by cold, risky spy. gone to the administration's and questioning support of israel school has to pop deep and among young democrats. victoria jordan points to the best of
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economic games made up divided his promotion of women of color to the countries, quotes and executive. but all used to support the genocide could be punished at the polls, especially if college students, myself included asking for that see as far asking for you know, more understanding of what's going on overseas. that only affects you know, older generations. but it just, in as much as not more success, younger generations, because we are inheriting all of this late just because indicate that nearly 50000000 jobs being created since by didn't took off. this unemployment has dropped below full percent and inflation. is that the pre pandemic levels? the boat is the south carolina will decide with this is evidence of a job well done by kinda, oh, just era? south carolina argentina is no a house of parliament has passed on those. terry t bells fucking protest in the capital. members of congress put through prison. have you malays reforms by a 144 to a 109 votes. that
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a simple report from one in size on what this means for the country as it struggles to overcome a debt crisis. the nation is not for sale chan to these people outside argentina's, congress happened to lawmakers, passed president heavy. it'd be nice landmark bill meant to begin transforming the state and the economy. critics say that call them and will use the will to increase the expectation of natural resources, benefit the private sector, and cut resources for the environment. and culture is the piece is what we see. a group of 40 businessman guides related policies and the rights that oftentimes had are at risk. the bill touches fundamental issues that to affect people to work in class. the debate lasted for 3 days and the government had to give in to the demands of other political parties. the bill initially had over 600 last it ended
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with a little over 300 the way in which we the bone and clashes between protesters and security forces have taken place to the debate. the government says argentina's economy needs to be motor, nice to attract for an investment. they also blame the previous administration for sewing inflation to the dire economic situation. and the lack of forwarding we serves in the central bank. but i will check in 50 what we have noise. people say this governments doesn't listen to social need. this government is a 3rd attorney and expertise of and entered democratic oh yeah,
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that's the only thing they can say. because the government took office 50 days and found over 1000 efficient bridge in the past is 1000. and you're talking about us 50 days. we've been in power yet. but the bill still needs to be revised little by little and then ratified in the senate to be the one with 56 percent of the votes in december and says he has the legitimacy to implement his austerity measures to reduce government spending on fight inflation. but those against him say he's measures were bring even greater economic despair and promise to fight back city. so we'll just see that when the site is still ahead on and these are in sports, india take control of the test. i'm seeing them still be here for that. and the days for the
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in examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel. this is a war against palestinians exploring a 112 clause program. and we are basically a digital firm scene investigator, but we're doing it from space design to inform multi links on the spot. you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective on elders here, the time novice voltage. oh, following, thank you very much, defending time his castle, looking to book a spot in the asian cop semifinals right now. the currently action against is becca son. where is go list the when it will take on iran in the last full of today book
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festival. the dramatic late when of japan, snohomish reports a party atmosphere ahead of kickoff. as education, 50 cdm, japanese fans with the star attraction, the local residence, and even the ring and fence lined up to take photos ahead of the quote, the final step together, the 2 highest rank type in asia. somebody to city the just before the hall follow the muscle morita with the goal for the full time champions. despite the bright start from japan, iran kept himself in the game. and will he be good to equalize it? 10 minutes off to the break. the match looked like it was heading for extra time, but in the final 2nd time, the penalty is done. boxes pulled from the spots to rock up to one with
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or it was a wrong 1st victory over japan. in almost 20 years it was swollen infected and it was amazing. like honestly i was so happy the one that 2nd goal it was like allows me to go try like, honestly, we got a year to bring to the top tier. we don't accept the big. we didn't the pond on it on, we didn't expect that on to win because depends on a strong team. so when do it on winds are bundled with everyone. hop right as their dream of the next day or the sending 5th type. so they did all the day. how did you save you on friday something? and then was the hearing for south korea as they beat australia to reach the semi finals. you can cancel his team, remain on track. and if the tracy's a 1st time in 64 years,
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south korea getting revenge against the team who beat them in the 2015 final sail. malik reports go through some of the celebration a do. may i put you in a all the new stadium? they'd be the most drained yet with the last 4 of the agent. they now got a really good chunk to break that drunk and see the 1st asian cup titled, since 1960 no, for the 1st time at the tournament, south korea were forced to dig deep into in some side when behind, just before the break. thanks to a nice finish. quite a straight is craig goodwin. in the 2nd hole, the koreans push time and the if it's pay don't song union winning a penalty. i did tell him thanks to view all reviews. when he chan stepped up to take the spot and convert to do with these to send the game into extra time. but it was still in himself that proved to be that meant to in the tubman stones 3 kit
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ceiling. a to one went over straight here to finish the game was 10 minutes. very exciting and very, very happy for it a we and of course, yeah. go 1st so far that we are losing so we are. so depressive, but the end, the end of the game, we are reading so we are so, so how be we are cherry for them. i cannot have any fly in the hall. i'm happy right now. was it like why right now? because i like to the doctor, we're heading to the law, so they know they go talk to us because george and if they want to make it to the finals for the finance or whatever, they don't need any permission to done the the full hers. i recurs to face a big test flights, or is they take a molly and the quotes of find those of the african couple of nations, the ivory coast knocked out defending champions set a goal on penalties in the round of 16, but they lost 2 of the 3 group games. molly, meanwhile,
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beat south africa in that opener and are beaten at this tournament. they also have less seen the scenario coast. we schooled 3 goals so far. speaking of south africa, they're also in quotes of final action lacing light to take you on kate, but the front of the fun as a note it knocks out woke up semi finalists morocco in the last 16 and then looking for a 1st title since 1996 spots 8 foot looking to reach the 1st ever let me final. it was like drama for rachelle listened and taught them an english premier league. the bazillion school, the openness disposed against his old seam evanson in the full minutes of the match . jack harrison levels for edison before we saw this and put them back in funds just before the break. but jared, front slate, food and equalize a jeep into injury time to salvage of points to f, as in the result could help them list list the mountains of allegations i told him
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67 points behind lead is livable mess the media has taken over hong kong tens of thousands of funds. so dr. watson trading alongside his into miami, teammates messy early support and the warm ups as he's currently recovering from hamstring injury. the i channel has confirmed that it's play as well. we're ton to the winter olympics. the announcement comes as the n h o holds at all, so we can in toronto, and these players will take part in the 20262030 games. they haven't been involved at olympics since 2014. we know how important international competition is to our players. we know how much they love and want to re present the countries from which they are from. and we think this is a great stage for best on best, the best on best. and what obviously we all believe is the best sport. this is
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chris is ring controls the 2nd test against england of to day to just be just well go to maiden test double 100 as india reach 396 just for rough and picked up his full 6 look at home as england was bold out for 253 india, but going back to you again and have a 171 run lead going in today 3 from are those planes on his performance? when asked if it was one of his best union days, very basic. then satan decided it's been as good, but as far as you feel as are you able to contribute to as a team and you know you leave the team in a good space. that performance might as the most to be so weird 6 figured we just do it. there's but that important phase, if you're able to contribute to as a team and you know, you leave the team one step ahead. so that is, that is a lot of work. yeah. the summer about i'm leaving the well and science and it didn't seem that i felt like a better within the last week, but on it um at that point and it wasn't as much time, but i don't know how to end up sometimes and say well about and then yeah,
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it's fantastic style in those conditions. yeah. and you know, we, we, we didn't do anything designates what we've done in the last 2 years, the system sometimes you all john up. right. that is what you spoke for now. we'll have, we'll see later fully thank you very much for that job. and that is it for this nice hour. we'll have more use for you in just a few minutes after this very shortly. thanks a lot. in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa to its accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide in hold across the scholars including his ravings hopkins on his face is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of a single jail term informed opinions when the us, since it's well shifted to the right, see it's not receive task protection. that scene of complication inside story on al jazeera o'neil's rain forests are some of the world's oldest,
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but they are no match for the deputy fires. increasingly, with through them in the face of mind made deforestation an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes all plans to protect their village fire beneath a witness documentary on a jersey the 1st mass protest of 2024 u. k. 7th national demo since the stones of israel garza was another enormous gathering people have come from here. we have seen a group of any of us, 50 miles to the west of lincoln encased new castle and the noise brightened on the south coast as well. the sentiments here very clearly ceased find out there's no question about the service. it is
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a broad spectrum of anti war pro palestinian sentiments among the british jewish groups uphold the israeli government actions. there is a sense the international public opinion is having an impact is putting a resistible political pressure on international leaders. while the cottage continues pause for a ceasefire when they get louder the the . so this isn't news out on $20.00. i'm for the back. people live in don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. tensions or across the middle east, the officials in baghdad, one of the diet consequences in the region after a series of us tried on yvonne links target seems to lock in syria. is really miss science, hit
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a rasa in 7 guys that way. hundreds of thousands of disgrace palestinians. the


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